I live in Nashua, NH, USA, and I've been running Linux since '98. I started with Red Hat and I've toured through Fedora, Mandrake, and Gentoo (long stop there) - and the tour ends at Ubuntu. == Interests == * FOSS Awareness - I work with Software Freedom International, which organized the first international Software Freedom Day celebration in 2004. Please check out [[http://softwarefreedomday.org|our website]] to find out how you can help celebrate FOSS on the third Saturday of September every year! * Linux --> Education - I want to see Linux replace MS as the platform that dominates education. Edubuntu has driven LTSP development forward and we now have a solid, aesthetically-pleasing, thin client solution with long-sought features such as pluggable devices that "just work". I'm "moquist" in the forums and in #ubuntu, and I'd love to hear from you at moquist-ubuntu -at- majen.net if you care to drop me a line. --matt ---- Related pages: <> ---- CategoryHomepage