
Oh My God this is so old, need to find time to rewrite this :P

Contact Info Name: Mauro Vale

Location: Algarve Portugal

Email: MauroVale [at] gmail [dot] com

History Started using Linux in 1997... Using Red Hat and had it was the first time i've encontered the Dependecy hell (rpm) it was a pain to configure and install programs back then Sad :(

Then I tried Debian and the apt system and i've felt in love, used debian for all my desktops and servers, also i've used slackware in some of my servers.

When I read in distrowatch that a new linux distribution based in gnome was starting, i've felt imediatly interesed in it...and start using ubuntu from Warty, then Hoary and now Breezy.

Current Interests/Projects

In the last year i've worked in an hotel, assembly a server with ubuntu (hoary), with E-mail, Squid, Apache (webpage), and some workstations with Openoffice, email reading (Evolution) SSH, VNC, and Mysql, but the frontdesk reception still had 1 computer runing win server 2003 because the hotel program (Protel) only works in windows systems.</rant> I have to say that is the worst program i've ever worked (Protel is a very bad program for hotels) </rant> Smile :)

MauroVale (last edited 2009-10-06 00:33:05 by bl8-185-180)