||<>|| This is summary of the UMC team weekly meeting, that took place on Wed. September 5th, 2007 on Freenode in #elisa. == Elisa == * Experimental mouse support has landed in SVN (great for touch screen equipped people) * Plugins repository implementation has started today. No UI in Elisa will be done before the next release. * Internet radio and TV are now working in a SVN branch that should get merged soon; in clear: mms:// streams and shoutcast radios are now accessible from Elisa!! == Artwork == No news. == Mailing list == Still no news from Jono Bacon and the Ubuntu guys 8-( == Marketing Strike Force == No news. == Packaging == * Debian experimental now has Elisa and Pigment 0.3.1 thanks to Loïc Minier. * Ubuntu Gutsy has them too thanks to Sebastien Bacher. Apparently there are some missing dependencies that we'll look after. == LIRC == * Loïc Dardant contacted Denis Gautherot to package glirc from the latest source code available in the bazaar branch. * Loïc et Ouattara Aziz started to port the LIRC configuration GTK interface to an Elisa plugin. Stay tuned! == Raw Log == {{{ 21:03 < Kaleo> so let's start 21:03 < Kaleo> 1) Elisa 21:03 < dloic> in the right order :) 21:04 < Kaleo> :) 21:04 < Kaleo> mouse support is landing as we speak 21:04 < Kaleo> meaning that touch screen equipped people will be happy 21:04 < Kaleo> which is great for advanced remote controls 21:05 < stefg> actually I'm just looking for a channel to sent pathological trolls in #ubuntu to :-) 21:05 < Kaleo> internet TV and Radio is now working in a separate branch which should be merged soon 21:05 < dloic> very nice 21:06 < philn_> means that mms:// streams and shoutcast radios are now accessible from elisa 21:06 -!- stefg [n=stefg@e179145199.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #elisa [] 21:07 < Kaleo> dloic and _wattazoum_ started a plugin for LIRC config 21:08 < Kaleo> it needs some work but it's a good start 21:08 < Kaleo> thank you guys 21:08 < dloic> thanks to you 21:08 < philn_> plugins repository implementation has been started today 21:08 < dloic> philn_: does what you do provide UI to configure plugin ? 21:09 < philn_> no elisa ui yet 21:09 < dloic> but is it a finality ? 21:09 < philn_> only server part has been started 21:09 < philn_> sure 21:09 -!- AlexCONRAD_ [n=Alex@ppp-76.net11.magic.fr] has joined #elisa 21:10 < dloic> because with wattazoum we have the idea to create a plugin for it 21:10 < Kaleo> absolutely 21:10 < philn_> see use-cases: https://code.fluendo.com/elisa/trac/wiki/PluginManagement/UseCases 21:10 -!- AlexCONRAD [n=Alex@ppp-76.net11.magic.fr] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 21:11 < dloic> philn_: ok, so if you do it.. 21:12 < philn_> the elisa ui for plugins management? 21:12 < philn_> it's step 4.. i'm at 3 right now: https://code.fluendo.com/elisa/trac/wiki/PluginManagement 21:12 < dloic> yes, but it's a finality 21:13 < dloic> i don't want to take your job if you've planned it :) 21:13 < Kaleo> it's not planned for before the 26th of september, right philn_ ? 21:13 < Kaleo> (which is next release) 21:13 < philn_> no 21:14 < Kaleo> is that all for Elisa? 21:14 < Kaleo> quite enough though ;) 21:15 -!- Irssi: #elisa: Total of 26 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 25 normal] 21:15 < Kaleo> Next point 2) artwork 21:16 < Kaleo> nothing on Christophe's side I believe 21:16 < _wattazoum_> philn_: https://code.fluendo.com/elisa/trac/wiki/PluginManagement/UseCases#browsing-installed-plugins-from-elisa , are you going to make the configure part too ? 21:16 < Kaleo> anybody else? 21:16 < philn_> _wattazoum_: step 4.. after 0.3.2 release 21:17 < _wattazoum_> philn_ : oki 21:18 < _wattazoum_> nothing about point 2 ? 21:18 < philn_> don't think so 21:18 < dloic> graphists are in holidays :) 21:18 < _wattazoum_> :-) 21:18 < Kaleo> ok 21:18 < Kaleo> 3) Mailing list from Ubuntu 21:18 < Kaleo> nothing. 21:19 < dloic> .........; 21:19 < Kaleo> 4) Marketing strike force 21:19 < Kaleo> Any news from Jeremy? 21:19 < dloic> not for me 21:19 < Kaleo> hmmm 21:19 < dloic> maybe uzuul 21:20 < philn_> give me root password on that machine, i'll setup that bloody forum+poll :) 21:20 < dloic> i don't know who have this f*** pass 21:21 < Kaleo> ... 21:21 < Kaleo> 5) packaging 21:21 < Kaleo> Good news! 21:21 < Kaleo> Elisa & Pigment 0.3.1 are in Debian experimental 21:21 < philn_> lool: ? 21:22 < _wattazoum_> houra ! :-) 21:22 < dloic> does it mean that elisa will be in gutsy ??? 21:23 < philn_> should be in unstable soon i guess, then gutsy sync will follow no? 21:23 < dloic> but there is a freeze for universe package no ? 21:23 < dloic> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule 21:23 < Kaleo> dloic: the freeze is past 21:23 < Kaleo> we have to push for a UVF 21:24 < dloic> it mean a repoitory ? 21:24 < Kaleo> but that does not change much for UMC-livecd 21:25 < dloic> repository * 21:25 < dloic> what is a UVF ? 21:25 < philn_> another sigle 21:26 < Kaleo> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#head-b30a20fcdbd4ca2a1716a2c8b94dd8dc2ab2d71c 21:26 < dloic> ok, thanls ;) 21:26 < dloic> thanks * 21:29 < _wattazoum_> oki, who will take care of pushing for UVF ? 21:29 < philn_> i'm not sure it'd be good to be in gutsy, without at least the UI to configure media locations 21:30 < dloic> agree with you 21:30 < _wattazoum_> same for me 21:30 < Kaleo> philn_: better than 0.1.7 no ? 21:30 < _wattazoum_> sure, Kaleo go a point here 21:30 < _wattazoum_> got* 21:30 -!- RealNitro__ [n=jens@ip-83-134-133-158.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #elisa 21:31 < philn_> yes, sure.. but not ready to be by default in ubuntu imho 21:31 < _wattazoum_> since there is already version 1.7 on feisty ... 21:31 < _wattazoum_> 0.1.7 21:31 < dloic> we can wait for the next, and only produced live cd 21:31 < dloic> and open a repository 21:32 < Kaleo> philn_: 0.1.7 is already in Ubuntu 21:32 < dloic> umc is not ready for me 21:32 < dloic> so it's not bad if 0.3.1 is not in gutsy 21:32 < dloic> just my opinion 21:33 < philn_> oh, 0.3.1 is in gutsy too http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/gnome/elisa 21:33 < _wattazoum_> will not be by default , but should be made available 21:33 < dloic> philn_: yes but there is problem with dependances no ? 21:33 < _wattazoum_> juste like this 21:34 < philn_> dloic: no, that seems to be lool's package synced.. 21:34 < Kaleo> philn_: awesome news! 21:34 < dloic> philn_: oh 21:35 < _wattazoum_> python-coherence 21:35 < _wattazoum_> Package not available 21:35 < Kaleo> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/elisa/+bug/132408 21:35 < Kaleo> Sebastien Bacher synced it from Debian 21:35 < Kaleo> Thanks to him! 21:36 < _wattazoum_> but some dependancies are missing though :-/ 21:37 < Kaleo> who would like to take care of that? 21:37 -!- thansen|laptop [n=thansen@19.243.sfcn.org] has joined #elisa 21:37 < dloic> not me, I don't know packaging, sorry 21:38 < _wattazoum_> what's the deal ? Just to ask on REVU for an upload of the elisa packqge ? 21:39 < _wattazoum_> or open a bug on Launchpad, asking for a dependancy fix ? 21:39 < Kaleo> yes 21:39 < Kaleo> against the right packages 21:40 < _wattazoum_> to get it quick , we need to have some contacts inside MOTU 21:42 < philn_> maybe uzuul should do that 21:42 < _wattazoum_> I think too 21:43 < _wattazoum_> In french we say : "les absents ont toujours tort " :-p 21:43 < _wattazoum_> let's put him on this ;-) 21:43 < dloic> :) 21:44 < Kaleo> ok 21:44 < Kaleo> last point 21:44 < Kaleo> 6) LIRC 21:44 < Kaleo> uzuul said that there was not much this time 21:45 < dloic> some work done this week 21:45 < Kaleo> ah 21:45 < Kaleo> cool 21:45 < Kaleo> go ahead! 21:45 < dloic> thanks to uzuul ;) 21:45 < dloic> just confirm the convert function of the script for lirc nns 21:45 < dloic> separation of mouse/keybord-remote key 21:46 -!- RealNitro_ [n=jens@ip-83-134-130-145.dsl.scarlet.be] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 21:46 < dloic> i've alos contacted Denis Gautherot to package glirc 21:46 < dloic> from latest source in bzr 21:46 -!- RealNitro [n=jens@ip-83-134-132-139.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #elisa 21:46 < dloic> unluckly he is on holidays for two week 21:47 < Kaleo> ok 21:47 < Kaleo> that's cool 21:47 < dloic> also start a new plugin for elisa/lirc 21:47 < dloic> to create graphically .lircrc 21:47 < dloic> just press button on the remote 21:49 -!- RealNitro__ [n=jens@ip-83-134-133-158.dsl.scarlet.be] has quit [Connection timed out] 21:49 < dloic> that's all 21:49 < dloic> and the conversion of the lircselectremote, thanks to Kaleo 21:50 < dloic> no news for others parts ? 21:51 < Kaleo> hmmm 21:51 < Kaleo> I do not think so 21:52 -!- lool- [n=ubuntu@levallois.dooz.org] has joined #elisa 21:53 < Kaleo> hi lool- 21:53 < Kaleo> you missed it again 21:53 < Kaleo> I declare the meeting closed. 21:53 < Kaleo> :) }}}