||<>|| = Introduction = ## Describe: The purpose of the strike force. The Marketing Strike Force, or MSF, is purposed to provide a public face to the [[UbuntuMediaCenterTeam|Ubuntu Media Center]] project. The primary areas of activity include authoring website content, production of announcements, and interacting with other projects or parties on behalf of the UMC Team. = Current Activities = ## Describe: Current areas of work, link to project pages, status of completion. * [[http://www.ubuntumediacenter.org/|Website]] [[MediaCenter/Website|Planning]] and Implementation * Forming Documentation and Translation Teams * Recruitment * Community Reports = Members = ## Describe: Current contributors to the MSF. * JeremyTeale (Leader) ## Please add your name in alphabetical order of your first name. * [[https://launchpad.net/~tartopom|Benjamin Guillet]] * [[Bhavani_Shankar]] * [[https://launchpad.net/~sleg|Cedric DUFOUIL]] * [[https://launchpad.net/~samheg|SamheG]] '''All Subpages:''' <> ---- CategoryUbuntuMediaCenter