


tz UTC+1

 01:16  Seveas  mako! :)
01:16   jsgotangco      cheers mako
01:16   mako    apologies for being late, i left my phone vibrate and missed my alarm
01:16   mako    elmo: thanks for the call
01:16   Seveas  elmo, cjwatson: prod, we can start
01:16   SWAT    mako, you're now, that's what counts :)
01:16   Seveas  mjg59, ping, you're first on the agenda
01:16   mjg59   Hi
01:16   mjg59   Ok. Want me to do a brief introduction?
01:18   Seveas  I'm wondering why you wanted to write this up *now*, has there been a particular incident?
01:18   biberao back
01:18   mjg59   Seveas: There has, but I don't think the specifics of a particular incident are especially relevant right now
01:18   Seveas  ok
01:18   mjg59   In the absence of good guidelines, it's harder to judge people's behaviour
01:19   mjg59   Effectively, the problem that I think needs dealing with is that it's entirely unclear what should happen if somebody believes that the CoC has been violated
01:20   mako    mjg59: so i've appreciated your recent writing on coc related issues
01:21   mjg59   So if a complaint is made, there's the potential for argument over whether or not it was a violation to take place in the same forum as the original complaint
01:21   mako    and i think that a policy for what should happen would be a good idea
01:21   mjg59   Which can then give the impression that the complaint isn't taken seriously, and could exacerbate any original offence
01:21   cjwatson        various people made comments on your wiki page; I liked the note explicitly saying that discussions of CoC violations shouldn't happen in the same forum
01:22   Seveas  should these happen in public at all?
01:22   cjwatson        they do tend to escalate rather
01:22   mako    Seveas: ideally, i think so
01:22   cjwatson        there needs to be opportunity for right-of-reply and feedback
01:23   cjwatson        but blogwars or whatever don't really help
01:23   mjg59   From my point of view, the risk of making the original complaint via some back-channel is that there's no awareness amongst other members of the list/forum/channel/whatever that there's an issue until it's already been dealt with
01:23   mako    mjg59: so my major thought, which isn't really a reply on its own, was that that i was curious about how the forums folks handle this
01:23   mako    mjg59: and i have a rough idea of how it happens
01:24   cjwatson        mjg59: complaint via back-channel plus note on list saying that it's been escalated
01:24   mako    because they have this problem probably several times a ewek
01:24   MikeB-  we have an infraction system
01:24   jsgotangco      part of the forum engine of sorts?
01:25   dinda   but mailing list and Loco Teams and IRC don't have any back channels as of yet
01:25   MikeB-  if a violation of the CoC or forums CoC happen we issue an infraction and send a PM
01:25   mc44    mako, as does irc
01:25   mjg59   I certainly agree that any further conversation of the issue shouldn't take place in the same forum, but I'm less sold on the idea that the initial complaint shouldn't be
01:25   mako    mjg59: i think i agree
01:26   Seveas  (mc44, the irc complaint/escalation system is not quite finalized/written down yet, pending discussions at UDS Seville)
01:26   MikeB-  we give the person a chance to explain.
01:26   mjg59   I think it ought to be possible for someone to express unhappiness and the original poster to apologise without actually invoking any sort of formal procedure
01:26   mako    mjg59: i think that public discussion about the cc and sugestoins that certain behavior might be unacceptable help communicate social norms to the larger community
01:27   mako    coc even
01:27   mjg59   Right, that was my point of view
01:27   cjwatson        mjg59: mm
01:28   cjwatson        also reducing the need for escalation is a good thing
01:30   MikeB-  an infraction system of sorts could be added to launchpad, everyone should be allowed one  bad judgement call, it is the repeat offenders yo need to worry about. someway to track them would help
01:30   cjwatson        I don't think we can assume that people on the mailing lists or IRC have launchpad accounts
01:30   cjwatson        or even should assume
01:30   Seveas  we should not
01:31   cjwatson        I think we probably have enough social memory for this kind of thing though - there's less volume here than on the forums
01:31   MikeB-  cjwatson: good point
01:32   mjg59   My aim with the draft I wrote was to produce a process that's fairly light-weight but achieves three goals: (1) it's possible to short-circuit the entire thing by allowing the original poster to apologise, (2) ensuring that further discussion of the issue doesn't occur where it's likely to cause further offence and (3) ensures that contentious issues can still be handled by an uninvolved set of people (ie, the CC)
01:32   cjwatson        I agree that people should be allowed mistake(s) before being banned, though not before being reprimanded
01:33   cjwatson        mjg59: I think folding in the comments on that draft to make things generally more explicit would be good, but I like the general idea
01:34   mjg59   Ok. There seems to be general approval for something like this - what's the best way to go from here?
01:34   mako    so.. my only concern is with calling it enforcement
01:34   Daviey  I whole heatedly disagree with the principle of people being reprimanded, that IMHO is not the intention of either the CoC or Ubuntu itself.  It's a _want_ to adhere - not forced to
01:35   cjwatson        mako: mjg59's draft doesn't
01:35   mako    because we're going to have to make the same judgement call to "enforce" this as we will to "enforce" the cc
01:35   mako    but as a guideline, i think it' sgood
01:35   mako    cjwatson: yes, that' sgood
01:36   cjwatson        Daviey: sadly, unless there's some way to tell people they were wrong, the CoC will deteriorate into meaninglessness
01:36   mjg59   Daviey: If people don't want to adhere to the CoC, then they're not welcome in the Ubuntu community
01:36   cjwatson        Daviey: and people who feel aggrieved by others not adhering to it want to know that their concerns are valid
01:36   mako    Daviey: the *only* thing we require of all members or ubunteros is that they aggree to to the CoC
01:37   Daviey  mjg59, i don't know where that conclusion has been made.  The CoC is something for people to thing hard about, and sign if the wish.  (I have).
01:37   cjwatson        Daviey: it was right at the foundation of Ubuntu
01:37   mako    Daviey: it was one of the first two or three documents we wrote for the website
01:37   mjg59   Daviey: The aim of the CoC was to ensure that there was a common base-line of accepted behaviour for the entire community
01:38   cjwatson        the CoC is not some kind of optional extension
01:38   dinda   My comments were added b/c some folks who originate the issue, i.e. invoke the COC, then walk away but then the issue escalates in their absence, so there needs to be responsibility on both sides
01:38   cjwatson        "you can behave nicely ... if you want"
01:38   SWAT    the coc is like a contract only less legal (there is a reason why you must sign it with your own private gpg key). Why shouldn't someone be held responsible for their actions? You can ofcourse first PM the person in question to tell them to cool off and if that doesn't works, complain.
01:38   Daviey  I am a big pro of the principle of the CoC - it's something that people make a commitment that they want to follow.  It is not rules.  Unless i have grossly misunderstood
01:39   mc44    Daviey, even if you havent signed it, if you want to participate in ubuntu community forums such as mailing lists, you are expected to abide by it
01:39   mako    Daviey: i suppose you don't have to agree to it, but if you act in a way that users, and leadership through consulation, feels runs rounter to the CoC, you'll be asked to leave
01:39   mako    Daviey: it's not meant to be a stick, if that's what you mean.. and they're inentionally a little vague
01:39   Daviey  (not that it matters, but i have signed it)
01:39   LoudMouthMan    But was its purpose to enable people to set guidelines of expectations on others or themselves ?  Im worried that enabling it to be used to judge others is less Ubuntu then enabling it to judge yourself.
01:39   mako    Daviey: but they are guidelines and a set of common ground
01:39   cjwatson        LoudMouthMan: it's so that people understand the common community expectations
01:40   mako    mjg59: so i like your little enumerated list here
01:40   cjwatson        they were written to ensure that expectations of general decent behaviour were set right from the start
01:40   LoudMouthMan    yes I understood that , i took days to consider what it meant before i signed it i also blogged about it.
01:40   mako    mjg59: i think it was pretty concise. and i think we should add this to a new version of the CoC
01:41   LoudMouthMan    are we discussing the alternative process list ?
01:41   cjwatson        LoudMouthMan: it's not meant for people to wave at each other all the time, no, but when people genuinely aren't being decent to each other then it's appropriate to do something about it
01:41   mako    mgj59: after a broader consulatation with the community i guess.. we need to be careful changing something that most community members have already agreed to
01:42   cjwatson        mako: I would just put it somewhere on /community on the web site and have an informative reference in the CoC
01:42   cjwatson        I don't think it needs to be in the normative document
01:42   LoudMouthMan    I think the process amendment to me fits better into guideliness for leasership and responsibility.
01:42   cjwatson        LoudMouthMan: - it's not about leadership
01:42   LoudMouthMan    and we do need a greivance procedure somewhere.
01:42   cjwatson        this is such a proposed grievance procedure
01:43   LoudMouthMan    I know i read it . and Iunderstand it . but people goto authority and as such leadership . they rarely resolve it between themselves.
01:43   mako    cjwatson: ok, i don't feel too strongly either way
01:43   mjg59   LoudMouthMan: As I said, I don't like a couple of aspects of the alternate procedure suggestion - firstly that it provides no mechanism for an informal procedure, and secondly the fact that it immediately places both parties on moderation
01:44   cjwatson        LoudMouthMan: I'd much rather people were encouraged to at least try to resolve things between themselves at first. Going to authority all the time gets dysfunctional
01:44   mjg59   Sorry, that should have been "informal resolution" not "informal procedure"
01:44   LoudMouthMan    agreed people should resolve things together.
01:45   mako    who wrote the alternative procedure?
01:45   cjwatson        Mark Harrison
01:45   LoudMouthMan    Mark Harrison .
01:45   mako    yes, i see that
01:45   mako    is mark here?
01:45   LoudMouthMan    no , not that i can see.
01:46   mjg59   The CoC isn't a stick to beat people with, but at the same time failing to ensure that people view it as the standard for acceptable behaviour gives the impression that our community is less welcoming
=== mako nods
01:47   mako    yes, by bypassing information method sof resolution, it gives up the mechanism by which 90% of prevoius coc "issues" have been resolved
01:47   mjg59   And it needs to be easy for people to express that they feel a specific action is against the CoC without feeling that by doing so they're tying themselves into a long and drawn out formal procedure
01:47   mako    i think with great effect in the larger community
01:48   cjwatson        mako: s/information/informal/?
01:49   mjg59   I'll admit that a malicious person could use something like the suggested process to stifle discussion, but I'd also be surprised if anyone tried to
01:49   war_    I am sorry to interfere, but why don't you just adopt a standard legal mediation procedure.
01:49   war_    The two parties assign a referee of their choice and these referees elect a third person to complete the judgement team. The team listens to both sides and takes a final judgement. Both quarreling parties accept the findings.
01:49   mako    cjwatson: yes
=== LoudMouthMan wouldnt be the more we set fences the more we can find for people to sit on them.
01:49   mako    mjg59: someone probably will try to at some point
01:50   mjg59   mako: Hm. Perhaps I have too much faith in people.
01:50   mako    mjg59: well, we're a big community :)
01:50   mako    but it won't happen often and that doesn't mean we don't come out on top with the policy anyway
01:51   mjg59   Abuse of the CoC weakens it, so it should be seen as equally unacceptable within the community
01:52   cjwatson        war_: the main difference I see there is that it allows things to be delegated below the community council, which is probably a good thing. I'm not sure that referee nomination would be practical in our environment though
01:52   mako    mjg59: yes, that's right
01:52   cjwatson        maybe amend mjg59's draft to say "the community council or another appropriate body"?
01:52   cjwatson        mjg59: ^--
01:53   mjg59   So how about I tidy up the proposal a bit, incorporate the suggestions that have been made and then run it past the CC mailing list?
01:53   Seveas  sounds like a plan
01:53   cjwatson        yep
01:53   mjg59   Ok. I'll do that, then.
01:53   mjg59   Thanks!
01:53   mako    mjg59: i'll work on it a little bit
01:55   Seveas  ok, so we can move on in the agenda?
01:55   mjg59   Yes, I think I'm done
01:55   Seveas  ok, war_ you're up (AustrianTeam)
01:55   Seveas  please introduce the team to us :)
01:56   war_    cjwatson: This procedure works well in a number of legal systems all over the world. It works crossing boundaries, language barriers and even technological barriers (and even over time).
01:56   war_    I followed the discussion and I see all the arguments I have heard otherwise.
01:56   war_    All the parties have to agree apon is a referee of their choice. The rest is settled by their trusted representatives.
01:56   cjwatson        war_: perhaps you could comment on the wiki page above, then
01:57   MikeB-  war_: a mediator  could be required in some cases, but we should let the community work out the problem and hopefully be adults:)
01:58   war_    cjwatson: I will put my thoughts on the wiki
=== mako nods
01:58   war_    Seveas: Thanks for the opportunity to represent Austria Team
01:58   war_    I'm not that fast as most of yo
01:59   war_    Marion and myself represent the Austria Ubuntu Community
01:59   war_    Initially founded by Marion the team has formed in mid 2006
02:00   war_    I joined later
02:00   war_    Austria is geographically centered around Vienna (capital)
02:00   war_    There are 1/4 of the population in this area
02:01   war_    We have a small but active community here
02:01   war_    We operate a web portal, meet every other week and maintain strong communication in our web forum
02:02   war_    There are strong connections to official agencies interested in Open Source
02:03   war_    As we have reached a critical mass in Vienna, we decided to apply for official recognition as a LoCo Team
02:03   AndrewB war_: the fora certinally looks active.
02:03   war_    thanks
02:03   jsgotangco      what's the url of the web portal?
02:03   AndrewB
02:03   war_    we have 275 registered members
02:04   war_
02:04   mako    wow, that looks great
02:05   war_    One thing I forgot, we offer regular training sessions to kick start people into using Ubuntu
02:05   mako    what do those look like?
02:05   war_    (well, Marion does, shes the one to take credit)
02:06   war_    mako: The seminars? We have a photo session on the board
02:06   war_    5 - 10 people, bring their computers or work on presentation machines
02:06   jsgotangco      the portal is awesome
02:06   war_    set up ubuntu, start some apps, see how easy it is
02:06   war_    hoefully switch
02:06   iGama   war_, nice
02:07   war_    Again: Credit to Marion, she is the one
02:07   war_    I just type (and slowly as I see)
02:07   mako    war_: how long have you been involved?
02:08   war_    mako: Involved into what?
02:08   war_    IT: 35 years
02:08   AndrewB  Doesn't look like things are going too well ;)
02:08   war_    Windows: > 10
02:08   war_    Ubuntu: 6 months
02:08   marion  hello, I am also here, but write very slowly in english
02:08   war_    Thats excitement: ;-)
02:09   war_    After a c:> format c:
02:09   AndrewB heh
02:09   iGama   Susana,  *
02:10   mako    war_: i meant ubuntu
02:10   marion  I get very animated when i explain people about ubuntu :)
02:10   mako    marion: me too :)
02:11   war_    mako: I had a bit of Unix knowhow previously but basically I am an MS guy
02:11   war_    I tried Ubuntu in summer 2006. Got interested
02:11   war_    led me to switch end of 2006
02:11   jsgotangco      ubuntu and a pack of smokes that's all you need to be productive indeed
02:11   war_    I dont smoke
02:11   war_    I dont drink
02:12   marion  i do!
02:12   iGama   LoL
=== jsgotangco saw the pack on the pic
02:12   mako    well i think the work here is great
02:13   mako    i'm happy welcome your team to the fold
02:13   mako    please keep up the great work
02:13   war_    Thanks and thanks for the warm welcome
02:13   AndrewB :)
02:13   marion  thanks for the praise, we#ll definitely keep up the good work and are very excited!
02:13   elmo    +1 from me too
02:13   Seveas  cjwatson, ?
02:14   mako    is someone from ni here?
02:14   leogg   mako: over here
02:14   peperoni        yes we are!
02:14   mako    we're running late, please go ahead
02:14   Angeltronix     me too!
02:14   leogg   Greetings, and thank you all for allowing us to take a few minutes of your time today. My name is Leandro Gmez and I want to introduce you to the Nicaraguan LoCo Team (aka Ubuntu-ni). Our wiki entry is in (in Spanish) and our application can be found here:
02:14   mako    i'll need to leave in 45m to get to another meeting
02:14   leogg   The Nicaraguan LoCo Team is commited to promote the use of free and open source software in Nicaragua. Our membership at last count were 42 members, althought not everybody are suscribed to Launchpad or listed in the main wiki. Ubuntu-ni is an active member of the REDSLCAN, a local network of Nicaraguan LUGs and FLOSS advocates, and we attend to meetings and collaborate with the different LUGs on a regular basis.
02:14   Seveas  then let's hurry :)
02:15   cjwatson        Seveas: (no problem from me)
02:15   leogg   What we do in Ubuntu-ni: 1) Advocacy: Ubuntu related seminars across the country, 2) Documentation: translations and compilation of HOWTOs, guides and tutorials in Spanish, 3) Support: we provide community support in our mailing list, IRC channel and on several Nicaraguan tech-boards on the web. 4) Local production and distribution of Ubuntu CDs
02:15   mako    leogg: you produce/distribute cds locally?
02:15   leogg   5) Installfests, the Nicaraguan LoCo Team is the official organizer of the Latin American InstallFest (FLISOL) in Nicaragua. We are going to have +12 conferences and distribute 300 Ubuntu CDs, the whole event is going to be streamed live on the Internet and covered by local media (TV, radio and newspapers). This particular event has raised a huge amount of interest among the population and one of the major national newspapers has offered
02:15   leogg   mako: yes
02:16   leogg   6) Localization, we are working hard on a local distribution of Ubuntu, one of the highlights for future releases is the translation of Ubuntu to Miskito, a language spoken by ~200K people in northeastern Nicaragua and southern Honduras. With this, Ubuntu will become the first OS on that language.
02:16   leogg   7) We are organizing local user groups in the major universities and in several cities across the country. The idea of the local groups is being close to the end user and make a bigger impact on a local level. One of our local groups in the University of Managua has been officialy recognised by the authorities of the university and valuable resources, such as full access to a computer lab and unrestricted Internet access on campus has bee
02:17   leogg   We also have our Classroom Project that is aimed towards capacity building within our organisation. Our goal is to increase the level of participation and contributions of our members to the community. Another cool project we are going to start next month is the School Mentor Program, where every member of Ubuntu-ni is going to "adopt" an elementary schoool in order to teach Linux there for free.
02:17   Seveas  yay for localization :)
02:17   leogg   Future plans include collaboration and mentoring other teams in the area in order to make Central America an Ubuntu stronghold.
02:17   leogg   And with this I conclude our presentation. If you have any questions I'll be glad to answer them. Thank you.
02:17   elkbuntu        wow.. you guys sound busy
=== Seveas is impressed with the activity
02:18   Seveas  good job folks!
02:18   leogg   elkbuntu: yes, wish the day had more than 24 hours
02:18   Seveas is nice
02:18   leogg   Seveas: thanks
02:18   iGama   nice work leogg
02:19   leogg   iGama: thank you, I have a great team
02:19   iGama   thats important :)
02:19   leogg   iGama: yes, our members are very active and passionate about this
02:20   Angeltronix     that's right
02:21   elmo    leogg: your 7th point was cut off at 'on campus has bee'
02:21   mako    yes, the map is cute
02:21   leogg   elmo: One of our local groups in the University of Managua has been officialy recognised by the authorities of the university and valuable resources, such as full access to a computer lab and unrestricted Internet access on campus has been granted for the team.
02:21   leogg   mako: thank you
02:22   leogg   Angeltronix here is the coordinator of the University of Managua
02:22   elmo    leogg: cool, thanks - all looks very impressive
02:22   mako    leogg: so you send out hte cds personally?
02:22   leogg   he has done a great job over there
02:22   Angeltronix     yeah, I'm coordinating the group of The University of Managua
02:23   leogg   mako: yes, we ask everybodu who is interested to donate a blank cd to keep the ball rolling ;)
02:23   mako    the wiki pages looks completely awesome, by the way :)
02:23   peperoni        and i'm from de National University of engineering
02:23   leogg   mako: thank you, the whole collaborated on the wiki
02:23   AndrewB The wikipage is amazing.
02:23   leogg   AndrewB: thanks
02:24   Angeltronix     well, the design was made by leogg...
02:24   AndrewB The header graphic accross the top is a very nice addition. Maybe other LoCo groups should follow :D
02:24   Angeltronix     he made a great work!
02:24   leogg   AndrewB: it's a volcano located on an island here, we're are known to be the land of "lakes and volcanoes"
02:25   AndrewB leogg: sounds slightly dangerous ;)
02:25   leogg   AndrewB: yes, it is indeed... but one gets used to it
02:25   mako    leogg: how many cds have you sent?
02:26   leogg   mako: this year slightly over 100
02:26   mako    leogg: i'm just trying to get a sense of whether this is something you might want to help document for other teams to replicate
02:26   mako    that's cool
02:26   leogg   on flisol we hope to distribute about 300
02:26   leogg   mako: will be happy to do
02:26   mako    are you at all involved with the larger loco community?
02:26   mako    you seem to be doing a few things that most other locos are not, it seemed like a litle documentation and work might be able to spread the ieas to others
02:27   leogg   mako: we have been communicating with other locos, yes
02:27   mako    great :)
02:27   mako    well i encourage you to do more of that, and to keep up the work
02:27   leogg   mako: of course, i'll be glad to help out
02:27   mako    +1 from me! welcome
02:27   leogg   mako: thank you
02:28   Angeltronix     thanks mako
02:28   peperoni        thanks!
02:29   Seveas  good
02:29   Seveas  let's move on to member candidates then
02:29   Seveas  AndrewB, you're first
02:29   AndrewB Hey guys!
02:29   AndrewB <paste>
02:30   AndrewB I am Andrew Alexander Barber, a Scottish GNU/Linux user for many years. I started contributing to the Ubuntu community after I found the very easy Rosetta translation 'tool', which was real useful as it is accessible from many locations and I tend to travel a lot. I started looking around the Ubuntu wiki and at launchpad to find all the different things that is being done within the community. I started making some documenta
02:30   AndrewB Really I am echo'ing my wiki, which you guys can check out
02:30   AndrewB </paste>
02:30   AndrewB ;)
02:30   Seveas  ScotsBuntu....
02:30   mako    AndrewB: what languages were you translating into?
02:30   Seveas  kinda scary ;)
02:30   AndrewB mako: currently only Scots  as said on my wiki I am learning Gealic and hope to help out soon.
02:31   AndrewB Seveas: could be if you go under them kilts.
02:31   mako    AndrewB: cool!
02:31   mako    AndrewB: how many others are participatingin the scots translation?
02:32   AndrewB 1 other.
02:32   AndrewB So we are very slow
02:32   AndrewB I hope to get a few more mates to start.
02:32   AndrewB I have one currently who I am teaching all the basics.. he would possibly help he says
02:33   AndrewB He was going to come and thumbs up me but he is busy :(
02:34   mako    AndrewB: well, it seems that you are making good progress for a small team :)
02:34   AndrewB mako: still alot of work sadly :(
02:35   AndrewB Gealic may get a big influx and I hope to contact local council. It is [re] now the official language of Scotland, the goverment are putting ALOT of money into it. :D
02:36   AndrewB Thanks schwuk
02:36   mako    wow, that's exciting
=== cjwatson has to go and do other things now, sorry - hope elmo and mako can get by without
02:37   mako    i think that free software has a huge opportunity to make inroads in situations like this
02:37   mako    cjwatson: thanks for being here
02:37   jsgotangco      gaelic becoming official intersting...
02:37   AndrewB Some schools are taking it all on, maybe edubuntu could step in here.
02:37   iGama   jsgotangco, yep
02:37   iGama   din't know about that
02:38   iGama   AndrewB, we in the Portuguese LoCo are think about that
02:38   iGama   in small schools
02:38   Seveas  mako, shall we do "elmo and mako ack, sabdfl is sent the logs for final ack"?
02:38   AndrewB
02:38   jsgotangco      it would be intersting to see edubuntu spinoffs with specific languages
02:38   AndrewB
02:38   AndrewB heh
02:39   AndrewB [further info]
02:39   mako    Seveas: yes, lets do that
02:40   Seveas  ok, I'll take care of summarizing & log sending
02:40   mako    AndrewB: i was just looking at that article
02:40   mako    Seveas: thanks!
02:40   jsgotangco      does it also include irish gaelic?
02:40   AndrewB mako: this is all in the future of what I hope to acheive
02:40   iGama   Feasgar math :D
02:40   mako    AndrewB: was the first loco team meeting yesterday?
02:42   AndrewB mako: well.. it did not go too well, it was not well promoted and has not really been worth it. People didn't feel the need to travel for only a 'social meet' or that is what I assume. I am talking with people such as chaddy about another one, with a proper purpose. I hope to have one soon. I also want to let smaller towns up north join in. Places with not so much coverage such as Aberdeen
02:42   AndrewB I think people are willing to attend should there be a proper talk.
02:43   AndrewB The return I got from the original was low anyway. I went to where it was going to be held incase anybody did turn up. Alas it was quiet on the ubuntu members front
02:44   Seveas  too bad
02:44   mako    ah, too bad
02:44   AndrewB I noticed the groups above efforts and hope to use their efforts here.. they seem to be doing well with them. [Install days, etc]
02:44   mako    AndrewB: well i appreciate your efforts in all of these areas
02:44   Seveas  we had the same in NL: social-only meet: a few people, meet with discussions: many more
02:45   mako    and am happy with a +1 for membreship from me
02:45   Seveas  elmo, ?
02:45   mako    AndrewB: and i look forward to meeting you at debconf this summer
02:45   AndrewB thanks to mako
02:45   AndrewB Oh you are attending? :D
02:45   elmo    +1
02:45   mako    of course!
02:45   AndrewB and elmo thanks.
02:45   Seveas  ok, AndrewB. Almost there, I'll send the log to sabdfl after the meeting.
02:45   AndrewB mako: great I will be the one stressing over my exams.
02:45   AndrewB Seveas: that is great.
02:45   Seveas  iGama, you're up
02:45   iGama   Seveas, thanks
02:46   iGama   My name is Marco Da Silva, I've been using Gnu/Linux for about 4 years, and in Ubuntu for 3.
02:46   iGama   Part of the Portuguese LoCo Team, where i helping the translations and help in the organition.
02:46   iGama   Created a portuguese Wiki for the community.
02:46   Seveas  xerxas-, you back yet?
02:46   iGama   Born in South Africa, Living in Portugal
02:47   iGama   Majorly, I give support to new users
02:47   iGama   teaching them the system
02:47   Seveas  any folks from .pt here to cheer for iGama ?
02:47   iGama   yep
02:47   Susana  Hi, I'm here to cheer for iGama, he's a very active and enthusiastic member of the ubuntu-pt team
02:47   iGama   i hope
02:47   iGama   Constantino, Kmos Susana
02:47   iGama   :D
02:48   iGama   have 3 testimonials in the wiki page
02:48   Susana  he has put a great effort into translations and support
02:48   iGama   the has about 1000 unique daily visits,
02:48   Susana  he has created a very usefull wiki with tutorials
02:48   iGama   :)
02:49   Susana  and he does an amazing job at marketing
02:49   Susana  in Portugal
02:50   iGama   thanks Susana  :)
02:50   Seveas  did you create all by yourself?
02:50   iGama   yep started alone
02:50   jsgotangco      that's impressive
02:51   iGama   now i have some help occasionaly
02:51   iGama   :)
02:51   Belutz  is the meeting already started?
02:51   Seveas  Belutz, about 2 hours ago....
02:51   AndrewB iGama: that looks a very nice site
02:51   Belutz  wew
02:51   iGama   AndrewB, thanks
02:51   iGama   :)
02:52   iGama   Constantino,  looks like is working
02:52   iGama   in university i try to help freshmen
02:53   iGama   most of them are new to linux
02:54   licio   iGama usually help the users in the #ubuntu-pt channel :)
02:54   AndrewB That seems to be the best place to get people into GNU/Linux
02:54   SWAT    they are the high potentials
02:54   iGama   and like i said in the wiki, im talking with ANSOL ( portuguese Free Software association ) to organize a SL conference
02:54   iGama   AndrewB, SWAT yep
02:55   iGama   they like it
02:55   Constantino     he also helps people in the ptnet irc network
02:55   iGama   :)
02:56   Constantino     and he always looking for new ways to create documentation that may help people
02:56   Constantino     for example the Portuguese National Association for Free Software (ANSOL)
02:56   Constantino     as already talked with him
02:57   Seveas  Looks very good
02:57   Constantino     for a project to create screencasts
02:57   licio   I would recommend iGama being approved for membership for his strong advocating and helping.
02:57   mako    yes, this all looks great
02:57   Constantino     he's algo helping organizing a large event
02:58   Constantino     about free software
02:58   Seveas  events are good
02:58   Seveas  spread awareness!
02:58   mako    +1 from me
02:58   elmo    +1
02:58   Seveas  great
02:58   mako    this all looks fantastic
02:58   iGama   :D
02:58   Seveas  YokoZar, you're up!
02:58   iGama   thanks all :)
02:58   Constantino     this will take place in a large university
02:58   YokoZar Hey there, I'm Scott Ritchie (from eg  For a while I've been making the Wine packages for Ubuntu (which have later been integrated into universe by \sh), however I never actually completed the membership process.  I'd like to support my packages more, and recent changes to the email process is going to require an address for the package maintainer field, so I figure now's a good t
02:59   mako    YokoZar: how long have you been doing the packages?
02:59   Seveas  YokoZar, that was trimmed at "now's a good"
02:59   iGama   Constantino, thanks man :)
02:59   YokoZar so I figure now's a good time to actually finish the membership process.
02:59   YokoZar mako: since before Breezy
03:00   YokoZar I don't remember if my packages were in Hoary or not
03:00   Seveas  wine is one of those gooed upstreams who want to integrate properly
03:00   Seveas  I like such upstreams
03:01   war_    Have to leave, good luck
03:01   Seveas  YokoZar, are you planning to become MOTU as well?
03:02   YokoZar Seveas: Probably.  I just graduated college, and I have a lot more time now.  As a MOTU, my chief focus would probably just be the Wine package though
03:02   jsgotangco      its a pretty good focus though
03:02   Kmos    +1 for iGama
03:02   Kmos    :)
03:02   jsgotangco      lots of impact happening on that front for sure
03:02   lotusleaf       I just wanted to add that I've been using Scott's wine builds in Ubuntu for a long time now and I've always found them to be quality and I feel that his help as an Ubuntu member would be useful to the extreme.
03:03   YokoZar Yeah, things have gotten really exciting with Wine recently
03:03   iGama   Kmos,  lol my turn has ended already :)
03:03   Seveas  YokoZar, congrats on the graduation!
03:03   Kmos    iGama: but the log not :)
03:03   YokoZar Thank you lotusleaf
03:03   xerxas  iGama, congratulation :)
03:04   lotusleaf       YokoZar, and thank you for your wine builds, I never knew you were on freenode. :)
03:04   iGama   yep YokoZar the wine packages work great :)
03:04   mako    YokoZar: i think i'm going to take the "it's about time" position on this on e:)
03:04   mako    +1 from me for solid and very long term contributions in terms of wine
03:04   SWAT    YokoZar, great work and keep it up :)
03:04   elmo    yeah, +1
03:04   Seveas  awesome
03:04   Seveas  xerxas, you're up
03:05   Seveas  (xerxas was first on the list but arrived late)
03:05   YokoZar Thank you everyone.  Now I'm gonna go to bed since it's 6am here ;)
03:05   Seveas  YokoZar, g'night
03:05   iGama   YokoZar, sweet dreams ;)
03:05   Seveas  xerxas, please introduce yourself to us
03:05   mako    YokoZar: thanks for showing up
03:06   xerxas  Hi all
03:06   xerxas  I'm samuel maftoul , I'm contributing since probably 1 year and a half to ubuntu
03:06   xerxas  I'm often hanging on IRC and know some of the developpers.
03:06   xerxas  I'm mostly doing bug triaging and packaging.
03:07   xerxas  I have made my first package for edgy, and have a new package in feisty.
03:07   xerxas  I felt it was a good time to appy for memebership as I'm spending a lot of time with ubuntu in my life even If I don't have much time
03:07   Seveas  xerxas, did you find dholbach / seb128 ?
03:08   seb128  I'm around
03:08   xerxas  Seveas,  I dhollbach didn't replied yet
03:08   xerxas  I also had some contact with slomo as I have packaged some mono stuff
03:09   Seveas  seb128, xerxas told me you could vouch for him. Please do so if that's true :)
03:09   seb128  xerxas is hanging on IRC quite often, he does some bug triage and and work with the telepathy team
03:10   xerxas  Seveas,  it's true then :)
03:11   seb128  Seveas: I would not say he does huge amonth of work though
03:11   mako    seb128: has it been significant and sustained enough that you think he's ready for membership?
03:11   seb128  but small contribution are welcome as well ;)
03:11   mako    there's no shame is holding off for a meeting or two
03:11   seb128  mako: I don't have really a good idea on what you guys expect for membership
=== mako has looked through launchpad a bit
03:12   Seveas  seb128, few months of good contributions
03:12   mako    xerxas: your wiki page is pretty thin
03:12   seb128  "good contribution"
03:12   mako    we say "significant and sustained"
03:12   Seveas  seb128, that's always a judgement call :)
03:12   xerxas  mako,  I can updated it then
03:12   seb128  well, maybe not then
03:12   seb128  he's hanging on IRC
03:12   Seveas  too bad launchpad karma history doesn't go that far back
03:12   seb128  often points problem he's looking at
03:12   xerxas  I think dholbach is more aware of my work
03:12   Seveas  Edited Bug Title   2007-03-04 21:43:06 CET  2007-03-04
03:12   Seveas  Bug Rejected 2007-01-09 01:03:14 CET 2007-01-09
03:12   seb128  he didn't do much bug triage nor actual fixing though
03:13   mako    i'd say at two least two months and in the top 25% of people one would call "contributors"
03:13   seb128  dholbach might be better placed to speak about telephathy team work
03:13   mako    xerxas: in the interest of time (i'm already 15 minutes over and you'l lhave to wait for an ack from someone not here anyway) why don't you get written testimonials and work on your wiki page and we'll revisit this at a future meeting
03:13   xerxas  I'm generally looking at new bugs comming and try to add some info to them
03:13   seb128  Seveas, xerxas: I would not say he's doing signifiant work, no
03:13   mako    xerxas: that's great :)
03:13   seb128  ups
03:13   mako    xerxas: you should keep it up :)
03:14   seb128  Seveas, mako: ^
03:14   xerxas  mako,  :)
03:14   xerxas  ok , let's see that for another review
03:14   Seveas  mako, we have one member candidate left now (who's a really good one), do you have time for him?
03:14   iGama   Brb
03:14   xerxas  last 2 months I have not been participating a lot
03:14   Seveas  xerxas, if you need help flshing out your wikipage, feel free to poke me
03:14   xerxas  I was moving and didn't have internet connexion at home
03:15   Seveas  xerxas, that explains :) Let's get your contributions properly documented for next time
03:15   xerxas  I have moved since yesterday
03:15   xerxas  now I'll have more free time
03:15   xerxas  (that's why I couldn't attend last community council meeting)
03:16   mako    Seveas: yeah, lets go :)
03:16   Seveas  ok
03:16   Seveas  SWAT, you're up
03:16   SWAT    Name: Sebastian Schauenburg - Description: M/23/Netherlands - Occupation: College student (IT) - Ubuntu contributions: P.R./Advocacy (sadly: hard to objectively quantify), supporting and setting up a couple of meetings, Education (a course about Linux -> very Ubuntu oriented), IRC support (#Ubuntu-NL), Forum support ( - Plans: keep supporting Ubuntu and getting even more involved (including getting other people to use
03:17   Seveas  and let me be the first one to say \o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/ for SWAT
03:17   iGama   Seveas,  LOL
03:17   iGama   SWAT,  ;)
03:17   xerxas  :)
03:17   SWAT    Seveas, thanks for the cheer
03:17   iGama   Have to go work, see you later
03:17   Seveas  he's one of the driving forces behind the dutch locoteam
03:17   mako    SWAT: where in nl?
03:18   SWAT    mako, Woensdrecht (the south part, about 15 minutes from Belgium)
03:18   SWAT    south-west actually
03:18   Seveas  especially would not have been possible without him
03:18   gnomefreak      nl == neitherlands?
03:18   AndrewB Yeah
03:18   Seveas  gnomefreak, almost. Lose the i :p
03:19   gnomefreak      ah ty ;)
03:20   SWAT    I don't know if silence is good, so if you have a question, just ask
03:20   elmo    "I can sell or recommend bad products, [...] " <-- missing a negative there I assume/hope
=== mako chortles
03:20   SWAT    elmo, ow, right, that's an error
03:20   SWAT    I somehow can't look someone in the eye and sell bad products or lie
03:20   mako    the winter meeting looks pretty great
03:21   Seveas  SWAT, silence is good, means people are reading your wikipage, launchpad thing etc...
03:21   iGama   :)
03:21   AndrewB The meet does indeed look good [pics]
03:22   elmo    +1 from me
03:23   mako    yes, definitely, a +1 form me as well
03:23   Seveas  good :)
03:23   mako    keep on keeping the netherlands free :)
03:23   SWAT    merci, thanks guys :)
03:23   SWAT    I'll keep annoying people ;)
03:23   Seveas  next meeting would be april 17 -- is that doable, given release stress?
03:24   elmo    Seveas: well, none of the active CC (i.e. excluding cjwatson) are actively involved in that, so it's ok by me
03:24   mako    well, doesn't impact me hugely FWIW
03:24   mako    Seveas: pending an ACK from mark, lets plan on it
03:24   Seveas  ok, how about 19:00?
03:25   mako    yes, that's good
03:25   mako    or even 20:00
03:25   mako    to push it toward a different end of the day to help with timezone pressures
03:25   Seveas  fine by me
03:25   Seveas  elmo?
03:26   SWAT    general question: when will the 'final' word be out if we are official members?
03:26   Seveas  SWAT, when sabdfl replies :)
03:26   Seveas  I'll try to send him the summaries today (have to go in 15 minutes)
03:26   jsgotangco      SWAT: the weekly newsletter will be able to catch it as well
03:27   SWAT    merci guys, and you're also doing a great job!
03:27   Seveas  ok, thanks for joining everyone. elmo. I'm just going to assume 20:00 is ok for you, just poke me if that's not the case.
=== Seveas out
03:28   elmo    Seveas: yes, that's fine

MeetingLogs/CC/20070403 (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:06 by localhost)