== Summary ==
 * The DraftTrademarkPolicy2007 received mostly positive comments. The constructive criticism received will be used to improve the draft
 * The voting period for the new community council will run from April 23rd to May 8th. Details of the voting process will be sent out in an announcement mail.
 * The Kentucky US LoCoTeam is welcomed as official LoCoTeam
=== Members ===
 * [[FrancisGiannaros|Francis Giannaros]]
 * [[KevinKubasik|Kevin Kubasik]]
 * [[ScottKitterman|Scott Kitterman]]
 * [[brianking|Brian King]]
 * [[Emonkey|Carlos Diener]]
 * [[yeager|Daniel Nylander]]
== Log ==
(04:10:59 PM) Seveas: let's get started!
(04:11:34 PM) Seveas: sabdfl, you're first on the agenda with the Trademark policy - so if you're ready: go for it!
(04:11:41 PM) sabdfl: thanks seveas
(04:11:59 PM) sabdfl: we are getting a much greater volume of requests regarding the trademarks
(04:12:14 PM) sabdfl: Seveas: coudl you paste a url for folks to review the proposed policy?
(04:12:21 PM) Seveas: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DraftTrademarkPolicy2007
(04:12:44 PM) sabdfl: canonical owns the trademarks, and we want a policy that enhances their value to canonical as well as the community
(04:12:58 PM) sabdfl: being mindful of the firefox debate, we've put these guidelines together
(04:13:15 PM) sabdfl: i'm very interested in feedback from the CC and from folks at this meeting
(04:13:19 PM) sabdfl:  /end
(04:13:20 PM) kkubasik: I think its generous
(04:13:40 PM) kkubasik: surprisingly so, not to say I think everyone is mean
(04:13:51 PM) Seveas: sabdfl, I like the 'Remix' part of it
(04:13:52 PM) kkubasik: but its big risk to let anyone use the name
***ScottK has read it and thinks it does a good job of balancing Canonical's commercial interests and those of the larger community.  It is generous to the community, but I think that's reasonable given the community's value to Ubuntu.
(04:14:14 PM) mc44: it has very good balance :)
(04:14:16 PM) sabdfl: thanks Seveas, we're trying to encourage people to do fun and useful things with ubuntu
(04:14:21 PM) atoponce: i'm looking forward to whatever is decided, as i plan on using them as decals on my car, as i'm sure sabdfl saw in my email
(04:14:23 PM) Seveas: sabdfl, but I have a tricky question for you already: does the name ubotu (our beloved irc bot) become a problematic name?
(04:14:27 PM) juliux: sabdfl, what happens if a locoteam produce with a local bookshop some dvds? did they have to ask or not?
(04:14:31 PM) sabdfl: and give them the freedom to call it "ubuntu" if it preserves the spirit of the project
***gnomefreak agrees with ScottK 
(04:14:41 PM) mc44: Seveas: its non commercial isnt it? :p
(04:14:58 PM) Seveas: mc44, read the policy, there's more to it than noncommercial
(04:15:10 PM) mc44: Seveas: I know, I was just checking that it was :)
(04:15:19 PM) sabdfl: Seveas: i think the association is subtle enough that you have free reign there :-)
(04:15:21 PM) mako: kkubasik: we *want* people to use the name because we want to them to talk about ubuntu, build communities around ubuntu, do stuff that helps makes ubuntu a recognizable brand
(04:15:28 PM) ompaul: sabdfl, I think I see an error wrt intent, how do you want that addressed as a pm or here?
(04:15:39 PM) sabdfl: juliux: if the DVD's are the same ISO, then no need to ask
(04:15:56 PM) kkubasik: oh no, I love that component, and I'm glad the decision was made to be this open about it
(04:15:57 PM) juliux: sabdfl, ok also if the bookshop also sell the dvd?
(04:16:00 PM) sabdfl: if they are modified, but the loco team still wants to call it "ubuntu" then it depends
(04:16:18 PM) sabdfl: if the only modification is package selection / deselection, then i don't think they need to ask
(04:16:24 PM) sabdfl: if they are modifying packages, then they do
(04:16:29 PM) kkubasik: its just I felt that mozilla was completely in the right, and ubuntu would have been too
(04:16:32 PM) kkubasik: had it come to that
(04:16:37 PM) sabdfl: ompaul: here
(04:16:55 PM) MikeB-: juliux: in the past with other distro, charging for the cost of media is allow, but no more
(04:17:23 PM) juliux: MikeB-, that is why i am asking;)
(04:17:26 PM) sabdfl: we don't mind if people print ubuntu cd's or dvd's and charge whatever they like for them
(04:17:41 PM) juliux: sabdfl, sounds good and fair
(04:17:51 PM) ompaul: sabdfl, so, the section that says: Use in combination with any product or service which is presented as being Certified or Official or formally associated with us or our products or services. may actually want to state, "unless authorised by the trademark holder" however this could also be placed in the phrasing of the introduction to that section
(04:19:00 PM) jenda: sabdfl, juliux - it sounds Free ;)
(04:19:21 PM) juliux: jenda, you are right
(04:20:00 PM) sabdfl: ompaul: yes, it does seem odd to rule out authorised use in that case
(04:20:02 PM) Nafallo: looks pretty good. seems I might want to look up some Swedish pages and companys though.
(04:20:04 PM) ompaul: sabdfl, while I concur that the next section deals with commerical, it may be the case that it should be placed above prohibitions
(04:20:12 PM) mako: in general, i'm happy with the current draft
(04:20:21 PM) ompaul: sabdfl, then it "feels" better
(04:20:23 PM) xblackfire: hi i'm from ubuntu-ni and we plan a distro based on ubuntu, the modification is on package selection and some artwork additional,  with this policy we must use Remix on the name of the distro ?
(04:20:33 PM) mako: in general, i think people misunderstand tradmark a little bit
(04:20:51 PM) sabdfl: xblackfire: if you want to use "Ubuntu", then you'll need "Remix"
(04:20:56 PM) sabdfl: so it's clear to people
(04:20:58 PM) mako: i think they think it covers using the name in any situation, when in reality, it should only cover using the name to imply endorsement
(04:21:24 PM) mako: so if someone wanted to write an article about how they feel ubuntu sucks, that isn't a trademark issue
(04:21:30 PM) mc44: mako: I had a small point about that relating to the poilicy
***sabdfl is a fan of sucksdomains
(04:21:43 PM) mako: exactly
(04:21:49 PM) mc44: mako: it would be nice if the forbidden section acknowledges that fact
(04:21:58 PM) mako: right..
(04:21:59 PM) mc44: because currently it covers all domain names
(04:22:14 PM) sabdfl: ompaul: i'll raise the question of authorised use, and the sequence of the sections
(04:22:30 PM) mako: it only becomes a problem when the websites is designed to look like UBUNTU itself is talking about how it sucks
(04:23:16 PM) mattva01: What about a distro called foobuntu(hypothetical), would we have to get special permission for that?
(04:23:17 PM) sabdfl: mako: can you propose some language that makes that clear?
(04:23:20 PM) mc44: mako: right but in the policy it says any commercial use or disparging use. is it possible to put something like "exccept where allowed by fair use"
(04:23:24 PM) mako: sabdfl: yeah, right now?
(04:23:31 PM) mako: i might actually have some around
(04:23:33 PM) xblackfire: we thinking in use NicaUbuntu, but with the new policy that name, we need ask permission to Ubuntu
(04:23:34 PM) sabdfl: mattva01: yes, that would fall into this framework
(04:23:37 PM) micahcowan: mako, isn't that (potentially) parody (protected)?
(04:23:39 PM) sabdfl: mako: or by mail to CC / me
(04:23:43 PM) sabdfl:  / jane
(04:24:23 PM) LaserJock: sabdfl: will this become retroactive? i.e. will existing derivatives, etc. be asked to fall in line with this policy?
(04:24:26 PM) sabdfl: we should certainly protect parody explicitly, because it is not protected in all jurisdictions
(04:24:38 PM) sabdfl: LaserJock: yes
(04:24:42 PM) mc44: sabdfl: thank you!
(04:24:48 PM) micahcowan: I was wondering about that...
(04:24:58 PM) sabdfl: though where there are issues, we would take time to resolve them graciously
***mc44 goes to register ubuntusucks.com
(04:25:15 PM) mc44: damn too late
(04:25:18 PM) Seveas: mc44, guess where it redirects to :p
***sabdfl waits for the penny to drop
(04:25:27 PM) sabdfl: ;-)
(04:25:34 PM) mc44: sabdfl: I have hyphens in my arsenal :p
(04:25:40 PM) sabdfl: lay on macduff
(04:25:51 PM) MikeB-: mako: could a website that looks like Ubuntu but but used to spread FUD be protect by parody rights
(04:25:55 PM) |{evin: ubuntusux.com is available.
(04:25:59 PM) sabdfl: i don't mind a sucks domain or three
(04:26:02 PM) ompaul: sabdfl, should I take it that the (TM) question policy will get a second airing or it this is its big day out?
(04:26:09 PM) Nafallo: hmm
(04:26:09 PM) sabdfl: make good use of it!
(04:26:18 PM) sabdfl: we should redirect it to bugs.lp.net/ubuntu
(04:26:23 PM) mc44: haha
(04:26:23 PM) LaserJock: lol
(04:26:27 PM) |{evin: heh, nice
(04:26:28 PM) Nafallo: isonaming has to have "remix" in the name to? :-)
(04:26:39 PM) imbrandon: sabdfl, +1 , heh
(04:26:43 PM) Seveas: could we please focus on the topic at hand, we have quite a long agenda
(04:26:45 PM) sabdfl: ok, so salient comments so far:
(04:27:01 PM) sabdfl:  - ompaul re authorised use for official entities, like "official ubuntu magazine" etc
(04:27:31 PM) sabdfl:  - mako re the difference between commentary / fair use and endorsement
(04:27:52 PM) _MMA_: Hi guys. I have had several emails back and forth with Mark and Jane about Canonical officially protecting "Ubuntu Studio" Jane said she would start the process. Is there anything more we should do? As a project? Also we wanted to Copyright packages we've done as Ubuntu Studio but there seems to be issue with that currently.
(04:28:29 PM) sabdfl: jane came back to me and said we did not need to protect it, as the existing Ubuntu trademark covers it
(04:28:29 PM) mako: sabdfl: ok..
(04:28:44 PM) mako: The Ubuntu trademarks are designed to cover use of a mark to imply origin or endorsement by the project. When a user downloads something called Ubuntu, they should know it comes from the Ubuntu project. This helps Ubuntu build a reputation that will not be damaged by confusion around what is, and isn't, Ubuntu.
(04:28:49 PM) mako: Using the trademarks in ways that do unequivacoable do not imply endorsement or provide any room for improvement is always permissable.  Anyone is free to write articles, create websites, about, or talk about Ubuntu -- as long as it's clear to everyone -- including people completely unfamiliar with Ubuntu -- that they are simply talking *about* Ubuntu and in no way *for* Ubuntu.
(04:28:57 PM) mako: or something to that effect
(04:29:03 PM) sabdfl: _MMA_: nobody else can call their stuff "Ubuntu Studio", since we've already ack'd your use of it
(04:29:23 PM) mako: i'm afraid that people might get the wrong idea, especially from the "forbidden" section
(04:29:27 PM) Seveas: mako, sounds sane to me
(04:29:32 PM) mako: which is essentially a "don't even ask" section
(04:29:33 PM) kkubasik: is ubuntu studio a completely communuty driven project with no offical backing?
(04:29:45 PM) sabdfl: we have a don't-even-ask section, i could add it there
(04:30:27 PM) _MMA_: sabdfl: Ok. So currently we do "Copyright Canonical On the website/forum. Is that correct?
(04:30:31 PM) mako: sabdfl: yeah, i was wondering if we think it would be better at the top or hte don't even ask
(04:30:46 PM) mako: is it ok to edit this?
(04:30:47 PM) ompaul: sabdfl, there is one thing missing, a "if we feel you did us wrong section we reserve the right to request a takedown"
(04:30:53 PM) mako: or should i prose it to the cc and jane?
(04:30:58 PM) sabdfl: _MMA_: yes
(04:31:02 PM) _MMA_: k
(04:31:18 PM) mako: ompaul: that's unnecessary IMHO
(04:31:31 PM) mako: ompaul: we don't need to wave around sticks here
(04:32:04 PM) sabdfl: mako: let me make an edit, then i'll past the diff url
(04:32:27 PM) micahcowan: Should there be explicit mention of use of the mark in completely unrelated contexts (a lá that one advertisement that hit digg recently)? (And, is it okay for me to be interjecting like this?)
(04:33:18 PM) juliux: i read the trademarkpolicy know a second time, but there is something not clear for me, if we as a locoteam make shirts like http://ubuntu.juliux.de/shirt/polo.jpg did we have to add a tradmark on the shirt?
(04:33:45 PM) mako: juliux: i think you'd just be asked to send an email
(04:34:00 PM) MikeB-: sabdfl: does Canonical own "buntu" trademark or "UBUNTU, KUBUNTU, EDUBUNTU, and XUBUNTU"
(04:34:25 PM) juliux: mako, i will write an mail because this is more difficult situation
(04:34:27 PM) juliux: mako,
(04:34:37 PM) mako: juliux: send it to the CC
(04:34:48 PM) somerville32: Speaking of Xubuntu, Xubuntu is almost never mentioned on trademark notices (such as on the website  and certain press releases).
(04:35:50 PM) sabdfl: MikeB-: i believe "buntu" is covered, globally
(04:36:47 PM) juliux: i am very happy to have this trademark policy
(04:37:00 PM) somerville32: I agree. Long overdue.
(04:37:25 PM) sabdfl: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DraftTrademarkPolicy2007?action=diff
(04:37:42 PM) sabdfl: i'll pass that back to Canonical, along with ompaul's comments
(04:37:50 PM) sabdfl: thanks all for your comments
(04:38:03 PM) jenda: I might have one more
(04:38:10 PM) ompaul: yw
(04:38:17 PM) jenda: "there is no commercial intent behind the use"
(04:38:44 PM) jenda: What type of behaviour violates that particular rule (considering it's in the 'community advocacy' section?)
(04:39:30 PM) jenda: Does that mean, for example, taht people can't make say, mugs or t-shirts with the Ubuntu logo with one of the goals being raising funds?
(04:40:17 PM) sabdfl: they can, they just need a trademark license
(04:40:24 PM) imbrandon: i would have hoped ad's on the forums ( for non-logged in users ) on the forums would be considered commercial ( that havent come down yet btw ) ...
(04:40:27 PM) sabdfl: i see no reason why we wouldn't let a loco team do that
(04:40:52 PM) sabdfl: however, we would have an issue with a company doing that, on an industrial scale
(04:41:16 PM) Nafallo: isn't that already Community Advocacy?
(04:41:31 PM) Seveas: I'd say so
(04:41:54 PM) jenda: sabdfl: how about an individual doing it (partly) for personal gain?
(04:42:09 PM) jenda: I've been encouraging people to do that till now
(04:42:40 PM) sabdfl: jenda: best to bounce that past trademarks@
(04:42:45 PM) jenda: good
(04:43:03 PM) mako: awesome
(04:43:07 PM) sabdfl: imbrandon: good point
(04:43:17 PM) sabdfl: ok, thanks all!
(04:43:22 PM) sabdfl: what's up next, seveas?
(04:43:24 PM) jenda: so, it's basically _not_allowed_, but might be allowed on individual cases by community members...
(04:43:25 PM) MikeB-: imbrandon: that is something that needs to be looked at
(04:43:25 PM) Seveas: somerville32,
(04:43:38 PM) jenda: (err, _to_ community members)
(04:43:40 PM) Seveas: he has somthing to say about CC voting
(04:44:09 PM) Seveas: somerville32, you still with us?
(04:44:22 PM) somerville32: Seveas, Yup, sorry, was just eatting some pizza <g>
(04:44:26 PM) Seveas: heh
(04:44:43 PM) Seveas: so, what's up with 'CC Nominee Confirmation Vote 2007'?
(04:45:18 PM) somerville32: I've spoken with sabdfl regarding the CC Nominee Confirmation Vote on March 30th
(04:46:31 PM) Seveas: excellent, how's that coming along?
(04:46:36 PM) somerville32: After speaking with salgado and sabdfl, it appears, based off of sabdfl's description of the desired voting model, that the launchpad infrastructure required to conduct the vote is already implemented and that a vote can occur.
(04:46:41 PM) sabdfl: well, i suck, for one
(04:46:58 PM) sabdfl: i've been slow to get this done, my apologies!
(04:47:13 PM) Seveas: sabdfl, expect some slapping at UDS ;)
(04:47:22 PM) sabdfl: originally i wanted to have a richer voting system, with a race between n people for n-m seats
(04:47:35 PM) sabdfl: but instead, we will just have n confirmation votes
(04:47:37 PM) gnomefreak: Seveas mako sabdfl i have to run for a while. I would like to say that apokryphos is a great asset to the ubuntu community and i think he is a great canidate for membership. Thank you :)
(04:47:45 PM) sabdfl: thanks gnomefreak
(04:47:46 PM) ajmitch: Seveas: I'm sure we can find something to do at UDS..
(04:47:46 PM) Seveas: gnomefreak, noted
(04:47:56 PM) MikeB-: sabdfl: no problems
(04:48:03 PM) gnomefreak: ty and yw
(04:48:14 PM) Seveas: sabdfl, so per candidate we can say +1/0/-1 ?
(04:48:18 PM) sabdfl: yes
(04:48:25 PM) sabdfl: your membership in action!
***apokryphos slips $5 to gnomefreak 8)
(04:48:34 PM) mc44: sabdfl: is there a list of candidates yet?
(04:48:36 PM) gnomefreak: ;)
(04:48:43 PM) kkubasik: ;)
***somerville32 nods.
(04:48:46 PM) sabdfl: mc44: yes
(04:48:59 PM) LaserJock: apokryphos: only $5? memberships are coming cheap these days ;-)
(04:48:59 PM) sabdfl:    y daniel holbach
(04:48:59 PM) sabdfl:    y matthew east
(04:48:59 PM) sabdfl:    y mike basinger
(04:48:59 PM) sabdfl:    y corey burger
(04:49:00 PM) sabdfl:    y jerome gotangco
(04:49:03 PM) sabdfl: iirc
(04:49:27 PM) sabdfl: i will be happy to see us span more timezones
(04:49:30 PM) Nafallo: sabdfl: no sabdfl? :-)
(04:49:30 PM) Seveas: sabdfl, being admin for the team I should be able to create the votes. Want me to go ahead with that?
(04:49:42 PM) Seveas: Nafallo, sabdfl/elmo/mako will stay on board :)
(04:49:47 PM) sabdfl: Seveas: yeah!
(04:49:48 PM) Nafallo: *puuh*
(04:49:54 PM) mc44: sabdfl: no jono?
***somerville32 cheers!
(04:50:03 PM) mako: mc44: not this time
(04:50:06 PM) apokryphos: LaserJock: heh, yup :)
(04:50:06 PM) mc44: okkk
(04:50:07 PM) sabdfl: mc44: jono's just a newbie round here!
(04:50:09 PM) sabdfl: ;-)
(04:50:12 PM) mc44: :)
(04:50:13 PM) imbrandon: lol
(04:50:16 PM) Nafallo: hehe
(04:50:20 PM) sabdfl: good candidate for a future round
(04:50:22 PM) Seveas: sabdfl, ok, voting will commence soon then if I get it right -- last time I tried to set up a vote it went bizarrely wrong :)
(04:50:28 PM) sabdfl: he's doing omazing work
(04:50:40 PM) somerville32: Seveas, The staging server is available to test
(04:50:47 PM) sabdfl: Seveas: ok, so it's 5 separate votes, each with yes/no options
(04:50:51 PM) Seveas: somerville32, excellent idea
(04:50:52 PM) OgMaciel: Seveas: was this list created by the CC or a poll?
(04:50:56 PM) Seveas: sabdfl, no 'blank vote'?
(04:51:00 PM) sabdfl: when's a good starting date?
(04:51:03 PM) somerville32: sabdfl, How long will the vote be open?
(04:51:04 PM) Seveas: OgMaciel, by sabdfl
(04:51:11 PM) Seveas: sabdfl, feisty release?
(04:51:11 PM) mc44: Seveas: for how many seats? one?
(04:51:29 PM) OgMaciel: sabdfl: I'd like to be considered
(04:51:39 PM) sabdfl: Seveas: i think a blank vote only makes sense in cases where you are choosing between n candidates, and want a "none of the above" vote. in this case, the "no" vote is the blank one in each case
(04:51:51 PM) Seveas: sabdfl, I'd say: feisty release until the start or end of uds
(04:51:52 PM) OgMaciel: obvisouly I realize it is sudden but I didn't know about it until now
(04:51:52 PM) elmo: Seveas: (sabdfl in consultation with the CC to be fair/pedantic)
(04:51:58 PM) sabdfl: Seveas: lets make it from monday, for 2 weeks?
(04:52:24 PM) Seveas: sabdfl, sounds good
(04:52:52 PM) sabdfl: will only just catch the first day of UDS
(04:53:01 PM) mc44: sabdfl: sorry, i may have missed it, but this is for how many open seats - just the one?
(04:53:10 PM) sabdfl: no, all 5 are up for consideration
(04:53:21 PM) sabdfl: if a majority of voters in each case say "aye", they all get on
(04:53:29 PM) micahcowan: n=m :)
(04:53:37 PM) Nafallo: Seveas: middle. so people can celebrate :-)
(04:53:38 PM) sabdfl: no, m=0 ;-)
***ajmitch imagines that plenty of people will just say yes to all
(04:54:11 PM) sabdfl: Seveas: if we make it from Monday, for 15 days, then it gives us more time at UDS
***kkubasik is one of those
(04:54:26 PM) mc44: ajmitch: should be easier getting a quorum then :p
(04:54:28 PM) sabdfl: this is the ubuntu members chance to veto, basically
(04:54:35 PM) micahcowan: m ⊂ [0,n] ?
(04:54:36 PM) juliux: perhaps we can send a reminder to everybody, so he know about the vote
(04:54:44 PM) Seveas: juliux, of course
(04:54:45 PM) sabdfl: in future, we may have more complex races, where we have more candidates than seats
(04:54:50 PM) mako: sabdfl: it's fine to not catch UDS, maybe better :)
(04:55:00 PM) ajmitch: sabdfl: was it the TB that you wanted 3 of 5?
(04:55:11 PM) mc44: sabdfl: and campaign finance reform! ;)
(04:55:19 PM) sabdfl: ajmitch: i think it would be good in any race
(04:56:05 PM) sabdfl: the only issue is, platforms and competition don't suit everyone, and i don't want always to end up with the most vocal candidates, necessarily
(04:56:23 PM) sabdfl: so it's nice to be able to nominate someone, who just has to pass a general community up/down
(04:56:44 PM) sabdfl: we want the best overall mix of perspectives and skills on both bodies
(04:56:54 PM) sabdfl: and same on Motu Council and Forums Council too...
(04:57:12 PM) Seveas: sabdfl, don't forget the IRC council :)
(04:57:21 PM) sabdfl: that august body, too :-)
(04:57:24 PM) mako: fine, all of the councils :)
(04:57:25 PM) sabdfl: ok, thanks for setting things up seveas
(04:57:33 PM) sabdfl: next?
***somerville32 coughs.
(04:57:34 PM) Seveas: ok, let's move on!
(04:57:41 PM) Seveas: locoteams, etank
(04:57:43 PM) etank: Hi everyone. The Kentucky Team was started on 1/12/07. We started with 3 members and have since grown to 54 (about 20 of which are active on a regular basis). We are having an Install Fest and Release Party this weekend. We have started a partnership with the UKLUG and LPLUG in the Lexington area. We are also in the process of starting a charity project. We are also working on ways to offer local support to new / existing users.
(04:57:45 PM) MikeB-: somerville32: many thanks also:)
(04:57:49 PM) etank: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KentuckyTeam/ApprovalApplication
(04:57:55 PM) Seveas: somerville32, THANKS!
(04:58:19 PM) sabdfl: hi etank
(04:58:24 PM) etank: hi sabdfl
(04:59:07 PM) etank: we have some team members here to cheer us on and one of which is also on for membership today
(04:59:08 PM) atoponce: ahh. the kentucky team... solid loco, impressive progress, and great strength. etank and bkingx have done fabulous work getting this team up and running
(04:59:19 PM) etank: thanks atoponce
(04:59:22 PM) sabdfl: ubuntu-ky forums look pretty active too - is the community more mailing list or forums oriented?
(04:59:27 PM) bkingx: ty atoponce
(04:59:34 PM) etank: forums and irc
(04:59:35 PM) MikeB-: etank: the team is doing great work on the forums
***mako checks out the forums
(05:00:40 PM) etank: we use the mailing list mainly for meeting reminders
(05:00:41 PM) atoponce: the us teams project needs more people like etank and bkingx getting their loco teams up and running.
(05:01:07 PM) imbrandon: are we doing memberships today? sorry but I have to run soon ( ~5 minutes ) and just wanted to place my +1 for sacater's ubuntu membership , he will make a good addition to the community and is workin twords MOTUship someday ( not yet ), he has been active ~3 months iirc on irc and seems to be a solid contributior almost daily, anyhow if someone could bring up my +1 when the time is correct please.
(05:01:16 PM) sabdfl: etank: what sort of reaction have you had from libraries?
(05:01:18 PM) Seveas: imbrandon, thanks
(05:01:18 PM) etank: the team hopes to one day be in a position to mentor other teams the way that Utah and Ohio have helped us
(05:01:22 PM) sacater: imbrandon: thanks :D
(05:01:31 PM) somerville32: I have to run too. +1 for apokryphos and ScottK for membership. :) ttyl  everyone
(05:01:37 PM) etank: we have not hit the libraries yet
(05:01:38 PM) sabdfl: thanks imbrandon
(05:01:46 PM) etank: we have started talking to schools though
(05:01:54 PM) sacater: welp: wanna add your +1 for me?
(05:02:07 PM) Seveas: sacater, not now
(05:02:08 PM) etank: trying to get them to let us set up half of the labs with Ubuntu
(05:02:10 PM) sabdfl: ok. libraries are sometimes concerned about responsibility for software installed by people who got it from them
(05:02:21 PM) sacater: welp: not now ;P
(05:02:31 PM) sabdfl: this all looks tight and well-run to me
(05:02:38 PM) sabdfl: who are the ringleaders?
(05:02:39 PM) etank: thank you
(05:02:51 PM) etank: binkx, venemous and myself
(05:02:55 PM) bkingx: Thank for the library hint, sabdfl !
(05:03:01 PM) etank: we are the original 3 that got it started
(05:03:05 PM) mako: yeah, i tlooks like you're doing lots of great works
(05:03:25 PM) sabdfl: ok, i'm +1 on this one
(05:03:30 PM) sabdfl: great work so far
(05:03:31 PM) etank: i mean bkingx
(05:03:46 PM) elmo: +1
(05:04:13 PM) mako: yes, definitely a +1 from me as well
(05:04:15 PM) mako: keep up the good work
(05:04:20 PM) Seveas: congratz!
(05:04:25 PM) etank: thank you
(05:04:29 PM) bkingx: Thank you!!
(05:04:37 PM) atoponce: etank: bkingx: congrats
(05:04:41 PM) Nafallo: yay!
(05:04:41 PM) bkingx: Much work to be done!
(05:04:49 PM) etank: awesome!!
(05:04:52 PM) highvoltage: etank, bkingx: congrats and welcome :)
(05:04:53 PM) MikeB-: etank: congrats team Kentucky, but Indiana is still better at basketball:-)
(05:04:56 PM) Seveas: sacater will now jump the queue, he will have to go soon
(05:04:57 PM) ScatterBrain: Great work etank bkingx !
(05:05:01 PM) Seveas: sacater, please paste your intro
(05:05:04 PM) sacater: ok
(05:05:13 PM) sacater: ==Very Short Description about me==
(05:05:13 PM) sacater: Hi, I am Sam Cater, otherwise known as sacater or sacatermeister. I am 14 years old and live in Ipswich, Suffolk, GB. I have signed the Code of Conduct with gpg and I am an ubuntero
(05:05:17 PM) sacater: I was first introduced to Ubuntu/Linux by welp (Peter Weller), a gentoo developer.
(05:05:20 PM) sacater: I have been helping in the community properly for about 4 months.
(05:05:22 PM) sacater: I use nothing but ubuntu
***welp waves
(05:05:25 PM) sacater: I have contributed to ubuntu in a few different ways. I spend all my spare time in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-motu. Both helping out and learning whenever and wherever I can. I even got +u status on freenode.net, as I am eager to help in so many different aspects of Ubuntu. I always follow the Code of Conduct when I help others.
(05:05:30 PM) sacater: A good chunk of my work is answering questions in launchpad, I always try to answer questions as fully as possible, its good to see a star next to your answer :P
(05:05:33 PM) sacater: I also try and do my bit in Bug triaging and reporting.
(05:05:34 PM) Fanch317 left the room (quit: Remote closed the connection).
(05:05:35 PM) sacater: welp is vouching me
***sacater waves back
(05:05:41 PM) ajmitch: very short? :)
(05:05:44 PM) sacater: :P
(05:05:47 PM) micahcowan: 10 lines? :)
(05:05:53 PM) sacater: maybe...
(05:05:57 PM) sacater: :D
(05:06:03 PM) ompaul: wc crashed
(05:06:20 PM) welp: sacater: cat <intofilename> | wc -l
(05:06:21 PM) welp: ;)
(05:06:22 PM) micahcowan: int overflow? :D
(05:06:22 PM) Nafallo: +u?
(05:06:27 PM) sacater: welp: later
(05:06:31 PM) welp: hahaha
(05:06:32 PM) sacater: Nafallo: yes
(05:06:33 PM) kozz left the room.
(05:06:37 PM) Seveas: ompaul, grab a mop and bucket then, and probably a gasmask
(05:06:42 PM) Nafallo: sacater: what's that? :-)
(05:07:01 PM) sacater: Nafallo: means rather than standard 21 freenode channel limit, i get 125
(05:07:11 PM) Nafallo: ah :-)
(05:07:14 PM) sacater: im on 53 i think
(05:07:38 PM) sacater: Seveas: what next?
(05:07:54 PM) sacater: :o
(05:07:55 PM) Seveas: sacater, wait.
(05:07:59 PM) highvoltage: I'm quite jealous. I wish I could use Ubuntu when I was 14!
(05:08:00 PM) sacater: okies
(05:08:05 PM) sacater: highvoltage: :S
(05:08:11 PM) Seveas: the CC members are now reading your wikipage and investigating you
(05:08:15 PM) sacater: :o
(05:08:16 PM) sacater: egads!
(05:08:18 PM) sacater: :P
(05:08:19 PM) Seveas: highvoltage, same here
(05:08:30 PM) Seveas: at the age of 14 I used dos 3.21
(05:08:32 PM) elmo: sacater: you have SATs?
(05:08:36 PM) sacater: oh yes
(05:08:40 PM) sacater: 3 weeks time
(05:08:47 PM) elmo: they actually call them that in the UK now?
(05:08:54 PM) sacater: my contributions may get dotted over that time due to revision
(05:08:56 PM) sacater: elmo: yes
(05:09:04 PM) elmo: god, I feel so old
(05:09:10 PM) SWAT: elmo, same here
(05:09:12 PM) sacater: ill contribute all i can though!
(05:09:19 PM) PriceChild: sacater, sats don't mean anything ;)
(05:09:22 PM) juliux: highvoltage,  i get my first linux with 16:(
(05:09:24 PM) sacater: PriceChild: :o
(05:09:33 PM) sacater: PriceChild: they determine gcse ability
(05:09:33 PM) xblackfire left the room.
(05:09:37 PM) PriceChild: Just don't tell your teachers I told you ;)
(05:09:38 PM) welp: sacater: it's true... SATs really do not mean anything
(05:09:42 PM) welp: s/anything/much
(05:09:43 PM) welp: ;)
(05:09:44 PM) sacater: i think we have strayed off topic....
(05:09:46 PM) sacater: :P
(05:09:55 PM) sabdfl: sacater: excellent work in the Ubuntu Q&A secion
(05:09:57 PM) sabdfl: https://launchpad.net/~sacater
(05:10:13 PM) sacater: sabdfl: thank you, thank you very much...
(05:10:19 PM) sacater: :D
(05:10:23 PM) mako: is there anyone here to vouch for you?
(05:10:27 PM) sacater: oh yes
(05:10:29 PM) sacater: WELP!
(05:10:31 PM) sacater: come hither
(05:10:31 PM) SWAT: sacater, you're looking very active (keep it up)
(05:10:36 PM) sacater: LaserJock:
(05:10:40 PM) sacater: come hither also :P
(05:10:42 PM) welp: yes?
(05:10:50 PM) sacater: imbrandon: if you are still here...
(05:10:50 PM) ompaul: mako, I have seen him being helpful in #ubuntu on a regular basis
(05:10:58 PM) sabdfl: imbrandon spoke earlier on sacater's behalf
(05:11:03 PM) welp: mako: what am i supposed to say? ;)
(05:11:15 PM) sacater: welp: that, as a gentoo dev, you think i am good
***ajmitch has seen him in #ubuntu-motu on a regular basis also :)
(05:11:17 PM) sacater: welp: simple
(05:11:22 PM) Seveas: ...just wanted to place my +1 for sacater's ubuntu membership , he will make a good addition to the community and is workin twords MOTUship someday ( not yet ), he has been active ~3 months iirc on irc and seems to be a solid contributior almost daily, anyhow if someone could bring up my +1 when the time is correct please....
(05:11:23 PM) sacater: ajmitch: :D
(05:11:26 PM) Seveas: (imbrandon)
(05:11:42 PM) welp: i'm not a ubuntu member, but i am a gentoo developer, as such i feel i may as well try an vouch for him
(05:11:49 PM) welp: sacater's a hardworking 'lil bugger
(05:11:53 PM) sabdfl: sacater: are you studying software engineering?
(05:11:54 PM) welp: willing to learn
(05:11:54 PM) sacater: thanks :D
(05:11:57 PM) sacater: sabdfl: im 14
(05:12:01 PM) welp: sabdfl: he's 14...
(05:12:11 PM) mako: sacater: so i'm only seeing about month of activity in actiivty.. which is a bit less time (though not less activyt) than we ask from most people
(05:12:12 PM) welp: sabdfl: ask him that in ~4 years time ;)
(05:12:14 PM) OgMaciel: ;)
(05:12:16 PM) sabdfl: don't they teach computer science at school here?
(05:12:18 PM) Nafallo: LaserJock: shouldn't you say something? :-)
(05:12:26 PM) mako: but as Seveas says, it sounds like you've been more active on IRC for a longer period :)
(05:12:26 PM) kkubasik: yeah they do ;)
(05:12:33 PM) Seveas: mako, that wasn't me
(05:12:38 PM) Seveas: I quoted imbrandon
***kkubasik is a comp sci 
(05:12:42 PM) sacater: mako: i have been
(05:12:49 PM) sacater: where the heck has LaserJock got to
(05:13:14 PM) sacater: sigh
(05:13:17 PM) mako: Seveas: right, ok
(05:13:35 PM) elmo: sabdfl: not in schools, not as an exam-ed course no
(05:13:35 PM) LaserJock: oh sorry
(05:13:40 PM) LaserJock: was doing an experiment
(05:13:43 PM) sacater: :o
(05:13:46 PM) elmo: of course, I didn't know we had SATs, so what do I know
(05:13:50 PM) welp: LaserJock: did you blow anything up? ^_-
(05:14:06 PM) LaserJock: welp: not today, just some molecules
(05:14:16 PM) sabdfl: welp: thanks for visiting, feel welcome to hang out here any time, we should share ideas with gentoo more often
(05:14:21 PM) sacater: LaserJock: make with the vouching..
(05:14:30 PM) Ruthenium left the room (quit: Remote closed the connection).
(05:14:30 PM) mc44: elmo: SATs are used for school league tables and nothing else :)
(05:14:33 PM) sacater: sabdfl: that was one of my plans on my wiki page if you saw
(05:15:09 PM) Belutz left the room (quit: "sleepy sleepy head").
(05:15:11 PM) LaserJock: well, I don't have a ton to say about sacater. He's been in #ubuntu-motu for a while and I sponsored his upload
(05:15:12 PM) welp: sacater: where's your wiki page?
(05:15:22 PM) Seveas: welp, wiki.ubuntu.com/sacater
(05:15:22 PM) sacater: welp: wiki.ubuntu.com/sacater
(05:15:26 PM) sacater: :o
(05:15:40 PM) LaserJock: I hope to see him do more and eventually become a MOTU some day
(05:15:42 PM) sacater: Seveas: great minds think alike :P
(05:15:50 PM) Seveas: sacater, lousy minds do the same
(05:15:52 PM) LaserJock: seems like he's on the path there
(05:15:52 PM) sacater: LaserJock: thank you :D
(05:16:04 PM) ompaul: ehh wrt his help Feb 03 21:52:41 <sacater>  my first record of him helping
(05:16:14 PM) Seveas: sacater clearly doesn't lack enthousiasm
(05:16:19 PM) TomaszD_ is now known as TomaszD
***ajmitch has also seen sacater fairly active on bug work
(05:16:31 PM) sacater: :D
(05:16:42 PM) ajmitch: at least judging from the amount of bug mail from him in my mailbox
(05:16:50 PM) sacater: er hem!
(05:16:52 PM) sacater: :P
(05:17:13 PM) sacater: ajmitch: how much mail
(05:17:23 PM) sacater: ajmitch: i havnt done that much with bugs lately
(05:17:26 PM) sacater: more answers
(05:17:38 PM) ajmitch: ~100 or so emails on ubuntu-bugs
(05:17:41 PM) Seveas: sacater, answers is good
(05:17:49 PM) Seveas: we need more people in the Q&A section
(05:17:56 PM) ajmitch: a number of which have had debdiffs or bug triaging
(05:18:08 PM) ajmitch: so I'd support him as a member
(05:18:15 PM) sacater: whoot!
(05:18:24 PM) welp: what's bug triaging?
(05:18:32 PM) sacater: welp: bug fixing, reporting etc
(05:18:33 PM) ajmitch: Seveas: quite right, enthusiasm is not lacking
(05:18:34 PM) welp: it's probably got some equivilant in gentoo...
(05:18:38 PM) welp: oh, 'k.
(05:18:53 PM) Seveas: welp, assigning to the correct product, setting priorities, making sure all needed info is there, talking to reporters
(05:19:01 PM) Seveas: checking duplicates
(05:19:01 PM) apokryphos: yes, quite a bit of bug triaging on gentoo too 8)
(05:19:09 PM) sabdfl: ok, i would like to see a slightly longer participation
(05:19:12 PM) welp: sounds like gentoo's bug wrangling ;)
(05:19:25 PM) ajmitch: Seveas: if I'm not here when it comes to ScottK, I'll throw in my support for him - he's been doing some great work with universe lately
(05:19:34 PM) Seveas: ajmitch, noted, thanks
(05:19:39 PM) sabdfl: sacater: are  you motivated to stay part of the community? even if we ask you to come back in two months?
(05:19:46 PM) sacater: oh hell yes
(05:19:48 PM) sacater: ubuntu pwns
(05:19:53 PM) sacater: :D
(05:19:57 PM) highvoltage: heh.
(05:20:04 PM) sabdfl: ok. elmo, mako?
(05:20:18 PM) mako: sabdfl: you beat me to it
(05:20:26 PM) mako: soudns wonderful
(05:20:35 PM) Seveas: sacater, keep up the good work!
(05:20:40 PM) sacater: :D
(05:20:40 PM) mako: lets move on quickly
(05:20:45 PM) Seveas: apokryphos, you're up
(05:20:52 PM) Seveas: <gnomefreak> Seveas mako sabdfl i have to run for a while. I would like to say that apokryphos is a great asset to the ubuntu community and i think he is a great canidate for membership. Thank you :)
(05:20:58 PM) apokryphos: thanks
(05:20:59 PM) apokryphos: Hi, I'm Francis Giannaros. Wikipage: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrancisGiannaros ; Launchpad: http://beta.launchpad.net/~apokryphos
(05:21:02 PM) mako: i need to leave in 10 minutes.. will be back in half a hour or so
(05:21:02 PM) apokryphos: I've been using Kubuntu since the Warty days, got involved on IRC/Wiki in late Warty and became an IRC operator around Hoary times (I think). The vast majority of my Ubuntu contributions now are channelled through IRC.
(05:21:06 PM) apokryphos: I'm an operator in most of the major Ubuntu channels, and contact for -uk and -gr; my jobs these days include helping out users, ensuring a smooth running in the channels, and discovering new types of colourful language when trying to deal with ban appeals in -ops :)
(05:21:07 PM) elmo: (fine by me)
(05:21:09 PM) highvoltage: sacater: may I slip in that we need some help at edubuntu too? ;)
(05:21:10 PM) apokryphos: I'm also [more] involved with the openSUSE project
(05:21:19 PM) bddebian: highvoltage: :-)
(05:21:28 PM) Seveas: and I'd like to add an enormous cheer to that. apokryphos is LONG overdue for membership, he's been helping in IRC land for ages
(05:21:29 PM) sacater: highvoltage: im always in #edubuntu nowadays, shout if you need me
(05:21:38 PM) highvoltage: sacater: great!
(05:22:03 PM) welp: whoa, whs there some kind of decision made about sacater? if there was, i seem to have missed it.
(05:22:06 PM) mako: i've certainly seen apokryphos around for a long time
(05:22:23 PM) apokryphos: hm, vouching.. I guess any IRC operators in here may help :). ompaul, PriceChild, as well, from a quick glance
(05:22:26 PM) imbrandon: welp, for him to come back in 2 months infront of the CC
(05:22:27 PM) ompaul: Seveas, +1
(05:22:28 PM) sabdfl: welp: we asked him to keep at it, and return in two months
(05:22:33 PM) welp: 'k.
***PriceChild cheers for apokryphos lots and lots
(05:22:39 PM) apokryphos: and imbrandon 8)
(05:22:42 PM) sabdfl: apokryphos: you've been an IRC op since Hoary?
(05:22:46 PM) imbrandon: re
(05:22:55 PM) mc44: apokryphos is well overdue for dual citizenship :)
(05:22:59 PM) apokryphos: sabdfl: I think so. Seveas, do you know?
(05:23:11 PM) sabdfl: be nice to have a photo at https://beta.launchpad.net/~apokryphos for new members
(05:23:51 PM) sabdfl: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers/+mugshots
(05:24:04 PM) Seveas: sabdfl, it may even be before that
(05:24:06 PM) mako: i think apokryphos has helped me out a few times when i had op related issues or questions :)
(05:24:21 PM) mako: anyone else have testimonials?
(05:24:21 PM) imbrandon: also i might note apokryphos is a great help with kde* too :)
(05:24:22 PM) sabdfl: ok, then +1 from me on the back of a longstanding contribution to the community
(05:24:24 PM) Seveas: sabdfl, but I don't keep logs for that long (they're over 100meg/month)
***ajmitch would probably have to find a photo to put up
(05:24:42 PM) apokryphos: sabdfl: I'll add one soon, sure.
***bddebian won't put one up, wouldn't want to scare anyone
(05:24:54 PM) Seveas: sabdfl, +mugshots !
(05:24:56 PM) Seveas: omg :)
(05:25:18 PM) mvo left the room (quit: "Ex-Chat").
(05:25:21 PM) PriceChild: haha love that page
(05:25:25 PM) Seveas: yeah
(05:25:41 PM) ompaul: mako, he is (A) sane (B) useful (C) good technically
(05:25:41 PM) sabdfl: my latest small addition to lp.net :-)
(05:26:14 PM) ompaul: mako, and he has been useful longer
(05:26:18 PM) ompaul: than I was
(05:26:34 PM) sabdfl: elmo? mako?
(05:27:01 PM) Seveas: yikes... I'm killing my firefox... searched for apokryphos in the bantracker and the list is quite long :)
(05:27:04 PM) mako: oh i didn't see you'd voted
(05:27:17 PM) apokryphos: heh
(05:27:20 PM) mako: yes, it's a +1 from me as well, long time work like this should be recognized :)
(05:27:28 PM) mako: apokryphos: glad you've stuck around :)
(05:27:41 PM) highvoltage: ha! some ubuntu members have big heads ;)
(05:27:53 PM) Seveas: (btw: I'll be doing the launchpad work after the meeting)
(05:27:56 PM) elmo: +1
(05:28:15 PM) apokryphos: highvoltage: it's from the ego polishing at such events; /me's head is getting gradually larger 8)
(05:28:16 PM) Seveas: apokryphos, congratulations!
(05:28:19 PM) Seveas: Ekushey, you're up
(05:28:22 PM) mako: one more, quickly, and then i need to run although i'll probably catch the end of hte meeting
(05:28:27 PM) apokryphos: thanks guys
(05:28:29 PM) atoponce: apokryphos: congrats!
(05:28:31 PM) highvoltage: apokryphos: :)
(05:28:35 PM) emonkey: apokryphos, congrats
(05:28:36 PM) mindspin: congrats apokryphos
(05:28:41 PM) Ekushey: Hello Seveas
(05:28:43 PM) ranf: congrats
(05:28:49 PM) Ekushey: My name is Russell, I'm from Bangladesh. I've been doing FOSS and Linux advocacy in my country for the last 5 years old so, and co-founded a LUG.
(05:28:50 PM) Ekushey: #
(05:28:51 PM) Ekushey: I'm the team leader and contact person for this team.
(05:28:51 PM) Ekushey: #
(05:28:51 PM) Ekushey: I maintain [WWW] ubuntu-bd.org. I translate Ubuntu related news that goes on in this site.
(05:29:13 PM) sabdfl: hey Ekushey, welcome
(05:29:15 PM) mako: also, someone should chastise all the people who signed up on the wiki today.. i thought we were discouraging this somehow :)
(05:29:19 PM) sabdfl: wiki and lp url's?
(05:29:23 PM) Ekushey: my wiki page is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Russell
(05:29:34 PM) Seveas: mako, in the future I'll put big 'DO NOT DIT
(05:29:42 PM) Seveas: mako, in the future I'll put big 'DO NOT EDIT' notices 4 days before
(05:29:46 PM) Ekushey: LP is at https://launchpad.net/~russelljohn
(05:29:51 PM) micahcowan: mako, in my defense, jono gave his "go ahead" early this morning :)
(05:29:53 PM) Ekushey: sorry i'm lagging a bit
(05:30:14 PM) ompaul: mako, can't it be locked?
(05:30:20 PM) Seveas: some of the last-minute people are ill-prepared, although we've been fixing it for some
(05:30:23 PM) micahcowan: or maybe it was last night.
(05:30:52 PM) Seveas: micahcowan, jono is not on the CC and hasn't been to many of its meetings :)
(05:31:12 PM) micahcowan: Seveas, I know; but mako asked me to pass it by him to see what he thought.
(05:31:19 PM) mako: ompaul: it's not that big a deal, just a push to get people to think ahead :)
***mako nods to Seveas, micahcowan
(05:31:36 PM) ompaul: mako, they are too busy fixing bugs :)
(05:31:53 PM) Ekushey: Sevaeas, i'm sweating
(05:32:07 PM) micahcowan: Sorry Ekushey, didn't mean to steal from your time :(
(05:32:08 PM) Seveas: Ekushey, relax, they're looking over your info now
(05:32:22 PM) Ekushey: Seveas, okay
(05:32:24 PM) Seveas: no need to sweat, there will not be full cavity searces or other scary things
(05:32:34 PM) Ekushey: :)
(05:33:18 PM) bddebian: What, they don't do those anymore??
(05:33:48 PM) sputnik: Hi! - I am Sputnik from the german kubuntu-community. Before I have to leave now I would like to promote candidate emonkey today who is on the list later. Emonkey has done a good job so far for the community here around and I trust his actvities.
(05:34:08 PM) mako: Ekushey: anyone here to advocate for you?
(05:34:09 PM) emonkey: sputnik, thx
(05:34:14 PM) pygi: Ekushey, it's all good, they'll just eat you and cook for dinner
(05:34:21 PM) pygi: that's all there is involved with getting accepted
(05:34:26 PM) pygi: read the fine prints Ekushey :p
(05:34:43 PM) Ekushey: mako, it's late at night here so i couldn't bring anyone
***sputnik greats the council
(05:34:54 PM) kkubasik: yeah, im In a similar boat
(05:35:01 PM) Ekushey: it's 3:35 am now
(05:35:08 PM) mako: Ekushey: remind me, did you present your loco to us?
(05:35:10 PM) sputnik left the room (quit: Remote closed the connection).
(05:35:16 PM) kkubasik: mine just offered to leave a message on the wiki page
***kkubasik shrugs
(05:35:30 PM) kkubasik: I'll let you know how that goes
(05:35:38 PM) Ekushey: mako, yes, it approved by CC
***mako nods to Ekushey
(05:36:09 PM) ajmitch: kkubasik: that's ok, we know that bhale would've supported you
(05:36:21 PM) mako: Ekushey: your wiki page is a little thin
(05:36:31 PM) Ekushey: byt Jono didn't add it to the list cause he wanted us to grow a little more. it's almost been 6 months now.
(05:36:45 PM) mako: Ekushey: since most of your work is in your loco team, it seems, it would help to have people there, because its hard for us to see what you've done within that team
(05:36:54 PM) mako: ok. you should work with jono on that
(05:37:06 PM) sabdfl: Ekushey: could you tell us about the local community, and your role in that?
(05:37:10 PM) mako: and i'd feel better if you had some testimonials
(05:37:33 PM) sabdfl: it's tricky for folks in asia, given the current CC spread
(05:37:36 PM) mako: in any case, i really need to go or i'm going be in trouble :)
(05:37:40 PM) sabdfl: we do need to address that
(05:37:42 PM) Ekushey: sabdfl, i mostly do the advocacy part
(05:37:49 PM) mako: i'll be back soon, please just keep going and i'll look over thins
(05:37:58 PM) Seveas: mako, ack
(05:37:58 PM) sabdfl: mako, are you ok if elmo and I +1 ekushey based on further conversation?
(05:38:13 PM) mindspin is now known as mindspin_
(05:38:16 PM) sabdfl: ok, mako can +1 or defer later
(05:38:21 PM) mindspin_ is now known as mindspin
(05:38:43 PM) Ekushey: we're working on to popularise ubuntu between computer users, mostly students
(05:38:49 PM) sabdfl: Ekushey: i'm basically happy with your membership application, because it seems to me you've been making a big contribution to free software locally for some time, and ubuntu has been your focus
(05:38:57 PM) sabdfl: could you tell us about some of your work?
(05:39:03 PM) mindspin is now known as mindspin_
(05:39:29 PM) sabdfl: do you work or study at NSU?
(05:39:53 PM) Seveas: sabdfl, sorry to interfere, but doing this for every candidate makes these meetings very long. Candidates should come prepared or be defered if we don't want the grueling lomg meetings of yore back
(05:39:58 PM) Ekushey: sabdfl, no, i studied from another university
(05:40:18 PM) mindspin_ is now known as mindspin
(05:40:18 PM) sabdfl: ok. ekushey, in deference to other candidates, could you get some testimonials from the other folks on your team?
(05:40:25 PM) sabdfl: and come back for the next meeting
(05:40:29 PM) sabdfl: sorry, i know it's very late there now
(05:40:34 PM) sabdfl: i like what i see here
(05:40:39 PM) Ekushey: sabdfl, yes i can do that
(05:40:43 PM) sabdfl: thanks very much
(05:40:51 PM) Ekushey: yw
(05:40:58 PM) sacater: #im going to bed now, gnight everyone
(05:40:59 PM) sabdfl: perhaps even emailing them in a single mail, cc'd to the CC and to the folks providing the testimonials
(05:41:05 PM) sabdfl: night sacater
(05:41:09 PM) sabdfl: next?
(05:41:11 PM) Seveas: kkubasik,
(05:41:17 PM) kkubasik: yello
(05:41:18 PM) kkubasik: 1 se
(05:41:25 PM) kkubasik: Hey, I'm Kevin Kubasik, a college student at Case Western Reserve University. I am an active member of the Gnome Foundation and focus most of my programmatic energies into Beagle Desktop Search. About 4 months ago I started to get involved with rolling packages for MOTU, I am now preparing to take over for the current Beagle packager (Brandon Hale). I currently handle most of the launchpad bug-flow, and still hack heavily upstream. I
(05:41:31 PM) pochu: goodn8 sacater, and congrats :)
(05:41:38 PM) Ekushey: sabdfl, alright i'll send the e-mail.
(05:42:05 PM) sabdfl: thanks Ekushey
(05:42:19 PM) sabdfl: kkubasik: url's?
(05:42:30 PM) Seveas: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KevinKubasik
(05:42:33 PM) Seveas: https://launchpad.net/~kkubasik/
(05:42:40 PM) kkubasik: oo, my bad, sorry
(05:43:43 PM) kkubasik: Yeah, I wasn't sure if I should link to all the stuff off of my launchpad page from the wiki, since it seemed a little silly to be like 'I have answerd lots of bugs'
(05:44:00 PM) Seveas: Karma:  9772
(05:44:02 PM) Seveas: nice
(05:44:23 PM) kkubasik: its mostly from beagle, edgy shipped a crasher on shutdown
(05:44:32 PM) kkubasik: wasn't handling SIGTERMS'
(05:44:57 PM) kkubasik: so beagle hung until killed, so apport saw a crash
(05:45:11 PM) kkubasik: and we got like 25 of those a day for a few weeks
(05:45:47 PM) kkubasik: that's one of the big reasons I started getting involved, most of the beagle dev team was novell
(05:45:59 PM) kkubasik: and we weren't really 'with' the ubuntu release cycle
(05:46:14 PM) kkubasik: the upstream didn't know what ubuntu was doing etc.
(05:46:40 PM) Seveas: do you think beagle will soon/ever be suitable to include by default?
(05:46:42 PM) kkubasik: so I got more involved with it
(05:47:06 PM) kkubasik: Seveas: most definatly I think festy +1 is very doable
(05:47:09 PM) kkubasik: if not in demand
(05:47:16 PM) Nafallo: gutsy :-)
(05:47:26 PM) kkubasik: awesome... :)
(05:47:46 PM) kkubasik: but yeah, that's why I'm starting to consider desktop-wide integration
(05:48:19 PM) kkubasik: my perfect world would have evolution,f-spot and banshee (for starters) all utilizng beagle
(05:48:33 PM) sabdfl: acapella rocks :-)
(05:48:37 PM) kkubasik: and the code its pretty easy, its just the planning
(05:48:40 PM) kkubasik: yeah!
(05:48:45 PM) sabdfl: kkubasik: this is a great contribution, and over quite a period of time too
(05:48:52 PM) kkubasik: thank you
(05:48:55 PM) sabdfl: i'm quite happy to +1 your membership
(05:49:01 PM) elmo: +1
(05:49:09 PM) kkubasik: :)
(05:49:10 PM) Seveas: ok, we'll let mako ack later there
(05:49:14 PM) sabdfl: mako will ack later i'm sure
(05:49:15 PM) Seveas: ranf, you're up
(05:49:21 PM) sabdfl: go beagle!
(05:49:24 PM) ranf_: I am Ralf. I live in Germany. Wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ranf Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~ranf
(05:49:24 PM) ranf_: Long time Linux user (I'm not sure. About 10 years).
(05:49:24 PM) ranf_: Ubuntu user since Warty Warthog (4.10). My laptop runs Xubuntu.
(05:49:24 PM) ranf_: I mostly do help on the german forums these days. ubuntuforums.org has gotten too crowded for me :-)
(05:49:26 PM) kkubasik: thanks again!
(05:49:34 PM) Nafallo: sabdfl: doglover ;-)
(05:49:36 PM) zenwhen: hello
(05:49:57 PM) kkubasik: and think about the awesome things beagle can do in gusty when it comes spec-time :)
(05:50:39 PM) Seveas: ranf_, your documented contributions seem a little thin, are there other things you have done?
(05:50:53 PM) Seveas: <sputnik> Hi! - I am Sputnik from the german kubuntu-community. Before I have to leave now I would like to promote candidate emonkey today who is on the list later. Emonkey has done a good job so far for the community here around and I trust his actvities.
(05:50:54 PM) ranf_: sf.net ?
(05:51:03 PM) ranf_: sf.net ok?
(05:51:10 PM) Seveas: ranf_, ubuntu specific things count here :)
(05:51:14 PM) ranf_: ok
(05:51:22 PM) Seveas: err, wrong paste before, that was for emonkey
(05:51:29 PM) micahcowan: I wondered...
(05:51:37 PM) Seveas: I thought I had one for ranf_ as wel but I don't :)
(05:51:42 PM) ranf_:      * reported some bugs that bit myself. And tried to help on some others.
(05:51:52 PM) ranf_:      * made minor changes to some Wiki pages
(05:52:10 PM) Seveas: ranf_, your karma is 70, that's nowhere near a sustained contribution on bugs
(05:52:23 PM) Seveas: and you mention one wikipage
(05:52:42 PM) Seveas: (is there a way in moinmoin to see a summary for an editor?)
(05:54:44 PM) ranf_: my karma was (guessing here) over 240. some months ago.
(05:55:22 PM) bddebian: That's probably about what mine is lately :-(
(05:55:47 PM) micahcowan: bddebian = 1781
(05:55:53 PM) ranf_: bddebian, what does that mean for me?
(05:56:13 PM) bddebian: ranf_: Nothing, sorry, I was whining
(05:56:40 PM) elmo: sabdfl's ISP just dropped him off the net
(05:56:51 PM) elmo: he'll be back ASAP
(05:56:59 PM) Seveas: ah ok
(05:57:05 PM) Seveas: it was disturbingly quiet
(05:57:09 PM) ranf_: I had probs as well
(05:58:43 PM) elmo: ranf: while I appreciate your contributions so far, seveas has a point, do you think it'd be possible for you to keep plugging away and come back after a while, possibly with some cheerleaders for places where it might not be so obvious you're doing good stuff (e.g. the .de forums)?
(05:59:02 PM) ranf_: Seveas, thin? how do you count? Based on number of posts in forum?
(05:59:26 PM) ranf_: s/in/in a/
(05:59:28 PM) bddebian: Gents, I have to leave also.  Please give a +1 for ScottK for me.  Lots of bug triaging/fixing
(05:59:33 PM) Seveas: ranf_, based on the things you say you do. That includes karma, forumposts, the other things you mention
(05:59:46 PM) Seveas: bddebian, noted
(06:00:13 PM) ranf_: yup
(06:00:15 PM) Seveas: ranf_, I'm not saying you don't do enough, just that if you do, you could document it better so we know. I'm more than willing to help you with that
(06:01:00 PM) ranf_: making noise you mean?
(06:01:36 PM) Seveas: no, I mean specifying everything you do on your wikipage
(06:01:49 PM) ranf_: ok
(06:02:27 PM) sabdf1: ranf_: i was going to ask about bug work
(06:02:38 PM) sabdf1: it looks like you have only really reported bugs that affect you
(06:02:52 PM) sabdf1: it would be nice to see contributions made to bugs that affect others, too
(06:03:08 PM) ranf_: How could I report others? That I can't reproduce?
(06:03:09 PM) sabdf1: membership is a reflection of contribution to the community, over time
(06:03:19 PM) sabdf1: well, trying to reproduce them is useful
(06:03:23 PM) sabdf1: gives additional data
(06:03:32 PM) Seveas: or help debugging/triaging them
(06:03:33 PM) sabdf1: separates easy bugs from hard bugs etc
(06:04:10 PM) PriceChild: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage
(06:04:42 PM) ranf_: My LP page has more bugs than the Wiki. I don't like duplicating info
(06:05:16 PM) micahcowan: Subscribing to rejected or other situations can be a bit cumbersome, but can also be a good way to let lp document what bugs you've touched.
(06:06:13 PM) Lure left the room (quit: "Konversation terminated!").
(06:07:15 PM) Seveas: sabdf1, telco problems again or still pondering?
(06:07:21 PM) sabdf1: still pondering
(06:07:37 PM) Nafallo: hmm
(06:07:52 PM) Nafallo: Seveas: you shouldn't have asked ;-)
(06:08:09 PM) sabdf1: ranf_: are you working closely with anybody who could comment on your contribution?
***mako is back
(06:08:29 PM) ranf_: to be fair no
(06:08:38 PM) Seveas: mako, hi
(06:08:58 PM) Nafallo: aha. l and 1 are diffrent things :-P
(06:09:11 PM) Seveas: mako, elmo/sabdfl +1'ed kkubasic, currently discussing ranf_
(06:09:30 PM) mako: right
***mako tries to catch up
(06:10:17 PM) sabdf1: ranf_: i'd rather defer this a month or so, is that ok?
(06:10:31 PM) sabdf1: i see now that most of the bugs you are subscribed to are not bugs you reported
(06:10:33 PM) sabdf1: which is good
(06:10:44 PM) sabdf1: means you are involved in helping to track fixes for issues generally
(06:11:09 PM) sabdf1: but i'm still missing a stong sense of the scale of your contributions, and perhaps having some folks you've collaborated with give a comment or two would help
(06:11:16 PM) sabdf1: s/stong/strong/
(06:11:49 PM) ranf_: let's defer.
(06:12:07 PM) Seveas: ok, ranf_: if you need help with the wikipage, just poke me
(06:12:20 PM) mako: alright then
(06:12:21 PM) ranf_: Seveas, will do.
(06:12:23 PM) Seveas: ScottK, you're up next
(06:12:27 PM) ScottK: I'm Scott Kitterman.  I've used Ubuntu for roughly a year - both servers and Kubuntu Desktop.  I do KDE testing and general bug triaging.  For Feisty I've been involved in MOTU.  I did new packages and merges/sync requests/bug fixes.  Wiki is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScottKitterman and LP is https://launchpad.net/~kitterman .
(06:12:40 PM) Seveas: <ajmitch> Seveas: if I'm not here when it comes to ScottK, I'll throw in my support for him - he's been doing some great work with universe lately
(06:12:40 PM) Seveas: <bddebian> Gents, I have to leave also.  Please give a +1 for ScottK for me.  Lots of bug triaging/fixing
(06:12:56 PM) Nafallo: +1 for ScottK :-)
(06:12:56 PM) ScottK: There was also e-mail from crimsun to the cc list.
(06:13:15 PM) Riddell: ooh, I support ScottK, he does lots of handy testing and bug fixing
(06:13:28 PM) sabdf1: ScottK: what's the status of SPF?
(06:13:45 PM) ScottK: It's currently an experimental RFC (4408)
(06:14:05 PM) yeager: ScottK: SPF is always welcome. We (my company) will implement it (and DNSSEC) on 56 domains next week
(06:14:09 PM) sabdf1: lots of bug karma - great work!
(06:14:12 PM) ScottK: It is not perfect, but for e-mail forgery protection it's the best/most deployed thing there is
(06:14:36 PM) ScottK: yeager: Cool. Ping me if you need help.
(06:14:41 PM) Seveas: <somerville32> I have to run too. +1 for apokryphos and ScottK for membership. :) ttyl  everyone
(06:14:42 PM) sabdf1: https://launchpad.net/~kitterman/+packages
(06:14:46 PM) sabdf1: shows the coverage nicely
(06:14:49 PM) sabdf1: +1 from me
(06:14:49 PM) Seveas: <Nafallo> +1 for ScottK :-)
(06:15:05 PM) Seveas: meh, Nafallo repeated that already :)
(06:15:20 PM) Nafallo: hehe. I didn't repeat. I SAID it ;-)
(06:16:09 PM) Nafallo: been active in -bugs and -motu. and I read feisty-changes, and I've seen him there :-)
(06:16:32 PM) sabdf1: elmo, mako?
(06:16:41 PM) elmo: +1
(06:17:05 PM) sabdf1 is now known as sabdfl
(06:17:34 PM) mako: yes, definitel ya +1 form me
(06:17:40 PM) sabdfl: welcome aboard, ScottK!
(06:17:46 PM) ScottK: Thank you everyone.
(06:17:47 PM) Nafallo: YAY!
(06:17:54 PM) sabdfl: bkingx: you're up!
(06:17:57 PM) bkingx: My name is Brian King. I have been advocating Ubuntu since the day I started using it in December of 2006. Before that I was a Yellowdog user. I am a co-founder and a team leader for the Kentucky Team. My Ubuntu pages are https://launchpad.net/~brianking and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/brianking.
(06:18:01 PM) etank: wooo bkingx
(06:18:11 PM) ranf_: nick ranf
(06:18:22 PM) ranf_ is now known as ranf
(06:18:32 PM) Seveas: mako, did you +1/0/-1 for kkubasik already?
(06:18:49 PM) kkubasik: https://launchpad.net/~kkubasik
(06:18:57 PM) kkubasik: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KevinKubasik
(06:19:01 PM) mako: yes, i know
(06:19:07 PM) mako: i just haven't had a chance yet
(06:19:15 PM) Seveas: ok, no sweat
(06:19:30 PM) Seveas: was looking at other laptop for a bit and thought I missed it :)
(06:19:48 PM) sabdfl: bkingx: from LP it looks like advocacy / Loco work is your primary focus?
(06:19:57 PM) bkingx: Correct
(06:20:07 PM) bkingx: Making bog moves in the Kentucky Team
(06:20:08 PM) atoponce: i'm here cheering for bkingx++. he's helped start the kentucky team, which has been a great team. lots of loco advocacy, online in irc a lot, and really pushing the envelope in what ideas can be presenting in spreading ubuntu locally
(06:20:09 PM) sabdfl: when did you become active in this regard?
(06:20:11 PM) zenwhen: bkingx has my +1. hes's a sharp guy and very valuable to the ky loco team.
***etank agrees with zenwhen 
(06:20:47 PM) bkingx: sabdfl:  January, when the KY Team was founded.
(06:21:03 PM) atoponce: he's another valuable asset, that i plan on using for the US Teams Project in mentoring other loco state teams to get approved
(06:21:10 PM) zenwhen: we met the other day to hand out flyers for our install fest. struck me as very professional and committed to ubuntu.
(06:21:11 PM) bkingx: ty guys!
(06:21:52 PM) micahcowan: Folks, my 2-month-old is hungry and my wife is out; if I'm still feeding her at my turn I may ask that you kick me down the queue a bit.
(06:22:08 PM) Seveas: micahcowan, noted
(06:22:20 PM) etank: bkingx has been one of the driving forces for the Kentucky Team. Lots of great ideas coming from him.
(06:22:34 PM) sabdfl: ok, +1 from me for bkingx on the back of strong advocacy and loco leadership over 3+ months
(06:22:52 PM) Seveas: nice
(06:23:09 PM) geser left the room ("Liberate tutemet ex inferis").
(06:23:12 PM) bkingx: ty sabdfl
(06:23:20 PM) Seveas: micahcowan, just poke when you're back. Until you poke we'll pick others :)
(06:24:00 PM) DktrKranz left the room (quit: "Microsoft Windows received signal SIGSHIT, that O.S. is crap").
(06:24:10 PM) micahcowan: Ok. If for some reason you run out of folks before I poke, just call me anyway. She can wait a few minutes for her bottle :)
(06:24:40 PM) sabdfl: elmo, mako?
***mako is happy with bkingx as well!
(06:25:20 PM) mako: +1 from me
(06:25:20 PM) bkingx: ty mako
(06:25:22 PM) elmo: +1
(06:25:27 PM) Seveas: nice!
(06:25:28 PM) Seveas: congrats
***etank high fives bkingx 
(06:25:32 PM) Seveas: emonkey, you're up
(06:25:35 PM) emonkey: First, I've updated just my launchpad page from ~ubuntu-de to ~emonkey and I don't dare to edit de CC agenda wikipage during the meeting so there is the old link. Sorry for that.
(06:25:36 PM) micahcowan: wife's back, I'm good
(06:25:36 PM) zenwhen: good times!
(06:25:37 PM) atoponce: bkingx: congrats!
(06:25:39 PM) Seveas: <sputnik> Hi! - I am Sputnik from the german kubuntu-community. Before I have to leave now I would like to promote candidate emonkey today who is on the list later. Emonkey has done a good job so far for the community here around and I trust his actvities.
(06:25:39 PM) bkingx: Thank you all!!
(06:25:40 PM) emonkey: I'm a 23 years aged system engineer who works in an assurance company and will start to study information technology at an university of applied sciences in zurich.'m part of the KubuntuGermanTeam and the Ubuntu SwissTeam. The next activity we do is the ../SwissTeam/ReleasePartyFeisty in Zurich]. I'll be at the Kubuntu booth on the LinuxTag in Berlin. Warty was my first Distro which has freed me from windows and it was
(06:25:40 PM) emonkey: my start in contributing to the growing community. Unfortunately my english isn't the best so the biggest part of my activities are in communities which are speaking my native language.
(06:25:45 PM) emonkey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Emonkey
(06:25:45 PM) emonkey: https://launchpad.net/~emonkey
(06:26:09 PM) Seveas: are there other german/swiss people to cheer for emonkey ?
(06:26:16 PM) mindspin: yup
(06:26:17 PM) netztier: I am
(06:26:20 PM) neversfelde: yes
(06:26:29 PM) Seveas: then cheer!
(06:26:29 PM) blizzzek: yes
(06:26:30 PM) txwikinger: yes
(06:26:33 PM) Seveas: tell us about emonkey
(06:26:37 PM) netztier: the guy is in for the release party even if exams are eating him alive :-)
(06:26:37 PM) Monika|K: +1 for emonkey
(06:26:40 PM) neversfelde: emonkey is an absolute essential member of the german kubuntu community. Without his encouragement there would be no german speaking kubuntu forum anymore.
(06:26:44 PM) Monika|K: without him we would be nothing
(06:26:51 PM) Monika|K: he administrates the server and the forum
(06:27:15 PM) Monika|K: kubuntu-de.org that is
(06:27:15 PM) mindspin: I 'll agree with neversfelde he pointed it out
(06:27:21 PM) emonkey: thx all
(06:27:28 PM) emonkey: you're great
***txwikinger agress with neversfelde, Monika|K
(06:27:51 PM) blizzzek: me as well, neversfelde said it as it is
(06:27:55 PM) Seveas: emonkey, how's the interaction between the german kubuntu and ubuntu team coming along?
(06:27:57 PM) txwikinger: s/agress/agrees/
(06:28:01 PM) mindspin: btw. hes not only a hard worker but a real ubuntero
(06:28:32 PM) sabdfl: emonkey: did you do any iso testing of feisty RC?
(06:28:34 PM) emonkey: Seveas, primary on expos atm
(06:28:45 PM) bkingx is now known as bkingx_away
(06:28:59 PM) emonkey: sabdfl, I tryed and will do more in for that for gutsy
(06:29:05 PM) mako: your release party looks fun :)
(06:29:06 PM) sabdfl: cool
***pips1 chirps in some swiss cheers for emonkey
(06:29:20 PM) emonkey: Unfortunately there are some importent exams right now
(06:29:30 PM) Seveas: pips1, very, very bad pun :p
(06:29:54 PM) mako: can you provide a link to your contributions in the forums?
(06:30:09 PM) emonkey: http://forum.kubuntu-de.org/index.php?action=profile (only in german)
(06:30:11 PM) Monika|K: Since emonkey took over the administration of the German Kubuntu site, there is plenty of communication between us and the German Ubuntu team and ubuntuusers.de
(06:30:15 PM) emonkey: 2414 posts
(06:30:25 PM) mindspin: in german ;-)
(06:30:25 PM) Monika|K: s/and/at
(06:30:28 PM) sabdfl: that's very very good news
(06:30:33 PM) pips1: Seveas: heh
(06:30:33 PM) Seveas: indeed
(06:30:45 PM) sabdfl: +1 from me, on the basis of leadership in getting ubuntu and kubuntu teams coordinated and in sync
(06:30:55 PM) mindspin: the relationship between us is on a very good way
(06:31:05 PM) Monika|K: We have IRC meetings with them and worked together on the Linuxtag in Chemnitz (an Expo)
(06:31:18 PM) sabdfl:  				Dieses Mitglied ist nicht vorhanden. Das Profil kann nicht editiert werden.
(06:31:35 PM) emonkey: sabdfl, sorry my fault, just a secone
(06:31:40 PM) mindspin: sabdfl: you're quick in picking up german
(06:31:40 PM) sabdfl: elmo, mako?
(06:31:41 PM) emonkey: s/secone/second/
(06:31:42 PM) mako: emonkey: no... that link only works if you are logged in AS YOU :)
(06:31:55 PM) emonkey: mako, yes sorry one mom
***mako has found some stuff in the forums anyway
(06:32:18 PM) mako: but anyway, +1 on the basis of the very serious forums work
(06:32:19 PM) emonkey: http://forum.kubuntu-de.org/index.php?action=profile;u=28
(06:32:23 PM) neversfelde: should be http://forum.kubuntu-de.org/index.php?action=profile;u=28
(06:32:37 PM) mako: emonkey: i know this has been brought up before
(06:32:37 PM) elmo: +1
(06:32:53 PM) sabdfl: lots and lots o' coffee there :-)
(06:32:57 PM) Seveas: Netzaffe :)
(06:32:59 PM) mako: but if you haven't, you should talk to MikeB- or someone else from the official forums
(06:33:08 PM) emonkey: :)
(06:33:13 PM) Seveas: emonkey, Gutsy Netzaffe? ;)
(06:33:31 PM) Seveas: anyway, congratz and welcome!
(06:33:33 PM) mako: the idea isn't necessary to merge them (although as a long term goal, that would be great) but to provide links to provide prominent links to each other
(06:33:34 PM) Seveas: micahcowan, you're up
(06:33:37 PM) micahcowan: Well, I've been active since June last year, mostly in bug triaging and bug fixing. I also do support via IRC when I have the time to spare. I love Ubuntu, and it's really kicked a community-involvement thing into me: didn't used to really get involved in fixing bugs I encountered; now I'm quick to join up on bug mailing lists so I can work with upstream when appropriate. :) [wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MicahCowan] [LP: https://launchpad.net/
(06:33:37 PM) micahcowan: ~micah-cowan/]
(06:33:38 PM) emonkey: :9 yes I was vera pleased to hear the new codename :)
(06:33:49 PM) micahcowan: I don't have a posse, but, I think some of the folks here may have encountered enough of my work to give a recommendation. Actually, that's what I was talking about with mako and jono: to see if I should consider applying if I don't have a fanclub (http://micah.cowan.name/jono-mail.txt).
(06:34:08 PM) emonkey: thx all
(06:34:23 PM) micahcowan: congratz emonkey :)
***Seveas adds a cheer for micahcowan, he's being very modest now: I see him quite often around #ubuntu
(06:35:03 PM) micahcowan: Oh yeah, LaserJock said he might throw in if he was still around :)
***LaserJock is in the micahcowan fan club
(06:35:08 PM) micahcowan: heh
(06:35:25 PM) netztier left the room.
(06:35:33 PM) elmo: "written in PostScript" ...
(06:35:37 PM) mako: MikeB-, emonkey: it might be useful to work with a bunch of people to create a drop-down menu and an image or someting that you can put in the header of all of the different fora that link to the other ones.. so if you want a particular language/subtopic/loco, you can at least see what's available
(06:35:51 PM) micahcowan: PostScript so rox. It's so underrated.
(06:35:58 PM) emonkey: mako, I'll note that
(06:36:02 PM) emonkey: thx for hint
(06:36:07 PM) Seveas: micahcowan, you write raw postscript by hand?
(06:36:10 PM) sabdfl: micahcowan: have you had good experiences coordinating between the distro and upstream?
(06:36:11 PM) MikeB-: mako: we are discussing that
(06:36:31 PM) micahcowan: Seveas, yeah; it's actually just a programming language, more or less like any other (except it's heavily stack based and... cool).
(06:36:41 PM) Seveas: O_o
(06:36:56 PM) Seveas: Don't know whether I'm scared or impressed now
(06:36:57 PM) sabdfl: isn't it some lithp / thcheme variant?
(06:37:02 PM) micahcowan: sabdfl, yes, as in the experiences have been good. "good" as in plenty of experience? I dunno, it's a somewhat recent (but fairly active) thing.
(06:37:08 PM) mako: MikeB-: i konw i've talked to some people about before, just thought i would poke it again :)
(06:37:14 PM) sabdfl: positive, is what i meant :-)
(06:37:25 PM) micahcowan: No, it's... probably closer to Perl/Python, really, but the syntax is quite different.
(06:37:49 PM) micahcowan: sabdfl, so far, more than I expected. Especially my (brief) encounter on the kernel dev list
(06:37:55 PM) sabdfl: cool
(06:38:04 PM) Seveas: http://micah.cowan.name/svn/ps-maze/maze.ps?view=markup
(06:38:33 PM) neversfelde left the room (quit: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
(06:38:42 PM) Seveas: yup, I'm scared
(06:39:16 PM) micahcowan: Seveas, it's kind of a reverse-polish notation language. You end up thinking backwards a lot: you don't "call" with "arguments"; you explicitly place 'em on the stack, and then just invoke the routine :)
***sabdfl thinks that at least the *indentation* is familiar ;-)
(06:39:38 PM) micahcowan: heh
(06:39:48 PM) Seveas: micahcowan, I love rpn :)
(06:39:48 PM) sabdfl: ok, +1 from me based on duration of contribution, and support from all and sundry
(06:40:08 PM) micahcowan: Seveas, then you should /really/ check out Adobe's PLRM (PostScript spec). I think you'd enjoy it.
(06:40:14 PM) mako: i don't get your [+] and [d] notation :)
(06:40:15 PM) mako: at all
(06:40:25 PM) mako: but i like the fact that you're submitting and patching bugs :)
(06:40:30 PM) micahcowan: mako, sorry: + means I submitted the bug (IIRC), and (d) means I supplied a diff.
(06:40:43 PM) mako: d == diff, ok
(06:40:56 PM) co2 left the room (quit: "Messen bedeutet Zufall durch Irrtum ersetzen.").
(06:41:17 PM) mako: yes, this all looks great
(06:41:26 PM) mako: micahcowan: thanks for your contributions, i agree with jono, +1 from me
(06:41:37 PM) micahcowan: :) thanks
(06:41:39 PM) Seveas: elmo, ?
(06:41:43 PM) mako: micahcowan: your wiki page is quite good. thanks for putting the effort into it
***sabdfl wants to put some other random bits into PDF's he sends around
(06:42:18 PM) micahcowan: yw. ...I knew if I didn't start in on it from the very beginning, it'd be pure crap when I finally actually needed it...
(06:42:24 PM) elmo: +1
(06:42:31 PM) Seveas: micahcowan, welcome aboard!
(06:42:39 PM) micahcowan: Yay! :D
(06:42:40 PM) Seveas: yeager, you're next (and last)
(06:42:44 PM) yeager: I'm 32 years old, living in Stockholm, Sweden. My work for Ubuntu is mainly about Swedish translations but also support for ubuntu-se, creating localized Ubuntu CDs for Nordic languages, filing bug reports. I work in the IT Security sector and have been using Linux since version 0.99pl15, Debian since 1997 and Ubuntu since 2004.
(06:42:44 PM) yeager: Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~yeager/
(06:42:44 PM) yeager: Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/yeager
(06:43:14 PM) yeager: elmo: hi there! long time no see :)
(06:43:22 PM) Nafallo: 2004 was Warty :-)
(06:43:27 PM) leogg left the room.
(06:43:45 PM) sabdfl: yeager: how can we improve collaboration between debian and ubuntu translators?
(06:43:49 PM) Seveas: May I emphasize this:
(06:43:50 PM) Seveas: Karma:  32330
(06:43:54 PM) ubuntugeek:  /wave
(06:44:00 PM) Seveas: 32-f-ing-thousand!
(06:44:09 PM) micahcowan: :)
(06:44:14 PM) Nafallo: sabdfl: in Swedish we do good. yeager translates _everything_ ;-)
(06:44:23 PM) sabdfl: nice :-)
(06:44:41 PM) sabdfl: it's pretty clearly +1 from me on the back of the scale of your contribution :-)
(06:44:45 PM) yeager: sabdfl: debian is putting up a translation service based on Pootle. things are still a bit early to say
(06:44:52 PM) sabdfl: but i'd like to hear your thoughts on how we make things better
(06:46:06 PM) sabdfl: i hope that works out well
(06:46:26 PM) sabdfl: ok, definite +1 from me based on huge l10n contribution
(06:46:36 PM) Seveas: you said that alrady :)
(06:46:45 PM) imbrandon: re
(06:46:55 PM) yeager: sabdfl: debian translators are looking forward to new technologies, such as web-based translation services like Rosetta. The Swedish translation team for Debian is, well, me. I do involve myself in debian-l10n and read their mailing list on a daily basis
(06:47:42 PM) sabdfl: mako, elmo?
(06:47:48 PM) yeager: many of the Debian translators are also part of other teams like GNOME and KDE
(06:47:58 PM) mako: hold up.. still looking this over
(06:48:15 PM) Nafallo: he have helped me and ozamosi a far amount when we've tried translating :-)
(06:48:36 PM) yeager: Nafallo: you need to work on your Swedish grammar :)
(06:49:23 PM) Nafallo: yeager: indeed. but you keep showing me how :-)
(06:49:23 PM) sabdfl: https://answers.launchpad.net/~alanpope/
(06:49:25 PM) sabdfl: wow
(06:49:28 PM) sabdfl: i love exploring
(06:49:42 PM) mako: easy +1 from me
(06:49:47 PM) mako: loads of translations work
(06:49:51 PM) mako: pretty staggering actually
(06:49:52 PM) elmo: yeah, +1
(06:49:57 PM) mako: yeager: thanks! :)
(06:50:10 PM) Seveas: yeager, welcome aboard :)
(06:50:19 PM) sabdfl: alrighty then!
(06:50:21 PM) Nafallo: YAY!
(06:50:24 PM) yeager: thanks, guys
(06:50:25 PM) ozamosi: Woho! :D
(06:50:26 PM) sabdfl: Seveas: thanks once again for steering us along
(06:50:38 PM) Seveas: datetime of next meeting: may 1st 13:00 UTC?
(06:51:03 PM) elmo: I'm travelling then
(06:51:05 PM) yeager: elmo: say hi to the nocrew guys next time you meet them
(06:51:06 PM) mindspin: may first is not working class friendly ;-)
(06:51:08 PM) Seveas: ok
(06:51:22 PM) mako: alright then!
(06:51:23 PM) sabdfl: i'm on the road then, too
(06:51:37 PM) Seveas: we could skip a meeting and give the new CC members a good amount of work on their first meeting :)
(06:51:37 PM) elmo: yeager: heh, will do
(06:51:55 PM) mindspin: hehe
(06:51:55 PM) Seveas: or is allhands in the way there? (would be the week after uds)
(06:51:56 PM) MikeB-: Seveas: don't be evil :)
(06:51:56 PM) sabdfl: well done all
(06:52:09 PM) sabdfl: Seveas: allhands is in november
(06:52:14 PM) sabdfl: only once a year :-(
(06:52:19 PM) Seveas: hehe
(06:52:29 PM) ScottK: Thanks again everyone.
(06:52:34 PM) micahcowan: Ditto :)
(06:52:36 PM) elmo: Seveas: have you been doing LP?
(06:52:39 PM) Seveas: so may 16, 13:00?
(06:52:43 PM) Seveas: elmo, will do later
(06:52:47 PM) elmo: Seveas: ah, ok
(06:52:51 PM) Seveas: including votes
(06:53:06 PM) elmo: may 16th is ok for me, AFAIK, it's after UDS at least
(06:53:13 PM) sabdfl: 279 members
(06:53:18 PM) sabdfl: may 1 is a long time away!
(06:53:22 PM) sabdfl: sorry, 16th
(06:53:27 PM) Seveas: some members will expire in may
(06:53:32 PM) Seveas: I already mailed them
(06:53:40 PM) sabdfl: we need to get the delegated membership thing going
(06:54:01 PM) sabdfl: night all
(06:54:05 PM) mindspin: night
(06:54:18 PM) Seveas: sabdfl, many of the people who are now direct member will be delegated members in a few months :)
(06:54:54 PM) Seveas: g'night all, have to get up in 6 hours so I'm out
(06:55:07 PM) ubuntugeek: sorry this is late, do i need to get reapproved or anything to use ubuntuforums.org?
(06:55:43 PM) Seveas: ubuntugeek, you mean wrt trademarks?
(06:56:21 PM) ubuntugeek: yep
(06:56:47 PM) Seveas: ubuntugeek, I don't think mark is stupid enough to try to force you to rename ubuntuforums.org :)
(06:56:54 PM) mako: sabdfl: night
(06:57:29 PM) sabdfl: ubuntugeek: any existing trademark license you've arranged with silbs will continue
(06:57:31 PM) Nafallo: lol
(06:57:32 PM) sabdfl: night all