(11:01:44 AM) dholbach: we have an agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda - let's get started (11:01:47 AM) RainCT: good afternoon :) (11:01:53 AM) Hattory: hi all (11:02:04 AM) Burgundavia: do we have quorum yet? (11:02:18 AM) dholbach: first up would be Jono, but as he's ill we won't have the "LoCo Council Proposal" discussion today (11:02:23 AM) Zelut: Burgundavia: its got to be early for somebody! (11:02:43 AM) dholbach: Burgundavia: it seems it's you, MikeB-, elmo and me today (11:02:59 AM) Burgundavia: I thought sabdfl could make it (11:03:04 AM) MikeB-: sabdfl should be coming (11:03:32 AM) dholbach: I pinged somebody to ping him (11:03:48 AM) Hobbsee: oh erk, it's a CC meeting already (11:03:48 AM) dholbach: with four of us, we still can move on now (11:03:52 AM) Hobbsee: this says i really should be in bed! (11:04:12 AM) dholbach: first up is the New Jersey Loco Team (11:04:17 AM) Joe_CoT: Hello! (11:04:23 AM) dholbach: do we have anybody of the New Jersey team here? (11:04:31 AM) ***Hobbsee would like to register her great objections to Kmos' application for membership, seeing as she's here. (11:04:32 AM) no0tic: hi (11:04:50 AM) christinaeater: hello (11:05:10 AM) totopalma: hi all (11:05:43 AM) sabdfl: hello all (11:05:44 AM) Joe_CoT: Some of our members weren't able to make it on such short notice. Others are late rousers :) (11:05:47 AM) Joe_CoT: hi sabdfl (11:06:01 AM) luisbg: hello sabdfl (11:06:03 AM) dholbach: what are the plans for the next time for your team? (11:06:25 AM) bbartek: hi all (11:06:34 AM) huats: hi all (11:07:05 AM) Joe_CoT: next time? (11:07:10 AM) dholbach: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewJerseyTeam/Events doesn't say anything about the future :) (11:07:41 AM) Joe_CoT: It's on the application. We're planning a Linux LAN Party at my house in December. Looks like it'll be December 22nd (11:07:54 AM) Joe_CoT: still ironing out a date on that. (11:08:27 AM) Joe_CoT: That, and we'll have another installfest for Gutsy. We'll probably go back to the Columbus Farmer's market, since the previous event there was a success. (11:08:34 AM) dholbach: nice (11:08:50 AM) dholbach: how many people are on the team and help out regularly? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewJerseyTeam/Team lists 4 members? (11:09:03 AM) ***jedijf does (11:09:38 AM) ***christinaeater helps out too (11:09:42 AM) Joe_CoT: and Trenton Computer Festival is in April. Dave (he couldn't make it) is organizing talks to TCF. We'll have another big table there (11:10:27 AM) Joe_CoT: Bryan, Dave, Christina, Me, Jim. One of our members, Chris, is away in California for an extended period. (11:10:38 AM) jedijf: it seems like 5 regulars and then 2 to 3 floaters per event (11:10:56 AM) Joe_CoT: Besides that, we have a lot of support from the Cherry Hill Linux User Group, the Rutgers SLUG, and the Princeton LUG (11:11:17 AM) Joe_CoT: And a few newer members who I won't meeting until the LAN Party :) (11:11:45 AM) dholbach: how many people attend your IRC meetings? (11:11:52 AM) jedijf: and we seem to have drawn some younger members that have transportation issues at the moment (11:11:57 AM) dholbach: what do you use those IRC meetings for? (11:12:14 AM) Joe_CoT: Honestly, the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewJerseyTeam/Team wasn't one I created, or aware of, so I haven't kept it up to date :) (11:12:38 AM) dholbach: it's linked from the menu bar :) (11:12:43 AM) Joe_CoT: dholbach, between 4 and 8 usually. Usually to come up with new ideas for events, or to prepare for an upcoming event. I try to have a meeting the week before (11:12:44 AM) atoponce: there are about 70 members or the launchpad page: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us-nj/+members (11:12:55 AM) atoponce: s/or/on/ (11:13:04 AM) ***Joe_CoT will remove or update it later. (11:13:19 AM) Joe_CoT: One of the auxiliary members recently made some changes while i wasn't lookin (11:13:54 AM) huats left the room (quit: "Bye Bye"). (11:13:59 AM) sabdfl: looks good to me (11:14:26 AM) ***jedijf exhales (11:14:33 AM) sabdfl: ;-) (11:14:38 AM) dholbach: for how long does your team exist? (11:15:44 AM) Joe_CoT: *thinks* I picked it up from OgMaciel sometime in November 2006. I started giving talks at Local LUGS after that, and our first event was TCF last April (11:15:56 AM) dholbach: elmo, MikeB-, Burgundavia: are you having any questions? (11:16:01 AM) OgMaciel: :) (11:16:29 AM) Burgundavia: nope +1 from me (11:16:31 AM) MikeB-: nope, +1 from me. I would update the wiki though:) (11:16:42 AM) coolbhavi: err sorry to interrupt... am I late? (11:16:58 AM) ***coolbhavi wondering (11:17:08 AM) elmo: +1 (11:17:36 AM) dholbach: +1 from me too, and MikeB++ - that's really important (11:18:47 AM) dholbach: sabdfl: I guess your "looks good to me" means "+1"? :) (11:19:19 AM) sabdfl: indeed (11:19:36 AM) sabdfl: any further questions? (11:19:57 AM) sabdfl: ok, then well done NJ and welcome aboard! (11:19:59 AM) MikeB-: none here congrats (11:20:01 AM) christinaeater: yay! (11:20:03 AM) atoponce: Joe_CoT: congrats to the NJ team! (11:20:04 AM) jedijf: thank you :D (11:20:08 AM) dholbach: it seems we have an approved New Jersey Loco Team - congratulations :) (11:20:09 AM) Palintheus: \o/ \o/ Congrats NJ!!!! (11:20:09 AM) lamalex_2: yay congrats! (11:20:10 AM) greg-g: congrats NJ (11:20:10 AM) ***jedijf cheers (11:20:17 AM) Joe_CoT: Thanks guys! :D (11:20:22 AM) ccm: congrat, Joe_CoT (11:20:45 AM) somerville32: :) (11:21:02 AM) no0tic: congrats! (11:21:05 AM) dholbach: Next up is the Georgia team! Who represents Georgia here? :) (11:21:08 AM) JonReagan: Hello everyone! I'm Jon Reagan, Council member for the Georgia LoCo Team (11:21:39 AM) JonReagan: I might be the only one here... one of our guys is on vacation, and the others are busy at work (not quite lunch yet!) (11:22:13 AM) dholbach: you mention sub teams on your page - how are they coming along? (11:22:35 AM) JonReagan: very good! we have a support team, marketing team, new user team... (11:22:52 AM) JonReagan: they each consist of one person, and each are doing great things (11:23:13 AM) sabdfl: you have, in fact, the *seeds* of three teams there ;-) (11:23:20 AM) sabdfl: but it sounds great (11:23:35 AM) JonReagan: they are seeds indeed... :) (11:24:41 AM) sabdfl: i see your mailing list is relatively busy (11:24:44 AM) dholbach: the forums and mailing lists look quite busy too (11:24:46 AM) dholbach: hehe (11:24:47 AM) MikeB-: Jon, I lived in Georgia about 5 years ago, so I'm familiar with the linux scene their (11:24:53 AM) JonReagan: nice! (11:25:26 AM) sabdfl: seems like your event schedule has been pretty busy (11:25:35 AM) dholbach: which cities are you most busy in? (11:25:51 AM) MikeB-: where do you have your meetings, and do you work with ALE and CHUGALUG (my old LUG) closely (11:25:57 AM) JonReagan: mainly atlanta (11:26:19 AM) JonReagan: we have been working with ALE for the InstallFest (and future Installfests as well) (11:26:46 AM) lamalex_2 left the room (quit: "CGI:IRC"). (11:26:55 AM) MikeB-: any presence in Athens (11:27:10 AM) JonReagan: We do have several members who are in athens (11:27:20 AM) JonReagan: they work with FreeIT Athens (11:27:20 AM) sabdfl: this looks well organised to me (11:27:21 AM) sabdfl: +1 (11:27:31 AM) dholbach: to me too: +1 (11:27:47 AM) MikeB-: +1 from me (11:27:56 AM) dholbach: Burgundavia, elmo? (11:28:00 AM) elmo: +1 (11:28:07 AM) Burgundavia: +1 from me (11:28:17 AM) dholbach: nice work Georgia! congrats! (11:28:18 AM) sabdfl: ok, welcome aboard! (11:28:20 AM) atoponce: JonReagan: congrats on GA! (11:28:24 AM) JonReagan: Thank you so much! (11:28:24 AM) greg-g: well done GA (11:28:33 AM) dholbach: next up is New Mexico! :) (11:28:34 AM) somerville32: :) (11:28:35 AM) AlexDeGruven: Good job, GA, congrats (11:28:44 AM) sabdfl: alrighty (11:28:47 AM) Palintheus: \o/ \o/ Congrats GA!!!! (11:28:49 AM) sabdfl: NM! (11:28:50 AM) dthomasdigital: Hello From New Mexico (11:29:00 AM) dholbach: hey tritium :) (11:29:06 AM) no0tic: cheers! (11:29:36 AM) sabdfl: i like the look of the two fools ;-) (11:29:38 AM) MikeB-: congrats Georgia, Go Dawgs!!! :) (11:29:51 AM) dholbach: holy cow... this page looks good, lots of action on the mailing list (11:30:03 AM) dthomasdigital: I can't wait to have some shepherds pie. (11:30:54 AM) sabdfl: looks good from me - any comments from the team? (11:31:28 AM) sabdfl: when is the next quarterly install fest? (11:31:58 AM) dthomasdigital: We will actually have a meeting tonight to get a solid date, I'm hoping for mid January. (11:33:06 AM) dholbach: I'm pretty happy with what I've seen: +1 (11:33:23 AM) sabdfl: +1 from me too (11:33:31 AM) MikeB-: +1 here, great work (11:33:49 AM) Burgundavia: +1 from me (11:34:06 AM) dholbach: elmo? (11:34:21 AM) elmo: +1 (11:34:23 AM) dholbach: congratulations New Mexico! (11:34:28 AM) atoponce: dthomasdigital, boredandblogging: congrats on GA approval! (11:34:36 AM) dthomasdigital: fantastic!!! (11:34:38 AM) greg-g: go GA (11:34:44 AM) dholbach: :-) (11:34:51 AM) atoponce: er, NM i meant! :) (11:34:53 AM) ***Zelut throws in the obligatory "w00t" (11:34:59 AM) ***atoponce is not awake quite yet (11:35:09 AM) dthomasdigital: Happy folks in NM (11:35:11 AM) MikeB-: congrats NM (11:35:11 AM) ***greg-g oh yeah, NM... ;) (11:35:16 AM) dholbach: Next up is the Danish Loco team - who's here from Denmark? (11:35:31 AM) ***Hobbsee will pretend to speak danish, if required (11:36:08 AM) ScottK: soren is from Denmark. (11:36:41 AM) dholbach: ok... let's move on to the folks of the Michigan team then and get back to Denmark later (11:36:53 AM) dholbach: Who's here from the Michigan team? (11:36:57 AM) greg-g: Hello, I'm Greg Grossmeier, Team Lead/Contact for the Michigan LoCo Team (where it is a pleasent -1*C today). We also have a few team members here watching today. (11:37:10 AM) ***AlexDeGruven raises his hand (11:37:13 AM) ***rick_h_ looks from the shadows (11:37:15 AM) jcastro: \o/ (11:37:18 AM) ***atoponce cheers on greg-g and MI (11:37:29 AM) ***tjagoda raised hand (11:37:33 AM) elmo: [it'd be wrong to +1 the michigan team on the basis of the RHCP song, right?] (11:38:01 AM) rick_h_: elmo: never wrong to +1 MI (11:38:07 AM) dendrobates is now known as dendro-away (11:38:13 AM) greg-g: :) (11:38:23 AM) Burgundavia: as wrong as it would be to -1 them on the basis of jorge living in the state ;) (11:38:32 AM) sabdfl: interesting - seems quite a few folks came to the last irc meeting (11:38:38 AM) PriceChild: !away > dendro-away (see the pm from ubotu) (11:38:38 AM) sabdfl: is chris dibona based in michigan? (11:38:46 AM) rick_h_: no, he's in CA (11:38:48 AM) greg-g: sabdfl: no.. ... (11:39:00 AM) rick_h_: he came and saw us with Mako a bit ago though (11:39:05 AM) greg-g: see rick_h's answer :) (11:39:08 AM) sabdfl: good of him to show up then :-) (11:39:27 AM) sabdfl: how many folks are regulars at your meetings? (11:39:41 AM) greg-g: anywhere from 2 of us (bad busy days) to 10ish (11:39:51 AM) dholbach: I'm particularly happy to see PackagingJams happening in Michigan - that's awesome: how many people of you are considering becoming MOTUs? what do you think? (11:40:00 AM) rick_h_: usually physical meetings are much larger than irc meetings somehow (11:40:08 AM) OgMaciel is now known as GnuKemist (11:40:21 AM) greg-g: yeah, we haven't found a great time for everyone to make IRC meetings yet (11:40:25 AM) MikeB-: greg-g: where in the state are you based (11:40:37 AM) rick_h_: dholbach: right now there's maybe 2-4 of us. We're hoping to repeat the packaging jam in Jan and increase that (11:40:37 AM) sabdfl: ok, looks fine to me, +1 (11:40:41 AM) greg-g: I am in Ann Arbor, South East side.. where most people are (11:40:56 AM) dholbach: rick_h_: that's great, I'm really happy to see that happening (11:41:01 AM) greg-g: dholbach: and some people are just interested for other reasons than being MOTUs (11:41:11 AM) dholbach: apart from that the Loco seems to be really really organised, I'm happy to give +1 (11:41:28 AM) elmo: +1 (11:41:30 AM) Burgundavia: a stunning amount of work, +1 from me (11:41:30 AM) MikeB-: +1 here (11:41:34 AM) dholbach: greg-g, rick_h_: let's chat about that again, once I've got the packaging guide under control :) (11:41:36 AM) rick_h_: greg-g: runs a tight ship (11:41:45 AM) greg-g: dholbach: most definitely (11:41:46 AM) dholbach: congratulations Michigan! (11:41:49 AM) atoponce: greg-g: congrats on MI approval!! (11:41:49 AM) greg-g: I try :) (11:41:51 AM) ***dholbach hugs greg-g and rick_h_ (11:41:52 AM) greg-g: thanks! (11:41:54 AM) jcastro: woo michigan! (11:41:58 AM) Palintheus: \o/ \o/ Congrats MI!!!! (11:42:00 AM) ***tjagoda celebrates (11:42:01 AM) atoponce: w00t!! 4 US Teams approved!!! (11:42:02 AM) homanj: greg-g: congrats (11:42:10 AM) greg-g: US Teams rock! (11:42:17 AM) greg-g: thanks all (11:42:30 AM) dholbach: Do we have deadwill, William Lima here? (11:42:42 AM) Hobbsee: \o/ deadwill! (11:42:46 AM) dholbach: doesn't seem to be on freenode (11:42:57 AM) dholbach: demrit? paulliu? (11:43:01 AM) dholbach: Forlong? (11:43:14 AM) ScottK: dholbach: IIRC deadwill is no longer involved in the project. I'd suggest removing him. (11:43:14 AM) dholbach: andrea-bs! Hello Andrea :) (11:43:19 AM) andrea-bs: hi dholbach (11:43:29 AM) andrea-bs: can I paste? (11:43:32 AM) dholbach: ScottK: thanks - I'll write him an email (11:43:34 AM) ***mvo fanboys forlong (11:43:36 AM) dholbach: andrea-bs: sure :) (11:43:40 AM) andrea-bs: I'm a developer, I use Python as main programming language, but I know also (11:43:40 AM) andrea-bs: C/C++ and ASM (AT&T syntax). Sometimes, I build some deb packages to test the (11:43:40 AM) andrea-bs: Launchpad PPA. I use Launchpad to: (11:43:40 AM) andrea-bs: * triage bugs with the Ubuntu BugControl Team (11:43:40 AM) andrea-bs: * offer support in the Ubuntu Support Team (11:43:41 AM) andrea-bs: * make translations (11:43:43 AM) andrea-bs: * register blueprints (sometimes) (11:43:45 AM) andrea-bs: My plans for the future: become MOTU and CoreDev and improve my current (11:43:47 AM) andrea-bs: activities. (11:44:00 AM) andrea-bs: https://edge.launchpad.net/~andrea-bs/ (11:44:10 AM) sabdfl: andrea-bs: what's you LP URL? (11:44:17 AM) sabdfl: ah, thanks :-_) (11:44:22 AM) andrea-bs: ;) (11:44:51 AM) sabdfl: what do you think of PPAs? how would you improve the service? (11:45:04 AM) dholbach: andrea-bs: what kind of packages are you most interested in? how was your MOTU experience up until now? (11:45:22 AM) ***soren notes that Gnomonic (the Danish LoCo team guy) just stepped in (11:45:26 AM) AlexDeGruven left the room. (11:45:26 AM) andrea-bs: sabdfl, first of all, I'm waiting for the function to delete packages (11:45:53 AM) ***Gnomonic is sorry to be late (11:46:06 AM) dholbach: Gnomonic: we'll get back to the danish loco in a bit (11:46:16 AM) andrea-bs: second: I've tried to build a package in dapper that uses pycentral (11:46:18 AM) bluekuja: hi everyone, dholbach, sabdfl :) (11:46:42 AM) andrea-bs: i can built it because it's not on the default repos of dapper (11:47:25 AM) andrea-bs: so a function to use self-built packages as build dependencies should be fine (11:47:47 AM) dholbach: I think PPAs can build-depends on PPA packages. (11:47:58 AM) dholbach: what team do you feel have you been most involved with up until now? (11:48:05 AM) andrea-bs: dholbach, python packages and i don't have a great experience of motu yet :( (11:48:21 AM) andrea-bs: the support team and bugcontrol (11:48:22 AM) no0tic: hi LjL-Mobile :) (11:48:35 AM) dholbach: andrea-bs: don't lose faith yet, there's https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted and a MOTU Q&A session at 13:00 UTC tomorrow :-) (11:48:41 AM) LjL-Mobile: Hello there (11:48:49 AM) andrea-bs: dholbach, thanks :) (11:48:50 AM) sabdfl: ok, +1 for andreas-bs from me (11:49:17 AM) tjagoda left the room ("Konversation terminated!"). (11:49:46 AM) dholbach: +1 from me too (11:49:54 AM) MikeB-: +1 (11:49:55 AM) Burgundavia: +1 from me, nice work all around (11:50:07 AM) elmo: +1 (11:50:11 AM) dholbach: congratulations Andrea (11:50:14 AM) andrea-bs: thanks all! (11:50:20 AM) somerville32: woot! :) (11:50:33 AM) dholbach: let's pedal back to the Danish team, I believe Gnomonic is standing by now (11:50:39 AM) Gnomonic: Yup (11:50:56 AM) Gnomonic: So, what is the procedure? (11:50:58 AM) no0tic: complimenti andrea-bs (11:51:07 AM) Hattory: andrea-bs, good job!!! (11:51:11 AM) andrea-bs: grazie no0tic (11:51:15 AM) andrea-bs: hey Hattory, thanks! (11:51:31 AM) dholbach: Gnomonic: we're just reviewing your application and web pages and will then probably ask a few questions about your Loco team (11:51:58 AM) totopalma: andrea-bs, congratulations :) (11:52:11 AM) Hobbsee left the room (quit: "Time for bed"). (11:52:19 AM) dholbach: 8791 indlæg on the forum, not bad :) (11:52:42 AM) dholbach: Gnomonic: when you say 15-20 people in the meetings - are those IRC meetings or real life meetings somewhere in denmark? (11:53:04 AM) sabdfl: is there a mailing list URL? (11:53:08 AM) sabdfl: for the Danish team? (11:53:11 AM) Gnomonic: dholbach: IRC-meetings. (11:53:40 AM) dholbach: sabdfl: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-dk (11:53:53 AM) Gnomonic: sabdfl: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-dk (11:54:00 AM) Gnomonic: dholbach: thanks (11:54:34 AM) Gnomonic: dholbach: Denmark IS a small country, but there are still some km's from one end to the other :-) (11:54:40 AM) dholbach: is most of the action happening in Copenhagen? what are most of the danish members interested in? (11:55:05 AM) sabdfl: is ther e aschedule of regular meetings? (11:55:42 AM) soren: We meet the first Sunday of each month. (11:55:53 AM) dholbach: there seem to be motnthly IRC meetings: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DanishTeam/M%c3%b8der (11:56:17 AM) Gnomonic: dholbach: There seems to be an equal weighting between advocacy and localisation. And then just some 'being close to the magic that is Ubuntu' :-) (11:57:20 AM) sabdfl: +1 from me (11:57:38 AM) Burgundavia: +1 from me (11:57:49 AM) dholbach: +1 from me too - good work Denmark :) (11:57:55 AM) MikeB-: +1 (11:58:05 AM) elmo: +1 (11:58:08 AM) illovae: hello :) (11:58:13 AM) soren: \o/ (11:58:35 AM) dholbach: congratulations :) (11:58:39 AM) dholbach: domibel, RicardoPerez seem not to be around, coolbhavi? (11:58:40 AM) ***soren high fives Gnomonic and shiyee (11:58:46 AM) coolbhavi: yup (11:58:58 AM) Gnomonic: Woohoo! (11:59:13 AM) ***Gnomonic high fives right back at soren (11:59:24 AM) sabdfl: ok (11:59:34 AM) sabdfl: fire away coolbhavi (11:59:51 AM) coolbhavi: I am Bhavani Shankar 20 yrs old.. please bear with my slow typing.. I have to type in a single hand (12:00:34 PM) coolbhavi: Please I am a cerebral palsy disabled guy upto 75% (12:00:57 PM) sabdfl: you manage to get to quite a lot of ideas and areas of work! (12:01:28 PM) coolbhavi: sabdfl sorry it was a clear case of email spoofing (12:01:31 PM) sabdfl: what areas would you say you contribute the most to ubuntu in? (12:02:10 PM) coolbhavi: Answer tracker actively and Ubuntu Media center (12:02:36 PM) dholbach: what's the state of Ubuntu Media center right now? (12:03:00 PM) coolbhavi: software is up in 7.10 repos (12:03:09 PM) musashi1: I came to cheer for Bhavi. I see him put in a lot of effort on the answer tracker. My full comment is on his wiki page. (12:03:37 PM) coolbhavi: remote control applet is done (12:03:52 PM) somerville32: Snazzy wiki page too :] (12:04:06 PM) coolbhavi: rest all is still in the spec stage (12:04:37 PM) jsgotangco: hi sorry i just checked in (there was an attempted coup in our country earlier) (12:04:57 PM) penguim: hi all (12:05:17 PM) penguim: Andre_Gondim, good luck man (12:05:25 PM) coolbhavi: aramud is down with illness and is busy with NUT tools he is maintaining (12:05:27 PM) Andre_Gondim: penguim thanks :D (12:06:09 PM) dholbach: coolbhavi: its great you want to get involved with the accessibility team, you should get in touch with Luke Yelavich (TheMuso) if you haven't done so already (12:06:17 PM) coolbhavi: meanwhile i have started an idea of iptablesfe (12:06:22 PM) coolbhavi: yes (12:07:02 PM) coolbhavi: Couple of days back I registered it on google soc (12:07:57 PM) dholbach: I'm pretty happy with your wiki page, especially all the good you have done in the answers tracker, +1 from me (12:08:05 PM) Burgundavia: +1 from me (12:08:10 PM) coolbhavi: its about developing a Front end for iptables using pygtk module similar to nmapfe (12:08:13 PM) Burgundavia: and due to school, I need to run (12:08:23 PM) somerville32: coolbhavi, is ubuntugames still active? (12:08:27 PM) coolbhavi: thanks.. (12:09:02 PM) dholbach: sabdfl, elmo, MikeB-? (12:09:16 PM) coolbhavi: Dont know I am mainly concentrating on UMC and the answer tracker (12:09:45 PM) sabdfl: +1 (12:09:54 PM) elmo: +1 (12:10:07 PM) MikeB-: +1 (12:10:14 PM) jsgotangco: +1 (12:10:16 PM) dholbach: congratulations coolbhavi - keep up the good work! (12:10:25 PM) somerville32: :] (12:10:27 PM) coolbhavi: thank you all.. (12:10:30 PM) musashi1: congrats coolbhavi, keep up the good work (12:10:31 PM) dholbach: next up is ccm (12:10:39 PM) ccm: here (12:10:40 PM) coolbhavi: another thing (12:10:51 PM) ccm: I' am a linux consultant and focus, besides involving in bug squatting (with a break due to my diploma thesis), in organising Berlin based loco activities and marketing events. (12:11:02 PM) ccm: Right now my main Ubuntu task is to support "Berliner Fenster" - a Berlin Underground television advertisement company - to bring a long term story about Ubuntu reaching millions of passengers... (12:11:06 PM) ccm: ... as well as bringing up a smooth colaboration of Berlin group with the official German LoCo team. (12:11:10 PM) ccm: In the beginning of the next year there will be an Ubuntu network gaming event and of course a Hardy release party. (12:11:13 PM) coolbhavi: I will take this issue up in the locoteams..:) (12:11:31 PM) coolbhavi: Thanks all once again.... (12:11:42 PM) ***coolbhavi overjoyed (12:11:53 PM) dholbach: coolbhavi: have a great day :) (12:12:01 PM) sabdfl: ccm: very nice wiki page (12:12:06 PM) ccm: sabdfl: thanks (12:12:21 PM) coolbhavi: thanks its midnight now...... (12:12:23 PM) ccm: sabdfl: based on copy and paste, i admit (12:12:28 PM) ccm: :) (12:12:36 PM) ccm: sabdfl: i mean the design not the content (12:12:37 PM) ccm: :) (12:12:54 PM) dholbach: I'm in full support for ccm, since I reached out to other Berlinian Ubunteros he's done a lot of good work in organising the team (12:13:03 PM) coolbhavi: thanks musashi1 and sabdfl (12:13:14 PM) sabdfl: is berlin very active? (12:13:21 PM) ccm: of course it is :) (12:13:39 PM) dholbach: how many people were at the last release party? (12:13:45 PM) ccm: dholbach: 80 to 100 (12:13:49 PM) jsgotangco: wow (12:13:54 PM) sabdfl: where would you say you make the biggest contribution to ubuntu? (12:14:15 PM) sabdfl: is the media agency the company where you work? (12:14:20 PM) ccm: sabdfl: involving in berlin, making marketing contacts here (12:14:30 PM) ***coolbhavi waving and sleepy......Bye!!!!!!! (12:14:41 PM) dholbach: the party has grown a bit since the 40 people at the release party at my place :-) (12:14:42 PM) ccm: sabdfl: no (12:15:51 PM) ccm: as i am not a programmer but a linux guy i bring in my tech stuff in bug squatting (12:16:29 PM) dholbach: "Berliner Fenster" was Ubuntu friendly before, after the last release they sent an Ubuntu ad on their own accord (12:16:51 PM) dholbach: but from what I've heard this story about Ubuntu is going to be bigger than that (12:17:12 PM) ccm: dholbach: yes, they want to change their it infrastructure and bring a long term story about it (12:17:28 PM) ccm: dholbach: they requested input from our team (12:17:47 PM) ccm: dholbach: i met them just last friday at their office (12:17:57 PM) dholbach: yeah, I read the thread on the mailing list but didn't have the chance to reply yet (12:18:16 PM) sabdfl: +1 from meok, +1 from me (12:18:26 PM) dholbach: +1 from me too (12:18:42 PM) dholbach: elmo, jsgotangco, MikeB-? (12:18:49 PM) jsgotangco: +1 very nice contribs (12:18:54 PM) MikeB-: +1 (12:19:11 PM) elmo: +1 (12:19:23 PM) ***ccm smiles (12:19:26 PM) dholbach: congratulations ccm - see you soon again :) (12:19:33 PM) dholbach: it seems kmos is not around, jdstrand is popping in and out of the channel, let's move on to MenZa (12:19:36 PM) ccm: thank you, guys, that made my day (12:19:44 PM) Hattory: ccm, congrats!! (12:19:45 PM) ***dholbach high-fives ccm (12:19:47 PM) ninin: ccm: Juhu - congrats! (12:19:48 PM) huats: ccm congrats (12:19:51 PM) ccm: :) (12:20:02 PM) no0tic: ccm, congrats :) (12:20:09 PM) ***ccm thanks around (12:20:10 PM) ninin: ccm: Keep up the great work ;-) (12:20:21 PM) dholbach: MenZa - are you around? (12:20:23 PM) bullgard4: ccm: *thumb up* (12:20:28 PM) MenZa: Yep, dholbach :) (12:20:34 PM) coolbhavi left the room (quit: "Leaving"). (12:20:36 PM) dholbach: great, your stage (12:20:49 PM) MenZa: Ah, cheers dholbach - first, apologies for being a bit late; I'd missed the date of the meeting. Second, let me attempt to introduce myself. My name is Lasse, I'm a member of the Danish Ubuntu (now official LoCo team, whoo), and I've been using Ubuntu for a couple of years now (12:21:37 PM) MenZa: I've done a bit of wikipage-writing and stuff, helped at the Danish Ubuntu release party for Gutsy a while back, and a few others, including marketing, where I've helped jenda with the initial stickers he's had great success with (12:22:14 PM) sabdfl: anyone care to cheer for MenZa? (12:22:21 PM) Spec: I cheer MenZa! (12:22:23 PM) MenZa: I think Spec might :) (12:22:40 PM) MenZa: I had a bunch of references lined up, but alas, I missed the date of the meeting, so I'm not sure who's around anymore (12:23:21 PM) ***Gnomonic cheers at MenZa (12:23:41 PM) dholbach: Gnomonic, Spec: what have you been working on together with MenZa? (12:23:54 PM) MenZa: I'm currently spending most of my Ubuntu-time with Gnomonic, among others, working on building up the Danish LoCo team (12:24:15 PM) somerville32: I've seen him chumming around with the Marketing team :) (12:24:23 PM) Spec: I have not worked directly with MenZa on any project, but I've seen him support users. (12:24:39 PM) Gnomonic: dholbach: We have mainly been organizing in general and especially the release party (12:25:05 PM) sabdfl: MenZa: where would you say you are making your strongest contribution to ubuntu? (12:25:25 PM) somerville32: If I recall, he helped me do some heavy lifting a few times when I was still involved with the UWN and we were doing the comprehensive upload summaries. (12:25:53 PM) MenZa: Currently? Helping out on ubuntuforums.org and #ubuntu - I poke around on a bunch of mailing lists and comment on ideas and such as well; but I'd have to say my heart lies with ubuntu-dk, attempting to build that up. (12:26:52 PM) hugolp: hi (12:27:43 PM) dholbach: I have to step out for a bit - brb (12:28:12 PM) MenZa: My greatest, uh, 'visual success', for a lack of a better term, would probably be on the marketing side, though, helping out jenda. (12:28:44 PM) jsgotangco: i have to step out too, its almost 2am on my side, ill catch up early next meeting (12:28:55 PM) jsgotangco: sorry for the short stay (12:29:44 PM) jsgotangco left the room (quit: "bye"). (12:29:53 PM) sabdfl: MenZa: i think you need to document more actual contribution (12:30:14 PM) sabdfl: it looks like you are doing good stuff, it's just not enough to get +1 from me yet (12:30:20 PM) sabdfl: or, it's not documented :-) (12:30:24 PM) ubotu has changed the topic to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 01 Dec 11:00 UTC: Kubuntu Developers | 01 Dec 19:00 UTC: Art Team | 04 Dec 16:00 UTC: Server Team meeting | 05 Dec 20:30 UTC: Xubuntu meeting (12:30:28 PM) sabdfl: i can only judge from what i read and what others say (12:30:37 PM) MenZa: Ah, a topyli (12:30:46 PM) MenZa: Yes; my major issue is with the references right now, as I see it (12:31:13 PM) MenZa: I had quite a current members lined up to support that, but I see how it's a tad weak without them here. (12:32:01 PM) somerville32: MenZa, I've seen you do some good work and hopefully I see you back here again with a more padded wiki page :) (12:32:26 PM) dholbach: back again (12:32:52 PM) MenZa: right (12:32:57 PM) dholbach: sorry MenZa, I hope you're not disappointed at the prospect of joining us for another CC meeting soon again :) (12:33:03 PM) MenZa: Not at all :) (12:33:10 PM) dholbach: ok great :) (12:33:13 PM) no0tic: hi, MefistoRQ :) (12:33:15 PM) MenZa: I just need to find a way to get the date a bit in advance. Cheers for considering me :) (12:33:21 PM) sabdfl: RainCT: you#re u[ (12:33:23 PM) sabdfl: erk (12:33:25 PM) sabdfl: you're up (12:33:26 PM) dholbach: rock on MenZa (12:33:40 PM) RainCT: Hey, I'm Siegfried Gevatter (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RainCT, https://launchpad.net/~rainct), a 16 years old from Catalonia (I lived 9 years in Germany, though). (12:33:47 PM) RainCT: I started actively using Ubuntu by the time Dapper was about to be released. In December 2006 I joined the Catalan mailing list, and I've been an active member of the LoCo Team since then. I started getting involved with packaging and a bit bug triaging some months ago ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RainCT/Contributions), and I maintain some packages in Debian. Some weeks before Gutsy was released I also started contributing to the Catalan Ubuntu Tr (12:34:27 PM) dholbach: RainCT: the text was cut off at "contributing to the Catalan Ubuntu T" (12:34:55 PM) RainCT: oops. to the Catalan Ubuntu Translators team (I haven't done much there yet, but I did many translations in direct contact with upstream before; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RainCT/Translations). (12:35:08 PM) norsetto: go RainCT go! (12:35:16 PM) ScottK: I'd like to speak in favor of RainCT. He's done a lot of good MOTU related work and is very mature for his age. I had no idea he was so young. Definite +1 from my MOTU perspective. (12:35:17 PM) RainCT: :D (12:35:29 PM) dholbach: I'm familiar with the work that RainCT did in the MOTU team and I'm very happy with what I've seen there (12:35:57 PM) RainCT: thanks norsetto, ScottK, dholbach :) (12:36:06 PM) sabdfl: +1 from me, excellent wiki, testimonials, and clear evidence of contribution (12:36:10 PM) alex_muntada: I'm with ScottK and want to speak in favor of RainCT too... he's a pillar of the Catalan LoCoTeam (12:36:15 PM) jpatrick: I can also support him from the MOTU side +1 (12:36:26 PM) sabdfl: RainCT: are you using PPAs? (12:36:29 PM) profoX`: RainCT: remarkable that you use Qt for development as a GNOME user :) never met anyone like that before.. (12:36:30 PM) dholbach: rock and roll RainCT, +1 from me :) (12:36:44 PM) dholbach: sabdfl: looks like it: https://launchpad.net/~rainct/+packages :) (12:37:17 PM) dholbach: elmo, MikeB-? (12:37:20 PM) RainCT: sabdfl: I tried it :). Like the other one you asked before, I think that a option to delete packages is missing (12:37:27 PM) MikeB-: +1 from me (12:37:40 PM) elmo: +1 (12:37:51 PM) dholbach: congratulations RainCT :) (12:37:57 PM) no0tic: congrats RainCT (12:38:00 PM) ***somerville32 cheers. (12:38:03 PM) RainCT: profoX`: heh well, it's better documented. I'm starting to look into Gtk+ now, though (12:38:04 PM) arualavi: congarts RainCT (12:38:05 PM) huats: RainCT: congrats (12:38:09 PM) Hattory: RainCT, good job!!! (12:38:11 PM) alex_muntada: congrats RainCT!!! (12:38:13 PM) dholbach: next up is jdstrand, who we skipped before - he's back :) (12:38:15 PM) arualavi: *congrats oops (12:38:17 PM) RainCT: Thanks! :D (12:38:20 PM) jpatrick: congrats RainCT! (12:38:24 PM) jdstrand: hi! (12:38:35 PM) nxvl_work: RainCT: congrats! (12:39:04 PM) ***keescook is a big fan of jdstrand and his work. :) (12:39:06 PM) dholbach: jdstrand: mind introducing yourself? (12:39:12 PM) dholbach: keescook: I thought so ;-) (12:39:17 PM) profoX`: RainCT: I have experience with both, and I must agree that it's better documented :) they are both very good though.. in their own ways (I'm a KDE/Qt contributor myself, but in the past I've done some Gtk+ development in GNOME) (12:39:58 PM) jdstrand: I am Jamie Strandboge and an Ubuntu Secuirity Engineer. I was hired back in September, and have already done quite a few security updates (12:40:11 PM) jdstrand: You can see some of my background on my wiki page: (12:40:16 PM) jdstrand: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JamieStrandboge (12:40:29 PM) ogra: jdstrand, is also a guitar hero :) (12:40:36 PM) jdstrand: I work with keescook and am a part of the Ubuntu Server team (12:40:45 PM) jdstrand: ogra: ah shucks... (12:40:50 PM) ogra: :) (12:40:55 PM) jdstrand: I have been playing guitar for 22 years, yes (12:41:00 PM) sabdfl: +1 from me, jdstrand.... rocks ;-) (12:41:23 PM) _MMA_: \m/ (12:41:26 PM) dholbach: +1 from me too :)) (12:41:32 PM) dholbach: _MMA_: haha :) (12:41:34 PM) elmo: +1 (12:41:36 PM) ***ogra cheers for jdstrand and swings the pompoms (12:41:43 PM) ***somerville32 cheers. (12:41:43 PM) dholbach: MikeB-? (12:43:42 PM) MikeB-: +1 (12:43:45 PM) dholbach: congratulations jdstrand (12:43:49 PM) MikeB-: sorry phone (12:43:52 PM) jdstrand: woohoo! (12:43:53 PM) keescook: \o/ (12:43:55 PM) ogra: congrats !!! (12:43:57 PM) dholbach: ROCK ON! (12:44:03 PM) jdstrand: thanks everyone! (12:44:04 PM) ogra: literally :) (12:44:09 PM) dholbach: next up is juliux? (review) (12:44:20 PM) ***jdstrand feels quite affirmed now (12:44:23 PM) jdstrand: :) (12:44:32 PM) dholbach: he's not around, but I'll drop him an email and ask what he wanted in the CC meeting (12:44:42 PM) dholbach: no0tic: are you there? (12:44:44 PM) no0tic: hi everybody (12:44:58 PM) no0tic: I'm going to introduce myself (12:45:02 PM) no0tic: Hi, my name is Gabriele, (12:45:02 PM) no0tic: I obtained a degree in General Physics in Pisa on July 2007 (12:45:04 PM) no0tic: I'm an ubuntero and member of the Italian LoCoTeam (12:45:13 PM) no0tic: My main occupation in the Ubuntu Community is giving support on the #ubuntu-it IRC channel (since 2005) (12:45:17 PM) no0tic: I joined that channel first when I installed Warty and I've almost always been there since then (12:45:20 PM) no0tic: I have become an operator on #ubuntu-it on late 2006 (if I remember correctly) (12:45:23 PM) no0tic: In these days we are defining the new structure of #ubuntu-it-* channels and their administration and two other ops and I are leading this process (12:45:29 PM) no0tic: I also try to help filing bugs on launchpad too when I spot any (12:45:29 PM) no0tic: The italian review "Dietro le quinte", inspired from BehindUbuntu, asked me for an interview that will be ready in few days... (12:45:32 PM) no0tic: ...(http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/DietroLe5/GabrielePostorino) (12:45:35 PM) no0tic: I would like to contribute to translations in the near future, probably focusing on FCM (12:46:05 PM) sabdfl: IRC is your area of most contribution? (12:46:11 PM) dholbach: what's FCM? (12:46:11 PM) no0tic: yes, indeed (12:46:20 PM) no0tic: dholbach, Full Circle Magazine (12:46:22 PM) sabdfl: how much time would you say you spend on Ubuntu IRC channels? (12:46:38 PM) LjL-Mobile: no0tic is certainly a driving member of the Italian IRC support and operators team, and as we exchanged opinions and operating modes, I have found that, together with his other operators, he's helped "revamp" the #ubuntu-it guidelines (12:46:47 PM) Hattory: Gabriele is doing an amazing work in the channels of support IRC. He's waiting to join in the "Full Circle Translators Team" and "Ubuntu Italian Translators Team" and I think he'll do a great job here too..... is a very active person.... GOOD JOB GABRIELE!!!! (12:46:49 PM) no0tic: sabdfl, from 4 to 16 h a day (12:46:49 PM) totopalma: I would like to support Gabriele as well, he's doing a great work for the italian community, for the channels of support IRC and wiki. Nice work, Gabriele! :) (12:46:56 PM) sabdfl: ok, +1 from me, and thanks! (12:47:00 PM) twilight: no0tic plays a very important role in the Italian IRC channels, spending a lot of time supporting users. He has played an important role in the recent IRC team's reorganization (in fact he's one of it's administrators and operators ;) ), too. Definitely great work for our community :) (12:47:22 PM) dholbach: wow... +1 from me too no0tic - great work (12:47:30 PM) no0tic: thanks :) (12:47:42 PM) dholbach: elmo, MikeB-? (12:47:47 PM) LjL-Mobile: a work which I found most well done, and which gave us #ubuntu operators some interesting food for thought as well (12:48:03 PM) MikeB-: +1 (12:49:40 PM) ***nealmcb missed jdstrand's quick road to glory - congrats! well deserved :-) (12:49:59 PM) jdstrand: thanks nealmcb (12:50:01 PM) jdstrand: :) (12:51:12 PM) dholbach: elmo? (12:52:11 PM) MikeB-: +1 (12:52:54 PM) elmo: +1 (12:53:00 PM) dholbach: congrats no0tic (12:53:03 PM) Hattory: no0tic, ohhhh yessss!!! you rock :D (12:53:03 PM) sabdfl: okdokey (12:53:08 PM) sabdfl: who's next? (12:53:10 PM) no0tic: thanks everybody :) (12:53:11 PM) totopalma: no0tic, great (12:53:11 PM) MefistoRQ: no0tic: :) (12:53:13 PM) dholbach: StevenHarperUK and quadrispro seem not to be around (12:53:14 PM) totopalma: :) (12:53:20 PM) dholbach: abogani: are you there? (12:53:25 PM) abogani: _MMA_, luisbg, joejaxx: rock'n'roll! (12:53:26 PM) Andre_Gondim: may I? (12:53:28 PM) LjL-Mobile: congratulations no0tic (12:53:33 PM) no0tic: thanks LjL-Mobile (12:53:37 PM) abogani: I'm here! (12:53:41 PM) luisbg: abogani, I'm here (12:53:43 PM) profoX`: Andre_Gondim: wait your turn for a little while longer ;) (12:53:49 PM) Andre_Gondim: ok (12:53:52 PM) dholbach: Andre_Gondim: we're going through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda top to bottom (12:53:54 PM) LjL-Mobile left the room (quit: ). (12:54:11 PM) jussi01: I would like to put a good word in For Alessio (abogiani). In my opinion he has been a vital part of the Ubuntu Studio team, working with the RT kernel and fully deserves membership. (12:55:15 PM) dholbach: BenC, _MMA_: you're here to cheer for abogani? (12:55:22 PM) BenC: dholbach: yes (12:55:27 PM) _MMA_: I was waiting for his intro. :) (12:55:34 PM) ***luisbg is waiting too (12:55:46 PM) abogani: Sorry for poor english. It isn't my native tongue and now i'm very excited also. :-) (12:55:53 PM) abogani: My name is Alessio Igor Bogani. I am 30 year old Linux enthusiast from Prato, Tuscany, Italy. I have been advocating Ubuntu since the day I started using it in late 2004. Before that time I was a Debian user. I am a member of the Ubuntu Kernel team and founder and team leader for the Ubuntu Realtime Team. My Ubuntu pages are https://launchpad.net/~abogani and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlessioIgorBogani. (12:56:21 PM) _MMA_: As the lead on Ubuntu Studio I have to give a big +1 to Alessio from the entire team. His creation/maintenance of the -RT kernel is a key component for us. Our users have greatly appreciated it. He has also worked hard to integrate himself into the kernel team. (BenC could also chime in on this) (12:56:34 PM) profoX`: while I don't know abogani personally, I want to put in a good word for him too.. he seems a very active contributor in a lot of areas.. i'm a bit surprised he has done this much in just a half year? (12:57:30 PM) sabdfl: abogani: do you know anything about carrier-grade linux? i see you are in the CG-Ubuntu team :-) (12:57:37 PM) luisbg: I must advocate for abogani too, his work in the Real Time kernel has made it what it is right now. This kernel is key for Ubuntu Studio, but also used by some part of the rest of the community. (12:58:06 PM) BenC: I've worked with abogani a lot concerning the -rt (realtime) kernel flavour. He's been generally responsive to suggestions, and requests. He's dealt with the kernel team in a professional manner through out gutsy. The ubuntu-studio folks owe him a great deal. (12:58:33 PM) abogani: sabdfl: a little! :-) (12:59:05 PM) sabdfl: is it still an active upstream idea, or is it just a bureaucratic situation? (12:59:34 PM) abogani: sabdfl: at the moment the second one. :-( (12:59:48 PM) sabdfl: pity (12:59:59 PM) sabdfl: ok, +1 from me based on strong contributions over six months (01:00:02 PM) dholbach: +1 for abogani from me (01:00:25 PM) MikeB-: +1 from me, great work (01:00:34 PM) _MMA_: ;) (01:00:39 PM) abogani: Thanks! :-) (01:00:42 PM) luisbg: my congrats abogani :) (01:00:48 PM) dholbach: elmo? (01:00:48 PM) ccm: grats, abogani :) (01:00:49 PM) huats: congrats abogani (01:01:05 PM) elmo: +1 (01:01:06 PM) Kmos: hi (01:01:08 PM) jussi01: congratulations abogani!! (01:01:08 PM) abogani: Thanks to all! (01:01:17 PM) dholbach: congrats abogani (01:01:18 PM) BenC: abogani: congrats (01:01:22 PM) penguim: abogani, congrats (01:01:40 PM) Kmos: I don't know if have passed my time, but I just know about the meeting right know from somerville32 (01:01:46 PM) sabdfl: Matthew Craig around? (01:02:02 PM) somerville32: sabdfl, kmos missed his spot earlier. (01:02:03 PM) desertc: I am here! (01:02:11 PM) sabdfl: ok, go ahead Kmos (01:02:12 PM) BenC left the room ("out"). (01:02:38 PM) Kmos: sabdfl: i don't have prepared nothing, if you can give me some minutes.. but maybe I don't need a lot of introduction (01:02:48 PM) sabdfl: LP url? (01:02:50 PM) sabdfl: wiki page? (01:02:54 PM) Kmos: 2 secs (01:03:08 PM) Kmos: Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarcoRodrigues (01:03:09 PM) dholbach: there were some problems with Kmos and the MOTU team some weeks ago, I'd prefer if we talked this through with the MOTU Council before (01:03:21 PM) sabdfl: let's jump to juliank (01:03:32 PM) sabdfl: and come to Kmos next, when he's prepared (01:03:40 PM) sabdfl: juliank: are you ready? (01:03:43 PM) luisbg left the room (""Atari""). (01:03:47 PM) juliank: sabdfl: Of course. (01:03:54 PM) glatzor: sabdfl: dholbach: sorry for interrupting I am here as a fan boy of julianK. I have to leave for work, so I cannot wait any longer. but it would be great to bind julian to the ubuntu project. I worked with him on gnome-app-install. (01:04:06 PM) juliank: Hi, I am Julian Andres Klode, 17 years old, from Germany [near Kassel, Hesse], with a GPG key signed by a Debian Developer. (01:04:06 PM) juliank: I develop software (dir2ogg,ndisgtk) [in Launchpad], maintain packages in Debian and Ubuntu, test Launchpad betas, and I am in the [early] process of becoming a Debian Developer. (01:04:06 PM) juliank: I apply for membership because I want to become a MOTU, in order to merge my packages [and other packages] when needed, to sponsor uploads for others and to improve the quality of packages [if I find some] and to reduce the diff between Debian and Ubuntu (I am part of the Utnubu team). (01:04:07 PM) juliank: Maybe, I will also start to make some german translations. (01:04:09 PM) juliank: My main activity is reading, answering bug reports and backmerging to Debian at the moment, the number of uploads is very low. (01:04:14 PM) juliank: I currently merged 2 of my packages myself, the others were merged by someone else [aufs,sexy-python] or are not suitable for Ubuntu. (01:04:17 PM) juliank: I work together with mvo and glatzor on gnome-app-install (mainly on the debian side, where I maintain it). (01:04:20 PM) juliank: I also work with mvo on getting command-not-found into Debian (sync'able) <http://alioth.debian.org/projects/cnf>. (01:04:23 PM) juliank: I am also working on dir2ogg, which I develop, which has been uploaded for me by mr_pouit. (01:04:25 PM) juliank: More information can be found at https://launchpad.net/~juliank/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JulianAndresKlode (01:05:08 PM) mvo: I would like to support juliank, he does good work on the packages and on the ubuntu<->debian bridge (01:05:46 PM) glatzor: good luck, juliank! my train leaves in a few minutes. (01:05:58 PM) glatzor left the room (quit: "Ex-Chat"). (01:05:58 PM) juliank: glatzor: thx (01:06:16 PM) sabdfl: +1 from me on the back of mvo's testimonial and focus on ubuntu<->debian (01:06:19 PM) nealmcb: sabdfl - note that Matthew Craig (desertc) did promptly respond when you asked - he's here (01:06:37 PM) desertc: Thanks, nealmcb! (01:07:03 PM) elmo: +1 (01:07:14 PM) MikeB-: +1 (01:07:16 PM) elmo: but JOOI, shouldn't/couldn't this kind of application go through the MOTU council? (01:07:55 PM) mvo: jooi? (01:08:06 PM) jussi01: just out of interest (01:08:19 PM) abogani left the room (quit: "Ex-Chat"). (01:08:59 PM) dholbach: +1 from me (01:09:04 PM) Kmos: sabdfl: i'll follow what dholbach said.. (01:10:08 PM) Hattory: I go out.... great meeting, see you soon!! (01:10:30 PM) Hattory left the room ("Ex-Chat"). (01:10:42 PM) juliank: Cool :) (01:11:02 PM) ***mvo hugs juliank (01:11:06 PM) dholbach: elmo: yeah, it could (01:11:22 PM) sabdfl: yes, folks should rather join a specific team and get membership that way (01:11:29 PM) sabdfl: or go to a regional group (01:11:34 PM) dholbach: elmo: ScottK prodded me about it some days ago - I'll make sure I look at all the membership information on the wiki and fix it to point to all the team councils we have in place (01:11:36 PM) sabdfl: i don't want to do membership in this forum any longer (01:11:42 PM) sabdfl: we have other business to attend to! (01:12:27 PM) dholbach: what's the hold-up regarding the membership approval boards or whatever they're going to be called? (01:12:36 PM) sabdfl: i don't know! (01:12:39 PM) dholbach: I think we all agreed on the spec and filled the gaps in it (01:12:49 PM) sabdfl: jono? i think we're just trying to put together the lists (01:13:02 PM) dholbach: alright... once Jono's back again, I'll ping him about it (01:13:33 PM) dholbach: alright... seems that Andre_Gondim is next on the agenda? (01:13:47 PM) pleia2: desertc is here (01:13:48 PM) Andre_Gondim: may I? (01:13:51 PM) nealmcb: desertc (01:14:01 PM) nealmcb: you skipped desertc (01:14:04 PM) Andre_Gondim: I am a Brazian guy. I use a Linux since 2002 and met the Ubuntu about two years and I?m Brazilian Translation Member ans member of Brazilian LocoTeam, this is my greatest contribution as you can see here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+topcontributors . I will talk about Launchpad with focus in Translation in a local event about linux. I am active in #ubuntu-br to help and support in Portuguese Language. (01:14:04 PM) desertc: *wave* (01:14:04 PM) Andre_Gondim: I write somethings I learned about Ubuntu in my Blog http://andregondim.eti.br to share with others. I?m Brazilian Planeta Member http://planeta.ubuntu-br.org and very active member in the Brazilian LocoTeam. In the future I want to continue to translate Ubuntu until it becomes 100% Portuguese. My Ubuntu?s wiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AndreGondim my Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~andre-gondim (01:14:13 PM) dholbach: desertc: oh... sorry for that, missed it (01:14:14 PM) profoX`: poor desertc :P (01:14:23 PM) profoX`: that's the second time (01:14:36 PM) AndreNoel: hi, Andre_Gondim has all my support to become a member. As leader of brazilian portuguese translators team I can say that he is doing a very great job on translations. He's a very good (and fast) commiter. (01:14:39 PM) desertc: :-D (01:14:58 PM) Andre_Gondim: :D (01:15:08 PM) AndreNoel: :P (01:15:24 PM) sabdfl: +1 from me on the back of a strong track record in translations (01:15:37 PM) dholbach: wow... definitely +1 from me too (01:15:44 PM) dholbach: MikeB-, elmo? :) (01:15:54 PM) MikeB-: +1 (01:16:45 PM) josevitor: Andre_Gondim writes on Planet Ubuntu-BR and helps others on tutorials and how-to. (01:16:55 PM) josevitor: He also translates a lot!! (01:17:34 PM) elmo: +1 (01:17:44 PM) dholbach: congratulations Andre_Gondim (01:17:46 PM) Andre_Gondim: Thanks!! :D (01:17:49 PM) AndreNoel: congrats! (01:17:53 PM) dholbach: desertc? :) (01:17:54 PM) sabdfl: congrats Andre_Gondim (01:17:55 PM) sabdfl: desertc: you're up! (01:17:57 PM) desertc: Greetings all! I am a huge Ubuntu promoter within my community. I feel it is especially important to let schools and educators know about the availability. I attend education trade conferences, for example. I am also a fan of the Ubuntu online collaboration tools, and I try being as helpful as possible for several teams. One big interest for me right now is the Ubuntu Students team I co-founded a couple months ago. (01:17:58 PM) huats: Andre_Gondim: congrats !! (01:18:02 PM) penguim: Andre_Gondim, congrats (01:19:03 PM) penguim: Andre_Gondim, very fast (01:19:07 PM) pleia2: big cheers for desertc from me, I'm on the US Mentors team and worked very closely with him when the US-TN team was having some trouble, he did a lot of work with them - no he's regularly going to conferences and making connections (01:19:14 PM) Spec: I've talked with desertc over the phone and in person to help him get through troubles with setting up and organizing a LoCo team, and am a member of the Ubuntu Students Team. He's doing great work for the Tennesse LoCo. (01:19:19 PM) Andre_Gondim: penguim :D (01:19:20 PM) nealmcb: As an observer from Colorado, I've seen desertc recently and enthusiastically jump into the Tennessee Team, do some organizing and go to a number of education conferences. As I told him before, my only reservation is the length of time he has been active in the Ubuntu community, though he has been active elsewhere for longer. I hope he continues to be active with us. (01:19:28 PM) pleia2: he just recently put the US-PA team into contact with someone from the National Science Foundation who is doing FOSS work in our region! :) (01:20:38 PM) profoX`: I think it's great that you are interested in the ubuntu/education link :) after all, those kids are the next generation, and if they grow up using open source software like ubuntu, it'll be a really good thing :) for the rest, you seem to be quite active in multiple areas.. i want to give him my support. (01:20:57 PM) ogra1 is now known as ogra (01:21:13 PM) penguim left the room (quit: "Leaving"). (01:21:47 PM) ogra: is desertc on (sorry my line dropped, i dont want to miss cheering for him as great edubuntu iso tester) (01:21:57 PM) sabdfl: desertc: how long have you been active in ubuntu? (01:22:08 PM) sabdfl: we usually look for a contribution sustained over at least six months (01:23:08 PM) desertc: I began using the operating system late last year, but I did not take the plunge into the community later... mid 2007. (01:23:43 PM) ogra: sabdfl, he was very actively helping in edubuntu iso testing through nearly the whole gutsy cycle (probably rather 4-5months though) (01:23:48 PM) josevitor left the room (quit: "sudo convert judge to Carmem Miranda"). (01:24:01 PM) desertc: Up until then I had employment that had me traveling and on the road so much that it was difficult. (01:24:15 PM) nealmcb: sabdfl: - from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMemberHowto - at least two months of visible, significant activity - might want to reconcile those (01:24:46 PM) sabdfl: ok, +1 from me, lots of energy, thank you! (01:24:59 PM) MikeB-: +1 for me (01:25:04 PM) elmo: +1 (01:25:06 PM) dholbach: +1 from me too (01:25:08 PM) popey: a cheer for desertc from me, very enthusiastic and eager to help (01:25:14 PM) ogra: congrats desertc ! (01:25:21 PM) ***nealmcb cheers for desertc (01:25:23 PM) dholbach: huats: your stage :) (01:25:30 PM) huats: Well, my name is Christophe Sauthier, I am French and I am 30. (01:25:30 PM) huats: I am using Linux since 1995-96, going through many distros : Suse (for 3 (01:25:30 PM) huats: years), Debian (5 years) and Ubuntu since Warty. (01:25:30 PM) huats: A couple of years ago I started to do some translations for a few (01:25:30 PM) huats: FOSS, and than I discovered rosetta where I've done some french (01:25:31 PM) huats: translation on it. (01:25:32 PM) norsetto: GO HUATS GO!!! (01:25:33 PM) huats: Since I am a technical person, I've decided to help out on another (01:25:34 PM) desertc: Thank you for the cheers. Much appreciated. (01:25:35 PM) huats: level after last year GUADEC, and I tried to do some packaging. It was (01:25:37 PM) huats: great. But due a lack of time, I had to stop right after I had some (01:25:39 PM) huats: very rough basics. I just took the time to continue some work of (01:25:43 PM) huats: interview translations. I was part of BehindUbuntu (and before that also in a (01:25:45 PM) huats: french project that has the same goal). (01:25:47 PM) huats: For the last 6 months, I have decided to take more time to give back (01:25:49 PM) huats: to the Community and especialy to Ubuntu. (01:25:51 PM) huats: I have taken some responsabilities in the french Loco, and I am right (01:25:53 PM) huats: now one the responsibles for the whole ubuntu-fr site (01:25:55 PM) huats: (www/planet/forum/wiki). I've also been involved in some other aspect (01:25:57 PM) huats: life of the french loco (tshirt order, gutsy cd order...). (01:25:59 PM) huats: Late August I resume my packaging road, and start doing some stuffs in (01:26:01 PM) huats: the MOTU community. Right now, I try to be an active contributor, in (01:26:03 PM) huats: order to become a MOTU one day. I am part of the mentoring program, (01:26:05 PM) huats: with Daniel Holbach as my mentor. (01:26:07 PM) huats: You can find some aspects of my contributions here : (01:26:09 PM) huats: https://launchpad.net/~christophe-sauthier and (01:26:12 PM) huats: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChristopheSauthier (01:26:15 PM) huats: Oups .... that was a bit long (the copy/paste) (01:26:40 PM) huats: And of course, I'll be happy to answer your questions... (01:26:45 PM) dholbach: a clear +1 from me: good work in the french community, good work in the MOTU team, a friendly contributor who helps out where he can (01:27:17 PM) ScottK: +1 from me on MOTU involvement. (01:27:33 PM) norsetto: if I'm allowed to vote, a +2 from me, great guy, helpuful and always available, will be a great MOTU very soon (01:27:37 PM) dholbach: and with that, I have to leave - I'm sorry ... have a nice day (01:28:21 PM) sabdfl: +1 from me too! (01:28:42 PM) sabdfl: huats: excellent documentation of your contributions, and i'm very happy with the strength of the french loco team (01:28:49 PM) MikeB-: +1 (01:28:51 PM) elmo: +1 (01:28:52 PM) huats: sabdfl: thanks (01:29:00 PM) huats: I'll let the other guys know (01:29:06 PM) dholbach: congratulations huats (01:29:11 PM) huats: dholbach: thanks :) (01:29:11 PM) dholbach: see you guys tomorrow (01:29:16 PM) sabdfl: cheers and thanks dholbach (01:29:17 PM) dholbach left the room (quit: "Ex-Chat"). (01:29:39 PM) norsetto: huats: congrat huats, how would you like your pizza tonight to celebrate? (01:29:59 PM) sabdfl: alrighty (01:30:02 PM) huats: norsetto: hum... let me think about :) (01:30:05 PM) sabdfl: jelmer: around? (01:30:09 PM) huats: norsetto: thanks (01:30:12 PM) jelmer: sabdfl: hi! (01:30:27 PM) jelmer: My name is Jelmer Vernooij. I'm a CS student and Ubuntu user living in the Netherlands working on various upstream projects, the main ones being Samba, Bazaar and OpenChange. (01:30:30 PM) sabdfl: nice to see you here in a different context :-) (01:30:33 PM) jelmer: I've contributed to the packaging of these projects and a couple of other packages within Debian and Ubuntu. (01:30:38 PM) jelmer: The reason I'd like to become a MOTU is so I can continue to work on these packages and help within integration of them in Ubuntu (in particular for Samba). (01:30:42 PM) sabdfl: jelmer has done great things in bzr (01:30:42 PM) jelmer: My launchpad user id 'jelmer', http://launchpad.net/~jelmer/ (01:30:56 PM) jelmer: sabdfl: :-) (01:32:27 PM) jelmer: I'd be happy to answer any questions (01:33:23 PM) sabdfl: jelmer: where would you say you make your biggest contribution to Ubuntu? (01:33:52 PM) jelmer: At the moment Bazaar packaging I think (01:34:17 PM) sabdfl: have you had a look at bzr-buildpackage? (01:34:25 PM) sabdfl: i'm not sure if i have the right name for it... (01:34:39 PM) jelmer: sabdfl: Yep - I use it regularly, and even contributed to it a bit (01:34:51 PM) imbrandon: and hopefully OpenChange later, thats a really promising project :) (01:35:06 PM) JanC: bzr-builddeb ? (01:35:41 PM) jelmer: bzr-builddeb is the name of the package, but it also provides a 'bzr-buildpackage' binary (01:37:23 PM) jelmer: bzr-builddeb works really well with tags support in bzr - it can export upstream for you (01:37:35 PM) sabdfl: ok (01:37:48 PM) sabdfl: i'm going to +1 jelmer because i know him and have watched his quality of contribution (01:38:03 PM) sabdfl: though the wiki page might be a bit thin for others? (01:39:07 PM) elmo: I'm fine with +1-ing too, but probably equally biased (01:39:08 PM) MikeB-: +1 for me (01:40:27 PM) jelmer: There is a list of my packages here: https://edge.launchpad.net/~jelmer/+packages, and list of bugs I'm involved with: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~jelmer/ (01:40:37 PM) sabdfl: guys, i have to step out (01:40:44 PM) elmo: we lost dholbach and burgundavia too (01:40:58 PM) elmo: so that's +3 for jelmer, but I think we'll have to stop now (01:41:05 PM) bbartek: :( (01:41:05 PM) pvandewyngaerde: i'm here for bbartek (01:41:07 PM) sabdfl: if bart is around, then +1 from me for him too! (01:41:15 PM) sabdfl: thanks all (01:41:16 PM) bbartek: sabdfl: hi (01:41:21 PM) sabdfl: hey bbartek (01:41:25 PM) jelmer: thanks! (01:41:25 PM) bbartek: thx sabdfl (01:41:32 PM) SWAT: supporting bbartek (testimonial is on the wikipage) (01:41:33 PM) elmo: heh (01:41:33 PM) sabdfl: sorry i won't get to chat, but i read over your page and am happy to +1 you (01:41:40 PM) rulus: I'd like to cheer for bbartek, he does great work in the Dutch forums and helps out at computerfairs in Belgium. He's a very passionate Ubuntu advocate and recently organised a Gutsy release party with 100+ attendees :) (01:41:41 PM) sabdfl left the room (quit: "Ex-Chat"). (01:41:46 PM) elmo: bbartek: ok, want to do your intro? (01:41:54 PM) bbartek: I'm not a programmer so I concentrate my efforts on promotional / marketing activities. You can reed my contributions so far in the wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BartBroeckx (01:42:05 PM) MikeB-: from Mark van den Boore: Bart Broeckx, a community member from Belgium, will be up for (01:42:05 PM) MikeB-: membership tomorrow. He's a really good guy and invaluable to both (01:42:05 PM) MikeB-: ubuntu-be.org and ubuntu-nl.org. But of course it's up to you guys to (01:42:05 PM) MikeB-: decide on his membership application. (01:42:13 PM) bbartek: My future plans: Ubuntu-be has good contacts with Ubuntu-nl. I'm now working with the 2 teams to ceate a dutch speaking marketing team, for Ubuntu-be and Ubuntu-nl so we can work more closely and combine and coördinate our actions. (01:42:17 PM) profoX`: (i'm here to cheer for bbartek too.. very active in ubuntu-BE and ubuntu-NL and has organized an awesome releaase party in Belgium [+100 visitors] and is planning an even bigger one) (01:42:23 PM) elmo: MikeB-: have you (or anyone) been doing LP so far? (01:42:27 PM) bbartek: In May I will host a Release Party with www.cats&dogs.com We hope to make this one much bigger (300-500 people) then the last one in October. (01:42:39 PM) MikeB-: elmo: no (01:42:48 PM) elmo: bbartek: www.cats&dogs.com ? (01:43:03 PM) profoX`: http://www.catsanddogs.com/ (01:43:04 PM) JanC: & → and I guess (01:43:06 PM) bbartek: I made Catsanddogs do the switch from Windows to Ubuntu on there office pc's. (01:43:07 PM) elmo: oh (01:43:18 PM) elmo: I thought IDN sneaked up on me while I wasn't watching (01:43:34 PM) MikeB-: elmo: I got the log, will do it later (01:43:43 PM) elmo: MikeB-: ok, cool, thanks (01:44:00 PM) bbartek: Happy to answer some more questions (01:44:01 PM) JanC: I can say Bart has helped with several events (fair booths & release party) (01:44:05 PM) MikeB-: bart has my +1 between his wiki and large cheering section:) (01:44:12 PM) JanC: and he helps on the Dutch forum too (01:44:27 PM) SWAT: and that's all on the wiki page by the way (01:44:33 PM) bbartek: I'm a moderator of the dutch forum thx JanC (01:44:55 PM) elmo: yeah, +1 from me too (01:45:01 PM) JanC: and I carpooled with him twice to go to ubuntu-nl meetings ツ (01:45:12 PM) ***profoX` once too ;) (01:45:19 PM) bbartek: Thx elmo (01:45:27 PM) elmo: bbartek: congrats (01:45:28 PM) ogra: +1 for carpooling and saving the environment :) (01:45:33 PM) elmo: ok, I think that's a wrap then - thanks everyone (01:45:49 PM) SWAT: can we congratulate bbartek or not? (01:45:50 PM) MikeB-: look like, thanks all (01:45:58 PM) bbartek: Thank you so much, thx everybody for supporting me (01:45:59 PM) MikeB-: Swat: yup (01:45:59 PM) elmo: SWAT: sure, he got +3 (01:46:15 PM) profoX`: good job bbartek :) (01:46:20 PM) pvandewyngaerde: congratulations (01:46:21 PM) ***bbartek is so happy (01:46:58 PM) somerville32: Did kmos do his? (01:47:33 PM) MikeB-: somerville32: I think the MOTU council want to talk to him (01:48:06 PM) MikeB-: somerville32: he removed himself for now (01:48:13 PM) somerville32: okay. (01:48:37 PM) MikeB-: later all