

[11:00] <dholbach> hello everybody
[11:00] <dholbach> who do we have here for the CC meeting? :)
[11:00] <Technoviking> morning dholbach
[11:01] <dholbach> hiya Technoviking
[11:02] <sabdfl> hello all
[11:02] <dholbach> Burgundavia is not online and elmo is travelling
[11:02] <dholbach> hi sabdfl
[11:02] <dholbach> I just pinged mako, mdke is at work
[11:02] <dholbach> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda is the agenda of today
[11:03] <sabdfl> ok
[11:04] <sabdfl> Fridge <-> Calendar
[11:04] <sabdfl> erk
[11:04] <sabdfl> Calendar <-> IRC
[11:04] <dholbach> I personally do not know what the status on the IRC<->Fridge bot is, but for the Corporate Blogs on p.u.c item I know that we're still waiting on a few votes on the document proposal of Corey
[11:04] <dholbach> boredandblogging: are you awak already?
[11:04] <dholbach> hey mako
[11:04] <sabdfl> hey mako
[11:04] <mako> greetings
[11:04] <sabdfl> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda
[11:05] <sabdfl> i know there was an email exchange with nigel pugh about script access to GCalender
[11:05] <sabdfl> nigel seemed to feel that it should be easy to gain access to events in the way they need
[11:05] <sabdfl> where Google takes care of the repeating and just feeds a list of "coming events"
[11:06] <sabdfl> i see on the /talk page that the decision was made to move to Google Calender
[11:06] <dholbach> python-gdata should be a nice option there
[11:06] <sabdfl> but i have no idea if there is any progress on IRC announcements
[11:08] <dholbach> I can send a mail to Nick to see what the status is (as it was discussed in the last CC meeting already) and maybe we just need to ask for help with the scripting in a blog post and set up a meeting for people who are interested in working this out
[11:08] <elkbuntu> I dont think there's been any progress on the IRC front. At least, none I've heard of.
[11:09] <sabdfl> i asked nigel to look into whether such a thing is useful for Canonical too
[11:09] <sabdfl> we use google calender internally, and irc of course
[11:09] <sabdfl> if so, we might work on one
[11:09] <dholbach> great
[11:10] <mako> it sounds like that would be nice outcome :)
[11:11] <sabdfl> well
[11:11] <sabdfl> it sounds like a distant possibility on the time dimension ;-)
[11:11] <sabdfl> should we move on?
[11:11] <dholbach> yes
[11:11] <dholbach> regarding the coporate blogs item, we're lacking votes on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlanetUbuntu/CorporateBlogs
[11:11] <mako> but barring that, something like a blogpost or some other way to raise visibility for the issue is really the best we can do
[11:12] <dholbach> mako: I'll take care of mailing Nick and discussing options with him
[11:12] <sabdfl> +1 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlanetUbuntu/CorporateBlogs
[11:12] <dholbach> +1 from me too
[11:13] <Technoviking> +1 here
[11:14] <mako> i think i want to make one little edit to it
[11:14] <mako> it says we need to tagged to only export a subset but i think we should specificy what that subset is
[11:14] <sabdfl> it's the subset that the company wants to put on planet ;-)
[11:16] <dholbach> and add a "or have a specific blog for just the Ubuntu-related corporate blog entries" but that's just me being pedantic :)
[11:16] <dholbach> I'm fine with it :)
[11:16] <sabdfl> i.e. they should have a designated tag, and the subscription feed should be limited to things tagged like that
[11:18] <mako> alright. i think it's a little vague, but it should be a problem since it requires explicit persmission in any case
[11:18] <sabdfl> we could craft the language to say that "planet should only be subscribed to a subset of blog entries where a conscious decision is made to put the blog post on ubuntu planet. for example, tagging entries with a specific "ubuntuplanet" tag, and subscribing planet to a feed of blog posts with that tag, would be acceptable"
[11:18] <mako> +1 from me
[11:18] <mako> sabdfl: yeah, i think that's better
[11:18] <mako> but it's fine
[11:19] <sabdfl> any other votes still due on that page, dholbach?
[11:20] <dholbach> sabdfl: haven't heard back from elmo nor mdke, but I'd say we have quorum here
[11:20] <dholbach> and two weeks was enough to speak up if they seriously disagreed - also we can revisit the decision if it turns out to totally not work out
[11:20] <sabdfl> i'll send mail to the CC to the effect that we discussed it here, tweaked the page, and +1'd it
[11:20] <dholbach> WDYT?
[11:20] <sabdfl> agreed
[11:21] <dholbach> sabdfl: alright
[11:21] <sabdfl> should we +1 the oxford archeology request?
[11:22] <sabdfl> i think it's quite reasonable, and it's what triggered the conversation (not the Canonical blog)
[11:22] <dholbach> sabdfl: I can mail Yann to ask him to add it to the bzr branch once you mailed the CC about it
[11:22] <sabdfl> will do
[11:22] <dholbach> rock on
[11:22] <sabdfl> for the record, +1 from me on Oxford Archeology
[11:23] <dholbach> +1 too
[11:23] <mako> absolutely, it sounds like a reasonable request +1
[11:23] <sabdfl> done
[11:23] <Technoviking> +1 for Oxford Archeology
[11:23] <sabdfl> more done
[11:23] <sabdfl> do we have any clarity on the request for participation in the Tunisian loco event?
[11:24]  * dholbach doesn't know much about it
[11:24] <dholbach> jono mentioned something about it, but I can't quite remember and he's on vacation
[11:24] <sabdfl> i think this really belongs with Jono - either we can fund a person to go, or we can't
[11:25] <sabdfl> let's pass that one on to jono explicitly and remove it from our agenda
[11:25] <dholbach> errr
[11:25] <dholbach>  Date
[11:25] <dholbach>      
[11:25] <dholbach> Dec 16 2008 à préciser
[11:25] <dholbach> we might be a bit late anyway
[11:26] <sabdfl> heh
[11:26] <elkbuntu> just a bit...
[11:26] <sabdfl> next!
[11:26] <dholbach> IRC Council
[11:26] <sabdfl> irc
[11:26] <sabdfl> i just voted
[11:26] <sabdfl> +1 on all three, based on wiki pages and endorsements
[11:26] <dholbach> we should have all votes in
[11:26] <sabdfl> result?
[11:26] <mako> i believe i voted i favor of all three already
[11:26] <dholbach> doorbell - brb
[11:29] <sabdfl> i think it was a strong +1 across the board
[11:29] <sabdfl> but it was smeared out over long enough that I might have missed some controversy
[11:31] <elkbuntu> hrm. we may need a charter upgrade then, since we already have 3.
[11:32] <sabdfl> 3 charters?
[11:32] <dholbach> sabdfl: you're right - strong +1 across the board, but I'm a bit unsure about how we're moving on now
[11:33] <elkbuntu> no, 3 members. 3+3 =6, our charter states 5 people for the council
[11:33] <sabdfl> they can be added to the irc council team in LP with immediate effect, i think
[11:33] <elkbuntu> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/IrcCouncil
[11:33] <elkbuntu> # Consist of five (5) members. Membership should be public and published.
[11:33] <sabdfl> good catch
[11:33] <sabdfl> i don't mind amending it to "at least 5"?
[11:34] <sabdfl> we could have a run-off election, BUT then we should have had 4 candidates for 2 places
[11:34] <dholbach> me neither - having more members on board  might also help with getting meetings set up, etc.
[11:35] <mako> i'm happy to vote for the "at least 5" amendment now
[11:35] <dholbach> for the run-off election we'd need to decide on the voting process
[11:35] <sabdfl> +1 from me then, too
[11:35] <sabdfl> we don't have a "members team" for IRC, do we
[11:35] <sabdfl> was there any output from the UDS conversation on that point?
[11:35] <sabdfl> i think we should create that asap
[11:35] <dholbach> no, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncil/Delegation is not really suitable for cases like this
[11:36] <mako> i really don't see any reason why 5 is magic. perhaps we should ask ask the current members on the council if they a problem with it, i suppose
[11:36] <elkbuntu> sabdfl, we have a few members teams for irc actually. irc ops, and irc council.
[11:36] <sabdfl> there's a bit of a problem that the IRC council would appoint such members, who in turn would likely vote if we have IRC council member bakeoffs
[11:36] <sabdfl> how big is irc ops?
[11:36] <elkbuntu> mako, i suspect it's a matter of 'pick a non-even number'
[11:37] <elkbuntu> or odd, if you so choose to be more succinct.
[11:37] <yann2> hola... sorry:(
[11:37] <yann2> did I miss the meeting then? :'(
[11:37] <dholbach> sabdfl: we could task the new IRC Council with looking into a process for setting that team up, etc.
[11:37] <elkbuntu> not entirely
[11:37]  * yann2 from Oxford Archaeology - if the point can still be discussed :)
[11:37] <sabdfl> yann2: we +1'd it
[11:37] <sabdfl> you're all set
[11:38] <dholbach> yann2: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/12/16/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt should be updated in a bit
[11:38] <elkbuntu> sabdfl, sec, i'm trying to find it on LP, and my connection seems to be sucking badly
[11:38] <yann2> oh :) can I have an address to where to send the rss feed?
[11:38] <sabdfl> just subscribe planet to a feed that requires a specific tag on those blog posts you want on planet
[11:38] <sabdfl> not the whole blog
[11:38] <dholbach> yann2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlanetUbuntu
[11:38] <sabdfl> yann2: you need an ubuntu member who can modify the bzr branch that contains the feed
[11:38] <sabdfl> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlanetUbuntu/CorporateBlogs
[11:39] <sabdfl> yann2: ^
[11:39] <yann2> sabdfl > i read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlanetUbuntu/CorporateBlogs ; it will be a  tag on our platform - we agree to this
[11:39] <sabdfl> i've updated the /talk page for the CC agenda to reflect today's decisions
[11:39] <yann2> CC is also an option, I am an ubuntu member
[11:40] <yann2> I can take responsibility for the blog, agree with the 3 months period, non advertising nature of the posts, and I believe we will demonstrate our interest :)
[11:40] <sabdfl> dholbach: i think we want to have an "irc contributors" team, that is bigger than ops, and which is part of ubuntumembers
[11:40] <sabdfl> thereby delegating some membership granting privileges to the irc council
[11:40] <sabdfl> yann2: you already have!
[11:40] <yann2> just for the final bits, how do I get the feed aggregated?
[11:40] <sabdfl> dholbach: could you mail the IRC council, tell them of the new appointments and the "at least 5" amendment
[11:41] <sabdfl> yann2: take that up separately, you just amend a file in a bzr branch
[11:41] <dholbach> sabdfl: I agree - what do you think about deciding on the new irc council members now and let them figure out a good process for that team, set up documentation etc and talk about it in one of the next CC meetings?
[11:41] <dholbach> sabdfl: sure
[11:41] <sabdfl> dholbach: sure
[11:41] <dholbach> hehe
[11:41] <sabdfl> collision and meld!
[11:41] <sabdfl> are we wrapped?
[11:41] <elkbuntu> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc is the 'all the ops' team. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc-council is the council team. ... seems i forgot to count myself when i said 3 too :P
[11:42] <yann2> sabdfl > any link to this? (sorry for all the off topic :( )
[11:42] <sabdfl> yann2: OT
[11:42] <sabdfl> Technoviking: happy?
[11:42] <sabdfl> mako: aob?
[11:42] <mako> not from me
[11:43] <Technoviking> sabdfl: looks good here
[11:43]  * dholbach will update the Team Report too
[11:43] <sabdfl> wrapped
[11:43] <sabdfl> thanks all
[11:44] <sabdfl> cheers!
[11:44] <Technoviking> thanks
[11:44] <dholbach> thanks
[11:44]  * sabdfl needs a quick shower before lunch :-)
[11:44] <sabdfl> mako: thanks for hopping on despite timezones
[11:44] <sabdfl> good to see you again!
[11:44] <dholbach> the CC should probably own ~ubuntu-irc-council
[11:44] <dholbach> I'll put that into the mail as well
[11:45] <mako> no problem!
[11:45] <sabdfl> dholbach: fixed :-)
[11:46] <dholbach> hehe
[11:47] <mako> great. i think i'm going to go back to sleep :)
[11:47] <dholbach> mako: sleep tight
[11:47] <mako> see y'all! :)

MeetingLogs/CC/20081216 (last edited 2009-02-08 03:43:31 by cpe-069-134-119-070)