09:00 mdz        good morning
   09:00 mdz        let's get started
   09:00 mdz        is everyone here?
   09:00 JaneW      hi all
   === fabbione raises his hand
   09:00 Keybuk     _o/
   09:00 JaneW      ok I have opened a spreadsheet to tabulate all the comments
   === pitti waves
   09:01 Kamion     morning
   === hunger is just listening in.
   09:01 seb128     hi
   09:01 dholbach   good morning
   09:01 mdz        mvo,doko,infinity,Riddell,Mithrandir,Diziet,BenC,ogra: ping
   09:02 infinity   pong
   09:02 JaneW      mdz: daniels said he'll be here but a little late
   === zakame listens while waiting for linphone source to complete
   09:02 mdz        JaneW: * daniels_mobile (n=mobil_63@midgaard.ntnu.nu) has
                    joined #ubuntu-meeting
   09:02 dholbach   will ring mvo
   09:02 JaneW      oh there he is...
   === Chipzz [i=chipzz@noa.ulyssis.student.kuleuven.be] has joined
   === pitti will phone doko
   === fabbione will call Mithrandir
   09:03 mdz        Kamion: would you chase Ian?
   09:03 slomo_     hi everybody
   09:04 JaneW      where's ogra?
   09:04 dholbach   i will phone him
   09:04 doko_      pong
   09:04 dholbach   mvo will be here in some seconds
   09:04 Riddell    hi
   09:04 mdz        these meetings are going to be strictly time-limited so it
                    is important that everyone be here on time
   09:05 JaneW      mdz: I see desrt has a high priority goal, are we going to
                    'make' him attend too?
   09:05 Keybuk     [4]https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+specs
   09:05 Keybuk     ^ that's the "goal list", right?
   09:05 mdz        Keybuk: I wish it were
   09:05 JaneW      this view is easier to scan through...
   09:05 mdz        I started creating it there, but then discovered that any
                    random launchpad user could add things to it
   09:06 JaneW      mdz: shall we use a dreaded wiki table?
   09:06 JaneW      mdz: or wait for your bug to be fixed
   09:06 Kamion     mdz: will try
   === mvo [n=egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   09:06 mdz        JaneW: I don't think we can wait for further spec tracker
   09:06 dholbach   ogra's on his way too
   09:06 mdz        JaneW: I'll create a wiki page for now
   09:07 pitti      mdz: also, it is missing some specs, like
   === mvo appologizes for being late
   09:07 mdz        pitti: hence "started"
   09:07 JaneW      mdz: ok, I can check it against launchpad to see if it
                    changes much
   09:07 Kamion     no reply from Ian's phone
   09:07 infinity   pitti : Stuff needs to be assigned a target release to show
                    up in the table...
   09:07 fabbione   same for Mithrandir
   09:08 ogra       moin
   09:08 pitti      infinity: I see
   09:08 mdz        fabbione: same = no reply?
   09:09 fabbione   yeps
   09:09 fabbione   probably he is on the way to the office
   09:09 fabbione   and he doesn't hear the phone
   09:10 JaneW      while the phone stuff is happening
   09:10 mdz        ok, we can't wait longer
   09:10 mdz        JaneW: please make a note to follow up with ian, tollef and
   09:10 JaneW      what I need, is the list of goals with assignees, and then
                    also the estimated developer days for each goal
                    yes, over the next week you need to review your assigned
   09:11 mdz        specs and try to estimate the amount of time that each will
   09:11 mdz        of course these will be rough (sometimes very rough)
                    estimates, and that is OK
                    there is a field for this in the spec header now. Also we
   09:11 JaneW      need all known dependencies included. Please could you all
                    fill this in, so I can attempt to make a gantt chart from
   09:11 mdz        but it is important that we have some idea of small vs.
                    medium vs. large
   === Nafallo [n=nafallo@ubuntu/member/nafallo] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   09:12 fabbione   hmmm there are none of my assigned specs in the +spectable#
   09:12 JaneW      the time estimates can be amended later if you gauged it
                    wrong the first time, it's just to help to plan better.
   09:12 mdz        this is your chance to ensure that your workload is
                    achievable within the release timeframe
                    so those of you who felt that your breezy goals were too
   09:13 mdz        much for the time allotted, this is how you can avoid the
                    same fate for dapper
   09:13 mdz        so get those estimates in before the next meeting
   09:13 fabbione   mdz: i suggest that we extend this into the specs
   09:13 mdz        fabbione: what do you mean?
   09:14 fabbione   to most of the drafter i did ask to add estimte
                    implementation time directly when writing the specs
   09:14 fabbione   exactly to have it handy from the beginning
   09:14 daniels    mdz: daniels_mobile's battery died
   09:14 mdz        if it's in the text of the spec, it should be propagated to
   09:14 pitti      ack
   09:15 mdz        a note about the format of these meetings
                    I found last time that having to read dozen's of specs to
   09:15 JaneW      distil the updates was impossible, which is why we need the
                    salient info easily available
                    the idea is to have a chance for everyone to very briefly
   09:15 mdz        say what they have completed in the past week, will work on
                    in the next week, and where they are blocked
   09:16 mdz        to give us a chance to quickly resolve any blockages where
                    we can, and arrange for further discussion where necessary
                    mdz: i did write something already. If you want i can paste
   09:16 fabbione   and we can start from it to see how to adapt it for this
   09:16 mdz        they will last no more than one hour
   09:16 mdz        so we will not have a lot of discussion
                    if there is a topic which needs real discussion, we'll
   09:16 mdz        schedule a followup meeting with only the people who need
                    to be there
   09:16 JaneW      I will attemot to publish a summary table of the info
                    since these meetings invariably involve odd hours for some
   09:16 mdz        people, we won't hold up the entire group for discussions
                    which aren't relevant to everyone
   09:17 mdz        fabbione: I think the easiest thing would be to agree on a
                    standard format so that we can paste
   09:17 mdz        as is done in the launchpad meetings
   09:17 mdz        however, we did not do this in advance this time, of course
   09:17 Kamion     my notes have <launchpad-spec-name>: summary-of-progress
   09:18 Kamion     er, minus angle brackets
   09:18 pitti      I did it like this: specname\nProgres: ... \n Blocks: \n
                    Plan: \n Time estimate
   09:18 Kamion     and misc: for other stuff
   09:18 mdz        Kamion: that's reasonable
   09:18 fabbione   same here
   09:18 mdz        pitti: we should keep the number of lines per person small
   09:18 JaneW      pitti: sounds great :))
   === pitti compactifies :)
   09:18 JaneW      heh
   09:18 mdz        Kamion: would you start?
   09:19 Kamion     ubuntu-express-*, ue-*: Not started; will start next week
                    once Flight CD 1 is done.
                    cd-build-process: jigdo improvements done, yielding the
                    vast bulk of the wins here; elmo reckons parallelisation
   09:19 Kamion     will be a loss with little's current hardware ("I/O
                    bandwidth of a straw"); single-architecture rebuilds not
                    started, but not blocked.
                    cd-bootloader: syslinux 3 merge partly done, but blocked on
   09:19 Kamion     finishing Flight CD 1 for general sanity reasons. gfxboot
                    work blocked on that. CD timeout work not started.
                    misc: insane pile of merges, lots of uninstallable-fixing,
                    seed reorganisation, etc. Assuming I get Flight CD 1 done
   09:19 Kamion     this week, I intend to spend next week on (a) the big
                    apt-setup merge from Debian (fixing lots of bugs) and (b)
                    Ubuntu Express.
   09:19 mdz        great, that's the right level of detail
   09:20 Keybuk     (merges: 200 dropped to 150 in the last 2 days)
   09:20 mdz        we'll chat a bit about merges at the end of the meeting if
                    we have time
   09:20 mdz        fabbione: next?
   09:20 fabbione   sure
   09:20 fabbione   * Progress on ubuntu-server
   09:20 fabbione     + Community involment:
   09:20 fabbione       - #ubuntu-server created
   09:20 fabbione       - waiting jdub to create mailing list
   09:20 fabbione       - ubuntu-instant parallel project started from the
                    community to add value to -server (~ server for dummies)
   09:20 fabbione     + Implementation:
                        - Create an MD5 checker for the Ubuntu Installer rescue
   09:20 fabbione   mode (see specs): server side code is done and tested. rt
                    request filed for datacenter integration.
   09:20 fabbione   * During this week:
   09:20 fabbione     - kernel security (big mess + ABI change)
   09:21 fabbione     - need to review policy for security with ABI changes
                    (lrm and linux-meta)
   09:21 fabbione   * Next week:
   09:21 fabbione     - monday: ubuntu love. I will be out distributing CDs to
                    a lot of local users.
   09:21 fabbione     - kernel security left overs (if any)
   09:21 fabbione     - merges
   09:21 fabbione     - ubuntu-server and ubuntu-cluster work.
   09:21 fabbione   * Side notes:
   09:21 fabbione     - Waiting a final date for a visit to a DK Company and
                    held a talk there (sabdfl approved).
   09:21 fabbione   (done)
   === jsgotangco [n=jerome@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined
   09:22 JaneW      this is great :))
   09:22 mdz        fabbione: boot-from-usb?
   09:22 fabbione   mdz: no other progresses beside what i write
   09:22 fabbione   wrote even
   09:23 fabbione   (to keep it short)
   09:23 seb128     should we mention all the specs or only the spec where we
                    did some work?
   09:23 mdz        fabbione: ok, we'll work on the format for next time so
                    that this is clearer
   09:23 pitti      the latter would make more sense
   09:23 Mithrandir oh, pong.
   09:23 Mithrandir sorry, I overslept. :-/
   09:23 mdz        pitti: if a task is stalled, it's important for that to be
                    clear during the meeting
   09:23 pitti      ok
   09:24 mdz        but we haven't time to discuss it here.  janew or I will
                    send mail to the list about it
   09:24 mdz        seb128: ready?
   09:24 pitti      JaneW: maybe you can evaluate today's formats and suggest a
                    standard one for the next meeting?
   09:24 seb128     This week:
   09:24 seb128     * caught with UBZ mail backlog
   09:24 seb128     * packaged GNOME 2.13.2 (with dholbach)
   09:24 seb128     * started menus-revisited changes
   09:24 seb128     Next week:
   09:24 seb128     * starting catching with bugs backlog
   09:24 seb128     * push menus-revisited to implemented
   09:24 seb128     * gconf transition (package split, location of the default
                    change, new format to store custom defaults)
   09:24 mdz        seb128: thanks
   09:24 mdz        pitti: yes, we will do so after the meeting
   09:24 mdz        pitti: ready?
                    hide-admin-tools-to-users: implemented backend part of
   09:25 pitti      hide-admin-tools-to-users; Plan: coordinate with seb128 and
                    mvo about updating all desktop files and
                    gnome-menu/update-notifier  Time estimate: 2 mandays
                    gstreamer-audio-backend: Blocks: I need gstreamer 0.10 beta
   09:25 pitti      in dapper; Plan: upgrade ALSA libs to 1.10 and make
                    necessary adjustments according to spec; Time estimate: 1
                    day ALSA, 2 days gstreamer; libgnome: unclear
   09:25 pitti      automatic-printer-conf: Plan: upgrade to latest cupsys
                    beta; ETA: 6 hours (big package, lots of Ubuntu changes)
   09:25 mdz        once we have a standard format we should be able to
                    parallelize more without losing clarity
   09:25 pitti      rosetta-firefox-support: Blocks: carlos currently plays
                    with moz2po to actually get it working; ETA unknown
   09:25 pitti      general for next week: finish merges, catch up with
                    security, clean up anastacia
   === infinity is ready.
   09:25 pitti      that's it for now, I didn't start with the other specs so
   09:25 mdz        seb128: will gstreamer 0.10 come in with gnome 2.13.2?
   09:26 seb128     seb128: no, it's due first week of december
   09:26 mdz        hmm, ok
   09:26 mdz        pitti: thanks
   09:26 pitti      seb128: any beta to play with?
   === JaneW will list as no progress, anything for which an update is not
   explicitly given
   09:26 mdz        Keybuk: next?
   09:26 Keybuk     asure
                    udev-roadmap: klibc updated, but decided not to use it for
                    udev.  modutils now up to date and owns the isapnp aliases
                    and blacklists; potential issue with installer/initramfs
   09:26 Keybuk     modprobe (busybox) not supporting blacklists.  udev
                    packaging is progressing well; chose intersection of Debian
                    and SuSE rules for our own, still need to sort out
                    there is 0.9 tarball, Debian has SVN version of the package
   09:26 seb128     but the Debian maintain doesn't want to upload them because
                    the versionning will change for 0.10 ... probably better to
                    wait the 2-3 weeks if we can
                    hardware-activation: firmware moved to /lib/firmware as new
   09:26 Keybuk     standard path, kernel-wedge updated, BenC to update
                    network-magic: NetworkManager doesn't work with Atheros
                    cards, which are pretty common in the target
   09:26 Keybuk     userbase.  Perhaps this should be deferred until the cards
                    can be supported (which is most likely when we have an open
                    driver for them as iz driver bug)
                    streamlined-boot: bootchart packages made available, 10s
   09:26 Keybuk     shaved by removal of boot-time depmod.  Next up see what
                    the udev changes do, then fix readahead.
   09:27 Keybuk     JaneW: could you mention which specs those are, some of us
                    could be just forgetting by accident ;)
   09:27 Kamion     Keybuk: installer issue is no longer relevant for now
                    because I switched d-i to module-init-tools
   09:27 JaneW      Keybuk: yes, but not today... all my FF windows have hung
                    need to reboot after meeting ;)
   09:27 mdz        Keybuk: regarding udev-roadmap, what is the status of the
                    new coldplugging infrastructure?
   09:28 mdz        Keybuk: let's chat later in detail about what to do with NM
                    mdz: oops, missed that in my trimming to one line ...
   09:28 Keybuk     prototype tested yesterday and seems to work, need to code
                    up a full version and update initramfs -- ~1 day
   09:29 mdz        Keybuk: ok, please make that your next priority so it lands
                    as early as possible
                    Keybuk : I'll need a loud ping from you when you've
   09:29 infinity   released your soft lock on initramfs, by the way, so we
                    avoid stepping on each other.
   09:29 mdz        Keybuk: streamlined-boot also has a list of things to
                    remove from the boot process, right?
   09:30 JaneW      infinity/ Keybuk will you 2 coordinate that or do you need
                    me to liaise?
   09:30 infinity   JaneW : I tihnk we're capable. :)
   09:30 JaneW      infinity: good :P
   09:30 mdz        Keybuk: ok, thanks
   09:30 mdz        mvo: next?
   09:30 mvo        This week:
   09:30 mvo        * automatic removal of dependencies:
   09:30 mvo          - merged work from UBZ with mainline, want to bounty
   09:30 mvo        * support 3rd party package
   09:30 mvo          - support for sources.list.d added to apt/synaptic
   09:30 mvo          - gdebi (direct installing of debs) makes progress
   09:30 mvo        Will do:
   09:30 mvo        * support 3rd party packages channels and work on a gui for
   09:30 mvo          (releated to "better repo dialog" spec)
   09:30 mvo        * unattended package upgrades checking script
   09:31 mvo        * gdebi upload to universe
   09:31 pitti      mvo: can I have you for hide-admin-tools next week? for the
                    u-n side? (should be a small change)
   09:32 mvo        pitti: sure, that should be possible
   09:32 mdz        mvo: command-not-found, release-upgrades?
   09:32 mvo        mdz: not started yet, do you want me to change priorities?
   09:33 mdz        mvo: please look at them in enough detail to make a time
                    estimate this week, and we'll prioritize based on that
   09:33 mdz        mvo: thanks
   09:33 mdz        doko: next?
                    toolchain-roadmap:  toolchain packages updated to current
   09:33 doko       versions, not final releases. libstdc++ allocator changes
                    start after flight-1, ia32-libs will start loosing packages
                    next week (with glibc), java-updates: not yet started
   09:33 doko       others: no progress
   09:33 doko       This week:
   09:33 doko       - snycs
   09:33 doko       - preparing libstdc++ allocator change
   09:33 doko       - experimental gij/gcj-4.1 builds
   09:33 doko       Next week:
   09:33 doko       - libstdc++ allocator changes, toolchain bug trial
   09:33 doko       - java to native code infrastructure for libjava packages
   09:34 doko       some help next week for the libstdc++ allocator changes
                    would be nice
   09:34 mdz        doko: I haven't finished catching up on the allocator stuff
   09:34 mdz        doko: how many packages are affected?
   09:34 doko       renaming about 40 libs in main
   09:34 mdz        not another full C++ transition I hpe
   09:34 infinity   doko : You have my help, of course, for naything requiring
                    mass rebuilds.
   09:34 doko       rebuilding depending packages
   09:35 doko       no, not full. and it's all mechanical now
   09:35 dholbach   doko: i'll help out there too
   09:35 mdz        doko: ok, let's have a followup with you/me/JaneW about
                    dividing that workload
   09:35 doko       infinity, dholbach: thanks
   09:35 doko       mdz: ok
   09:35 Mithrandir doko: would you have a chance to do the ooo-amd64 changes,
                    or should I get around to do that?
   09:35 Mithrandir (to build native packages)
   09:35 mdz        doko: thanks
   09:36 doko       Mithrandir: I'd like to wait until after the allocator
   09:36 mdz        infinity: next?
   09:36 Mithrandir doko: ok, sure.
                    initramfs/usplash-*: fixing vga16fb and syslinux to both
                    run at 640x400, pushing changes to BenC to get the kernel
   09:36 infinity   to use update-initramfs in its postinst, most other
                    initramfs stuff will be started in the next week or two,
                    when Keybuk releases his "lock".
                    reducing-duplication: ongoing effort, currently beginning
   09:36 infinity   to focus on rebuilding everything against the One True
                    openssl (0.9.8)
                    misc-blocked: linux-restricted-modules waiting on Xorg to
   09:36 infinity   build (which is waiting on a new glibc from jbailey) before
                    I bump us to new ATI drivers and fiddle with new Xorg and
                    /lib/firmware paths.
   09:36 infinity   misc-nextweek: PHP security updates on my plate, and of
                    course, more effort on the merge and bug triage fray.
   09:37 mdz        infinity: is buildd admin taking a lot of your time with
                    the churn?
   09:37 infinity   mdz : It can, this week hasn't been TOO painful, though.
   09:38 infinity   mdz : It's actually far worse with little churn but high
                    expectations (ie: close to test/release times)
   === Aegir [n=richard@d220-238-62-145.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined
   09:38 sivang     hi all
   09:38 mdz        infinity: ok, thanks
   09:38 sivang     (sorry, wasn't aware of the time of the meeting, I was sure
                    it was going to be in the evening)
   09:39 mdz        Riddell: ready?
                    This week: (kubuntu-roadmap-dapper) packaging KDE 3.5,
                    preparing for the libstdc++ transition and discussing it
   09:39 Riddell    with the Debian packagers, (kubuntu-translations) preparing
                    KDE packages for rosetta, and doing the artwork for Kubuntu
                    breezy CDs.
                    Also tidied the Kubuntu wiki pages, (kubuntu-documentation)
   09:39 Riddell    preparing documentation for breezy and preparing
                    KubuntuDapperPackagerManager for Bounty.
   09:39 JaneW      sivang: rotates 6 hourly each week, next week will be at
                    14:00 UTC
   === wjb [n=warren@c220-237-178-175.lowrp1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined
                    Next week, doing c++ transition, simplify-kde,
   09:39 Riddell    documentation packaging, hopefully kubuntu-system-tools
                    fixing knetworkconf
   09:39 sivang     JaneW: good, that is more doable for me :)
   09:40 mdz        Riddell: kubuntu-system-tools is still drafting, we need to
                    get it polished up before starting the implementation
   09:40 Riddell    mdz: ok, I'll look at that today
                    Riddell: over the next week I need you to take charge of
   09:40 mdz        getting kubuntu CD builds going again (uninstallables,
                    livefs builds, etc.)
   09:41 sivang     JaneW: DapperGoals is da page ? :)
   09:41 Kamion     sivang:
   09:41 Kamion     (for the moment)
   09:41 Riddell    mdz: yep, I've been waiting on c++ transition for that
   09:41 infinity   Riddell : For the livefs unbreakage, you know to ping me if
                    you need help, yes?
   09:41 sivang     Kamion: ah right, thx
   09:41 mdz        Riddell: we're trying to get a CD build out before
                    introducing more uninstallability
   09:41 Riddell    infinity: will do
   09:42 mdz        Riddell: with Kamion's build process improvements, it
                    should be much easier to run CD builds on-demand
   09:42 mdz        Riddell: thanks
   09:42 mdz        Mithrandir: next?
   09:42 Kamion     Riddell: I re-enabled the cdimage crontab last night so at
                    least you'll get test runs
   09:43 Riddell    Kamion: great, thanks
   09:43 Mithrandir mdz: sure, ready.
   09:43 mdz        Mithrandir: fire away
   09:43 Mithrandir This week:
   09:43 Mithrandir - merges
   09:43 Mithrandir - making it possible to build cdebconf widgets out-of tree.
   09:43 Mithrandir Next week:
   09:43 Mithrandir - merges
                    - help making the CDs installable again so I can implement
   09:43 Mithrandir some of my CD-based specs and start doing the live cd boot
                    speed instrumentation
   09:43 Mithrandir Blocked on:
                    - generally bugzilla being utterly slow due to jamesh
   09:43 Mithrandir running gpg imports on the bugzilla host.  Makes it hard to
                    know when bug triage and merges are possible to do.
   09:44 mdz        Mithrandir: I'll follow up regarding macquarie
   09:44 Mithrandir mdz: thanks.
   09:44 mdz        Mithrandir: please make CD and livefs installability your
                    priority, to help Colin in preparing the first Flight
   === hunger_ [n=hunger@p54A626FC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined
   09:44 mdz        Mithrandir: coordinate with him regarding what needs to be
   09:45 Mithrandir mdz: ok, will do.
   09:45 pitti      I'll do the inclusion reports toay to fix anastacia
   09:45 mdz        pitti: is anastacia currently blocking installability?
   09:45 pitti      (and make a few uploads to use other libs, etc.)
   09:45 pitti      mdz: not so sure, but buildability at least
   09:45 Kamion     mdz: in some cases yes
   09:45 Mithrandir pitti: we should be announcing locks of some kind in #u-d,
   09:46 Mithrandir there has been a little (but not much) double-work due to
                    people not announcing what they're doing.
   09:46 mdz        Kamion: let's have a followup regarding the CD blockers and
                    distributing that work to more people
   09:46 Kamion     sure
   09:46 mdz        Mithrandir: thanks
   09:46 mdz        dholbach: next?
   === Keybuk [n=scott@descent.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   09:46 dholbach   this week: done: big heap of merges, gnome 2.13.2
   09:46 dholbach   this week: to do: bug triage, missing merges, ubuntu-docs
                    next week: bug triage, missing merges, desktop team
   09:46 dholbach   organisation, bug day, talking accessibility with hno73,
                    c++ allocator change
                    power-management-configuration: desrt, mjg59, pitti and
                    hughsie are currently in the loop. the biggest problem is
                    that gnome-power-manager/hal upstream want to have hal
   09:47 dholbach   running as root, whereas pitti ... doesnt want to. We
                    already considered not using g-p-m and rely on the scripts,
                    Matthew didn't like that. desrt started hacking on various
                    things for testing reasons, but unfortunately there was no
                    agreement made yet.
                    inclusion-of-docs: started to try to understand 80M of docs
   09:47 dholbach   and how they are built; no upload yet, since there were no
                    big changes yet
   09:47 dholbach   acessibility-*: need to catch up with hno73, since the BOFs
                    were not scheduled in Montreal
   09:47 jsgotangco yeah
   === Keybuk returns ... could someone send me everything since I last said
   anything <g>
                    dholbach: hmm, let's talk later about
   09:47 mdz        power-management-configuration, sounds like we need to
                    figure that out
   09:47 dholbach   absolutely
   09:47 Riddell    Keybuk: done
   09:47 Kamion     dholbach: I think for avoidance of confusion (?) we should
                    consider weeks to start and end at this meeting. :)
   09:48 mdz        Kamion: indeed :-)
   09:48 dholbach   ok :)
   09:48 mdz        dholbach: thanks
   09:48 mdz        ogra: ready?
   09:48 ogra       yup
   09:48 ogra       == thin-client-sound ==
   09:48 ogra       * proof of concept works fine here (there is way less to do
                    than the spec says, will correct this)
   09:48 ogra       * implementation and coding will take another day
   09:48 ogra
   09:48 ogra       == thin-client-local-devices ==
   09:48 ogra       * not started yet
   09:48 ogra       * ltspfs packaged but not yet uploaded (needs more testing)
   09:48 ogra
   09:48 ogra       == thin-client-memory-usage ==
   09:48 ogra       * did some further testing
   09:48 ogra       * played with module blacklisting etc
   09:48 ogra       * talked to daniels about reducing the color palette by
                    default to 16bit for thin clients
   09:49 ogra
   09:49 ogra       == thin-client-faster-startup ==
   09:49 ogra       * made all the changes we worked out at ubz
   09:49 ogra       * did some bootcharting
   09:49 ogra       * enabled usplash, to recognize we loose 5sec through it :/
   09:49 ogra
   09:49 ogra       == gnome-screensaver (generally) ==
   09:49 ogra       * started to adopt the .desktop file scheme for
                    gnome-screensaver in xscreensaver
   09:49 ogra       * split the hacks into 4 packages for shipped/non-shipped,
                    gl/non-gl (per sabdfl request)
   09:49 ogra       == gnome-screensaver-default-image ==
   09:49 ogra       * not started yet
   09:49 ogra
   09:49 ogra       == planned for the week ==
   09:49 ogra       * finish up my local bzr archive of ltsp mainline make it
                    public and add my changes after
   09:49 ogra          cross-check through mdz
   09:49 ogra       * get the specs texts finished and finally approved
   09:49 ogra       * further ltsp testing in all areas
   09:49 ogra       * finishing xscreensaver stuff
   09:49 ogra       * making the first edubuntu CD, getting familiar with
                    liveCD builds (we had none last release)
   09:50 JaneW      ogra: and evangelising and trying to solicit community dev
   09:50 mdz        ogra: ok, we have things to talk about on many of those
                    goals, let's do that soon
   09:50 ogra       mdz, yup
   09:50 JaneW      mdz: want a sep edubuntu meeting with us?
   09:50 mdz        JaneW: sure, we can do that at the same time
                    ogra : You may want to hit/ping me later about your
   09:50 infinity   experience with usplash on thin clients, I was going to
                    play with that Real Soon Now.
   09:51 mdz        JaneW: BenC and Diziet are not here, please follow up with
                    them via email and CC me
   09:51 ogra       infinity, its fine, just slow :)
   09:51 JaneW      mdz: will do
   09:51 infinity   ogra : Sure, but there's no reason it should be.  Anyhow,
   09:51 ogra       yup
   09:51 mdz        ok, one general agenda item is the merge process
   09:52 mdz        we need to get this initial merge finished off so that we
                    can move ahead with other work
   09:52 pitti      I would really like to see some more people being able to
                    sync packages
   09:52 mdz        pitti: sync or merge?
   09:52 pitti      it costs a lot of time to track these issues for several
   09:52 pitti      mdz: sync
   09:52 seb128     yeah
   09:52 ogra       mdz, sync
   09:52 pitti      and they block other packages often
   09:52 mdz        pitti: oh, carry out the actual sync in katie you mean?
   === mvo agrees
   09:52 pitti      mdz: yes
   09:53 mdz        elmo, Kamion and I can all do that
                    pitti: I did some for a while, but elmo said it costs him
   09:53 Kamion     time to try to resolve what I've done against his queue
                    when he comes back
   09:53 Kamion     mdz: ^--
   09:53 pitti      Kamion: hm, ok
   09:53 seb128     it took me 4 days to get gnumeric buildable mostly waiting
                    on syncs
   09:53 pitti      but that is a blocker IMHO, at least for me
   09:53 Kamion     and asked me not to do it unless it was world-shattering
                    urgent and he'd jumped under a bus
   09:53 mdz        Kamion: let's the three of us put our heads together and
                    figure out how to do that better
   09:53 Kamion     mdz: nod
   09:53 Mithrandir using the wiki or bugzilla or something sounds like a good
                    plan, IMO.
   09:53 pitti      when we discover that something can be synced, we should do
                    it right away
   09:54 pitti      otherwise new changes interfere with that, etc.
   09:54 pitti      we already had that case
   09:54 JaneW      mdz: are you going to get the DapperGaols wiki page going
                    or should I?
                    JaneW: go ahead and create it; I'll populate it (was
   09:54 mdz        planning to just put a list of launchpad URLs there for
   09:54 mdz        JaneW: there isn't much sense duplicating the info from
                    launchpad I don't think
   09:55 JaneW      mdz: I am scheming all sorts of huge and unwieldy tabulated
                    stuff now ;)
   09:55 mdz        JaneW: once we figure out the view we need, we can add it
                    to the spec tracker and have it generated automatically
   09:55 Kamion     pitti: not to be rah-launchpad or anything, but ultimately
                    there'll be a button you can push to do that, I think ...
   09:55 JaneW      mdz: that would be WAY better
   09:55 mdz        ok, we have 5 minutes.  does anyone have a pressing concern
                    which applies to the entire team?
   === pitti_ [n=pitti@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   09:56 daniels    mdz: ...
   09:56 doko       mdz: disk space on concordia
                    mdz. JaneW: sidenote:
   09:56 fabbione   [8]https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+specstable
                    has no specs for which i am assignee...
   09:56 mdz        daniels: oh, you're back. go
   09:56 fabbione   doko: i did open an RT request for it
   09:56 daniels    yes, I pinged you about 45 minutes ago.
                    completed: x11r7 rc1 and assorted bugfix fun.  a few
   09:56 daniels    merges, syncs.  prepared xorg breezy-update.  debugging
                    wip: x11r7 rc2 tarball updates (~100 new
   09:56 daniels    tarballs).  everything but server done; server and drivers
                    are in local testing as there's no point uploading (see
                    blocked: glibc for building xorg-server.  jbailey and I
   09:56 daniels    developed patch to fix.  new binutils upstream needed to
                    let glibc build so xorg-server can build so the drivers can
                    build.  bugzilla.
   09:56 daniels    planned: finish x11r7 rc2 tarballs.  start work on
                    uninstallables.  update mesa to new upstream when it comes.
                    x-roadmap: permanently wip by definition.  eta: jan 20th.
                    dbus-restarts: largely fixed (we don't restart dbus
                    anymore).  mostly informational for upstream use.  eta: not
   09:56 daniels    planned. gdm-keyboard-layout: superseded by a few other
                    specs which don't involve me.  eta: no idea.
                    faster-gnome-startup: some mcpp issues to iron out which
                    have been causing me pain today.  eta: unsure (else only
                    gnome work left).
   09:56 pitti      hrmpf network #$##$
   09:56 JaneW      fabbione: we'll have to fix that!
   09:57 sivang     JaneW: lol
                    fabbione, Znarl did tell me it was long term, but it looks
   09:57 doko       like we need it short term, or at least have separate i386
                    and amd64 machines
   09:57 mdz        daniels: so r7 final is expected in Jan?
   09:57 daniels    dec 7th
   09:57 mdz        daniels: what is blocking the glibc upload?  just do it
   09:57 fabbione   doko: i told him we need a short term solution asap to work
                    and a final solution because it is a long term issue
   09:57 daniels    mdz: i can do it if you want, but it will FTBFS because of
   09:58 dholbach   mdz: the cd?
   === janimo [n=jani@Home03207.cluj.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   09:58 mdz        daniels: is the new binutils a big deal to package?
   09:58 fabbione   mdz: elmo required some testing before upload and afaik he
                    is looking into it
   09:58 fabbione   there is a bit more than just pkging
   09:58 daniels    mdz: elmo has said to tread very, very carefully around it,
                    so jbailey is mostly sorting it out aiui
   09:58 mdz        dholbach: the cd?
   09:59 daniels    mdz: it's non-trivial (jumping to a new cvs revision)
   09:59 dholbach   mdz: you asked what was blocking it... i was thinking
                    loudly, sorry
   09:59 mdz        daniels: ok, we can't block on jbailey as he'll be busy
                    with support this cycle
   09:59 mdz        daniels: let's discuss later
   09:59 mdz        we're out of time
                    i'm not confident that I won't break the entire archive,
   09:59 daniels    which could possibly be counterproductive.  so it's not
                    immediately obvious.
   10:00 JaneW      daniels: good thing to say as the meeting ends!
   10:00 mdz        anything else, mail me, me/janew, or ubuntu-devel as
   10:00 pitti      that was a pretty useful meeting IMHO
   10:00 JaneW      thanks everyone, for a first attempt that worked well
   10:00 mdz        expect to hear from me and JaneW about refining the meeting
   10:00 mdz        but I think this was a good first attempt
   10:00 fabbione   yup
   10:00 Nafallo    pitti: agreed :-)
   10:01 mdz        adjourned, thanks all
   10:01 pitti      thanks
   10:01 JaneW      see you all same place and day next week +6 hours

MeetingLogs/DapperDev_2005-11-17 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:18:59 by localhost)