03:03 klepas     hi all
03:03 jjesse     morning klepas
03:03 Madpilot   morning everyone
03:03 jsgotangco morning
03:04 klepas     people not officially involved in the doc team can voice opinions and
                 tag along, right?
03:04 jsgotangco of course
03:04 jjesse     of course
03:04 Madpilot   ...still dark out here... barely morning at all... :)
03:04 jjesse     grin 9am here, beautiful snowy december morning
03:04 jjesse     4 inches over night
=== jsgotangco misses snow
03:05 jsgotangco who's here?
03:05 jsgotangco do we have the numbers to actually hold a meeting?
03:06 jjesse     i'm here
03:06 jsgotangco ok let's wait a big just in case
03:07 jjesse     doing an OEM install of Dapper flight2 and have had no issues this
03:07 jjesse     of kubuntu
03:07 jsgotangco wow
03:07 jsgotangco mine in ubuntu is just borked
03:07 jsgotangco i have yet to burn the image of kubuntu though
03:07 jjesse     i love the boot screen
03:08 jsgotangco but i'll be doing a good number of updates on the quickguide
03:08 jjesse     though how do you do a screen shot of it to include in the doc?
03:08 jsgotangco yeah
03:08 jsgotangco it'll be great
03:08 Madpilot   jjesse: with an actual camera? :)
03:08 klepas     01:08 here
03:08 klepas     AM :)
03:08 klepas     and 30 degrees
03:09 Madpilot   -1 C at 0609 here, and sunrise isn't until 0759... bleh
03:10 jsgotangco hmm we don't seem to have the numbers
03:10 jsgotangco Madpilot, -1 C isn't that cold
03:10 jjesse     where is everyone?
03:10 klepas     Canberra, Australia
03:10 jsgotangco klepas, we meant the other team contributors :)
03:11 jsgotangco hmm lots posted in the agenda but no one came :)
03:12 jjesse     jsgotangco: for release notes are we updatign just what has changed
                 since the last release?
03:12 jsgotangco have you seen DapperReleaseNotes?
03:12 jjesse     yeah
03:12 jsgotangco there isn't that much but yeah i should update that this weekend
03:13 jjesse     have you seen DapperFlight2 ?
03:13 jsgotangco it should get packaged by Flight 3
03:13 jsgotangco yeah but thats more of a marketing doc :)
03:13 jjesse     if somoene lets me know in time i can do a kubuntuflight3 page
03:13 jsgotangco but good nonetheless
03:13 jjesse     that would liook like that
03:13 jsgotangco its awesome
03:13 jsgotangco matt did good on that one
03:13 jsgotangco actually the flight 2 docs are very VERY good
03:14 jjesse     yeah but it would have been cool to have a Kubuntu one ready as well
03:14 jsgotangco yeah let's fix that
03:14 jsgotangco mdke seems to have convered good on ubuntu
03:14 jsgotangco =)
03:15 jjesse     cackle
03:15 jjesse     klepas: did you have something you wanted to share?
03:15 jsgotangco klepas, yeah dude good time to do so
03:15 jsgotangco Madpilot, what happened to Burgy?
03:15 jsgotangco work perhaps
03:15 jsgotangco ?
03:16 Madpilot   jsgotangco: he's a lazy SOB? ;)
03:16 jsgotangco haha
03:16 jsgotangco Madpilot, how's docbook treating you?
03:16 jjesse     Madpilot: stupid question you are working on???
03:16 Madpilot   I'm not swearing at it quite as much
03:17 Madpilot   jjesse: I just did the BitTorrent entry for common-tasks.xml - not
                 sure if that patch has been applied yet though
03:17 jsgotangco yeah it can be a bitch sometimes
03:17 Madpilot   I posted it to the list last night
03:17 jjesse     Madpilot: i just get confused on who is working on what :)
03:17 jsgotangco Madpilot, i'll patch it now
03:17 klepas     jsgotangco: sorry
03:17 klepas     multitasking
=== jsgotangco searches for the patch
03:18 Madpilot   jjesse: you still available for Sunday's Desktop Guide meeting?
03:19 jsgotangco we have a desktop meeting?
03:19 jsgotangco haha
03:19 jsgotangco joke
03:19 Madpilot   we've been talking about one for Sunday - 1700 UTC I think
03:20 jjesse     i should be available
03:20 jjesse     hmm i'm -5 UTC so i should be out of church by then
03:21 jsgotangco Madpilot, slobs didn't apply your patch =)
03:22 Madpilot   I didn't think it had gone in yet
03:22 jjesse     didn't see it come across
03:22 Madpilot   I sent the email about 8hrs ago now...
03:23 jsgotangco no worries
03:23 jsgotangco Madpilot, next time we'll guarantee your patch gets applied in 2
                 hours or your money back =)
03:23 Madpilot   :P
03:24 jjesse     i'll double your money if its not applied
03:24 jsgotangco and will even topup a fresh commit account
03:24 jsgotangco lol
03:25 Madpilot   hmmm... if we're not going to have an actual meeting, maybe we should
                 stop filling the -meeting logs here and head back to -doc?
=== mdke [n=matt@ubuntu/member/mdke] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
03:26 jsgotangco speak of the devils
03:26 jsgotangco holy diff errors Madpilot
=== mhz [n=mhz_chil@moinmoin/fan/mhz] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
03:27 Madpilot   jsgotangco: hmm? what's up?
=== jsgotangco reverts the doc first
03:27 mdke       hello all
03:27 jsgotangco its been a while since i patched the docs here better let mdke do it
=== jsgotangco should familiarize himself with the svn again
03:28 jsgotangco lots of xref issues
03:28 mdke       jsgotangco, validate the desktopguide.xml
03:28 jsgotangco ohhhh
03:28 jsgotangco Madpilot, see?
03:28 jsgotangco =)
03:29 jsgotangco ahh
03:29 jsgotangco no issue then =)
03:29 mdke       any meeting action?
03:29 jsgotangco not so much we were waiting for the o great packager =)
03:29 Nafallo    what meeting? :-)
03:30 mdke       Nafallo, topic?
03:30 jsgotangco mdke, we got lots in the agenda but no bhuvan
03:31 mdke       hmm
03:31 mdke       rob1?
03:31 Nafallo    ah
03:31 mdke       dholbach, around?
03:32 mdke       Riddell, around?
03:32 Riddell    always baby
03:32 mdke       heh, yeah true
03:32 jsgotangco Madpilot, applied! 10 brownie points added =)
03:32 mdke       well how about we deal with a few agenda items?
03:33 mdke       the first two have been around way too long
03:33 Madpilot   jsgotangco: thanks
03:33 jjesse     back sorrry
03:33 mdke       dholbach, Riddell, has any progress been made on the "single source
                 for (k)ubuntu-docs" issue?
=== guilhermee [n=x@200164038026.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
03:34 Riddell    mdke: not to my knowledge
03:34 jsgotangco jjesse, whoa that was fast
03:35 mdke       Riddell, any strong views either way?
03:35 mdke       it would be nice, but I have no feel for the difficulty/triviality of
                 what it would take
                 mdke: I think it would still be nice since it would stop us having to
03:35 Riddell    do externals to the generic documents in kubuntu, but it's not a
                 major issue
03:35 Riddell    wouldn't be that difficult, just takes doing
03:35 jsgotangco whaddaya mean single source?
03:35 Riddell    and I don't have time for it
03:36 mdke       jsgotangco, building both packages from the same source package
03:36 jsgotangco right
                 Riddell, right, I suggest we remove this from the agenda and I'll
03:36 mdke       take it up with Daniel when I next encounter him. If we can do it, we
                 will. otherwise, in the meantime, shall we put the external back?
03:37 Riddell    yes, I'll probably do that today
03:37 mdke       great
03:37 mdke       ok that issue is dealt with
03:38 mdke       agenda item 1 is "toolchain for kubuntu docs". this was about using
                 meinproc for building kubuntu docs
03:38 jjesse     i think we left that as undecided last time we tlaked about it on the
                 mailing list
03:38 mdke       yeah
                 afaict I was the only one with an objection to this, so I'm happy to
03:39 mdke       stand aside and for us to continue using meinproc, if no one else
=== jsgotangco has no experience with it but heard its pretty good
03:39 Riddell    jsgotangco: it lacks xincludes is the problm
03:39 Riddell    problem
03:39 jsgotangco ahhh
03:39 mdke       oh yeah crap forgot about that
03:39 Riddell    so it means that generic docs can't use xincludes
03:39 mdke       and the kubuntu docs can't either
03:40 Riddell    well nobody objects if edit kubuntu docs :)
03:40 Riddell    if I edit
03:41 mdke       no, but if people want to work on both, they'll have to get used to
                 two different procedures, which is a shame
03:41 mdke       plus you've got the fact that include/excluding external things from
                 translations is easier with xincludes
03:42 jjesse     if it is easier for translations will that make kubuntu docs more
                 easily available in rosetta?
                 jjesse, we can make them available in rosetta anyway, but it is more
03:43 mdke       difficult to specify what to include and what to exclude when you're
                 dealing with entities rather than xincludes
03:43 jjesse     now i don't totally understand it, but wouldn't it be easier to just
                 keep it simple?
03:44 mdke       well meinproc also has some advantages, as Riddell posted. So it's a
                 question of balancing up.
03:45 Riddell    like working with KDE :)
03:45 mdke       Riddell, well i have few doubts that we can make the html docs built
                 with the other tool work with kde too
03:46 mdke       the styling is certainly not a problem.
03:47 mdke       the issues were something to do with compression, right?
03:48 Riddell    compression and splitting up into .html files
03:48 mdke       xsltproc splits up into .html files too
03:48 mdke       can the compression be done manually, or not at all?
03:52 Riddell    it can be done manually
03:52 Riddell    it would just take a lot of hassle with the style sheets and
03:54 mdke       Riddell, well I think it should be your call, but I'm really pretty
                 against having to remove xincludes from the generic docs
03:54 mdke       is there literally no way meinproc will be happy with xincludes?
03:55 Riddell    I don't have time to do anything other than meinproc
03:55 Riddell    no, it doesn't support them
03:55 jjesse     Riddell or mdke is it somthing that one of you could teach me to do
                 so i could take care of it?
03:56 jjesse     or is it just faster to do it your self?
03:56 Riddell    faster not to do it :)
03:56 mdke       well given that the breezy package didn't use meinproc, it wouldn't
                 be very difficult to revert to that system
03:57 mdke       the question is, how bad are the breezy kubuntu docs?
03:57 jjesse     bad packaging wise?
03:57 mdke       yeah, obviously not content wise
03:57 mdke       are the stylesheets ok?
                 you'd need to edit the KDE stylesheet to generate separate .html
03:57 Riddell    files then glue them all together with <FILENAME=foo> then compress
03:57 Riddell    they're not valid HTML
03:58 mdke       why not?
03:58 mdke       how about we use the standard docbook-xsl stylesheets, and apply the
                 kde css, like we do for ubuntu-docs?
03:58 mdke       would that help?
03:58 Riddell    all the <FILENAME=foo> stuff is in there
03:59 Riddell    no, the kde css is designed for the KDE xsl
04:00 mdke       Riddell, well it's not like it's complex css. It is basically just a
                 few colours, I'm sure we can make any necessary tweaks
04:00 Riddell    go ahead, as I say I've no time for it :
04:00 Riddell    :)
04:00 mdke       again, ubuntu-docs looks ok (imo)
04:00 mdke       or if it doesn't, it will
04:00 jsgotangco go go go mdke !
04:01 mdke       ?
04:01 mdke       tell you what
04:01 mdke       i'll try and knock something up, and we can see what it looks like
04:04 mdke       Riddell, is meinproc actively developed? can we bitch at someone
                 about supporting xincludes?
04:05 Riddell    i don't think it's been developed for some time, hopefully it'll go
                 away for kde 4
04:06 mdke       hmm
04:06 mdke       well the ubuntu-docs stuff is definitely valid (x)html, so I'll try
                 and knock something up that you're happy with
04:08 Riddell    groovy
04:09 mdke       anyone else still here?
04:09 jjesse     i am
04:10 mdke       any agenda items you'd like to discuss?
04:10 jsgotangco mmm
04:10 jjesse     not really, i know a group of us are getting together sunday for a
                 desktop guide mtg
04:10 jsgotangco we're going to update kubuntu doc soon
04:10 mdke       cool
04:10 jsgotangco jjesse, but we're not part of *that* group =)
04:11 mdke       i'd definitely like to discuss the xml/html question. There has been
                 almost no discussion on the list about this :(
=== jsgotangco trolls
04:11 mdke       proposal was
04:11 jsgotangco mdke, i really like the way you did for flight 2 packaging both
04:11 mdke       with the exception of a thumbs up from mpt, I've seen no real
04:11 jsgotangco because of that we can easily compare what is better or not
04:12 mdke       cool
04:12 mdke       any views?
04:12 mdke       I'm 100% in favour of html
04:12 jsgotangco translation issues?
04:12 mdke       there are no translation issues
04:12 mdke       obviously we'd continue to write in xml
04:12 mdke       the translations would be fine
04:13 Madpilot   so we'd continue to write in Docbook XML, but ship the converted
04:13 mdke       that is the proposal yeah
=== mdke thinks Madpilot would prefer not to write in docbook :)
=== guilhermee [n=x@200164038026.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
04:13 jsgotangco yes
04:14 Madpilot   I'm getting slightly more used to it :) but HTML is so much easier &
                 less verbose
04:14 mhz        jsgotangco: offered to make my ODP into docbook for edubuntu, so I'll
                 start docing finally
04:14 mhz        thx jsgotangco
04:14 mdke       Madpilot, but more inflexible :(
=== mhz wrote that regarding translations :)
04:14 mdke       so any views on the proposal?
04:14 jjesse     i would prefer to continue to write in docbook, i've leared enough of
                 it to continue using
04:15 jsgotangco mhz, i dunno about translation the current doc that'll mean rewriting
04:15 Madpilot   mdke: yeah, I know why Docbook is in use - there are actual good
04:15 jsgotangco mhz, it would be ok if its a new doc though
04:15 mdke       yep
04:15 jsgotangco but not an existing one
04:15 mhz        jsgotangco: okis, no prob.
04:15 mhz        even easier then
04:15 jsgotangco mhz, translating an existing work is much easier (go to rosetta)
04:15 mdke       Madpilot, jsgotangco, jjesse, any views on the proposal
04:15 mdke       ?
04:15 mhz        indeed
04:16 jsgotangco i like the html css at the moment
04:16 mdke       me too, and the speed
04:16 jsgotangco its basically moz rendering right?
04:16 mdke       yep
04:16 jsgotangco even better
04:16 mdke       yelp renders in html anyway
04:16 mdke       but if we ship in xml, it has to do the conversion on-the-fly
04:16 mdke       whereas if we ship html, we do it at the build
04:17 mdke       hence the speed difference
                 as i don't understand the packaging/rendering process the greatest
04:17 jjesse     yet, need to learn it, as long as i keep editing the docs in docbook
                 format it shouldn't matter to me what we render in
04:17 jjesse     and i have never looked at the ubuntu-docs in gnome, haven't used
                 ubuntu so i can't comment on how yelp loos
04:17 mdke       fair enough
04:17 jsgotangco yeah but you have to admit, yelp has improved on speed, but still not
                 good enough
04:18 mdke       yelp is fairly quick at displaying html, just slow with xml,
04:18 Madpilot   any idea when Yelp is going to get search functions?
04:18 mdke       Madpilot, no, but it doesn't make a difference to this issue, because
                 yelp will be the help viewer, regardless of what we decide
04:18 jsgotangco i believe upstream already has it
04:19 jsgotangco Madpilot, oh wait sorry, i meant Printing support
04:19 jsgotangco RAD
04:19 mdke       o.o
04:20 mdke       as jjesse said the other day, printing support is the most basic
                 function ever
04:20 mdke       it really should have had that ages ago ;)
                 mdke: that's the last major piece of functionality missing from Yelp,
04:20 Madpilot   so I was just wondering - as for HTML/XML, shipping HTML = faster
                 rendering, which is rarely a bad thing...
04:20 jjesse     and search
04:20 jsgotangco khelpcenter had that years ago
04:21 mdke       Madpilot, yeah, i don't really see any advantage in shipping xml
04:21 jsgotangco its l337!
04:22 mdke       also, the serverguide really has to be in html
04:22 mdke       because many servers won't have an xml viewer
04:22 jjesse     or viewable in text? if i don't have a gui installed :)
04:22 jsgotangco bah! we only need vi!
04:22 jjesse     emacs
04:22 mdke       jjesse, yeah that's what I mean, html is viewable easily from the
                 command line,  xml isn't
04:23 mdke       any more views on this item?
04:23 jjesse     nope
04:23 jsgotangco bundle qemacs
04:23 jsgotangco lol
04:23 jjesse     nano
04:24 jsgotangco jjesse, qemacs renders docbook :P
04:24 jjesse     ah
04:24 mdke       some more agenda items?
04:24 mdke       Cleaning unnecessary/unmaintained documents from svn repository
04:24 mdke       ?
04:24 jjesse     i think i took care of the kubuntu docs
04:24 jsgotangco don't clean up too much yet :)
04:24 mdke       i have no objection to removing documents which are unmaintained and
                 are no further use
04:25 mdke       jsgotangco, what about edubuntu, what shall we do with that?
04:25 jsgotangco stay it for a while, i'm observing current work in bzr
04:25 jsgotangco as well my upstream gnome doc
04:25 jsgotangco promised mvo will update it next week
04:25 jsgotangco before we move it to his rep
04:25 mdke       can't that be hosted in gnome cvs?
04:26 jsgotangco because g-a-i will have a massive change
04:26 jsgotangco sure
04:26 jsgotangco let me piggyback for a week more =)
04:26 mdke       ok we'll leave ubuntu/upstream/gai
04:26 mdke       what about update-manager?
04:26 jsgotangco not so sure if that is being updated
04:26 mdke       presumably this is upstream already?
04:26 jsgotangco it was sean's doc
04:26 jsgotangco can't say
04:26 jsgotangco i could check
04:27 mdke       that would be good
04:27 jsgotangco they don't eat that much space anyways
04:27 mdke       true
04:27 jsgotangco until i verify i'll take responsibiility for the two
04:27 mdke       ok
04:27 mdke       i don't think saving space in there is a high priority
04:27 jsgotangco nahh
04:27 mdke       daniel recently wrote a script to reduce the size of the source
                 tarball by excluding anything that isn't used
04:28 mdke       that has cut it down from 30 to 10MB
04:28 jsgotangco wow
04:28 jsgotangco he can really conjure voodoo huh
04:28 mdke       :)
04:28 mdke       jsgotangco, what about your accessibility agenda item?
04:32 jsgotangco well i haven't started that much on it yet but we decided to go wiki
04:32 jsgotangco once we clean it up, the a11y team can decide if its going in
04:32 mdke       ok
04:32 mdke       that was easy
04:32 jsgotangco so far we're doing good on a11y
04:32 mdke       good
04:33 mdke       ok as for the 2 remaining items
04:33 mdke       the updating the status reports, I think just need to be worked on,
                 we don't need to discuss it, unless anyone wants to
04:33 mdke       the sharing of prefaces, we can talk about on sunday IMO
04:34 mdke       since it is very much a faqguide issue
04:34 jsgotangco whats on sunday?
04:34 mdke       faqguide/desktopguide
04:34 mdke       jsgotangco, a meeting about the desktopguide
04:34 jsgotangco oh
=== jsgotangco havent been attentive to emails lately
04:34 mdke       too busy :)
04:34 jsgotangco incredibly
=== jsgotangco has a contract at the moment with IOSN
04:35 mdke       oh
04:35 mdke       how about another agenda item
04:35 mdke       commit access for Madpilot?
04:35 mdke       gets the +1 from me
04:35 jsgotangco me too
04:35 jsgotangco mdke, www.iosn.net
04:35 Madpilot   I'm not a Member yet - planning on that for Jan.
04:36 mdke       oh god this bloody member rule
04:36 jsgotangco Madpilot, you're a shoo-in
04:36 jsgotangco mdke, =)
04:36 mdke       pah
04:36 mdke       i miss ONE meeting, and you guys make this stupid rule ;)
04:36 jsgotangco bah we had good quorum and a majority of devs
=== mdke shakes head sadly
                 the exact time still hasn't been annoucned for the the Dec. 20th CC
04:37 Madpilot   meeting - if it's another 1400Z meeting, I can make that and put my
                 name down beforehand
04:38 mdke       gah
04:38 Madpilot   if it's going to be 2200Z, I'll be at work, I'm afraid...
04:38 mdke       don't they do them at 2000?
04:38 jsgotangco yikes!
04:39 mdke       it is much more difficult for doc team contributors to get membership
                 without having commit access first :(
04:39 mdke       Madpilot is going to have to wait until february or so before we can
                 add him...
04:39 jsgotangco jdub's wife is also getting active in iosn
04:40 Madpilot   mdke: I'll just keep spamming the list with patches until then - and
                 complaining about XML :P
04:40 mdke       Madpilot, ok, we'll keep applying em
04:40 mdke       meeting adjourned?
04:41 jsgotangco sure
04:41 jsgotangco we got good mileage really
04:41 mdke       ok

MeetingLogs/DocTeam_2005-12-16 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:17:46 by localhost)