03:01 Madpilot       morning all
03:01 Kamping_Kaiser hey.
03:02 jsgotangco     hi ho!
03:02 robotgeek      mornin
03:02 jsgotangco     shall we?
03:02 jsgotangco     who's here?
=== robotgeek is Venkat Raghavan
=== jsgotangco is JeromeGotangco
=== Madpilot is Brian Burger
=== jjesse is Jonathan Jesse
=== Kamping_Kaiser is Karl Goetz (not offical team member, but list memeber)
03:03 jsgotangco     Kamping_Kaiser, welcome nonetheless :)
03:03 Kamping_Kaiser :) thanks
03:03 jsgotangco     ok https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/MeetingAgenda
03:03 jsgotangco     is the agenda
03:03 jsgotangco     i wasn't at the last meeting so i dunno what transpired there
03:03 jsgotangco     (there was no summary either)
03:03 jjesse         mdke around?
03:04 jsgotangco     probably at work
                     #1 Use of common files for a number of documents. For
03:04 jsgotangco     example, preface.xml and getting-help.xml should be common
                     between all documents. (mdke)
=== bhuvan [n=bhuvan@ubuntu/member/bhuvan] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
03:04 jsgotangco     hmm
03:04 jsgotangco     anyone have an idea about that?
=== bhuvan is too late
03:04 jjesse         the same across kubuntu and ubuntu docs?
03:04 jsgotangco     bhuvan, just in time
03:05 jsgotangco     hmm
03:05 jsgotangco     i think so
03:05 robotgeek      maybe it can be same for ubuntu, same for all kubuntu stuff
03:05 jsgotangco     aren't they common before?
=== jsgotangco does not remember
03:05 Madpilot       I assume mdke means the getting-help.xml in the (k)ubuntu
                     Desktop guides?
03:06 jsgotangco     he
03:06 jsgotangco     he's not here anyhow
03:06 jsgotangco     let's go to #2 first
03:06 jsgotangco     #
03:06 jsgotangco     WikiCleanupProposal
03:06 jsgotangco         *
03:06 jsgotangco           discussion of approval of the suggested reforms
03:06 jsgotangco     hrmmm
03:06 jjesse         wwhy is it so hard to get doc team people to show up to these
03:06 jjesse         ?
03:07 jsgotangco     jjesse, good question
03:07 Madpilot       have people had a look at UserDocumentationBeta?
03:07 jsgotangco     our man from brisbane isn't here
03:07 Kamping_Kaiser jjesse: because it's such a spread out group maybe *shrug*
03:07 jsgotangco     Namaan
=== freeflying_ [n=freeflyi@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
03:07 Kamping_Kaiser jsgotangco: it's 1am brisbane (au) time (iirc)
03:07 jsgotangco     hmm
03:07 jsgotangco     right
03:07 Kamping_Kaiser it's 00:37 here.
03:08 jsgotangco     where are you at?
03:08 Kamping_Kaiser central Australia
03:08 jsgotangco     thought so
03:08 jsgotangco     Alice Springs?
03:08 jsgotangco     anyway
03:09 Kamping_Kaiser Adelaide (hills)
03:09 jsgotangco     Madpilot, what about UserDocumentationBeta
03:09 jsgotangco     none?
03:10 jsgotangco     ok #3
03:10 bhuvan         its me!
03:10 jsgotangco     Review ServerGuide sections
03:10 bhuvan         service guide is almost through
03:10 jsgotangco     bhuvan, go go go
03:10 bhuvan         i prefer to proof-read the sections and set it finished
03:11 jsgotangco     how complete is it?
03:11 bhuvan         technically, it is complete 90% complete
03:11 jsgotangco     whoa
03:11 jjesse         that's awesome
03:12 jsgotangco     bhuvan, when do you expect the manuscript to be done?
03:12 jsgotangco     a week more?
03:12 bhuvan         some one should check the english/grammar and what not ?
=== freeflying__ [n=freeflyi@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
03:12 bhuvan         if you mean translation, once proof reading is complete ?
                     DocumentationStringFreeze is on March 23 that gives us 1
03:12 jsgotangco     month to review the document before passing it for
03:13 jsgotangco     that's really really good
=== robotgeek gives sigh of relief
03:13 bhuvan         so, we have enough time. but remember the status remains for
                     couple of weeks now!
03:13 Kamping_Kaiser jsgotangco: does that mean we have a month to clean up the
                     wording, or 1 month of translaiton time?
03:13 Madpilot       Kamping_Kaiser: a month of cleanup
03:13 Kamping_Kaiser cool
03:14 jsgotangco     Kamping_Kaiser, we have almost a month to finish up the
                     documents before passing it for translation
03:14 jsgotangco     translation is given almost a month
03:14 jsgotangco     bhuvan, ping us when the manuscript is done
03:14 Kamping_Kaiser wow ok
03:14 jsgotangco     then i can arrange for a review day
03:14 bhuvan         jsgotangco, ?
03:14 jsgotangco     DOCREVU
03:14 Madpilot       Kamping_Kaiser: there's a Dapper release timetable on the
                     wiki somewhere
03:15 jsgotangco     bhuvan, you can send to the list when its 100% right?
03:15 jsgotangco     then we can do reviews
03:15 Madpilot       https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseSchedule
03:15 bhuvan         jsgotangco, ok
03:15 jsgotangco     (i'll start reading in advance)
03:15 jjesse         can we start reviewing before the doc is 100% or do you just
                     want us to wait for making suggestions?
03:15 bhuvan         jsgotangco, ok
03:15 Kamping_Kaiser thanks Madpilot
03:15 jsgotangco     we can start review in advance
03:16 bhuvan         jjesse, i want to continue with review
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
03:16 bhuvan         jjesse, we need not wait till it is 100% complete
03:16 jsgotangco     i suggest people who review edit the document by only adding
                     <!-- comments -->
03:16 jsgotangco     comments nothing more
03:16 bhuvan         jjesse, imo, we should wait to complete 100% before moving to
03:16 jjesse         agreed
03:16 jsgotangco     unless we actually see a typo
03:16 jjesse         to comments
03:16 bhuvan         jsgotangco, agreed
03:16 jsgotangco     cool?
03:17 jsgotangco     <!-- jsgotangco: foo foobar -->
03:17 bhuvan         <!-- foo foobar --> should be ok; author can be identified by
                     userid ?
03:18 bhuvan         jsgotangco, or you expect people to submit patches for review
03:18 jsgotangco     hmmm
03:18 jsgotangco     good question
03:18 jsgotangco     it could be silly to commit patches that only have comments
03:18 jsgotangco     i guess doc.ubuntu.com will be of good use here
03:18 jsgotangco     on second thought
03:18 jjesse         couldn't suggestions become comments and actually technical
                     problems or issues be actually commeted?
03:18 jjesse         committed
03:18 bhuvan         in the past, how did we handle this situation ?
03:19 jsgotangco     we didn't review much before to be honest
03:19 jsgotangco     no time
03:19 bhuvan         jsgotangco, ok
03:19 jsgotangco     but a month is really good
                     if for say something in the ssh section could be done a
03:19 jjesse         different way, then use the comment section to suggest the
                     change, but if there is a technical problem with the guide or
                     a grammical problem then actually make the change?
03:19 jsgotangco     how about we schedule a week of review from witihin the
03:19 jsgotangco     then after the group review, we open it up for community
03:20 bhuvan         jjesse, let the author make final correction irrespective of
                     whether it is suggestion, correction or technical problem
03:21 bhuvan         jjesse, let the author take a call
03:21 jsgotangco     unless the entry is very very erroneous
03:21 bhuvan         jsgotangco, in this context, how will d.u.c be of good use ?
03:21 bhuvan         jsgotangco, agreed
03:22 jsgotangco     bhuvan, d.u.c. creates a build of the doc in html
03:22 bhuvan         jsgotangco, yeah
03:22 jsgotangco     i was thinking of having peer review first before community
03:22 jsgotangco     peer review (those with commit)
03:22 bhuvan         jsgotangco, yep! it makes more sense
=== jsgotangco looking at calendar
03:23 jsgotangco     bhuvan, when can we expect it to be done?
03:23 jjesse         how do you limit that? send a mail to only those with commit
03:24 jsgotangco     well it doesn't make sense to commit comment patches...
                     or, shall we maintain a review file in repo and add
03:24 bhuvan         comments/suggestions/corrections into it. the author can
                     review and make appropriate corrections in main document; it
                     is just a thought though
03:24 jsgotangco     hmm
03:24 jsgotangco     ok
03:25 jsgotangco     i don't think we'll have a decision on this now
03:25 jsgotangco     i will make an email later about  this
03:25 bhuvan         jsgotangco, ok
03:25 jsgotangco     we'll get better suggestions if we use the list
03:25 jsgotangco     i'll also look at how others do it
03:26 bhuvan         jsgotangco, we should do this in quick time
03:26 jsgotangco     yes
=== CyberSDF [n=lolo@mar92-4-82-224-64-26.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting
03:26 jsgotangco     i'll send an email later
03:26 jsgotangco     promise
03:26 bhuvan         once we finalise the method, we can go about the review and
                     sure we may adopt the same method for other documents too..
03:26 jsgotangco     yes
03:27 jjesse         that would be one part taht would be nice to standarize on
03:27 jsgotangco     ok so we cool here?
03:27 bhuvan         jjesse, jsgotangco: yes
03:27 jsgotangco     ok who has an update for other docs
03:27 jsgotangco     ?
=== bhuvan is careful not to mispell jsgotangco
03:27 jsgotangco     heh
=== jsgotangco should consider a nick change
03:28 robotgeek      well, on the Kubuntu DG front, i have been receving lots of
03:28 jsgotangco     robotgeek, yes awesome
03:28 bhuvan         robotgeek, you are lucky :)
=== freeflying-ibook [n=freeflyi@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
03:28 bhuvan         it would be great if we insist on a up-to-date status report
                     of all documents
03:29 robotgeek      people seem to be put off by the whole docbook format, so i
                     offered to convert it to docbook for them.
03:29 bhuvan         ie.. it should be part of make target
03:29 robotgeek      they all learnt docbook, btw
03:29 jsgotangco     robotgeek, understandable, we don't have much choice at the
                     moment, it needs some pretty deep brainstorming
                     i have to convert it to follow KDE style guide explicitly,
03:30 robotgeek      hopefully a decent amount of work will be finished by next
03:30 jsgotangco     robotgeek, what's the status of the doc?
                     bhuvan: Ubuntu Desktop Guide now has status reports that're
03:30 Madpilot       far more complete, anyway - I added most of the missing
                     status tags last week
03:31 robotgeek      hmm, about 3 chapters done (75%), 2 to start
03:31 bhuvan         Madpilot, excellent
=== bhuvan does not see "Help Wanted" section in dg
03:32 robotgeek      i'm still trying to get content in there, removing it later
                     on will be easier
03:32 robotgeek      https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/KubuntuDesktopGuide
03:33 jsgotangco     hmmm
03:33 jsgotangco     its not part of the build
                     robotgeek: you should add an entry here - or coordinate with
03:33 Madpilot       jsgotangco to get it added:
03:34 robotgeek      Madpilot: okay, will do
=== jsgotangco should update that page too
=== jsgotangco has a long night ahead it seems
=== robotgeek is applying for membership so that he can get commit rights!
03:34 Madpilot       afk - back in a sec
03:34 jsgotangco     okay
03:34 jsgotangco     i haven't updated the quickguide much
03:34 jsgotangco     kubuntu
03:34 jjesse         i haven't either :(
03:34 jsgotangco     but i'll look into the desktop guide and see
03:35 jjesse         for ubuntu or kubuntu?
03:35 jsgotangco     it'll probably become redundant if the desktop guide will
03:35 jsgotangco     kubuntu
03:35 jjesse         we are currently shipping about-kubuntu kubuntu releasenotes
                     and also the quickguide
03:35 jsgotangco     yes
03:36 jsgotangco     well that's the plan
03:36 jsgotangco     but robotgeek and co. had been up to speed with the kdg
03:36 Madpilot       back - which reminds me... jsgotangco, can you politely prod
                     elmo or someone about my commit rights please?
03:36 jsgotangco     (although i haven't read that much)
03:36 jsgotangco     Madpilot, ok
03:37 jsgotangco     Madpilot, did you give him your key?
03:37 Madpilot       jsgotangco: it's on LP
03:37 jsgotangco     oh yeah
03:37 robotgeek      jsgotangco: as i said earlier, getting content in there, need
                     to give it a thorough cleanup.
03:37 jsgotangco     sorry
03:37 jsgotangco     robotgeek, just send patch i'll commit
03:37 jjesse         robotgeek: were you at teh kubuntu meeting yesterdya? i don't
                     remember if you were or not
03:38 Madpilot       jsgotangco: https://launchpad.net/people/yh728
03:38 robotgeek      i was there jjesse
03:38 jjesse         ok
                     Madpilot, in the first look, it seems all "In progress"
03:38 bhuvan         should become "Review" (ex: Adding, Removing and Updating
03:38 jsgotangco     hmm mhz isn't here
03:38 jsgotangco     Madpilot, funny heh members should be whitelisted imho
03:38 jjesse         i can look at the desktop guide as soon as my new laptop gets
                     in :(
03:39 jsgotangco     take note "new"
03:39 jsgotangco     wooo
03:39 Madpilot       bhuvan: for Ubuntu DG? Probably, I just wanted to get the
                     status tags in to start with
=== jsgotangco wish he could say the same thing
03:39 jjesse         note new: kubuntu chapter and changes were on there and
                     hadn't backed up :(
03:39 robotgeek      ouch
03:39 jsgotangco     jeezz
03:40 Kamping_Kaiser bugger
03:40 jjesse         but getting them resent so it isn't that bad
03:40 bhuvan         Madpilot, ok
03:40 jsgotangco     anyway
03:40 jsgotangco     we're doing good now
03:40 jsgotangco     in edubuntu side, me and mhz are drafting a quick doc
03:40 jsgotangco     just ot make sure we have an edubuntu guide
03:40 jsgotangco     not to complez
03:41 jjesse         and the cookbook is rocking from what i've heard
03:41 Kamping_Kaiser jsgotangco: I'm willing to help with content if i have time
03:41 jsgotangco     Kamping_Kaiser, cool...we're going to talk about it this
03:41 jsgotangco     just a very basic doc overview
03:41 jsgotangco     (more desktop oriented)
03:42 Kamping_Kaiser jsgotangco: ok
03:42 jsgotangco     ok my TODO tonight are:
03:42 jsgotangco     #1 send email to list about review plan
03:42 jsgotangco     #2 update DocteamProjects
03:43 jsgotangco     Kamping_Kaiser, i'll discuss to you the plan later
03:43 Kamping_Kaiser jsgotangco: np. in -doc some time iis cool
03:43 jsgotangco     ok we've discussed all in agenda, we're now open to anyone
                     who asks
03:45 jsgotangco     oh and #3 bug about svn access
03:45 jsgotangco     anything else?
03:45 robotgeek      i think everyone is happy
03:45 jsgotangco     oh wait
03:45 jjesse         robotgeek: will the desktop guide get finished by doc freeze?
03:45 Kamping_Kaiser do we have document templagtes?
03:45 jsgotangco     wait wait
03:45 jsgotangco     https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ebuntu
03:46 Kamping_Kaiser oh
03:46 Kamping_Kaiser <grouches>
03:46 robotgeek      jjesse: hmm, i sure hope so!
03:46 jsgotangco     The [WWW]  Documentation Team is organising documentation for
                     Ebuntu, and for more please contact [WWW]  Manish Chakravarty
03:46 jsgotangco     who is Manish Chakravarty?????
03:46 Kamping_Kaiser the bloke who made ubuntu+E17
03:46 bhuvan         name suggests, he is an indian!
03:46 jsgotangco     doh obviously! heh
03:46 robotgeek      jsgotangco: ogra mailed on the lists to change the name
03:47 jjesse         umm didn't know the doc team was doing things on that :)
03:47 robotgeek      yeah bhuvan
03:47 Kamping_Kaiser jjesse: it's not :)
03:47 ogra           yup, i did
03:47 Madpilot       jjesse: sounds like it's news to the DocTeam too :P
03:47 jjesse         accordign to the wiki it is :)
03:47 jsgotangco     awesome we have active E17 docteam
03:47 Kamping_Kaiser got an co.in yahoo account
03:47 Kamping_Kaiser *he's got
03:48 Kamping_Kaiser jjesse:  it's not an offical (or even remotely offical)
                     project - it's not our problem
03:48 jsgotangco     well 2 of the active docteam contributors are indian, i'm not
                     complaining...but this is soo wrong
03:48 Kamping_Kaiser i don't care where he's from, i care that he's saying the
                     docteam will do (his) work
03:48 jsgotangco     right
03:48 robotgeek      :)
03:49 Kamping_Kaiser *gets worked up*
03:49 jsgotangco     i'll look for the thread too
03:49 Madpilot       anyone been to this #ebuntu channel yet?
03:49 jsgotangco     ok that's #4 todo
03:49 Kamping_Kaiser nope
=== bhuvan assumes s/ebuntu/edubuntu
03:49 jsgotangco     bhuvan, nope
03:49 Kamping_Kaiser no
03:49 bhuvan         oh!
03:50 robotgeek      which is the whole problem, bhuvan
03:50 ogra           they are totally unrelated
03:50 Kamping_Kaiser which is anotehr problem (which is up for discusion)
03:50 Madpilot       bhuvan: see the wiki link jsgotangco posted above
03:50 ogra           but you cant force them
03:50 ogra           just beg to change that
03:50 jsgotangco     blingbuntu
03:50 Madpilot       hmm... there is no channel #ebuntu on freenode that I can see
                     - not right now, anyway
03:50 Kamping_Kaiser <grin>
03:50 ogra           bhuvan, btw thats what happens to most people ....
03:50 jsgotangco     anyway
03:51 jsgotangco     i'll look for the thread too and react about the docteam link
                     being there
03:51 robotgeek      Madpilot: there is
03:51 Kamping_Kaiser there's email about it on -devel and -users mail lists
=== jsgotangco will remember he signed the CoC twice with his 2 keys
03:51 Madpilot       robotgeek: really? I can't get it listed in my IRC client -
03:52 jsgotangco     i don't think its registered yet
=== Kamping_Kaiser tries to join
03:52 jsgotangco     wow bad enlgish
03:52 jsgotangco     i think its not registered yet
=== Kamping_Kaiser cant join it... just isnt joining
03:53 Madpilot       ah, it does exist, but isn't listed - odd
03:53 jsgotangco     ok
03:53 jsgotangco     so what shall we do
03:53 jsgotangco     will I react with a reply to that thread?
03:53 Kamping_Kaiser edit the wiki page to remove the 'docteam will' reference?
03:54 jsgotangco     hmmm is that the right thing to do
03:54 Madpilot       Kamping_Kaiser: how about commenting it out, with another
                     comment that the DocTeam hasn't been contacted?
=== ogra agrees with Madpilot
03:55 Kamping_Kaiser Madpilot: yes, that's probably the correct way to get the
                     same result
03:55 jsgotangco     hmm
03:55 jsgotangco     okay
03:56 jsgotangco     i'll comment it out and add a comment that contact us about
03:56 jsgotangco     cool?
03:56 Kamping_Kaiser sounds good to me.
03:56 jsgotangco     okay
                     Hi Manish, I've commented this out because the
03:58 jsgotangco     DocumentationTeam has not been contacted about this. If you
                     have questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me at
                     jgotangco@ubuntu.com - Jerome Gotangco
03:58 jsgotangco     ok just made a minor edit
03:58 robotgeek      or on irc
03:59 Kamping_Kaiser both?
03:59 Kamping_Kaiser nah
03:59 Kamping_Kaiser send him an email if you want to contact him direct
03:59 jsgotangco     its ok
03:59 jsgotangco     i'll do that
04:00 jsgotangco     done
04:00 jsgotangco     anythying else?
04:00 jjesse         nope
04:00 Kamping_Kaiser do we have any doc templates?
04:01 Kamping_Kaiser or do we just rip the guts out of an existing page and use
                     that ?
04:01 jsgotangco     what kind of templates?
04:01 Kamping_Kaiser jsgotangco: basic document layout
04:01 jsgotangco     docbook?
04:01 Kamping_Kaiser yeh.
04:01 jsgotangco     svn has it
04:01 jsgotangco     we've just hit 1 hour
04:01 jsgotangco     are we cool now on the meeting?
04:01 jjesse         i'm cool
04:01 Kamping_Kaiser yep.
04:01 jsgotangco     Kamping_Kaiser, i'll guide you later
04:02 Kamping_Kaiser thanks
=== jsgotangco looks for an ideal time
04:02 Kamping_Kaiser how long are we allowed here? 1 hour only?
04:03 jsgotangco     well its ours at this time
04:03 jsgotangco     but we don't have anything on the agenda anymore
04:03 jsgotangco     its best to move back to -doc
04:03 jsgotangco     okay
04:03 Kamping_Kaiser sounds good. see you all there
04:04 jsgotangco     next is March 3, 21UTC
04:04 jsgotangco     cool?
04:04 robotgeek      i'm cool with almost any time, so +1
04:05 jsgotangco     christ that 5am on me
04:05 Kamping_Kaiser I'll try and make it
04:05 jsgotangco     okay
04:05 Kamping_Kaiser <grin>
04:05 jsgotangco     cool 21UTC then

MeetingLogs/DocTeam_2006-02-17 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:37:31 by localhost)