## page was renamed from MeetingLogs/IowaTeam/201004201 ## page was copied from IowaTeam/Meetings/MeetingTemplate <> ## page was copied from ScribesTeam/MeetingTemplate ## Do not edit this page directly, copy to MeetingLogs/IowaTeam/YYYYMMDD. Always use the ISO date standard for the page name. This is the '''8th''' meeting of the '''Iowa Team''', starting at 20:08 CDT and finishing at 20:36 CDT = Attendance = Please type PRESENT when the meeting starts to indicate who is online and paying attention. '''Active Attendees:''' * !AtomicSpark * linuxuser21 * Iowan * !Infl8ableSoulm8 = Agenda = When adding agenda items please "sign" them, place ``@``SIG``@ after each of your items.If you won't be in attendance, please describe your item and wishes in detail otherwise those items may not be effectively discussed. * Insert agenda items here = Minutes = * Brief review of Global Jam * Discussion of bzr/git/etc = Any Other Business = * = Guide Lines = ##Updated by AusImage to reflect current usage The meeting moderator will ensure key points are discussed. Key points from the Agenda will be noted by {{{[TOPIC] Agenda item}}}. When ideas are put forward to be considered they should be noted by {{{[IDEA] Idea}}}. The meeting moderator will indicate the final state of each topic by {{{[ACTION] Action being taken}}}. This should signify that the topic is discussed and the meeting is moving forward. The meeting moderator will use special tags to start and end the meeting and its recording. Please see [[ScribesTeam/MootBot| MootBot]] for details on specific tags. = IRC LOGS = ## reference topics by inserting }}}[[Anchor(target)]]{{{ before its mention {{{ Apr 01 20:08:37 PRESENT Apr 01 20:08:42 Present Apr 01 20:09:07 rant=rang... Apr 01 20:09:35 others? Apr 01 20:10:25 This pre-Easter meeting may be (another) quick one! Apr 01 20:10:37 lol no kidding Apr 01 20:10:51 Global Jam has come/gone Apr 01 20:11:15 Six of us met at Iowa City public library Apr 01 20:11:31 how was it Apr 01 20:11:59 We ran diagnostics tests on machines and (tried to ) install on a couple of machines Apr 01 20:12:07 Present Apr 01 20:12:23 Surprise! Apr 01 20:12:23 Latest installer was broken - Beta still worked Apr 01 20:12:49 AtomicSpark: your impression of Jam? Apr 01 20:13:11 We pulled something off! That's a good start. :P Apr 01 20:13:14 It was nice meeting everyone. Apr 01 20:13:17 Diagnostics also had some bugs! Apr 01 20:13:39 I certainly enjoyed putting faces with names! Apr 01 20:13:58 Next time I'll show people how to properly report bugs and patch minor ones. Apr 01 20:14:09 Look forward to it Apr 01 20:14:36 We've left ourselves plenty of room for improvement Apr 01 20:14:48 but we made our debut! Apr 01 20:15:10 If anyone owns >R600 ATI cards (HD####) line, the X.org team would love to have you test the restricted driver. We just had it made available to us and we don't have a lot of time. Apr 01 20:15:36 I might have to send a mailer out about that. :P Apr 01 20:16:28 I Suppose release party (ies) will be next... Apr 01 20:16:28 Beta 2 freeze has or will happen soon. This means Lucid shouldn't get many updates. Main repo will be frozen. Apr 01 20:16:54 Yes! Anytime after release we can have the party. Obviously before release will be silly and during might be.. well the repos are insane. Apr 01 20:17:06 If you manage to setup a mirror, that'll be neat. :) Apr 01 20:17:57 Since my Karmic machine is now Lucid, guess I need to set up another machines on Karmic. Apr 01 20:18:43 Sometime soon, I/we need to report on our month's activities... Apr 01 20:20:18 A mirror sounds interesting - dunno if I know how... Apr 01 20:20:26 Well you wanted to be the loco contact so feel free to let -us/-locoteams know :) Apr 01 20:20:35 Also do you have access to the planet yet? I can show you how. Apr 01 20:20:39 Plan to... Apr 01 20:20:41 * AtomicSpark figured out how for april fools Apr 01 20:20:48 you get to learn bzr! Apr 01 20:20:49 :D Apr 01 20:20:56 bzr? Apr 01 20:21:29 Indeed. Apr 01 20:22:11 It's a VCS that Canonical made. Apr 01 20:22:22 Competes with GIT which Linus made. Apr 01 20:23:27 so, why would you come up with something other than git and svn? Apr 01 20:23:32 not to mention hg Apr 01 20:23:54 retorical question, btw :D Apr 01 20:23:59 and herro! :) Apr 01 20:24:13 Hey - 'nother PRESENT... Apr 01 20:24:48 Infl8ableSoulm8: That is a topic for another day. Apr 01 20:25:43 I could see it being extremely useful if it is a combination of VCS and content-delivery Apr 01 20:26:05 SVN is centralized, annoying to setup, and has issues with corruption. Linus hates it, doesn't that count? :P Apr 01 20:26:23 I dont know what their problem with GIT is. Probably mentioned on their info page. ;) Apr 01 20:27:33 Infl8ableSoulm8: If you're interested in that kind of politics, theres a Linus speech about git somewhere on the interwebs. It's a good watch. Apr 01 20:27:50 I already understood the concept, but hearing Linus rant aobut it is always a hoot. Apr 01 20:28:17 well, it would be pointless for me to bother wondering about it. Apr 01 20:28:26 Well you asked! Apr 01 20:28:33 retorically Apr 01 20:28:47 Retorical questions are trolls. Apr 01 20:28:54 :( Apr 01 20:29:07 svn certainly is a pita to set up, though. Apr 01 20:29:44 And its concept is silly. Linus explains this. I'd get into it, but it would be a long, long rant. Apr 01 20:29:56 * Infl8ableSoulm8 shrugs Apr 01 20:30:00 But I barely used it. Only experinced SVN from Gmod developing lol. Apr 01 20:30:09 And I could see the problems with it just from that. Apr 01 20:30:45 A lot of people seem to like git. Those who don't git it (lol) are slowly switching their projects to bzr afaik. Apr 01 20:30:47 I set it up because my gaming clan dev team needed a centraized place to store plugin source code and server configs. Apr 01 20:31:15 and since there's a lot of windows involved in that, and TortoiseSVN seemed to be the most user-friendly, svn won Apr 01 20:32:11 Basically it's this, decentralized is better because everyone has their own branch. You avoid data corruption and access potilitcs. Merging is a breeze. Iowan turned to to actually know what he was doing and his branch is faster? We'll the project will start working of of that branch or merge specific files into the "main" branch. Apr 01 20:32:50 Also helps with non-team member bug fixing. Although most projects seem to still like just patching files. Apr 01 20:33:15 Iowan: Did we actually have an agenda or am I just to continue rambling? Apr 01 20:33:32 Ramble on - no fixed agenda... Apr 01 20:33:34 * Infl8ableSoulm8 hijacks the channel by accident Apr 01 20:33:55 We could call the "official" meeting done whenever... Apr 01 20:34:26 Anyways, Amaranth had a nice little ramble in -offtopic the other day. Would have enjoyed him giving a presentation at a in person meet. Seems to know his stuff. Apr 01 20:34:33 Iowan: I think it was over when I started rambling about bzr. :P Apr 01 20:35:07 I was forum hopping when I noticed time - I'll call meeting over - and get back. Continee Apr 01 20:35:17 Continue... Apr 01 20:35:31 btw, if you have extremely old fibre-channel equipment laying around, ubuntu lucid is just plain sexy. Apr 01 20:35:40 Thanks all - again next week - same time/place... Apr 01 20:35:54 #endmeeting **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Apr 1 20:36:20 2010 }}}