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This is the 9th meeting of the Iowa Team, starting at 20:00 CDT and finishing at 20:52 CDT


Please type PRESENT when the meeting starts to indicate who is online and paying attention.

Active Attendees:


When adding agenda items please "sign" them, place @SIG@ after each of your items.If you won't be in attendance, please describe your item and wishes in detail otherwise those items may not be effectively discussed.


Any Other Business

Guide Lines

The meeting moderator will ensure key points are discussed. Key points from the Agenda will be noted by [TOPIC] Agenda item. When ideas are put forward to be considered they should be noted by [IDEA] Idea. The meeting moderator will indicate the final state of each topic by [ACTION] Action being taken. This should signify that the topic is discussed and the meeting is moving forward. The meeting moderator will use special tags to start and end the meeting and its recording. Please see MootBot for details on specific tags.


Apr 08 20:00:11 <Iowan> #startmeeting
Apr 08 20:00:21 <Iowan> Here we go again - PRESENT!
Apr 08 20:00:29 <paultag>       Yis ;)
Apr 08 20:00:41 <Iowan> That'll do!
Apr 08 20:00:59 <Iowan> Others?
Apr 08 20:01:16 <Iowan> (I forgot to send out email reminder :(
Apr 08 20:01:29 <AtomicSpark>   I want presents!
Apr 08 20:01:30 <paultag>       SYNTAX ERROR: Unmatched Peren ;)
Apr 08 20:01:43 <AtomicSpark>   Nerds, all of you.
Apr 08 20:01:47 <paultag>       :P
Apr 08 20:01:47 <Iowan> )
Apr 08 20:02:44 <AtomicSpark>   ping Chazz Iowan godbyk
Apr 08 20:02:56 <Chazz> AtomicSpark, Ping timeout
Apr 08 20:03:00 <AtomicSpark>   D:
Apr 08 20:03:04 <Chazz> :p
Apr 08 20:03:05 <godbyk>        AtomicSpark: pong
Apr 08 20:03:14 <Iowan> All I can offer is presence
Apr 08 20:04:26 <AtomicSpark>   Well. I have a topic!
Apr 08 20:04:30 <AtomicSpark>   Project ideas, Go!
Apr 08 20:05:41 <Chazz> Something shiny.
Apr 08 20:05:46 <paultag>       shiny++;
Apr 08 20:07:22 <AtomicSpark>   You have displeased me.
Apr 08 20:07:56 <Iowan> Worse things could  happen
Apr 08 20:16:42 <Iowan> exciting so far...
Apr 08 20:18:38 <Chazz> Very. lol
Apr 08 20:19:55 <AtomicSpark>   Brb 5 hours.
Apr 08 20:23:42 <Chazz> kk
Apr 08 20:32:01 <Iowan> novacaine seems to be numbing more than just my jaw tonight...
Apr 08 20:33:32 <Iowan> paultag:  Any hints on how to liven up a meeting?
Apr 08 20:33:55 *       Chazz votes we bring in a clown
Apr 08 20:34:39 <Iowan> That'd be me - but I'm not feeling funny tonight...
Apr 08 20:34:50 <Chazz> oh. =(
Apr 08 20:35:12 <Iowan> I have this funny feeling I'm not funny???
Apr 08 20:35:22 <Chazz> O.o
Apr 08 20:35:39 <Chazz> So... you're funnily not funny? How does that work? :p
Apr 08 20:35:52 <Iowan> Not well, I'm afraid...
Apr 08 20:36:22 <Chazz> Ah
Apr 08 20:36:22 <Iowan> Chazz:  Where in Iowa do you call home?
Apr 08 20:36:42 <Chazz> Iowan, Charles City area.  Yourself? :)
Apr 08 20:36:48 <Iowan> Iowa City
Apr 08 20:36:57 <Chazz> Cool! :o
Apr 08 20:38:02 <Iowan> Looking up  CC. - (I've heard of it - probably been through there)
Apr 08 20:40:19 <Iowan> Native - or immigrant? (I moved to Iowa in '81 from MO)
Apr 08 20:40:55 <Chazz> Native, been round here forever. :p
Apr 08 20:42:04 <Iowan> 'Ya frequent the forums?
Apr 08 20:42:26 <Chazz> There are forums? lol
Apr 08 20:42:53 *       Chazz is rather new here :S
Apr 08 20:43:13 <Iowan> hold that thought...
Apr 08 20:44:06 <Iowan> Ubuntu foruns:
Apr 08 20:44:16 *       Chazz clicks
Apr 08 20:44:22 <Chazz> ooh, shiny!
Apr 08 20:45:13 <Iowan> Iowa subforum:
Apr 08 20:45:25 <Chazz> Awesome, thanks Iowan! :D
Apr 08 20:46:37 <Iowan> Have you seen our wiki?
Apr 08 20:47:22 <Chazz> Well, I have now! :p
Apr 08 20:47:59 <Iowan> Good! that makes it a productive meeting!
Apr 08 20:48:09 <Chazz> Awesome! :p
Apr 08 20:49:49 <Iowan> <shameful self promotion> if (when) you set up a forum account, remember who referred you... :)
Apr 08 20:51:14 <Iowan> Anything else "official"?
Apr 08 20:52:18 <Iowan> # endmeeting
Apr 08 20:52:32 <Iowan> #endmeeting

MeetingLogs/IowaTeam/20100408 (last edited 2010-04-09 21:09:11 by 97-127-134-36)