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This is the 17th meeting of the Iowa Team, starting at 20:00 CST and finishing at 21:09 CST


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**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Sep 30 20:00:00 2010

Sep 30 20:00:42 <Iowan> It's time to start
Sep 30 20:01:02 <Iowan> Welcome to the September edition of the Iowa Loco meeting
Sep 30 20:01:07 <Iowan> PRESENT!
Sep 30 20:01:18 <kristau_ubuntu>        And accounted for
Sep 30 20:01:52 <Iowan> That's all two of us at the moment.
Sep 30 20:02:12 <Iowan> kristau_ubuntu:  How are you this evening?
Sep 30 20:02:31 <kristau_ubuntu>        Not too bad, yourself?
Sep 30 20:02:40 <Iowan> So far, so good...
Sep 30 20:04:13 <kristau_ubuntu>        Checking out the LoCo's wiki and forum. Has been awhile for me.
Sep 30 20:05:12 <Iowan> Look as you wish... Hopefully I can help with questions - if you have any
Sep 30 20:06:51 <kristau_ubuntu>        10.10 Release Party sounds interesting. No plans as of yet?
Sep 30 20:08:33 <Iowan> Not yet...
Sep 30 20:08:52 <Iowan> That's the agenda item for the evening
Sep 30 20:08:58 <AtomicSpark>   Nope. Im sure IC will get together again.
Sep 30 20:09:20 <AtomicSpark>   Also ETA 10 mins.
Sep 30 20:09:48 <AtomicSpark>   Picking up a pizza.
Sep 30 20:10:08 <Iowan> We'll save you a spot!
Sep 30 20:10:52 <AtomicSpark>   I may not save you a slice.
Sep 30 20:11:18 <Iowan> Full of Mexican cuisine, anyway...
Sep 30 20:12:07 <Iowan> But - for the record... what kind ???
Sep 30 20:20:15 <Iowan> kristau_ubuntu: While we're waiting... where do you call home?
Sep 30 20:20:29 <kristau_ubuntu>        I'm located in Des Moines, IA
Sep 30 20:21:01 <Iowan> Have we exchanged email recently... or are you another DM'er?
Sep 30 20:21:55 <kristau_ubuntu>        I don't think so. I'm probably another one.
Sep 30 20:23:10 <Iowan> kristau_ubuntu:  Then there are at least a couple of you interested in release party...
Sep 30 20:24:10 <kristau_ubuntu>        We need to promote it to the CIALUG group, too. That may help drum up some interest/attendees.
Sep 30 20:24:20 <AtomicSpark>   There are a few "DM'ers" out there. They're multiplying!
Sep 30 20:24:36 <kristau_ubuntu>        I can get the word out to that group when you have more details available.
Sep 30 20:27:03 <AtomicSpark>   Iowan: We need to ping the mailing list and see whos interested and where they are located, etc. Basically a repeat of last time. It's up to the ReLoCos to set up a get-together.
Sep 30 20:27:24 <AtomicSpark>   I'm up for another one in IC or CR. We could have it in the ICPL or at Kirkwood.
Sep 30 20:28:38 <Iowan> When is the "official" window? Should we schedule another meetong - or so?
Sep 30 20:33:24 <AtomicSpark>   Its... late october.
Sep 30 20:33:46 <AtomicSpark>   I lied. Oct 10th.
Sep 30 20:34:10 <AtomicSpark>   It's a Sunday, so we'd probably do something around then and not then.
Sep 30 20:34:16 <AtomicSpark>   So the following weekend is fine with me.
Sep 30 20:37:17 <Iowan> Scheduling another meeting for next Thursday wouldn't leave much time for action.
Sep 30 20:37:34 <kristau_ubuntu>        According to the release schedule 10.10 RC should be coming out today.
Sep 30 20:37:52 <AtomicSpark>   It is out today.
Sep 30 20:38:21 <kristau_ubuntu>        That shows you how !up to date I am.
Sep 30 20:39:12 <kristau_ubuntu>        Do they do an RC for the netbook version, or does that come only after the main release?
Sep 30 20:39:53 <AtomicSpark>   Official releases are on time. Community ones may lag behind.
Sep 30 20:40:00 <AtomicSpark>   Afaik, the netbook release is official.
Sep 30 20:42:30 <kristau_ubuntu>        Yup, looks like there is an RC for 10.10 netbook. I think I'll wait until the office release to upgrade mine, though.
Sep 30 20:43:17 <Iowan> I usually wait for the rush to subside... or borrow it at a Jam/Release...
Sep 30 20:43:52 <AtomicSpark>   I'm sticking with LTS for my main machines.
Sep 30 20:44:13 <kristau_ubuntu>        Yeah, I'm on 10.04 LTS on this netbook, so there is that to consider as well.
Sep 30 20:44:20 <Iowan> AtomicSpark:  I presume that means you haven't tried Meerkat yet...
Sep 30 20:45:13 <AtomicSpark>   I tried it around Alpha 3.
Sep 30 20:45:46 <Iowan> Opinion? (I haven't d/l'd yet)
Sep 30 20:47:02 <Iowan> Must've lost connection...
Sep 30 20:47:29 <Iowan> kristau_ubuntu:  has 10.04 been working for you?
Sep 30 20:47:45 <Iowan> I have desktop with it... some quirky issues.
Sep 30 20:48:04 <kristau_ubuntu>        Mostly. Every now and then, at random, Xorg crashes and it goes into "low graphics mode"
Sep 30 20:48:29 <kristau_ubuntu>        Hasn't done it in awhile, but I switched to using the gnome desktop instead of the default.
Sep 30 20:49:10 <kristau_ubuntu>        I haven't taken any time to troubleshoot, though.
Sep 30 20:49:45 <Iowan> Same here (troubleshooting) I get flashing vertical stripes - needs reboot to reset.
Sep 30 20:50:21 <kristau_ubuntu>        Ouch, that sounds nasty. Can you still make out the desktop, or is it illegible?
Sep 30 20:51:44 <Iowan> Just stripes - almost like a test pattern
Sep 30 20:52:19 <Iowan> Doesn't happen often - I usually use this Hardy machine for surfing
Sep 30 20:52:41 <Iowan> The Lucid box is for trying out problems/solutions on forum
Sep 30 20:52:58 <kristau_ubuntu>        Same here. Not often, but enough and so random as to be annoying.
Sep 30 20:54:15 <Iowan> Laptop is Jaunty... it works - so I'm not brave enough to upgrade.
Sep 30 20:54:59 <Iowan> Looks like AtomicSpark  is back.
Sep 30 20:57:18 <Iowan> or...
Sep 30 20:57:30 <kristau_ubuntu>        maybe...
Sep 30 20:58:30 <Iowan> kristau_ubuntu:  You ARE on our mailing list?
Sep 30 20:58:57 <kristau_ubuntu>        Yup.
Sep 30 20:59:45 <Iowan> Good - I'll try to post meeting minutes (soon), and I'll try to start some Release party discussion.
Sep 30 20:59:55 <kristau_ubuntu>        Wait, maybe not. I get e-mail messages from the Wiki.
Sep 30 21:00:12 <kristau_ubuntu>        and the forums.
Sep 30 21:00:32 <kristau_ubuntu>        Too many modes!
Sep 30 21:00:41 <Iowan> Yup!
Sep 30 21:01:28 <Iowan> Maybe I can cross-post some email information on the sub-forum... It isn't seeing as much use as I'd expected
Sep 30 21:01:30 <kristau_ubuntu> Standard listserv subscribe, I assume?
Sep 30 21:02:39 <Iowan>
Sep 30 21:02:41 <kristau_ubuntu>        Got a bounce saying it awaits approval.
Sep 30 21:03:25 <Iowan> Either AtomicSpark  or I will get it approved before the nest posting goes out. Thanks for subscribing!
Sep 30 21:03:36 <Iowan> next>next
Sep 30 21:03:44 <kristau_ubuntu>        There we go, I signed up.
Sep 30 21:04:12 <Iowan> Now we'll need a drop of blood and a credit card number (just kidding)
Sep 30 21:04:30 <kristau_ubuntu>        Heh, just like signing up for launchpad...
Sep 30 21:07:04 <Iowan> Hmmm... my email isn't updating... but we'll get you approved.
Sep 30 21:07:28 <kristau_ubuntu>        np, no hurry. I'll get anything posted to the wiki/forum, too.
Sep 30 21:08:52 <Iowan> OK... I'll hope for a flurry of activity this week. In the meantime, I'll (officially) close this meeting - no need to run off, though.

MeetingLogs/IowaTeam/20100930 (last edited 2010-10-01 02:21:42 by 97-127-137-208)