This is the Kernel Team Meeting, started on 08 August 2007, 11H00 - 12H00 (UTC-4). = Attendance = * BenC * rtg_ * pkl_ * amitk__ * cjwatson * zul_ * kylem = Agenda = * Team status * Distro-qa bugs * Open discussion = Minutes = * amitk__ currently busy with: 1. 2DDRM drivers for UME 2. Thermal optimsation patches from Intel for UME 3. '''ACTION:''' amitk__ will submit "DRM in lum and disabled in linux-source" patch for review. 4. Amitk__ noted that some test have been done on the laptop testing and the remainder will be done by the end of the week. * pkl_ currently busy with: 1. writeSupportForNTFS, mainly packaging side of things. Should be finished by today. 2. cjwatson noted that TBH could be contacted to help pk1__ with the packaging side of writeSupportForNTFS 3. kylem volunteered to help, pk1__ must just email kylem when help is required. '''ACTION:''' pk1__ to email kylem for assistance. * Noting to report regarding virtualization. * zul_ reports that Xen is working fine with dom0 and domU. zul1_ hasn't tested Xen with amd64 build failure yet, but will do it tonight. '''ACTION:''' zul1__ to test. * rtg_: currently busy with: 1. Dell recovery stuff: [[]]. 2. Working through the list of Dell related bugs. 3. Will start working on Gutsy wireless bugs. '''ACTION:''' rtg_ to start with Gutsy wireless bugs. 4. '''ACTION:''' rtg_: Check into mac80211 from wireless-dev and possibly some of the wireless-dev mac80211 converted drivers for lum. * kylem: currently working with: 1. Untriaged bugs reported by the intel QA people. 2. Getting a bugfix xf86-video-intel release ready for gutsy. 3. BenC enquired "what about general Intel enablement...are we good with that for gutsy, and just need to address bugs?". kylem noted that because the current git head has a pile of changes we don't want, but also a lot of bugfixes we need & there's two patches coming this week for iwlwifi that will bring our 0.0.42 to 1.0.0, which should be good to go for gutsy for 4965. Their focus has been enabling 4965, so we're going to need to stick with ipw3945 for gutsy. 4. kylem noted that 1.0.0 will be certified. 5. Also busy with alsa patches from 2.6.23-rc2 to see what is relevant for enablement on gutsy. 6. Busy with e1000 drivers, but didn't have time to realy get stuck into it. 7. kylem noted that Intel has released some new e100 chipsets which are a e1000 mac, with a 10/100 phy, so we need the new driver for them (even though they're really only 10/100. '''ACTION:''' kylem to follow up on new driver. 8. '''ACTION:''' kylem look into updating feisty lbm. * No points from community. = Any Other Business = * Turion boot problem: Did not received CPU ids in time for an upload by kylem. * Has work for 6.06.2 been parcelled out? BenC noted that this needs to be added to the agenda. '''ACTION:''' BenC to add this as an agenda item and the list of drivers will most probly be done by BenC. * '''ACTION:''' BenC should contact heno to get testing prior to upload. * '''ACTION:''' cjwatson to prepare proposed CD images. = IRC Logs = {{{ (11:04:27 AM) BenC: hello everyone (11:04:52 AM) BenC: So this is the kernel team meeting (11:05:42 AM) BenC: Information on the Ubuntu kernel team can be found at, and the agenda (needs updating) is at: (11:06:04 AM) BenC: We'll use last meeting as a template (11:06:22 AM) BenC: amitk__, rtg_, pkl_: ping (11:06:29 AM) rtg_: pong (11:06:31 AM) pkl_: pong (11:06:45 AM) amitk__: pong (11:06:45 AM) pkl_: kyle not around? (11:06:55 AM) BenC: Checking on that (11:07:34 AM) BenC: So we'll just go down the list for now (11:08:53 AM) BenC: amitk__: So what's on your plate? (11:09:48 AM) amitk__: 2d DRM drivers for UME (11:10:12 AM) amitk__: thermal optimsation patches from Intel - again for UME (11:10:29 AM) amitk__: THE END. (11:10:43 AM) BenC: Are you ok with the changes needed to get DRM in lum and disabled in linux-source? (11:10:51 AM) BenC: for lpia that is (11:11:18 AM) amitk__: BenC: yes i am. I will submit a patch for review (11:11:34 AM) amitk__: are we switching MIDs to the lpia arch rightaway? (11:12:09 AM) BenC: Might be a better question for ubuntu-mobile :) (11:12:21 AM) amitk__: I though we were still sticking with the UME flavour of i386 for the time-being (11:12:23 AM) amitk__: ok (11:12:34 AM) BenC: amitk__: Any progress or updates for laptop testing? (11:14:02 AM) amitk__: unfortunately not. I have updated some of the tests. I hope to find some time towards the end of the week (11:14:57 AM) BenC: Ok, definitely want to get that moving with tribe-4 coming out Thu (11:15:09 AM) BenC: let me know if we need to offset some of this effort (11:15:29 AM) amitk__: ok (11:15:38 AM) BenC: amitk__: thanks for the updates (11:16:13 AM) BenC: pkl_: how's things coming along with you? (11:16:51 AM) pkl_: Very slow. Still stuck doing the writeSupportForNTFS stuff (11:17:28 AM) pkl_: Mainly all packaging based, which means it's taking me a long time because I'm completely unfamiliar with it. (11:17:54 AM) pkl_: Hoped to have had it finished last week. I currently anticipate today. (11:17:57 AM) BenC: pkl_: do you have a packaging mentor? (11:18:07 AM) pkl_: No. (11:18:49 AM) BenC: cjwatson: ah, perfect you know who would be best to contact about mentoring pkl for packaging ntfs-write stuff? (11:19:00 AM) pkl_: It should be mainly finished now. (11:19:11 AM) cjwatson: BenC: probably me TBH (11:19:21 AM) cjwatson: I've already done some bits around the side there (11:19:30 AM) BenC: ok (11:20:00 AM) cjwatson: I extend a standing offer to anyone on the kernel team to review and sponsor userspace bits for them, if you can't find anyone else (11:20:27 AM) kylem: i can help... (11:20:28 AM) BenC: I'm more than willing myself, just depends on the TZ overlap, or just waiting (11:21:11 AM) BenC: pkl_: so probably just an email to kernel-team@ once the packages are ready, and we'll definitely check it over (11:21:24 AM) cjwatson: cc me if you want me to look at it, as I don't read kernel-team@ regularly (11:22:19 AM) BenC: pkl_: How goes things with virtualization? Any time to test xen yet? (11:22:33 AM) pkl_: Not yet. (11:22:49 AM) BenC: zul_: anything to add on xen? (11:22:56 AM) BenC: so far, I've yet to hear of a real live test (11:23:26 AM) zul_: BenC: yeah I have an update this week, seems to work fine for me (11:23:47 AM) BenC: so you're running dom0 and domU from our image with no problems? (11:23:53 AM) zul_: yep (11:24:03 AM) zul_: no problems now at least (11:24:19 AM) BenC: any chance you've checked on the amd64 build failure? (11:24:32 AM) zul_: from today? (11:24:55 AM) zul_: oh the kernel side, not yet (11:25:06 AM) zul_: will do so tonight (11:25:21 AM) zul_: but Im pretty sure my new patch will fix it (11:25:29 AM) BenC: zul_: from when we tried a week or so ago (11:25:36 AM) BenC: ok (11:25:47 AM) BenC: pkl_, zul_: thanks (11:26:36 AM) BenC: rtg_: So how's your work load going, or should I just call you dell-man? :) (11:26:46 AM) rtg_: dell-man is fine with me :) (11:27:10 AM) rtg_: I'm working on the Dell recovery stuff a little bit. (11:27:22 AM) rtg_: Also working through the list of Dell related bugs. (11:27:32 AM) rtg_: Its ever so much easier when you have the hardware. (11:27:48 AM) rtg_: I need to start working on Gutsy wireless bugs pretty soon. (11:28:01 AM) BenC: ok, that last response answered my question :) (11:28:12 AM) rtg_: So, my plate is full for the foreseeable future. (11:28:16 AM) BenC: Any bugs you're aware of with wireless? (11:28:38 AM) rtg_: I've seen several, but have not looked closely at any yet. (11:29:09 AM) rtg_: Some of them are probably unfixable, like bcm43xx stuff. (11:29:43 AM) rtg_: There is a lot of churn in the wireless-dev tree. (11:30:02 AM) BenC: Anything we might want to pull in for gutsy? (11:30:19 AM) rtg_: Linville has made some interesting decisions w/regard to soft mac. (11:30:32 AM) BenC: One thing we may want to consider now is that we may want a newer mac80211 than what's in our stock 2.6.22 kernel (11:30:34 AM) rtg_: I couldn't say for sure how it might affect Gutsy. (11:30:45 AM) zul_: BenC: I have some santa rosa ids sitting in my git tree that ill push soon (11:30:52 AM) rtg_: It will take some research. (11:31:00 AM) BenC: zul_: pass those through kyle, please (11:31:06 AM) zul_: ok (11:31:25 AM) rtg_: Thats it from me. (11:31:31 AM) BenC: rtg_: Ok, definitely check into mac80211 from wireless-dev and possibly some of the wireless-dev mac80211 converted drivers for lum (11:31:58 AM) rtg_: Will do. (11:32:06 AM) BenC: there are some other drivers that we may need newer mac80211 for, specifically iwlwifi (11:32:17 AM) BenC: rtg_: ok, thanks (11:32:42 AM) BenC: kylem: so finally back from your forced extended trip to ubuntulive? :) (11:32:52 AM) kylem: heh. (11:32:54 AM) zul_ is now known as zul (11:32:57 AM) kylem: getting home was expensive. :/ (11:33:59 AM) BenC: kylem: so how's things with your work load? (11:34:02 AM) kylem: anyway, i've been trying to plough through some of the untriaged bugs reported by the intel qa people. (11:34:19 AM) BenC: right, that looked like a pretty tedious list (11:34:54 AM) kylem: other than that, i've been getting a bugfix xf86-video-intel release ready for gutsy. (11:35:09 AM) BenC: kylem: what about general Intel enablement...are we good with that for gutsy, and just need to address bugs? (11:35:12 AM) kylem: because the current git head has a pile of changes we don't want, but also a lot of bugfixes we need (11:35:19 AM) BenC: other than the iwlwifi bug fixes that is (11:35:57 AM) kylem: there's two patches coming this week for iwlwifi that will bring our 0.0.42 to 1.0.0, which should be good to go for gutsy for 4965. (11:36:18 AM) kylem: their focus has been enabling 4965, so we're going to need to stick with ipw3945 for gutsy. (11:36:43 AM) BenC: kylem: I assume 1.0.0 means they will have certified it? (11:36:49 AM) kylem: BenC, indeed. (11:36:53 AM) BenC: excellent (11:37:14 AM) kylem: lastly i've been picking through some alsa patches from 2.6.23-rc2 to see what is relevant for enablement on gutsy. (11:37:19 AM) kylem: er, second to lastly (11:37:43 AM) kylem: there's also a bit more stuff going on with the e1000 drivers that i've been picking at but haven't had time to sit down and beat at yet (11:37:44 AM) BenC: kylem: Oh, TheMuso is only handling alsa userspace, so you're still the go-to-guy for kernel side :) (11:38:14 AM) kylem: it seems intel has released some new e100 chipsets which are a e1000 mac, with a 10/100 phy, so we need the new driver for them (even though they're really only 10/100.) (11:39:07 AM) BenC: kylem: Ok..perhaps look into updating feisty lbm too then (11:39:34 AM) kylem: yes, it will likely become relevant to tim at some point in the near future. (11:40:02 AM) Toadstoo1 is now known as Toadstool (11:40:36 AM) BenC: kylem: great, thanks (11:40:42 AM) rtg_: kylem: everything I have from Dell works over ethernet. (11:41:10 AM) kylem: rtg_, for now... (11:41:20 AM) BenC: hopefully those new macs wont become relevant till gutsy is viable as an option (11:41:48 AM) BenC: but we can update lbm in feisty without too much worry, restricting to just the PCI ids needed (11:41:49 AM) kylem: dell is already shipping a laptop with it, i imagine it's only a matter of time until they want linux on it. (11:42:23 AM) rtg_: kylem: which one ? Maybe I can get them to send it to me. (11:42:39 AM) kylem: dunno, i'll dig out the pci id later. (11:42:49 AM) kylem: it's in one of the models of dell vostro. (11:43:42 AM) kylem: the last thing i've been mucking with is hrtimers for x86-64 which we probably can't ship in gutsy; kind of a shame but c'est la vie. (11:43:42 AM) BenC: Any points from community folks? (11:43:52 AM) zul: no for me (11:44:04 AM) kylem: fedora is going to be shipping it though, so we'll be behind them on power saving on amd64 :\ (11:44:38 AM) BenC: kylem: fortunately, most people who want decent desktop on x86_64 use 32-bit anyway, it seems (11:44:42 AM) BenC: at least I do (11:45:07 AM) kylem: feh. (11:45:10 AM) BenC: Can't have my youtube on 64-bit without jumping through hurdles (11:45:19 AM) kylem: gnash does youtube quite nicely these days. (11:45:22 AM) kylem: ;-) (11:45:30 AM) BenC: ah, haven't tested that yet :) (11:45:45 AM) zul: slacker :) (11:45:54 AM) BenC: but then there's wine and win32 codecs (11:46:00 AM) rtg_: BenC: whats going on with the Turion boot problem? (11:46:34 AM) BenC: rtg_: I didn't get CPU ids in time for an upload by kyle (11:46:59 AM) BenC: but "nolapic_timer nohz=off" is a decent work around (11:47:41 AM) BenC: we should get that added to the tribe-4 release notes (11:48:14 AM) BenC: So, we're starting to get down to the crunch in our cycle...less development and more bug work (11:48:42 AM) BenC: feature freeze approaches, kernel freeze shortly after (11:49:41 AM) BenC: When that starts to settle, it's a good time to start thinking about next UDS and gutsy+1 (11:49:47 AM) cjwatson: I don't know if it came up before I joined, but has work for 6.06.2 been parcelled out? (11:50:07 AM) BenC: Ah, right, was on my mind earlier, but forgot to add it to the agenda (11:50:22 AM) cjwatson: a bunch of stuff is still just assigned to the team (11:50:28 AM) BenC: I've got the list of drivers to work on, and most likely I'll be handling most of it (11:51:07 AM) amitk__ is now known as amitk (11:51:48 AM) BenC: cjwatson: I suspect I should contact heno to get testing prior to upload? (11:52:01 AM) cjwatson: yes, we'll need to organise something based on what hardware is available (11:52:22 AM) BenC: Hopefully I can get Montreal support and elmo to help with the testing (11:52:41 AM) BenC: Get a modified CD image up (11:52:44 AM) cjwatson: heno is a good contact to start with, and if anyone else has hardware related to any of those bugs I recommend making sure that you have a 6.06.1 install on it somewhere if possible (11:52:57 AM) cjwatson: yep, I'll be preparing proposed CD images (11:53:42 AM) BenC: I'll get you the kernel images then (11:54:09 AM) amitk is now known as amitk_ (11:55:20 AM) BenC: Any last comments? (11:55:25 AM) kylem: moo. (11:55:48 AM) zul: baaah (11:56:00 AM) Hobbsee: BenC: ni! (11:56:11 AM) BenC: Alright then, thanks everyone (11:56:20 AM) BenC: meeting adjourned }}} ---- [[KernelTeam]]