== Agenda == * Review ACTION points from previous meeting 1. gnuoy review 16.07 deliverables 1. gnuoy fix release dates 1. gnuoy Review bug queue * News 1. Getting project status within Openstack 1. Epics * State of Development for next Charm Release * High Priority Bugs * Openstack Events * Open Discussion * Announce next meeting date, time and chair == Minutes == ==== ACTION ITEMS, BY PERSON ==== * gnuoy * gnuoy Talk to stub about moving his leadership layer into core * gnuoy Review 16.07 deliverables ==== Review ACTION points from previous meeting ==== * '''gnuoy review 16.07 deliverables''' Deferred till after current sprint * '''gnuoy fix release dates''' 2016-07-14 for code freeze and release on 2016-07-28 * '''gnuoy Review bug queue''' (17:02) New bug count down, gnuoy requested help on reviewing outstanding bugs. ==== State of Development for next Charm Release ==== * gnuoy proposed making the Openstack base layer dependant on the leadership layer but it feels like core functionality so gnuoy agreed to catch up with stub to discuss why its not in the base reactive layer. * ''ACTION:'' gnuoy talk to stub about moving his leadership layer into core * Layers work continues. * DNS HA should be something to show next week. * Workload status into Openstack Layers still a wip. ==== News ==== * '''Getting project status within Openstack''' (17:08) Meeting upstream to discuss the Juju charms becoming an official project went well but relicensing of charms is needed. * ''ACTION:'' jamespage update on relicensing of charms * '''Epics''' (17:12) Epics are moving to be publicly available and can be seen here: * ''LINK:'' https://github.com/openstack-charmers/charm-specs ==== Release Bugs ==== * ''LINK:'' https://goo.gl/HJjORI ==== Open Discussion ==== * Some deploy from source code landed in charm-helpers and cinder for systemd init support. Updating charm deploy from source work continues. ==== Announce next meeting date, time and chair ==== Next meeting will be on Wednesday, June 8th at 17:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting. == Log == {{{ 17:00 #startmeeting openstack-charms-meeting 17:00 Meeting started Wed Jun 1 17:00:17 2016 UTC. The chair is gnuoy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 17:00 17:00 Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 17:00 Welcome all, \o 17:00 o/ 17:00 o/ 17:00 o/ gnuoy ... 17:00 Lets kick off with... 17:00 o/ 17:00 ha! 17:01 #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting 17:01 #subtopic gnuoy review 16.07 deliverables 17:01 I'd like to defer this until next week and see where we are at the end of the current sprint. 17:01 #subtopic gnuoy fix release dates 17:01 Aiming for 2016-07-14 for code freeze and release on 2016-07-28 assuming thats ok with beisner? 17:02 +1 here 17:02 icey, cholcombe, same for you ^ ? 17:02 gnuoy, yeah i think that's fine 17:02 +1 17:02 kk 17:02 #subtopic gnuoy Review bug queue 17:02 I've done some triage in the past week. Any help with whittling down the queue would be gratefully recieved. 17:02 is it climbing again? 17:02 Actually we have a topic for that later... 17:02 cholcombe, nope 17:03 ok 17:03 Thats all the actions from last week 17:03 #topic State of Development for next Charm Release 17:03 Layers work continues, enabling the HA is mostly done and reviews should be up soon. I'm planning to make the Openstack base layer dependant in stubs leadership layer unless anyone has any objections? 17:04 s/in stubs/on stubs/ 17:04 tbh stubs layer looks like it should be part of the core reactive helpers 17:05 thedac, any updates on DNS HA? 17:05 Still a work in progress. Should have something to show next week. 17:05 tip top 17:05 tinwood, how's your Barbican? 17:06 gnuoy, re: leadership layer -> core reactive helper, should we try to encourage that to happen? 17:06 beisner, yes, let me chat to stub 17:06 gnuoy, ack cool thx 17:06 gnuoy, still a work in progress. The assess status is proving tricky to combine with the 'old style' charm helpers. 17:06 #action gnuoy talk to stub about moving his leadership layer into core 17:06 * meetingology gnuoy talk to stub about moving his leadership layer into core 17:07 tinwood, would it be easier to walk away from existing code and implement afresh? 17:08 gnuoy, hmm, wondering about that. Trying to find a way to cleanly declare the dependencies a la contexts/configs for auto-checking of relationship statuses. 17:08 s/statuses/states/ 17:08 kk 17:08 #topic news 17:08 #subtopic Getting project status within Openstack 17:09 So, we're moving in the right direction! 17:09 If anyone missed it we are blocked on licensing atm 17:09 and I think thats the only thing 17:09 excellent. 17:09 Yep, sounds like generally clear to proceed after relicensing 17:09 \o/ 17:10 \o/ hopefully licensing isn't too hard 17:10 #action jamespage update on relicensing of charms 17:10 * meetingology jamespage update on relicensing of charms 17:10 On this note, I plan to add charm-tempest to git/gerrit this week so that we can use it for the layer-ci build-out 17:10 One more to re-license ;-) 17:11 beisner, oh, I have a project-config change up atm for enabling haproxy but am stuck. Igot a Jenkins -1 for no good reason 17:11 gnuoy, happy to have a look if you like 17:11 thanks! 17:11 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/323716/ 17:12 #subtopic Epics 17:12 Epics are moving out into the Open and can be found... 17:12 https://github.com/openstack-charmers/charm-specs 17:12 #link https://github.com/openstack-charmers/charm-specs 17:13 #topic Release Bugs 17:13 #link https://goo.gl/HJjORI 17:13 so in answer to cholcombes question the number is lower than before 17:13 nice 17:14 but again, any help in working through them would be great 17:14 #topic Open Discussion 17:14 I have nothing to discuss openly, so the floor is yours... 17:15 gnuoy, some deploy from source code landed in charm-helpers and cinder for systemd init support 17:15 excellent 17:15 gnuoy, just need to hit the other charms with similar updates 17:16 coreycb, I take it they'll need more love than just a rsync ? 17:16 gnuoy, yeah, quite a bit but it's not hard 17:16 kk 17:16 ok, last chance for any more news... 17:17 #topic Announce next meeting date, time and chair 17:17 Same time, same place! (2016-06-8 17:00 UTC) 17:17 #endmeeting }}}