

(12:04:00 PM) heno: #startmeeting
(12:04:00 PM) MootBot: Meeting started at 16:04. The chair is heno.
(12:04:00 PM) MootBot: Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
(12:04:23 PM) heno: not many agenda items today: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings
(12:05:09 PM) heno: [TOPIC] Beta testing preparations
(12:05:09 PM) MootBot: New Topic:  Beta testing preparations
(12:05:42 PM) heno: davmor2 and I met on Saturday to talk about Beta+ testing
(12:06:44 PM) heno: I've drawn up a proposed schedule here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Schedule
(12:07:40 PM) heno: according to which testing starts tomorrow
(12:08:09 PM) heno: I'll write the distro team about contributing and blog as well
(12:08:58 PM) heno: I'll be asking for help mostly toward the end --  ISO validation testing - March 18-19
(12:09:34 PM) heno: ok, next
(12:09:41 PM) heno: [TOPIC] Testing wiki pages refreshed - please review
(12:09:41 PM) MootBot: New Topic:  Testing wiki pages refreshed - please review
(12:10:13 PM) heno: that's mostly done. We still need to update some test cases
(12:10:51 PM) heno: I'll post to the QA list regarding new features that we should cover
(12:11:03 PM) bdmurray: I've been looking at the pages a bit this morning
(12:11:10 PM) liw_: the update is done, or the review is done?
(12:11:23 PM) heno: update
(12:11:50 PM) liw_: so it's still good to review, check
(12:12:14 PM) heno: I've been looking at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing for ideas for new test cases.
(12:12:33 PM) heno: But further suggestions are welcome
(12:12:46 PM) bdmurray: Does the FixValidation page overlap a lot with FixesToVerify?
(12:13:14 PM) heno: bdmurray: not really
(12:13:57 PM) heno: FixValidation is supposed to be bugs fixed since the milestone freeze
(12:14:20 PM) heno: so in the past 2-3 days at that point
(12:14:40 PM) bdmurray: okay
(12:14:48 PM) heno: making sure that code we _just_ touched didn't break anything
(12:15:07 PM) heno: both are useful to test from in that period though
(12:15:28 PM) heno: bdmurray: thanks, I should clarify that on the page
(12:16:26 PM) heno: so, please look the pages over for sanity and readability
(12:16:50 PM) heno: that should cover that topic
(12:17:07 PM) heno: bdmurray: how has your yesterday page been working?
(12:17:32 PM) bdmurray: It has been interesting to me at least.
(12:17:44 PM) heno: also an interesting page is http://daniel.holba.ch/really-fix-it/
(12:17:59 PM) ogasawara: I was going through the really-fix-it kernel bugs yesterday
(12:18:05 PM) heno: bdmurray: perhaps you can get the progress meter from there
(12:18:46 PM) bdmurray: heno: that's an interesting idea
(12:18:53 PM) heno: I looked at the abiword bugs and it seems they will all stay on the list
(12:19:28 PM) heno: they are fixed upstream in v. 2.6 which I don't think we'll get until intrepid
(12:20:39 PM) pedro_: right, bumping to 2.6 wouldn't be nice at this stage...
(12:20:44 PM) heno: There should perhaps be a way of marking such bugs as 'have-looked-at-not-for-hardy' <- dholbach
(12:23:03 PM) heno: any other topics today?
(12:23:17 PM) bdmurray: heno: Have you been looking at Hardy nominations at all?
(12:23:36 PM) heno: bdmurray: no I haven't
(12:24:03 PM) bdmurray: Maybe we should review those again.
(12:24:07 PM) heno: bdmurray: do you have the URL handy?
(12:24:37 PM) dholbach: heno: not very easy to do
(12:25:41 PM) heno: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+nominations
(12:25:45 PM) bdmurray: heno: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+nominations
(12:25:51 PM) bdmurray: ;)
(12:26:10 PM) heno: dholbach: with a tag perhaps and mark it on the list with an * ?
(12:26:20 PM) dholbach: or milestone it as 'later'?
(12:26:48 PM) heno: that'll work
(12:26:59 PM) dholbach: ok, I'll document that on the page and filter them out
(12:27:06 PM) heno: so the nomination list is long again :)
(12:27:12 PM) bdmurray: Couldn't we get an Ibex milestone setup rather than using Later?
(12:27:15 PM) heno: dholbach: cool!
(12:27:29 PM) bdmurray: Because they would just need to move from later to Ibex
(12:27:59 PM) liw_: Ibex?
(12:28:07 PM) bdmurray: liw_: Intrepid?
(12:28:08 PM) stgraber: intrepid
(12:28:26 PM) liw_: ah, right
(12:28:32 PM) heno: so how do we triage the nominated bugs at this stage? Milestone the serious looking ones?
(12:28:48 PM) bdmurray: and the In Progress ones. ;)
(12:29:09 PM) heno: that would bring it onto the lists the developers and release managers look at
(12:29:58 PM) heno: my guess is there is already a fair bit of overlap
(12:30:27 PM) heno: ok, let's all have a look at the list and reduce it a bit for the next meeting
(12:30:48 PM) heno: then we'll have a better idea of what it contains
(12:31:11 PM) heno: bdmurray: thanks for bringing that up
(12:31:22 PM) bdmurray: Sounds good.  Who should we speak to about adding an Intrepid milestone?
(12:31:59 PM) heno: bdmurray: any LP admin I think, so kiko or mdz for example
(12:32:13 PM) heno: bdmurray: will you take that?
(12:32:33 PM) heno: I'll make a start on nominations today
(12:32:39 PM) bdmurray: heno: okay, I'm pretty sure we have the power I'm not certain on the procedure
(12:33:31 PM) bdmurray: anyway I'll look into it
(12:33:46 PM) heno: likely not documented on the LP wiki
(12:33:51 PM) heno: thanks
(12:33:58 PM) heno: anything else?
(12:35:03 PM) heno: ok, thanks everyone!
(12:35:12 PM) heno: #endmeeting
(12:35:19 PM) MootBot: Meeting finished at 16:35.
(12:35:59 PM) ***heno goes digging in logs to find out why his computer crashed earlier

MeetingLogs/QATeam/20080312 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:27:23 by localhost)