== Log == UTC {{{ 19:01 heno hello 19:01 Iulian Hey! 19:01 nand hi 19:04 heno #startmeeting * ogasawara_ waves 19:05 pedro_ hi hi 19:05 heno hm, no bot today? 19:05 heno anyway, welcome all! 19:06 heno jcastro: here? 19:06 davmor2 sorry I'm late :) 19:06 bdmurray Hello! Is it 1900? 19:07 pedro_ bdmurray: i'm wondering the same... 19:07 heno arg! 19:07 pedro_ probably that's why evolution didn't tell me anything 19:07 davmor2 19:07 19:07 heno why didn't anyone stop me? :) 19:07 nand oh yeah, we switched time 19:08 heno davmor2: but not UTC 19:08 nand now is 20 UTC, right? 19:08 davmor2 ah * liw starts recruiting people to the Alliance Against DST 19:08 heno the meeting page clearly says UTC (and I wrote it ...) 19:08 liw so we already had the meeting an hour ago, right 19:09 heno no, it's an hour from now 19:09 bdmurray That's what I'd thought. 19:09 pedro_ it's 18 UTC now 19:09 heno seeing that we're all here, shall we go ahead? 19:10 liw I'm fine with now 19:10 ogasawara_ +1 19:10 pedro_ yeah go for it 19:10 heno apologies to those who miss it and are reading this in logs ... 19:11 heno [TOPIC] New team member introduction: Chris Gregan, Mobile QA 19:11 heno everyone wave to cgregan! 19:11 cgregan Hello team 19:11 liw cgregan, hi 19:11 pedro_ welcome cgregan! 19:11 davmor2 I thought UTC was bst 19:11 ogasawara_ hi cregan! 19:11 Iulian Hello cgregan 19:11 heno Chris has been keeping busy getting up to speed with the mobile team 19:12 heno He'll be doing bug management and testing on mobile 19:12 davmor2 brave man well done :) 19:12 pedro_ rock on! 19:13 heno cgregan: you can find QA team members in #ubuntu-bugs and #ubuntu-testing usually 19:13 cgregan heno: good to know...I will add them to my, growing, list of irc channels 19:13 heno great 19:13 davmor2 cgregan: it only gets bigger :) 19:14 heno I don't see jcastro here just yet, so let's take topic #3 for now 19:14 heno [TOPIC] Test plan review for RC/Final 19:15 heno davmor2: has been updating the Xubuntu and KDE4 plans with nice graphics :) 19:15 davmor2 I got a boat load to upload to the kde4 one once that is out of the way I'll start up-dating the others now we have nice layout :) 19:15 heno I'd like everyone to look over the test plans if you have a chance and fix obvious errors and out-of-dateness 19:16 heno davmor2: rock! 19:16 cgregan davmor2: Can you send link to plans? 19:16 liw cgregan, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases is that what you mean? 19:16 cgregan liw: perfect 19:17 cgregan thanks 19:17 heno cgregan comes from a backgound in mostly proprietary software QA 19:17 davmor2 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/XubuntuDesktop is likely to be the general layout making it easy to see what the desktop should look like and the apps we're describing also. 19:17 heno cgregan: I'd appreciate your take on these plans 19:18 cgregan heno: sure...I'll review and update the team 19:18 liw davmor2, awesome work 19:19 davmor2 liw: the kde4 was the other layout but we agreed it was easier with images :) 19:19 davmor2 kde4 is mostly text layout hightlighting things that are important 19:19 davmor2 to many t's in highlighting :) 19:20 heno I think jcastro may have fallen victim to my scheduling gaffe :( 19:21 bdmurray Should have a test case for ubiquity-only? 19:21 heno let's cover the upstream bug topic now and I can have a phone call with him later 19:22 heno bdmurray: is it very different from Live -> ubiquity? 19:22 heno We should make sure both paths get tested indeed 19:22 bdmurray Only in terms of accessing it. 19:22 davmor2 bdmurray: you can't really do that with ease because there are several versions of ubiquity each slightly different 19:22 heno and it's important to exercise both code paths 19:24 heno davmor2: but on a given CD is there much difference in running ubiquity with 'Install only' and Live -> Install? 19:24 bdmurray The installation process does not change but the amount of memory required for ubiquity only is much less. 19:25 heno I'm hesitant about adding a test case for every variation because we quickly get too many 19:25 liw heno, I was thinking the same thing 19:25 heno though this may be a valid case 19:26 davmor2 heno: with you no I don't believe so only the differences that are there anyway. that is that, Xubuntu pulls in the language packs, Kubuntu's is different in the way the map works etc 19:26 bdmurray Perhaps checking with cjwatson or evand would be best then. 19:26 heno a stop-gat might be to ask people to add a tracker comment about which path they used 19:27 heno we generally have a fair number of people testing desktop i386 images at least - we should just make sure people use different methods * heno makes a note for subscription tracking 19:28 davmor2 heno: I think it would be more prudent to stick ubiquity in it's own section at the top of each live cd case listing the fact that it can be accessed via the menu directly and any differences in the versions 19:29 davmor2 that covers every aspect then 19:30 heno yep, people usually have 3 or so partitioning methods assigned on a given CD and should spread that over start paths 19:30 heno davmor2: can you add that? 19:30 heno bdmurray: thanks for pointing that out 19:31 heno [TOPIC] Upstreaming bugs; wiki guides and bugdays 19:31 davmor2 I'll add it to the list :) I can throw together some SS of it in action and then upload those as well it shouldn't be too hard. 19:31 heno I understand there were some mixed views of the value of the upstream linking yesterday 19:32 bdmurray By the way https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/Wubi isn't linked to on the main page. 19:32 heno bdmurray: it is at the bottom ;) 19:32 heno I want to refresh that landing page actually 19:32 heno it's not very inviting 19:32 bdmurray Oh, I was just looking at the top section. 19:33 heno It should be added, you are right * heno takes an action to tidy that page up 19:33 bdmurray heno: Do you know what the negative opinions are? I haven't heard them. 19:33 davmor2 bdmurray: it's on the list we will probably lose winfoss 19:34 bdmurray davmor2: cool, thanks! 19:34 pedro_ bdmurray: basically seb128 and i were talking that the bugday caused us more noise than anything 19:34 pedro_ and it'd be nice if it happens during another time of the release process 19:35 heno I think the problem is that the upstreaming on gnome bugs was already quite good 19:35 bdmurray noise in what sense? more bugmail or something else? 19:35 pedro_ yeah lot of bugmail 19:35 heno and it's difficult to improve on that for people with less experience 19:35 pedro_ we already have a lot daily ;-) 19:36 heno I think some of the added links may not have been correct 19:37 pedro_ yeah and then we have to correct them 19:37 bdmurray Okay, both of those points make sense to me. Are the bug watches useful though? 19:37 bdmurray Or rather bug watches in general useful? 19:37 heno I'm also wondering if picking this low hanging fruit isn't really just sidestepping the issue 19:38 heno filing bugs upstream well is hard and requires insight into that upstream's bug landscape and culture 19:39 heno we should probably rather focus on packages with very few bugs filed/linked upstream 19:39 heno start fling/linking those and gaining the experience and connections 19:39 bdmurray I think there are 2 separate issues though. 1) filing bugs upstream and 2) linking bugs upstream. 19:40 heno bdmurray: you mean link bugs that someone else has already marked as an upstream issue? 19:41 bdmurray for point 2 I mean adding a bug watch for an existing upstream bug report 19:41 heno IMO when you look at a bug with a view to link it upstream you first search the upstream tracker and link if it's found and file if not 19:41 bdmurray While it still requires a fair bit of knowledge - it can require less than actually filing it upstream. 19:42 heno but both should be part of the same workflow right? 19:42 heno the difficult of filing upstream depends a bit on the cost of doing a bad job at it 19:43 heno IOW - how upset does upstream get if you file a poor bug or dupe? 19:43 bdmurray You said "filing bugs upstream well is hard". I'm just saying that linking is different than filing and isn't as hard. 19:44 bdmurray So while they are part of the same workflow they have different degrees of difficulty. 19:44 heno If they are helpful in correcting you and helping you learn, then nothing is lost by trying, but if it pisses them off it's more tricky 19:44 heno this will depend on the upstream and our approach 19:46 heno bdmurray: I mostly agree. but how many of the linkable bugs are there? is it worth focusing on as an approach 19:46 heno ? 19:47 heno the number with links in the comments is one thing; the number that already exist upstream but nobody has pointed out is likely much larger 19:48 heno bdmurray: do you think we should do more 'upstreaming' bug days, or should we make it a component of bug days generally? 19:48 bdmurray heno: I'm still looking at the numbers as to how many linkable bugs there are. 19:49 heno btw, has everyone seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+upstreamreport ? 19:49 bdmurray I agree with pedro than now isn't really the right time in the development cycle. It'd be best done after Hardy releases. 19:49 heno a view of how many bugs are filed/linked upstream by package 19:50 heno bdmurray: I agree, that's a good point 19:51 heno perhaps we should do some themes one looking for severe release blocking bugs and escalating those? 19:51 bdmurray I think identifying and documenting how to find the right upstream bug is best and then adding that as a component to bug days makes sense. 19:51 heno it would be good to get more eyes on the fresh bugs leading up to release 19:52 heno ok, cool 19:52 heno for now though - perhaps we can do a day looking at iso-testing bugs? 19:52 bdmurray In regards to bug days I think revisiting bugs w/o a package would be a good idea as there may be something critical hiding there. 19:52 heno yep 19:52 bdmurray That too would be good. 19:53 heno sounds like a plan 19:53 heno any other topic today? 19:53 bdmurray One thing 19:54 bdmurray Or 2 maybe 19:54 jcastro hi guys 19:54 jcastro sorry I am late, personal emergency 19:54 davmor2 no but I would like to say that I'll add the ubiquity images to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/LiveCDInstall as it seems the most sensible place for it :) 19:54 bdmurray I've started a list of triaging specialities at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Contacts - please add yourself i you aren't already there. 19:54 heno jcastro: actually, we are early ... 19:55 heno jcastro: I'll phone you in a few minutes and catch you up 19:55 jcastro ok 19:56 heno Packages/Area of Specialty - bdmurrary - Everything :) 19:56 bdmurray geez! I didn't even write that. 19:56 davmor2 heno: one thing also what is happening about the LP testing team? 19:57 heno the page looks good 19:58 heno ok, I think we're done 19:58 heno thanks everyone! 19:58 cgregan heno: is this the regular time each week? 19:58 liw cgregan, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings has the times 19:58 pedro_ cgregan: the schedule is at wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings 19:58 pedro_ jeje 19:58 heno cgregan: except we started an hour early by mistake this week ... 19:59 heno my mistake for the record 19:59 cgregan liw,pedro_, hino: thanks 19:59 pedro_ you're welcome 19:59 heno indeed 20:00 heno google calendar is not helping though 20:00 heno #endmeeting}}}