== Log == UTC {{{ [18:01] #startmeeting [18:01] Meeting started at 12:01. The chair is heno. [18:01] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [18:02] Yay The bot is back :) [18:02] agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings [18:03] gee, good thing i started showing up for this meetings. otherwise you wouldn't have what to talk about :P [18:03] heh [18:03] [TOPIC] Bug searching API is now available on edge for your testing pleasure (intellectronica). [18:03] New Topic: Bug searching API is now available on edge for your testing pleasure (intellectronica). [18:03] tadaaam [18:04] so, finally, searching for bugs using the API is available on edge [18:04] intellectronica: cool :-) [18:04] yeah! [18:04] this is a fairly complex function, so lots of testing is necessary [18:04] * heno (adds an item to the agenda as well) [18:04] so, hit it as hard as you can, and let me know when it breaks [18:05] heh, that sounds like a challenge [18:05] intellectronica: where is the API documented? [18:05] intellectronica: where's the API doc? (sorry if this is a trivial question) [18:05] sbeattie: it isn't really. you should be able to get the WSDL for it, and i'll try to write some documentation on the wiki [18:05] or duplicated... [18:05] :D [18:06] the method itself is searchTasks, and you can call it on the normal things that have bugs (like distros, projects, distro packages, etc'...) [18:06] so just hammer the server with random strings to decipher the API ;) [18:06] lol [18:07] ara: https://edge.launchpad.net/+apidoc [18:08] ok, moving on [18:08] [TOPIC] Sell the bugzilla or trac LP plugins to an upstream, get a beer (intellectronica) [18:08] New Topic: Sell the bugzilla or trac LP plugins to an upstream, get a beer (intellectronica) [18:09] which pub? [18:09] jcastro: around? [18:09] just a reminder that we now have plugins for both trac and bugzilla, which allow syncing comments [18:09] if you know of any upstreams which use bugzilla or trac (and where you have some contact with the admins) why don't you ask them to install those plugins [18:09] FYI: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-bugsquad/2008-August/msg00001.html [18:10] they require a specific version of bugzilla? [18:10] Is there a sample bug or demo of this working in practice? [18:10] that's a comment from Olav Vitters the gnome bugzilla admin [18:10] bdmurray: yes. > 3.0 [18:10] that's one of the issues there... [18:11] heno: as far as i know we've only had tests of this on staging, which is wiped periodically. i can definitely arrange that if necessary, and as of the next release we should have a few projects that use it and are visible on the production servers [18:12] heno: yep! [18:13] heno: Olav and I had discussions about this at guadec. [18:13] jcastro: are there plans to approach other upstreams? [18:13] heno: But they are not moving to bugzilla 3.x just yet, he mentioned that once they get a developer instance of it running that they would be interested in helping test. [18:14] yes in the past we tried to do a closed run where I would invite upstreams to come test but that wasn't very successfull [18:14] after that we just announced that anyone can be welcome to test. [18:15] perhaps we should talk to the maintainers of bugzilla and trac themselves to get it shipped with their releases (if we haven't already) [18:15] but unfortunately there wasn't much traction there [18:15] heno: that's a nice idea [18:15] the GNOME bugzilla 3.x transition isn't coming up anytime soon so I was going to wait for them to get a test server up and then repropose. [18:15] ogasawara: the kernel uses bugzilla, is that run by Natalie? [18:16] heno: its 2.2 something [18:16] yeah, a large number of upstream bugzillas are 2.x [18:17] I suspect they may not be interested in comments directly from our users either [18:17] heno: what bdmurray said. she maintains the bugs, but I don't think is responsible for the actual admining [18:17] how many upstream projects out there are using bugzilla 3 ? [18:17] i mean the large ones , firefox, freedesktop, etc? [18:17] we have several times more open kernel bugs than kernel.org AFAIR [18:18] fdo is bugzilla 3.x [18:18] I seem to recall a couple of kernel guys maintaing it [18:18] heno: another thing to note is that a lot of kernel bugs are reported and deal with directly on the mailing lists [18:18] yeah just saw it version 3.0.3 [18:19] heno: and until we have a vanilla kernel PPA in place, I suspect upstream won't want the extra noise [18:20] IMO we should prepare a menu of options for ways/levels to collaborate with us on wrt bugs, that we can present to all upstreams [18:20] bug day participation, bug tracker integration, bug contact, mothly summary report of bugs in their packages, etc [18:21] instead of approaching them all N times with different requests [18:23] [silence] [18:23] * davmor2 isn't that golden [18:23] ogasawara: isn't arjan willing to take ksymoops reports from us, or is that only for -vanilla kernels as well? Does he not maintain kernel bugzilla? [18:23] jcastro, pedro_: can you guys make a list of options like that? [18:24] a wiki page with the options explained and whot to contact to set it up [18:24] sbeattie: its hosted by the linux foundation [18:24] sbeattie: the kerneloops is sort of a separate project, but yes he is willing to take stats from our Ubuntu kernels [18:25] heno: yup [18:25] thanks! [18:25] ok, let's move on [18:26] [TOPIC] Release report for Friday [18:26] New Topic: Release report for Friday [18:26] I won't be there (as I'm on holiday) [18:26] I'll be there. [18:27] sbeattie, bdmurray: can you both look at getting that in shape? [18:27] regressions and other hot bugs [18:27] sbeattie: I'm sure one of the hot topics will be the e1000e driver issue [18:27] indeed [18:27] heno: sure [18:28] that's already on the release team's radar, and arguably something we should have flagged sooner in a report [18:29] heno: AFAIK, it was not onanyone's radar until this week. [18:29] when in doubt about whether a serious bug you are aware of should go on that list, please consult other QA members for an opinion [18:29] what's the state of hardware testing? [18:29] sbeattie: I and ogasawara knew about it [18:29] it was on the kernel team's radar and mine since it was reported [18:30] so I'm looking at my own procedures for this sort of thing [18:30] heno: one point of contention is that it took us a bit to pull alpha6 [18:30] sbeattie: it would have been on your list had not the kernel team removed the regression tag :) [18:31] heh [18:31] yes, I think the urgency/seriousness for escalating fell short [18:32] sbeattie: what? [18:32] so, anyone else have any serious bugs in mind? [18:32] (a question we should ask each meeting until release) [18:32] * davmor2 looks through bug reports [18:34] please add issues to the release report list as they turn up [18:34] not I [18:34] heno: Ndiswrapper no longer seems to work I've kicked and screamed at it but nothing. https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ndiswrapper/+bug/268625 [18:34] Ubuntu bug 268625 in ndiswrapper "Intrepid: Regression Ndiswrapper is broken by b43 driver again" [Undecided,New] [18:36] that bug has no status or importance yet [18:36] does it need any debugging info? [18:36] I've no idea and I don't know what info from where either [18:37] we should try to get the bug reports from our own testers in better shape sooner [18:37] heno: I'm hoping the very recent modprobe speedup will address bug 258432 for me; otherwise I think it ought to get escalated. [18:37] Launchpad bug 258432 in casper "Intrepid 4 live cd drops to busybox, needs more time to find CD livefs" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/258432 [18:37] bdmurray: can you work with davmor2 to get his existing reports properly triaged? [18:38] I got to go now I'll see about what info is needed and from where tomorrow [18:38] heno: sure [18:38] bdmurray: Thanks [18:39] sbeattie: I've raised it's importance - do you have bug-control powers? [18:41] ah, I see you do [18:41] sbeattie: feel free to set the importance on such bugs [18:41] sure, thanks. [18:42] Bugs can be new and have an importance as far as I'm concerned [18:42] perhaps that should appear on the regression and SRU pages as well [18:42] agree [18:42] heno: the importance, you mean? Yeah, I'd just been thinking of adding that. [18:43] most SRU and regression bugs will be High or Critical I guess, but still [18:43] any other business? [18:43] mmm, I've seen some low ones go through, IIRC, but get caught in rollups with other bugs. [18:44] sbeattie: have you checked with cjwatson about it? [18:44] your bug that is. [18:44] sbeattie: and those are ones we should question I think, as any fix can cause a problem [18:44] bdmurray: not yet [18:45] or at least not prioritise in SRU verification [18:45] heno: agreed on both counts. Need to add sorting by column to those webpages. [18:46] yep. again, check with bryce on that [18:46] Re the move to testcases.qa.ubuntu.com, is https://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Ubuntu/Applications the right place to propose new apps for testing? [18:46] e.g. evince (gnome pdf viewer) probably ought to be on that list. [18:47] yes, perhaps in a separate table though [18:47] the current table should go away when the migration is complete [18:47] ara, schwuk: how is that proceeding? [18:48] also, how do we wish to handle testcases that could apply to multiple apps? [18:48] heno: which current talbe? [18:48] sbeattie: an example? [18:48] e.g. sample pdfs for kpdf and evince [18:48] s/talbe/table [18:48] ara: the one listing pages to move from wiki.u.c [18:49] we should have a SampleData page to attach those to [18:50] the test cases are now quite short, and then collected in larger suites [18:50] it would be nice to use the new wiki for beta testing [18:50] heno: I am trying to explain better each test case [18:51] ok. davmor2 is also working on this (but seems to have logged off ATM) [18:52] heno: I've been going through some of the verification-done bugs and pulling out samples where I could. I have some of them in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sbeattie/+junk/qa-testcases/files [18:53] ... and was trying to figure out how to add them to the wiki, structurally. [18:53] sbeattie: I've opened bug 258432 and will look at it later, thanks [18:53] sbeattie: please just start new pages for the applications [18:53] Launchpad bug 258432 in casper "Intrepid 4 live cd drops to busybox, needs more time to find CD livefs" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/258432 [18:53] cjwatson: thanks [18:53] we can rename pages later if need be [18:54] sbeattie: add attachments to app test pages or in a SampleData page as appropriate [18:54] let's wrap up [18:54] anything else? [18:55] one thing [18:55] heno: I'd like to know how you're gonna handle beta testing of isos ? [18:55] please don't forget to add agenda items and your names to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/LaunchpadBugsUbuntuQAMeeting if you wish to participate [18:55] heno: are you planning to do smoke testing ? [18:55] heno: ie generate a first set of images later this week and test them as much as possible ? [18:56] mathiaz: yes, we'll run manual and automated smoke tests daily running up to beta [18:56] heno: could you quickly re-explain what smoke test is ? [18:57] basic install testing. The manual testing is tracked here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/DailySmoke [18:58] mathiaz: we are working on improving reporting of the automated testing and I'd appreciate your feedback on that [18:58] schwuk: can you set up mathiaz with access to that? [18:58] heno: sure - I'm in touch with cr3 about this (once in a while though) [18:59] heno: sure [18:59] heno: I mentionned beta testing during yesterday's server team meeting [18:59] heno: just wanted to make sure I'm still up-to-date with the procedures [19:00] mathiaz: do you or Dustin still have access to kick off tests? [19:00] heno: not that I know [19:00] heno: i don't know [19:00] we would be happy for you to still have a hand in that this release (if you have time) [19:01] heno: that's going to be difficult for me, i think, i'm picking up some of soren's responsibilities [19:01] ok [19:02] heno: i'm happy to help as much as I can [19:03] kirkland, mathiaz: please have a look at the test results and let us know what's missing [19:03] heno: I'll have a look at it. [19:03] right, really wrapping up this time [19:03] thanks all [19:03] ! [19:03] #endmeeting [19:03] Meeting finished at 13:03. }}}