Who: SecurityTeam
End: 18:30 UTC
Where: #ubuntu-meeting on
Chaired By: JamieStrandboge (jdstrand)
- jdstrand
- mdeslaur
- sbeattie
- micahg
- tyhicks
- jjohansen
- sarnold
Not present
- None
- Announcements
- UDS is next week. Be sure to review the blueprints in LP this week
Quantal is released and Raring is in pre-freeze. ReleaseCycle duties have been performed, so be sure to update your trees, etc for these changes
- Weekly stand-up report (each member discusses any pending and planned future work for the week)
- jdstrand
- happy place
- release cycle duties
- secure boot
- pending updates
- openjdk cross-training
- review blueprints for security team
- prepare for UDS
- mdeslaur
- weekly role: triage
- pending updates
- prepare for UDS
- sbeattie
- weekly role: happy place
AppArmor work items surrounding display confinement
- prepare for UDS
- micahg
- weekly role: happy place
WebKit for 12.04 and 11.10
- pending browser updates
- prepare for UDS
- tyhicks
- weekly role: happy place
- pending update
- !AppArmor/dbus: upload to a ppa
- jjohansen
- weekly role: happy place
- LP: #1056078
review new LSM stacking patch for how it affects AppArmor
- some more on display manager confinement
- envfiltering beta
- UDS preparation
- sarnold
- weekly role: community
- leaves for UDS on Thursday
- pending updates
setting up new laptop for BuildEnvironment and TestingEnvironment due to hardware issues on other system
- jdstrand
- Highlighted packages
The Ubuntu Security team will highlight some community-supported packages that might be good candidates for updating and or triaging. If you would like to help Ubuntu and not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so. See for details and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-security. To find out other ways of helping out, please see The highlighted packages for this week are:
The Ubuntu Security team suggests that contributors look into merging Debian security updates in community-supported packages. If you would like to help Ubuntu but are not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so. See the available merges and SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details on preparing Ubuntu security updates. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-hardened. To find out other ways of helping out, please see SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved.
- Miscellaneous and Questions
There are a lot of merge opportunities for packages listed in Performing these updates is a great way to help Ubuntu and bolster your developer application.
Logs available at