## page was copied from MeetingLogs/Security/20150309 == Meeting == * '''Who''': SecurityTeam * '''When''': Mon Mar 16th 2015 16:32 UTC * '''End''': 16:58 UTC * '''Where''': #ubuntu-meeting on irc.freenode.net * '''Chaired By''': Tyler Hicks (tyhicks) == Attendance == * jdstrand * mdeslaur * sbeattie * tyhicks * jjohansen * sarnold * chrisccoulson == Not present == == Agenda == * Announcements * Stefan Bader (smb) provided debdiffs for xen for precise to utopic * Christian Hertel provided a debdiff for tntnet for precise (LP: #1430750) * Weekly stand-up report (each member discusses any pending and planned future work for the week) * jdstrand * Close out the discussions around snappy signatures and hashes * Snappy hardware access and snappy frameworks * Review tools and click-apparmor changes for the snappy work mentioned above * Embargoed issue * mdeslaur * weekly role: cve triage * Published several USNs prior to the meeting * Plan on working on updates for php5, libav, and an embargoed issue * sbeattie * weekly role: happy place * Refreshing gcc-5 pie package against newer versions in the toolchain-r ppa * gcc-5 pie testing * AppArmor patch review * triage issue around dhclient not being confined when booting with systemd * tyhicks * weekly role: community * Testing and fixing any bugs found in the libapparmor aa_features string parsing routines * Restart work on AppArmor kernel keyring mediation for user data encryption * Finish up the patches to fix bug #1430532 and send them out for review * jjohansen * Finish up patches for bug #1431717 and bug #1430546 * libapparmor cache API review * Send out patches around DFA testing * AppArmor kernel cleanups and upstreaming * Followup with kernel team regarding the bug #1423810 and #1423810 fixes landing * sarnold * weekly role: bug triage * Outstanding MIR requests * OpenStack security updates * chriscoulson * Finish removing oxide's dependency on GL share groups * Embargoed issue * Highlighted packages The Ubuntu Security team will highlight some community-supported packages that might be good candidates for updating and or triaging. If you would like to help Ubuntu and not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-security. To find out other ways of helping out, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved. The highlighted packages for this week are: <> * Miscellaneous and Questions == Log == Logs available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2015/ubuntu-meeting.2015-03-16-16.32.moin.txt