## page was copied from MeetingLogs/Security/20180402 ## page was copied from MeetingLogs/Security/20180319 ## page was renamed from MeetingLogs/Security/2018319 ## page was copied from MeetingLogs/Security/20180226 == Meeting == * '''Who''': SecurityTeam * '''When''': Mon Apr 9 16:34:25 2018 UTC * '''End''': 16:53:29 * '''Where''': #ubuntu-meeting on irc.freenode.net * '''Chaired By''': Emily Ratliff (ratliff) == Attendance == * jdstrand * mdeslaur * sbeattie * jjohansen * sarnold * chrisccoulson * leosilva * ratliff {{{#!wiki comment == Not present == * mdeslaur * jjohansen * chrisccoulson }}} == Agenda == * Announcements * Generalist role rotation * CVE Triage: sbeattie, Bug Triage: mdeslaur, Community: leosilva, Happy Place: sarnold, ratliff {{{#!wiki comment * Contributions * Simon Quigley (tsimonq2) provided debdiffs for xenial-artful for atril (LP: #Bug:1759069) * Simon Quigley (tsimonq2) provided debdiffs for trusty-xenial for kdepim (LP: #Bug:1698180) * Ray Link (rlink) provided a debdiff for xenial for xmltooling (LP: #Bug:1752306) }}} * Weekly stand-up report (each member discusses any pending and planned future work for the week) * jdstrand * finish up miscellaneous updates branches for snapd * enable resquashfs enforcement in the review tools * snap/usn notification * attend to high priority snapd reviews * address conntrack deprecation issues in ufw for 18.04 SRU as time permits * mdeslaur * security updates * sbeattie * kernel CVE triage * gcc retpoline backports for 12.04 ESM * kernel QRT issue * jjohansen * finishing up with LSM stacking work for bionic * backporting existing apparmor bug fixes for bionic * 4.17 apparmor pull request * LP #Bug:1679704 * finishing up with the 2.13 changes for SUSE * sarnold * MIRs * pv * libfastjson * !ChrisCoulson * thunderbird updates * !SpiderMonkey CVE triage * python3.5 backported to trusty * rust 1.25 updates * embargoed issues * ratliff * KPIs * miscellaneous * leosilva * security updates * Highlighted packages <> * Miscellaneous and Questions * Question about mass rebuild of packages in bionic for retpoline. Mass rebuild did not go forward. == Log == http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2018/ubuntu-meeting.2018-04-09-16.34.moin.txt