

status action in init script

owh wondered if it was useful to send patches that have already been written to Debian, considering that Ubuntu will probably take another approach based on upstart during the next release cycle. mathiaz suggested to send the patches that are already written but not develop new ones. Debian maintainers will decide whether to integrate them or not.

ACTION: owh to attach existing patches to bugs in LP and forward them to Debian.

kirkland added that he will be attending the Linux Summit in Austin, TX next week and will go the LSB track.

Wiki pages on help.ubuntu.com

sommer had a quick look at the list of wiki pages on help.ubuntu.com. He is still focusing on pages related to samba and AD integration.

mathiaz didn't have time to compile a list of high-priority bugs affecting the server team. zul has been going through bugs and milestoning relevant one for hardy RC. mathiaz added that using a milestone is a good way to keep track of the high-profile bugs.

soren wondered if bugs should be assigned to the ubuntu-server team. mathiaz said no and they agreed that the best process is to assign bugs to individuals but subscribe ubuntu-server to bugs that are related to the server team.

kirkland and zul are actively chasing an ldap hang on boot. nijaba mentioned an bug in bash when upgrading from gutsy: the user is prompted to merge bash_completion, even if the file hasn't changed.

Ubuntu Server bug contact

mathiaz asked if we should add a contact from the Server Team to the Contact wiki page from the Bug squad [1]. owh asked if a mailing list (ubuntu-server-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com) would be enough. It wasn't clear what the purpose of this page was.

[1]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Contacts

ACTION: nijaba to talk with bdmurray about the BugSquad Contacts page.

Agree on next meeting date and time

Next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 9th at 21:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


[22:02] <mathiaz> #startmeeting
[22:02] <zul> yarr
[22:03] <soren> No mootbot?
[22:03] <owh> Nope
[22:03] <mathiaz> hum... mootbot is still sleeping...
[22:03] <owh> I feel the same way :)
[22:03] <mathiaz> bon...
[22:03] <soren> Well have to live without it.
[22:03] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] #
[22:03] <mathiaz> Review ACTION points from previous meeting.
[22:03] <mathiaz> last week meeting logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/20080326
[22:04] <mathiaz> owh: status action init script ?
[22:04] <owh> Crap.
[22:04] <owh> Yes. No action done. I'll wake up some and action it today.
[22:05] <mathiaz> owh: great.
[22:05] <owh> My intent is to add the init.d scripts to the existing bug and add that to the debian list.
[22:05] <kirkland> mathiaz: I have something to add....
[22:05] <owh> Only so others can have the benefit of them.
[22:06] <owh> Bring it on.
[22:06] <kirkland> mathiaz: I'm attending the Linux Summit in Austin, TX next week, and there's a track on LSB (Linux Standards Base) which is the ISO standard that describes the init scripts (among many other things)
[22:06] <kirkland> mathiaz: I'll take some notes, and I'd like to use some of that to seed a discussion for what we can do for Ubuntu Server in that space, potentially as a UDS Prague topic
[22:07] <mathiaz> kirkland: great
[22:07] <owh> The more I hear about the future of the init scripts, the more I wonder if there is any point in pursuing our current solution.
[22:07] <kirkland> mathiaz: i'll report back here either next week, or more probably the next with the highlights
[22:07] <nealmcb> but knowing what it means for lsb compliance is important - thanks kirkland
[22:07] <kirkland> owh: i definitely think there's value in pushing patches to debian
[22:07] <mathiaz> owh: well - the futur of init scripts in ubuntu is probably going to upstart integration
[22:08] <owh> Are there others that agree with kirkland?
[22:08] <mathiaz> owh: I'd say to push current patches, but not develop new ones
[22:09] <owh> Is it appropriate to vote on it?
[22:09] <owh> I mean, I've done the work, but continuing is going to create work for others.
[22:09] <mathiaz> owh: well - that's up to them to accept it or not
[22:10] <mathiaz> owh: the patches are there , just send them
[22:10] <owh> Will do.
[22:10] <mathiaz> owh: and the debian maintainers will decide what they wanna do with it
[22:10] <owh> Yup.
[22:10] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Wiki pages from help.ubuntu.com
[22:11] <mathiaz> sommer: did you have a look at the samba wiki pages ?
[22:11] <sommer> yep, I've started updating a few, but haven't gotten that far
[22:11] <sommer> should have more time toward the end of the week though
[22:12] <sommer> also created a page to link the others by category
[22:12] <sommer> it's cruisen
[22:13] <mathiaz> sommer: great
[22:13] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Review high priority bugs related to the Server Team.
[22:13] <mathiaz> I haven't had time to compile such a list
[22:13] <mathiaz> So anyone has seen of such show-stopper bugs ?
[22:14] <sommer> we could focus no the one brought up last week
[22:14] <sommer> the ldap boot issue
[22:14] <mathiaz> sommer: I think zul and kirkland are working on it
[22:14] <nijaba> Not a show stopper, but would be nice to see the MOTD bug fixed...
[22:14] <mathiaz> nijaba: I think slangasek is assigned to it
[22:14] <sommer> oh, that's cool then
[22:15] <kirkland> mathiaz: i am working on it
[22:15] <kirkland> mathiaz: i've not been able to precisely reproduce it yet
[22:15] <kirkland> but i am actively multitasking on a vm right now on it ;-)
[22:15] <nijaba> mathiaz: nope, ubuntu-server-team still is assigned to #159371
[22:16] <mathiaz> nijaba: right
[22:17] <soren> Do we assign bugs to the team?
[22:17] <mathiaz> soren: no - I don't think it's a good idea
[22:17] <soren> Me neither.
[22:17] <mathiaz> soren: individual assigment may be better
[22:17] <soren> YEah. Otherwise -- somewhat ironically -- noone will do it.
[22:18] <nijaba> volunteer?
[22:18] <owh> soren: I suppose subscribing a bug to the team makes us aware of it, but to actually fix it needs an individual.
[22:18] <soren> owh: Right. That's what almost every other teams does.
[22:18] <nealmcb> team effort - I'll do the first byte - a "#" !
[22:19] <nealmcb> who's next?
[22:19] <soren> IIRC the kernel team does it differently.
[22:19] <mathiaz> nijaba: I'll make the upload
[22:19] <nijaba> nealmcb: the debdiff is already there
[22:19] <zul> soren: not really
[22:19] <soren> I'll bitch and moan about it.
[22:19]  * nijaba hugs mathiaz
[22:20] <mathiaz> apart from the ldap bug, anything else ?
[22:20] <mathiaz> I think the postgresql bug in the installer is fixed
[22:20] <zul> there are some weird apcahe sigsegv when upgrading from gutsy->hardy on amd64 but Im not sure why nor have the hardware
[22:21] <nijaba> there is a stupid bash_completion issue that kees and I stumbled upon
[22:21] <soren> bug no.?
[22:21] <mathiaz> nijaba: yes - I came across that one too
[22:21] <zul> soren: #210569
[22:21] <nijaba> bug #210013
[22:21] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 210013 in bash "bash-completion config replacement prompt on upgrade from gutsy to hardy" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/210013
[22:23] <mathiaz> nijaba: right - it's a problem with the new bash package and handling in ucf
[22:23] <mathiaz> nijaba: we have the same issue with samba
[22:24] <mathiaz> allright - that's all for high-priority bugs
[22:25] <nijaba> also, there is a potential issue with iscsi (see last comment of Bug #192080) not sure soren has seen it.
[22:25] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 192080 in open-iscsi "shutdown fails.. nfs" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192080
[22:25] <mathiaz> I'll try to compile a list with the bugs
[22:25] <mathiaz> Or at least come up with a way to track them
[22:25] <nealmcb> is there a report on bugs with lots of duplicates?
[22:25] <soren> nijaba: Yeah, I've seen it.
[22:25] <mathiaz> zul: did you go through some of the bug and milestone them ?
[22:26] <nijaba> soren: good :)  I feel better now ;)
[22:26] <mathiaz> nealmcb: not really - the qa team is marking these
[22:26] <zul> mathiaz: I did some but I have to continue
[22:26] <mathiaz> zul: great - marking bug for the next hardy milestone seems like the way to proceed to keep track of important profile
[22:27] <mathiaz> s/profile/bug/
[22:28] <zul> ill move it up my todo list
[22:28] <mathiaz> talking about bug triagging, I'd like to mention an email sent by brian murray a few minutes ago
[22:28] <mathiaz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Contacts
[22:29] <mathiaz> I think we should put one of us as a contact for server related software
[22:29] <owh> mathiaz: What about just the bug list email address?
[22:30] <nijaba> mathiaz: do we need a dev for this?
[22:30] <owh> That would mean more eyeballs.
[22:30] <mathiaz> owh: which one do you refer to ? ubuntu-server or ubuntu-server-bugs ?
[22:30] <mathiaz> nijaba: no necessarly
[22:30] <owh> The latter mathiaz
[22:31] <mathiaz> brian mentionned in his email:Our thought was it
[22:31] <mathiaz> would be a useful guide of who talk to if you need help debugging a
[22:31] <mathiaz> particular package or part of Ubuntu.
[22:31] <owh> mathiaz: It means that those who are subscribed - arguably already in the bug business - see a request.
[22:31] <mathiaz> owh: it's more about contacting someone in person
[22:32] <owh> mathiaz: But I suspect that it will attract specific support requests from individuals, rather than triagers.
[22:32] <nijaba> mathiaz: if nobody wants to do it /me raises his hand
[22:32] <zul> mathiaz: so like a receptionist?
[22:33] <mathiaz> owh: well - I don't know what would be the outcome
[22:33] <nijaba> zul: right...
[22:33] <zul> for the lack of a better term
[22:33] <mathiaz> zul: probably - I don't exactly what brian is up to with this list
[22:33] <owh> mathiaz: I figure that the ubuntu-server-bugs is monitored 24/7, individuals sleep.
[22:33] <soren> They do?
[22:33] <soren> Slackers.
[22:33] <soren> :)
[22:34]  * nijaba now knows that soren *never* sleeps
[22:34] <owh> mathiaz: At the moment that address only gets automatic mail, so requests will stick out.
[22:34] <mathiaz> But I think we should have a row that says "Server related software" talk to ...
[22:34] <owh> soren: We're not talking about you :-)
[22:34] <soren> Ah :)
[22:34] <mathiaz> owh: yes - u-s-b is only set to receive bugs from LP
[22:34] <owh> mathiaz: Talk to the ubuntu-server team.
[22:34] <zul> soren: go back to sleep ;)
[22:34] <nealmcb> we could refer them to #ubuntu-server
[22:35] <owh> Yes, the would also work.
[22:35] <kirkland> mathiaz: hmm, using a list would change the model from the way it's currently used in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Contacts
[22:35] <soren> zul: I don't sleep. I idle or wait or something.
[22:35] <owh> nealmcb: Our coverage is a little spotty though.
[22:35] <mathiaz> kirkland: right
[22:35] <kirkland> mathiaz: i'm not disagreeing, just pointing it out
[22:35] <mathiaz> owh: it seems that it's more about individuals
[22:35] <mathiaz> owh: this is not for a 24/7 support line
[22:35] <nijaba> as we said before: distributed responsability = no responsability
[22:36] <nealmcb> owh: true, but less spotty than an individual irc nick
[22:36] <zul> I guess if its too much for one person then nijaba and I could do it
[22:36] <owh> nijaba: The flip side of that is that one individual gets overwhelmed.
[22:36] <owh> nealmcb: Yes.
[22:36] <nijaba> owh: we'll talk about it when it happens
[22:36] <mathiaz> zul: well - I don't know if it really takes a lot of time
[22:36] <owh> Is there a way to identify U-S team members in #U-S?
[22:36] <zul> more coverage if people do it
[22:36] <zul> er...two people do it
[22:37] <mathiaz> I think someone should talk to bdmurray to know what he is up to
[22:37] <owh> +1
[22:37] <mathiaz> zul: I'm not sure that coverage is to point of this
[22:37] <nijaba> mathiaz: you can action me on that point
[22:38] <mathiaz> [ACTION] nijaba to talk to bdmurray to figure out what the BugSquad/Contacts wiki page is about
[22:40] <mathiaz> Well - that's all I have for now
[22:40] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Any other Business
[22:40] <mathiaz> somebody wants to add something ?
[22:40] <owh> What happened to the iscsi testing stuff?
[22:41] <mathiaz> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReportingPage
[22:41] <mathiaz> ^^ has a section about it
[22:41] <nijaba> limesurvey: Kees found a few sec issue on it. so we'll be waiting for them to be fixed before being able to host it somewhere
[22:41]  * kirkland waves
[22:43] <kirkland> umm, is the meeting still happening?
[22:43] <soren> I don't see it.
[22:43] <soren> :)
[22:43] <mathiaz> yes
[22:43] <sommer> I'm still meeting, heh
[22:43] <soren> Heh :)
[22:43] <mathiaz> just wondering if someone wants to add  something
[22:43]  * nealmcb cheers
[22:44] <owh> One moment I'm in a room with 117 people, then 113 of them run away :)
[22:44] <soren> nealmcb: Wow, you guys missed the coolest part of the meeting. It as awesome!
[22:44] <owh> soren: Was it the bit where you woke up?
[22:44] <nealmcb> you all finished up with the ibex?
[22:44] <soren> owh: iz sekrit.
[22:44] <ajmitch> no, the bit where soren promised to fix all outstanding bugs
[22:44] <owh> nealmcb: Release is next week :)
[22:45] <zul> you missed it bug #1 was fixed and there was much celebration
[22:45] <ubotu> Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1
[22:45] <ajmitch> zul: thanks to jdong...
[22:45] <soren> owh: Not funny.
[22:45] <soren> :)
[22:45]  * owh is sleep deprived. The alarm didn't go off as expected :(
[22:46] <mathiaz> so - seems that none has anything else to add
[22:46] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] #
[22:46] <mathiaz> Agree on next meeting date and time.
[22:46] <mathiaz> next week, same time, same place ?
[22:46] <owh> mathiaz: That can't be right, a meeting that finishes early?
[22:46] <owh> mathiaz: WFM, Summer Time is over, now I'm UTC+8 :(
[22:46] <nijaba> that's because soren fixed all the bugs...
[22:46] <owh> :)
[22:48] <owh> Cool, that gives me 14 minutes to complete my action point for this meeting :)
[22:48] <dendrobates> bye.
[22:48] <mathiaz> ok - next meeting: next week, same time, same place
[22:48] <nealmcb> and soren fixed all the bugs because he wasn't interrupted on irc for 2 whole minutes!
[22:48] <mathiaz> thanks all for participating
[22:48] <mathiaz> and happy beta testing !
[22:48] <nijaba> thanks mathiaz
[22:48] <soren> nealmcb: Sounds like a dream :)
[22:48] <mathiaz> #endmeeting
[22:49] <owh> Thanks for hosting our get together again mathiaz
[22:49] <sommer> thanks mathiaz, later all
[22:49] <owh> Later

MeetingLogs/Server/20080402 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:21:46 by localhost)