Revision 3 as of 2008-05-01 15:32:35

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Items we will be discussing:

  • Review ACTION points from previous meeting.
  • bug announcement in #ubuntu-server - MathiasGug

  • Review ["ServerTeam/Roadmap"] and ["ServerTeam/ReportingPage"].

  • Agree on next meeting date and time.


Agree on next meeting date and time

Next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 7th at 21:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


[22:01] <mathiaz> #startmeeting
[22:01] <zul> no bot
[22:02] <soren> Oh, Seveas took mootbot with him, too?
[22:02] <mathiaz> oh well...
[22:02] <nealmcb> yoga on irc!!
[22:02] <mathiaz> Today's Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting
[22:03] <mathiaz> Not a lot on it
[22:03] <mathiaz> how is everyone recovering from the release last week ?
[22:03] <jdstrand> great!
[22:04] <nealmcb> the mirrors and other servers seem less overwhelmed now....
[22:04] <nxvl> \o/
[22:04] <nealmcb> I hope they push bittorrent more next time in the release notes etc
[22:04] <mathiaz> There has been a steady flow of bug reported
[22:05] <mathiaz> I've looked through the samba ones
[22:05] <zul> mathiaz: ucf?
[22:05] <mathiaz> and it seems some people don't know how-to handle correctly questions asked by ucf
[22:05] <mathiaz> and this whole configuration file management
[22:06] <nxvl> the worst problem with server isn't that people download iso's
[22:06] <mathiaz> the other main issues are cannot access windows shares - mainly due to gvfs
[22:06] <nxvl> is that they update using update-manager/apt/aptitude
[22:06] <jdstrand> mathiaz: what is going on with that gvfs/samba/AD issue?
[22:06] <nxvl> and that brings the mirrors down
[22:06] <mathiaz> zul: have you seen other recurring bugs in server related software ?
[22:07] <mathiaz> jdstrand: which issue are you refering to ?
[22:07] <jdstrand> mathiaz: I haven't been following too closely, but heard of gvfs not being able to access AD and samba
[22:08] <zul> mathiaz: just some nut ones and apache2 dangling symlink for index.html
[22:08] <jdstrand> seemed it was pushed to gnome...
[22:08] <mathiaz> jdstrand: yeah - something like that - that's mainly a problem with gvfs
[22:09] <mathiaz> I discussed these bugs with seb128 and we aggreed to ask the reporters to test with smbclient
[22:09] <mathiaz> If it works with smbclient it's a problem with gvfs/nautilus-share and the bug should reassigned to the correct packages
[22:10]  * jdstrand nods
[22:10] <mathiaz> If smbclient doesn't work then it's a problem with samba
[22:10] <zul> mathiaz: that natutilius/smbclient one where you cant go 140 directories deep is interesting
[22:11] <mathiaz> zul: we'll have to do more debugging on that one.
[22:11] <mathiaz> So that's all that is on my radar for the post-release bugs
[22:11] <zul> mathiaz: yep
[22:11] <owh> zul isn't that just a maximum path length of 255 chars?
[22:11] <mathiaz> soren: how is it going on the virtualization front ?
[22:11] <soren> I've still got some fallout I need to get on top of.
[22:11] <zul> owh: probably
[22:11] <owh> zul: Which bug number?
[22:11] <soren> There's one update coming up in the next kernel update.
[22:12] <jdstrand> soren rocked the 'soft lockup' bug
[22:12] <soren> I'm looking into a few other things and picking stuff that's suitable for SRU's.
[22:12] <jdstrand> (that's the one)
[22:12] <soren> :)
[22:12] <mathiaz> soren: great !
[22:12] <mathiaz> zul: how do you track SRU bugs ?
[22:13] <mathiaz> zul: did you come up with a specific plan ?
[22:13] <zul> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/StableReleaseTracker
[22:13] <mathiaz> For information, zul will be the contact point for SRU on hardy for 8.04.1
[22:13] <soren> mathiaz: I'm waiting to be told how to do it.
[22:14] <zul> It would be nice if people would review that and add to the list
[22:14] <soren> Last I heard it was a major cause of discussion in certain places.
[22:14] <mathiaz> soren: right
[22:14] <mathiaz> That's why zul is looking after this in the server team
[22:14] <soren> Oh. Er... Right, I thought you were asking me :)
[22:15] <soren> my bad.
[22:15] <mathiaz> soren: I guess you should use zul wiki page to keep track of SRUs
[22:15] <zul> soren: basically there was a kick off meeting last night/this morning about 8.04.1
[22:15] <soren> zul: Eh? Where? How? When? Who?
[22:15] <soren> What?
[22:15] <zul> soren: it was in the platform team meeting check the logs for #ubuntu-meeting
[22:16] <mathiaz> zul: what was the outcome of the meeting ?
[22:16] <zul> mathiaz: basically slangasek is leading the effort and there will be more meetings
[22:16] <soren> Ok, cool. I'll check the logs and see.
[22:17] <mathiaz> zul: ok. If enconter bugs that may be worth an SRU, should ping you ?
[22:17] <soren> zul: "this morning" is how many hours ago?
[22:17] <nxvl> zul: those meeting are community or canonical ones/
[22:17] <mathiaz> zul: so that you can have a look at it and decide if it's worth ?
[22:17] <kirkland> soren: 0600 UTC
[22:17]  * soren shakes his fist at timezones
[22:17] <zul> mathiaz: correct
[22:17] <mathiaz> nxvl: it was the platform meeting
[22:17] <zul> nxvl: community
[22:17] <soren> Fanks.
[22:17] <nxvl> mathiaz: as in i can attend to it?
[22:18] <nxvl> and where are this meetings announced?
[22:18] <mathiaz> nxvl: of course you can - the meeting was at 6:00 UTC -> translate that to your timezone :D
[22:18] <nxvl> mathiaz: here?
[22:18] <mathiaz> nxvl: yes - all the meetings are held in #ubuntu-meeting
[22:19] <nxvl> and where are they announced? on fridge?
[22:19] <owh> mathiaz: That meeting isn't showing on http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event
[22:19] <mathiaz> the fridge calendar isn't working properly now
[22:20] <owh> Hmm, was there any particular event that caused that and the bot to be borked for a while?
[22:20] <soren> The owner left.
[22:20] <owh> Ah
[22:21]  * owh guesses that there is more behind that simple statement.
[22:21] <mathiaz> Allright - that was all for the release fallout
[22:21] <mathiaz> Let's move on
[22:22] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] bug announcement in #ubuntu-server
[22:22] <mathiaz> soren added a bot to the #ubuntu-server
[22:22] <soren> \o/
[22:22] <mathiaz> and now NEW bugs are announced in the channel
[22:22] <owh> All bugs?
[22:22] <soren> Just server bugs.
[22:22] <mathiaz> owh: only the ones relevant to the server-team
[22:23] <mathiaz> I questionned whether it was usefull as it seems to generate clutter in the channel
[22:23] <soren> (defined as the ones that get announced on ubuntu-server-bugs@l.u.c)
[22:23] <mathiaz> and I rely on email to get notified about new bugs
[22:23] <mathiaz> soren: and nealmcb thought it's a good idea
[22:24] <mathiaz> what are others' opinion on that ?
[22:24] <owh> mathiaz: My comment would be that if a bug comes past while you're online, you can have a squiz at it.
[22:24] <soren> Yeah. It's hugely helpful for my workflow. I use e-mail when I want to follow up or see history, but an almost real time notification about a new bug is *really* helpful for me.
[22:24] <jdstrand> I saw two bugs that I was able to tend to and close as a result
=== narcan_ is now known as narcan
[22:24] <sommer> I'm all for giving it a try, unless the channel becomes too cluttered
[22:25] <owh> mathiaz: You can set your client to ignore it :)
[22:26] <mathiaz> sommer: agreed - let's give it a try
[22:26] <mathiaz> and see how things evolve
[22:27] <owh> Does your bot come with all the goodies of old soren?
[22:27] <soren> I'm not sure how to respond to that :)
[22:28]  * ajmitch wonders what goodies 'old soren' brings anyway
[22:28] <mathiaz> there are currently two bots in the channel
[22:28] <owh> soren: There was supposed to be a comma before your name :)
[22:28] <jdstrand> can we leave soren's 'goodies' out of this?
[22:29] <soren> Yes, can we? PLease? :)
[22:29] <nxvl> soren: have you test that your bot doesn't make double announce, then one from the bot and an eco from ubotu?
[22:29] <sommer> hehee goodies!
[22:29] <soren> nxvl: I've asked the owner of ubotto to disable the bugSnarfer magic.
[22:29] <soren> nxvl: That should get rid of the echo.
[22:29] <nxvl> :(
[22:30] <mathiaz> soren: great!
[22:30]  * nxvl can't live without ubotu :(
[22:30] <mathiaz> let's move on.
[22:30] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] UDS topics
[22:30] <soren> nxvl: Oh, but my new bot does the same.
[22:30] <nealmcb> who owns ubottu?
[22:30] <mathiaz> So UDS is in a couple of weeks from now
[22:30] <soren> jussi01
[22:30] <soren> Let's talk in #u-server afterwards.
[22:30] <mathiaz> so now is the time to get your ideas in blueprints and register them in LP
[22:31] <mathiaz> so that we can schedule sessions at UDS about these
[22:31] <nxvl> soren: :D
[22:31] <nxvl> mathiaz: 2 to be exactly
[22:31] <nxvl> mathiaz: i have an idea
[22:31] <nxvl> mathiaz: i talked to you some time ago
[22:32] <nxvl> but i whing it was to early
[22:32] <mathiaz> nxvl: right - there will be FOSSCAMP friday/saturday
[22:32] <mathiaz> and then UDS the following week
[22:32] <nxvl> yes
[22:32] <nxvl> i want to include on ubuntu a new tool
[22:32] <mathiaz> nxvl: register a blueprint and/or start a wiki page on w.u.c
[22:32] <nxvl> mathiaz: i have them
[22:32] <nxvl> mathiaz: i just need to work on them a little more and discuss it
[22:33] <mathiaz> nxvl: link ?
[22:33]  * nxvl searches
[22:34] <nxvl> https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-centralized-services-administrator
[22:34] <nxvl> found it
[22:34] <nxvl> it's like soren's blueprint for home servers (https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-easy-business-server)
[22:35] <nxvl> but more open i think
[22:35] <mathiaz> nxvl: right - it's a general concept that is floating around
[22:35] <nxvl> ok
[22:36] <nxvl> what i propose?
[22:36] <nxvl> i have the idea to develop a framework
[22:36] <nxvl> which will cary service-modules
[22:36] <mathiaz> nxvl: ebox is already a framework - couldn't it be used to implement what you wanna do ?
[22:36] <nxvl> so everyone can develop modules and have the service working on this tool
[22:37] <nxvl> mathiaz: yes, that was my next point
[22:37] <nxvl> as we have already ebox
[22:37] <nxvl> i was thinking to limit my propose to developing a curses interface for ebox
[22:38] <nxvl> what i don't really want to, is to install a web server on my firewall or file server
[22:38] <mathiaz> nxvl: why not - you'd have to look into the ebox framework and see if it can be used to achieve that
[22:38] <nxvl> but to have a tools where in which i can administrate and tune my services
[22:38] <nealmcb> nxvl: have you tried running ebox via links or w3m?
[22:38] <RoAkSoAx> you could also add support for LVS based clusters so that you just configure it in one server and replicate the configuration on other nodes of the cluster
[22:38] <nxvl> mathiaz: yes, that's why i'm proposing
[22:38] <RoAkSoAx> without having a tool to replicate like csync2
[22:39] <nealmcb> nxvl: then you wouldn't have to expose the port to the outside world
[22:39] <nxvl> RoAkSoAx: if it goes as i want to, everyone will be able to develop it separately and have it working for my propose or ebox without pain
[22:39] <nxvl> nealmcb: exactly
[22:39] <nealmcb> you'd just bind the apache port to localhost
[22:40] <nxvl> nealmcb: or use resources on a web server, which i can use on my $SERVICE
[22:40] <sommer> seems like one of the highest rated ideas on the brainstorm was for gui admin tools... just fyi
[22:40] <mathiaz> sommer: yes
[22:40] <nxvl> sommer: yep
[22:40] <nxvl> sommer: so we can just then develop UI
[22:40] <mathiaz> sommer: I went through brainstorm and extracted general tpocs
[22:40] <sommer> cool
[22:40] <mathiaz> sommer: *topics*
[22:41] <nxvl> so i was thinking on find a way to develop different UI's for ebox and develop them
[22:41] <mathiaz> sommer: they should be taken into account when scheduling session at UDS
[22:41] <mathiaz> nxvl: ok - I think we're getting into the implementation details
[22:41] <mathiaz> let's defear that to UDS
[22:41] <sommer> mathiaz: sure, I'm really interested in the ldap, kerberos, domain one :)
[22:41] <nxvl> yes
[22:42] <nealmcb> how many people have tried ebox out?  will it be hard to get into main?
[22:42] <nxvl> but i wanted to hear you opinion on this idea
[22:42] <mathiaz> nxvl: write down your suggestion in the wiki page
[22:42] <sommer> mathiaz: should there be a blueprint for documentation with regards to UDS?
[22:42] <RoAkSoAx> as an addon to nxvl, cluster management could be included out of the box!
[22:42] <mathiaz> sommer: yes - there should be a session about network authentication and identity management
[22:42] <nealmcb> sommer: sounds very helpful to me
[22:43] <mathiaz> sommer: I've asked for a documentation session
[22:43] <sommer> mathiaz: awesome, thanks
[22:43] <kirkland> mathiaz: sommer: I'm doing a blueprint on the Ubuntu Documentation Search, as well as an Ubuntu Manpages Website one
[22:43] <mathiaz> sommer: you should register a blueprint so that we can track it and start down to write ideas
[22:43] <mathiaz> sommer: such kirkland ^^
[22:44] <kirkland> mathiaz: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-doc/+spec/ubuntu-documentation-search
[22:44] <sommer> should I just add to kirkland's or create a new one?
[22:44] <kirkland> sommer: i'd say create your own, and we'll link them together
[22:44] <kirkland> i'm going to create a separate one for the Manpages business
[22:44] <sommer> kirkland: cool, sounds good
[22:45] <mathiaz> sounds good to me
[22:45] <mathiaz> That's all I have
[22:45] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Any other business
[22:45] <mathiaz> someone want to add something ?
[22:45] <nealmcb> how about delivering ibex as a virtual image?  would that be useful?
[22:46] <nxvl> nealmcb: how as a virtual image? as in qemu image?
[22:46] <nealmcb> yeah
[22:46] <mathiaz> nealmcb: you mean providing a qemu image
[22:47] <nxvl> what for?
[22:47] <nealmcb> faster and easier than running install on jeos
[22:47] <nxvl> mm
[22:48] <nxvl> i don't even know what jeos is, so i will step aside on this topic
[22:48] <mathiaz> nealmcb: could be interesting
[22:48] <nealmcb> I also heard folks wanting to deliver on usb sticks - not sure if that is ready-to-run or for the installer
[22:48] <mathiaz> nealmcb: I'd like to see a real use case for -server
[22:48] <mathiaz> nealmcb: I see it usefull on desktop to be able to do a test run
[22:49] <nealmcb> on amazon ec2 there are lots of folks packaging stuff up as images
[22:49] <mathiaz> nealmcb: for -server, you'd base a production server on this ?
[22:49] <mathiaz> nealmcb: I heard there is ubuntu-server on EC2
[22:49]  * mathiaz should look into EC2
[22:50] <nealmcb> if my existing server runs kvm or whatever, and along comes ibex with cool stuff, it would be nice to just load and go into an existing vm
[22:50] <mathiaz> nealmcb: right - so the use case would be to provide a kind of preview
[22:50] <nealmcb> I'm also talking about packaging _applications_ and test cases - like what dan talked about
[22:50] <mathiaz> nealmcb: so that people can poke around
[22:51] <nealmcb> mathiaz: or a basis for building other stuff on
[22:51] <mathiaz> nealmcb: right - that's a bigger plan
[22:51] <nxvl> nealmcb: but we will need to have an image for each service
[22:51] <nxvl> nealmcb: or you mean only base system?
[22:51] <mathiaz> nealmcb: right - that would fall under the Virtual Appliance Builder toolkit or something like
[22:51] <mathiaz> nealmcb: that
[22:51] <mathiaz> nealmcb: I'm sure soren has crazy ideas in that area :D
[22:52] <owh> On other topics, the server guide is *hard* to find.
[22:52] <soren> I do indeed.
[22:52] <nxvl> soren alway has crazy ideas
[22:52] <nxvl> :D
[22:52] <mathiaz> owh: it's listed on the main page of help.u.c
[22:53] <owh> Sigh, I missed that.
[22:53] <nealmcb> and it still says 2006 copyright iirc
[22:53] <mathiaz> nealmcb: yop
[22:53] <sommer> that was a good year :)
[22:53] <nealmcb> "recycle that old stuff"
[22:53] <nealmcb> but bits recycle well...
[22:54] <owh> nealmcb: But is that really true if the electrons change :)
[22:54] <mathiaz> I'm sure sommer will fix that for intrepid
[22:54] <nealmcb> I hope the docs can be on the site when ibex ships this time around
[22:54] <owh> nealmcb: That would be novel :)
[22:54] <mathiaz> Allright - time to wrap up
[22:54] <nealmcb> intrepid!
[22:55] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] #
[22:55] <mathiaz> Agree on next meeting date and time.
[22:55] <owh> Heh
[22:55] <mathiaz> same time, same place next week ?
[22:55] <sommer> o//
[22:55] <nxvl> o/
[22:55] <owh> +1
[22:57] <nealmcb> well I guess that was that....
[22:58] <sommer> nealmcb: the copyright isn't actually in the serverguide source, so I'll figure out how the html is built
[22:58] <owh> Strangely unfulfilling :_)
[22:58] <mathiaz> great - so see you all next week
[22:58] <mathiaz> same time, same place
[22:58] <sommer> mathiaz: thanks, later on all
[22:58] <mathiaz> #endmeeting