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Agree on next meeting date and time

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 24th at 15:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


{{{[15:58] <mathiaz> hello ! [15:58] <nijaba> o/ [15:59] <zul> hi [16:02] <mathiaz> anyone around for the meeting ? (except zul nijaba and jjesse) ? [16:03] <jjesse> nope Smile :) [16:03] <nijaba> we feel lonely today [16:03] <dendrobates> o/ [16:03] <jjesse> i saw dendrobates join the channel [16:03] <mathiaz> well - let's get started [16:03] <mathiaz> #startmeeting [16:03] <soren> o/ [16:04] <soren> -ENOMOOTBOT [16:04] <mathiaz> hm - MootBot doesn't seem to be around :/ [16:04] <nijaba> not even a bot for the meeting [16:04] <dendrobates> hello mootbot! [16:04] <soren> That's the worst turnout evar. [16:04] <Koon> o/ [16:04] <mathiaz> Today's agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting [16:04] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting [16:05] <mathiaz> I wasn't there last week - and haven't seen any minutes [16:05] <mathiaz> is there anything left from last meeting ? [16:05] <Hobbsee> mathiaz: it's responding in PM, so... [16:05] <Hobbsee> #start meeting [16:05] <Hobbsee> hmm [16:05] <jjesse> mootbot didn't work in the tech board mtg held previously [16:06] <mathiaz> so nothing from last week meeting [16:06] <mathiaz> let's move on [16:06] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Review progress made on the specification listed on the Roadmap [16:07] <mathiaz> As you may know, Thursday is FeatureFreeze for Intrepid [16:07] <mathiaz> The current roadmap: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Roadmap [16:08] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Ubuntu VM builder [16:08] <mathiaz> soren: ? [16:08] <soren> I'm going to upload something tonight. [16:09] <mathiaz> soren: do you plan to blog about it ? or write up some documentation ? [16:09] <soren> I'm trying hard to squeeze in all the features I've been thinking of, and then expect to polish them after Thursday. [16:09] <soren> mathiaz: I'm adding a lot of API documentation inline. [16:09] <soren> I'm trying to get pydoc to generate some external API docs for me. [16:10] * nijaba hugs soren [16:10] <mathiaz> soren: great ! [16:10] <soren> but that's new territory to me, so I need to wrap my head around that first. [16:10] <soren> It doesn't seem very complicated, though. [16:10] * nijaba feels bad to have not made more time for uvb [16:10] <mathiaz> soren: writing documentation ? [16:10] <zul> writing documentation sucks [16:10] <sommer> Sad :( [16:11] <nijaba> zul: do you mean to say something to sommer? [16:11] <mathiaz> nijaba: are you planning to update your tutorial about uvb ? [16:11] * Koon hugs sommer and shields him from zul's mentos throwing [16:11] <nijaba> mathiaz: which one? [16:11] <mathiaz> nijaba: once soren uploaded his work ? [16:11] <soren> mathiaz: Well, getting on top of the documentation system. [16:11] <nijaba> mathiaz: I'll gladly make one [16:11] <mathiaz> nijaba: you wrote a tutorial about uvb for hardy (the one published in the linux jounral IIRC) [16:12] <nijaba> mathiaz: no uvb in that one [16:12] <nijaba> mathiaz: but I could definitely update it to include uvb [16:12] <mathiaz> nijaba: ah right - it was about jeos [16:13] <mathiaz> sommer: which section should be updated in the server guide to cover the new uvb stuff from soren ? [16:13] <nijaba> mathiaz: the virtualization section [16:13] <sommer> yep the virt section [16:14] <sommer> it's on my list to update... I was thinking next week? [16:14] <mathiaz> sommer: seems like a good plan [16:14] <sommer> o// [16:14] <mathiaz> the next step is for soren to upload his new stuff [16:14] <mathiaz> then sommer and nijaba can start to have a look at it and update the documentation [16:15] * nijaba agrees [16:15] <soren> Right on. [16:15] <dendrobates> sommer: did you get a chance to add the bit about support at the end? [16:15] <dendrobates> sommer: or was I suposed to write it? [16:16] <sommer> dendrobates: no haven't had a chance yet, it's still on the list though [16:16] <nealmcb> OOPS - I forgot the minutes. Here are two actions. [ACTION] ScottK will post a blog request for help with the ClamavSpamassasssin MIRs [16:16] <nealmcb> [ACTION] tarvid to summarize drupal issues and propose something to the mailing list [16:18] <mathiaz> nealmcb: great - thanks for running last week meeting [16:18] <mathiaz> nealmcb: I haven't seen any drupal email [16:19] <nealmcb> I'll get the transcript on the web at least - harder without mootbot. but I didn't even follow up on why mootbot wasn't working last week. too much going on..... [16:19] * nealmcb sighs [16:19] <mathiaz> nealmcb: ok - you can get the logs from irclogs.ubuntu.com [16:19] <mathiaz> nealmcb: that's were I grab them usually [16:19] * nealmcb nods [16:20] <mathiaz> so any action on uvb ? [16:20] <mathiaz> nijaba: to write a tutorial ? [16:20] <mathiaz> sommer: to update the virtualization section ? [16:20] <nijaba> yep [16:20] <nealmcb> http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/08/19/%23ubuntu-meeting.html - to be sliced up later.... [16:20] <sommer> sure [16:21] <mathiaz> [ACTION] nijaba to write a tutorial about the uvb [16:21] <mathiaz> [ACTION] sommer to update the virtualization section of the server guide with references to uvb [16:21] <mathiaz> nealmcb: I usually use the .txt version [16:21] <mathiaz> nealmcb: rather than the .html [16:22] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Review ServerGuide for Intrepid [16:22] <mathiaz> sommer: how is it going on this front ? [16:23] <sommer> mathiaz: good almost have the cn=config stuff updated in the openldap section [16:23] <sommer> basically only need adding new schemas, and to update the samba and ldap section [16:24] <jjesse> sommer: let me know if there are section i can help w/ [16:24] <mathiaz> sommer: sections that need review are marked in the IntrepidServerGuide wiki page [16:24] <sommer> jjesse: actually the apache section could use a little love Smile :) [16:24] <mathiaz> sommer: is doc.ubuntu.com up-to-date ? [16:25] <jjesse> sommer: let me look at it [16:25] <sommer> mathiaz: nope it's quite a few revisions old at this point [16:25] <nijaba> jjesse: that would be great Smile :) [16:25] <mathiaz> [ACTION] jjesse to update the apache section of the server guide [16:26] <mathiaz> sommer: so where is the best place to start reviewing the server guide ? [16:26] <jjesse> bzr Smile :) [16:26] <sommer> mathiaz: this is newer than doc.u.c: http://doc.ubuntu.com/~mdke/test/serverguide/C/ [16:26] <sommer> but the bzr branch is newer still [16:27] <sommer> mathiaz: basically at this point there isn't a good online review location [16:27] <mathiaz> sommer: ok - so check out the bzr branch [16:27] <mathiaz> sommer: and send reviews to the ubuntu-doc mailing list [16:28] <sommer> another thing that would be very helpfull is to read through all the sections and upate any path names, package names, etc that may have changed with intrepid [16:28] <sommer> mathiaz: yeppers [16:28] <mathiaz> sommer: anything else on the documentation front ? [16:29] <sommer> mathiaz: I think that's it... getting closer, heh [16:29] <mathiaz> sommer: awesome - thanks and keep up the good work ! [16:29] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Tomcat6 server stack support [16:29] <mathiaz> Koon: ^ ? [16:30] <Koon> Tomcat 6.0.18 was uploaded to fix a few security issues that were disclosed a few weeks ago [16:30] <Koon> I've filed the required MIRs since it is a main target [16:31] <Koon> next step after MIR is seed inclusion, then tasksel. Those will probably appear after FF [16:31] <Koon> no feedback so far. I guess we should blog about it at one point [16:32] <mathiaz> Koon: right - would you write a blog post for the ubuntuserver blog ? [16:32] <mathiaz> Koon: I can create an account for you and publish it once it's ready [16:32] <Koon> mathiaz: sure, as soon as I'm done with wbem, which probably means after FF [16:32] <mathiaz> Koon: ok [16:33] <mathiaz> [ACTION] Koon to write a post about tomcat6 for ubuntuserver blog [16:33] <mathiaz> Koon: you mentionned that tomcat6 pulls in a lot of dependencies [16:34] <mathiaz> Koon: if we want to put on the -server isos, do we have enough space on it ? [16:34] <Koon> mathiaz: the unecessary stuff is pulled in through Recommends [16:35] <Koon> but there are a few that should be fixed before seed includion [16:35] <Koon> the lib*-java -> java2-runtime Depends in particular [16:35] <cjwatson> recommends is pulled onto CDs just as much as depends at the moment [16:35] <mathiaz> cjwatson: is this going to change ? [16:36] <Koon> cjwatson, mathiaz: I've filed bugs to fix those dependency issues, it's more a matter of sponsoring / doko approval [16:36] <dendrobates> Koon: adding it to the seed will force us to fix it. So do it asap. [16:37] <mathiaz> Koon: ok - so work is under way. Can this wait after FF ? [16:37] <Koon> mathiaz: I don't expect the MIRs to be processed by then, and seed work comes after that ? [16:37] <cjwatson> mathiaz: we may add some kind of exception mechanism, but not in general [16:38] <mathiaz> Koon: right - I was refering to the Recommends -> Suggests patches [16:38] <cjwatson> Koon: doko's on holiday - best to find somebody else [16:38] <Koon> mathiaz: those are bugs, so I guess they can wait for after FF. I want to fix them for alpha-5 though [16:39] <Koon> cjwatson: noted. [16:39] <nijaba> cjwatson: is our traditional maintainer for Java, so I would guess he'd like to have a word about his types of changes, no? [16:39] <nijaba> s/is our/Doko is our/ [16:40] <Koon> doko insisted in having lib*-java packages recomment lib*-java-gcj, which pulls in all non-headless gcj in server installs [16:40] <cjwatson> nijaba: indeed, and it would be a bad idea to make changes we know he hates in his absence, but we don't need to have individuals have a lock on packages in Ubuntu [16:40] <Koon> so there is some discussion to have with him I suppose [16:40] <nijaba> cjwatson: point taken [16:40] <cjwatson> Koon: IIRC from the bug there were some possible tweaks there without having to drop all the recommends [16:40] <mathiaz> Koon: right - I guess that should be taken to the Ubuntu Jave team then [16:40] <cjwatson> e.g. adjusting the -headless recommends target [16:41] <Koon> anyway, I've filed bugs (1 pending), most of them are no-brainers that can have someone else sponsoring them [16:42] <Koon> the remaining two might be conflictual [16:42] <mathiaz> Koon: can you forward the list of bugs to me ? I'll have a look at sponsoring them [16:42] <Koon> mathiaz: will do (and will file the last conflictual one) [16:43] <mathiaz> Koon: great - if you could subscribe me to the bug in LP that would be helpful [16:43] <mathiaz> Koon: anything else on tomcat6 ? [16:44] <Koon> cjwatson: do you mind if I ping you sometime on the two conflictual issue so that you check if they should wait for doko's return or not ? [16:44] <Koon> mathiaz: no. [16:44] <cjwatson> Koon: sure, please e-mail [16:44] <mathiaz> [ACTION] mathiaz to sponsor Koon patches [16:44] <mathiaz> let's move on [16:44] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] UFW Package Integration [16:44] <mathiaz> jdstrand: ^ ? [16:45] <jdstrand> the ufw portion is basically done, with a few minor things I'd like to adjust. People can look at the Roadmap to see what packages need updating to integrate with ufw [16:45] <nealmcb> see also the discussion on that last week [16:45] <jdstrand> yes, I am assuming people have seen that Wink ;) [16:46] <nealmcb> The other big discussion from last week, which did make it on to the mailing list, was Rails Integration and Rubygems [16:47] <mathiaz> jdstrand: great - thanks [16:47] <jdstrand> basically, see ServerTeam/Roadmap on what to update, and UbuntuFirewall for details on how to do it [16:47] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Rails and Rubygems [16:47] <mathiaz> macd: ^ ? [16:47] <macd> Im here [16:47] <macd> Looks like passenger needs a few changes as pointed out on REVU [16:48] <macd> I sent NeilW an email (think he might be on vacation) [16:48] <mathiaz> Right - the passenger package looks in good shape - NeilW updated the package [16:48] <mathiaz> I haven't had time yet to review the package [16:48] <macd> I saw your review from aug-22 and stevenk from aug 26 [16:48] <nealmcb> macd: good job on getting discussion going! [16:48] <mathiaz> there was some discussion about rubygems and the solution to use update-alternated [16:48] <nxvl> jdstrand: that integration must be done before FF? [16:48] <macd> nealmcb, I had to hit the ML for some visibility [16:49] <macd> mathiaz, yes I saw that, and that looks to be the middle ground we need [16:49] <jdstrand> nxvl: yes [16:49] <nxvl> ok [16:49] <macd> so it looks that if the pass changes are made and the rubygems changes that were spoken of are made, we can get rails into intrepid in just enough time [16:50] <macd> And we'll leave tasksel for the next release [16:50] <macd> Just keep this focused on making sure everything works together when pulled in individually [16:50] <mathiaz> macd: rails ? [16:50] <macd> Intrepids rails play pretty nice [16:50] <mathiaz> macd: my impression from NeilW was that the rails package was not working well [16:51] <macd> That was due to gem conflicts I _think_ [16:52] <mathiaz> macd: may be - he mentionned that he was planning to get proper gem support in intrepid, but expect people to use gem to install rails [16:52] <mathiaz> macd: rather then apt-get install rails [16:52] <macd> mathiaz, well that certainly sounds better to me [16:53] <macd> mathiaz, gems tend to get updated faster than the release cycle here, I've always thought the distro should have gems and let people manage their gems like perl people do cpan [16:53] <mathiaz> macd: I'll have a look at the latest package NeilW uploaded to the ubuntu-ruby PPA [16:53] <macd> mathiaz, great [16:53] <mathiaz> macd: right - that's what NeilW is trying to accomplish [16:54] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Open Discussion [16:54] <mathiaz> anything else ? [16:54] <sommer> I spoke too soon doc.u.c has been updated... yay! [16:54] <sommer> just fyi [16:56] <nijaba> fyi: bloggers wanted at http://www.workswithu.com/2008/08/22/ubuntu-linux-bloggers-wanted/ [16:57] <mathiaz> [TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time [16:57] <mathiaz> next week, same time, same place ? [16:57] <soren> Yay! [16:57] <nijaba> +1 [16:58] <sommer> o// [16:59] <nijaba> \\o [16:59] <nealmcb> where does ClamavSpamassasssin stand? [16:59] <mathiaz> great - see you all next week, same time, same place [16:59] <mathiaz> #endmeeting }}}