== Agenda == Items we will be discussing: * Review ACTION points from previous meeting. * Review progress made on the specification listed on the [[ServerTeam/Roadmap| Roadmap]]. * Open Discussion. * Ubuntu "easy server" for the home user, xivulon (wubi developer) will join us to talk about a few of his ideas (item added by DustinKirkland) * Updating the [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq|Server FAQ]] * Agree on next meeting date and time. == Minutes == ## Use title4 (ie ==== ) for each section of the minutes ## Only topics discussed during the meetings should be put in the minutes. ## Status reporting is done via another channel. ==== iscsi in intrepid ==== mathiaz reported that iscsi in intrepid does not support connecting to more than one target at the same time. The issue is a mismatch between the kernel and the user space version. kirkland prepared a fix by using the latest version from upstream. The release team decided to not include it in the release and to get it fixed via a Stable Release Update. A section covering this issue will also be added to the Release Notes. ==== Server FAQ ==== nijaba noticed that the [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq|Server FAQ]] was outdated. He asked for help to start updating the page. sommer offered his help and will start by listing the questions that the FAQ should answer. ACTION: sommer and nijaba to review the list of questions to be included in the Server FAQ. ==== Ubuntu "easy server" for the home user ==== xivulon presented his thoughts on creating a dumbed down web interface for home users. He created a [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZeroConfServer|wiki page]] to present his ideas. nealmcb pointed to [[http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/68/|an idea in brainstorm]] covering a similar topic. mathiaz mentioned the [[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-flavors|Server Flavor]] spec written by ScottK. More discussion will probably take place during UDS. ==== Agree on next meeting date and time ==== Due to the time change it was decided to move the meeting one hour back to 16:00 UTC. Next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 4th at 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting. == Log == {{{ [15:03] Meeting started at 10:02. The chair is mathiaz. [15:03] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [15:03] Today's agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting [15:03] last week's minutes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/20081021 [15:04] I don't see any outstanding actions from last weeks meeting. [15:04] o/ [15:04] someone wants to add something wrt to the topics from last week meeting? [15:05] seems like not. let's move on [15:05] [TOPIC] Final blockers. [15:05] New Topic: Final blockers. [15:05] So we're testing the -server iso candidates for Final. [15:06] Anyone came accross a bug that should be noted in the release notes? [15:06] mathiaz: not sure what's the status on iscsi [15:06] [TOPIC] iscsi in intrepid [15:06] New Topic: iscsi in intrepid [15:07] so we've decided to not update iscsi for release [15:07] intrepid will ship with an iscsi that doesn't support more than one iscsi target [15:08] everything is tracked in bug 289470 [15:08] Launchpad bug 289470 in open-iscsi "open-iscsi user-space does not match kernel module version" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/289470 [15:09] there will be a note added to the release notes [15:10] nijaba: do you have other questions? [15:10] mathiaz: nope, that's pretty clear [15:10] so the plan is to fix iscsi in an SRU [15:11] anything else to mention with regards to potential blockers for release? [15:12] seems like not. [15:12] so release! [15:12] yay [15:13] well - let's do some testing first :D [15:13] kirkland: around? [15:14] hm. well [15:14] [TOPIC] Server FAQ [15:14] New Topic: Server FAQ [15:14] nijaba: ^^? [15:15] yes, I have noticed that the server FAQ on help.u.c is quite outdated [15:15] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq [15:15] I was wondering if someone would enjoy helping me updtaing it [15:16] sure [15:17] nijaba: do you think about updating the list of questions? [15:17] sommer: I think we should start listing what are the appropriate questions [15:17] nijaba: or just updating the answer [15:17] and then work on the answers [15:17] nijaba: ya, some of those are pretty old [15:17] anyone is welcome to add questions [15:17] mathiaz: sorry, my connectivity is been intermittent this morning [15:18] do you see two faqs, a new one for hardy? [15:18] nealmcb: nope, only one for server [15:18] and cover both dapper and hardy? [15:19] yep [15:19] yeah it makes sense to have it all on one page [15:20] it seems that most questions are fairly generic and not tied to a specific release [15:20] so action for next week: prepare questions [15:20] who would like to do that? [15:20] nijaba: sommer ? [15:21] sure, I can put a list together [15:21] anyone is welcome, but sommer and I seem to have commited to it. I think we can just go ahead and add at the bottom of the cirrent page [15:22] [ACTION] sommer and nijaba to review the list of questions to be included in the Server FAQ [15:22] ACTION received: sommer and nijaba to review the list of questions to be included in the Server FAQ [15:22] nijaba: anything else? [15:22] not on this subject [15:23] [TOPIC] Ubuntu "easy server" for the home user [15:23] New Topic: Ubuntu "easy server" for the home user [15:23] kirkland: ^^? [15:23] xivulon: ^^? [15:23] mathiaz: this is from a user who pinged me privately [15:24] xivulon: are you around? [15:24] mathiaz: evidently not .... [15:24] ok. [15:24] mathiaz: sorry. [15:25] kirkland: do you want to postpone it to next week? [15:25] mathiaz: he claimed to have some ideas as to making the server easier to use for the home user [15:25] might be a DST issue ? [15:25] mathiaz: yes, let's postpone one week [15:25] ok [15:26] I spoke with him about that for a bit at the last UDS : he has a bunch of ideas on the topic. [15:26] persia: will he attend UDS? [15:26] some of the history of this topic is at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/68/ [15:26] * persia tries to find the jaunty registration page [15:27] Idea #68: GUI configuration front end for common services [15:27] mathiaz, He's registered at https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-jaunty so I suspect so. [15:27] * nealmcb wonders if ubottu should help with brainstorms like with bugs [15:28] persia: great. [15:28] [TOPIC] Open Discussion [15:28] New Topic: Open Discussion [15:28] anything to add? [15:29] is there an Ibex tshirt? [15:29] nijaba: don't know [15:30] nijaba: you plan to make one? [15:30] mathiaz: you should go ask Kat, this is so IMPORTANT ;) [15:31] * kirkland notes that the 'Frozen Bubble' joke at the last server meeting made the news [15:31] * zul keeps quiet [15:31] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue114#Server Team Meeting October 21st, 2008 [15:32] well that didn't paste well [15:32] kirkland: Frozen Bubble is *not* a joke, that's serious [15:32] You all do know that Frozen Bubble is blamed for delaying Sarge, and Sarge delays were oft discussed in the post "There will be an Ubuntu" discussions, right? [15:33] persia: yes, kees has told the story [15:33] Do take care with the level of your addictions : it's free to start, and makes you feel good, but ... [15:34] persia: thanks for finally shedding some light on this :) [15:34] persia: smoker do know about addictions ;) [15:36] hi guys just back [15:36] Is there any action to take wrt to Frozen Bubble? [15:36] still in time? was in another meeting [15:37] xivulon: sure [15:38] the other day I was discussing with kirkland and superm1 whether there was any interest in a ubuntu-home-server [15:39] basically a dumbed down web interface for home users, possibly on the back of ubuntu-easy-business-server [15:40] I had drafted a very basic spec some time ago' on the subject (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZeroConfServer) [15:41] but then was taken by wubi development and have dropped the idea [15:41] xivulon: have you seen http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/68/ Idea #68: GUI configuration front end for common services [15:42] not yet [15:43] there has been strong interest expressed in this sort of thing for a long time, and ebox and Augeas are helping us close in on it, but still it is taking a long time.... [15:43] xivulon: there is also a spec written by ScottK - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-flavors [15:43] yes something like that, my idea was to do it as simple as possible [15:43] for instance home users do not need groups [15:44] all permissions should be set directly for users [15:44] and there are other services of interest to home users that are not necessarily relevant for businesses [15:44] xivulon: like nealmcb said, the topics has already been discussed in former UDS. [15:44] xivulon: as it seems you're coming the next one, we'll probably have some time to sit down and discuss this topic a bit [15:45] xivulon: thanks for the zeroconfserver spec - I'll look at it and agree that a very simple interface for the home would also be great [15:45] of course sometimes UI simplicity is hard to achieve :) [15:45] xivulon: writting a spec is a good step [15:46] basic concept is to provide a simple interface for common tasks, advanced users can also tweak /etc settings [15:46] xivulon: I'd focus on the user cases and specify who is the target user [15:46] the interface should not "break down" if more advanced configrations are used [15:46] xivulon: that's the tricky part. [15:47] xivulon: agreed. These concerns have already been raised and no perfect solution haven't been found yet. [15:47] I will revamp the spec a bit, was a couple of years ago' and just a quick draft [15:47] we will then take it from there [15:47] xivulon: sounds like a good plan to me. [15:47] I'd think that home users would far rather move on to something like ebox than editing in /etc.... [15:48] but do look at augeas.... [15:48] allright - anything else on this subject? [15:48] xivulon: ? [15:48] nealmcb: is augeas already used in ebox? [15:49] xivulon: thanks again - I'm glad to have more folks thinking about this! [15:49] raphink: not yet as far as I know, but there have been discussions [15:49] nealmcb: ok thanks [15:49] are ebox folks coming to uds? [15:50] nealmcb: I don't know === ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Server Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 28 Oct 17:00: Kernel Team | 28 Oct 19:00: EMEA Membership Board | 29 Oct 17:00: QA Team | 29 Oct 22:00: Platform Team | 30 Oct 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team [15:50] allright - anything else to add? [15:51] We're testing the final isos - help is welcome - #ubuntu-testing is the place to hang out. [15:52] [TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time [15:52] New Topic: Agree on next meeting date and time [15:52] next week, same place, same time? [15:52] 16UTC to adapt to DST? [15:52] DST will be effective in the US at that time IIUC [15:53] yay for DST [15:53] nijaba: seems like a good idea [15:54] so next week, 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting? [15:54] +1 [15:54] +1 [15:55] +0 rather, I don't really mind either way [15:55] +1 for me [15:55] well - let's switch to 16:00 UTC so that the meeting doesn't move. [15:55] dendrobates: hi :) [15:55] stupid time change. [15:55] dendrobates: you wanted to add something? [15:56] nope [15:56] ok great === lieb is now known as lieb_ [15:56] see you all next week, same place at 16:00UTC [15:56] Note that the meeting does change for some people if you change the time. For some people it even moves from the not unreasonable 1am to the very awkward 3am. === lieb_ is now known as lieb_commute [15:57] (because of recent corresponding opposite DST correction) [15:57] persia: hm... are you refering to the australians? [15:57] For 3am, yes. [15:57] For me, you're just moving it from 0:00 to 1:00, but I mostly just watch, without that much to add. [15:58] persia: hm - right. However I haven't seen many australians active in the server team meeting for the last 3/4 months now [15:58] Well, it was 1:00 even then :) [15:58] Anyway, I'm just providing information, rather than saying it's a bad time. [15:59] ok. [15:59] so let's go back to iso testing [15:59] will dst really change next week? I thought it was delayed [15:59] o/ [16:00] nealmcb: according to timeanddate.com yes [16:00] hmm - I guess not - ok [16:00] ok - happy iso testing! [16:00] see ya all next week! [16:00] #endmeeting [16:00] Meeting finished at 11:00. }}}