== Agenda == Items we will be discussing: * Review ACTION points from previous meeting. * Review progress made on the specification listed on the [[ServerTeam/Roadmap| Roadmap]]. * Open Discussion. * Agree on next meeting date and time. == Minutes == ## Use title4 (ie ==== ) for each section of the minutes ## Only topics discussed during the meetings should be put in the minutes. ## Status reporting is done via another channel. ==== Server FAQ ==== sommer started to update questions on the [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq|ServerFaq]] page. Questions that need to be updated are marked. ACTION: mathiaz to add a section about updating the ServerFAQ to the Roadmap ACTION: kirkland to review the RAID related questions ==== Get rid of old libdb versions ==== Work started to get rid of old libdb version during the Hardy release cycle. The list of packages needed a review needs to be updated in the Roadmap. ACTION: zul to update the list of packages depending on libdb ==== Add augeas lenses ==== nxvl reported that lenses have been written during the last cycle. Upstream is still active. The state of lenses are tracked on [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCentralizedServiceAdministrator/Augeas|a wiki page]]. He plans to write more lenses during this release cycle. ==== Update ServerGuide for Jaunty ==== sommer started to gather ideas about the updates to make to the Ubuntu Server Guide for Jaunty. All the ideas will be tracked in [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyServerGuide|a specification]]. ACTION: sommer to create a spec for the ServerGuide update in Jaunty ==== Merges and init script ==== mathiaz reminded that the archive is opened and merging is the main focus of the developers for now. kirkland added that checking if init scripts have a status action is welcome. If not adding one would be appreciated - steps to do so are outline on the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InitScriptStatusActions|InitScriptsStatusActions wiki page]]. A lot of packages have already been updated during the intrepid release cycle. More work is needed though. ACTION: kirkland to update the init status action wiki page ==== Ubuntu Server survey ==== nijaba reminded everyone that the [[http://survey.ubuntu.com/|Ubuntu Server survey]] will close next Friday, November, the 14th. So far 6777 responses have been gathered (4105 full responses, 2672 responses not completely filled out). ==== Agree on next meeting date and time ==== Next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 18th at 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting. == Log == {{{ [16:02] #startmeeting [16:02] Meeting started at 10:02. The chair is mathiaz. [16:02] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [16:03] Today extermely important agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting [16:04] last week minutes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/20081104 [16:04] [TOPIC] Server FAQ [16:04] New Topic: Server FAQ [16:04] nijaba: sommer: ?? [16:04] mathiaz: I made some updates last night, but there's a few left [16:04] mathiaz: I have not been able to work on this during the past week [16:05] sommer: great. [16:05] I haven't update the roadmap [16:05] I'll do that later today. [16:06] kirkland: did you get a chance to review the RAID section? [16:06] [ACTION] mathiaz to add a section about updating the ServerFAQ to the Roadmap [16:06] ACTION received: mathiaz to add a section about updating the ServerFAQ to the Roadmap [16:06] mathiaz: i did about a month ago, with sommer [16:06] kirkland: hm - I'm refering to the Server FAQ [16:06] mathiaz: oh, the ServerFAQ ... no [16:07] mathiaz: busy week, sprinting, etc. [16:07] [ACTION] kirkland to review the RAID related questions [16:07] ACTION received: kirkland to review the RAID related questions [16:07] kirkland: ok [16:07] sommer: how many questions are left to be reviewed? [16:07] mathiaz: maybe 3-4, and then add the new ones... so maybe 8 totoal [16:07] or there abouts [16:08] ok - are these questions marked somehow to be reviewed? [16:08] mathiaz: yes, I marked them up [16:09] ok [16:09] anything else on the Server FAQ subject? [16:09] don't think so [16:10] ok - that's all from last week minutes. [16:10] [TOPIC] Get rid of old libdb versions [16:10] New Topic: Get rid of old libdb versions [16:11] ScottK started to look into that task during hardy. [16:11] It seems that there is still some work to be done, but the list of packages to be updated needs to be updated firs.t [16:13] zul: do you know the status of this migration^^? [16:14] mathiaz:I think most of them are done already openldap is a different case [16:15] zul: correct - openldap is trickier. I'll look into that issue once I update openldap to 2.4.12. [16:15] the list definently needs to be updated though [16:15] zul: could you go over the list of packages in the roadmap and update it? [16:16] mathiaz: yep [16:16] [ACTION] zul to update the list of packages depending on libdb. [16:16] ACTION received: zul to update the list of packages depending on libdb. [16:17] [TOPIC] Add augeas lenses [16:17] New Topic: Add augeas lenses [16:17] nxvl: ^^? [16:18] \o/ [16:18] ok [16:18] we have come to a good state of the lenses [16:18] we have a bunch, raphink has been closely working with upstream for this [16:18] also upstream is going very well [16:19] this summer (south american here!) i will have planty of time for doing that [16:19] so i hope to have the whole set of needed lenses for feature freeze [16:19] and as always help is really welcomed [16:19] nxvl: is the list of lenses to create up-to-date on the wiki page? [16:19] is not hard to write those [16:19] yep [16:19] let me grab the link [16:20] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCentralizedServiceAdministrator/Augeas [16:20] actually the tracking of the upstream lenses list is being done by me on tha wiki page AFAIR [16:20] ok - so work to create more lenses will continue during this release cycle [16:20] i updates that 2 weeks ago and there are no new lenses that i'm aware of [16:20] mathiaz: yes [16:21] nxvl: great. Thanks for tracking this task! [16:21] mathiaz: an hopefully finished soon [16:21] [TOPIC] Update ServerGuide for Jaunty [16:21] New Topic: Update ServerGuide for Jaunty [16:21] sommer: I've updated the roadmap with a link to a spec [16:21] sommer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyServerGuide [16:22] sommer: however that wiki page ^^ doesn't exist yet [16:22] mathiaz: cool, I can create that based on some things that didn't get into the Intrepid guide [16:22] sommer: do you have ideas/plans for the Server Guide in Jaunty? [16:22] mathiaz: a few, and I think there are more in the server team idea pool page [16:23] sommer: great - could you start to move them to the wiki page? [16:23] mathiaz: sure will do [16:23] sommer: so that we can get an overview for the work to be done for Jaunty [16:23] [ACTION] sommer to create a spec for the ServerGuide update in Jaunty [16:23] ACTION received: sommer to create a spec for the ServerGuide update in Jaunty [16:23] erm [16:23] sorry [16:24] sommer: any news on when the server guide for 8.10 will be put on help.u.c ? [16:25] mathiaz: not entirely sure, but I think mdke replied to a bug saying that the files were ready and waiting to be moved to the live server [16:25] sommer: ok. [16:25] anything else related to the server guide in Jaunty? [16:26] I think that's all [16:26] ok. [16:26] [TOPIC] Merges [16:26] New Topic: Merges [16:26] As you may have noticed, the archive is open for jaunty [16:27] so it's mergin time again [16:27] I'll prepare a list of "easy" merges again [16:28] as usual follow the Merging guidelines [16:28] outlined on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging [16:29] well - that's all I have on the Roadmap [16:29] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Roadmap [16:30] anyone wants to add anything related to items on the Roadmap? [16:30] when doing merges, perhaps check if the package has an init script, see if it has a status action ;-) [16:30] and add one during the merge, if it doesn't ;-) [16:30] if not - just ping kirkland - he will be glad to add one for you ;) [16:31] kirkland: what's the wiki page used to track the status action? [16:32] kirkland: IIRC there are some intructions there on how to add a status action to init scripts [16:32] i think kirkland had a wiki page were it was explained how to add one [16:32] mathiaz: that page needs an update for Jaunty [16:32] and it's really easy AFAIR [16:32] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InitScriptStatusActions [16:32] you can also run: "service --status-all" on your system [16:33] and see what init scripts are missing status actions [16:33] kirkland: what needs to be updated? [16:33] kirkland: the list of packages? [16:33] kirkland: is it just for packages in main that you are going to do the init script stuff or for universe as well? [16:33] mathiaz: i need to crossref that wiki page, and ensure it's accurate for Jaunty [16:34] zul: both; main with more emphasis, I'd think [16:34] kirkland: ok [16:34] zul: but i'm happy to review/sponsor universe fixes myself [16:34] [ACTION] kirkland to update the init status action wiki page [16:34] ACTION received: kirkland to update the init status action wiki page [16:35] kirkland: I think packages marked as FIXED can be removed from the wiki page [16:35] mathiaz: okay [16:35] mathiaz: actually, it helps point to other scripts that you can emulate [16:36] kirkland: good point. May be moving them a different section then [16:36] kirkland: like - some examples: [16:36] mathiaz: sounds good! [16:36] kirkland: thanks for keeping track of this! [16:37] [TOPIC] Open Discussion [16:37] New Topic: Open Discussion [16:37] something new and interesting to say? [16:37] yes, the surver survey is closing on the 15th [16:38] if anyone want to blog about last chance to take the survey, feel free [16:38] mathiaz: i'm running with my entire home directory encrypted, using the same code used for Encrypted ~/Private [16:38] mathiaz: :-) [16:38] mathiaz: i'm working on the bootstrapping to get this working in Jaunty [16:38] the survey url is: http://survey.ubuntu.com/ [16:39] kirkland: awesome. [16:39] kirkland: do you have a spec written for? [16:43] nijaba: how many responses on the survey now? [16:43] allright - anything else? [16:43] mathiaz: about 4000+ [16:43] nealmcb1: ^^ [16:43] cool [16:45] allright - time to wrap up I guess [16:45] [TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time. [16:45] New Topic: Agree on next meeting date and time. [16:45] next week, same time, same place? [16:46] nealmcb1: 6777 responses for this survey (4105 full responses, 2672 responses not completely filled out) to be precise [16:46] o/ [16:46] nijaba: neat [16:46] * nijaba may not be available next week, but will try his best === nealmcb1 is now known as nealmcb [16:48] ok - great then. [16:48] See you all next week, same place, same time [16:48] and happy mergin' till then! [16:48] #endmeeting [16:48] Meeting finished at 10:48. }}}