== Agenda == Items we will be discussing: * Review ACTION points from previous meeting. * Review progress made on the specification listed on the [[ServerTeam/Roadmap| Roadmap]]. * Open Discussion. * Agree on next meeting date and time. == Minutes == ## Use title4 (ie ==== ) for each section of the minutes ## Only topics discussed during the meetings should be put in the minutes. ## Status reporting is done via another channel. ==== Release critical bugs ==== mathiaz mentioned two bugs he ran into during his testing. Launchpad bug [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub/+bug/360832|360832]] (unable to boot from the second disk of a RAID1 array - error 21) and [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kvm/+bug/360825|bug 360825]] (kvm 0.84 doesn't create three drives in the guest). There was some discussion with kirkland about reproducing them so that their importance for jaunty can be set. ScottK highlighted [[https://launchpad.net/bugs/360689|bug 360689]] (Default Ubuntu configuration is backscatter source in Jaunty). He asked ivoks for a quick review and may fix the problem between RC and release. ==== ISO testing ==== mathiaz reminded that 9.04 RC is scheduled for Thursday. ubuntu-server isos are currently being rolled out. Testing coordination happens on the [[http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/|Iso testing tracker]]. There are 15 test cases for each iso and each testcase has a detailed description of what needs to be done. Any help in this area is welcome. ==== Ideas for Karmic ==== mathiaz announced that while the last push for Jaunty is done ideas for the next release cycle can already be gathered. The [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/IdeaPool|Server team Idea pool wiki page]] is the place to add new ideas. ==== Clamav in Jaunty ==== ScottK mentioned that the latest version of clamav had been uploaded to Jaunty. Packages for the backports repository have also been prepared. ==== Agree on next meeting date and time ==== Next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 21st at 15:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting. == Log == {{{ [16:01] #startmeeting [16:01] Meeting started at 10:01. The chair is mathiaz. [16:01] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [16:01] welcome to yet another amazing Ubuntu Server team meeting [16:02] All the exciting stuff we'll talk about today can be found online at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting [16:03] isnt walk like egyptian by the banshees [16:03] bangles i mean [16:03] last week minutes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/20090407 [16:04] [TOPIC] Documentation [16:04] New Topic: Documentation [16:04] sommer: anything to report wrt to jaunty? [16:05] mathiaz: don't think there's anything new... everything should be good to go [16:05] great. [16:05] [TOPIC] Release critical bugs [16:05] New Topic: Release critical bugs [16:05] As you may know we're in final freeze now [16:06] any release critical bugs we should know about? [16:06] kirkland: I've run into https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub/+bug/360832 [16:06] Launchpad bug 360832 in grub "unable to boot from the second disk of a RAID1 array - error 21" [High,New] [16:06] mathiaz: hmm [16:07] kirkland: so I'd like to know if you could reproduce it [16:07] mathiaz: i'll download the iso and test it now [16:07] kirkland: if so we'd have to decide how important this is [16:08] kirkland: I ran into this issue with a libvirt+kvm setup [16:08] kirkland: is the description of the bug clear enough? [16:10] any other release critical bug to be aware of? [16:12] kirkland: I've also ran into https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kvm/+bug/360825 [16:12] Launchpad bug 360825 in kvm "kvm 0.84 doesn't create three drives in the guest" [Medium,Triaged] [16:12] kirkland: but that doesn't seem critical [16:12] kirkland: soren already commented on it. [16:13] kirkland: however I'd like to confirm it on a jaunty host (it should be the same) [16:13] it is [16:13] mathiaz: i'm testing now [16:13] soren: ok - the kvm command line is generated by libvirt [16:14] soren: anyway - your comment is clear about the issue. [16:14] anything else to report wrt to release critical bugs? === dendrobates- is now known as dendrobates [16:17] all right - no release critical bugs from the server team then. [16:17] mathiaz: is that grub one RC? [16:17] mathiaz: i'm stopping what i'm doing right now to take a look at it [16:17] mathiaz: if it's not RC, then i'm going to work on it when i get a chance [16:18] kirkland: well - that's what we should discuss. [16:18] kirkland: first I'd like to get it confirmed by someone else [16:18] mathiaz: okay, i'll proceed testing [16:19] kirkland: if you can confirm it, we should discuss how important it is. [16:19] kirkland: you can ping later about it [16:19] mathiaz: okay [16:21] anyother release critical bug te be aware of? [16:22] i'm not aware of any [16:22] allright - let's move on then. [16:22] [TOPIC] ISO testing [16:22] New Topic: ISO testing [16:22] so we're getting ready for 9.04 RC scheduled for this Thursday [16:23] ubuntu-server isos are posted on the iso testing tracker [16:23] http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ [16:23] LINK received: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ [16:23] there are 15 test cases for each isos [16:23] each testcase has a detailed description of what needs to be done [16:24] any help in this area is welcome. [16:24] and of cource we'll start all over next week for the final release of 9.04 [16:25] i have to ask one more time :/ [16:25] there's no chance in getting dovecot-postfix into mail stack? [16:25] ivoks: I think it's too late now. [16:26] ok [16:26] ivoks: IMO we made a first good step this release cycle [16:26] ivoks: Would you please have a look at Bug #360689. If I messed up the default config for amavisd, I want to get it fixed post-RC. [16:26] Launchpad bug 360689 in amavisd-new "Default Ubuntu configuration is backscatter source in Jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/360689 [16:26] ivoks: it's already in main [16:26] ScottK-laptop: i will look at it [16:27] mathiaz: ok [16:27] ScottK-laptop: ah, i see... [16:27] ScottK-laptop: i would mark this as 'won't fix' [16:27] ivoks: we'll discuss things further during next UDS [16:28] ScottK-laptop: that's RFC behaviour; undelivered mail should be bounced [16:28] ScottK-laptop: when undelivered cause of attachments or wrong header [16:33] so help in iso testing is welcomed. [16:33] let's move on [16:33] [TOPIC] Ideas for Karmic [16:33] New Topic: Ideas for Karmic [16:34] Even thought we're *all* focusing on the Jaunty release schedule for next week, ideas for the next release cycle may cross your mind once in a while [16:34] if so, head to the IdeaPool wiki page and add them [16:34] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/IdeaPool [16:36] woi [16:36] menatee mano sero biso pado hase? [16:36] menatee mano sero biso pado hase? [16:38] [TOPIC] Open Discussion [16:38] New Topic: Open Discussion [16:38] anything else to add? [16:38] BTW if you've just come accross a release critical bug, let us know! ;) [16:39] I did want to mention that we got clamav updated to 0.95.1 and all the rdepends fixed. [16:40] Special thanks to cemc (not here now) and nxvl for their help. [16:41] hai all [16:41] aku nk join meeting leh x [16:41] aku pakai kerabuntu [16:42] mana persia [16:42] nga amachu [16:42] naley, what is kerabuntu? [16:42] asl pls persia [16:42] ScottK-laptop: awesome - is that part of jaunty? [16:42] Amachu [16:42] elky, [16:43] themuso [16:43] !ops [16:43] Help! Seveas, Hobbsee, LjL, ompaulafk, Keybuk, mdz, sabdfl, janimo, ogra, mdke, dholbach, or jono [16:43] * naley give -0 to elky themuso persia [16:43] * naley give -0 to elky themuso persia [16:43] naley: are you here for the Asia/Pacific board? [16:43] nope [16:43] for europe [16:44] ivoks: what's the trouble? [16:44] naley: well - this is the Ubuntu Server Team meeting. [16:44] naley: I don't know when the European board will have their meetings [16:44] mdz: mathiaz is trying the polite approach with naley [16:45] ok [16:45] im from uganda [16:45] stay at europe [16:45] ok i just waste my time here [16:45] see what u all meeting [16:46] mathiaz: Yes. In Jaunty [16:46] naley: please be quiet during the meeting. if you want something else, please go to #ubuntu and ask there [16:47] mathiaz: We got the relevant security fixes into intrepid-security, hardy-backports, and dapper-backports too. [16:47] ok [16:47] ScottK-laptop: great. [16:47] Anything else to add to this open discussion topic? [16:48] ScottK, : i want ask u about software wireshark [16:48] did u know anything about it [16:48] naley: you should probably ask this question somewhere else [16:48] naley: like in #ubuntu [16:48] where? [16:48] can u tell me [16:48] naley: please, use another channel, this one is for meetings [16:48] naley: in #ubuntu [16:48] ok [16:48] tq [16:49] all right - if nothing else is to be added let's move on. [16:49] [TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time [16:49] New Topic: Agree on next meeting date and time [16:49] same place, same time, next week? [16:50] sure [16:53] all right then. [16:53] see you all next week, same time, same place. [16:53] and don't forget to test ubuntu-server isos for Jaunty RC. [16:53] happy testing! [16:54] #endmeeting }}}