== Agenda == * Review ACTION points from previous meeting * Review progress made on the [[ServerTeam/Roadmap|Roadmap]]: * Eucalyptus status, including review of [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus|open issues]] (kirkland, ttx) * UEC images, including review of [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=uec-images|active bugs]] (smoser) * EC2 AMIs, including review of [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=ec2-images|active bugs]] (smoser) * Virtual appliance * Reference appliance (soren) * Image store (niemeyer) * Other specs from the [[ServerTeam/Roadmap|Roadmap]] * Server Team bugmail (zul) * RC - FinalFreeze ahead (ttx) * Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html * Weekly SRU review (mathiaz) * Open Discussion * Agree on next meeting date and time == Minutes == ==== Review ACTION points from previous meeting ==== * ttx to review test plans and ensure they are aligned with 9.10: Done, pending some alignment by ara and the QA team * kirkland to confirm that his test rig is fully operational: Done * kirkland to adapt help.ubuntu.com VM recipe(s?) to use libvirt: Deferred ACTION: kirkland to adapt help.ubuntu.com VM recipe(s?) to use libvirt * mathiaz to work with the QA team on a server bug day for Karmic: Done, running Oct 14 * mdz to follow up with marjo regarding general QA support in Karmic: Done * smoser to follow up with mdz regarding UEC image testing capability: HW received, setup to be done * zul to fix m2crypto test suite and ensure that MIR is processed: some more fixups needed to testsuite ACTION: zul to fix m2crypto test suite and ensure that MIR is processed * soren/niemeyer to arrange a meeting to discuss reference appliance plan of action: Discussed via email * mathiaz to document test plan for image store: niemeyer wrote instructions in image-store-proxy README ACTION: mathiaz to add test case for image store in testcases wiki * zul to triage his assigned bugs: Done ==== Eucalyptus status ==== Eucalyptus is currently at 1.6~bzr919-0ubuntu3. We expect a last upstream merge today, and it's likely to be > rev925 so we should wait for it before merging (fixes for Bug:430266 and Bug:449944). It should be delivered before 5pm PST on Tuesday. Bug:432154 is still stuck on integration of an upstream patch that might fix SCSI attach. Bug:446023 is also on kirkland's tasklist and should get fixed asap. Bug:446841 needs some upstream help which nurmi should provide today. ==== UEC/EC2 images ==== All serious bugs have now been squashed. Bug:440757 is next on smoser's list. Bug:444605 should now be marked as completed, since slangasek agreed that with the -kernel-info.txt file and even just the manifest we have what we need. ==== Server Team bugmail ==== zul went through the server-ship seeds to make sure that the server team is subscribed to the bugmail for the stuff in the seeds and came up with a list of missing items. After some minor cleanups (packages no longer in the archive that should be removed from the seed), we agreed that this list should be added to ubuntu-server package list. ACTION: zul to add missing server-ship packages to ubuntu-server ==== RC - FinalFreeze ahead ==== FinalFreeze is coming up this Thursday, so most fixes should be in by Wednesday. Only release-critical fixes will be granted an exception after that date. A server bug day will be held Wednesday to help catching the missing bugs that should be targeted to release. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20091014 for more information. ==== Agree on next meeting date and time ==== We are still trying to find the best time for this meeting. Something along the lines of what the desktop team uses (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/MeetingTime) could be used to help in the process. Next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 20th at 15:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting. == Log == {{{ [16:06] #startmeeting [16:06] Meeting started at 10:06. The chair is ttx. [16:06] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [16:06] Welcome to the server team meeting -- Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting [16:06] (hi) === ArneGoet1e is now known as ArneGoetje [16:07] [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting [16:07] New Topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting [16:07] See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/20091006 [16:07] ACTION: ttx to review test plans and ensure they are aligned with 9.10 [16:07] Done, pending some alignment by ara and the QA team [16:07] ACTION: kirkland to confirm that his test rig is fully operational [16:08] ttx: confirmed [16:08] ACTION: kirkland to adapt help.ubuntu.com VM recipe(s?) to use libvirt [16:08] ttx: we used the heck out of it last week here [16:08] ttx: not done [16:08] kirkland: I agree that its lower prio [16:08] reporting it... [16:08] [ACTION] kirkland to adapt help.ubuntu.com VM recipe(s?) to use libvirt [16:08] ACTION received: kirkland to adapt help.ubuntu.com VM recipe(s?) to use libvirt [16:09] ACTION: mathiaz to work with the QA team on a server bug day for Karmic [16:09] ttx: done - running tomorrow [16:09] pedro_: ^^ - thanks! [16:09] cool, we'll talk about that later in the show [16:09] (after the first ad break) [16:09] ACTION: mdz to follow up with marjo regarding general QA support in Karmic [16:09] you're welcome, i always enjoy to work with you folks :-) [16:09] That was done [16:10] ACTION: smoser to follow up with mdz regarding UEC image testing capability [16:10] i'm not sure what that was... [16:10] I guess it was about getting what it takes to be able to test images yourself [16:10] hw need, whatever [16:11] yeah, wlell i think then that its done. i got a newegg delivery. but not yet installed. [16:11] who has a working UEC test setup as of today ? [16:11] o/ [16:11] kirkland said yes [16:11] o/ [16:11] o/ [16:11] nurmi: :) [16:11] mathiaz: ? [16:11] haven't tried it :/ [16:11] ttx: hm - nope. [16:11] ivoks: you're soo 20th century, man [16:11] ttx: jsalisbury has been testing and providing feedback on the mailing list [16:12] correct [16:12] ttx: I had to give hardware back [16:12] ttx: he responded to jono 's call for testing [16:12] ttx: i'm working on pacemaker... 30th century :D [16:12] davmor2 has been setting it up as well. [16:12] ttx: I should have access to more hw later today and plan to setup a cloud there as weel [16:12] ttx: i'd like to but no hardware available ATM [16:12] ok [16:12] ACTION: zul to fix m2crypto test suite and ensure that MIR is processed [16:12] \o/ works here [16:12] id like to but busy with other things like m2crypto [16:13] zul: how is it going ? [16:13] testsuite is running but it fails right now because it needs network access to work so its running but it doesnt fail if there is no access [16:13] should be done today [16:13] [ACTION] zul to fix m2crypto test suite and ensure that MIR is processed [16:13] ACTION received: zul to fix m2crypto test suite and ensure that MIR is processed [16:14] ACTION: soren/niemeyer to arrange a meeting to discuss reference appliance plan of action [16:14] They discussed it, that's sure [16:14] I'm not sure if any of them are around, though [16:14] ACTION: mathiaz to document test plan for image store [16:15] ttx: hm - niemeyer wrote most of the intstructions [16:15] ttx: available in a README text file [16:15] in image-store-proxy ? [16:15] ttx: should I add them to the testcases wiki page as well? [16:15] ttx: yes - in image-store-proxy [16:15] ttx: I'm here, but I don't have much else to comment about this ATM [16:16] mathiaz: yes, that would be good [16:16] ttx: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~image-store/image-store-proxy/trunk/annotate/head%3A/README [16:16] ttx: ok - I can write up a new test cases [16:16] mathiaz: not sure we would make a delivery test from it, but documenting the tseet doesn't hurt [16:17] ttx: ok - the test cases should *not* be added to the ISO tracker? [16:17] [ACTION] mathiaz to add test case for image store in testcases wiki [16:17] ACTION received: mathiaz to add test case for image store in testcases wiki [16:17] mathiaz: I'd say it would need some discussion, based on the testcases contents [16:17] * mathiaz nods [16:18] ACTION: zul to triage his assigned bugs [16:18] done [16:18] * kirkland high fives zul [16:18] thanks kirkland [16:18] [TOPIC] Eucalyptus status [16:18] ;-) [16:18] New Topic: Eucalyptus status [16:18] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus [16:19] so we currently have a 1.6~bzr919-0ubuntu3 [16:19] which includes the r920 fix [16:19] I've a r925 merge pending [16:19] nurmi: should we move to that one ? [16:19] that revno should help a lot with multi-cluster/component, and some single cluster installations [16:20] nurmi: nothing else in the pipe ? [16:20] ttx: there are two more important fixes that we have in testing right now (important for multi-cluster) [16:20] nurmi: when are they expected out of testing ? end of today ? [16:21] (of /your/ today) ? [16:21] ttx: 430266, 449944 [16:21] ttx: yes, before 5pm PST, today [16:22] hmm, kirkland: do you think there is valud in committing r925, then ? [16:22] ttx: not if we have another merge comming [16:22] ttx: if it is the caboose, then sure, let's upload [16:22] ttx: but if there's more in the pipeline, let's wait [16:22] there is, according to Dan [16:23] ttx: right. i'll wait [16:23] kirkland: and no urgent fxies in r925 either [16:23] ttx: i'll take care of the upload in my locale then [16:23] ttx: so that you can go to bed :-) [16:23] i committed what was urgent in the 919-0ubuntuµ3 [16:23] ok. [16:24] kirkland: how is bug 432154 doing ? [16:24] Launchpad bug 432154 in qemu-kvm "dynamic block device attach/detach not functional with karmic KVM" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/432154 [16:24] ttx: i'm working on that now [16:24] ttx: i got a patch from aligouri [16:24] ttx: that might help nurmi out, on the scsi front [16:24] kirkland: is there a light at the end of the tunnel ? [16:24] ttx: well, let's say that i'm holding a lottery ticket [16:24] kirkland: is this for virtio or scsi attach? [16:25] nurmi: his patch is for scsi [16:25] kirkland: nod [16:25] ttx, are we still wanting 'acpi_php' loaded at boot in uec-images ? [16:25] nurmi: it's a long shot [16:25] smoser: yes, and it's acpiphp [16:25] right [16:25] kirkland: ok, lets play the lottery. [16:25] ok.. there is no bug for that i think [16:25] right ? [16:25] ttx: this is a deep, complex bug [16:25] ttx: i'm doubtful a single patch is going to fix everything [16:25] kirkland, cjwatson: status for bug 446023 ? [16:25] Launchpad bug 446023 in eucalyptus "uec node cd install doesn't handle static network configuration" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/446023 [16:26] nurmi, kirkland: Btw, mathiaz found an issue trying to install an image which was installed through the image store [16:26] ttx: as it involves eucalyptus invocation of a libvirt function that uses qemu-kvm functionality that's been modified from upstream qemu [16:26] kirkland: from release meeting it sounded like cjwatson deferred 446023 to you ? [16:26] iirc [16:26] I can't see it being related to the store specifically, so it'd be great to have some help from the Euca developers [16:26] niemeyer: right - I'll ask about it later [16:26] mathiaz: Awesome, thank you [16:26] ttx: yeah, my plate is very, very, very incredible full [16:26] ttx: any help would be hot [16:27] kirkland: feel fre to leave the > rev925 merge out of your plate [16:27] kirkland: I can handle it tomorrow morning [16:27] ok, lets move on [16:28] [TOPIC] UEC/EC2 images [16:28] New Topic: UEC/EC2 images [16:28] ttx: hm - wait [16:28] ttx: for eucalyptus [16:28] mathiaz: yes [16:28] nurmi: did you get a change to look at bug 446841? [16:28] Launchpad bug 446841 in image-store-proxy "Unable to start images installed/registered via the image store" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/446841 [16:29] mathiaz: i havn't been able to test image store proxy, yet, but it is on my list for today's testing [16:29] nurmi: ok - basically niemeyer and I have no clue what's wrong in there [16:29] nurmi: please comment on the bug when done, and do not hesitate to sync with mathiaz for reproduction [16:29] nurmi: so any help in debugging this is welcome [16:30] ttx: that was it [16:30] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=uec-images [16:30] mathiaz: niemeyer: great, just quick question [16:30] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=ec2-images [16:30] smoser: ^ [16:30] mathiaz: are you running as 'admin' or regular user for commands listed in that bug? [16:30] nurmi: admin [16:30] mathiaz: thanks [16:30] we're no different than last week as far as bugs for those. there is nothing open that is serious. [16:30] nurmi: I've tried regulart as well - same outcome [16:30] mathiaz: nod [16:31] smoser: bug 440757 is targeted to release, what's the status ? [16:31] Launchpad bug 440757 in vm-builder "ec2-images have ubuntu.canonical.com in /etc/hosts" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/440757 [16:31] bug 439868 and bug 444598 are done. those were most of my work last week. but they're heavily improved now. [16:31] Launchpad bug 439868 in vm-builder "UEC images could be smaller" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/439868 [16:31] Launchpad bug 444598 in vm-builder "UEC images could be simpler to download and bundle" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/444598 [16:32] i was just looking at 440757 now. i will try to knock that off today. [16:32] smoser: ETA for bug 444605 ? [16:32] Launchpad bug 444605 in vm-builder "make sure source is obtainable for uec kernel images" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/444605 [16:32] and i'm going to open one for putting acpiphp into /etc/modules [16:32] i will mark 444605 as done. [16:32] ok, cool. [16:33] anything else on the EC2/UEC topic ? [16:33] slangasek, agreed that with the -kernel-info.txt file and even just the manifest we have what we need. [16:33] [TOPIC] Virtual appliance [16:33] New Topic: Virtual appliance [16:33] the biggest issue is the one mathiaz already mentioned [16:34] niemeyer: anything else you wanted to report ? [16:35] moving on... [16:35] [TOPIC] Other specs from the Roadmap [16:35] New Topic: Other specs from the Roadmap [16:35] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Roadmap [16:35] anything else / anyone ? [16:36] [TOPIC] Server Team bugmail [16:36] zul ^ [16:36] New Topic: Server Team bugmail [16:37] yeah so I went through the server-ship seeds to make sure that the server team is subscribed to the bugmail for the stuff in the seeds and this is the list I came up with [16:37] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/292428/ [16:37] LINK received: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/292428/ [16:37] some like freenet6 are no longer in the archive and should be removed from the seeds as well [16:38] zul: What is the ($team/perosn) after the package name? [16:38] Daviey: these are the people subscribed to the bugs [16:38] ah [16:38] I was going to propose that I would go through the list today and make sure that the server team is subscribed to the package in launchpad and triaged any new bugs [16:39] postgresql is quite obvious, methink [16:39] does it need to be surbscribed to parts that are covered by, for example, ubuntu-ha? [16:39] ttx: obviously yes [16:39] if it's in the server seed, surely we should be subscribed to the packages bugs? As in, shouldn't we just action them all? [16:39] ivoks: no I dont think so [16:39] i'd agree [16:40] ivoks: both teams can be subscribed to the bugs [16:40] ivoks: but it would be nice to have a backup [16:40] mathiaz: meaning ubuntu-ha members would recieve double email [16:41] it *concerns* the server team as it's in the seed.. but inversely we already get lots of bugmail.. [16:41] ivoks: they need to filter their mail better :) [16:41] ivoks: I'd recommend not subscribing to ubuntu-server bugmail anyway [16:41] ivoks: oh well. This is why treading emails clients are useful ;) [16:41] :) [16:41] package subscription is more about getting the package to show in our buglists [16:42] mathiaz: any objection to adding all of them, since they are in server-ship ? [16:42] ttx: nop [16:42] ttx: E [16:42] zul: please clean up and proceed [16:43] ttx: ok [16:43] ttx: I'm trying to reach the 2000 emails /day bar - adding more packages should help achieving that goal [16:43] [ACTION] zul to add missing server-ship packages to ubuntu-server [16:43] ACTION received: zul to add missing server-ship packages to ubuntu-server [16:43] [TOPIC] RC - FinalFreeze ahead [16:43] New Topic: RC - FinalFreeze ahead [16:43] so FinalFreeze is this thursday [16:44] cr@p [16:44] which means most fixes should be in by... tomorrow [16:44] only release-critical fixes will be granted an exception after that date [16:44] or ask for an exception? [16:45] how do we look on workarounds for upstream bugs? [16:45] i'm facing one bug that's very bad, bad a workaround 'fixes' it [16:45] soren, are you planning on refreshing vmbuilder ? there have been changes since the last karmic release. [16:45] i was waiting for a fix, but i guess we can't wait any longer [16:46] if its a very bad bug it could get an exception [16:46] upstream is working on it, but problably won't be here in next week [16:46] ivoks: make sure its on the release team radar though [16:46] ivoks: nominated for karmic and targeted to release [16:46] ttx: but i'd push workaround, just in case... is that ok? [16:46] ivoks: sure, workarounds are... good [16:47] as already mentioned, we'll have a server bug day tomorrow [16:47] to identify the missing bugs that should be targeted to release [16:47] everyone is welcome to participate, this is a great way of ensuring a better quality release [16:48] Any other question on this topic ? [16:48] Where can one find more information about this? [16:48] pedro_: ^ [16:48] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20091014 [16:48] thanks [16:49] and Pedro should send a mail about it, if not done already [16:49] Bloggers can annouce it too :) [16:49] [TOPIC] Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs [16:49] New Topic: Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs [16:49] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html [16:49] LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html [16:50] still slightly outdated, can't keep up with our hasty pace [16:50] team: any bug that you don't feel confident about, please talk [16:50] Anything needing reassignment, please talk as well [16:51] I would like to submit bug #328550 to a review. I think it is pretty bad that we do not support HBA out of the box [16:51] Launchpad bug 328550 in udev "qla2xxx takes ~one minute to initialize per device" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/328550 [16:51] Looking... [16:52] it has been verified on Karmic too [16:52] I'll have a look, but it looks like Foundations territory [16:53] [TOPIC] Weekly SRU review [16:53] New Topic: Weekly SRU review [16:53] this week we have some time for it, mathiaz ^ [16:53] * mathiaz cheers [16:53] mathiaz: 5 minutes, nominations lists are empty, fwiw [16:53] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [16:53] LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [16:53] i have three on my radar 343870 304437 425407 [16:54] ^^ any bugs worth SRU? [16:54] 425407 [16:54] 304437 [16:54] 343870 [16:54] bug 425407 [16:54] damn no bot [16:54] Launchpad bug 425407 in dovecot "Panic: pop3-login: file client-common.c: line 25 (client_unlink): assertion failed: (clients_count > 0)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/425407 [16:54] bug 304437 [16:54] bug 343870 [16:54] Launchpad bug 304437 in openldap2.3 "null_callback: error code 0x12" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/304437 [16:54] Launchpad bug 343870 in php5 "php-cli segmentation fault with mysql extension" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/343870 [16:54] zul: yes, just talk to them :) [16:55] heh [16:55] zul: ok, nominate them. Though at this moment working on SRU is prio -1 [16:55] ttx: okies [16:56] ok - all the nominated lists are emtpy [16:56] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/acceptedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [16:56] LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/acceptedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [16:56] zul: how are things moving on these? [16:56] slowly as usual [16:57] zul: you should assign yourself to those you intend to fix in a reasonable timeframe, so that others can have a shot at them [16:57] ttx: they are all uploaded to proposed its just getting people to test them [16:57] or getting feedback for them [16:57] oO [16:57] impressive [16:57] ok [16:58] zul: did you start to use bzr branches? [16:58] https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+activereviews [16:58] ^^ there are a couple of them here [16:58] mathiaz: I did! [16:58] zul: has the ipsec-tools SRU branch been reviewed? [16:58] mathiaz: none have been reviewed [16:59] zul: sbeattie should have a look at them [16:59] mathiaz: ill bug him about it [16:59] [TOPIC] Open Discussion [16:59] New Topic: Open Discussion [16:59] zul: you can just add him a reviewer [16:59] 1 minute of open discussion ... [16:59] mathiaz: sure [17:00] anything on anyone's mind ? [17:00] [TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time [17:00] New Topic: Agree on next meeting date and time [17:01] Our rescheduling effort is a total failure, so next week, same time same place :) [17:01] ttx: total ?? [17:01] yep... [17:01] ttx: I'd say - it's under way [17:01] mathiaz: its because you have some optimism left in you ;) [17:01] ttx: :) [17:02] i think mathiaz needs to write a replacement for that scheduler that recognizes daylight savings time. [17:02] btw, look at waht the wonderful Desktop team does: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/MeetingTime [17:02] smoser: sure ... done - it's called... [17:02] smoser: ... pen and paper [17:02] i would say ongoing [17:03] mathiaz, i'll mail you my schedule today [17:03] mathiaz: could we use something like that ? [17:03] ttx: seems like a good plan [17:03] ttx: if that improves the current situation - the doc team was using something similar [17:04] mathiaz: they are so great. [17:04] ttx: it won't solve the DST time issue so [17:04] ttx: it won't solve the DST time issue *though* [17:04] mathiaz: but you can wiki-edit it when that time comes [17:04] ttx: agreed - I'll create a similar wiki page for the server tema [17:04] damn farmers [17:04] #endmeeting }}}