== Agenda == Items we will be discussing: * Introduce Jos (ttx) * Review ACTION points from previous meeting (ttx) * Check blueprint status and progress for the week (jib) * Feature definition freeze is tomorrow * Discuss process for ongoing progress tracking * http://www.piware.de/workitems/server/lucid-alpha2/report.html * Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html (jib) * Weekly SRU review (mathiaz) * Relay the 2009 Server Survey announce: http://nicolas.barcet.com/drupal/en/2009-server-survey-announce * Open Discussion * Agree on next meeting date and time == Minutes == ## Use title4 (ie ==== ) for each section of the minutes ## Only topics discussed during the meetings should be put in the minutes. ## Status reporting is done via another channel. ==== Review ACTION from previous meeting ==== ACTION: ttx to review status of bugs the following bugs for any missing info * 455625: lacking some reproduction, the Eucalyptus team marked it invalid * 460085: missing some feedback from the Eucalyptus team, basically the results of their long-standing rampart tests * 461156: fixed in Lucid, SRU pending ACTION: mathiaz to compile a list of easy merges for publication * Done at: http://ubuntuserver.wordpress.com/2009/12/01/a-selection-of-easy-merges-from-the-ubuntu-server-team/ * Will be sent to mailing list as well ==== Check blueprint status and progress for the week (jib) ==== * Feature Definition Freeze is this week. * All Alpha2-targed blueprints must be approved by then. * All non-Alpha2 blueprints will have at least summary, rationale & user story in the spec, and any notes taken from UDS * Non Alpha2, but ready for review: * other-cloud-providers * vmbuilder-multiple-outputs * To track progress during Alpha2, we will: * use http://www.piware.de/workitems/server/lucid-alpha2/report.html for global tracking * do a quick summary of status in the meeting for each alpha2 spec, starting next meeting ==== Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html (jib) ==== * Nothing assigned to team ==== Weekly SRU review (mathiaz) ==== * eucalyptus "the CC is returning incorrect networkIndex values on describeInstances" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/454405 * php5 "Need to upgrade integrated zip module" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/485760 * krb5 "Strange behavior of libkrb5 since karmic ..." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/489418 ==== 2009 Server Survey announce: http://nicolas.barcet.com/drupal/en/2009-server-survey-announce ==== Nick Barcet announced the 2009 Server Survey. To improve exposure, any of you that can republish the announce on a loco planet or some other means do relay the info in the next couple weeks. So far, the plan is to keep the survey up at least until mid-january. Nick will shortly send an email to the server ML with the same information. ==== Open discussion ==== * Spamassassin - 3.3.0 will hit beta "soon", Daviey emailed the DM to ask if he wants to work together to get the package updated. * Mdz & sabdlf covered server specs for Lucid yesterday. Sabdfl was very pleased with the work that was put in. ==== Agree on next meeting date and time ==== * Several people would prefer the meeting to be slightly later in the day. ACTION on jos to coordinate with Maria & Kirkland to find a more suitable hour if possible. * Util further notice, next meeting will be on Wednesday, December 9th at 14:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting. == Log == {{{ [14:03] #startmeeting [14:03] Meeting started at 08:03. The chair is ttx. [14:03] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [14:03] ttx, hi [14:04] First of all, let me introduce you to Jos Boumans, the new server team engineering manager. [14:04] o/ [14:04] Welcome Jos! [14:04] * kirkland high fives kane_ [14:04] hey Jos! [14:04] kane_: you didn't force your IRC client to submission yet ? [14:04] hey kane_ [14:04] ttx: not yet. ran out of CFT my first day @canonical ;) [14:04] CFT? [14:05] Copious Free Time [14:05] kane might become jib in the future on Freenode [14:05] nice to see some familiar faces here from UDS though :) [14:05] kane_, get use to the lack of thereoff from here on out [14:05] * mdz hands jib some round tuits [14:05] s/jib/jane_/ [14:05] kane_, rather [14:05] no wonders nobody knows what CFT is around here [14:05] Heheh :) [14:06] kane_: o^25 [14:06] I'll chait this meeting so that Jos sees how it goes, but will gladly hand over the cross to Jos next week :) [14:06] chair, even [14:06] haha [14:06] i, in turn, am very happy for ttx to chair [14:06] next... [14:06] [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting [14:06] New Topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting [14:06] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/20091125 [14:07] ACTION: ttx to review status of bugs 455625, 460085 and 461156 for any missing info [14:07] Launchpad bug 455625 in eucalyptus "Eucalyptus Loses Public IP Address" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/455625 [14:07] Launchpad bug 460085 in eucalyptus "memory leak; rampart_context not freed (memory leaked per connection)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/460085 [14:07] Launchpad bug 461156 in eucalyptus "User data is not parsed correctly by Eucalyptus in some cases" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/461156 [14:07] so I reviewed them... the first one is lacking some reproduction, the Eucalyptus team marked it invalid [14:07] the second one is missing some feedback from the Eucalyptus team, basically the results of their long-standing rampart tests [14:08] The third one is now fixed in Lucid, SRU pending [14:08] ACTION: mathiaz to compile a list of easy merges for publication [14:08] ttx: done - http://ubuntuserver.wordpress.com/2009/12/01/a-selection-of-easy-merges-from-the-ubuntu-server-team/ [14:08] mathiaz, did that go out to the mailing list(s) as well? [14:09] arh [14:09] mdz: nope - I could send it there as well [14:09] mathiaz, I think it would be useful [14:09] mathiaz: I did a few days ago libcommons-attributes-java and libaopalliance-java [14:09] dholbach gave us some feedback that we should use the mailing lists more [14:09] mathiaz: and I wouldn't recommend the jruby1.2 one to the faint of heart [14:09] ttx: yeah - that's possible [14:10] ttx: I haven't looked at all the merge in details [14:10] Now on to this week's agenda [14:10] it's just a list of suggestion - to get people started [14:10] [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting [14:10] LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting [14:10] [TOPIC] Check blueprint status and progress for the week [14:11] New Topic: Check blueprint status and progress for the week [14:11] kane_: ? [14:11] We covered most of them during the 1:1s we've had this week, and those that could be approved are. [14:11] There are some that aren't on the alpha2 milestone, and it's on me to have those reviewed by next meeting (before featured definition freeze) [14:11] ttx, other-cloud-providers and vmbuilder-multiple-outputs are awaiting review [14:12] kane_: what about Feature definition freeze, and the remaining non-lucid-accepted-yet blueprints ? [14:12] mdz: Will look into it [14:13] mdz: the other cloud & vmbuilder aren't for alpha2 though, so we should have those done by next week [14:14] the minimum we do for non-alpha2 specs BEFORE feature definition freeze is to make sure we have the summary, rationale & user story in the spec, and any notes we took from UDS [14:14] that way we know what we're comitting to if/when we persue them in the next milestones [14:14] kane_: the minimum to make sure we don't lose the results of the UDS session [14:14] ttx: exactly [14:15] kane_: ok, what about "Discuss process for ongoing progress tracking" ? [14:16] feel free to summarize that one ttx [14:16] We'll use http://www.piware.de/workitems/server/lucid-alpha2/report.html for global tracking [14:17] Then for each alpha2 spec do a quick summary of status here ? [14:17] We'll skip for this week, unless someone wants to mention they are already raising flags on their assignments [14:17] yeah; there's a few easy ways to do this. I hope to cargo-cult on the other teams starting the next meeting. [14:18] I don't see any of the community BP on this. Normal? [14:18] I think ScottK and ivoks had some [14:18] nijaba: They appear on http://www.piware.de/workitems/server/lucid/report.html [14:19] they are not specifically targeted to alpha2 (good for them) [14:19] nijaba: they may not have been targeted for alpha2 though [14:19] ah, ok, sorry [14:19] Still working on drafting. [14:19] Hope to finish shortly. [14:19] Anyone has questions on this topic ? [14:19] ttx: can we add WI to the whiteboard? [14:19] ttx: what happens if the content of a WI changes? [14:20] for the canonical-application-support spec what if the packages are not approiate what should i put next to the TODO [14:20] mathiaz: you mean if you add new ones, it will look like feature creep on the burndown chart ? [14:20] ttx: yes [14:20] ttx: and IIUC this looks bad [14:20] good questions mathiaz [14:20] mathiaz: the chart will be reset at an arbitrary point in time [14:20] i'd suggest FeatureDefinitionFreeze [14:21] after that, added items will *really* be feature creep. [14:21] kane_, mdz: ^ ? [14:21] ttx: it seems that the list of WI should not be touched after Feature Definition [14:21] I believe pitti planned to reset the chart today-ish [14:21] mathiaz: well, it can, but then it really is considered feature creep. [14:21] the WI is a reflection of reality [14:21] but of course we can ask him to do it whenever it is appropriate for us [14:21] I would say no later than tomorrow [14:22] ttx: also I'm still tracking next things to do (may be the granularity is too small) [14:22] the tool is there to give us insight, not something that restricts us from planning [14:22] but ttx is right; if there's new (unforeseen) work popping up, that may be feature creep [14:22] zul, when you review the package, you should change the "review" work item to "DONE" [14:22] zul, if, once you have done that, it turns out there is nothing more to do, you should *delete* the other work items associated with that package [14:23] this will reduce the total number of work items in the chart [14:23] mdz: gotcha [14:23] mathiaz: you mean work items are too small ? [14:23] mathiaz: not sure I get you [14:24] ttx: well - I guess I'm using Work Items and Next Action (in GTD) as the same thing [14:24] ttx: I think I understand myself - and we can move on [14:24] I've been translating my work items into GTD next actions [14:24] (manually, shame on me) [14:24] moving on [14:24] ttx: same here - but we can discuss this offline [14:24] [TOPIC] Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs [14:24] New Topic: Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs [14:24] [LINK] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html [14:24] LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html [14:25] kane_: ? [14:25] nothing assigned to team [14:26] too many old bugs in that list to my taste, I think we should review what we should assign ourselves to [14:26] but we'll let it be for the moment [14:26] ttx: +1 [14:26] shouldn't be the list of things you might work on someday [14:26] but rather work in progress and what comes immediately after [14:27] but I'm open to discussion [14:27] it's just that the list as it stands is not very useful to review [14:27] i have an action point on me to pick this up with marjo; there's an expectation that comes with bug list and i need to be brought up to speed with it [14:27] it isnt [14:27] anyone has comments on the bugs they are assigned to on this list ? Anything blocking ? [14:27] ttx: the date the bug was assigned is probably useful [14:28] ttx: to make sure bugs are not aging [14:28] We already discussed bug 460085, pending some eucalyptus upstream info [14:28] Launchpad bug 460085 in eucalyptus "memory leak; rampart_context not freed (memory leaked per connection)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/460085 [14:28] Nothing else ? OK, let's move on then... [14:29] [TOPIC] Weekly SRU review [14:29] New Topic: Weekly SRU review [14:29] \o/ [14:29] * ttx leaves the driver seat to mathiaz [14:29] (while the car is still running) [14:29] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [14:29] LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [14:30] ^^ any bugs SRU worthy on this list? === robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew [14:30] only high thing on the list id bug 454405, which is a karmic SRU already [14:30] Launchpad bug 454405 in eucalyptus "the CC is returning incorrect networkIndex values on describeInstances" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/454405 [14:31] mathiaz: bug 485760 [14:31] Launchpad bug 485760 in php5 "Need to upgrade integrated zip module" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/485760 [14:31] ttx: what's the plan for rolling/uploading a new SRU candidate of eucalyptus to karmic-proposed? [14:31] no bugs nominated for dapper, hardy, intrepid, jaunty, karmic [14:31] kirkland: we need to get around the CLEAN=1 thing, then upload [14:32] kirkland: please see my comments on the related bugs and let me know what you think [14:32] ttx: i think we should upload, and then get around to the CLEAN=1 thing [14:32] ttx: yes, I'm on top of those [14:32] hm - there should be bug 489418 [14:32] ttx: i think it's better to have something in -proposed, and work on that incrementally [14:32] kirkland: I'm ok for release, I committed to the ubuntu-karmic branch already. [14:32] Launchpad bug 489418 in krb5 "Strange behavior of libkrb5 since karmic ..." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/489418 [14:33] mathiaz:i just nominated 485760 [14:33] kirkland: and wrote the SRU report [14:33] which means that list of nominated bugs is not accurate :/ [14:33] ttx: okay [14:33] kirkland: I wanted to get the feedback on rampart first though [14:33] kirkland: but I'm ok either way [14:33] ttx: okay [14:34] query ttx [14:34] smoser: that's me [14:34] ttx: so the SRU is blocking on the CLEAN=1 bits, and rampart feedback? [14:34] yeah, i'm a dolt [14:34] [14:34] let's move on [14:34] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/acceptedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [14:34] LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/acceptedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [14:35] kirkland: yes, but that doesn't prevent us from going to -proposed. [14:35] ttx: absolutely agree [14:35] most of the SRU are related to eucalyptus [14:36] zul: how are other SRU's going? [14:36] And the list of bzr branch to review is empty for the server team [14:36] mathiaz: i havent had a chance to look at them due to spec writing [14:36] https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+activereviews [14:37] Anything else on the SRU front? [14:37] moving on... [14:38] [TOPIC] 2009 Server Survey announce [14:38] New Topic: 2009 Server Survey announce [14:38] nijaba: ^ [14:38] I have just announced on Planet Ubuntu the release or the 2009 Server survey http://nicolas.barcet.com/drupal/en/2009-server-survey-announce [14:38] Call for action: [14:38] Last year this survey received a little bit less than 7000 full response and we hope to have at least that many this year. [14:38] In order to do so, it would be very nice that, in addition to the announce I made and the banner that Matt Nuzum is about to put on http://ubuntu.com/server, any of you that can republish the announce on a loco planet or some other means do relay the info in the next couple weeks. So far, the plan is to keep the survey up at least until mid-january. [14:38] I will shortly send an email to the server ML with the same information. [14:39] questions? [14:39] suggestions? [14:39] nijaba: any major change in the questions asked ? [14:40] quite a few changes, yes [14:40] * ttx admits not having completed the survey yet [14:40] details on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Survey [14:40] ok [14:40] next is... [14:40] nijaba: have you send an email to ubuntu-server@? [14:41] [TOPIC] Open Discussion [14:41] New Topic: Open Discussion [14:41] mathiaz: as I just said, I will shortly send an email to the server ML with the same information. [14:41] I believe there is still an open issue regarding the meeting time? [14:41] mdz: yes, problematic for kirkland, impossible for nurmi [14:41] who has the ball? [14:41] ivoks is complaining that he cannot attend during his work hours [14:41] mdz: kirkland hasd to ping maria, I think [14:42] mdz: ttx: yes, I need to talk to maria [14:42] maybe jos has some bandwidth to help, and he's in a nearby time zone to maria [14:42] mdz: ball is in kirkland side of the field, offense team is up. [14:42] mdz: actually, I was sort of waiting on Jos to come on board, to make sure his availability was taken into account [14:42] kirkland also has blueprints to worry about ;-) [14:43] mdz: luckily i don't ;) [14:43] i'm happy to take this on -- i'll talk with kirkland seperately, figure out where it hurts and get a resolution [14:43] kane_: one our later would suffice for both nurmi and i [14:43] s/ our / hour / [14:44] kirkland: understood. that may bite with other calls though, so let's sort it seperately if you don't mind [14:44] kane_: sure thing [14:44] Anything else anyone wants to bring up ? [14:44] Spamassassin - 3.3.0 will hit beta "soon", i've emailed the DM to ask if he wants to work together to get the package updated. [14:45] Daviey: how stable is spamassassin 3.3.0 for an LTS? [14:45] mathiaz: kane_ volunteered to write the meeting minutes (since he will write them all soon) so could you get him up to date with the minutes publication process ? [14:45] ttx: sure [14:46] * kane_ thinks ttx may be taking this chairing thing very serious ;) [14:46] mathiaz: well it's still not even beta :).. But for *supporting* the released version - upstream would likely be more receptive for the LTS period. [14:46] kane_: let me enjoy that position for the last time :P [14:47] [TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time [14:47] New Topic: Agree on next meeting date and time [14:47] Unless something else is announced, same time, same place, next week. [14:47] [action] jos? [14:48] [ACTION] jos to find out the best time for the meeting [14:48] ACTION received: jos to find out the best time for the meeting [14:48] (if it is changed, update the fridge) [14:48] thanks everyone ! [14:48] #endmeeting }}}