

Review ACTION points from previous meeting (jib)

Beta1 / beta2 targets feedback

Alpha3 status review

Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (soren, hggdh)

Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)

Server Papercuts (ttx)

Bugzapping during betas (kirkland)

Weekly SRU review (mathiaz)

Open Discussion

Agree on next meeting date and time

Next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 3rd at 15:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


[14:00] <MootBot> Meeting started at 08:00. The chair is ttx.
[14:00] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[14:00] <ttx> I'll chair this meeting, Jos lurks but can't chair.
[14:01] <ttx> Recently updated:
[14:01] <ttx> [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting
[14:01] <MootBot> New Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting
[14:01] <ttx> ACTION: ttx to follow up on server-lucid-cluster-stack and server-lucid-asterisk-integration via email
[14:01] <ttx> been there, done that.
[14:01] <ivoks> :)
[14:01] <ttx> i didn't get updated status from asterisk-integration though
[14:02] <ttx> maybe we'll talk about it later during open discussion.
[14:02]  * nijaba waves
[14:02] <ttx> [TOPIC] Beta1 / beta2 targets feedback
[14:02] <MootBot> New Topic:  Beta1 / beta2 targets feedback
[14:03] <ttx> Jos asked the Canonical team to submit any ideas we might have overlooked for beta1/beta2 targets
[14:03] <ttx> So far only smoser answered
[14:03] <ttx> Please reply by the end of the day if yo uintend to.
[14:03] <Daviey> \o
[14:03] <kirkland> ttx: can you clarify?
[14:03] <ttx> The beta1/beta2 plan should be finalized this week.
[14:04] <ttx> kirkland: If you think there are things that should be done for beta1/beta2 that our planning did not already take into account, please send an email to jos/me
[14:04]  * Daviey wonders why Jos only wants Canonical team input.
[14:04] <jiboumans> Daviey: i don't :) I asked the canonical team last week already
[14:04] <jiboumans> another call here for everyone's input
[14:05] <ttx> jiboumans: thanks for the precision.
[14:05] <Daviey> ta :)
[14:05] <kirkland> thanks for the clarification
[14:05] <ttx> [TOPIC] Alpha3 status review
[14:05] <MootBot> New Topic:  Alpha3 status review
[14:05] <mathiaz> ttx: what's the list of specification you're working on for beta1?
[14:06] <ttx> mathiaz: see milestones in
[14:06] <mathiaz> ttx: I've got some work items I'd like to do on some packages
[14:06] <mathiaz> ttx: but they don't necessarly fit in a blueprint
[14:07] <ttx> beta1 allocates 1/3 of work time to do test/bugfix on general packages
[14:07] <ttx> beta2 allocates 2/3 of work time to that.
[14:07] <ttx> mathiaz: so we planified that.
[14:07] <mathiaz> ttx: how to record the fact that work needs to be done on such package?
[14:08] <mathiaz> ttx: or is it just: go and test packages?
[14:08] <ttx> mathiaz: at that point it's freeform.
[14:08] <ttx> mathiaz: but I agree we could use some tracker...
[14:08] <mathiaz> ttx: for now I've added WI to some of the blueprints
[14:08] <mathiaz> ttx: (mainly things related to puppet and slapd)
[14:09] <mathiaz> ttx: but it doesn't really fit in the scope of the blueprint
[14:09] <ttx> I think they should be tracked separately
[14:09] <ttx> mathiaz: we'll clarify that, might end up creating a blueprint for "stuff"
[14:09] <mathiaz> ttx: ok
[14:10] <ttx> that doesn't fit into papercuts or another one
[14:10] <ttx> other questions ?
[14:10] <mathiaz> ttx: the timeline for beta1 planning is end of week?>
[14:10] <ttx> beta1 subcycle starts Friday :)
[14:10] <ttx> so we should have a plan by that time.
[14:11] <ttx> ok, moving on to...
[14:11] <ttx> [TOPIC] Alpha3 status review
[14:11] <MootBot> New Topic:  Alpha3 status review
[14:11] <ttx> No more alpha3 targeted bugs that I know of
[14:11] <ttx> ISO testing is up
[14:11] <ttx> Please test the latest candidate
[14:11] <ttx> it's not expected to change anymore.
[14:11]  * kirkland is on it!
[14:12] <ttx> Alpha3 remaining work items
[14:12] <ttx> kirkland: Perform UEC tests on A3 candidate
[14:12] <kirkland> ttx: doing it as we speak
[14:12]  * zul waves
[14:12] <ttx> mathiaz: Test and debug installation from an iso / Follow with IS on mamoncillo state
[14:13] <ttx> mathiaz: does that need to happen before A3 ?
[14:13]  * nijaba ping le service mktg de canonical pour préparer de t-shirts ubuntu taile barbie :P
[14:13] <mathiaz> ttx: nope
[14:13]  * nijaba says osrry, wrong chan
[14:13] <ttx> mathiaz: do you expect it to be completed by A3 ?
[14:13] <mathiaz> ttx: I hope so - expect for mamoncillo
[14:13] <mathiaz> ttx: that's out of my hands
[14:14] <ttx> mathiaz:          Move libpam-ccreds to main ?
[14:14] <kirkland> mathiaz: i think we can live without it?
[14:14] <kirkland> mathiaz: we have enough machines to do each of the 3 topos, right?
[14:14] <mathiaz> ttx: this is in the hand of the mir team now
[14:14] <mathiaz> kirkland: correct
[14:14] <ttx> mathiaz: ok
[14:14] <kirkland> ttx: mamoncillo is not a blocker
[14:14] <ttx> smoser: add run-instance-and-* commands -- I suggest we drop that ?
[14:15] <smoser> yeah
[14:15] <smoser> :-(
[14:15] <ttx> soren: Triage and fix relevant bugs for VMBuilder in Lucid
[14:15] <ttx> soren: still planning to complete as many as you can until tomorrow ?
[14:15] <soren> All triaged.
[14:15] <soren> Almost all fixed.
[14:15] <ttx> soren: great!
[14:16] <soren> ...and the day is still young :)
[14:16] <soren>
[14:16] <MootBot> LINK received:
[14:16] <ttx> zul: Write MIR and update package for main requirement for ctdb
[14:16] <ttx> I think that one will be dropped, not in shape for main at this point ?
[14:16] <ivoks> not in shape?
[14:16] <zul> no, talking to ctdb upstream as well
[14:16] <ivoks> ah, and i was looking forward to that
[14:17] <ttx> zul: daily-vcs: we'll talk about that together after meeting
[14:17] <zul> ttx: cool
[14:17] <ttx> any questions ?
[14:18] <ttx> anything about alpha3 milestone subcycle you want to share ?
[14:18] <ttx> ok, moving on...
[14:18] <zul> i like turtles
[14:18] <ttx> btw, smoser is the scribe, I forgot to mention
[14:18] <smoser> whoops
[14:18] <soren> zul: Yeah. Crunchy.
[14:18]  * smoser starts scribing
[14:19] <ttx> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (soren, hggdh)
[14:19] <MootBot> New Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (soren, hggdh)
[14:19] <ttx> soren, hggdh : o/
[14:19] <hggdh> heh
[14:19]  * soren looks around
[14:19] <hggdh> I still have to find my bearings ;-)
[14:19] <jiboumans> hggdh: welcome to the fold :)
[14:19] <ttx> hggdh: welcome :)
[14:19] <hggdh> thank you.
[14:19] <ttx> hggdh: running already ?
[14:19] <mathiaz> hggdh: welcome aboard!
[14:20] <hggdh> A question -- the regression thingie -- what to do when a package fails?
[14:20] <zul> yell
[14:20] <ttx> hggdh: not sure I get the question... File a bug, fix it ?
[14:20] <hggdh> (in this case, mysql, 2 -- or 3 -- different issues)
[14:20] <ttx> ah
[14:20] <ttx> automated build failures
[14:20] <hggdh> yes, sorry
[14:21] <ttx> hggdh: I think it's appropriate to mention the build failure and basic investigation results here
[14:21] <hggdh> OK. There goes:
[14:21] <ttx> so that someone can say "i'll look into that one"... hopefully.
[14:22] <ttx> So you're talking about the mysql automated rebuild/testsuite run that currently fails.
[14:22] <hggdh> mysql is failing on two different areas (1) ssl tests consistently fail, all of them; (2) one SQL test (or two) fail on different output
[14:22] <soren> The SSL tests are due to the SSL certs shipped in the package having expired.
[14:22] <mathiaz> hggdh: ssl test: check that the certificate is up-to-date
[14:23] <zul> (1) it needs a patch from our bzr tree (2) havent looked at
[14:23] <ttx> hggdh: is it the usua ltest  certificate expiration issue ?
[14:23] <ttx> heh
[14:23] <ttx> I'm late.
[14:23] <soren> mdeslaur has a patch for that.
[14:23] <zul> can anyone upload to that ppa?
[14:23] <soren> I don't know what the other problem is. I haven't really investigated.
[14:24] <hggdh> ttx no, timeouts. Sounds like there is no SSL to work on
[14:24] <ttx> zul: looking into that as part of the mysql dailyvcs work ?
[14:24] <mathiaz> hggdh: some of the mysql tests are time sensitive - so depending on the load of the ppa, the test suite may fail
[14:24] <hggdh> hum. Might impact SSL due to processing reqs
[14:24] <zul> ttx: kind of
[14:24] <hggdh> but all of them?
[14:26] <ttx> ok, we'll not debug that one now, please continue that discussion on #ubuntu-server
[14:26] <soren> hggdh: The server might not start its SSL port if it knows that the cert is expired.
[14:26] <ttx> anything else from QA, for QA ?
[14:26] <ttx> hggdh will contact some of you for information, please help him get up to speed
[14:26] <ttx> that includes UEC testing.
[14:27] <ttx> For the record, hggdh is the successor of soren in the QA team, dedicated to server.
[14:27] <mathiaz> hggdh: \o/!
[14:28] <ttx> ok, let's move on to our other friends, the kernel team...
[14:28] <ivoks> hggdh: hello there
[14:28] <dholbach> Just a very quick note: I'd appreciate if you could help out with sponsoring a bit - I added an indication of packagesets to so it will show you if something is server related, if you want to review anything else on the list, that'd great too! we need to get the list shorter again! THANKS!
[14:28] <ttx> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)
[14:28] <MootBot> New Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)
[14:28] <ttx> dholbach: spammer !
[14:28] <ttx> jjohansen: HI
[14:28] <dholbach> ttx: I thought id fitted quite well into the pause, but thanks :)
[14:29] <jjohansen> well, I am going to be taking another stab at a pv-ops based kernel for EC2
[14:29] <ttx> we also have friends in the community team, as you can see.
[14:29] <zul> jjohansen: good luck :)
[14:29] <ttx> jjohansen: sounds like a noble and worthy goal.
[14:30] <jjohansen> iff then we may want to end up switching kernels out from under you
[14:30] <jjohansen> we should know by friday one way or the other
[14:30] <ttx> jjohansen: ok, keep us posted.
[14:30] <smoser> jjohansen, ooh
[14:30] <smoser> i'm interested in pvops, hip hop horray
[14:31] <jjohansen> yep will definitely keep you posted
[14:31] <ttx> Anything else for our kernel friend ?
[14:31] <smoser> one other thing in this arena, its eems we'll soon have a karmic kernel refresh available.
[14:31] <zul> jjohansen: want me to bounce ideas off of you?
[14:31] <smoser> as bug 428692 is moving to karmic-updates
[14:31] <jjohansen> zul: sure that would be nice
[14:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 428692 in linux-ec2 "ec2 kernel needs CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=y and other config changes" [Medium,Fix committed]
[14:32] <jjohansen> smoser: finalyy
[14:32] <jjohansen> s/finalyy/finally/
[14:33] <ttx> mvcing on to...
[14:33] <jjohansen> I don't think there is anything else from kernel
[14:33] <ivoks> ttx: mvc
[14:33] <ttx> [TOPIC] Server Papercuts (ttx)
[14:33] <MootBot> New Topic:  Server Papercuts (ttx)
[14:33] <ttx> Nominations review:
[14:33] <ttx> Only three bugs this week
[14:34] <ttx> mostly those we didn't manage to decide on yet
[14:34] <ivoks> gosh...
[14:34] <ttx> bug 211915
[14:34] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 211915 in amavisd-new "Insecure dependency when using sql for Log Reporting" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[14:34] <ttx> This one is purely doc, I'd +1 it
[14:34] <ttx> but that hardly is a usability issue
[14:35] <ttx> takes a special type of paper to be cut by it
[14:35] <ttx> anyone else has an opinion on that one ?
[14:35] <ivoks> hm...
[14:36] <ttx> ok, let's keep it for one more week, then... on to bug 325109
[14:36] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 325109 in bacula "bacula-director-pgsql fails postinst because of missing check for running psql daemon" [Medium,Triaged]
[14:36] <ivoks> it would be great if amavis would read hostname from the system
[14:36] <ttx> ivoks: you mention it's fixed in your PPA, is that true ?
[14:37] <ivoks> ttx: we talked about this last week; i didn't have time to check it
[14:37] <ivoks> ttx: i promise to do that by friday
[14:37] <ttx> ok, just comment on the bug :)
[14:37] <ttx> bug 508382
[14:37] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 508382 in bacula "bconsole does not connect to bacula-director" [Medium,Confirmed]
[14:37] <ivoks> same thing, friday
[14:38] <ttx> ok, tx
[14:38] <ttx> So feel free to assign yourself the ones you're inetersted in
[14:38] <ttx> We'll start fixing those next week.
[14:38] <ttx> (feel free to take a head start, like soren did)
[14:38] <zul> yay soren
[14:38] <ttx> Questions on papercuts before we move on ?
[14:39] <ivoks> soren is an alien, anyway
[14:39] <ttx> [TOPIC] Bugzapping during betas (kirkland)
[14:39] <MootBot> New Topic:  Bugzapping during betas (kirkland)
[14:39] <ttx> kirkland: howdy
[14:39] <soren> bah
[14:39] <kirkland> similar in principle to papercuts, bugzapping is an initiative to proactively go out and fix server bugs
[14:39] <kirkland> the blueprint is here:
[14:40] <kirkland> basically, we'll take 3 - 4 weeks of the remaining time left in Lucid
[14:40] <kirkland> each of those weeks will be dedicated to a set of related packages
[14:40] <kirkland> such as:
[14:40] <kirkland>  * database (mysql, postgres)
[14:40] <kirkland>  * LAMP-stack-stuff (apache2, php5)
[14:40] <kirkland>  * virtualization (libvirt, qemu-kvm, virt-manager)
[14:40] <kirkland>  * java
[14:40] <ttx> kirkland: so that will run through the beta1 and beta2 subcycles, right
[14:40] <kirkland> ttx: right
[14:41] <kirkland> each day of the has a specific set of tasks assigned
[14:41] <kirkland> Monday is *total* bug triage
[14:41] <kirkland> which means we should enlist the help of triagers
[14:41] <kirkland> tue - fri, we work on fixing bugs that are in the Triaged state
[14:41] <kirkland> focusing on the High ones, or particularly easy ones
[14:42] <kirkland> we commit to bzr branches
[14:42] <kirkland> and one or more core devs/motu sponsor the package for upload
[14:42] <kirkland> and then we enlist the help of testers
[14:42] <ttx> kirkland: so we should have a more detailed plan by next week ?
[14:42] <kirkland> we should plan on having a final "upload" by thursday
[14:42] <kirkland> and spend friday regression testing
[14:42] <kirkland> ttx: sure
[14:43] <mathiaz> kirkland: is there a wiki page that outlines the whole process?
[14:43] <kirkland> ttx: basically, i'll have the package sets/schedule set
[14:43] <kirkland> ttx: the process is well documented already in the blueprint
[14:43] <kirkland> mathiaz: it's all in right now
[14:43] <ttx> kirkland: send it for comments before the meeting, some might want to adjust times because they won't be present
[14:43] <mathiaz> kirkland: to make sure that anyone jumping into the ship any day knows what is the current focus
[14:43] <kirkland> ttx: mathiaz: ack
[14:44] <kirkland> ttx: mathiaz: i'll add a wiki page, and post to ubuntu-devel@ and ubuntu-server@
[14:44] <ttx> [ACTION] kirkland to publish tentative bugzapping roadmap
[14:44] <MootBot> ACTION received:  kirkland to publish tentative bugzapping roadmap
[14:44] <kirkland> ttx: the one week that is for certain is Mar 22 - 26 will be Eucalyptus/euca2ools
[14:45] <ttx> [ACTION] ivoks to review the remaining bacula/amavisd papercuts for feasability
[14:45] <MootBot> ACTION received:  ivoks to review the remaining bacula/amavisd papercuts for feasability
[14:45] <kirkland> ttx: as mathiaz and I will be on site at Eucalyptus Systems, and this idea is based on something similar mathiaz and I did with nurmi for Eucalyptus during the Karmic cycle
[14:45] <ttx> ok.
[14:45] <ttx> Other questions for kirkland on the bugzapping effort ?
[14:45] <randa> msg/ marianna hi
[14:45] <jiboumans> fwiw, i've taken the liberty to update the spec with that date
[14:45] <kirkland> ttx: for the record, we fixed some 75 bugs in about 4 days last time we did this!
[14:46] <kirkland> jiboumans: thanks
[14:46] <ttx> let's set new records.
[14:46] <ttx> We should also get upstream help if we can.
[14:46] <ttx> (for packages other than eucalyptus)
[14:46] <kirkland> ack
[14:46] <ttx> [TOPIC] Weekly SRU review:  (mathiaz)
[14:46] <MootBot> New Topic:  Weekly SRU review:  (mathiaz)
[14:47] <mathiaz> I've updated some of the urls
[14:47] <ttx> mathiaz: hey. haven't had time today to review the nominations, so you're on your own :)
[14:47] <mathiaz> so there are more bugs to review
[14:47] <mathiaz> dapper hasn't any bugs
[14:47] <ttx> mathiaz: you have 8 minutes :)
[14:48] <mathiaz> hardy has 5 nomination
[14:48] <mathiaz> bug107224
[14:48] <mathiaz> bug 107224
[14:48] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 107224 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "mysql-server preinst script stops running mysql" [Unknown,Confirmed]
[14:48] <mathiaz> bug 191884
[14:48] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 191884 in libnss-ldap "wrong id behaviour on a system with LDAP" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[14:48] <mathiaz> bug 252245
[14:48] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 252245 in samba "unable to connect to windows network pc's" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[14:48] <mathiaz> bug 293000
[14:48] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 293000 in debian "hardy: openssh-server oom_adj can lead to denial of service" [Unknown,Fix released]
[14:48] <mathiaz> bug 157215
[14:48] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 157215 in ntp "[jaunty] Synchronizing with a time server does not work when time difference is greater than several hours" [Undecided,Confirmed]
[14:49] <ttx> 252245: -1, not even "solved" in lucid
[14:50] <mathiaz> well only bug 293000 is fixed released
[14:50] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 293000 in debian "hardy: openssh-server oom_adj can lead to denial of service" [Unknown,Fix released]
[14:50] <ttx> mathiaz: shouldn't that be a prerequisite ?
[14:50] <mathiaz> ttx: yes
[14:50] <mathiaz> so I'll decline all other bugs
[14:51] <ttx> even 293000 is not fixed in lucid
[14:52] <mathiaz> well - it's fixed released in debian
[14:53] <mathiaz> ok so anyone to comment on the hardy nominations?
[14:53] <mathiaz> if not - I'll decline all of them
[14:53] <ttx> mathiaz: +1 on 293000, it's probably fixreleased in lucid
[14:53] <mathiaz> on the basis that bugs should be fixed released in lucid first
[14:54] <ttx> mathiaz: ack
[14:54] <mathiaz> I'll skip the other lists as we running out of time
[14:54] <ttx> yes
[14:54] <mathiaz> and there a bunch of bugs
[14:54] <mathiaz> one last list to review:
[14:55] <mathiaz>
[14:55] <MootBot> LINK received:
[14:55] <mathiaz> the bugs that have been fixed last week
[14:55] <ttx> everyone: please review the lists before the meeting starts, so that you can participate in that discussion
[14:55] <mathiaz> anything worth?
[14:56] <ttx> nothing stood it on my quickreview
[14:56] <mathiaz> me neither
[14:56] <ttx> stood out ?
[14:56] <mathiaz> allright then
[14:56] <ttx> ok, thx mathiaz !
[14:56] <mathiaz> that's all for now
[14:56] <ttx> [TOPIC] Open Discussion
[14:56] <MootBot> New Topic:  Open Discussion
[14:57] <ttx> ivoks, jmdault: anything not completed on your specs by tomorrow needs to be adjusted: moved to FFe/beta1 or dropped
[14:57]  * dholbach mentions again :)
[14:57] <jmdault> ttx: I updated the spec
[14:58] <ttx> jmdault: oh! I missed that, thanks !
[14:58] <ivoks> ttx: ok
[14:58] <ttx> dholbach: are we particularly sucking at this game, or are you just after everyone ?
[14:58] <dholbach> have a look at the list - it's HUGE
[14:58] <jmdault> ttx: the feedback I received so far was "Forget about the extra features, stick to Debian upstream as close as possible"
[14:58] <dholbach> and there's a lot of good fixes waiting in there
[14:59] <jmdault> ttx, I'll work with Debian long term instead
[14:59] <dholbach> ttx: so it's not YOU particularly :)
[15:00] <ttx> dholbach: ah :)
[15:00] <ttx> jmdault: I think it was a very short cycle to pull this off.
[15:01] <Daviey> jmdault: integration can diverge, and that is something that can be more Ubuntu specific as i don't think Debian's audience will appreciate it. But generally, small delta :)
[15:01] <ttx> ok, next meeting, same place, same time, next week.
[15:01] <ivoks> +1
[15:01] <ttx> anything else to add ?
[15:01] <Daviey> not here
[15:02] <ttx> ok, thanks everyone.
[15:02] <jiboumans> not here either. thanks ttx for covering
[15:02] <ttx> #endmeeting

MeetingLogs/Server/20100224 (last edited 2010-02-25 01:02:03 by d14-69-66-169)