== Agenda == * Review ACTION points from previous meeting (jib) * Beta1 / beta2 targets feedback (jib) * Alpha3 status review (ttx) * Alpha3 targeted bugs * ISO testing * Alpha3 remaining work items * Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (soren, hggdh) * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) * Server Papercuts (ttx) * Nominations review: https://bugs.launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New * Bugzapping during betas (kirkland) * Weekly SRU review: [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase#SRU%20weekly%20review]] (mathiaz) * Open Discussion * Announce next meeting date and time == Minutes == ==== Review ACTION points from previous meeting (jib) ==== * ttx followed up on server-lucid-cluster-stack and server-lucid-asterisk-integration via email, but did not get status on asterisk-integration. ==== Beta1 / beta2 targets feedback ==== * If you haven't gotten a list of items you expect to be spending time during beta1/beta2, please get that list to Jos by end of day (Wed, Feb 24). The beta1 planning is going on this week. ==== Alpha3 status review ==== * no more alpha3 targetted bugs now. No more expected changs. * Please test ! [[http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all|ISO tracker]] has exactly what to test. * Itemized review (See irc log) ==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (soren, hggdh) ==== * hggdh is heartedly welcomed to the server team. We are elated to have you. * Discussion of 2 mysql test failures, * ssl tests consistently fail, all of them: due to expired certificates * one SQL test (or two) fail on different output ==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) ==== * JJohansen is planning on playing a bit with pv_ops kernel on ec2. This would *really* rock, as it would remove the need for our specific -ec2 kernel. * smoser mentions that with bug 428692 there will be new karmic kernels and image refresh on ec2 hopefully sometime soon. ==== Server Papercuts (ttx) ==== * Nominations at https://bugs.launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New * bug 211915, is doc-only (per ttx), ttx+1. * bug 325109, ivoks promises verification of fix in his ppa by Friday. * bug 508382, ivoks promises verifcation of test by friday ==== Bugzapping during betas (kirkland) ==== * similar in principle to papercuts, bugzapping is an initiative to proactively go out and fix server bugs the blueprint is here: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-bug-zapping. basically, we'll take 3 - 4 weeks of the remaining time left in Lucid. each of those weeks will be dedicated to a set of related packages such as: * database (mysql, postgres) * LAMP-stack-stuff (apache2, php5) * virtualization (libvirt, qemu-kvm, virt-manager) * java * each day of the has a specific set of tasks assigned * Monday is *total* bug triage, which means we should enlist the help of triagers * tue - fri, we work on fixing bugs that are in the Triaged state, focusing on the High ones, or particularly easy ones. we commit to bzr branches. and one or more core devs/motu sponsor the package for upload and then we enlist the help of testers * '''[ACTION]''' kirkland to publish tentative bugzapping roadmap. Currently at https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-bug-zapping ==== Weekly SRU review (mathiaz) ==== * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase#SRU%20weekly%20review * hardy nominations will all be declined by Mathiaz (bug 293000 and bug 252245 declined because not yet fixed in lucid). ttx did give +1 to bug 293000 * Time was short so intrepid and karmic skipped. * Bugs fixed last week: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html ==== Open Discussion ==== * dholbach requests sponsoring help http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/ ==== Agree on next meeting date and time ==== Next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 3rd at 15:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting. == Log == {{{ [14:00] Meeting started at 08:00. The chair is ttx. [14:00] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [14:00] I'll chair this meeting, Jos lurks but can't chair. [14:01] Recently updated: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting [14:01] [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting [14:01] New Topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting [14:01] ACTION: ttx to follow up on server-lucid-cluster-stack and server-lucid-asterisk-integration via email [14:01] been there, done that. [14:01] :) [14:01] i didn't get updated status from asterisk-integration though [14:02] maybe we'll talk about it later during open discussion. [14:02] * nijaba waves [14:02] [TOPIC] Beta1 / beta2 targets feedback [14:02] New Topic: Beta1 / beta2 targets feedback [14:03] Jos asked the Canonical team to submit any ideas we might have overlooked for beta1/beta2 targets [14:03] So far only smoser answered [14:03] Please reply by the end of the day if yo uintend to. [14:03] \o [14:03] ttx: can you clarify? [14:03] The beta1/beta2 plan should be finalized this week. [14:04] kirkland: If you think there are things that should be done for beta1/beta2 that our planning did not already take into account, please send an email to jos/me [14:04] * Daviey wonders why Jos only wants Canonical team input. [14:04] Daviey: i don't :) I asked the canonical team last week already [14:04] another call here for everyone's input [14:05] jiboumans: thanks for the precision. [14:05] ta :) [14:05] thanks for the clarification [14:05] [TOPIC] Alpha3 status review [14:05] New Topic: Alpha3 status review [14:05] ttx: what's the list of specification you're working on for beta1? [14:06] mathiaz: see milestones in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~jib/+specs?searchtext=server-lucid [14:06] ttx: I've got some work items I'd like to do on some packages [14:06] ttx: but they don't necessarly fit in a blueprint [14:07] beta1 allocates 1/3 of work time to do test/bugfix on general packages [14:07] beta2 allocates 2/3 of work time to that. [14:07] mathiaz: so we planified that. [14:07] ttx: how to record the fact that work needs to be done on such package? [14:08] ttx: or is it just: go and test packages? [14:08] mathiaz: at that point it's freeform. [14:08] mathiaz: but I agree we could use some tracker... [14:08] ttx: for now I've added WI to some of the blueprints [14:08] ttx: (mainly things related to puppet and slapd) [14:09] ttx: but it doesn't really fit in the scope of the blueprint [14:09] I think they should be tracked separately [14:09] mathiaz: we'll clarify that, might end up creating a blueprint for "stuff" [14:09] ttx: ok [14:10] that doesn't fit into papercuts or another one [14:10] other questions ? [14:10] ttx: the timeline for beta1 planning is end of week?> [14:10] beta1 subcycle starts Friday :) [14:10] so we should have a plan by that time. [14:11] ok, moving on to... [14:11] [TOPIC] Alpha3 status review [14:11] New Topic: Alpha3 status review [14:11] No more alpha3 targeted bugs that I know of [14:11] ISO testing is up [14:11] Please test the latest candidate [14:11] it's not expected to change anymore. [14:11] * kirkland is on it! [14:12] Alpha3 remaining work items [14:12] kirkland: Perform UEC tests on A3 candidate [14:12] ttx: doing it as we speak [14:12] * zul waves [14:12] mathiaz: Test and debug installation from an iso / Follow with IS on mamoncillo state [14:13] mathiaz: does that need to happen before A3 ? [14:13] * nijaba ping le service mktg de canonical pour préparer de t-shirts ubuntu taile barbie :P [14:13] ttx: nope [14:13] * nijaba says osrry, wrong chan [14:13] mathiaz: do you expect it to be completed by A3 ? [14:13] ttx: I hope so - expect for mamoncillo [14:13] ttx: that's out of my hands [14:14] mathiaz: Move libpam-ccreds to main ? [14:14] mathiaz: i think we can live without it? [14:14] mathiaz: we have enough machines to do each of the 3 topos, right? [14:14] ttx: this is in the hand of the mir team now [14:14] kirkland: correct [14:14] mathiaz: ok [14:14] ttx: mamoncillo is not a blocker [14:14] smoser: add run-instance-and-* commands -- I suggest we drop that ? [14:15] yeah [14:15] :-( [14:15] soren: Triage and fix relevant bugs for VMBuilder in Lucid [14:15] soren: still planning to complete as many as you can until tomorrow ? [14:15] All triaged. [14:15] Almost all fixed. [14:15] soren: great! [14:16] ...and the day is still young :) [14:16] http://surl.dk/77e/ [14:16] LINK received: http://surl.dk/77e/ [14:16] zul: Write MIR and update package for main requirement for ctdb [14:16] I think that one will be dropped, not in shape for main at this point ? [14:16] not in shape? [14:16] no, talking to ctdb upstream as well [14:16] ah, and i was looking forward to that [14:17] zul: daily-vcs: we'll talk about that together after meeting [14:17] ttx: cool [14:17] any questions ? [14:18] anything about alpha3 milestone subcycle you want to share ? [14:18] ok, moving on... [14:18] i like turtles [14:18] btw, smoser is the scribe, I forgot to mention [14:18] whoops [14:18] zul: Yeah. Crunchy. [14:18] * smoser starts scribing [14:19] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (soren, hggdh) [14:19] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (soren, hggdh) [14:19] soren, hggdh : o/ [14:19] heh [14:19] * soren looks around [14:19] I still have to find my bearings ;-) [14:19] hggdh: welcome to the fold :) [14:19] hggdh: welcome :) [14:19] thank you. [14:19] hggdh: running already ? [14:19] hggdh: welcome aboard! [14:20] A question -- the regression thingie -- what to do when a package fails? [14:20] yell [14:20] hggdh: not sure I get the question... File a bug, fix it ? [14:20] (in this case, mysql, 2 -- or 3 -- different issues) [14:20] ah [14:20] automated build failures [14:20] yes, sorry [14:21] hggdh: I think it's appropriate to mention the build failure and basic investigation results here [14:21] OK. There goes: [14:21] so that someone can say "i'll look into that one"... hopefully. [14:22] So you're talking about the mysql automated rebuild/testsuite run that currently fails. [14:22] mysql is failing on two different areas (1) ssl tests consistently fail, all of them; (2) one SQL test (or two) fail on different output [14:22] The SSL tests are due to the SSL certs shipped in the package having expired. [14:22] hggdh: ssl test: check that the certificate is up-to-date [14:23] (1) it needs a patch from our bzr tree (2) havent looked at [14:23] hggdh: is it the usua ltest certificate expiration issue ? [14:23] heh [14:23] I'm late. [14:23] mdeslaur has a patch for that. [14:23] can anyone upload to that ppa? [14:23] I don't know what the other problem is. I haven't really investigated. [14:24] ttx no, timeouts. Sounds like there is no SSL to work on [14:24] zul: looking into that as part of the mysql dailyvcs work ? [14:24] hggdh: some of the mysql tests are time sensitive - so depending on the load of the ppa, the test suite may fail [14:24] hum. Might impact SSL due to processing reqs [14:24] ttx: kind of [14:24] but all of them? [14:26] ok, we'll not debug that one now, please continue that discussion on #ubuntu-server [14:26] hggdh: The server might not start its SSL port if it knows that the cert is expired. [14:26] anything else from QA, for QA ? [14:26] hggdh will contact some of you for information, please help him get up to speed [14:26] that includes UEC testing. [14:27] For the record, hggdh is the successor of soren in the QA team, dedicated to server. [14:27] hggdh: \o/! [14:28] ok, let's move on to our other friends, the kernel team... [14:28] hggdh: hello there [14:28] Just a very quick note: I'd appreciate if you could help out with sponsoring a bit - I added an indication of packagesets to http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/ so it will show you if something is server related, if you want to review anything else on the list, that'd great too! we need to get the list shorter again! THANKS! [14:28] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) [14:28] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) [14:28] dholbach: spammer ! [14:28] jjohansen: HI [14:28] ttx: I thought id fitted quite well into the pause, but thanks :) [14:29] well, I am going to be taking another stab at a pv-ops based kernel for EC2 [14:29] we also have friends in the community team, as you can see. [14:29] jjohansen: good luck :) [14:29] jjohansen: sounds like a noble and worthy goal. [14:30] iff then we may want to end up switching kernels out from under you [14:30] we should know by friday one way or the other [14:30] jjohansen: ok, keep us posted. [14:30] jjohansen, ooh [14:30] i'm interested in pvops, hip hop horray [14:31] yep will definitely keep you posted [14:31] Anything else for our kernel friend ? [14:31] one other thing in this arena, its eems we'll soon have a karmic kernel refresh available. [14:31] jjohansen: want me to bounce ideas off of you? [14:31] as bug 428692 is moving to karmic-updates [14:31] zul: sure that would be nice [14:31] Launchpad bug 428692 in linux-ec2 "ec2 kernel needs CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=y and other config changes" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/428692 [14:32] smoser: finalyy [14:32] s/finalyy/finally/ [14:33] mvcing on to... [14:33] I don't think there is anything else from kernel [14:33] ttx: mvc [14:33] [TOPIC] Server Papercuts (ttx) [14:33] New Topic: Server Papercuts (ttx) [14:33] Nominations review: https://bugs.launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New [14:33] Only three bugs this week [14:34] mostly those we didn't manage to decide on yet [14:34] gosh... [14:34] bug 211915 [14:34] Launchpad bug 211915 in amavisd-new "Insecure dependency when using sql for Log Reporting" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/211915 [14:34] This one is purely doc, I'd +1 it [14:34] but that hardly is a usability issue [14:35] takes a special type of paper to be cut by it [14:35] anyone else has an opinion on that one ? [14:35] hm... [14:36] ok, let's keep it for one more week, then... on to bug 325109 [14:36] Launchpad bug 325109 in bacula "bacula-director-pgsql fails postinst because of missing check for running psql daemon" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/325109 [14:36] it would be great if amavis would read hostname from the system [14:36] ivoks: you mention it's fixed in your PPA, is that true ? [14:37] ttx: we talked about this last week; i didn't have time to check it [14:37] ttx: i promise to do that by friday [14:37] ok, just comment on the bug :) [14:37] bug 508382 [14:37] Launchpad bug 508382 in bacula "bconsole does not connect to bacula-director" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/508382 [14:37] same thing, friday [14:38] ok, tx [14:38] So feel free to assign yourself the ones you're inetersted in [14:38] We'll start fixing those next week. [14:38] (feel free to take a head start, like soren did) [14:38] yay soren [14:38] Questions on papercuts before we move on ? [14:39] soren is an alien, anyway [14:39] [TOPIC] Bugzapping during betas (kirkland) [14:39] New Topic: Bugzapping during betas (kirkland) [14:39] kirkland: howdy [14:39] bah [14:39] similar in principle to papercuts, bugzapping is an initiative to proactively go out and fix server bugs [14:39] the blueprint is here: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-bug-zapping [14:40] basically, we'll take 3 - 4 weeks of the remaining time left in Lucid [14:40] each of those weeks will be dedicated to a set of related packages [14:40] such as: [14:40] * database (mysql, postgres) [14:40] * LAMP-stack-stuff (apache2, php5) [14:40] * virtualization (libvirt, qemu-kvm, virt-manager) [14:40] * java [14:40] kirkland: so that will run through the beta1 and beta2 subcycles, right [14:40] ttx: right [14:41] each day of the has a specific set of tasks assigned [14:41] Monday is *total* bug triage [14:41] which means we should enlist the help of triagers [14:41] tue - fri, we work on fixing bugs that are in the Triaged state [14:41] focusing on the High ones, or particularly easy ones [14:42] we commit to bzr branches [14:42] and one or more core devs/motu sponsor the package for upload [14:42] and then we enlist the help of testers [14:42] kirkland: so we should have a more detailed plan by next week ? [14:42] we should plan on having a final "upload" by thursday [14:42] and spend friday regression testing [14:42] ttx: sure [14:43] kirkland: is there a wiki page that outlines the whole process? [14:43] ttx: basically, i'll have the package sets/schedule set [14:43] ttx: the process is well documented already in the blueprint [14:43] mathiaz: it's all in https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-bug-zapping right now [14:43] kirkland: send it for comments before the meeting, some might want to adjust times because they won't be present [14:43] kirkland: to make sure that anyone jumping into the ship any day knows what is the current focus [14:43] ttx: mathiaz: ack [14:44] ttx: mathiaz: i'll add a wiki page, and post to ubuntu-devel@ and ubuntu-server@ [14:44] [ACTION] kirkland to publish tentative bugzapping roadmap [14:44] ACTION received: kirkland to publish tentative bugzapping roadmap [14:44] ttx: the one week that is for certain is Mar 22 - 26 will be Eucalyptus/euca2ools [14:45] [ACTION] ivoks to review the remaining bacula/amavisd papercuts for feasability [14:45] ACTION received: ivoks to review the remaining bacula/amavisd papercuts for feasability [14:45] ttx: as mathiaz and I will be on site at Eucalyptus Systems, and this idea is based on something similar mathiaz and I did with nurmi for Eucalyptus during the Karmic cycle [14:45] ok. [14:45] Other questions for kirkland on the bugzapping effort ? [14:45] msg/ marianna hi [14:45] fwiw, i've taken the liberty to update the spec with that date [14:45] ttx: for the record, we fixed some 75 bugs in about 4 days last time we did this! [14:46] jiboumans: thanks [14:46] let's set new records. [14:46] We should also get upstream help if we can. [14:46] (for packages other than eucalyptus) [14:46] ack [14:46] [TOPIC] Weekly SRU review: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase#SRU%20weekly%20review (mathiaz) [14:46] New Topic: Weekly SRU review: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase#SRU%20weekly%20review (mathiaz) [14:47] I've updated some of the urls [14:47] mathiaz: hey. haven't had time today to review the nominations, so you're on your own :) [14:47] so there are more bugs to review [14:47] dapper hasn't any bugs [14:47] mathiaz: you have 8 minutes :) [14:48] hardy has 5 nomination [14:48] bug107224 [14:48] bug 107224 [14:48] Launchpad bug 107224 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "mysql-server preinst script stops running mysql" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107224 [14:48] bug 191884 [14:48] Launchpad bug 191884 in libnss-ldap "wrong id behaviour on a system with LDAP" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/191884 [14:48] bug 252245 [14:48] Launchpad bug 252245 in samba "unable to connect to windows network pc's" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/252245 [14:48] bug 293000 [14:48] Launchpad bug 293000 in debian "hardy: openssh-server oom_adj can lead to denial of service" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/293000 [14:48] bug 157215 [14:48] Launchpad bug 157215 in ntp "[jaunty] Synchronizing with a time server does not work when time difference is greater than several hours" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157215 [14:49] 252245: -1, not even "solved" in lucid [14:50] well only bug 293000 is fixed released [14:50] Launchpad bug 293000 in debian "hardy: openssh-server oom_adj can lead to denial of service" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/293000 [14:50] mathiaz: shouldn't that be a prerequisite ? [14:50] ttx: yes [14:50] so I'll decline all other bugs [14:51] even 293000 is not fixed in lucid [14:52] well - it's fixed released in debian [14:53] ok so anyone to comment on the hardy nominations? [14:53] if not - I'll decline all of them [14:53] mathiaz: +1 on 293000, it's probably fixreleased in lucid [14:53] on the basis that bugs should be fixed released in lucid first [14:54] mathiaz: ack [14:54] I'll skip the other lists as we running out of time [14:54] yes [14:54] and there a bunch of bugs [14:54] one last list to review: [14:55] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [14:55] LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [14:55] the bugs that have been fixed last week [14:55] everyone: please review the lists before the meeting starts, so that you can participate in that discussion [14:55] anything worth? [14:56] nothing stood it on my quickreview [14:56] me neither [14:56] stood out ? [14:56] allright then [14:56] ok, thx mathiaz ! [14:56] that's all for now [14:56] [TOPIC] Open Discussion [14:56] New Topic: Open Discussion [14:57] ivoks, jmdault: anything not completed on your specs by tomorrow needs to be adjusted: moved to FFe/beta1 or dropped [14:57] * dholbach mentions http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/ again :) [14:57] ttx: I updated the spec [14:58] jmdault: oh! I missed that, thanks ! [14:58] ttx: ok [14:58] dholbach: are we particularly sucking at this game, or are you just after everyone ? [14:58] have a look at the list - it's HUGE [14:58] ttx: the feedback I received so far was "Forget about the extra features, stick to Debian upstream as close as possible" [14:58] and there's a lot of good fixes waiting in there [14:59] ttx, I'll work with Debian long term instead [14:59] ttx: so it's not YOU particularly :) [15:00] dholbach: ah :) [15:00] jmdault: I think it was a very short cycle to pull this off. [15:01] jmdault: integration can diverge, and that is something that can be more Ubuntu specific as i don't think Debian's audience will appreciate it. But generally, small delta :) [15:01] ok, next meeting, same place, same time, next week. [15:01] +1 [15:01] anything else to add ? [15:01] not here [15:02] ok, thanks everyone. [15:02] not here either. thanks ttx for covering [15:02] #endmeeting }}}