== Agenda == * Review ACTION points from previous meeting (jib) * Beta1 status review (ttx) * [[http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all|ISO testing]] test coverage * Remaining [[http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-server-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html|Beta1 work items]] * Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) * Bug Bug:531823 - Lucid guests oops in kvm_leave_lazy_mmu during boot * Bug Bug:527208 - ec2 instance fails boot, no console output on c1.xlarge * Server Papercuts (ttx) * End Status for beta1: https://launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+milestone/lucid-beta-1 * Status for beta2: https://launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+milestone/lucid-beta-2 * Nominations review: https://bugs.launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New * Bugzapping status (kirkland) * Server documentation status (ttx, sommer) * Server team upload rights (Daviey, mathiaz) * Weekly SRU review: [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase#SRU%20weekly%20review]] (mathiaz) * Open Discussion * Announce next meeting date and time == Minutes == ==== [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting ==== * Mathiaz to discuss with cjwatson about ubuntu-server upload team * [ACTION] mathiaz to discuss with cjwatson about ubuntu-server upload team * hggdh to remove mysql5.0 and question atlas in the build regression test rig * mysql 5.0 has been removed, but no time to search for the owner of atlas (but no big deal) * ttx to blog about the beta-1 campaign so far, to trigger new candidates * http://fnords.wordpress.com/2010/03/17/server-papercuts-beta1-round-finished/ * ttx to bring up status of server doc in an email thread * Done on ubuntu-server ML, will talk about status later in the meeting ==== [TOPIC] Beta1 status review ==== * ISO testing test coverage, the current candidates are expected to be final, unless someone finds a valuable kitten killer * http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all * remaining Beta1 work items * http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-server-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html * good shape, most should be completed today ==== [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) ==== * hggdh will take up the second Monday slot for Daily bugtriage * No questions ==== [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) ==== * we have a kernel that boots for Bug:527208, still have config revisions todo, but we should have a general test kernel later today * Bug:531823 is also fixed, or at least workarounded, smb gets all the credit there ==== [TOPIC] Server Papercuts (ttx) ==== * beta1 round is now finished * 10 fixes, 2 postponed and 2 invalid * beta2 only has 7 targets right now * note that we should fix them before Beta2Freeze ==== [TOPIC] Bugzapping status (kirkland) ==== * last week samba was quite effective, even though it was mostly triaging * we went down from >170 to <100 samba bugs * next week will be eucalyptus and euca2ools * mysql for the last week of March ==== [TOPIC] Server documentation status (ttx, sommer) ==== * http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ * should be reviewed for blatant errors * DocumentationStringFreeze is next week, unfortunately ==== [TOPIC] Server team upload rights (Daviey, mathiaz) ==== * postponed to next week ==== [TOPIC] Weekly SRU review (mathiaz) ==== * there aren't any bugs nominated for the previous releases ==== [TOPIC] Open Discussion ==== * Server upload privileges * mathiaz: It seems to be something that should be implemented to be forward facing. Although it doesn't concern many people, it will. I should mention that the first team to be given upload privilidges for a package set consisted (and still does) of one person, who is already a MOTU/Cor ==== [TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time ==== * Same time, same place == Log == {{{ [14:00] Meeting started at 09:00. The chair is ttx. [14:00] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [14:00] Today's lucky scribe is: kirkland [14:00] Agenda is at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting [14:01] [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting [14:01] New Topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting [14:01] * kirkland strts typng lk a crt rprtr [14:01] * Mathiaz to discuss with cjwatson about ubuntu-server upload team [14:01] ttx: nothing new on this front [14:01] \O [14:01] yo [14:01] ttx: persia actually offered some help on this topic [14:02] mathiaz: ok, I'll reschedult it for next week ? [14:02] ttx: yes - hopefully I'll get some time by then [14:02] [ACTION] mathiaz to discuss with cjwatson about ubuntu-server upload team [14:02] ACTION received: mathiaz to discuss with cjwatson about ubuntu-server upload team [14:02] * hggdh to remove mysql5.0 and question atlas in the build regression test rig [14:03] hggdh: ? [14:03] mysql 5.0 has been removed, I had not time to search for the owner of atlas (but no big deal). [14:03] ok [14:03] * ttx to blog about the beta-1 campaign so far, to trigger new candidates [14:03] Done at http://fnords.wordpress.com/2010/03/17/server-papercuts-beta1-round-finished/ [14:03] * ttx to bring up status of server doc in an email thread [14:04] Done on ubuntu-server ML, will talk about status later in the meeting [14:04] [TOPIC] Beta1 status review [14:04] New Topic: Beta1 status review [14:04] First, ISO testing test coverage [14:04] http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all [14:04] LINK received: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all [14:04] So the current candidates are expected to be final, unless someone finds a valuable kitten killer [14:05] Get your ISO testing engines ready [14:05] You know your targets :) [14:05] * hggdh would like help on testing UEC [14:05] hggdh: maybe after meeting on #ubuntu-server [14:06] roj [14:06] hggdh: I'll give you some help on that front [14:06] Other questions about Beta1 ISO testing [14:06] ? [14:06] Now, remaining Beta1 work items [14:06] See http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-server-ubuntu-10.04-beta-1.html [14:07] server-lucid-ec2-ebsroot (smoser): 2 work items remaining [14:07] are they expected to be complete by tomorrow or should they be postponed ? [14:07] postone i guess. [14:07] smoser: that's about release automation ? [14:08] that doesn't change the deliverables, right [14:08] yes for promote-daily is release automation. does not change deliverables. [14:08] what about ebs-root daily cleaner ? [14:08] and it actually (should) works just is less efficient than it could be [14:08] it's a cleanup cronjob ? [14:08] the cleaner, as it is right now, i'll just manually have to unregister things. [14:09] ok [14:09] yeah, the daily builds roll off [14:09] smoser: ok, please update work items accordingly [14:09] ok [14:09] (mark them postponed) [14:09] server-lucid-uec-testing (mathiaz,kirkland,hggdh): 4 work items left [14:10] ttx: i can handle those today/tomorrow [14:10] ttx: the multi-network infra will be postponed to post-beta1 as I'm still debugging the automation [14:10] mathiaz: ok [14:10] I will get help from mathiaz (thank you!) and will get the tests donew [14:10] ttx: and the test rig is currently used for beta1 testing [14:10] mathiaz: is it possible to run tests manually for multi-networ;k validation ? [14:11] ok, I'll run those tests on my rig then. [14:11] ttx: the tests can be run automatically - the problem is to *setup* the whole multi-network infrastructure [14:11] ttx: on the hardware available in the test rig [14:11] mathiaz: ack. [14:12] server-lucid-apt-mirror-ec2 (ttx): 1 work item remaining [14:12] That one is mostly an IS spec, now that they confirmed no change in images will be needed [14:12] They are still testing their new infrastructure, so that should be deferred [14:12] server-lucid-bug-zapping (kirkland): one work item remaining [14:13] ttx: yup, will announce eucalyptus/euca2ools for next week [14:13] kirkland: ok. [14:13] server-lucid-puppet-uec-ec2-integration (mathiaz): 4 work items remaining -- is it just some leftover of the -> beta2 retargeting or do you still plan to work on those by tomorrow ? [14:14] ttx: planning to work on those today and tomorrow [14:14] not 4, but 9, sorry :) [14:14] ttx: it mostly is about setting up an infrastrucutre, playing with it and documenting it [14:14] mathiaz: so only the testsuite fixes have been postponed, right ? [14:14] ttx: yes - I've retargeted the whole BP to beta2 [14:15] ttx: which moved away the bugs from beta1 [14:15] that makes linked bugs appear to beta2 [14:15] yes [14:15] ttx: (and improved the beta1 burned down chart :)) [14:15] We also have qa-lucid-cloud-test (smoser): 2 work items left [14:15] those are definitely POSTPONE. i will update. [14:15] Not ours, but... [14:15] ok [14:15] Sounds all good to me [14:16] Comments/questions ? [14:16] i still like turtles [14:16] zul: are you testing the latest beta1 candidates? [14:16] mathiaz: yep [14:17] zul: great - I won't test them as I plan to do the puppet tests instead [14:17] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [14:17] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [14:17] hggdh: hello [14:17] team: hggdh will take up the second Monday slot for Daily bugtriage, so give him a hug :) [14:18] yay! [14:18] That should help zul in cleaning up the list after friday/sat/sun :) [14:18] heh [14:18] * kirkland high fives hggdh [14:18] hggdh: any news to report ? [14:19] not much for today. Life is good. [14:19] Tests have been expanded for ISO [14:19] so I would like feedback; also, feedback on which tests should be required is appreciated [14:20] hggdh: Looks like we should have EBS-root specific entries in the ISo tracker for beta2 [14:20] note that the SAMBA test *requires* a login to the system to work. No remote ssh via preseed, please [14:20] hggdh: currently only the 'instance' root store AMIs are exposed [14:21] ttx: er. Begging pardon, what is EBS-root, and the rest? [14:21] hggdh: we now produce two types of deliverables on EC2 [14:21] But http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all only mentions one type [14:22] see http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/lucid/20100317/ for all deliverables [14:22] You have "ebs" and "instance" types in that last list [14:22] the ISO tracker only has entries for the "instance" types [14:22] k, will look at it [14:22] hggdh, ebs root (elastic block store) give an instance that can be powered off, and powered back on without losing data. instance-store data is lost on root partition on poweroff [14:22] hggdh: I think ara has the keys to modify that [14:23] ebs root is a new deliverable (as of beta1) for ubuntu. [14:23] ttx indeed must be done by ara [14:23] hggdh: anything else ? [14:23] questions for hggdh ? [14:23] no, I am good (and submerged in Things To Do) [14:24] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) [14:24] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) [14:24] hggdh: thanks [14:24] jjohansen: hi [14:24] hi [14:24] so we have a kernel that boots for Bug #527208 [14:24] Launchpad bug 527208 in linux-ec2 "ec2 instance fails boot, no console output on c1.xlarge" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/527208 [14:25] I still have config revisions todo, but we should have a general test kernel later today [14:25] jjohansen: that's great news ! [14:25] jjohansen: thanks for your work on this. [14:26] I see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu-kvm/+bug/531823 is also fixed, or at least workarounded [14:26] Ubuntu bug 531823 in linux "[lucid] All linux guests oops in kvm_leave_lazy_mmu during boot (9.04, 9.10, 10.04)" [High,Fix released] [14:26] ah, yeah smb gets all the credit there [14:26] jjohansen: thank him for us -- that one was deadly annoying for at least my testing :) [14:27] will do [14:27] jjohansen: anything else ? [14:27] I can't think of anything else atm [14:27] team: questions for jjohansen ? any funny bug to throw at our kernel friends ? [14:28] * mathiaz randomly picks one of the 2030092 opened bugs against linux [14:28] ok, moving on then :) [14:28] [TOPIC] Server Papercuts (ttx) [14:28] New Topic: Server Papercuts (ttx) [14:28] The beta1 round is now finished [14:28] 10 fixes, 2 postponed and 2 invalid [14:29] beta2 only has 7 targets right now [14:29] note that we should fix them before Beta2Freeze [14:29] * zul goes nominate some more today [14:29] https://launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+milestone/lucid-beta-2 [14:29] you can already book your favorite ones [14:29] remember those are easy to fix bugs and a great way to get involved in Ubutu development [14:30] since the server team will help in sponsoring your proposed branches [14:30] Nominations review: [14:30] https://bugs.launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New [14:30] Hmm, none. [14:30] Last time I looked there was one [14:31] anyway :) [14:31] Please nominate some, the idea was to have between 10 and 14 targets [14:31] Questions ? [14:32] [TOPIC] Bugzapping status (kirkland) [14:32] New Topic: Bugzapping status (kirkland) [14:32] ttx: next week will be eucalyptus and euca2ools [14:33] ttx: we're going to burn down as many euca bugs as possible [14:33] last week samba was quite effective, even though it was mostly triaging [14:33] kirkland: hopefully you will discover new bugs as well :) [14:33] ttx: that counts for a lot [14:33] ttx: dedicated triage time [14:34] we went down from >170 to <100 samba bugs, fwiw [14:34] with the help of the HugDay team [14:34] ttx: helps us sift through the data [14:35] kirkland: do you have bugzapping targets for beta2 ? [14:35] ttx: nothing official yet [14:35] ok [14:35] ttx: mysql for the last week of March [14:35] ttx: i think we still need to spend some time on libvirt too [14:35] ttx: just before Beta2 freeze [14:35] mathiaz volunteers! \o/ [14:35] kirkland: yes, that would be a good idea, at least a two-day so that good triage can be done [14:36] kirkland: I recommend combining with a BugDay, see pedro to organize that. [14:36] Other questions for kirkland ? [14:37] ttx: will do [14:37] [TOPIC] Server documentation status (ttx, sommer) [14:37] New Topic: Server documentation status (ttx, sommer) [14:37] sommer: around ? [14:38] So I sent an email last week about the status of the server guide... [14:38] http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ [14:38] LINK received: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ [14:38] This should be reviewed for blatant errors [14:38] DocumentationStringFreeze is next week, unfortunately [14:38] So the sooner the better [14:39] Fixes can be proposed as ubuntu-doc branches, but I think they accept unformatted patches as well [14:40] So please spend some of your limited time checking out the current doc, especially where you know things have changed [14:41] example: egrep '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo --> kvm-ok [14:41] Questions about that ? [14:42] Moving on, then :) [14:42] [TOPIC] Server team upload rights (Daviey, mathiaz) [14:42] New Topic: Server team upload rights (Daviey, mathiaz) [14:42] postponed to next week, I assume [14:43] nothing from me [14:43] Daviey: do you have specific questions you'd like to have answers for? [14:44] Let's move on, we'll see his answer in Open Discussion :) [14:44] [TOPIC] Weekly SRU review (mathiaz) [14:44] New Topic: Weekly SRU review (mathiaz) [14:45] there aren't any bugs nominated for the previous release [14:45] *releases* [14:45] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [14:45] LINK received: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html [14:45] ^^ anything worth from bugs fixed last week? [14:46] ttx: zul: on the samba front? [14:46] Nothing important enough [14:46] (at least from me) [14:46] kirkland: on the qemu-kvm front? [14:46] nothing from me [14:46] mathiaz: nope [14:47] ok - then [14:47] that's all for now [14:47] I'm planning to work on improving the SRU workflow [14:47] zul: I'll shoot an email to sync up with your current practice [14:48] mathiaz: ok [14:48] [TOPIC] Open Discussion [14:48] New Topic: Open Discussion [14:48] Daviey: you're back ? [14:49] \o [14:49] Is this regarding the upload priv? [14:49] Daviey: yes [14:49] Daviey: do you have specific questions you'd like to have answers for? [14:49] Daviey: Daviey: do you have specific questions you'd like to have answers for? [14:50] mathiaz: It seems to be something that should be implemented to be forward facing. Although it doesn't concern many people, it will. I should mention that the first team to be given upload privilidges for a package set consisted (and still does) of one person, who is already a MOTU/Core [14:51] On another subject, UDS-M has been announced. If you want sponsorship to visit lovely Brussels, the deadline is on March 26th. [14:51] Daviey: agreed. It's on my radar [14:51] Daviey: I just need some time to get through it. [14:51] And procedure is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-M/Sponsorship [14:51] okay, i'm happy to leave it with mathiaz :) [14:51] That is me done, thanks :) [14:52] Anything else, anyone ? [14:52] nyet [14:52] [TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time [14:52] New Topic: Announce next meeting date and time [14:53] not in my power to change, so next week, same place, same UTC time. [14:53] super. [14:53] * kirkland is happy the meeting was 1 hour later for him [14:53] #endmeeting [14:53] Meeting finished at 09:53. }}}