== Agenda == * Review ACTION points from previous meeting * Lucid release status (ttx) * FinalFreeze coming up * RC bugs status (see [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus#Server%20RC%20bugs%20%28milestoned%20to%20ubuntu-10.04%29|list]]) * Spec Work items status (see [[http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-server-ubuntu-10.04.html|report]]) * Targets of opportunity (see [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus#Other%20Lucid%20Server%20targeted%20Bugs|list]]) * Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) * Bug:546743: Blank screen at first boot with ATI ES1000 and 10.04 server * Weekly SRU review: [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase#SRU%20weekly%20review]] (zul) * Open Discussion * Announce next meeting date and time == Minutes == ==== Review ACTION points from previous meeting ==== * mathiaz to fix a broken script with bug reporting link above (not done) * ttx to follow up with ivoks/RoaKSoax on cluster stack state (done, but needs refresh) * mathiaz to propose removal of dovecot-postfix on MLs (not done) [ACTION] mathiaz to fix the "server fixed bugs" broken script [ACTION] ttx to follow up with ivoks/RoaKSoax on cluster stack state [ACTION] mathiaz to propose removal of dovecot-postfix on MLs ==== Lucid release status ==== FinalFreeze will hit us tomorrow, and then all uploads will need ReleaseTeam approval, so team members are advised to get every fix they can in by the end of the day. Here is the release-critical bugs status: * Bug:556343 (zul): mvo will run the test now again and once its finished, upload the syslog file * Bug:532733 (kirkland): forwarded upstream, haven't made much progress on that one, not able to reproduce it easily (outside of the odd apt-get circumstance) * Bug:513273 (kirkland): uploaded fix was rejected, needs bug commenters to help do some testing on it against bochs * Bug:533029 (zul): pending on FFe * Bug:562261: sync approved, needs ArchiveAdmin action Slow progress in the [[http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-server-ubuntu-10.04.html|remaining work items in the specs]]. Eucalyptus merging and packaging should be complete today today, the others are assumed to still be on track. Once those higher-priority items are taken care of, you can work on Lucid targets of opportunity. You can find a list of those on the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus|release status]] page, or go directly to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs for the complete list. The server team side of the release is appearing to be mostly in good shape, though more testing would not hurt, team members are encouraged to blog/call for that. ==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team ==== hggdh is still working on the issue preventing the UEC test rig to successfully run Topology 2 tests. mathiaz and kirkland will help him debug that. He is slowed down by a kernel issue preventing his KVM to work correctly (needs to try out the latest kernel). The ISO testcases are good since beta2 and should not change until release. hggdh also started to work on the EC2 tests, jump-starting from smoser's work. ==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team ==== jjohansen reported that bug Bug:530361 (support for DELL H200/H700/H800 SAS cards) was fixed in time for KernelFreeze. The remaining big issue is bug Bug:546743, servers with ATI ES1000 cards don't get anything on console. jjohansen is still investigating options but we are now past KernelFreeze, which reduces our choices. This can be rolled into a new kernel, workarounded in a kernel cmdline set at install-time, or mentioned in the release notes and shipped in a kernel SRU. ==== Weekly SRU review ==== zul conducted a quick review that didn't end up with anything new accepted for SRU. The [[http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html|recently-fixed server bugs]] query is still broken and cannot be used. Note that zul plans to discuss SRU handling at next UDS. ==== Open discussion ==== zul mentioned he has been working on getting mysql-5.0 out of universe, and it should be ready to be removed from universe today. Some team members reported starting to have classic pre-release sleep trouble. ==== Announce next meeting date and time ==== Next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 21st at 14:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting. == Log == {{{ [15:01] #startmeeting [15:01] Meeting started at 09:01. The chair is ttx. [15:01] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [15:01] Welcome everyone to the Ubuntu Server team weekly meeting [15:01] Agenda is at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting [15:01] I'm the scribe today [15:02] [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting [15:02] New Topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting [15:02] * Mathiaz to fix a broken script with bug reporting link above. [15:02] * ttx to follow up with ivoks/RoaKSoax on cluster stack state [15:02] * mathiaz to propose removal of dovecot-postfix on MLs [15:02] o/ [15:02] 0/ [15:03] mathiaz is absent, I think both of his actions are still on the TODO list [15:03] About cluster stack, I followed up but did not follow-up on the followup yet [15:04] so we'll have these actions for next week again [15:04] RoAkSoAx: I'll bother you after the meeting if that's alright with you [15:04] ttx, sure [15:04] [TOPIC] Lucid release status [15:04] New Topic: Lucid release status [15:04] yay! [15:04] FinalFreeze will hit us tomorrow [15:05] rather sooner than later, if Beta2Freeze is of any indication [15:05] Once we are frozen all uploads will need ReleaseTeam approval [15:05] so get everything you can in by EOD :) [15:05] RC bugs status: [15:06] bug 556343 (zul) [15:06] Launchpad bug 556343 in bind9 "upgrade error on 8.04 -> 10.04 " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/556343 [15:06] mvo said he hasnt looked at it yet [15:06] quick one-liner on each bug status please :) [15:06] bug 532733 (kirkland) [15:06] Launchpad bug 532733 in qemu-kvm "apt/dpkg in qemu-system-arm hangs if a big task is installed" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/532733 [15:06] (is there an RC bug list ttx ?) [15:06] ah hm [15:07] See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus [15:07] ttx: forwarded upstream; i haven't made much progress on that one, and i'm not able to reproduce it easily (outside of the odd apt-get circumstance) [15:07] zul: I run the test now again and once its finshed I upload the syslog file [15:07] There is a bug in malone search preventing a dynamic list here [15:07] bug 513273 (kirkland) [15:07] Launchpad bug 513273 in vgabios "kvm with -vga std is broken since karmic" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/513273 [15:07] I think this one is done ? [15:08] bug 533029 (zul) [15:08] Launchpad bug 533029 in autofs5 "[FFE] autofs5-ldap doesn't work immediately after bootup" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/533029 [15:08] slangasek said he has looked at it but hasnt commented about it [15:08] ill bug him again today [15:08] We also need some AA attention on bug 562261, FFe approved for this one already [15:08] Launchpad bug 562261 in krb5 "Sync krb5 1.8.1+dfsg-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/562261 [15:08] ttx: i uploaded a fix, but it was rejected by slangasek; i've asked the (many) bug commenters to help do some testing on it against bochs [15:09] kirkland: ok, thanks [15:09] On the remaining work items in the specs at http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-server-ubuntu-10.04.html [15:09] the two in eucalyptus merging and packaging should be done today [15:10] the remaining ones are mostly on track, need mathiaz for an update [15:10] Finally, you can find a list of Lucid targets of opportunity at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus [15:11] Mostly a server-oriented view of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs [15:11] Once your higher-prio items are done feel free to pick up bugs in there ;) [15:11] I think we are mostly in good shape [15:12] we need more testing, so don't hesitate to blog/call for that [15:12] Questions ? [15:13] ok, moving on then [15:13] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [15:13] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [15:13] hggdh: hi [15:13] no Q from me, tested with kirkland yesaterday the problem I opened [15:13] ttx: hi [15:14] I am still unable to run KVM locally (my laptop), kernel oops [15:14] Would be good to come to the bottom of those, if only to get some trusted test results [15:14] yes [15:14] I think we are good with the ISO testcases we came up for beta2 [15:14] sounds and smells like routing [15:15] ttx: i would like jjohansen and the kernel team to take a serious look at hggdh's kvm issue [15:15] I am starting to work on the EC2 tests, jump-starting from smoser's work [15:15] ttx: i think that's likely a portent of things to fcome [15:15] hggdh: if you can't find where it comes from with kirkland, I'll try to get access and have a look, just in case something jumps out [15:15] hggdh: try the latest Beta2 kernel [15:15] hggdh, awesome. please ping me if you need any help reading that embarrassing collection of slop [15:15] and please, don't judge. [15:15] jjohansen: I am running Lucid up-to-date. You mean you want me to downgrade? [15:16] ttx: hggdh's testing issue is one of networking/routing [15:16] hggdh: no, I want you to try the kernel that hasn't been released yet :) [15:16] ttx: i think mathiaz's knowledge of the lab's networking will solve that bug, thus i re-assigned it to him for now [15:16] kirkland: yes, I asked for more data o nthe bug, but it might be simpler for me to connect and look ;) [15:16] I can provide you a dpkg or you can wait a couple days [15:16] ttx: mathias gets to Austin late tonight; we'll look at it together tomorrow [15:16] jjohansen: if it is the -21, I just installed it, and will reboot after the meeting [15:17] hggdh: -21.31 [15:17] * ttx thanks the QA team for their help in debunking bug 546743 on the HW enablement labs (fader, thanks :) [15:17] Launchpad bug 546743 in linux "Blank screen at first boot with ATI ES1000 and 10.04 server" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/546743 [15:17] anything else for QA ? [15:17] jjohansen: matches [15:18] yeah [15:18] smoser: who am I to judge anybody? I will not :-) [15:19] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) [15:19] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) [15:19] hggdh: thanks [15:19] jjohansen: hi ! [15:19] hi [15:19] jjohansen: how is it going, before I hit you with my issues ? [15:20] heh, well not bad considering [15:20] ok, so the biggest issue on server affecting release right now is... bug 546743 [15:20] Launchpad bug 546743 in linux "Blank screen at first boot with ATI ES1000 and 10.04 server" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/546743 [15:21] Most IBM/Lenovo servers ship with that ES1000 [15:21] and I suspect many others [15:21] right, that is basically SRU atm [15:21] if that's SRU, I'd make a plea for nomodeset by default [15:22] cjwatson: around ? [15:22] makes us look very bad to not having a login prompt after an install on a lot of servers [15:22] ttx: well basically every thing kernel is SRU, or at least have to make it past the release team [15:23] well, I'll let them choose between the two evils [15:23] the kernel froze monday [15:23] ttx: yes, I saw - I'm OK with that I think [15:23] jjohansen: if it gets a finalfreeze exception, is it something we know how to fix ? [15:24] cjwatson: the exception or nomodeset ? [15:24] nomodeset [15:24] if that's the approach recommended and approved by the kernel team [15:25] team: would you mind losing the higher screen resolution on console VTs ? [15:25] ttx: i very much would [15:25] ttx: hrmm nomodeset can be done, I will raise with kernel team [15:26] kirkland: explain [15:26] ttx: the new 128x35 lines (or whatever) is brilliant [15:26] ttx: if that's what you're talking about [15:26] I'd argue that our target audience doesn't care about consoles [15:26] ttx: are you talking about losing that, to downgrade back to 80x25 ? [15:26] * Daviey adds a blueprint to flesh out "target audience" [15:27] Daviey: tss :) [15:27] ttx: what's the method for a user wanting higher res to bump it back up? [15:27] kirkland: remove nomodeset from kernel cmdline [15:27] jjohansen: or would it just affect the ES1000 case ? [15:27] ttx: if that's a one-liner, that an admin can run once postinstall, or preseed it, I suppose that would suffice [15:28] all impression I have seen of our target audience, first and foremost is fully functional console. 80x25 is acceptable. [15:28] ttx: it depends how it is done [15:28] smoser: ditto [15:28] jjohansen: I'll let you brainstorm what the options are [15:29] easiest would be either system wide or just set that ati card to nomodeset [15:29] jjohansen: then we'll discuss that with release team [15:29] jjohansen: does it sound good ? [15:30] ttx: yes, I'll poke some more and see if there are other options at the moment, and get back to you in a bit but I think that is it [15:31] the fix for Bug #530361 was snuck in [15:31] Launchpad bug 530361 in linux "Support for DELL H200/H700/H800 SAS cards is missing in the CD/DVD installer for Lucid (mpt2sas)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/530361 [15:31] yes, that's good, thanks ! [15:31] ttx: smoser: okay, i suppose a functional 80x25 would be acceptable; i strongly suggest that we have well published documentation on how to get it back [15:31] that happened as we had problems with some other critical issues and broke freeze for those issues [15:31] kirkland: ideally that would just affect the faulty card [15:32] ttx: ah, okay [15:32] kirkland: but if there is any risk of losing console, I perfer to have 80x25 everywhere than 128x35 only for 80% of servers [15:32] and nothing on the remaining 20% [15:32] ttx: agreed [15:32] jjohansen: cool :) [15:33] anything else for kernel ? [15:33] hopefully the latest kernel will fix hggdh's kvm [15:33] thanks for everything jjohansen you are the best [15:34] * hggdh hops so [15:34] * jjohansen wonders what evil thing zul is going to ask for now :) [15:34] hah.. [15:34] let's find out [15:34] [TOPIC] Weekly SRU review: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase#SRU%20weekly%20review (zul) [15:34] New Topic: Weekly SRU review: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase#SRU%20weekly%20review (zul) [15:34] hi [15:34] so there is nothing nominated for dapper, hardy, intrepid [15:35] for jaunty and karmic there is one nominated [15:35] the one for jaunty is wishlist -> no [15:35] 156636 [15:35] agreed [15:35] and its the same for karmic [15:35] same for karmic [15:35] the fixed buglist is still broken [15:36] heh, looks like this will be a short review [15:36] anything in that list [15:36] thats broken ;) [15:36] yes :) [15:37] nothing in that list from me [15:37] ttx: ? [15:37] you can look at http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/lucid-fixes-report.html for server bugs recently fixed [15:37] I have no suggestion though [15:38] it's all eucalyptus, or not relevant IMO. [15:38] so next is proposed list [15:38] there is 3 of them which need to be reviewed [15:39] http://tinyurl.com/y4xza95 [15:39] LINK received: http://tinyurl.com/y4xza95 [15:39] ubuntu-server recently fixed bugs ^ [15:39] so when someone has some downtime can they review them [15:40] zul: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+activereviews ? [15:40] yep [15:40] zul: ack [15:40] anything else? [15:40] zul: do you plan to discuss SRU handling at UDS ? [15:41] ttx: yeah i mentioned it to ttx [15:41] or hallway-discuss it ? [15:41] not ttx jos [15:41] ok [15:41] looks like our process could still use some improvement [15:41] and since this is LTS time again... [15:41] +1 [15:41] i think its part of the qa workflow that needs to be updated again [15:42] zul: ok, anything else ? [15:42] and considering the .1 release is going to be happening within the maverick timeframe [15:42] nope [15:42] * ttx pastes actions to pass to next week for reference [15:42] [ACTION] Mathiaz to fix the "server fixed bugs" broken script [15:42] ACTION received: Mathiaz to fix the "server fixed bugs" broken script [15:43] [ACTION] ttx to follow up with ivoks/RoaKSoax on cluster stack state [15:43] ACTION received: ttx to follow up with ivoks/RoaKSoax on cluster stack state [15:43] [ACTION] mathiaz to propose removal of dovecot-postfix on MLs [15:43] ACTION received: mathiaz to propose removal of dovecot-postfix on MLs [15:43] [TOPIC] Open Discussion [15:43] New Topic: Open Discussion [15:43] yes... [15:43] anything / anyone ? [15:43] Any news on blueprints? [15:43] any bug you'd like to bring to general attention ? [15:44] Daviey: we haven't reviewed our scratchlist yet... it's even missing input from some team members [15:44] i been working on getting mysql-5.0 out of universe and it should be ready to be removed from universe today [15:44] ttx: ok thanks [15:44] zul: But why? Will it go to main? [15:44] Daviey: I think in all cases we'll have a public wikipage by the end of week, reviewed or not [15:45] bilalakhtar: because mysql-5.1 is in main [15:45] ttx: superb, [15:45] zul: ok [15:45] zul: good [15:46] does everyone sleep well ? [15:46] meh [15:46] no [15:46] ok, I'm not the only one then [15:47] apparently my leg twitches when i sleep [15:47] this is all hearsay [15:47] my wife sleep walks and screams in her sleep [15:47] and talks in her sleep [15:47] and something else about lucid [15:49] anyways :) [15:51] ok [15:51] we should have a session on how to make the meeting more lively :) [15:51] [TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time [15:51] New Topic: Announce next meeting date and time [15:51] Next week, same time, same place [15:51] #endmeeting [15:51] great \o/ [15:51] Meeting finished at 09:51. }}}