== Agenda == * Review ACTION points from previous meeting * ttx to coordinate testing for Alpha 2 * smoser to train someone on the release team on the cloud image release * smoser to provide a more detailed work item overview for server-maverick-cloud-kernel-upgrades * all to keep their specs uptodate with workitems and update their status monday EOB * Maverick development (jib) * Blueprints should be near 50% completion now (jib) * Alpha2 subcycle status (ttx) * Feature Definition Freeze this week (ttx) * Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) * atop kernel patch * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) * Sections that need input from the server team * Papercuts Alpha2 subcycle status (ttx) * Weekly SRU review: [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase#SRU%20weekly%20review]] (mathiaz) * New [[http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/SRUTracker/sru-tracker-bugs.html|SRU Tracker]] (zul) * Open Discussion * Announce next meeting date and time * Tuesday 2010-06-22 at 1800 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting == Minutes == ==== Review ACTION points from last meeting ==== * ttx to coordinate testing for Alpha 2 - carry over * smoser to train someone on the release team on the cloud image release - carry over ==== Maverick development (jib) ==== Most specs should be around 50% completion right now. If you're off that mark, you may want to review work items and see if any can be postponed or dropped, or ask for some support some are well ahead of that curve so we should have some slack in that area. ttx confirmed we are going reasonably well, adding that the UEC specs are slightly late but we've been addressing that. mathiaz has been experimenting with a new format/template for the status section of BP and stated that we should be seeing the output of this in the coming days. ttx noted that: * UEC testing was rescoped to concentrate on fixing the current issues to get to a stable situation, and engage in training new people. * qa workflow was moved to A3 to give priority to uec-testing. * cloud-init was trimmed down to move prio-3 things as targets of opportunity * cloud-utils first work items were reassigned to clint * uec-ec2-kernel-updates work items were clarified ttx feels that everyone now has a stable and clear view on what's expected from everyone and that if someone thinks he cannot make it, please raise the red flag ! ==== Feature Definition Freeze this week (ttx) ==== ttx drew attention to http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-server-maverick-alpha-2.html and stated it gives a clear commonly shared view on what's expected. ttx reminded that Final Definition Freeze is this week, and warned the need to freeze the design on all specs that affect main packages and present those to the release team . ==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) ==== (ttx checks that the awesome Daviey is scribe) hggdh shares that he has been testing the metadata issue fix, and preparing to get to Lexington next week for a sprint. He notes that the current fix seems to be insufficient, and is still producing issues. hggdh confirms that the latest lucid SRU for eucalyptus has been moved from -proposed to -updates. ==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) ==== jjohansen shares the pv-ops kernel for EC2 hasn't been working out so we are shelving it for at least alpha2 and will update the Xen patches, and comments that zul seems to want to volunteer to work on it. zul clarifies that he wasn't. jjohansen confirms the kernel has some known performance regressions, that will probably be in alpha2, freeing time to work on some Amazon EC2 issues, and the performance issues are known upstream and a fix should be in a later RC release. jjohansen states the kernel team has would like to know some more about Bug #588861. The awesome Daviey confirms that triaging has been somewhat blocked at the moment, as it seems there are other foundation related issues stopping us from even getting as far as that to reproduce the issue. Since, the latest kernel, we haven't had an enviroment where we can reproduce that. Therefore, i've been unable to provide further information OR confirm if the issue is still ongoing in the latest kernel. jjohansen confirms we know its kernel related, and not an update to something else. jjohansen requests that he is kept posted and will recommend adding it to the top 50 bugs for the kernel team. [ACTION] jjohansen to review atop patchset for Alpha3 planning purposes [ACTION] Daviey to update #588861, if needed against alpha1 ==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) ==== sommer confirms he added some items to the blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-maverick-serverguide-updates , but feels he will need the most help with is the UEC section. kirkland points at Daviey, who tries to point it back to kirkland. sommer mentions he'll request help on the clustering section from RoAkSoAx / ivoks, and that he has some updates from ttx regarding tomcat. Priase is given to sommer for his awesome work. Hugs also seem to be unanimous to Bryce for unclutterring the launchpad whiteboard. ==== Papercuts Alpha2 subcycle status (ttx) ==== ttx shares https://launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+milestone/maverick-alpha-2 , and notes that all are assigned and 65% are already fixed, and that there are a shortage of nominations for the next cycle. ==== New SRU Tracker (zul) ==== zul introduces that at maverick uds we agreed to change the way we do nominations for SRU. we are taking it to the ubuntu-server list to get more feedback, the email will be starting shortly after some introduction. States that we are also monitoring the status of the SRU nominated bugs (work in progress) at http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/SRUTracker/sru-tracker-bugs.html zul explains that it is a cron job that sucks in launchpad into a sql database and displays the results. Only running daily, the information might be out of date sometimes. [ACTION] zul to move the sru tracker code to it's own project ==== Open Discussion ==== (Nothing to discuss) ==== Agree on next meeting date and time ==== Next meeting will be on Tuesday, 22nd June at 1800 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting. == Log == {{{ [19:00] #startmeeting [19:00] Meeting started at 13:00. The chair is jiboumans. [19:00] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [19:01] thanks all for joining, today's scribe will be Daviey [19:01] \o [19:01] [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from last meeting [19:01] New Topic: Review ACTION points from last meeting [19:01] ttx to coordinate testing for Alpha 2 [19:01] for those following along at home, the agenda is up at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting [19:01] when alpha2 is near. [19:02] carryover. [19:02] very well. [19:02] smoser to train someone on the release team on the cloud image release [19:02] o/ [19:02] not done. [19:02] smoser: anything blocking you? [19:03] i will contact release team to make sure someone else is able. [19:03] alright, let's carry over to next week then; if for any reason there's a block, feel free to flag it early so we can help resolve it [19:03] smoser to provide a more detailed work item overview for server-maverick-cloud-kernel-upgrades [19:03] that is done. [19:04] smoser: ta [19:04] all to keep their specs uptodate with workitems and update their status monday EOB [19:04] seems we have nice status updates on our WI tracker, thanks all [19:04] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-server-maverick-alpha-2.html for those following along [19:04] LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-server-maverick-alpha-2.html for those following along [19:05] leaving sommer's action point till his section as he'll be a bit late today [19:05] moving on: [19:05] [TOPIC] Maverick development (jib) [19:05] New Topic: Maverick development (jib) [19:05] we're half way through the development cycle to the Alpha2 milestone right now [19:06] most specs should be around 50% completion right now. If you're off that mark, you may want to review work items and see if any can be postponed or dropped, or ask for some support [19:06] some are well ahead of that curve so we should have some slack in that area [19:06] I now give you ttx to go throught he specifics: [19:06] [TOPIC] Alpha2 subcycle status (ttx) [19:06] New Topic: Alpha2 subcycle status (ttx) [19:06] jiboumans: I've added some WI as I've refined some of the work to be done [19:07] jiboumans: so the percentage completion may move around as I've recorded more accurately what needs to be done [19:07] mathiaz: excellent; the WIs are meant to reflect the work you intend to do. the numbers are just there to give us a sense of of progress [19:07] oops [19:07] mathiaz: in all cases accuracy trumps number juggling :) [19:07] missed the last 5 minutes [19:08] ttx: sorry, you still have to do your bit [19:08] ttx: [TOPIC] Alpha2 subcycle status (ttx) [19:08] About alpha2 status ? [19:08] ok [19:08] We are going reasonably well [19:09] the UEC specs are slightly late but we've been addressing that [19:09] * hggdh blushes [19:09] jiboumans: want to do a quick oneliner on progress ? [19:10] ttx: i'd like to highlight the ones that we've just reviewed and rescoped somewhat [19:10] ttx: should the update section cover that? [19:10] which i believe is UEC testing, qa-workflow and cloud-init right? === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-bbl [19:10] ttx: I'll be experimenting with a new format/template for the status section of BP [19:10] ttx: you should see the output of this in the coming days [19:10] and cloud-utils and uecec2-kernel-updates [19:11] ttx: can you fill us in what happened on those specs? [19:11] mathiaz: good [19:11] sorry, my IRc client is acting funny [19:11] * mathiaz hands a bottle of wine to ttx [19:11] UEC testing was rescoped to concentrate on fixing the current issues to get to a stable situation, and engage in training new people [19:12] qa workflow was moved to A3 to give priority to uec-testing [19:12] cloud-init was trimmed down to move prio-3 things as targets of opportunity [19:12] cloud-utils first work items were reassigned to clint [19:13] and uec-ec2-kernel-updates work items were clarified [19:13] I think we now have a stable and clear view on what's expected from everyone [19:13] if someone thinks he cannot make it, please raise the red flag ! [19:14] * mathiaz raises a bottle of wine towards ttx [19:14] thanks for that summary ttx [19:14] this segways nicely to: [19:14] [TOPIC] Feature Definition Freeze this week (ttx) [19:14] New Topic: Feature Definition Freeze this week (ttx) [19:14] Looking at http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/maverick/canonical-server-maverick-alpha-2.html gives you a clear commonly shared view on what's expected [19:14] Right, this Thursday is FDF* [19:14] we need to freeze the design on all specs that affect main packages [19:14] and present those to the release team [19:15] We should be in good shape there, with the A2+A3 planning we've done so far [19:15] ttx: do you have a list of WI that are impacted by FF? [19:15] ttx: is this what you're looking for? [19:15] mathiaz: no [19:15] ttx: or is it more at the BP level? [19:15] mathiaz: I ean, no, I'm not really needing that [19:16] I need to come up with a list of all specs that will land features in main [19:16] ttx: we've had to play with libmemcached a bit and fork it into two source packages, should I add that to the spec to clarify that we only want the new one in main, not the forked lucid package? [19:16] SpamapS: yes [19:16] clarity++ [19:16] and the release team will look into them, so applying some polish to the spec docs can't hurt [19:16] yes, updating the spec wikidoc with current design is necessary [19:17] * SpamapS digs around under the kitchen sink and emerges with a bottle of windex [19:17] ttx: are MIR considered new features? [19:17] mathiaz: that's an ongoing debate. [19:17] I'd say in that context, yes. [19:17] They want to know what will be hitting them [19:18] i'd err on the side of caution here too and highlight these [19:18] ttx: ok - so what do you expect from the team members? [19:18] even if MIRteam != ReleaseTeam it still affects the contents of main. [19:19] take some time[tm] to review the specs and making sure they are current. [19:19] ttx: should I review all my specs and flags wether they're impacted by FF? [19:19] I'll take it from there. [19:19] ttx: ok [19:19] If I have any question, I'll ask them. [19:19] mathiaz, ttx: looking at the specs and work items, it looks fairly straightforward [19:20] jiboumans: ack, should be straightforward. [19:20] but to all, please be aware yourself which items affect FDF so you can answer any questions if need be === Ursinha-bbl is now known as GoBrazil [19:21] ttx: anything more on FDF? [19:21] no. [19:21] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [19:21] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [19:21] Did anyone mention that Daviey was the scribe yet ? [19:21] ttx: first thing, yes [19:21] ttx: off hand yes [19:21] on my side [19:21] ttx: Shh! [19:21] I missed tat as well :) [19:22] rigth now testing the metadata issue fix, and preparing to get to Lexington next week [19:22] no real other news right now (except that the fix does not absolutely good right now) [19:22] does not absolutely good ? [19:23] as in, doesn't work ? [19:23] ttx: sort of. I am still getting metadata failures [19:23] hggdh: what's the state of the lucid ubuntuX.2 SRU [19:23] hggdh: ? [19:23] hggdh: has the package been pushed from -proposed to -updates? [19:24] mathiaz: this was tested last week, and marked verification-done. I think today they made it into -updates [19:24] hggdh: indeed - thanks for testing all the bugs [19:25] hggdh++ indeed [19:25] any questions for the QA team? [19:25] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) [19:25] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) [19:25] thanks hggdh [19:26] well first off some updates [19:26] * sommer arrives [19:26] the pv-ops kernel for EC2 hasn't been working out so we are shelving it for at least alpha2 and will update the Xen patches [19:26] boo! [19:27] sommer: good timing, you're up after this ;) [19:27] seems zul wants to volunteer to work on it [19:27] :-) [19:27] :) [19:27] NO! [19:27] the kernel has some known performance regressions, that will probably be in alpha2 [19:27] boo indeed. [19:28] jjohansen: as in, the alpha2 kernel will have these known regressions? [19:28] smoser: well part of that is so I have time to do testing of other amazon stuff [19:28] yes [19:28] jjohansen: then i assume targeted for alpha3 are the fixes to those regressions? [19:29] jjohansen: where can we read about these regressions btw? [19:29] hopefully, the problem is known upstream [19:29] and the fixes will be coming from upstream kernels in later a RC [19:30] the kernel team has would like to know some more about Bug #588861 [19:30] Launchpad bug 588861 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "Instances block in pending state, and don't start" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/588861 [19:30] jjohansen: hey [19:30] hey Daviey [19:30] Daviey: what's the status of your investigations there ? [19:31] Triaging that is somewhat blocked at the moment, as it seems there are other foundation related issues stopping us from even getting as far as that to reprdouce [19:31] So since, the latest kernel, we haven't had an enviroment where we can reproduce that [19:31] Daviey: if you have bug numbers for those foundations issues, they can be raised in the release team meeting [19:32] Therefore, i've been unable to provide further information OR confirm if the issue is still ongoing in the latest kernel [19:32] Daviey: so we know its kernel related, and not an update to something else [19:32] as blocking us. [19:32] ttx: That is what i'm spending all tommorrow attempting to triage [19:32] Daviey: ok, keep us posted if we need to escalate how blocking this is [19:32] Daviey: okay, the question came up as we were considering adding to the kernel teams top 50 [19:32] jjohansen: That bug is kernel related.. but due to other platform issues - it can't yet have an enviroment to attempt to triage/reproduce [19:33] Daviey: alpha1 was exhibiting the bug, right ? [19:33] Daviey: okay, keep me posted and I will recommend adding it to the top 50 [19:33] jjohansen: Yes [19:33] Daviey: so we could install alpha1 and reproduce it [19:33] jjohansen: I'll update the bug and EOP tommorrow, with the current status [19:33] ttx: yes [19:33] okay, thanks Daviey [19:34] Hmm, alpha1 with current kernel might be an interesting experiment to see if it is fixed [19:34] <-- /me will do that [19:34] Daviey: ping me if you need help -- I can spend some cycles on reproducing that [19:34] ttx: super, more hands the better [19:35] jjohansen: any progress on the atop patchset ? [19:35] not yeet [19:36] s/yeet/yet/ [19:36] jjohansen: ok [19:36] any other questions for the kernel team? [19:36] jjohansen: nothing server related from me, thanks! [19:36] jjohansen: do you think we can get some cycles on the atop patch in the next week? [19:36] we have to present our alpha3 plan at the end of next week and atop would be part of that ideally, but only if you give it the thumbs up [19:36] jiboumans: yes [19:37] jjohansen: thanks, let me action that [19:37] Do we have some ACTION's here? [19:37] [ACTION] jjohansen to review atop patchset for Alpha3 planning purposes [19:37] ACTION received: jjohansen to review atop patchset for Alpha3 planning purposes [19:37] jiboumans: I'll see if I can't get you an answer on them by eob tomorrow [19:37] [ACTION] Daviey to update #588861, if needed against alpha1 [19:37] ACTION received: Daviey to update #588861, if needed against alpha1 [19:38] jjohansen: that'd be great, but this week is good already [19:38] okay [19:38] awesome. [19:38] alright, thanks lads [19:38] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) [19:38] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) [19:39] sommer: first question is of course what can we help you with ? [19:39] I added some items to the blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-maverick-serverguide-updates [19:39] but I think the one I'll need the most help with is the UEC section [19:40] alright; daviey, kirkland, who of you would be up for taking that on? [19:40] * kirkland points at Daviey [19:40] Depending on the UEC blocking stuff, i could spare some. [19:40] for lucid I took the information from the wiki, so it would be great if someone could at least review what's there [19:40] sommer: Daviey there are a couple of good resources available for this already [19:40] sommer: deadline is ? [19:41] Daviey: sommer: much has been written, just needs re-publication into the Server Guide format [19:41] ttx: september 9th [19:41] sommer: you can start with http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC [19:41] Currently UEC /doesn't work/ on Maverick.. I need to work on that first.. but after that i can spare some. [19:41] sommer: i'll edit the bp now, feel free to translate that to work items as appropriate [19:41] Otherwise.. /me points at kirkland :) [19:41] sommer: can you read through what we've written at that link above? [19:41] * ttx would advise having those items for the beta iteration [19:41] sommer: come back to us in a week or so, and let us know what you need more directly? [19:41] sommer: based on what you need, i bet daviey and i can help [19:42] +1 [19:42] * kirkland agrees with Daviey, UEC is busted in Maverick; that needs fixing first [19:42] kirkland: sure, I'd planned to, but only have two machines with the vt extensions [19:42] sommer: you only need 1 to do UEC ;-) [19:42] sommer: two is plenty! :) [19:42] sommer: i see a few more items you need assistance wtih [19:42] shall we add some names to that list? [19:43] jiboumans: that'd be great, I planned on pinging ivoks about the clustering sections [19:43] clustering sounds like RoAkSoAx / ivoks indeed [19:43] vmbuilder? [19:43] ttx gave me some updates for the Tomcat section a while back, but I can also test that [19:44] sommer: puppet(mathiaz) and tomcat (ttx) seem straight forward too [19:44] ufw -> jdstrand [19:44] I'll ping soren about the vmbuilder stuff [19:44] vmbuilder -~~> soren? [19:44] hopefully get ahold of him at some point :) [19:44] sommer: Awesome, this is sounding like the best doc's yet! [19:44] that leaves install tasks & opennebula [19:45] I'd drop opennebula, it's not really in our core cloud strategy [19:45] is opennebula widely used? [19:45] ttx: sounds good to me [19:45] * ttx never used it [19:45] sommer: there's some people experimenting with it [19:45] I think it's still universe ? [19:45] sommer: i couldn't speak to the state of opennebula on ubuntu right nwo though [19:45] no i dont think so...afaik it still in unvierse and didnt build afaik [19:45] * mathiaz agrees [19:45] what about documentation for pending MIR's ? [19:45] sommer: I'd drop opennebula for maverick [19:46] it's the same as in karmic [19:46] SpamapS: ? [19:46] mathiaz: sounds good will do [19:46] which is a minor patch on jaunty [19:46] ttx: I'm not clear on what needs to be in the docs.. everything in main that is server related? [19:46] ttx: are you ok with supporting sommer on documenting the new install tasks? [19:46] SpamapS: not necessarly (actually not at all) [19:46] jiboumans: sure [19:47] Ok, I've filed a few mir's .. mostly developer related stuff, not operational, so I don't think its necessary to document it either.. just wanted to make sure. [19:47] SpamapS: we've got to decide what is *worth* putting in the server guide [19:47] sommer: could you please double check that the spec reflects the new reality? https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-maverick-serverguide-updates/+whiteboard [19:47] SpamapS: historically the serverguide has included items that will help an admin new to ubuntu to get up and running quickly [19:47] jiboumans: sure [19:48] on that note: edge.launchpad.net++ for having wider whiteboards [19:48] * ttx hugs Bryce for unclutterring the whiteboard [19:48] ok so the monitoring framework stuff for alpha3 may need some docs (though the spec is stil "pending approval") [19:48] sommer: i've added the names we just discussed; go ahead and change that to work items as appropriate. for the canonical guys, please schedule it for the beta iteration [19:48] * kirkland high fives bryce too [19:48] sommer: for the others, whenever is good for them of course [19:49] jiboumans: will do [19:49] SpamapS: that'll be true until just before Alpha3 [19:49] we don't 'approve' them until we've commited to work on them [19:49] and we decide that on a per-iteration basis [19:50] * SpamapS continues absorbing the process [19:50] :) [19:50] sommer: anything else from you? [19:50] I think that's it... thanks everyone for your help :) [19:51] sommer++ no, thank you [19:51] [TOPIC] Papercuts Alpha2 subcycle status (ttx) [19:51] New Topic: Papercuts Alpha2 subcycle status (ttx) [19:51] quick status [19:51] https://launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+milestone/maverick-alpha-2 [19:51] all assigned [19:51] 65% fixed [19:51] Remember to nominate for the next cycle [19:51] we have a shortage in nominations [19:52] done. [19:52] ttx++ thanks [19:52] * SpamapS has a couple in mind but cannot nominate for milestones.. yet [19:52] [TOPIC] Weekly SRU review: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase#SRU%20weekly%20review (mathiaz) [19:52] New Topic: Weekly SRU review: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase#SRU%20weekly%20review (mathiaz) [19:52] SpamapS: tell ttx about 'm and he can nominate on yoru behalf [19:52] SpamapS: you can "nominate for papercuts" [19:52] zul: what's the state of the weekly nomination script? [19:52] ttx: right, right. :) [19:52] SpamapS: just mark as "Also affecting" server-papercuts [19:53] zul: the WI is marked as done - I haven't seen an email going out though [19:53] so the weekly nomination stuff is a work in progress [19:53] one bug nominated for lucid: bug 588293 [19:53] Launchpad bug 588293 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu) "Memory leak" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/588293 [19:54] anything worth SRUing on http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html ? [19:54] ^^? [19:54] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/couchdb/+bug/419091 not on that list, but worth SRU'ing into karmic [19:54] Launchpad bug 419091 in couchdb (Ubuntu) "couchdb init script doesn't properly control processes" [Undecided,Fix released] [19:54] mathiaz: bug 572410 [19:54] Launchpad bug 572410 in samba (Ubuntu) "nmbd doesn't start because of missing testparm" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/572410 [19:55] possibly 579584 [19:55] bug 579584 [19:55] Launchpad bug 579584 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "setgid, setuid needed by /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/libvirt-qemu" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/579584 [19:56] SpamapS: karmic ? [19:56] ttx: it was fixed in lucid, but karmic cannot stop couchdb. [19:56] SpamapS: that's annoying [19:56] SpamapS: if the patch is really simple it may be worth SRUing [19:56] the init script was totally rewritten for lucid .. and would be a simple backport. [19:57] SpamapS: hm - I've approved the nomination for now [19:57] SpamapS: the only real answer is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fow7iUaKrq4 #light-hearted [19:57] any other nominations? [19:57] jiboumans: ++ [19:57] [TOPIC] New SRU Tracker (zul) [19:57] New Topic: New SRU Tracker (zul) [19:58] hi [19:58] so for the maverick uds we are changing the way we do nominations for SRU... [19:58] Daviey: does the bug fit the SRU criteria? [19:58] [LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/SRUTracker/sru-tracker-bugs.html [19:58] LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/SRUTracker/sru-tracker-bugs.html [19:58] we are taking it to the ubuntu-server list to get more feedback, the email will be starting shortly after some introduction [19:59] mathiaz: possibly, requires more investigation [19:59] we are also monitoring the status of the SRU nominated bugs (work in progress) at http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/SRUTracker/sru-tracker-bugs.html [19:59] zul++ [19:59] basically its a cron job that sucks in launchpad into a sql database and displays the results [20:00] it runs nightly so the information might be out of date sometimes [20:00] zul: this is great work [20:00] The results are slightly false though [20:00] i'd like to integrate this in our SRU reviews as well [20:00] I hear you have a fix for the "all boxes are green" issue [20:00] ttx: yeah because i havent worked out all the bugs yet [20:00] ack [20:00] it's work in progress, but even the early version is helpful imho [20:01] zul: moving it to an LP branch a la work-item-tracker's good i think [20:01] in the second table on that page is a list of nominated bugs that no one has worked on [20:01] yes - we can already spot bugs that could handle some testing [20:01] funny that you mention that https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~zulcss/+junk/server-sru-tracker [20:01] zul: of *accepted* bugs [20:01] zul: minues the +junk? :) [20:01] but it has to be moved to its own project [20:02] jiboumans: ack [20:02] zul: indeed [20:02] [ACTION] zul to move the sru tracker code to it's own project [20:02] ACTION received: zul to move the sru tracker code to it's own project [20:02] zul++ thanks for whipping this up [20:02] any more questions on the tracker? [20:02] yay, let's branch it [20:02] ttx: and mock the code? :) [20:02] fork that. [20:02] [TOPIC] Open Discussion [20:02] New Topic: Open Discussion [20:03] going once... [20:03] None here. [20:03] going twice... [20:03] ... [20:03] sold to the bearded lady in the back [20:03] [TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time [20:03] Tuesday 2010-06-22 at 1800 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting [20:03] New Topic: Announce next meeting date and time [20:03] #endmeeting }}}