Please take responsibility for an item if you are adding it, thus we can turn to you when the item crops up.
Chair/Scribe will be: hallyn
Items we will be discussing:
- Review ACTION points from previous meeting
- ttx to coordinate testing for Alpha 2
smoser to chase IS regarding cjwatson's access and improving
- jjohansen to ask kamal to email ubuntu-server mailing list with results of atop patchset
- jjohansen, tim or andy to email ccheney and Daviey with test kernels for bug #588861
People to subscribe to the test coverage for
- hggdh to email interested parties about the results of the ppa euca build
- jjohansen to follow up on bug #TBC - EC2 kernel (lucid/maverick kernel ?)
- zul to mail the ubuntu-server mailing list with the SRU nomination process, and document his process from there
- Maverick development (ttx)
Alpha2 subcycle status: Specs should at 90-100% completion now (flag remaining work items needing to be postponed)
Alpha2-milestoned bugs:
Alpha3 subcycle starts Friday
Alpha2 ISO testing coverage (ttx)
- smoser: EC2 images
- kirkland/Daviey/ccheney: Maverick UEC topologies, UEC Maverick images (on Lucid UEC), Netboot tests
- hallyn/mathiaz/SpamapS/zul: non-UEC Ubuntu Server tests, Upgrade server
- ttx/hggdh: random testing, cover holes in testing, replace missing people
Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)
- Papercuts status (ttx)
Alpha2 iteration final status
Alpha3 iteration starts Friday, assign yourself
Weekly SRU review: (zul)
New SRU Tracker
- New SRU process ?
- Open Discussion
- Announce next meeting date and time
- Tuesday 2010-07-06 at 1800 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting
Please feel free to add more items to the agenda for the next meeting. We will discuss them in turn when it arrives.
Review ACTION points from previous meeting
- ttx to coordinate testing for Alpha 2
- done
- smoser to chase IS regarding cjwatson's access and improving
- done
- jjohansen to ask kamal to email ubuntu-server mailing list with results of atop patchset
- kamal did basic testing
- jjohansen emailed jos, and ttx, and sent an email to k-t for discussion
- [ACTION] jjohansen to send email regarding atop patchset
- jjohansen, tim or andy to email ccheney and Daviey with test kernels for bug #588861
- this was DONE and fixed.
- Daviey notes that the kernel team and ccheney rock
- hggdh to email interested parties about the results of the ppa euca build
tests still being run on latest & greatest version of the patch. So far, so good
- right now, ~400 instances, no issue
- jjohansen to follow up on bug #TBC - EC2 kernel (lucid/maverick kernel ?)
Launchpad bug 597387 in Ubuntu "pv-ops kernel only works in 3 or 4 zones in EC2" [Undecided,New]
- zul to mail the ubuntu-server mailing list with the SRU nomination process, and document his process from there
- done
Maverick development (ttx)
- Specs should be at 90-100% now
- Alpha2-milestoned bugs
Launchpad bug 588410 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Maverick) "dynamic block storage should use virtio" [High,Triaged]
Launchpad bug 595421 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Maverick) "Eucalyptus doesn't start with latest stable version of "Groovy"" [High,Triaged]
Launchpad bug 574554 in tgt (Ubuntu Maverick) "tgtd needs init script or upstart job" [Medium,Triaged]
- Alpha3 subcycle starts Friday
- [ACTION] mathiaz to provide work items for Alpha3 on his specs by Thursday
Launchpad bug 586638 in libmemcached (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libmemcached" [Undecided,In progress]
- SpamapS to ask kees whether it's good to seed
Alpha2 ISO testing coverage (ttx)
- alpha2 milestone candidates should hit us RSN
- smoser will cover the EC2 images
- kirkland/Daviey/ccheney: Maverick UEC topologies, UEC Maverick images (on Lucid UEC), Netboot tests
- hallyn/mathiaz/SpamapS/zul: non-UEC Ubuntu Server tests, Upgrade server
- ttx/hggdh: random testing, cover holes in testing, replace missing people
- ttx will replace mathiaz
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)
Launchpad bug 588861 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) ""pad block corrupted" error when trying to register an image with 2.6.34 kernel" [High,Fix committed]
- atop kernel patch
- will send email to server list
- Maverick EC2 kernel issue
- at this point we'll have Lucidish kernels in A2
- we will have a kernel for A3
Launchpad bug 576066 in linux (Ubuntu) "ums_cypress missing from lucid server cd" [Undecided,Confirmed]
- jjohansen will prioritize appropriately
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)
- ttx: sommer: did you fix the refresh issue ?
- [ACTION] sommer to ping mdke again, through email this time
Papercuts status (ttx)
- 14 targets - 10 fixed, 2 postponed, 2 invalidated
- ttx processed the numerous nominations for A3 and decided to choose 18 among the 18 valid ones
- You should each have ~2 bugs assigned to you in that list
[ACTION] everyone to assign themselves to 2 papercuts from
Weekly SRU review: (zul)
- Launchpad bug 576949 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (Ubuntu) "[lucid] LOAD DATA INFILE fails in replication, simple patch available in 5.1.43" [Medium,In progress]
- zul+ttx agree it is a candidate
Launchpad bug 597818 in dovecot (Ubuntu) "Include files parsed in reverse order" [Undecided,Fix released]
- zul says looks good to him
Launchpad bug 589056 in net-snmp (Ubuntu) "snmpd fails to upgrade" [High,Fix released]
- ttx will nominate for lucid
Agree on next meeting date and time
Next meeting will be on Tuesday, July 6th at 15:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.
[19:00] <hallyn> #startmeeting [19:00] <Daviey> ttx: I thought the deal was scribe + chair? [19:00] <hallyn> hm, didn't work [19:00] <ttx> yes, it's scribe+chair, the same meeting [19:00] * SpamapS hugs hallyn :) [19:00] <ttx> MootBot is not around [19:00] <hallyn> how do we start it? [19:01] <Daviey> hallyn: We'll have to do without :( [19:01] <ttx> hallyn: you don't, you do without ! [19:01] <hallyn> uh, ok [19:01] <ttx> first time driving, and no brakes [19:01] <hallyn> i'll just pretend it's there [19:01] <ttx> I'm sure daviey can emulate the bot [19:01] <hallyn> [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting [19:01] <Daviey> Meeting started at 07:59. The chair is hallyn :) [19:01] <hallyn> ttx to coordinate testing for Alpha 2 [19:02] <ttx> added as an agenda item, will be covered during this meeting [19:02] <ttx> so consider it DONE [19:02] <hallyn> cool [19:02] <hallyn> smoser to chase IS regarding cjwatson's access and improving [19:02] <ttx> <smoser> DONE [19:02] <hallyn> cooler [19:02] <ttx> (I'll proxy smoser [19:02] <ttx> ) [19:02] <hallyn> jjohansen to ask kamal to email ubuntu-server mailing list with results of atop patchset [19:03] <hallyn> so the email, so i assume that's done [19:03] <ttx> ah? [19:03] <hallyn> oh no [19:03] <jjohansen> right, he did basic testing and handed it back to me [19:03] <hallyn> so status? [19:03] <jjohansen> I emailed jos, and ttx, and sent an email to k-t for discussion [19:03] <ttx> jjohansen: so it's still todo, but on your side ? [19:03] <jjohansen> yes, the discussion is really been stalled by alpha2 [19:04] <ttx> jjohansen: ack === bjf[afk] is now known as bjf [19:04] <hallyn> so action for next week, or wait until alpha3 to do that? [19:04] <jjohansen> I will send a mail today [19:04] <jjohansen> Basically server team needs to decide if atop is worth it [19:04] <hallyn> [ACTION] jjohansen to send email regarding atop patchset [19:05] <hallyn> ok, thanks, moving on [19:05] <hallyn> jjohansen, tim or andy to email ccheney and Daviey with test kernels for bug #588861 [19:05] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 588861 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) ""pad block corrupted" error when trying to register an image with 2.6.34 kernel" [High,Fix committed] [19:05] <hallyn> that was fully bisected right? [19:05] <ttx> this was DONE and fixed. [19:05] <Daviey> Yup.. the kernel team and ccheney rock! [19:05] <jjohansen> yeah, tim rocks [19:06] <hallyn> rockin' [19:06] <hallyn> People to subscribe to the test coverage for [19:06] <hallyn> ttx: do you know if everyone is subscribed? :) [19:06] <ttx> not really DONE, so I decided to split the work myself, see below [19:06] <ttx> (makes more sense anywayĆ [19:06] <ttx> ) [19:07] <hallyn> ok i see it thx [19:07] <hallyn> hggdh to email interested parties about the results of the ppa euca build [19:07] <hggdh> tests still being run on latest & greatest version of the patch. So far, so good [19:08] <Daviey> \o/ [19:08] <hallyn> so carry over? [19:08] <ttx> hallyn: no [19:08] <hggdh> I hope I will have a position in about 30 min [19:08] <hggdh> right now, ~400 instances, no issue [19:08] <Daviey> Keep in mind that upstream just confirmed that they aren't *entirely confident* it fixed it.. but think it has [19:09] <hggdh> considering we started with failures in less than 100 instances, this is a big improvement [19:09] <hallyn> so... the tests are still running... any action to track? [19:09] <ttx> hallyn: no [19:09] <hallyn> k [19:09] <hallyn> jjohansen to follow up on bug #TBC - EC2 kernel (lucid/maverick kernel ?) [19:09] <Daviey> ^^ a bug was opened about that. [19:09] <ttx> Daviey: LP:#? [19:10] <jjohansen> give me a sec, to find it again [19:10] <Daviey> it was at the end of the last meeting.. /me glares at the scribe :) [19:10] <jjohansen> Bug #597387 [19:10] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 597387 in Ubuntu "pv-ops kernel only works in 3 or 4 zones in EC2" [Undecided,New] [19:11] <jjohansen> I have a new kernel I am building and will be testing in just a little but [19:11] <jjohansen> s/but/bit/ [19:11] <ttx> jjohansen: ok, we'll discuss that later in the meeting [19:11] <hallyn> ok thanks. moving on [19:11] <hallyn> zul to mail the ubuntu-server mailing list with the SRU nomination process, and document his process from there [19:12] <zul> done [19:12] * hallyn craftily evades Daviey's glare [19:12] <hallyn> ok, thanks [19:12] <hallyn> [TOPIC] Maverick development (ttx) [19:12] <ttx> Alpha2 subcycle status [19:12] <ttx> [19:12] <ttx> Specs should be at 90-100% now [19:12] <ttx> Only two days left [19:13] <ttx> Please see the remaining work items and let me know if you can't make it [19:13] <ttx> Alpha2-milestoned bugs [19:13] <hallyn> so all must be done by EOD thursday? or start of day? [19:13] <ttx> the sooner the better -- there are a few documentation items that can be completed eod [19:13] <ttx> (or bug triage) [19:14] <ttx> Bug 588410: dynamic block storage should use virtio [19:14] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 588410 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Maverick) "dynamic block storage should use virtio" [High,Triaged] [19:14] <ttx> Bug 595421: Eucalyptus doesn't start with latest stable version of "Groovy" [19:14] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 595421 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Maverick) "Eucalyptus doesn't start with latest stable version of "Groovy"" [High,Triaged] [19:14] <Daviey> It was fixed in bzr ages ago, pending a 1.7 upload. However, that has been blocked by some known issues. Therefore i'm doing an unwanted of upload of 1.6.2 with the 2 fixes for Bug 588410 and Bug 595421 before EoD. [19:14] <SpamapS> ttx: I have a lot of MIR's that are still under consideration/undone .. do those have to be accepted into main by thursday? [19:14] <ttx> Daviey: good ! [19:15] <ttx> SpamapS: it's part of the feature delivery, so yes... but that's hardly your fault if you pushed them as much as you could [19:15] <ttx> SpamapS: if we have to postpone such items, I can bring it to the release meeting to point out a resource shortage [19:16] <ttx> (but it's a well known one) [19:16] <ttx> Bug 574554: tgtd needs init script or upstart job [19:16] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 574554 in tgt (Ubuntu Maverick) "tgtd needs init script or upstart job" [Medium,Triaged] [19:16] <ttx> same situation here [19:16] <SpamapS> ttx: I'll poke them all today then. [19:16] <ttx> though I wonder why this one was targeted to alpha-2 [19:16] <hggdh> if I may interrupt -- test run completed, 400 instances, no occurrence of the metadata issue. Of course, we are talking about a race, but I vote we consider it a success [19:16] <ttx> Daviey: any clue ? [19:17] <Daviey> \o/ [19:17] <hallyn> w00t [19:17] <ttx> Daviey: you need tgtd for something in UEC ? [19:17] <Daviey> ttx: nothing to do with me :/ [19:17] <ttx> ... ok [19:17] <zul> i have to update the tgtd upstart script [19:17] <ttx> will ask kirkland when I get a chance [19:18] <ttx> Alpha3 subcycle starts Friday [19:18] <Daviey> Hmm.. iSCSI is on our roadmap.. but i wasn't aware tgtd was a target for A2 [19:18] <ttx> [19:18] <ttx> Please have a look at your specs and make sure the work items for Alpha-3 are current [19:18] <ttx> I already had a look and most of them are ok, except mathiaz's ones [19:19] <SpamapS> ttx: bug#586638 .. do I need to do something to complete the MIR? Kees gave it a +1 [19:19] <ttx> [ACTION] mathiaz to provide work items for Alpha3 on his specs by Thursday [19:19] <SpamapS> bug 586638 [19:19] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 586638 in libmemcached (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libmemcached" [Undecided,In progress] [19:19] <Daviey> ttx: Hmm.. I wasn't aware server-maverick-uec-monitoring was re-assigned to me :/ [19:19] <ttx> SpamapS: ask him if it's good to seed or if it was just a security ack [19:20] <ttx> SpamapS: zul can handle the seeding for you if that's all what is needed [19:20] <zul> ack [19:20] <ttx> Daviey: sync with kirkland on that one [19:21] <Daviey> ttx: will do [19:21] <ttx> hallyn: done [19:21] <hallyn> [TOPIC] ISO testing coverage (ttx) [19:21] <hallyn> uh, [19:21] <hallyn> [TOPIC] Alpha2 ISO testing coverage (ttx) [19:21] <ttx> ok, so alpha2 milestone candidates should hit us RSN [19:21] <hallyn> and we just start getting emails? [19:22] <ttx> I split the team in subteams to make sure we do a complete coverage of server deliveries [19:22] <ttx> hallyn: yes, we should [19:22] <ttx> (if you're assigned to at least one test) [19:22] <ttx> smoser will cover the EC2 images [19:22] <hallyn> (which i am) cool, thx [19:22] <ttx> kirkland/Daviey/ccheney: Maverick UEC topologies, UEC Maverick images (on Lucid UEC), Netboot tests [19:22] <ttx> hallyn/mathiaz/SpamapS/zul: non-UEC Ubuntu Server tests, Upgrade server [19:22] <ttx> ttx/hggdh: random testing, cover holes in testing, replace missing people [19:23] <zul> yay! [19:23] <Daviey> zul: If you get bored, i'm sure we can find some UEC tests for you! :) [19:23] <ttx> the last team needs to get a picture of the general QA level, so it's more free-form [19:23] <ttx> that said, we know that hggdh will concentarte on UEC [19:23] <ttx> for the time being [19:23] * hggdh sighs ;-) [19:24] <ttx> and I'll replace mathiaz [19:24] <ttx> for A2 [19:24] <ttx> Just coordinate with members of your subteam to avoid duplicate testing [19:24] <Daviey> poor mathiaz [19:24] <ttx> (deuplicate testing is good, but once we are at 100% coverage) [19:24] <kirkland> ttx: zul: re: tftd upstart script, not required for A2, I targeted it there as I thought zul/ccheney might be able to accomplish it within their given resources for A2; postponing to A3 is fine by me [19:24] <ttx> kirkland: ok, thanks [19:25] <hallyn> moving on? [19:25] <ttx> If any of this coordination is unclear, let me know [19:25] <ttx> also ISO testing is open to everyone... this is just to ensure that all tests are covered by at least one person :) [19:25] <ttx> hallyn: yes [19:26] <hallyn> thanks [19:26] <hallyn> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [19:26] <zul> if a tree falls in a forest... [19:26] <hggdh> I spent the last week on a sprint in Lexington; most work done, some left-overs to look at [19:27] <hallyn> anyone have any questions? [19:27] <hggdh> during this time I kept on testing the metadata fix(es) [19:28] <hallyn> (going once, going twice) [19:28] <hallyn> thanks hggdh [19:28] <hallyn> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen) [19:28] <hallyn> Bug 588861: "pad block corrupted" error with >=2.6.34 kernel [19:28] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 588861 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) ""pad block corrupted" error when trying to register an image with 2.6.34 kernel" [High,Fix committed] [19:28] <Daviey> (\o/) [19:28] <hallyn> lol, we just wanted to see the 'fix committed' :) [19:28] <jjohansen> :) [19:28] <hallyn> atop kernel patch [19:29] <hallyn> we're just waiting for the email to discuss there? [19:29] <ttx> yes [19:29] <jjohansen> its been built and tested email to server team list for discussion being composed [19:29] <ttx> see if there is a real interest in this [19:29] <hallyn> any other questions for or from jjohansen ? [19:29] <ttx> Maverick EC2 kernel issue [19:30] <ttx> so at this point we'll have Lucidish kernels in A2 [19:30] <jjohansen> right [19:30] <ttx> (for cloud images) [19:30] <ttx> The idea would be to fix that for A3 ? [19:30] <zul> heh [19:30] <ttx> or another plan ? [19:30] <jjohansen> yes we will have a kernel for A3 [19:30] <jjohansen> it is likely to be the full xen kernel, [19:31] <ttx> ok, I'll mark that bug appropriately [19:31] <ttx> fianlly wanted to raise to your attention: [19:31] <ttx> Bug 576066: ums-cypress.ko missing from server installer [19:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 576066 in linux (Ubuntu) "ums_cypress missing from lucid server cd" [Undecided,Confirmed] [19:31] <ttx> Sounds like a good thing to fix for 10.04.1 [19:32] <ttx> jjohansen: can you prioritize it appropriately ? [19:32] <jjohansen> yes [19:32] <ttx> ok, I'm done :) [19:32] <hallyn> moving on [19:32] <hallyn> (thanks, jjohansen :) [19:33] <hallyn> [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) [19:33] <sommer> don't have anything new myself... [19:33] <Daviey> sommer: You rock. [19:33] <sommer> if anyone else does though feel free [19:33] <ttx> sommer: did you fix the refresh issue ? [19:33] <hallyn> i have a feeling i should have a question at some point oabout lxc, but need to read up on processes first... [19:33] <sommer> Daviey: :-) [19:34] <sommer> ttx: I'll ping mdke again, through email this time [19:34] <ttx> sommer: ok :) [19:34] <hallyn> thanks sommer [19:34] <hallyn> [TOPIC] Papercuts status (ttx) [19:34] <sommer> thank you all [19:34] <Daviey> sommer: Agg! [19:34] <Daviey> hold fire! [19:34] <ttx> Alpha2 iteration is finished [19:35] <ttx> 14 targets - 10 fixed, 2 postponed, 2 invalidated [19:35] <Daviey> sommer: Hmm, an update you mentioned in a bug didn't seem to go live.. do you know what happend? [19:35] <ttx> I processed the numerous nominations for A3 and decided to choose 18 among the 18 valid ones [19:35] <ttx> (tough choices involved) [19:35] <sommer> Daviey: was it fixed in maverick or lucid? [19:35] <ttx> [19:36] <ttx> You should each have ~2 bugs assigned to you in that list [19:36] <ttx> The easy ones are going fast :) [19:36] <hallyn> so [ACTION] everyone pick 2 or 3 papercuts? [19:36] <ttx> This iteration ends up Aug 2nd [19:37] <ttx> hallyn: yes [19:37] <ttx> say, 2 [19:37] <hallyn> ok, thanks [19:37] <ttx> [ACTION] everyone to assign themselves to 2 papercuts from [19:37] <hallyn> moving on? [19:37] <ttx> yep [19:37] <hallyn> [TOPIC] Weekly SRU review: (zul) [19:38] <hallyn> is that moot given new email process? [19:38] <ttx> well, I haven't seen the monday email yet [19:38] <zul> starting next week :) [19:38] <hallyn> i thought i saw it last night [19:38] <ttx> so I figure we are still up for this one [19:38] <hallyn> (wow, what on earth is going on with me and my mbox) [19:38] <zul> so one is nominated for lucid [19:39] <zul> #576949 [19:39] <hallyn> where are the bots to expand bug # 576949 [19:39] <zul> i think its a good candidate [19:39] <hallyn> huh [19:39] <ttx> zul: looks like a good one [19:39] <ttx> [19:39] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 576949 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (Ubuntu) "[lucid] LOAD DATA INFILE fails in replication, simple patch available in 5.1.43" [Medium,In progress] [19:40] <SpamapS> bots like it as bug 576949 [19:40] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 576949 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (Ubuntu) "[lucid] LOAD DATA INFILE fails in replication, simple patch available in 5.1.43" [Medium,In progress] [19:40] <hallyn> :) [19:40] <zul> and last 8 days bug [19:40] <zul> bugs even [19:40] <zul> [19:41] <zul> bug 597818 597818 looks good to me [19:41] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 597818 in dovecot (Ubuntu) "Include files parsed in reverse order" [Undecided,Fix released] [19:42] <ttx> does bug 589056 need to be fixed in lucid ? [19:42] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 589056 in net-snmp (Ubuntu) "snmpd fails to upgrade" [High,Fix released] [19:42] <zul> yes i think so [19:42] <ttx> ok, nominate it [19:42] <zul> k [19:43] <ttx> I think we are done [19:43] <hallyn> [TOPIC] Open Discussion [19:43] <Daviey> nothin' 'ere [19:43] <ttx> Did everyone but hggdh lose in soccer ? [19:43] <hggdh> :-) [19:43] * hallyn pouts [19:43] <Daviey> ttx: Your team lost first :) [19:43] <zul> i did... [19:44] <hggdh> heh [19:44] <ttx> Daviey: always first. [19:44] <hallyn> [TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time [19:44] <Daviey> Germany did teach our country a lesson.. that we suck. [19:44] <ttx> Daviey: and we lost with lots of panache. [19:44] <hallyn> Tuesday 2010-07-06 at 1800 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting [19:44] <SpamapS> sorry I was a little slow reading SRU's, bug 575458 looks worthy of consideration [19:44] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 575458 in ntp (Ubuntu) "/etc/dhcp3/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/ntp breaks local NTP server (patch)" [Medium,Fix released] [19:44] <hggdh> and -- please keep in mind -- next friday I will sort of busy in the morning [19:45] <ttx> SpamapS: good catch [19:45] <hallyn> hm, yeah [19:45] <ttx> zul ^ [19:45] <zul> acked [19:46] <hallyn> anything more to discuss? [19:46] <ttx> nope [19:47] <hallyn> #endmeeting (thanks, DavieyBot) [19:47] <Daviey> hah. [19:47] <hallyn> Daviey: so i gather i'm scribe again this week then right? [19:47] <Daviey> hallyn: no, SpamapS should be [19:47] <ttx> hallyn: yes [19:47] <ttx> Daviey: no [19:48] <hallyn> Daviey took advantage of me last week :) [19:48] <hallyn> np, thanks [19:48] <Daviey> ttx: ok -> lets chat about it :)