== Agenda == * Review ACTION points from previous meeting * ALL: please check the SRU tracker http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/SRUTracker/sru-tracker-bugs.html for 'needs-verification' bugs * robbiew to review ServerTeam wiki * SpamapS to email a concrete proposal for addressing SRU verification backlog * Kernel team to follow up on bug 661294 * SpamapS to setup trend line for server team natty work items * JamesPage to arrange URL for Hudson CI Server * Natty Development * Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0) * Open Discussion * Announce next meeting date and time == Minutes == * Review ACTION points from previous meeting * ALL: please check the SRU tracker http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/SRUTracker/sru-tracker-bugs.html for 'needs-verification' bugs * robbiew to review ServerTeam wiki * got status page up, but still reviewing * SpamapS to email a concrete proposal for addressing SRU verification backlog * done * Kernel team to follow up on bug 661294 * still in progress * SpamapS to setup trend line for server team natty work items * done * JamesPage to arrange URL for Hudson CI Server * still in progress * Natty Development * Alpha1 released * robbiew doesn't have much here for this week * Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) * Bug:684304 is blocking UEC testing * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) * working on a hard-to-reproduce nfs bug * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) * not much to say, more next week * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0) * kim0 not around * http://cloud.ubuntu.com/ launched * Open Discussion * RoAkSoAx working on MIRs for the cluster stack in Natty * zul to request feedback on the install-service blueprint to the mailing list * Announce next meeting date and time ==== Meeting Actions ==== * ACTION: robbiew to review ServerTeam wiki * ACTION: Kernel team to follow up on Bug:661294 * ACTION: JamesPage to arrange URL for Hudson CI Server * ACTION: spamaps to talk to his friend to try and get more info on Bug #684304 * ACTION: zul to request feedback on the install-service blueprint to the mailing list == Log == {{{ [16:02] #startmeeting [16:02] Meeting started at 10:02. The chair is kirkland. [16:02] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [16:02] agenda is at [16:02] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting [16:03] [topic] Review ACTION points from previous meeting [16:03] New Topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting [16:03] ALL: please check the SRU tracker http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/SRUTracker/sru-tracker-bugs.html for 'needs-verification' bugs [16:03] anything to say about this? [16:04] alrighty ... [16:04] robbiew to review ServerTeam wiki [16:04] robbiew: had fun reading the wiki? [16:04] heh [16:04] still sorting [16:04] but I got the status page up [16:04] :) [16:04] robbiew: \o/ [16:04] https//wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty [16:05] [link] https//wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty [16:05] LINK received: https//wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty [16:05] thnx :/ [16:05] robbiew: carry this one to next week, or call it done? [16:06] carry it [16:06] robbiew: cool [16:06] keeps me on my toes [16:06] SpamapS to email a concrete proposal for addressing SRU verification backlog [16:06] spamaps is not around [16:06] kirkland: Just a quick one from the previous topic.... do you know when AA's are next looking at Lucid SRU's in the queue? [16:06] carry over [16:06] Daviey: I do not [16:07] Daviey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration [16:07] Daviey: that's the schedule [16:07] Daviey: i'm on patchpilot tomorrow, so i'll probably not have time to do AA stuff [16:07] Kernel team to follow up on bug 661294 [16:07] dang it. thanks [16:08] Launchpad bug 661294 in linux (Ubuntu) "System lock-up when receiving large files (big data amount) from NFS server" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/661294 [16:08] smb: any news on 661294 ? [16:08] jj-afk: smb: around? [16:08] kirkland, Not really as I got involved into another nfs bug [16:09] bug 683938 [16:09] Bug 683938 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/683938 is private [16:09] smb: okay, assigned to you; suppose we'll carry over to next week then [16:09] o/ [16:09] bug 684304 [16:09] Launchpad bug 684304 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "cciss module does not identify resources" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/684304 [16:09] bloody hell. Sorry [16:09] SpamapS is here now [16:09] i'll go back a few items... [16:09] SpamapS to email a concrete proposal for addressing SRU verification backlog [16:10] SpamapS: done? [16:10] Yes indeed. [16:10] hggdh, Last time I looked there were lots of questions I believe [16:10] SpamapS: okay. and [16:10] SpamapS to setup trend line for server team natty work items [16:10] SpamapS: done? [16:10] sorry for the tardiness.. this time is proving nearly impossible for me to hit. :( [16:11] yes trendline is set at 392 [16:11] SpamapS: can you hit me with a couple of urls? [16:11] SpamapS: for the log [16:11] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-server.html [16:11] LINK received: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-server.html [16:11] The other graphs still use ttx's inverted chart with its automatic line, so no need to reset those [16:12] SpamapS: cool, do you have a link to your email thread from the mailing list archive? [16:12] kirkland: I'll dig one up.. feel free to move on if you don't want to wait, will just be a minute [16:12] SpamapS: sure, thanks [16:12] JamesPage to arrange URL for Hudson CI Server [16:13] JamesPage to arrange URL for Hudson CI Server [16:13] JamesPage: howdy ;-) reviewing last week's items [16:13] JamesPage: ^ was on you [16:13] kirkland: still in progress.... - please carry forwards [16:13] JamesPage: got it, thanks. [16:13] [topic] Natty Development [16:13] New Topic: Natty Development [16:13] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2010-November/004876.html [16:14] robbiew: this one is yours, presumably? [16:14] SpamapS: thanks [16:15] heh...indeed [16:15] but given I just put the wiki page together last night [16:15] I don't have much atm :/ [16:15] robbiew: alrighty ... [16:15] but next week...watch out!!! [16:15] robbiew: worth mentioning that we just released Alpha1 last week, I think [16:16] quick poll, who here is already running Natty on their primary desktop? [16:16] o/ [16:16] o/ [16:16] or primary server [16:16] and on their desktop...and netbook \o/ [16:16] zul: jumping the gun.... i was getting to that :-) [16:16] in a vm o/ ;) [16:16] o/ [16:16] and thankful we have the failsafe login *\o/* [16:16] only in a vm [16:17] on my server yes ;) [16:17] o/ [16:17] alrighty... now for zul's question ... who's running natty a1 in a server? [16:17] o/ [16:17] o/ (in a instance in EC2 -- proxying my web traffic) [16:17] installing now [16:17] nice! [16:17] okay, everyone here running natty rocks :-) [16:17] not yet...I need to buy hardware...but that's coming soon ;) [16:18] robbiew virtualise baby! [16:18] [topic] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [16:18] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [16:18] hggdh: yo [16:18] yes [16:18] I have another blocker on UEC testing [16:18] bug 684304 [16:18] Launchpad bug 684304 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "cciss module does not identify resources" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/684304 [16:19] the test rig is currently unusable for Natty [16:19] hggdh: bummer, okay [16:19] hggdh: so you need Daviey or someone to triage that? [16:19] hggdh: is that an HP proliant? [16:20] hggdh: i inted to look at the testing scripts this week for openstack testing as well [16:20] yes, it is an HP machine, proliant, I think [16:20] Daviey: you could look into it, but it sounds like a kernel bug [16:20] hggdh: ah, yes, i see it's more kernel-ish than eucalyptus-ish [16:20] hggdh: I have a friend with a rack full of those (DL380's and DL320's of various generations), many unprovisioned.. if you need some testing I can probably get it going. [16:21] hggdh: i assumed euca when you said it was blocking your uec test rig [16:21] hggdh: i'll assign that bug to smb [16:21] SpamapS: if they could confirm it it would be marvelous [16:21] hggdh: alpha1 ? [16:21] SpamapS: yes [16:21] hggdh: I'll have him grab the iso today. [16:21] kirkland: action item? [16:21] hggdh, I saw there is some more info now. [16:21] kirkland: *this* time, it is not euca ;-) [16:22] hggdh, Need to find out whether the pci ids show up in lspci on natty [16:22] SpamapS: you want an action item to talk to your friend? [16:22] smb: will try now [16:23] [action] spamaps to talk to his friend to try and get more info on Bug #684304 [16:23] ACTION received: spamaps to talk to his friend to try and get more info on Bug #684304 [16:23] Launchpad bug 684304 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "cciss module does not identify resources" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/684304 [16:23] hggdh: anything else? [16:23] any questions for hggdh ? [16:23] kirkland: yeah I don't talk to my friends without action items. ;) [16:23] nothing more from me [16:23] SpamapS: alright dude, you got one :-P [16:24] [topic] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) [16:24] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) [16:24] smb: howdy :-) your nick has come up a few times already :-) [16:24] hi [16:24] smb: lspci output added in the bug [16:24] Unfortunately. :-P [16:25] hggdh, Ok, thanks. I think i saw something in the dmesg too [16:25] smb: anything you need to share with us? [16:25] smb: looks like we have two bugs we need you to look into [16:25] not sure why the module does not get assigned [16:25] kirkland, There is likely the one nfs bug I cannot reproduce (copying large amounts of data) [16:26] and the other one I can (repeat to try to mount a share with authentication denied crash) [16:26] smb: cannot reproduce because it's hard to reproduce, or because you don't have the required setup? [16:26] kirkland, because it does not crash on my setup [16:26] or hang [16:27] I have copied tons of data from lucid server to maverick client without problems on my gigabit ethernet [16:27] smb: interesting, okay [16:27] smb: I've been watching the comments. Seems like there are 3 separate testers who have it happening, but no clear correlation as to why or when it dies. [16:27] Before I got sucked into the other bug [16:27] smb: well, leave it open/new/unconfirmed until we can figure out a reproduce case [16:28] I was about to ask/help to create a wireshark log [16:28] smb: anything else we need to know about? [16:28] smb: 2.6.37 seems to be working well for me :-) [16:29] hm, there is possible an upstream solution for the i386 crashes of natty ec2 [16:29] t1.micro still needing some solution [16:29] We need to revert some patches for the hd device name for compat with other xen cases [16:30] smb: cool [16:30] I guess thats all I currently can think o [16:30] of [16:31] smb: thanks [16:31] [topic] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) [16:31] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) [16:31] sommer: howdy [16:31] sommer: around? anything for us? [16:31] hmm [16:31] hey all, apologies for not being around last couple of weeks [16:31] he said he should be here today. [16:31] :-) [16:31] sommer: congrats btw [16:31] \o/ [16:32] thanks [16:32] good to see you sommer [16:32] I don't really have anything for this meeting, but should get back into the swing of things and have some updates for next week [16:32] sommer: cool, thanks [16:32] [topic] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0) [16:32] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0) [16:32] you too Daviey [16:32] kim0 is not around ... [16:33] i can say on his behalf that he launched http://cloud.ubuntu.com/ this week [16:33] [link] http://cloud.ubuntu.com/ [16:33] LINK received: http://cloud.ubuntu.com/ [16:33] the magnificent cloud portal -- one stop shopping for all ubuntu/cloud related news in the universe [16:33] talk to kim0 if you want your cloud-related blog posts aggregated there [16:34] [topic] Open Discussion [16:34] New Topic: Open Discussion [16:34] Cool.. [16:34] * SpamapS tweets cloud.ubuntu.com [16:34] anything free and open that we need to talk about? [16:34] Cluster Stack Update: Pacemaker and cluster-glue's libraries were successfully split into their own binary packages. Most changes/improvements have been forwarded to Debian (I'm hoping the maintainer will adopt them soon). However there was a hold up of packages waiting to be accepted, in the NEW queue, however it was resolved few days ago. I've already updated the MIRs and already ping'd people to get this done ASAP, so we should have all thes [16:34] i want to bring something up [16:34] https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/cloud-server-n-install-service [16:34] ^^^ we been discussing this internally and would like to get some feedback from the community [16:35] RoAkSoAx: rock on! [16:35] RoAkSoAx: excellent [16:35] RoAkSoAx: (looks like the end of your statement got cut off) [16:35] :);) [16:35] RoAkSoAx: "should have all the..." [16:35] so we should have all these packages in Main pretty soon. I'll continue to ping people to speed up the process though! [16:36] \o/ [16:36] alright, copy pasting bug I guess ;) [16:36] RoAkSoAx: great, thanks; i presume you'll blog about it, and announce it here in this meeting in the next few weeks? [16:36] zul: Should we blog/send that to the mailing list? [16:36] RoAkSoAx: Do you have a list of the MIR's you are waiting for? [16:36] SpamapS: i would send it to the mailing list [16:36] kirkland: yes I'll announce it as soon as they hit Main [16:36] RoAkSoAx: great thanks [16:37] Are we intending to seed these RoAkSoAx ? [16:37] Daviey: pacemaker and cluster-glue [16:37] zul: okay, cool ... so install service... discuss on the mailing list then? [16:37] zul: or did you want to talk about it here? [16:37] kirkland: yep [16:37] Daviey: there are in component-mismatches [16:37] RoAkSoAx: Great! [16:37] zul: okay, so you'll post something to the mailing list? [16:37] kirkland: probably :) [16:38] [action] zul to request feedback on the install-service blueprint to the mailing list [16:38] ACTION received: zul to request feedback on the install-service blueprint to the mailing list [16:38] We should set a time for the community to join us to chat about it, maybe in #ubuntu-server? [16:39] Or, crazy idea, maybe we should do a ustream chat about it while in Dallas? [16:39] (though seems like in 1 month we'll be beyond defining it and into implementing it) [16:39] SpamapS: Still.. not a bad idea.. [16:39] Daviey: the only two packages that were left to get their MIRs accepted were pacemaker and cluster-glue. Once they are finally approved everything should be pulled to main since all the other packages (heartbeat cluster-agents and couple others) were already accepted into main but demoted back to universe because we couldn't get the packages in question on time === jj-afk is now known as jjohansen [16:40] RoAkSoAx: Ah, ok... thanks for the update. [16:41] SpamapS: as you said, distro sprint will be a little too late, probably [16:41] SpamapS: what do you think an irc conversation offers that zul's mailing list thread won't? [16:42] SpamapS: i'd suggest you respond to zul's email with a proposed time/date to talk real-time about it in IRC [16:42] SpamapS: cool? [16:42] kirkland: Yeah I can't think of the exact response so I'll abstain. [16:42] kirkland: I think the ML is the place to start no matter what. [16:43] +1 [16:43] If enough interest turns up we can talk about IRC then. [16:43] SpamapS: cool, zul will start the thread on the ML and you can propose a real-time discussion in IRC if necessary [16:43] anything else? [16:43] going ... [16:43] once ... [16:43] twice ... [16:43] gone. [16:43] sold! [16:44] [topic] Announce next meeting date and time [16:44] New Topic: Announce next meeting date and time [16:44] same time, same place [16:44] #endmeeting }}}