== Agenda == * Review ACTION points from previous meeting * Everyone - ISO testing. * Natty Development * Ubuntu Server Team Events * [[http://www.ukuug.org/events/spring2011/|UKUUG Spring Conference]] - 22-24 March, ttx attending, talking OpenStack (and Ubuntu Server). * Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) * Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community * Open Discussion * Any notes from kirkland or ClintByrum on [[http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/|SCALE9x]] ? * Announce next meeting date and time * Tuesday, March 15 2011 16:00 UTC == Minutes == ==== Review ACTION points from previous meeting ==== * [[http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all|ISO Testing]] of alpha 3 was accomplished. ==== Natty Development ==== * Robbiew was not available. * Beta is March 24 * discussion of server team tags for tracking releases * ==== Ubuntu Server Team Events ==== * hallyn mentioned [[http://www.froscon.de/|froscon]] where there might be a LXC mini-summit (aug 20-21 in Germany) * SpamapS mentioned MySQL UC coming up April 16 to which he will attend ==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) ==== * smoser asked about hardy and ec2 testing. hggdh had some progress there, and improvements to the security test suite. ==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) ==== * Some discussion of Bug:661294 ("System lock-up when receiving large files (big data amount) from NFS server" ==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) ==== * SpamapS is working some on documentation of upstart * RoAkSoAx will start working on updated Cluster Docs ==== Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community ==== * smoser raised discussion about Bug:712026 (udev bug) blocking networking coming up, and related Bug:712034 . ==== Open Discussion ==== ## Use title4 (ie ==== ) for each section of the minutes ## Only topics discussed during the meetings should be put in the minutes. ## Status reporting is done via another channel. ## Start by summarizing all actions taken during the meeting in one section. ## It makes things simpler when reviewing actions in the following meeting. ==== Meeting Actions ==== * [ACTION] Daviey to talk with wider docs team regarding translations ## Other topics ## ==== Agree on next meeting date and time ==== Next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 14th at 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting. == Log == {{{ [16:01] o/ [16:01] o/ [16:01] o/ [16:01] aaaaaand compiz crashed [16:01] \o [16:02] SpamapS: not enjoying dog food so much ? [16:02] i was actually just enjoying compiz on my other laptop. thought desktop was looking nice [16:02] so, it appears that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting was not updated [16:02] or, if it was , then we dont have a meeting today [16:03] #startmeeting [16:03] Meeting started at 10:03. The chair is smoser. [16:03] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [16:03] ok. [16:03] o/ [16:03] so, i think the link above is good except for the 'next meeting' note. [16:03] we'll go off that agenda [16:03] * robbiew needs to take a call...a few of them actually...so only lurking [16:04] [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting [16:04] New Topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting [16:04] so don't ask me about Natty Development Status [16:04] * Everyone - ISO testing. [16:04] I got through all of the ec2 testing, and found enough bugs to have something to do for beta [16:05] and http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all seems to indicate that we got through all the tests. [16:05] so, good work on that. [16:05] [TOPIC] natty development [16:05] New Topic: natty development [16:05] robbiew, says he doesn't have anything here. [16:05] does anyone else ? [16:06] hallyn: you have a potential FFe to propose, right? [16:06] hm. yes, potentially for spice [16:06] though I'm still skiddish about it [16:07] It probably makes sense for hallyn to investigate what needs doing, and propose a FFe if you think so hallyn [16:07] yup [16:07] We can't ack a FFe anyway :) [16:07] Beta is March 24. [16:07] taht is aaaaaaaaaaages [16:07] :) [16:07] Make sure (this is s a reminder for me) that if you've got things that you expect you'll get fixed, please open bugs, and target them [16:07] so they wont just get lost [16:07] I just want to bring it up for greater discussion that the FFe would be against qemu-kvm. [16:08] So, if and when its time to propose the FFe, people should take notice and be ready. :) [16:08] anything else here ? [16:08] SpamapS: there *will* be a request to upload 0.14.0 of qemu-kvm [16:08] but that's not with spice [16:09] smoser: I've had targetted bugs removed from the target because they weren't considered release blockers... [16:09] Which is , I guess, the general use case for targetting bugs. [16:09] yeah, but you should at least have the bugs open. and you can let other people decide if the are or are not milestonable [16:09] so, like last cycle - we have some super secret tags to add to bugs we care about. [16:10] server-nrs for bugs we need to work on. [16:10] nrs ? [16:10] smoser, that is the secret sauce. [16:10] that sounds funny if you say it... serverners [16:11] next cycle will be even better.. serverors [16:11] what is nrs ? [16:11] smoser, Natty Release Server [16:11] Do those get pulled into the wiki page automatically? [16:11] ah, redundancy built in [16:11] well done [16:11] smoser, The alternative being server-nro - Natty Release Other [16:12] so. [16:12] smoser, Other is not server teams area of work, but stuff we care about. [16:12] * smoser has some things to tag with that. [16:12] (ttx's awesome workflow) [16:12] is that documented somewhere other than right above ? it is new to me, but that does not mean a lot. [16:13] smoser, No, it's not documented [16:13] ok. moving on. [16:13] unless someone has something else, or wants to step up to give more info there and document it somewhere appropriate... [16:13] [TOPIC] Ubuntu Server Team Events [16:13] New Topic: Ubuntu Server Team Events [16:14] * UKUUG Spring Conference - 22-24 March, ttx attending, talking OpenStack (and Ubuntu Server). [16:14] anything else ? [16:14] http://www.froscon.de/ [16:14] LINK received: http://www.froscon.de/ [16:14] MySQL UC coming up April 16 [16:14] It's not certain, but there's talk of a containers development mini-conf there [16:15] I'll be at the MySQL UC in Santa Clara, giving a talk on Drizzle and Natty [16:15] (aug 20-21 in Germany) [16:15] smoser, nack. [16:15] Aug? [16:15] fair enough. [16:16] moving on [16:16] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [16:16] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [16:16] * smoser has something for hggdh if he is here [16:16] yes? [16:16] :-) [16:17] where do we stand with hardy on ec2 ? [16:17] as i recall some of your tests failed [16:17] there is a new kernel for hardy in proposed, and we will test it in a few [16:17] but failed both with original hardy (released EC2) and the proposed. [16:18] some of the failures we found on ec2 were due to differences in kernel patches; I am told they were expected, and should not show up again [16:18] hggdh, and you're going to test, and I assume avoid the tests that hang in both existing and proposed. [16:18] (i.e., the tests have been updated to consider these differences) [16:19] ah. ok. [16:19] The security regression tests were always failing on hardy. At least some of them [16:19] well, anyway you look at it, usre space was causing kernel crash. [16:19] thats not correct [16:19] user space [16:19] indeed. But all I can do is point out the issues [16:19] anyone else have anything for hggdh ? [16:20] the decision to accept/reject, in these cases, is not mine [16:20] hggdh, you have anything else ? [16:20] otherwise, moving on [16:21] no, not from here [16:21] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) [16:21] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) [16:21] I am not sure exactly what I did last week [16:21] This week started to look at some patches for Lucid-ec2 and found that there could be dragons [16:22] anyone have anything for smb ? i do not. [16:22] smb, Sent a note to you and John with some more details [16:22] errr make that smoser [16:22] smoser, i got your email [16:22] :) [16:22] * smb is talking to himself again [16:22] k. [16:22] moving on [16:22] smb I noticed some more people with lockups when using gigabit + NFS .. [16:22] whoops. [16:22] going back [16:23] SpamapS, I wished I could replicate them [16:23] bug 661294 [16:23] Launchpad bug 661294 in linux (Ubuntu) "System lock-up when receiving large files (big data amount) from NFS server" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/661294 [16:23] smb: right, I think that a new development is that there are some reports of non-NFS high speed transfers causing the same thing [16:23] I am currently trying at least to verify the sending large files patch in Hardy and maybe in Maverick [16:24] smb: and a full lspci for the affected servers. Just wondering if its still on your radar. [16:24] Then there has been something that could affect people doing nfs from within kvm [16:24] SpamapS, "It is full of stars!" [16:25] SpamapS, IOW yes, though there is a lot there [16:26] Ok, just wondering because a few close associates have been affected and are sort of at a loss since they can't go from hardy to lucid for fear of locking up their machines or having to run at 100Mbit. [16:26] we should mvoe on [16:26] It sounded like a race of some sort, but then i tried [16:27] and would receive gigs of files on 1000Gbit [16:27] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) [16:27] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) [16:27] sommer is not here. [16:27] anyone else want to talk about documentation ? [16:27] (thanks smb) [16:27] Well... we have had a recent question of translatins [16:27] translations. [16:28] I hope things are going great with you. [16:28] I'll be working a lot on upstart docs. [16:28] We talked about it at UDS, and i hoped it might have been something that sommer was going to drive [16:28] * RoAkSoAx will start working on updated Cluster Docs [16:28] Sadly, he's had other commitments [16:28] RoAkSoAx, Do you want to take the action of talking with the wider docs team? :) [16:29] If not, i will. [16:29] Daviey: it's all yours :) [16:29] "thanks" [16:29] hehe [16:29] [ACTION] Daviey to talk with wider docs team regarding translations [16:29] ACTION received: Daviey to talk with wider docs team regarding translations [16:30] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community [16:30] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community [16:30] anyone have anything here? [16:30] ok. moving on [16:30] [TOPIC] Open Discussion [16:30] New Topic: Open Discussion [16:31] anyone have anythign for open discussion ? [16:31] hah wow you waited a whole 15 seconds for the community ;) [16:31] I think thats supposed to be the Community Team [16:31] SpamapS: nope, it was agreed to remove the "Community Team" [16:31] agenda needs fixing. [16:32] oh? [16:32] and change it "The Ubuntu Community" [16:32] No, RoAkSoAx is correct [16:32] ah. [16:32] I had one more thing.... but i've lost it. [16:32] so, anything there ? we can go back... but IMO this qualifies as "open discussion" just as well as community team. [16:32] ahh [16:32] ahh ok [16:32] Oooo.. That was it janimo is my hero of the week. [16:33] That is all. [16:33] smoser: that's what I said but the decision to have "The Community Team" was preferred [16:33] yeah. [16:33] k. for open discussion, if someone wants some udev fun [16:33] bug 712026 [16:33] Launchpad bug 712026 in udev (Ubuntu Natty) "cloud-init.conf never runs, instance not reachable via ssh" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/712026 [16:33] (janimo has apparently fixed the axis2c FTBFS bug that was causing us so much upset) [16:34] also bug 727342 - debian doesn't have the fix we need yet [16:34] Launchpad bug 727342 in open-vm-tools (Ubuntu) "package open-vm-dkms 2010.06.16-268169-3ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: open-vm-tools kernel module failed to build" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/727342 [16:34] and judging by dupes, there are a lot of people wanting it fixed [16:35] the udev bug above raises its head a small percentage of time on i386 instances on ec2. resulting in (i think) dead udev, and thus either network devices coming up, or at least loss of their events.. it is fixed with a reboot. [16:35] its fixed in upstream git, but not any upstream release. I can push a temp fix that'll make it work for us, but I suspect debian will not take it and will want to wait for an upstream release [16:35] (emailed them and asked). that is all [16:37] smoser: so, the problem is the net-device-added event sometimes fails ? [16:37] that is what i was suspecting [16:37] but all i really have is output http://launchpadlibrarian.net/63369945/hung.txt [16:38] udevd-work[126]: open /dev/null failed: No such file or directory [16:38] interesting [16:38] smoser: we should discuss in #ubuntu-cloud later [16:38] we can chat more on that offline SpamapS if you're interested, it is somethign that really needs fixing before beta as I suspect that it is a more general issue, and that i've only been lucky so far on i386 [16:39] yeah probably [16:39] hallyn: not always, just take the upstream fix and forward it to debian. Once they import a new upstream release they will drop the patch and we can sync [16:39] some new race [16:39] SpamapS, bug 712034 is related [16:39] Launchpad bug 712034 in udev (Ubuntu) "udev error messages to console" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/712034 [16:39] (covering the error messages, but most of the time udev doesn't croak) [16:39] smoser: I think you should release us! [16:40] [TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time [16:40] New Topic: Announce next meeting date and time [16:40] Tuesday, March 15 2011 16:00 UTC [16:40] rocking. [16:40] nothing more to see here folks [16:40] be on your way [16:40] #endmeeting [16:40] Meeting finished at 10:40. }}}