== Agenda == * Review ACTION points from previous meeting * Daviey to talk with wider docs team regarding translations * Natty Development * Ubuntu Server Team Events * Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) * Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community * Open Discussion * Announce next meeting date and time * Tuesday, March 22 2011 16:00 UTC == Minutes == ## Use title4 (ie ==== ) for each section of the minutes ## Only topics discussed during the meetings should be put in the minutes. ## Status reporting is done via another channel. ## Start by summarizing all actions taken during the meeting in one section. ## It makes things simpler when reviewing actions in the following meeting. ==== Meeting Actions ==== * ACTION: Daviey to talk with wider docs team regarding translations (deferred) * ACTION: Daviey to post another followup one euca-dhcp bug. * ACTION: smb to look into kernel fs modules config for bug 732046 ## Other topics ## ==== Review ACTION points from previous meeting ==== ACTION: Daviey to talk with wider docs team regarding translations (deferred) ==== Natty Development ==== Apart from a few issues, in particular a dhcp bug in eucalyptus, and broken lxc container support with the latest openstack updates, Natty development is going well. 'no OMG! issues...at least not yet ;)' ==== Ubuntu Server Team Events ==== Planning is under way for an LXC development mini-conf. Location is undecided as yet. SpamapS will be speaking about 'Run Drizzle on Your Narwhal' on the 13th at http://en.oreilly.com/mysql2011/public/schedule/detail/17640. Ubuntu Cloud days (http://en.oreilly.com/mysql2011/public/schedule/detail/17640) are next week Wednesday and Thursday, Mar 23-24. Open Stack summit is next month, zul will likely be there. ==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) ==== Still blocked on euca (bug 717166). Daviey will [ACTION] post another followup one euca-dhcp bug. ==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) ==== Last week smb was mainly working on multipath debugging and looking at proposed xen patches. There is some work to do for -virtual config work. The config needs to be improved to include filesystem modules. smoser and smb will discuss further offline. ==== Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community ==== kim0 mentioned Ubuntu Cloud Days is next week (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCloudDays). We can add days to add more slots, so don't be shy about proposing a topic. SpamapS may propose ensemble topics, with and without the ensemble team. ivoks mentioned that it would be nice to add vlan package to CD and possibly installed by default. This should be discussed at next UDS. ttx asked about the "Ubuntu Server Task Forces" (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntutheproject-community-n-server. Daviey is says he absolutely is still looking at that. ==== Open Discussion ==== SpamapS feels that the meeting format could use streamlining. Perhaps this should be discussed at the next meeting. Please feel free to add it to the Agenda if you concur. ==== Agree on next meeting date and time ==== Next meeting will be on Tuesday, Mar 22nd at 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting. == Log == {{{ [16:06] #startmeeting [16:06] Meeting started at 11:06. The chair is hallyn. [16:06] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [16:06] smoser: you forgot the header update. [16:06] (sorry i'm late, meeting overan) [16:06] thats what confused me [16:06] i did? [16:06] #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting [16:07] ah. yes. [16:08] [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting [16:08] New Topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting [16:08] Daviey to talk with wider docs team regarding translations [16:08] Daviey: ^ did that happen? [16:09] hallyn, defer [16:09] :( [16:09] [ACTION] Daviey to talk with wider docs team regarding translations (deferred) [16:09] ACTION received: Daviey to talk with wider docs team regarding translations (deferred) [16:09] thanks [16:09] [TOPIC] Natty Development [16:09] New Topic: Natty Development [16:09] RoAkSoAx: around? [16:09] bleh [16:10] robbiew: around? [16:10] yep [16:10] in terms of development for Natty [16:10] nothing huge to bring up [16:11] upstart ppa would be good [16:11] I need to look at the burndowns, but overall (given we're in feature freeze)...we're fine there [16:11] SpamapS: huh? [16:11] Sorry I typed and hit enter before thinking ;) [16:11] there is an upstart ppa [16:11] ;) [16:11] bug wise...there's the eucalyptus/dhcp thing [16:11] and apparently lxc containers broke with latest openstack updates [16:11] (per zul) [16:12] yay live migration [16:12] but no OMG! issues...at least not yet ;) [16:12] well i got past that part [16:12] Eucalyptus bug, dhcpd - is still a major concern. [16:13] bug #717166 [16:13] Launchpad bug 717166 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Natty) "Broken with v4 isc-dhcp-server in Natty" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/717166 [16:13] Daviey: is everyone who needs to be involved, involved? [16:13] hallyn, Upstream have been chased - but still no update. [16:14] no action items to be added here? [16:14] no. [16:14] this is not related to the dhcp server starting before eth0 is up is it? [16:14] no [16:14] robbiew: any more? [16:15] oh, sorry [16:15] nope [16:15] multitasking :/ [16:15] SpamapS, different interface to dhcpd. [16:15] thanks :) [16:15] [TOPIC] Ubuntu Server Team Events [16:15] New Topic: Ubuntu Server Team Events [16:15] we're trying to decide on a location for a lxc development mini-conf [16:16] preferably in august (earlier I can't attend, later is... too late :) [16:16] any new events? [16:16] and, btw, should a link to the list of events be on the meeting page or something? [16:16] I will be speaking at the mysql UC [16:17] en.oreilly.com/mysql2011/ [16:17] date? [16:17] April 11 - 14 [16:17] topic? :) [16:17] I am speaking on the 13th and will only be ther 13th/14th [16:17] "Run Drizzle on Your Narwhal" [16:17] cool [16:17] http://en.oreilly.com/mysql2011/public/schedule/detail/17640 [16:17] LINK received: http://en.oreilly.com/mysql2011/public/schedule/detail/17640 [16:18] oh, hey - ubuntu cloud days counts as an event :) [16:18] next week wed and thu, be there or be square [16:18] Open Stack summit next month as well [16:18] who all is going? [16:18] Right I think thats the next week after the mysql UC [16:19] zul: are you going to openstack summit? [16:19] hallyn: afaik right now yes [16:19] ok, anything else? [16:19] moving on... [16:19] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [16:19] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [16:20] we are still blocked on euca [16:20] the dhcp bug again? [16:20] yes [16:20] or still, the bug was open up to last week. I did not receive any updates on it [16:21] this is starting to be a real issue [16:21] apart from that, life is good [16:21] .. [16:21] any sort of escalation we can do? (and action here) or are we jsut stuck waiting? [16:22] Daviey: ? [16:22] hallyn, I will post a another follow up, raising urgency [16:22] [ACTION] Daviey: post another followup one euca-dhcp bug [16:22] ACTION received: Daviey: post another followup one euca-dhcp bug [16:22] thanks Daviey [16:22] any questions for hggdh ? [16:23] moving on, [16:23] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) [16:23] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) [16:23] \o [16:23] So last week mainly was [16:23] * working on some multipath debugging [16:24] * looking into some patches proposed for xen and finding there is much more to do (currently doing that) [16:24] smoser, btw all the requested patches are in Natty [16:24] smb, in a archive kernel ? [16:24] or were they already [16:24] smoser, So if it does not work there (t1.micro and java) it may be something else [16:25] it does not work. at least last i tested. [16:25] it is extremely easy to test [16:25] All patches seemed to be in since 2.6.37 [16:25] yeah, i commented in that bug about the version i tested [16:26] thanks, smb. any questions for him? [16:26] Anyway it makes (unfortunately, as it is a lot of work) sense to sync our lucid-ec2 with upstream opensuse [16:26] i verified it was present in vmlinuz-2.6.38-2-virtual [16:27] hallyn, one thing was your backports of kvm patches too. Sent them up today and nudged for a second ack for our lucid tree [16:27] smb, there is discussion in bug 732046 [16:27] Launchpad bug 732046 in linux (Ubuntu) "Missing filesystem modules in -virtual package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/732046 [16:27] smb: yup, thanks, saw that [16:27] brought up by loic. we have a need for some -virtual module or config work [16:27] smoser, Yeah, I should look into that probably today [16:27] I think its just missing statements in including files [16:28] ? [16:28] i'm confused [16:28] the config defintely needs improving to include filesystem modules [16:28] that is true [16:28] [ACTION] smb to look into kernel fs modules config for bug 732046 [16:28] ACTION received: smb to look into kernel fs modules config for bug 732046 [16:28] Launchpad bug 732046 in linux (Ubuntu) "Missing filesystem modules in -virtual package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/732046 [16:28] but the larger issue is the divergence from -server, which i think is inevitable [16:29] smoser, I think the problem is that there is the config and the build modules, but I also saw some sort of use-this-for-packaging file [16:29] Maybe a bit of a leftover from having virtual not be a real falvour [16:29] ok. well i will certainly defer to you on that. [16:29] going forward, i would ike -vrtual to be [16:29] can you guys follow up on this offline then? Sounds like there is some discussion to be had. [16:29] a.) slimmer than -server [16:30] b.) "just work" for as many hypervisors as possible (including built-in) [16:30] sure. [16:30] moving on [16:30] thanks. smb, anything else, else i'll move on [16:30] I am done [16:30] thanks [16:30] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) [16:30] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) [16:31] sommer is not here [16:31] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community [16:31] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community [16:31] do we have a proxy for the community? [16:31] :) [16:31] we have a volunteer! [16:32] hey guys [16:32] just want to mention [16:32] ivoks: with natty release coming up... anything in particular concerning you? [16:32] that cloud days is next Wed 23-24 [16:32] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCloudDays [16:32] hallyn: add vlan package to CD and possibly instaled by default [16:32] Please spread the news :) [16:33] was wondering about the "Ubuntu Server Task Forces", should we still push that for Natty ? [16:33] Daviey: ^ still on your radar ? [16:33] ivoks: wasn't there a blueprint regarding vlan? [16:33] s/instaled/install/ [16:33] i'm not aware of... [16:33] kim0: are there open slots for topics? [16:33] hallyn: i've been out of server development for some time [16:33] SpamapS: We can always increase it [16:33] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntutheproject-community-n-server [16:33] so yes absolutely [16:33] ttx, yes! [16:33] SpamapS: what would you like to shoot [16:34] ttx, Will talk out of band to you. [16:34] kim0: I was thinking about doing an ensemble demo. [16:34] SpamapS: cool! [16:34] SpamapS: mm that would be awesome :) [16:34] SpamapS: indeed [16:34] I'll ask the ensemble team if they'd like to be involved. [16:35] kim0: will get back to you tomorrow (no need for an ACTION item ;) [16:35] hallyn: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/cloud-server-n-virtual-networking ? [16:35] SpamapS: perhaps it could be two sessions .. one explaining concepts, and one a hands on demo [16:35] hallyn: no, that's not it... this is cloud related [16:35] kim0: sure.. I like to start w/ the demo, then explain what sort of black magic we just did. ;) [16:35] * kim0 nods [16:35] ivoks: but that's the one i was thinking i'm afraid [16:36] hallyn: issue we have is that if you install ubuntu server in an evironment where VLAN is requried to get internet access, you are in pain [16:36] (at least on lucid, vlan package isn't even on CD) [16:36] there's a "vlan" package? [16:36] yes [16:37] ivoks: sounds like a good request for UDS-o decision? [16:37] I would have thought ifconfig can handle it [16:37] SpamapS: vconfig [16:37] and ifconfig is old and obsolete [16:37] yes [16:37] vlan tagging is done by switches, but if you use a linux box to do vlan tagging then yes it is needed [16:38] hallyn: sure [16:38] do we have a list of server uds topics started yet, that we could add this to? [16:39] hallyn: not yet [16:39] we had package review every uds; i hope that didn't change :) [16:39] oh it has :) [16:39] it was always best fun :) [16:40] ok, there seems to be no good place to stash this action right now. I'll put it in my tickler for may [16:40] * ttx has a few ideas for universe demotin that would clear up plenty of CD space. [16:40] ttx: and youll be bringing those up? [16:40] at uds? [16:40] hallyn: not sure that would be politically correct, but yes, I'll be there [16:40] ttx: we're not getting rid of eucalyptus damnit! [16:40] :) [16:40] oops. [16:40] sheesh.. openstack guys think they invented post-its [16:40] * hallyn slaps his forehead [16:41] ;) [16:41] all right, moving on :) [16:41] [TOPIC] Open Discussio [16:41] New Topic: Open Discussio [16:41] n [16:41] DST is not a valid topic. anything else? [16:41] Does anyone feel that the meeting format needs some streamlining? [16:41] nah [16:42] can't tell... this is my first in a long time [16:42] [TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time [16:42] New Topic: Announce next meeting date and time [16:42] Tuesday, March 22 2011 16:00 UTC [16:42] thanks, everyone [16:42] #endmeeting }}}