== Agenda == * Review ACTION points from previous meeting * ''ACTION:'' Daviey set priority on s-cycle BPs * ''ACTION:'' Daviey follow up on missing BPs from overview s-topic * Saucy Development * Release Tracking Bug Tasks - http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-s-tracking-bug-tasks.html#server * Blueprints - http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-saucy/group/topic-saucy-servercloud-overview.html * Ubuntu Server Team Events * Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (plars) * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) * Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (rbasak) * Open Discussion * Announce next meeting date, time and chair * ACTION: meeting chair (of this meeting, not the next one) to carry out post-meeting procedure (minutes, etc) documented at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase == Meeting information == * #ubuntu-meeting: ubuntu-server-team, 02 Jul at 16:03 — 16:47 UTC * Full logs at [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-07-02-16.03.log.html]] == Meeting summary == === Review ACTION points from previous meeting === The discussion about "Review ACTION points from previous meeting" started at 16:03. * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/20130625 doesn't exist. ACTION: arosales to carry out post-meeting procedure (minutes, etc) documented at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase for meeting of 25 June * Daviey set priority on s-cycle BPs, and Daviey follow up on missing BPs from overview s-topic. Daviey believes that priorities are all good now. He will check that they are all on the status tracker, but we can mark this item done. === Saucy Development === The discussion about "Saucy Development" started at 16:08. * '''Release Tracking Bug Tasks''' (16:08) * Bugs being tracked were discussed and assigned as needed. Notable bugs: * ''LINK:'' https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nagios-plugins/+bug/1031680 - rbasak will take to the mailing list * '''Blueprints''' (16:22) * arosales will file a bug to have the trend line updated. * MariaDB/Percona: zul says that he hasn't heard anything. Daviey will reach out to them this week. ''ACTION:'' Daviey to speak to Percona about Saucy inclusion === Ubuntu Server Team Events === The discussion about "Ubuntu Server Team Events" started at 16:33. * Linaro Connect is in Dublin next week. * An Openstack 3rd birthday event is in London on the 19th. === Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (plars) === The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (plars)" started at 16:34. * plars reported that the server images were having problems on the day of the meeting, and that the release team are looking into it.''LINK:'' https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/1196981 === Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) === The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)" started at 16:35. * smb noted that kernel 3.10 is now available in Saucy. * jamespage has fixed openvswitch. He will work on iscsi-target next: https://launchpad.net/bugs/1195607 === Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (rbasak) === The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (rbasak)" started at 16:41. * No updates. * Daviey asked about mongodb status. rbasak reported that it is still on his TODO list. === Open Discussion === The discussion about "Open Discussion" started at 16:42. * rbasak suggested that with the problems with chairs not completing post-meeting procedures, perhaps they should remain the chair, without rotation, until post-meeting procedures are completed, as an incentive to get things done. rbasak proposed that this start with him. Nobody had any comments. === Announce next meeting date, time and chair === The discussion about "Announce next meeting date, time and chair" started at 16:46. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, 9 July 2013 at 1600 UTC. yolanda will chair. == Vote results == * None == Action items == * arosales to carry out post-meeting procedure (minutes, etc) documented at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase for meeting of 25 June * Daviey to speak to Percona about Saucy inclusion == Action items, by person == * arosales * arosales to carry out post-meeting procedure (minutes, etc) documented at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase for meeting of 25 June * Daviey * Daviey to speak to Percona about Saucy inclusion == People present (lines said) == * rbasak (91) * Daviey (59) * jamespage (33) * arosales (11) * ubottu (10) * meetingology (5) * plars (4) * zul (3) * xnox (3) * roaksoax (3) * smb (2) * yolanda (1) * utlemming (1) == Full Log == 16:03 #startmeeting ubuntu-server-team 16:03 Meeting started Tue Jul 2 16:03:09 2013 UTC. The chair is rbasak. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 16:03 16:03 Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 16:03 #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting 16:03 Daviey set priority on s-cycle BPs 16:03 Daviey follow up on missing BPs from overview s-topic 16:04 I don't see last week's meeting logs 16:04 rbasak, I just updated the wiki page with those two actions 16:05 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/20130625 doesn't exist. 16:05 arosales: Broadsided me :-) 16:05 I'll look at the IRC logs. 16:05 I believe the priorities are all good NOW.. I need to double check they are all on the status tracker. 16:05 rbasak, yes sorry I didn't add that there 16:05 Mark it done, will double check following this. 16:05 the moin logs are at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-06-25-16.00.moin.txt 16:05 rbasak, I'll get those added to the wiki 16:06 Thanks 16:06 #action arosales to carry out post-meeting procedure (minutes, etc) documented at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase for meeting of 25 June 16:06 * meetingology arosales to carry out post-meeting procedure (minutes, etc) documented at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase for meeting of 25 June 16:07 Sorry I'm just catching up. 16:07 rbasak, thank you 16:07 Daviey follow up on missing BPs from overview s-topic 16:07 Did you just cover that? 16:08 Yes 16:08 OK 16:08 #topic Saucy Development 16:08 #subtopic Release Tracking Bug Tasks 16:08 #link http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-s-tracking-bug-tasks.html#server 16:09 Shall I go through these? 16:09 rbasak: Please do 16:09 Would it be an idea to make sure someone is assigned to each of them? 16:09 bug 1124384 16:09 bug 1124384 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Saucy) "Configuration reload clears event that others jobs may be waiting on" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1124384 16:10 utlemming: any comment? Do you want to follow that through? 16:10 bug 1196921 16:10 bug 1196921 in vim (Ubuntu Saucy) "updating packages to lua5.2 in main" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1196921 16:10 Nobody is assigned at the moment. Any volunteers? 16:11 Looks like 1124384 has become a hard problem, but smoser and utlemming are tracking it. Not worried it will be resolved 16:11 1196921 looks like a transition that could be painful.. As it's not a blocking package, i think we can leave it for this week 16:11 bug 1183634 16:11 bug 1183634 in cheetah (Ubuntu Saucy) "cheetah pkg does not depend on markdown, but egg requires.txt does" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1183634 16:12 Looks like it's waiting on the MIR team. 16:12 adam_g is tracking that 16:12 bug 1170393 16:12 bug 1170393 in quantum (Ubuntu Saucy) "Quantum services should be respawned by upstart if necessary" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1170393 16:12 I think 1183634 needs an upload to make it show on c-m list 16:13 jamespage: what am i looking at on that bug? Shows Won't Fix? 16:13 I'll take that quantum one 16:14 May I assign it, so that we remember for next week? 16:14 jamespage: Why does the recent change show Won't Fix? 16:14 not a clue - rbasak - I've already done that 16:14 * jamespage shrugs 16:14 Thanks! 16:15 Ah, i see.. the development series was thrown away, with a dedicated saucy task 16:15 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+bug/1188069 is security and the security team are tracking it. 16:15 Launchpad bug 1188069 in apache2 (Ubuntu Saucy) "apache2 mod_rewrite CVE 2013-1862" [Low,Confirmed] 16:15 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libasm4-java/+bug/1196979 16:15 Launchpad bug 1196979 in ow-util-ant-tasks (Ubuntu Saucy) "[MIR] libasm4-java (b-d of jarjar)" [Undecided,New] 16:15 anyone want to help with something java-ish 16:15 ? 16:15 ^^ 16:15 two packages to transition to asm4 in main 16:15 so we can get rid of asm3 16:16 jamespage: Happen to know why jarjar is in main? 16:16 cglib 16:16 which is one of the things that needs to be transitioned 16:16 I suspect its actually broken right now 16:16 as asm upstream don't version their package namespaces and they are not backwards compat 16:16 ugh! 16:16 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nagios-plugins/+bug/1031680 16:16 Launchpad bug 1031680 in nagios-plugins (Ubuntu Raring) "check_apt always report 0 critical updates" [High,Triaged] 16:17 jamespage: Do you have capacity to triage that? 16:17 nagios or asm4? 16:17 (java one) 16:17 yeah - sure 16:17 ta 16:17 (I discussed with doko earlier in -devel anyways) 16:18 I've been looking at this one. It's a complex issue and there's a workaround (use a different, much simpler plugin). I'm not sure it can be fixed in _this package_ for Saucy without introducing a horrible delta. 16:18 rsome good triage there 16:18 xnox: any comment on that? You targetted it for Saucy. 16:18 rbasak: seems xnox raised it with upstream? 16:18 I raised it. 16:19 Oh sorry. 16:19 The only comment is that we need to provide input since upstream need help. But the only sane way of fixing it is to ditch the plugin and use update-notifier directly, for Ubuntu. 16:19 rbasak: lets wait to see if upstream respond? 16:19 They sort of have. 16:19 rbasak: looking... trying to remember. 16:19 " I'm less keen on having 16:19 the behaviour depend on whether or not some tool is available, though; as 16:20 that's problematic with respect to maintenance and support. And I guess 16:20 update-notifier is a bit too Ubuntu-ish to add a hard dependency on 16:20 apt-check ... 16:20 Sorry I thought that'd paste on one line. 16:20 So do we simply recommend using the other tool? 16:20 IMHO, yes. 16:20 WFM 16:20 The alternative isn't packaged, though. 16:20 if it's a drop in feature compatible 16:20 It's not. 16:20 Pah 16:20 But it'll do for 99% of use cases IMHO. 16:21 The existing plugin's interface is very much based on the way it works. It's not really a clean interface. 16:21 How about I take this to the ML? 16:21 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtinst/+bug/1192290 16:21 Launchpad bug 1192290 in virtinst (Ubuntu Saucy) "virt-install cannot install Raring" [Undecided,Confirmed] 16:22 mdeslaur seems to be working on it 16:22 OK that's all the bugs on that report for us. 16:22 \o/ 16:22 #subtopic Blueprints 16:22 #link http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-saucy/group/topic-saucy-servercloud-overview.html 16:23 That link appears to be broken. 16:23 http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-s/group/topic-s-servercloud-overview.html 16:23 Thanks! 16:23 #link http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-s/group/topic-s-servercloud-overview.html 16:23 I'll amend the agenda for next time. 16:24 Ta 16:24 rbasak: yeah, i only mangled bug statuses to have this bug bubble up for saucy cycle. Ideally it should be resolved one way or the other, but could be regretfully postponed. 16:24 arosales: Are you able to adjust the trend line? 16:24 Daviey, unfortunately no 16:24 Daviey, a bug report should get the right folks looking at it though 16:25 https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-work-items-tracker/+filebug 16:25 xnox: OK, thanks. I'll email the ML with what I think we should do and copy you in. 16:25 utlemming / ivoks: What is servercloud-s-webscale MIR's blocked on? 16:25 that topic is stilling missing bp's btw 16:25 rbasak: cool =) back in the day I used to do a lot of nagios/check_mk large scale monitoring.... =) 16:26 Daviey, the MIR's are dependent on the other work items happening first 16:26 jamespage: Will sweep up after this, but we have enough to track development of what is there for now 16:26 jamespage, I think Daviey has an action out to follow up on missing BPs 16:26 jamespage: OIC 16:26 Daviey: er, I am not sure...I'll look into that today. I've been out on vacation 16:27 jamespage: Would you be able to work with zul to help with the direction of servercloud-s-openstack-hypervisor ? 16:27 Daviey, can do 16:27 jamespage: I suspect you are well placed to have some good guidance, based on last Friday 16:27 ack 16:28 Any more on Blueprints? 16:28 roaksoax: What is our zeromq story right now? 16:28 (servercloud-s-openstack-charms-ha-v2) 16:28 Daviey: have not look at it yet (been busy with charms mainly) 16:28 ok 16:29 Any more news on MariaDB/Percona ? 16:29 i'll have more information next week 16:29 Daviey: they have gone silent 16:29 I saw the ITP in Debian for xtrabackup 16:29 zul: didn't jcastro mentioned they were going to provide their own charm too? 16:29 Okay, i'll reach out to them this week. 16:29 roaksoax: they did but i havent heard anything else 16:30 * Daviey Daviey to speak to Percona about Saucy inclusion 16:30 #ACTION Daviey to speak to Percona about Saucy inclusion 16:30 * meetingology Daviey to speak to Percona about Saucy inclusion 16:30 I'd really like to see the alternatives in this cycle. Otherwise we'll end up not even being able to consider doing anything but supporting mysql for another LTS cycle. 16:31 jamespage: Any news on juju-core snapshot in saucy ? 16:31 rbasak: right 16:31 Daviey, the juju-core team hit some issues end of last week 16:31 should be resolved ~2 days ish 16:32 super 16:32 The rest looks ok, thanks. 16:33 Thanks Daviey! 16:33 #topic Ubuntu Server Team Events 16:33 Linaro Connect is in Dublin next week. 16:33 (I'll be there) 16:33 Any other upcoming events? 16:33 Hmm 16:34 19th London, Openstack Meetup 16:34 Openstack's 3rd birthday event 16:34 EOF 16:34 #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (plars) 16:34 plars: hello! 16:34 Hi 16:34 it seems i am in the wrong part of the world for events 16:34 Not much to report, except that the server images had some problems today 16:34 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/1196981 16:34 Launchpad bug 1196981 in Ubuntu CD Images "Saucy server installations fail due to dependancy issues on python-newt " [Undecided,Fix released] 16:35 I believe the release team is looking into it 16:35 Thanks plars! Does anyone have any questions for plars? 16:35 OK. 16:35 #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) 16:35 Hi 16:35 Not much to report. Currently working on a pre-release-pre-debian version of xen 4.3 to have the pieces together when the release happens. Any issues from server after kernel v3.10 hit the block? 16:36 I still appear to be using a 3.9 based cloud image as of today. 16:36 Any questions for smb? 16:36 jamespage fixed openvswitch, iscisitarget is still broke 16:37 next on my list 16:37 jamespage: is there a bug for iscsi-target? 16:37 yes 16:37 Should we target that for Saucy? 16:37 bug 1195607 16:37 bug 1195607 in iscsitarget (Ubuntu Saucy) "iscsitarget-dkms broken since kernel 3.10.0" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1195607 16:37 it already is 16:37 Thanks 16:37 * jamespage wonders about the release bugs list again 16:37 It didn't come up on the tracking page though? 16:38 it's not tagged 16:38 Tags are useless. :-) 16:38 it should not need to be tagged 16:38 it has a release task and its subbed by ubuntu-server 16:38 Other bugs in the report are not tagged. 16:38 that should be sufficient IMHO 16:39 It dosen't look like it's subbed by ubuntu-server to me. 16:39 It doesn't appear in the "May be notified" list 16:40 Can an ~ubuntu-server admin fix that please? 16:41 Daviey? jamespage? 16:41 ack 16:41 Thanks! 16:41 (and to smb!) 16:41 #topic Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (rbasak) 16:41 Nothing new to report. Any questions for me? 16:41 rbasak: Any news on mongo? 16:42 I've not looked at it, sorry. 16:42 no problem 16:42 EOF 16:42 #topic Open Discussion 16:43 Is there anything anybody wants to bring up? 16:43 I do, actually, related to the next item. 16:44 rbasak, congrats btw 16:44 I have a proposal that I hope is constructive. Instead of rotating the chair weekly, how about we rotate the chair once the chair completes the post-meeting procedure? 16:44 Thanks jamespage! 16:44 for those that don't know rbasak is now a MOTU and member of ubuntu-server-dev 16:45 congrats 16:45 +1! 16:45 Thanks :) 16:46 If we do that, then the previous chair will have his notes, and there won't be a delay at the start with confusion over who's chairing. And it's an incentive to get it done :) 16:46 I propose it starts with me, so I might as well volunteer to chair next week unless I get it done. 16:46 #topic Announce next meeting date, time and chair 16:47 The next meeting will be on 9 July at 1600 UTC as usual. I may be absent as I'll be at Linaro Connect. So I hope I'll get it done and yolanda will chair :) 16:47 #endmeeting Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology)