- Review ACTION points from previous meeting
- Previous meeting (July 22nd) actions:
- None
- Previous meeting (July 22nd) actions:
- U Development
Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)
Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa)
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee)
- Ubuntu Server Team Events
- Open Discussion
- Announce next meeting date, time and chair
ACTION: meeting chair (of this meeting, not the next one) to carry out post-meeting procedure (minutes, etc) documented at
Meeting Actions
U Development
The discussion about "U Development" started at 16:00.
- Feature freeze is August 21. Note Debian Import Freeze is coming up
- as well.
- The mysql /var/lib/mysql discussion is proceeding, but it seems
- unlikely that this will happen by feature freeze now. Nevertheless, we expect to land 5.6 in main in the same manner as 5.5 is currently on schedule. - please
- remember to keep your blueprints updated with work item progress and re-plan milestones if things slip.
Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)
The discussion about "Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)" started at 16:03.
- No updates
Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa)
The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa)" started at 16:05.
- No updates
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee)
The discussion about "Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee)" started at 16:05.
- James Page reports that iscsitarget 12.04 DKMS updates for HWE
- kernels are ready and uploaded to trusty-proposed awaiting SRU team review (bug 1262712)
- The KSM on NUMA + KVM bug (1346917) is making great progress, driven
- by Chris Arges. Brad Figg reports that an upload to trusty-proposed is imminent, and it should land on August 8th (the day after 12.04.5). 12.04.5 (for the HWE kernel) won't include the update, but one will be available for it the next day.
- For kernel SRU cadence updates, see
Ubuntu Server Team Events
The discussion about "Ubuntu Server Team Events" started at 16:17.
- rbasak noted that the Canonical Server Team have been sprinting in
- #ubuntu-server on Fridays to complete merges, including mentoring and sponsoring, and that all are welcome to join them.
Open Discussion
The discussion about "Open Discussion" started at 16:18.
- James Page reported that there are plans to SRU docker 1.0.x to
- 14.04 in bug 1338768. The proposed uploaded is in a PPA and awaiting review from the SRU team. Testers are encouraged to try it out.
Agree on next meeting date and time
- Next meeting will be on Tuesday, August 4th at 16:00 UTC in
- #ubuntu-meeting. Note that this was stated incorrectly in the meeting itself. The chair will be Liam Young.
17:00 <rbasak> #startmeeting ubuntu-server-team 17:00 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Jul 29 16:00:15 2014 UTC. The chair is rbasak. Information about MeetBot at 17:00 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 17:00 -!- meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: 17:00 <rbasak> Who's here? 17:00 <gnuoy> o/ 17:00 <jamespage> o/ 17:00 <jamespage> I'm here! 17:00 <rbasak> #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting 17:00 -!- meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting 17:00 <jamespage> hey rbasak, gnuoy 17:00 <rbasak> I see none. 17:00 <rbasak> #topic U Development 17:00 -!- meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: U Development 17:01 <rbasak> Any comments? Feature freeze is August 21. It will probably start creeping up on us now. 17:01 <beisner> o/ hi 17:01 <coreycb> o/ 17:01 -!- dholbach [~daniel@ubuntu/member/dholbach] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 17:01 -!- bjf has joined #ubuntu-meeting 17:01 -!- micahg has joined #ubuntu-meeting 17:01 <jamespage> debian import freeze is soonish as well 17:02 <jamespage> rbasak, do you reckon 17:02 <matsubara> o/ 17:02 <rbasak> We're working on getting all the important outstanding merges done. Usually by sprinting together on Fridays in #ubuntu-server. All welcome. 17:02 <kickinz1> o/ 17:02 <jamespage> that we will make the switch to 5.6 this cycle? 17:02 <jamespage> for mysql? 17:02 <rbasak> Yeah Debian Import Freeze not long away now. 17:02 <rbasak> I've been looking at mysql 5.6 today. 17:02 <jamespage> awesome 17:02 -!- lutostag has joined #ubuntu-meeting 17:02 <rbasak> Any other comments? 17:03 <rbasak> The mysql conversation is proceeding btw, but I think it less likely now that the /var/lib/mysql/ change will happen this cycle (if it happens at all, as it's still under debate) 17:03 <rbasak> But we can land 5.6 in the same manner as 5.5 for now. 17:03 <rbasak> #topic Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou) 17:03 <jamespage> ack 17:03 -!- meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou) 17:03 <jamespage> 17:04 <jamespage> ^^ remember to keep your BP's updated with work-item progress and re-plan milestones as things slip (if required) 17:04 <jamespage> rbasak, sorry - thats me done 17:04 <rbasak> caribou doesn't appear to be here, so I guess we can skip that. 17:05 <rbasak> Unless anybody has anything else they'd like to bring up on this topic? 17:05 <jamespage> nope 17:05 <rbasak> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa) 17:05 -!- meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa) 17:05 <rbasak> psivaa: any updates? 17:05 -!- hallyn has joined #ubuntu-meeting 17:05 <rbasak> I guess not. 17:05 <psivaa> nothing from our side rbasak 17:05 <rbasak> OK, thanks! 17:05 <rbasak> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee) 17:05 -!- meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee) 17:06 <smoser> o/ 17:06 <jamespage> I have something for this section if smb or sforshee don't have 17:06 <rharper> o/ 17:06 <sforshee> I don't have any updates. smb doesn't seem to be present. 17:06 <rbasak> jamespage: go ahead 17:06 <jamespage> so... this is my bad as I dropped the ball that smb started a while back 17:07 <jamespage> iscsitarget on 12.04 - dkms has been bust with HWE kernels 17:07 <jamespage> there was general consensus that backporting 14.04 version was the right way to go and some good testing from a community user 17:07 <jamespage> I've uploaded that for SRU team review today 17:07 <jamespage> apologies - that took way to long 17:08 <jamespage> bug 1262712 17:08 <ubottu> bug 1262712 in iscsitarget (Ubuntu Precise) "[SRU] Backport iscsitarget into Precise" [High,In progress] 17:08 <rbasak> Thanks jamespage - nice to see that being fixed 17:08 -!- bdrung_work [~bdrung_wo@] has quit [Quit: Verlassend] 17:08 <rbasak> I've also seen some discussion (eg. earlier today in #ubuntu-server) on 17:08 <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 1346917 in linux (Ubuntu Trusty) "Using KSM on NUMA capable machines can cause KVM guest performance and stability issues" [High,Fix committed] 17:08 <rbasak> I know a fix is in the works for Trusty, but hasn't landed yet. 17:08 <jamespage> that's a critical one and arges is doing a great job on driving that forwards 17:09 <rbasak> I could find the kernel SRU cadence documented from the link in 17:09 <rbasak> Does anyone know what the schedule is currently, or better have a link to it? 17:09 <jamespage> sforshee, ^^ ? 17:09 <smoser> i always just load 17:09 <sforshee> I don't know where we are in the cadence for sure, I suggest asking bjf 17:10 <bjf> jamespage, rbasak, i'm currently packaging up a kernel with that fix. should be uploaded today 17:10 <bjf> jamespage, rbasak (very soon now) 17:10 <rbasak> bjf: to trusty-proposed? That's great - thanks! 17:10 <jamespage> bjf, thanks! 17:10 <rbasak> bjf: though do you know where the normal cadence is documented? That's one thing I couldn't find and wanted to point people to. 17:10 <bjf> rbasak, jamespage the plan is for it to hit -updates on Aug. 8. the day after 12.04.5 17:11 <jamespage> great 17:11 <jamespage> bjf, so it would be included in 12.04.5? 17:11 <jamespage> sorry - being dumb... 17:11 <rbasak> Sounds like it'll miss 12.04.5? 17:11 <jamespage> 12.04.5 being the 3.13 HWE release right? 17:11 <bjf> rbasak, the only way to know the dates for the next cadence is to be subscribed to kernel-sru-announce mailing list 17:11 <bjf> jamespage, will not be in 12.04.5 17:11 <jamespage> hmm 17:12 <bjf> jamespage, that's why there will be an update the next day 17:12 <jamespage> ok 17:12 <rbasak> bjf: I can point them to I guess then - thanks! 17:12 <smoser> 17:12 <smoser> yeah, bjf. thanks for that. 17:12 -!- victorp [~victorp@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 17:13 <smoser> bjf, could you, or someone on your team possibly update to point to that mailing list ? 17:13 <smoser> i'd not seen that documented previously (but that coudl be user error) 17:13 <rbasak> Meanwhile, any other kernel-related questions or comments? 17:13 <bjf> smoser, since it's a wiki, you can do it :-) 17:13 -!- davidcalle has joined #ubuntu-meeting 17:13 -!- robru [~robru@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:13 -!- smb has joined #ubuntu-meeting 17:14 <rbasak> smb: o/ 17:14 <smb> Just about... 17:14 <rbasak> smb: we're just about to finish the kernel topic. Did you have any comments? 17:14 <smb> Just remembered 17:15 <smb> I had nothing in particular. Just for zul and hallyn about the request for libvirt stuff back to Debian 17:15 <smb> I would be interested to learn there if one of you does something (or help) 17:16 <rbasak> I guess zul and hallyn have no comment right now. Thanks smb! 17:16 <rbasak> #topic Ubuntu Server Team Events 17:16 -!- meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Ubuntu Server Team Events 17:16 <rbasak> What's coming up? 17:17 <zul> smb: still reading the email 17:17 -!- apachelogger [sitter@kde/developer/sitter] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation terminated!"] 17:17 <rbasak> Nothing that's not already been announced I guess. 17:18 <rbasak> I mentioned before that the Canonical team have been sprinting to try and get merges done (including mentoring and sponsoring) on Fridays in #ubuntu-server. 17:18 <rbasak> If others want to join us, please do. 17:18 <rbasak> #topic Open Discussion 17:18 -!- meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Open Discussion 17:18 <jamespage> o/ 17:18 <rbasak> Does anyone have anything else to bring up? 17:18 -!- psivaa is now known as psivaa-bbl 17:18 <rbasak> jamespage: go! 17:18 <jamespage> FYI there are plans to SRU docker 1.0.x to 14.04 17:18 <jamespage> 17:19 <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 1338768 in golang-pty-dev (Ubuntu Trusty) "[SRU] Update to 1.0.0 release" [High,New] 17:19 <jamespage> referenced from that bug is a PPA with the currently proposed backport set to support this; I'm pending review from the SRU team 17:19 <jamespage> if anyone wants to take it for a spin please do! 17:20 <rbasak> Thanks jamespage! 17:20 <rbasak> #topic Announce next meeting date, time and chair 17:20 -!- meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Announce next meeting date, time and chair 17:21 <rbasak> The next meeting will be on Wed Aug 5 17:00:00 UTC 2014 17:21 <rbasak> Who'll be chairing? I'm not sure I follow the rota right now. Are we not moving it along any more? 17:21 <rbasak> So is that gauhen, or smoser? 17:21 <rbasak> Or the other way and hallyn? 17:22 <hallyn> gaughen or smoser 17:22 <smoser> yeah. it'd be me. 17:22 <rbasak> OK - thanks. gaughen or smoser then. 17:22 <smoser> i dont know how rbasak got put up there. 17:22 <rbasak> Thanks all! 17:22 <rbasak> #endmeeting 17:22 -!- meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: 17:22 <meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Jul 29 16:22:51 2014 UTC. 17:22 <meetingology> Minutes: 17:22 <smoser> but i probalby wont be availalbe, and neither will jamespage next week. 17:22 <jamespage> yah 17:23 <rbasak> OK, so gaughen or gnuoy? 17:23 <jamespage> have fun without us 17:23 <jamespage> gaughen will be out as well - so gnuoy! 17:23 <rbasak> Both tech leads gone in the same week? Whatever will we do? :-P 17:23 <gnuoy> I'll be out 17:23 <jamespage> lol 17:23 <rbasak> arosales will also be gone I'm guessing? 17:23 <rbasak> Then matsubara? 17:23 <matsubara> I'll be around 17:24 <rbasak> Can you chair next week, please? 17:24 <matsubara> Yes 17:24 <rbasak> Thanks! 17:24 <rharper> hehe 17:24 <kickinz1> thanks, rbasak 17:25 <matsubara> np