

Review ACTION points from previous meeting

Utopic Development

Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)

Nothing to report.

Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa)

minimal install of utopic has grown 4.5k over trusty.

Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee)

Crash on EC2 kernel instances:

Ubuntu Server Team Events

Some Ubuntu Server team members are at LinuxCon

Open Discussion

Bad Jokes The discussion about "Open Discussion" started at 16:18.

Announce next meeting date and time

next meeting will be : Tue Aug 26 16:00:00 UTC 2014 chair will be gnuoy

Meeting Actions


08/19/14 16:00:27 <smoser>      #startmeeting ubuntu-server-team
08/19/14 16:00:28 <meetingology>        Meeting started Tue Aug 19 16:00:39 2014 UTC.  The chair is smoser. Information about MeetBot at
08/19/14 16:00:28 <meetingology>        Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
08/19/14 16:00:28 ---   meetingology has changed the topic to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic:
08/19/14 16:00:52 <smoser>      welcome everyone to this weeks exciting edition of the Ubuntu Server Team Meeting
08/19/14 16:00:57 <smoser>
08/19/14 16:01:03 <smoser>      #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting
08/19/14 16:01:04 ---   meetingology has changed the topic to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting
08/19/14 16:01:27 <smoser>      we dont have a log of last weeks meeting .... gaughen .... but the previous weeks log shows
08/19/14 16:01:32 <smoser>      coreycb to take bug 1347567
08/19/14 16:01:35 <ubottu>      bug 1347567 in openstack-trove (Ubuntu Utopic) "trove unit tests disabled" [High,In progress]
08/19/14 16:01:44 <coreycb>     o/
08/19/14 16:01:49 *     gaughen hangs head in shame
08/19/14 16:01:49 *     kickinz1 in a car
08/19/14 16:01:54 <gaughen>     o/
08/19/14 16:01:57 <coreycb>     smoser, that's done but I need a review
08/19/14 16:02:05 <coreycb>     smoser, zul?
08/19/14 16:02:23 <gaughen>     zul's likely on a plane right now
08/19/14 16:02:27 <smoser>      i'll put that on my list.
08/19/14 16:02:44 <coreycb>     gaughen, ah..  thanks smoser
08/19/14 16:03:06 <smoser>      moving on.
08/19/14 16:03:27 <smoser>      #action smoser review coreycb MP for bug 1347567
08/19/14 16:03:28 <meetingology>        ACTION: smoser review coreycb MP for bug 1347567
08/19/14 16:03:30 <ubottu>      bug 1347567 in openstack-trove (Ubuntu Utopic) "trove unit tests disabled" [High,In progress]
08/19/14 16:03:35 <smoser>      #topic Utopic Development
08/19/14 16:03:36 ---   meetingology has changed the topic to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Utopic Development
08/19/14 16:03:41 <smoser>      #link
08/19/14 16:03:52 <matsubara>   o/
08/19/14 16:04:09 <smoser>      as you may be aware, Thursday is FeatureFreeze
08/19/14 16:04:40 <smoser>      so please make every effort to get your features uploaded to utopic
08/19/14 16:04:48 <rharper>     \o
08/19/14 16:04:59 <smoser>      for anything that will not make thursday, please file a feature freeze exception sooner than later.
08/19/14 16:05:09 <smoser>      #subtopic Release Bugs 
08/19/14 16:05:14 <smoser>      #link
08/19/14 16:05:56 <smoser>      i dont think there is anything new on that list.
08/19/14 16:06:19 <smoser>      please take a gander, and if your name is listed as assignee (kirkland, scottk, coreycb, jamespage) then please make some effort there.
08/19/14 16:06:25 <smoser>      #subtopic Blueprints
08/19/14 16:06:32 *     smoser hang head in shame.
08/19/14 16:06:37 <smoser>      but all others, please do keep up with blueprints.
08/19/14 16:06:45 <smoser>      of which status is recorded at
08/19/14 16:06:46 <smoser>      #link
08/19/14 16:06:51 <smoser>      #link
08/19/14 16:06:59 <smoser>      #topic Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)
08/19/14 16:06:59 ---   meetingology has changed the topic to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)
08/19/14 16:07:14 <caribou>     smoser: nothing new to bring up this week
08/19/14 16:07:18 <caribou>     smoser: thanks
08/19/14 16:07:27 <smoser>      fair enough. 
08/19/14 16:07:37 <smoser>      i'm gonna move on, if anyone has somethign for caribou, please interupt.
08/19/14 16:07:43 <smoser>      #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa)
08/19/14 16:07:43 ---   meetingology has changed the topic to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (psivaa)
08/19/14 16:07:57 <smoser>      psivaa, ?
08/19/14 16:08:03 <psivaa>      smoser: only minor issue is that during minimal installation test of utopic-amd64 the installed size is showing ~4.5k bloated
08/19/14 16:08:12 <psivaa>      smoser: could not figure out when exactly this was introduced since we had had the install tests broken for a bit
08/19/14 16:08:38 <smoser>      how much bigger is that than the trusty install ?
08/19/14 16:08:56 <psivaa>      smoser: 4.5 k
08/19/14 16:08:58 <smoser>      if we're talking about a few k here or there, its not necessarily any specific addition or deletion.
08/19/14 16:09:21 <smoser>      are you sure? as in there was exactly zero buffer in the trusty minimal install to make the target ?
08/19/14 16:10:13 <psivaa>      not sure if understand the question
08/19/14 16:10:27 <smoser>      you said utopic is ~4.5k "bloated".
08/19/14 16:10:41 <psivaa>      smoser: yes when compared to trusty i mean
08/19/14 16:11:06 <smoser>      oh. ok. well, do you consider that explicitly a bug ?
08/19/14 16:11:39 <psivaa>      smoser: not really, just wanted to point
08/19/14 16:12:01 <smoser>      theres automated test output for that ?
08/19/14 16:12:05 <smoser>      do you have link ?
08/19/14 16:12:32 <psivaa>      yes,
08/19/14 16:12:45 <smoser>      output ?
08/19/14 16:12:55 <psivaa>
08/19/14 16:13:00 <smoser>      gracias.
08/19/14 16:13:21 <smoser>      if anyone has anything else for psivaa, speak up.
08/19/14 16:13:26 <smoser>      psivaa, thanks for humoring me :)
08/19/14 16:13:33 <smoser>      #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee) 
08/19/14 16:13:33 ---   meetingology has changed the topic to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee)
08/19/14 16:13:35 <psivaa>      lol, anytime
08/19/14 16:13:56 <smb> Again not much I currently can think of. Are there questions for me
08/19/14 16:14:01 <smoser>
08/19/14 16:14:03 <ubottu>      Launchpad bug 1355891 in linux (Ubuntu) "crash on utopic ec2 instance" [High,Confirmed]
08/19/14 16:14:28 <smoser>      help there would be appreciated. unless osmething changed, there that is critical to say the least.
08/19/14 16:14:48 <smb> smoser, I kind of know what but not exactly why
08/19/14 16:15:12 <smoser>      ok if i action you to look at that by next week ?
08/19/14 16:15:27 <smb> I am already working on it
08/19/14 16:15:33 <smoser>      #action smb look at / update but 1355891
08/19/14 16:15:33 <meetingology>        ACTION: smb look at / update but 1355891
08/19/14 16:15:38 <smoser>      (i took that has 'yes' :)
08/19/14 16:15:40 <smb> utlemming has another bug open
08/19/14 16:15:52 <smoser>      link for that ? we can dupe mine.
08/19/14 16:16:11 <smb> bug 1350522
08/19/14 16:16:13 <ubottu>      bug 1350522 in linux (Ubuntu Utopic) "EC2 kernel crash due to vmalloc" [High,Confirmed]
08/19/14 16:17:04 <smoser>      smb, feel free to dupe mine.
08/19/14 16:17:10 <smb> ack
08/19/14 16:17:49 <smoser>      k. then moving on. bother smb if you have something.
08/19/14 16:18:04 <smoser>      #topic Ubuntu Server Team Events
08/19/14 16:18:05 ---   meetingology has changed the topic to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Ubuntu Server Team Events
08/19/14 16:18:15 <smoser>      well, we have some attentendees to linuxcon
08/19/14 16:18:32 <smoser>      hallyn, zul, stgraber, tych0 (i think).
08/19/14 16:18:39 <smoser>      anything else?
08/19/14 16:18:40 <smoser>      #topic Open Discussion
08/19/14 16:18:41 ---   meetingology has changed the topic to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Open Discussion
08/19/14 16:18:46 <smoser>      anyone have anything for here ?
08/19/14 16:19:07 <smoser>      this is kind of open mic section, so feel free to say anything. 
08/19/14 16:19:14 <gaughen>     hi smoser
08/19/14 16:19:16 <smoser>      or share any kernel-developer jokes at smb's expense.
08/19/14 16:19:19 <gaughen>     that's all I have to say
08/19/14 16:19:23 <tych0>       aye, i am going to linuxcon
08/19/14 16:19:28 <gaughen>     two kernel developers walk into a bar
08/19/14 16:19:45 <smoser>      #topic Announce next meeting date and time
08/19/14 16:19:45 ---   meetingology has changed the topic to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | ubuntu-server-team Meeting | Current topic: Announce next meeting date and time
08/19/14 16:20:20 <gaughen>     I see how you feel about my jokes smoser
08/19/14 16:20:42 <caribou>     smoser: thanks
08/19/14 16:20:48 <smoser>      i thought that was the punch line, gaughen 
08/19/14 16:20:58 <smoser>      slapstick comedy.
08/19/14 16:21:09 <smoser>      2 kernel developers hitting head on a bar. thats funny.
08/19/14 16:21:16 <smoser>      next meeting will be : Tue Aug 26 16:00:00 UTC 2014
08/19/14 16:21:20 <smb> We never walk in only by twos .... :)
08/19/14 16:21:30 <smoser>      i'll go ahead and tell gnuoy that he'll be chair next in jamespage's absense.
08/19/14 16:21:57 <smoser>      #endmeeting
08/19/14 16:21:57 ---   meetingology has changed the topic to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation:
08/19/14 16:21:57 <meetingology>        Meeting ended Tue Aug 19 16:22:08 2014 UTC.
08/19/14 16:21:57 <meetingology>        Minutes:
08/19/14 16:21:59 <gaughen>     ha!
08/19/14 16:22:04 <gnuoy>       oh /o\

MeetingLogs/Server/20140819 (last edited 2014-08-19 16:33:53 by smoser)