- Review ACTION points from previous meeting
- None
- W Development
Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)
Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (matsubara)
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges)
- Ubuntu Server Team Events
- Open Discussion
- Announce next meeting date, time and chair
ACTION: meeting chair (of this meeting, not the next one) to carry out post-meeting procedure (minutes, etc) documented at
Please feel free to add more items to the agenda for the next meeting. We will discuss them in turn when it arrives.
- Review Action Points from previous meeting:
- None
- W Development:
No yet
- Release Bugs!
- Bugs report is not automatically generating for W; beisner will look into the issue.
- Blue Prints
- Blueprints are empty and need love for W.
Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou):
- two items raised
- ceph upstart jobs - caribou + jamespage will address.
- curtin partitioning - caribou will talk with smoser.
Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (matsubara):
- Nothing to raise; no questions from attendees.
Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges)
- Nothing to raise; no questions from attendees.
- Ubuntu Server Team Events
- Nothing mentioned.
- Open Discussion
- Nothing mentioned.
- Announce next meeting date, time and chair
- Next meeting will be on Tuesday, June the 1=9th at 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.
Meeting Actions
- ACTION: Bugs report is not automatically generating for W; beisner will look into the issue.
- ACTION: ceph upstart jobs - caribou + jamespage will address.
- ACTION: curtin partitioning - caribou will talk with smoser.
Agree on next meeting date and time
Next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 31st at 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.
16:01 <beisner> #startmeeting ubuntu-server-team 16:01 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Jun 2 16:01:41 2015 UTC. The chair is beisner. Information about MeetBot at 16:01 <meetingology> 16:01 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick 16:01 <smb> o/ 16:01 <beisner> greetings! 16:02 <caribou> o/ 16:02 <coreycb> o/ 16:02 <beisner> #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting 16:02 <beisner> no action items found. i suspect we'll have a "check your blueprints" action out of today. 16:03 <beisner> #topic Wily Development 16:03 <beisner> #link 16:03 <beisner> we just passed feature def freeze 16:04 <beisner> #subtopic Release Bugs 16:04 <beisner> hrm. report is awol. 16:04 <beisner> #link 16:05 <beisner> if there were one, it would be there ^ 16:05 <beisner> i'll take an action item to check into that 16:06 <beisner> #action beisner to check into W qa report automation 16:06 * meetingology beisner to check into W qa report automation 16:06 <beisner> does anyone have any W bugs that we should point out? 16:07 <jamespage> not yet 16:07 <beisner> if not, onward 16:07 <beisner> #subtopic Blueprints 16:07 <beisner> #link 16:07 <beisner> er um... 16:08 <beisner> #link 16:08 <beisner> #link 16:08 <beisner> ^ is still not a thing fyi. 16:08 <coreycb> 16:08 <coreycb> maybe? 16:09 <beisner> #link 16:09 <beisner> thanks coreycb 16:09 <beisner> ok so here we are, blueprinting, right? ;-) 16:10 <jamespage> we do need to get ontop of blueprints - I'd like to review openstack ones on Friday if possible 16:10 <beisner> a reminder to be working on and linking blueprints 16:10 <beisner> so there is a separate openstack blueprint tree from the server team blueprints now, fyi 16:11 <beisner> ok cruising on 16:11 <beisner> #topic Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou) 16:11 <beisner> hi caribou 16:11 <caribou> Hi, yes for once I have something : 16:11 <beisner> woot 16:11 <caribou> two actually 16:11 <caribou> I need some help with CEPH upstart jobs 16:12 <caribou> and curtin - disk partitioning 16:12 <caribou> who should i ping for those ? 16:12 <rbasak> Try jamespage for ceph+upstart, and smoser for curtin maybe? 16:12 <beisner> perhaps smoser re: curtin 16:12 <jamespage> caribou, I can help with ceph 16:13 <caribou> jamespage: ok, I'll ping you sometime in the coming days 16:13 <jamespage> ok 16:13 <jamespage> any bugs? 16:13 <caribou> & already bugged smoser a bit about curtin, will do again 16:13 <caribou> jamespage: not sure I created one for that 16:13 <caribou> jamespage: I'll email it if I find it 16:14 <caribou> beisner: that's all I had 16:14 <beisner> thanks caribou - so you'll find or file corresponding bugs and work with jamespage and smoser on those. 16:14 <caribou> beisner: yep 16:14 <beisner> ack 16:14 <beisner> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (matsubara) 16:14 <beisner> hi matsubara 16:14 <matsubara> Nothing new to report 16:15 <beisner> alright thanks 16:15 <beisner> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges) 16:15 <smb> Hi, nothing to bring up right now (again). If there are no questions for us we can move along. 16:15 <beisner> any questions for kernel? 16:16 <beisner> ... 16:16 <beisner> #topic Ubuntu Server Team Events 16:16 <beisner> any fun things we need to let people know about? 16:16 <beisner> #topic Open Discussion 16:16 <beisner> or anything at all? 16:17 <beisner> #topic Announce next meeting date, time and chair 16:17 <beisner> same time, same place, +1 week. 16:18 <beisner> and a happy tuesday, all! i'll see about those reports. 16:18 <matsubara> thanks beisner 16:18 <beisner> #endmeeting