
Please feel free to add more items to the agenda for the next meeting. We will discuss them in turn when it arrives.


Meeting Actions

Agree on next meeting date and time

Next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 31st at 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


16:01 <beisner> #startmeeting ubuntu-server-team
16:01 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Jun  2 16:01:41 2015 UTC.  The chair is beisner. Information about MeetBot at
16:01 <meetingology> 
16:01 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
16:01 <smb> o/
16:01 <beisner> greetings!
16:02 <caribou> o/
16:02 <coreycb> o/
16:02 <beisner> #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting
16:02 <beisner> no action items found.  i suspect we'll have a "check your blueprints" action out of today.
16:03 <beisner> #topic Wily Development
16:03 <beisner> #link
16:03 <beisner> we just passed feature def freeze
16:04 <beisner> #subtopic Release Bugs
16:04 <beisner> hrm.  report is awol.
16:04 <beisner> #link
16:05 <beisner> if there were one, it would be there ^
16:05 <beisner> i'll take an action item to check into that
16:06 <beisner> #action beisner to check into W qa report automation
16:06 * meetingology beisner to check into W qa report automation
16:06 <beisner> does anyone have any W bugs that we should point out?
16:07 <jamespage> not yet
16:07 <beisner> if not, onward
16:07 <beisner> #subtopic Blueprints
16:07 <beisner> #link
16:07 <beisner> er um...
16:08 <beisner> #link
16:08 <beisner> #link
16:08 <beisner> ^ is still not a thing fyi.
16:08 <coreycb>
16:08 <coreycb> maybe?
16:09 <beisner> #link
16:09 <beisner> thanks coreycb
16:09 <beisner> ok so here we are, blueprinting, right?  ;-)
16:10 <jamespage> we do need to get ontop of blueprints - I'd like to review openstack ones on Friday if possible
16:10 <beisner> a reminder to be working on and linking blueprints
16:10 <beisner> so there is a separate openstack blueprint tree from the server team blueprints now, fyi
16:11 <beisner> ok cruising on
16:11 <beisner> #topic Server & Cloud Bugs (caribou)
16:11 <beisner> hi caribou
16:11 <caribou> Hi, yes for once I have something :
16:11 <beisner> woot
16:11 <caribou> two actually
16:11 <caribou> I need some help with CEPH upstart jobs
16:12 <caribou> and curtin - disk partitioning
16:12 <caribou> who should i ping for those ?
16:12 <rbasak> Try jamespage for ceph+upstart, and smoser for curtin maybe?
16:12 <beisner> perhaps smoser re: curtin
16:12 <jamespage> caribou, I can help with ceph
16:13 <caribou> jamespage: ok, I'll ping you sometime in the coming days
16:13 <jamespage> ok
16:13 <jamespage> any bugs?
16:13 <caribou> & already bugged smoser a bit about curtin, will do again
16:13 <caribou> jamespage: not sure I created one for that
16:13 <caribou> jamespage: I'll email it if I find it
16:14 <caribou> beisner: that's all I had
16:14 <beisner> thanks caribou - so you'll find or file corresponding bugs and work with jamespage and smoser on those.
16:14 <caribou> beisner: yep
16:14 <beisner> ack
16:14 <beisner> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (matsubara)
16:14 <beisner> hi matsubara
16:14 <matsubara> Nothing new to report
16:15 <beisner> alright thanks
16:15 <beisner> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb, sforshee, arges)
16:15 <smb> Hi, nothing to bring up right now (again). If there are no questions for us we can move along.
16:15 <beisner> any questions for kernel?
16:16 <beisner> ...
16:16 <beisner> #topic Ubuntu Server Team Events
16:16 <beisner> any fun things we need to let people know about?
16:16 <beisner> #topic Open Discussion
16:16 <beisner> or anything at all?
16:17 <beisner> #topic Announce next meeting date, time and chair
16:17 <beisner> same time, same place, +1 week.
16:18 <beisner> and a happy tuesday, all!  i'll see about those reports.
16:18 <matsubara> thanks beisner
16:18 <beisner> #endmeeting

MeetingLogs/Server/20150602 (last edited 2015-06-02 16:38:01 by 1chb1n)