04:02 mdz        time to get started
   === Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   04:03 mdz        reverse order tonight
   04:03 mdz        sfllaw: you're up first
   04:03 Keybuk     mdz: gah, that hurts my head :)
   04:03 sfllaw     We had a bug night tonight.
   04:03 sfllaw     And I did a bunch of triaging and wiki writing.
   04:03 mdz        I see a bug moon rising
   04:03 sfllaw     Plans?  Figure out what we can do to make BugSquad better.
   04:03 sfllaw     Maybe hold another BugDay next week.
   04:03 sfllaw     21:48 < welshbyte> going on UTC+1 time HUG day saw 28 new bugs opened and 65 closed.
   04:04 sfllaw     And a whole whack were triaged.
   04:04 dholbach   and lots triaged
   04:04 dholbach   yeah
   === ddonky [n=don@66-190-237-2.dhcp.klmt.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   04:04 dholbach   We definitely should keep up the Bug Days weekly until release.
   04:04 mdz        the list of confirmed, open, major bugs looks pretty good
   04:04 mdz        but it's difficult to take it seriously with so many bugs yet to be triaged
   04:04 mdz        dholbach: agreed
   04:05 mdz        sfllaw: how did you discussions go regarding the subsystems we discussed?
   04:05 sfllaw     It's likely that weekly meetings can build enthusiasm and train our volunteers.
   04:05 sfllaw     I talked with everyone but BenC.
   04:05 sfllaw     I distilled the X triage requirements into a wiki page.
   04:05 Mithrandir sfllaw: you have?
   04:05 dholbach   I think 85 people in the channel were a record we set these days. :-)
   04:05 sfllaw     Everything else is still in my head.
   04:06 seb128     sfllaw: we talked about what?
   04:06 sfllaw     Gah.
   04:06 sfllaw     :P
   04:06 Mithrandir sfllaw: I can't remember talking with you, apart from some random chatter about a few bugs?
   04:06 dholbach   seb128: you had a mail conversation :-)
   04:06 mdz        he hasn't talked with *everyone*; there were certain people I suggested he speak with
   === pitti waves to sfllaw, too :)
   04:06 Mithrandir mdz: oh, ok. :-)
   04:07 seb128     oh, just to "important" people like dholbach so :p
   04:07 Keybuk     sfllaw: we talked? :)
   04:07 dholbach   hahahaha
   === dholbach hugs seb128
   === seb128 hugs dholbach
   04:07 mdz        easy, guys :-)
   04:07 mdz        sfllaw: have you read over the HelpingWithBugs / Bugs documentation?
   04:08 sfllaw     I've actually chatted with many people.  Mostly because my triaging has sent bugs there.
   04:08 mdz        sfllaw: are there any areas where it is obviously lacking which might help make the bug days more effective?
   04:08 sfllaw     mdz: I have.  And made changes to parts of it.
   04:08 sfllaw     I wrote stuff in DebuggingProgramCrashes
   04:08 sfllaw     That was for this BugDay.
   04:08 sfllaw     I'll do more, probably with stuff about how to prepare patches for bugs.
   04:08 sfllaw     debdiff and the like.
   04:08 mdz        perhaps we could include some statistics in the bugday announcements
   === poningru [n=poningru@ip68-226-0-76.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   04:09 sfllaw     That's an excellent idea.
   04:09 Surak      mdz: +1
   04:09 mdz        sfllaw: the count of bugs in each of those reports I sent you would be a good starting point
   04:09 mdz        I've asked LP for more automated reporting, but I expect it will take some time
   04:09 sfllaw     You mean those crazy-long URLs?
   04:09 mdz        yes
   04:09 Surak      sfllaw: let me know when you have this patch stuff done. I'm interested in translating it as soon as it's ready.
   04:10 mdz        you know, the ones I said needed to get shorter ;-)
   04:10 mdz        (and I didn't mean the URLs!)
   04:10 sfllaw     tinyurl is my friend.
   04:10 sfllaw     I think the Needs Info list has gotten longer, actually.
   04:10 mdz        sfllaw: would be nice to have some updates on the bug count in your update at these meetings as well
   04:10 sfllaw     I'll remember to do that.
   04:11 mdz        sfllaw: thanks
   04:11 mdz        seb128: next?
   04:11 seb128     catchup with bugs and mails from my week of VAC, bug triage, backporting patches from CVS and fixed bugs for dapper
   === Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   04:11 seb128     next week: the same
   04:11 mdz        seb128: how was the part of your vacation when you were NOT on irc?
   04:11 seb128     very good
   04:11 mdz        rested?
   04:11 seb128     the weather was nice
   04:11 seb128     yep, got some sleep too
   04:12 seb128     I'm fully of energy for dapper now ;)
   04:12 pitti      PHEAR, you bugs! :)
   04:12 mdz        seb128,dholbach: of new bugs which come in, are you seeing a lot of duplicates or more new bugs?
   04:12 mdz        seb128: sleep is good medicine for the soul
   04:12 bddebian   pitti: :-)
   04:12 dholbach   both, but an awful lot of duplicates
   04:13 seb128     as dholbach said
   04:13 mdz        I wonder if people are searching and not finding, or not searching
   04:13 seb128     lot of new bugs too
   04:13 seb128     many details too
   04:13 mdz        details?
   04:13 seb128     like "that app doesn't use themeable icons"
   04:13 mdz        minor and wishlist?
   04:14 seb128     right
   04:14 mdz        those should be fast to deal with :-)
   04:14 dholbach   stuff that is good forwarded upstream to be done in the new cycle, but not now
   04:14 seb128     not a lot of important issues, which is good
   04:14 mdz        yes, the smoke is clearing a little bit, and I think overall quality is actually pretty good
   04:14 mdz        but it is hard to be confident when we aren't sure what is lurking in the unconfirmed pile :-)
   === bddebian is trying
   04:14 seb128     I read every desktop bug we get basically
   04:15 mdz        bddebian: thanks for your help
   04:15 seb128     and try to milestone for dapper anything we should fix
   === Surak found some to forward upstream, and quite some dupes.
   04:15 Keybuk     mdz: generally I prefer people *not* to try and find duplicates themselves
   04:15 Keybuk     nearly every time that happens, it just results in noise on the bug because they have something different to the reporter
   04:15 Keybuk     (for my bugs, anyway)
   04:15 mdz        I think that if we can catch up on all bugs filed before April 27 before RC, we should have a good idea what we're dealing with
   04:16 seb128     I'm pretty happy with the bug situation for dapper atm (out of the number of dups and wishlists we get), the "to fix for dapper" list is pretty short
   04:16 mdz        most of the beta feedback probably came in within the 7 days after beta
   04:16 iwj        Keybuk: Yes, I agree.  People are very bad about even managing to stay on topic on one firefox bug report.  The `it's too slow' one is about the worst for that.
   04:16 mdz        Keybuk: it's usually fairly harmless when someone comments asking if a bug is a duplicate
   04:16 mdz        incorrectly marking them, of course, is a different story
   04:16 mdz        iwj: it's also fixed!
   04:17 mdz        (thanks)
   04:17 mdz        the forums users will be thrilled
   04:17 mdz        anyway
   04:17 mdz        seb128: thanks
   04:17 mdz        Riddell: next?
   04:17 Keybuk     mdz: the problem is even more when people just leap onto an existing bug -- without filing their own
   04:17 Riddell    done: bugfixing, kubuntu ubiquity especially fun with qtparted, linuxtag planning, chat with sfllaw
   04:17 Riddell    next week: flight 7, linuxtag, kubuntu ubiquity (finnish off qtparted fixes, do location map)
   04:17 Keybuk     I can think of a dozen in the past week I've actually had to talk to two separate people on the same bug
   === infinity [n=adconrad@loki.0c3.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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   === Keybuk shakes his head at infinity
   04:18 sladen     having the duplicates come is a very handy thing, it gives an idea of the scale of the problem and helps confirm it by having a completely separately sourced account of the bug (and the combination of the reports is better as the second bug information often includes pointers that would have been mentioned if the second person had just Me Too-ed the first bug report
   04:18 mdz        Riddell: what's left on the kubiquity hit list?
   === infinity apologises for losing track of time discussing stuff in -devel.
   04:18 infinity   In my defense, for the first time ever, I didn't get pinged about the meeting. :)
   04:19 sfllaw     infinity: We're already at R.
   04:19 mdz        infinity: ha, I saw you talking there and assumed you were here too
   04:19 mdz        infinity: (that's why)
   04:19 infinity   mdz: Oops. :)
   04:19 Riddell    mdz: qtparted has issues, that author obviously has never tested it on a mac for example
   04:19 Riddell    but in general it's shaping up really well
   04:20 mdz        Riddell: does it basically work on i386ish partitions?
   04:20 Riddell    yes, it does
   04:22 mdz        Riddell: you have perhaps open bugs where you're the package contact
   04:22 mdz        we need to start seeing that list shrink
   04:22 mdz        if qtparted won't be ready on powerpc, so be it
   04:23 mdz        I'm sure most of them are upstream, but they need to be triaged so that we can see if there are severe issues
   04:23 mdz        Riddell: are you reading your bug mail from launchpad?
   04:23 Riddell    I expect ubiquity to be out of the way by early next week so heavy triage mode by then
   04:24 Riddell    yes, anything for kde or kubuntu goes straight to my inbox
   04:24 mdz        early next week is only 2 weeks from RC
   04:24 mdz        Riddell: I ask because I come across bugs where the reporter says they are fixed, etc. but the bug remains untouched
   04:25 mdz        or the severity is wrong
   04:25 bddebian   Hmm maybe I should spend some time on kubuntu bugs?
   04:25 mdz        there seem to be a good bunch of folks helping to triage the bugs, which is good
   04:26 Riddell    I do read them all, but I often don't respond
   04:26 Riddell    bddebian: always welcome :)
   04:26 dholbach   Riddell: you might want to try to set up "weekly bug tasks" for the kubuntu community - that's what we did for the desktop team
   04:26 bddebian   Riddell: Do they get assigned to kubuntu team?
   04:26 mdz        Riddell: if you've taken the time to read the bug, it's worth the extra time to fix the severity, reject bogus reports, confirm the bug, etc.
   04:26 Riddell    bddebian: to kubuntu-team yes
   04:26 bddebian   OK, sorry to interrupt
   04:27 mdz        Riddell: of all the bugs on your list, only one is targeted for dapper (34321) and it's minor
   04:27 mdz        surely there are kubuntu bugs which need to be fixed for the release
   04:27 Riddell    I've never used the targeting function
   04:28 mdz        and we need to have that data recorded in malone
   04:28 mdz        Riddell: do you keep a list elsewhere?
   04:28 Riddell    a handwritten one of things I know I need to work on the coming week
   04:29 iwj        I've been using on-paper todo lists too, it seems to work OK.  But you have to be careful to catch stuff as it comes in and write it onto thelist.
   04:30 mdz        Riddell: ok, we should talk about ways to keep more organized there...but not tonight
   04:30 mdz        paper is not very good because no one but you can see it
   04:30 mdz        it's important that we have a central list of bugs to be fixed for the release, so that we know how close we are
   04:30 mdz        malone is the best place to keep it
   04:30 iwj        It's a shame that Malone is so awkward.
   04:30 ogra       hey, its getting better
   04:31 dholbach   I agree with ogra.
   04:31 mdz        I've been using it for many hours every day, and there's really not that much to complain about
   === mvo thinks the advanced search is quite ok
   04:31 Mithrandir I find it quite usable now.
   04:31 mdz        right, moving on
   04:31 mdz        Riddell: thanks
   04:31 mdz        pitti: next?
   === sladen wishes that Description, Subscription, Status and leaving a comment could be done in one page-refresh rather than 5
   04:31 pitti      reducing-duplication: no progress since last week
   04:31 pitti      general stuff done in the past two week:
   04:31 pitti      * tons of security updates
   04:31 pitti      * almost managed to catch up with my bugs inbox
   04:31 pitti      * bug fixing
   04:32 pitti      plan for next week:
   04:32 iwj        And yes, of course a paper list doesn't mean you don't have to keep the stuff up to date in Malone.  Think of it as a cache.
   04:32 pitti      * torture infinity harder with PHP security update
   04:32 pitti      * bugs, bugs, bugs
   04:32 pitti      not a lot to tell, just a lot to do :)
   === infinity nods his assent to that.
   04:32 Keybuk     sladen: I tend to open them all in tabs, and click through each one
   04:32 mdz        pitti: seems like security updates have been heavy; are you caught up now?
   04:32 infinity   My list gets shorter each week, but has more real work too.
   04:32 mdz        Keybuk: me too
   === Kinnison AOLs, tabs rock
   04:33 pitti      mdz: kernel finally built, xorg too; some smaller ones are still pending
   04:33 mdz        pitti: langpacks in good shape for release?
   04:33 pitti      mdz: but at least all that mozilla & friends stuff lies behind me now
   04:33 pitti      mdz: need to be updated again, of course, but the process is working well now
   04:33 mdz        pitti: xorg?  I thought fabbione said we weren't vulnerable to the latest one
   04:33 pitti      mdz: we didn't have any troubles with the last ones, so we can be reasonably confident now
   04:34 infinity   mdz: There's been another since that one.
   04:34 pitti      mdz: there's even a newer vuln :)
   === jjross [n=jim@ani-pdsl1-static-180.actionnet.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   04:34 mdz        ah
   04:34 mdz        I don't read much except my inbox and malone ;-)
   04:34 pitti      mdz: anyway, I still need to fix these three handfuls of packages to generate a pot file for rosetta import
   04:34 mdz        pitti: I thought the missing pot files were sorted?
   04:34 pitti      mdz: not yet, sorry
   04:35 pitti      some of them have been fixed, mainly the xfce ones
   04:35 mdz        pitti: I remember some who promised to help you ;-)
   === mvo coughs
   === pitti will go around prodding people RSN
   === mdz looks at mvo
   04:35 mvo        pitti: please give me a list via PM
   04:35 seb128     pitti: GNOME packages should be fine, if they are not let me know
   === nhaines [n=nhaines@adsl-69-231-126-183.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   04:36 pitti      mvo: will, thanks
   === jjross [n=jim@ani-pdsl1-static-180.actionnet.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   04:36 mdz        pitti: thanks
   04:36 mdz        ogra: next?
   04:36 ogra       * general: doc work, bug triage, lots of edubuntu artwork discussions and trying to calm the community about the default wallpaper, preparing first edubuntu council meeting, writing the tech chapters for the cookbook, checking the new edubuntu testplans with the new edubuntu test team, preparing linuxtag talk
   04:36 ogra       * next-week: more bug triage (especially looking at bug 39656 and bug 39294 aside from the screensaver bugs ) , uploading all the doc work, linuxtag talk.
   04:36 ogra       seems i have to skip flight 7 since i see no way to free 8 Meg on the i386 CD currently :( (and have no clue what suddenly ate that space)
   04:36 ogra       (again: please, please announce flight CDs in advance, i have planned no time for flight preparation at all this week and wasnt aware we'd do one tomorrow until today)
   04:36 Ubugtu     Malone bug 39656 in sabayon "prevents ltsp logins" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/39656
   04:36 Ubugtu     Malone bug 39294 in ltsp "No ldm login on the thinclient" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/39294
   04:37 Mithrandir ogra: beta 1 was two weeks ago.  When did you think we were going to do f7?
   04:37 ogra       Mithrandir, not a week after breta2
   04:37 ogra       Mithrandir, edubuntu usually is oversized and requires preparation
   04:38 ogra       Kamion promised me to announce flights earlier
   04:38 mdz        ogra: I need you to work on your assigned bug list, especially the high-severity and dapper-targeted bugs
   04:38 Mithrandir ogra: it was talked about earlier this week too.
   04:38 ogra       Mithrandir, where ?
   04:38 mdz        ogra: what's this about the cookbook?
   04:38 Mithrandir ogra: #u-d
   04:39 ogra       mdz, the ltsp related parts need to be writen by me (mostly just listing lts.conf params that i have to document anyway)
   04:39 iwj        Talking about something on #u-d with whoever happens to be there at the time isn't a substitute for an announcement.
   04:39 mdz        ogra: surely that can wait until after the release
   04:40 ogra       mdz, ok, but 39294 is serious for edubuntu
   04:40 mdz        Mithrandir: iwj is right; perhaps it would be a good idea to start sending pre-announcements of milestones to -devel-announce
   04:40 ogra       ++
   04:40 Mithrandir mdz: ok.
   04:40 mdz        ogra: it's also been assigned to you for 3 weeks; what's happening with it?
   04:41 ogra       mdz, i didnt look deep into it yet
   04:41 mdz        if it's a serious bug for edubuntu, it's more important than artwork or documentation
   04:41 mdz        please make bugs your #1 priority
   04:41 ogra       right, but it requires equipment i'm not near until monday
   04:42 mdz        ogra: do you need a vmware license?
   04:43 ogra       mdz, nope, i have enough HW, its just the current situation
   04:43 ogra       it will be solved on monday
   04:43 mdz        we're short on time, talk tomorrow
   04:43 mdz        ogra: thanks
   04:43 mdz        mvo: next
   04:43 ogra       and wont occur again
   04:43 mvo        Did:
   04:43 mvo        - new version of the dist-upgrade tool with various fixes (sources.list rewrite, terminal, logs) uploaded
   04:43 mvo        - bug triage/fixing (gksu, update-notifier, update-manager, pango [race on upgrade, #41297] )
   04:43 mvo        - i18n work (language-selector, pango-libthai)
   04:43 mvo        - ugprade testing
   04:43 mvo        - Espresso prototype work for a self-update mechanism
   04:43 mvo        - preparing the linuxtag talk
   04:43 mvo        Will do:
   04:43 mvo        - more bugfixing/bug triage
   04:43 mvo        Blocked:
   04:43 mvo        - sysadmin setup for the auto-dist-upgrade testing
   04:44 mdz        mvo: I saw a bug comment from you about a bug found during auto-dist-upgrade testing and assumed that was unblocked
   04:44 mvo        mdz: I have a local setup on i386 and amd64
   04:44 mdz        mvo: can you send me a mail tomorrow with your idea for the espresso update mechanism?
   04:44 infinity   mvo: I'll do PPC in my house if you want, then we're covered.
   04:45 mvo        mdz: I have a bzr branch for it,
   04:45 bddebian   Hmm, this all sounds like work.  Maybe I don't ever want to be a -dev
   04:45 mvo        infinity: cool, lets do it tomorrow
   04:45 mvo        mdz: I can mail you the details
   04:45 infinity   mvo: I think the "run it in the DC" thing can wait until post-release, as long as we have SOMETHING.
   04:45 mvo        infinity: *nod*
   04:45 mdz        mvo: send me the code as well, then; I'd like to review
   04:45 infinity   mvo: Ping me tomorrow, lucifer will be at your disposal.
   04:45 mvo        mdz: ok
   04:45 mvo        infinity: thanks!
   === mvo wonders about the name a bit
   04:46 mdz        mvo: your +assignedbugs is pretty huge
   04:46 mvo        mdz: I know, but the stuff with "major" shouldn't be that big anymore
   04:47 mvo        some bugs just take so long to fix :/
   04:47 mdz        mvo: yes, very few major.  have you looked at the rest and corrected severities?
   04:47 Kamion     damnit, sorry for sleeping through; here now
   04:47 mdz        Kamion: welcome, sleeping beauty
   04:47 mvo        mdz: I try to keep up with the list, but need to do some more triaging for the last two days
   04:48 Kamion     Riddell: the other major missing bit of KDE ubiquity that's obvious to users is the timezone selector
   04:48 mvo        mdz: its on my list for tomorrow
   04:48 mdz        mvo: try to prioritize triaging incoming bugs over known, normal bugs, to make sure that we are aware of any major bugs
   04:48 mvo        mdz: ok
   04:48 mdz        mvo: thanks
   04:49 mdz        Mithrandir: next
   04:49 Mithrandir misc: casper hacking, flight-7 preparations, fixed popcon, some bug triage
   04:49 Mithrandir next week: flight-7 release, bug triage, book flights to Paris
   04:49 Mithrandir blocked on: getting the new kernel into the archive
   04:49 Riddell    Kamion: that was on my todo item
   04:49 Mithrandir Ben promised me a new kernel in the archive eight or so hours ago, but still no sign of it.
   04:50 Mithrandir and we want that for f7
   04:50 mdz        Mithrandir: your bug list is relatively manageable by comparison to some; how about teaming up with Simon to help out with the Unconfirmed list next week?
   04:50 Kamion     Riddell: oh yes, so it was, thanks
   04:50 sfllaw     Mithrandir: That would be much appreciated.
   04:50 Mithrandir mdz: post-flight-7, sure.
   04:50 mdz        Mithrandir: exactly
   04:50 sfllaw     Thanks.
   04:50 Mithrandir I need to do some xkb work too, but that's manageable.
   04:50 mdz        Mithrandir: the only amd64 bug I saw which looked serious is that abiword "save as" bug
   04:50 Keybuk     uh ... where did the datacentre just go? :P
   04:51 Keybuk     oh, is back
   04:51 Mithrandir mdz: yeah, I just noticed it.  I'll investigate after a bit of sleep.
   04:51 sfllaw     Sorry.  That was my teleporter.
   04:51 mdz        right
   04:51 mdz        Mithrandir: thanks
   04:51 mdz        Kinnison: next?
   04:51 mdz        Kinnison: are you feeling any better?
   04:51 Kinnison   A bit better
   04:51 Kinnison   here goes
   04:51 Kinnison   distro: However I have gotten g-p-m 2.14.3-0ubuntu1 done and a lot of bugwork catchup from when I was ill. Other than that I've been working on bits handed to me as general bugs.
   04:51 Kinnison   launchpad: assisted infinity in diagnosing a bug in the binary packages of goffice. examined and reported on any publisher impact from marking warty as obsolete.
   04:51 Kinnison   ongoing: bug triage and fixing in the general sense on the march to release.
   04:51 Kinnison   ongoing-launchpad: whatever comes up (there was something but my sickness addled mind can't remember it)
   04:51 Kinnison   buglist: long but I believe should shorten fairly soon. I have a big g-p-m checkover to do over the next few days.
   04:51 Kinnison   confused: am I going to Paris?
   04:51 Kinnison   [end]
   === infinity needs to add "confused" stanzas to his updates in the future.
   04:52 bddebian   heh
   04:52 ogra       Kinnison, Paris -> are you distro team or not ?
   04:52 Kinnison   ogra: now yes, june 20, no
   04:52 ogra       :)
   04:52 ogra       oh
   04:52 JaneW      heh
   04:53 mdz        Kinnison: your bug list is pretty tame; Simon could use your help as well
   04:53 Kinnison   mdz: Okay sure
   04:53 mdz        Kinnison: make sure you look at anything I've marked for dapper, though
   04:53 mdz        Kinnison: see what you think of that new powernowd that's been requested
   04:54 Kinnison   yeah, I was reviewing the diff of that earlier before my eyes exploded
   04:54 infinity   Kinnison: Yes, please do.  I'm pretty sure we want/need it, but it needs to be tested a bit.
   04:54 Keybuk     Kinnison: it'd be really nice if the save-session bug could be fixed before dapper
   04:54 mdz        Kinnison: thanks
   04:54 mdz        Keybuk: next?
   04:54 Keybuk     * "Solved" the IBM T42 Docking Station problem, the docking station appears earlier in the PCI order than the internal IDE, which is why it gets priority -- no known solution to this.
   04:54 Keybuk     * Currently testing patch to move mounting of remote filesystems to a network up event, while retaining support for remote /usr.  Promising, will upload if I get no problems.
   04:54 Keybuk     * Several Network Manager bugs fixed in new upload, discovered that nm actually relies on wpasupplicant once it's started and that disabling it for non-encrypted networks actually broke nm.
   04:54 Keybuk     * Documented FTP Mastery stuff at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration
   04:54 Keybuk     * Flight to Paris booked.
   04:54 Keybuk     * Have started grepping the entire bug list for anything that looks like undetected hardware, failing to mount root fs, and "180-hangs"
   04:54 infinity   Kinnison: (forum and list users claim the sid package "works just great on dapper")
   04:54 Keybuk     * Milestones - have two bugs with a 6.06 milestone, and neither of them is going to be done before then; what's the appropriate procedure here?  bug 4505 and bug 7839
   04:54 Ubugtu     Malone bug 4505 in bubblemon "bubblemon: merge new debian version" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4505
   04:54 Keybuk     * Bug Misc - mdz, you frequently jump onto bugs and point things out, or ask questions (and cause them to be asked) but don't actually subscribe to the bug -- this makes it hard to keep in contact with you about it ... no idea how long it'd take you to respond otherwise.  Could you subscribe so those of us who feel we need to explain ourselves all the time don't gain a nervous twitch? :)
   04:54 Ubugtu     Malone bug 7839 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu bug reporting tools need to point to Ubuntu bug systems" [Major,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7839
   04:54 Kinnison   Keybuk: the save-session bug -- yes... I think I've got some stuff to do that somewhere
   04:54 Keybuk     uh, not 4505 then :)  bug 4504 :p
   04:54 Ubugtu     Malone bug 4504 in dpkg "dpkg: multiple fixes required for Nexenta OS" [Unknown,Unknown]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4504
   04:54 mdz        Keybuk: please work with infinity on that kernel/udev/initramfs mess; that's important for dapper
   04:54 Kinnison   infinity: yeah, I was being thorough, though perhaps I should be faster instead :-)
   04:55 mdz        Keybuk: I usually only subscribe when I need to see the answer, to avoid getting flooded...if you need for me to be in the loop, feel free to subscribe me
   04:56 infinity   mdz: I think we've mostly sorted that through idle chatter in -devel... I'll be hacking today and provide him with a "udev should do this" when I'm done with my half.
   04:56 Keybuk     (the idle chatter that made infinity late)
   === infinity coughs.
   04:56 mdz        Keybuk: documentation looks good, thanks for that
   04:57 Keybuk     mdz: I needed the space on my whiteboard
   04:57 mdz        Keybuk: appropriate procedure for the milestoned bugs is to find time to talk with me about them
   04:57 infinity   Keybuk: I'll try to keep those docs up to date if/when I change any ftpmastery tools.  Looks good and useful, though.
   04:57 mdz        Keybuk: 7839 should be targeted for edgy
   04:58 mdz        Keybuk: 4505 should be rejected
   04:58 mdz        time!
   04:58 mdz        Keybuk: thanks
   04:58 mdz        Kamion: next
   04:58 Kamion     ue-partitioning-tool: Agreed with mdz to defer remaining feature work and concen
   04:58 Kamion     trate on stabilisation.
   04:58 Kamion     misc: Week spent fixing top Ubiquity crash bugs and a few other issues. Getting
   04:58 Kamion     into moderately good shape now, I think; just one last crash to fix before Flight CD 7.
   04:58 Kamion     next-week: Obviously more Ubiquity bug-fixing, and mop up other >= major and ubuntu-6.06-targeted bugs elsewhere.
   04:58 Kamion     the "one last crash" is 39734
   04:59 mdz        ok
   04:59 mdz        ubiquity ha been looking very good in my testing
   04:59 mdz        Kamion: thanks for the update
   04:59 mdz        iwj: next
   04:59 iwj        Last ~week: firefox (bugfixes), ghostscript (new gs-esp upstream, bughunting, etc.), fonts (trying to push anymetrics=1 upstream at least to Debian is a bit of a struggle so far but I'm getting there I think).
   04:59 iwj        Next week: Non-firefox bugs, including dpkg issues, if I can manage to get round to any.
   04:59 iwj        Firefox next week: ff some time near next Tue/Weds.  There's some discssion in ubuntu-art of new theme setup for firefox in Dapper, which I have to get stuck into.
   04:59 iwj        It would be nice if Malone bug searches could be made to exclude certain packages.  I can't see the non-ff wood for the ff trees.  (Or perhaps I'm just not finding this feature in the UI.)
   05:00 mdz        (I apologize in advance that we're going to run late; have had a lot of bug talk)
   === infinity raises brow...
   05:00 doko       iwj: thanks for gs-esp
   05:00 pitti      infinity: yep, small and fast update
   05:00 mvo        iwj: are you in contact with fontocnfig upstream about the change?
   05:00 pitti      iwj: I can send you a CVE changelog snippet again
   05:01 iwj        mvo: I think so but only via the Debian BTS.
   05:01 mdz        iwj: you should be able to get partway there with a sort
   05:01 iwj        pitti: Yes, please.
   05:01 mdz        (the bug list issue)
   05:01 mdz        iwj: and have you tried the package bug report?
   05:01 iwj        mdz: That does help but you only get to sort on one thing if I'm not mistaken.
   05:01 iwj        The package bug report is the opposite of what I want IYSWIM.
   05:01 mdz        iwj: the javascript-based sort by clicking on the columns is multi-key I believe
   05:02 mdz        iwj: so what you can do is request a large batch (get all your bugs on one page) and sort with the column heading javascript widget
   === iwj tries it.
   05:02 mdz        iwj: thanks, and while you do...
   05:02 mdz        doko: next?
   05:02 mdz        er
   05:02 mdz        infinity: sorry
   05:02 mdz        infinity: you were next
   05:02 infinity   Mine's short anyway.
   05:02 infinity   last week: was sick up to and through the weekend, spent the last few days hunting build failures and chroot breakers resulting from the dapper-autotest runs.
   05:02 infinity   this week: today is initramfs-tools bugfix day (several in the works), plus need to catch up on PHP security, upstream bugfix version bumps for a mess of stuff, then start chewing through my other assigned bugs as quickly as possible.
   05:02 doko       - openoffice.org: amd64 / kde / scim debugging, found reason for slow startup times on amd64, pending upload; proposed amd64 32bit fixes for ia32*, needs confirmation from Riddell; backport of 2.0.2 to breezy available on p.d.o, not yet announced, problematic: -l10n failure on the buildds, which is not reproducible on a fresh chroot.
   05:02 doko       - printing related packages: bug triage, no further uploads yet.
   05:02 doko       - had the pleasure to join an eclipse working group to address promotion and packaging on linux distros. that group will now become an eclipse sub-project, more news, if the information is somewhere available online.
   05:02 doko       - preparing java package updates (status report emailed).
   05:02 doko       - other: sprained one toe, fractured another one, running against my last box of breezy CD's.
   05:03 doko       - next week: catch up on more printing bugs, address the six major assigned bug report, investigate the -l10n build failure.
   05:03 Keybuk     infinity: when does your "day" begin?
   05:03 mdz        infinity: what's on that upstream list apart from mysql?
   05:03 infinity   Keybuk: About 3 hours ago.
   05:03 doko       subversion 1.3 -> 1.3.1 ?
   05:03 infinity   mdz: MySQL, SVN, Apache2, PHP (still need to get an exception for this one), Tbird
   05:04 mdz        doko: can you mail me a URL for a log of the -l10n failure?
   05:04 mdz        doko: you didn't mention that your injury came from Ubuntu CDs.  in the line of duty!
   05:04 Riddell    doko: I'm unsure of the way to test your 32 bit patch
   05:04 doko       mdz: https://launchpad.net/+builds/+build/188774
   05:05 mdz        doko: can you mail it please? I'll forget otherwise
   05:05 doko       Riddell: I can try that myself on Friday
   05:05 doko       mdz: ok
   05:05 mdz        doko: thanks
   05:05 iwj        mdz: Well, starting at  https://launchpad.net/people/ijackson/+assignedbugs  I can't see a way to get them on one page and the js column heading sort seems not to do what I would want - I click on In and then Importance, or vice versa, and I don't get it sorted by one and then the other.
   05:05 mdz        dholbach: next
   05:05 dholbach   bugs: need to catch up, hug day yesterday, hug day next week?
   05:05 dholbach   icon mission: ubuntu-art people catch up on their bugs, I got a new set of icons from the designer yesterday, will package next - some stuff still missing, will call him
   05:05 dholbach   this week (done): hug day, some bug triage, random fixes, motu business
   05:05 dholbach   this week (todo): more bug triage, more fixes, prepare LinuxTag talk, do LinuxTag talk
   05:05 dholbach   next week: bugs bugs bugs, motu bugs (test rebuilds?)
   05:06 mdz        iwj: I believe you need to hand-edit the query string to get larger batches; #launchpad should be able to help
   05:06 pitti      oh, that's possible now?
   05:06 mdz        iwj: Apr 24 09:28:20 <kiko>  just change the batch URL parameter
   05:06 mdz        so presumably &batch=1000 or so
   05:06 iwj        doko: Sympathy for your foot !
   05:06 pitti      cool; last time I tried, the batch_end was just ignored
   05:07 mdz        dholbach: another hug day next week, no?
   05:07 mdz        pitti: if it doesn't work, please complain to kiko ;-)
   05:07 dholbach   mdz: yeah - i wrote that pre-meeting, i will see with sfllaw to that
   05:07 mdz        dholbach: cool, thanks
   05:07 pitti      mdz: just checked, it indeed works now. cool!
   05:07 Surak      batch is limited tough. I don't remember the quantity, but it's either 100 or 1000.
   05:07 mdz        it's definitely more than 100
   05:08 iwj        ?batch=1000 seems to work.
   05:08 mdz        and if it's currently too low, I should be able to get it increased
   05:08 mdz        I think that's all; BenC and fabbione are missing
   === Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   05:09 mdz        any other business in <60 seconds?
   05:09 JaneW      just SoC
   05:09 mdz        JaneW: if you have a prepared update, I'd like to hear it
   05:09 Kamion     Flight 7 tomorrow we hope, but no new kernel; I guess BenC didn't make it on that today
   05:09 Kamion     so we may have to get our skates on tomorrow morning
   05:09 JaneW      nothing prepared, just that things are well underway, lots of activity
   05:09 JaneW      we could do with a couple more mentors
   05:09 mdz        I hope BenC is OK
   05:09 JaneW      esp if we get 20 projects this year
   05:10 mdz        I sent him an SMS at the start of the meeting and got no answer
   05:10 JaneW      and we need specs
   05:10 JaneW      https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleSoC2006
   05:10 Keybuk     Kamion: would you like to borrow mine, they may fit? :)
   05:10 Keybuk     JaneW: who is supposed to write the specs?  My understanding was the students did for their proposals
   05:10 mdz        Kamion: he wanted to get a new kernel in to get it tested, or there were flight-7 blockers needed fixing?
   05:11 mdz        Keybuk: I think she means ideas for projects
   05:11 infinity   mdz: He wanted it tested, there's no real blocker.
   05:11 Kamion     mdz: we're half-way through a kernel ABI change; I'd rather not do a milestone release in that state
   05:11 Kamion     but it FTBFS on sparc
   05:11 mdz        Kamion: which half?
   05:11 Riddell    mdz: mind and promote knetworkmanager and wlassistant :)
   05:11 JaneW      Keybuk: we need a good summary, rational and acceptance criteria, they can fill in the blanks
   05:11 infinity   The halfway through thing isn't the end of the world (since the seeds haven't been changed), but it also sucks.
   05:11 mdz        Riddell: i will do it before I sleep tonight
   05:11 Kamion     mdz: new kernel images on !sparc, no l-r-m/linux-meta/d-i
   05:12 mdz        Riddell: in the future, you're likely to get faster responses from Kamion or Keybuk since they're on your time zone
   05:12 infinity   Kamion: If we don't care about doing Flight-7 on ports, we can just press on with what we have, and let the new kernel come later...
   05:12 mdz        ok
   05:12 mdz        that was more than 60 seconds of other business
   05:12 mdz        anyone not compellled to stay and chat is excused to sleep
   05:12 mdz        thanks, all

MeetingLogs/UbuntuDev_2006-05-04 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:28:08 by localhost)