{{{ 04:05 Kamion BenC: you're up 04:05 BenC finally :) 04:05 Keybuk did we forget infinity again? :) 04:05 jbailey JaneW: he's looking for internet right now, pl ease start without him. 04:06 infinity I'm here. 04:06 JaneW jbailey: right thanks 04:06 Keybuk just checking 04:06 JaneW ok lets start from the top this week 04:06 infinity BenC: We need that new kernel upload yesterday, BTW. 04:06 BenC hold off on me till later in the meeting, I am real busy getting this kernel done 04:06 Kamion BenC: no, I mean you're up in the meeting :-) 04:06 Kamion ok === licio [n=licio@ubuntu/member/licio] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 04:06 Kamion dholbach: 04:06 dholbach IconMission: ubuntu-artwork transitioned to icon-naming-utils, some glitches to fix up -- icon page now reflects the state of affairs (requested/missing icons) 04:06 dholbach BugMission: HUG DAY next week, catching up 04:06 dholbach this week (done): icon mission, mass-filed some more motu bugs, bug triage 04:06 dholbach this week (todo): more bug triage, more bug fixing, do uploads until Matt closes the gates :-) 04:06 dholbach next week: cd testing, bug triage, bug fixing 04:06 BenC (thanks) 04:06 Kamion how far away is the artwork from final? 04:07 Kamion not that artwork has *ever* delayed releases before, oh no 04:07 dholbach if you look at http://daniel.holba.ch/ubuntu/ic/ you will notice the icon sizes in RED which are missing 04:07 dholbach the most important ones are SVGs 04:07 Riddell dholbach: you'll be keeping an eye on all those KDE recompiles? 04:07 dholbach and I pray and hope they get done soon :( 04:07 dholbach however that's not in my hands 04:07 dholbach Riddell: yes 04:08 Riddell thanks 04:08 seb128 dholbach: will you try to have an eye to keep on GNOME stuff too? :p 04:08 dholbach apart from that the splash and the wallpapers will get the "Ubuntu Dapper Beta" removed, which is easy enough 04:08 dholbach seb128: yes :-) 04:09 Hobbsee dholbach: about those kde recompiles - if we could get a list on what still needs fixing, after the rebuild, that would be awesome. 04:09 dholbach Hobbsee: I'm doing all of main today (8-9 are missing) - I can do a new universe list soon, but not today 04:09 dholbach Hobbsee: I'll let you know 04:09 Hobbsee dholbach: excellent, thanks. sounds good to me. 04:09 JaneW dholbach: are the bug days done for dapper, or are you holding some lasy ones? 04:10 JaneW last 04:10 dholbach JaneW: I think we should do them. 04:10 JaneW dholbach: yup, when? 04:10 dholbach wednesday too? 04:10 iwj Kamion: Don't talk to me about artwork. See mails about ff themes. More on this when it's my turn ... 04:10 BenC dholbach: was the kernel bug day done...did I miss it? 04:10 JaneW tomorrow (NOT) 04:10 pitti for triaging they are nice, we just won't be able to fix many bugs any more next week 04:10 dholbach BenC: it seems you missed it :-( === jjesse [n=jjesse@mail.ftpb.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 04:11 infinity Only Major blocking bugs next week, and perhaps some "polish" bugs. That's about all we'll tackle. 04:11 dholbach This one went a bit chaotic, I must admit, with Simon missing and me caught up in the icon mission. === mdz [n=mdz@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 04:11 infinity So, I'm not sure how much value bug days will be. 04:11 Kamion ah, welcome mdz 04:11 mdz laggy but here 04:11 dholbach hi mdz 04:11 JaneW hi mdz === pitti waves to Mexico 04:11 mdz Kamion: can you paste me a log to date? 04:11 Keybuk mdz: you're up next 04:11 dholbach infinity: I think it's still good to do it 04:11 Kamion mdz: will do, just a moment 04:11 BenC dholbach: The wiki was done last Friday, so whenever you feel like scheduling a triage for kernel bugs... 04:12 Mithrandir infinity: getting rid of unconfirmed bugs is always good, though 04:12 dholbach BenC: thanks 04:12 infinity Mithrandir: True, but not if it detracts heavily from testing images and finding showstoppers. 04:12 infinity (and fixing those) 04:12 Mithrandir infinity: true 04:12 dholbach if it gets new people involved in bug triage, I think that's worthwhile 04:13 JaneW ok BenC are you ready now? 04:13 mdz Kamion: regarding artwork, we are in an unfortunate position of being at sabdfl's mercy 04:13 JaneW while mdz catches up... 04:13 BenC yes 04:13 BenC * Kernel: Final build is completing as we meet. Lots of last minute patches. This is actually a much larger upload than I had planned. It's not a huge amount of code, but it's a lot of trivial and minor things that should make dapper really complete. 04:13 BenC * Anything else: Not really... 04:14 BenC pretty to the point really 04:14 mdz Kamion: he insists on icon updates through the 29th 04:14 Kamion ok, thanks dholbach 04:14 Kamion doko is not here (vacation?) 04:14 Kamion fabbione: around? 04:14 infinity mdz: Gah. 04:14 Kamion mdz: what a novelty 04:14 Kamion mdz: ! 04:14 JaneW doko is in mexico 04:14 Kamion so much for a release candidate! 04:14 fabbione Kamion: yes but i am in holidays 04:14 fabbione Kamion: so i have no update whatsoever 04:14 Kamion ok 04:14 mdz Kamion: exactly 04:15 Kamion mdz: what are the chances of negotiation here? 04:15 mdz Kamion: the discussion has been closed, at least for now 04:15 mdz I'm sorry 04:15 mdz Kamion: yes, doko is on holiday 04:15 JaneW mdz/kamion: we are missing doko (debconf), fabbione (vac) Kinnison ? , sfflaw ? 04:16 Kamion ok, apparently nobody wants to ask anything about the kernel :) 04:16 mdz JaneW: sfllaw is on vacation as well 04:16 JaneW ok thanks 04:16 infinity Kamion: I'm happy if it gets uploaded, really. :) 04:16 Kamion heno: around? 04:16 mdz I have no information about Kinnison 04:16 Kamion infinity: me too ... === ilja [n=ilja@nanomax.ethz.ch] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 04:16 Kamion IIRC Kinnison is embroiled in moving, but I could be wrong 04:16 heno Kamion: yes, I'm up? 04:16 mdz ah, possibly. would be on StaffCalendar if so 04:17 Kamion heno: yep, if you have anything 04:17 seb128 he mailed warthogs list say he's on vac from 12th to 19th 04:17 heno * accessibility: Live CD: gok is still broken (but works on my desktop) -- bug #42308. The magnifier fails to start automatically, but starts from the terminal (bug #45413). The SoC projects seem to be off to a good start. 04:17 heno * example-content: updating screenshots and fixing typos. 04:17 heno * popcon: helped Tollef make http://popcon.ubuntu.com/ a bit less ugly 04:17 heno * ubuntu-artwork: does this need more input from me? We are moving one high viz theme in here and leaving the rest in accessibility-themes. seb128, dholbach? 04:17 Ubugtu Malone bug 42308 in gok "On-screen keyboard (gok v1.0.7-0ubuntu3) fails" [Normal,Needs info] http://launchpad.net/bugs/42308 04:17 heno * website: I'm giving the front page a bit of a face-lift for the dapper release. I also expect a number random updates just before the release as usual. 04:17 Ubugtu Malone bug 45413 in gnopernicus "Fails to start automatically on Live CD 20060518 " [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/45413 04:17 Kamion yes, StaffCalendar says Kinnison is away this week moving, but will be back next week 04:18 Mithrandir heno: I got a minor update for casper from Luke, do you have more stuff you need in to fix gok/gnopernicus or don't you know yet? 04:18 Kamion heno: are we at a reasonable stopping point accessibility-wise? I know I haven't had much time to work on ubiquity accessibility] 04:18 heno Mithrandir: it looks like that update might have broken the magnifier launch 04:18 Riddell heno: I'll probably update the kubuntu.org page with dapper artwork at some point, can you do the wiki.k.o template? 04:19 Mithrandir heno: that update is sitting on my hard drive, so I doubt it. 04:19 heno Kamion: yes, over all it's looking very good 04:19 heno a few more fixes would be good 04:19 heno but I'm very pleased overall 04:19 heno Riddell: can do 04:20 heno Mithrandir: oic, something has broken it though 04:20 heno Mithrandir: anyway, I'll test again after your update 04:20 Mithrandir heno: it just changes fonts, so just test as soon as you have time. 04:21 heno Mithrandir: ok, that one. cool 04:21 heno k, I'm done 04:21 mdz thanks heno 04:21 mdz infinity? 04:22 infinity last week: Other than a hard drive crash and recovery, there was lots and lots of bugfixing in initramfs-tools, thunderbird, and other random packages that got in my way during the week. Also, spent some time looking into the OOo build failures, but am still currently stumped (and haven't had the time to get un-stumped) 04:22 infinity next week: Preparing for RC, doing as many release critical bugfixes as I can manage, and making sure soyuz runs as smoothly as possible while we head into the final stretch. 04:22 mdz infinity: I'm behind on mail and upgrades; did the initramfs-tools ENOSPC bug get fixed? 04:22 infinity mdz: Did you get anywhere with OOo? 04:22 mdz I did not, no 04:22 infinity mdz: The ENOSPC one is the only Major bug unfixed. I spent a fair chunk of today looking into it, and it'll be a 2 or 3 line fix that I can make first thing Monday morning, if that's cool. 04:23 infinity mdz: Just wanted to map it out and make sure I wasn't insane before I made the "obvious" fix and it turned out not to be. 04:23 mdz infinity: I don't think an update on Monday would be a very good idea 04:23 mdz though maybe if I saw the patch? 04:23 infinity Well, I can do it tomorrow and owe you a drink. Whatever suits. 04:24 mdz send it to me and I will do it tomorrow if it feels safe 04:24 infinity I'll pass you a patch tomorrow (it's too late now to be writing it in the first place) 04:24 mdz oh, we don't have a patch yet 04:24 infinity No, just the "this is how it should work" in my head, and the fact that it's simple. 04:25 infinity I could give you an instructional patch, and you could code it pretty much identically to how I would. 04:25 infinity So, yeah. No worries. I'll mail you in the morning. 04:25 infinity I have nothing else to do before tomorrow evening anyway. 04:25 infinity We'll work out who owes who a drink and why later. 04:25 mdz if we don't even have a patch, then it ought to wait until after release === infinity shrugs. 04:26 infinity It's the least evil of all the bugs, since it's one that will bite the user in other ways anyway. But I still want it fixed. 04:26 infinity Anyhow, we can continue this out of band, I don't want to hold up the meeting. 04:26 mdz it's hopefully unlikely to affect the install 04:26 mdz right 04:26 mdz infinity: thanks 04:26 mdz iwj: next? === kagou [n=kagou@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 04:27 iwj Last week: bugs, firefox, firefox themes, firefox startpage translation, etc. 04:28 iwj Next week: testing and any panics that turn up. Only 22 ff bugmails unread atm. 04:28 iwj Stuff to discuss: 04:28 iwj Bugs: I was expecting a mail or ping from sfllaw about helping with bug triage (he was going to set up a wiki page for the untriaged worrysome ones). 04:28 iwj gdebi .deb installer: I think this should be disabled for ordinery `open' in firefox and on the desktop. Users who need to do this ought to be familiar with the command line. But there is some disagreement (Malone 41993). Same question for Wine (Malone 24829). 04:28 Ubugtu Malone bug 41993 in firefox "possible "malware" entry way?Firefox provides acess to open .deb files directly with gdebi" [Normal,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/41993 04:28 Ubugtu Malone bug 24829 in firefox "Firefox proposes to open .exe files with Wine" [Major,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/24829 04:28 iwj Firefox known must fix issues: Malone 44062 (cookies on .co.uk), Malone 40067 (ppc), Malone 44487 (file clashes) 04:28 Ubugtu Malone bug 44062 in firefox "Firefox allows cookies to be set for second-level domain hierarchies" [Unknown,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/44062 04:28 Ubugtu Malone bug 40067 in firefox "firefox freezes after a few secs on ppc" [Normal,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/40067 04:28 iwj Firefox themes: Frank Schoep says his ff themes package's Human is still missing a few icons. sabdfl was keen to have Human as the default. It all seems a bit confused and I'm sure it's about to be frantic ... 04:28 Ubugtu Malone bug 44487 in firefox "upgrade to firefox 1.5.dfsg+ fails" [Normal,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/44487 04:28 iwj Firefox: any thing else that really needs to be fixed, be sure to talk to me and get an ack, or it might fall through the cracks. 04:28 iwj Firefox ppc problem (Malone 40067): I'm a bit stuck here, not having a PPC machine to test with ... 04:28 Ubugtu Malone bug 40067 in firefox "firefox freezes after a few secs on ppc" [Normal,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/40067 04:28 iwj (Sorry about the delay, my new client's paste trip fooled me.) 04:28 mdz iwj: sfllaw is on holiday this week 04:28 iwj Oh. 04:28 mdz but expect to hear from him soon regarding the RC test procedures 04:28 iwj Right. 04:29 mdz you should all have received an email about the hardware survey from him 04:29 JaneW yes 04:29 pitti iwj: I can help you with testing ppc stuff 04:29 iwj pitti: Thanks. 04:29 iwj We can talk offline. 04:29 pitti iwj: (although it runs just fine for me on iBook) 04:29 iwj I'd like decisions about the mime config for *.deb and *.exe. 04:29 iwj pitti: Oh :-/. 04:30 iwj And also some idea of what's happening about these themes. 04:30 Kamion I'm not sure I'm up to making a decision on the firefox themes thing 04:30 Kamion was hoping mdz had more of the sabdfl-related background there 04:30 mdz if the theme isn't ready, we shouldn't push it === Keybuk hands Kamion some of infinity's liquid refreshment 04:30 mdz iwj: can it be made available but not the default? 04:30 iwj mdz: OK. So I'll make it the default iff Frank says to do so ? 04:30 iwj Yes. 04:30 mdz then let's do that 04:30 iwj I was definitely going to do that with your permission. 04:31 mdz the sab may step in and change his mind on that, but let's leave it alone otherwise 04:31 iwj Changing the default is a new firefox and thus has a nontrivial lead time. 04:31 iwj (Not in effort, but the computers have to whirr lots.) 04:31 mdz I'll follow up on the email thread on that 04:31 iwj Right, thanks. 04:31 mdz iwj: thanks 04:31 mdz Kamion: next? 04:31 iwj So, *.deb and *.exe. ATM the former runs gdebi if you click on it (web page or desktop) and the latter runs wine. 04:31 mdz er 04:32 mdz JaneW: next? 04:32 iwj I want to disable both of these. 04:32 JaneW This week: 04:32 JaneW * Ubuntu Dev Team Meeting report. 04:32 JaneW * Lots and lots of Google SoC admin and co-ords - please finalise the app selections. Google to allocate project numbers later today. Projects to be granted on Monday. 04:32 JaneW * Lots and lots of Paris Ubuntu dev Summit planning, sending out invites, responding to enquirieds and coordinating incoming info. 04:32 JaneW * tested shipit and placed orders for Dapper. 04:32 JaneW *Edubuntu meeting, final requirements for Dapper, new site launched and wiki cleanups in progress. 04:32 JaneW * Discussions with management etc. 04:32 mdz last week's report has an unfortunate page break ;-) 04:32 JaneW Next week: 04:32 JaneW * Finalise SoC project selections. Students to be notified, and welcomed and settled with their mentors. 04:32 JaneW * More UDS planning - should be able to hand this to clan from next week. 04:32 JaneW * Get edubuntu wiki cleanups finished. 04:32 JaneW Needed: guys to finsihs SoC rankings, and start on edgy specs (as they can) 04:32 mvo iwj: I think that is not too bad, what about changing it to "save" by default for gdebi but leave gdebi as defaultopen action? 04:32 mdz eek, that's soon 04:32 JaneW and send Paris confirmation so we can aranage that properly 04:33 mdz I'll need to look over the projects tomorrow or over the weekend 04:33 iwj mvo: I'm not sure I know how to do that. 04:33 mvo iwj: lets talk about it after the meeting 04:33 JaneW mdz: yes time sucks a lot, sorry 04:33 JaneW time=timing 04:33 mdz does everyone have their travel arrangements for Paris in the wiki now? 04:33 iwj mvo: Err, OK. I was hoping (since everyone tends to have an opinion about this) to have a decision from this meeting. === mvo has not 04:33 Kamion oh, damn, I don't yet, but it's just a train booking 04:33 JaneW mdz: now only 3 or 4 04:33 Kamion I'll deal with it tomorrow 04:34 ogra me too 04:34 mdz ok, please do so 04:34 mdz JaneW: is it a problem to wait until after the release to gather the list of edgy specs? 04:34 mdz that's my preferred timeline 04:35 seb128 mdz: not yet, but I plan to take the train so no hurry ... will update it anyway ;) 04:35 mdz we'll all be far too busy 04:35 JaneW mdz: yes, sabdfl wanted them before Paris, but between release and Paris should be good 04:35 Riddell JaneW: are you going to assign mentors to all the projects? 04:35 mdz right 04:35 JaneW Riddell: yes, but prefereably as selected by the mentors themselves 04:35 pitti I rated all the projects and picked one I would mentor - is that good enough for now, or are there more things to be done? 04:35 mdz JaneW: what's the deadline for assigning mentors? 04:36 JaneW we asked for 25 SoC projects, we'll likely get 15-20 04:36 iwj gdebi> I must be wrong about everyone having an opinion. I'll talk to mvo about it in #ubuntu-devel after this meeting. 04:36 JaneW Goodle will decide project counts today or tomororw and deadline for project mentor /allocations is Monday === mvo did the same as pitti (rating + offering mentoring) 04:36 ajmitch JaneW: are you getting all SoC projects written up as edgy specs by the students? 04:36 Keybuk heh, Goodle 04:37 mdz JaneW: hmm, so we need to assign mentors before we know how many projects we have? 04:37 JaneW ajmitch: yes, no, maybe, TBD ;) 04:37 ajmitch heh 04:37 mdz (and therefore which ones) 04:37 JaneW mdz: not entirely, but they are allocating the counts absed on how organised the orgs are, so we can change it over the week-end, but we need to have selected our top projects at least asap 04:38 JaneW and then at least made an attemot to match mentors to them 04:38 mdz JaneW: how many of our top projects have no mentors yet? 04:39 mdz (many or few?) === Kamion_ [n=cjwatson@83-216-156-196.colinw664.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 04:39 JaneW well all top projects have a mentor name who said 'I would mentor this' 04:39 JaneW that's how they got to the top 04:39 JaneW at least half are assigned I think 04:39 seb128 JaneW: they are not "top scores" though, are they? 04:40 JaneW by selecting 'I would mentor this' that app gets sent to the top purple section in numerical score order (and 4 points are added to score) 04:40 mdz (FYI: I am on the pavement outside the conference area to get wireless and have only 38 minutes of battery) 04:40 Kamion shall we keep moving, then? 04:40 JaneW ok lets move on 04:40 JaneW mail or ping me with these q's 04:40 mdz yes 04:40 Kamion ubiquity: Nearly there. Last changes needed: better handling of install.py crashes / close button, support for ship-live, probably one or two other bits and pieces. I've added basic noninteractive UTC/local hardware clock configuration but unfortunately I think it's too late for new UI for this. 04:41 Kamion misc: Fixed DVD images, I believe. Have been hoovering up miscellaneous bugs elsewhere. The last two I urgently want to deal with is to try to fix automounting when using the auto-resizer, which has been a persistent source of bugs since Breezy; and, if I get good feedback, possibly reverting yaboot to gcc-3.3. Also CD renaming, ship-live (current size increase would be ~27MB, may be able to trim that). 04:41 Kamion anyone have opinions about ship-live (i.e. archive that goes on live CDs that people can use without having to have network access)? === ilja [n=ilja@nanomax.ethz.ch] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === licio [n=licio@ubuntu/member/licio] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === fabbione [i=fabbione@gordian.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Bluekuja [n=andrea@ubuntu/member/bluekuja] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === siretart [i=siretart@ubuntu/member/siretart] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === JanC [n=janc@lugwv/member/JanC] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Meyer [i=mariomey@ubuntu/member/mariomeyer] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === mjg59_ [n=mjg59@cavan.codon.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === Lathiat [n=lathiat@ubuntu/member/pdpc.basic.lathiat] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === lifeless [n=robertc@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === lamont [n=lamont@mib.fc.hp.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 04:41 Kamion at the moment I have build-essential and kernel headers and stuff, plus the hardware and network access section from ship 04:41 mdz Mithrandir: can you use your unholy bandwidth for DVD testing today? 04:42 Kamion nvidia-glx is rather fat and I should probably drop it 04:42 Mithrandir mdz: yes, that should work. 04:42 Kamion saving ~4MB 04:42 mvo mdz: I can test the i386 one too 04:42 mdz Kamion: what's our default for UTC/local? same as before? 04:42 Kamion mdz: local if you have Windows installed, UTC if not or if we can't tell 04:43 mdz right === bddebian [n=bdefrees@mail.ottens.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 04:43 mdz unfortunately that's rather tricky to change after installation; I didn't even notice it was missing from the UI until you mentioned it === Keybuk cries at the loss of nvidia-glx 04:43 Kamion Keybuk: I think it's feasible to install from the network? 04:43 mdz yes, should be 04:44 Kamion mdz: it *can* be added to the timezone page, it's just a little hairy and seems rather late 04:44 mdz I'm pretty torn about ship-live 04:44 mdz it's not very feasible for most folks to install things as huge as build-essential+linux-headers in the live environment anyway 04:44 Kamion it's not intended for installation in the live environment 04:44 mdz Kamion: it's a confusing question anyway 04:44 Kamion the intention is for ubiquity to set it up as an apt source for after installation 04:45 mdz did we get langpacks for the live seed sorted out? 04:45 Kamion mdz: agreed, although given the clock being shown in ubiquity it's less confusing that it would otherwise be 04:45 Mithrandir Kamion: just put it into /var/cache/apt/archives on the cd? 04:45 Kamion but my inclination is to defer to edgy 04:45 pitti mdz: I mailed you back, I'd like to do that after the next set of langpacks on monday 04:45 Kamion Mithrandir: I think we discussed that before, I'm not fond of that approach 04:45 Mithrandir ok 04:46 mdz pitti: monday will have a tight schedule, I expect 04:46 mdz since we want to do a full test cycle 04:46 Kamion (for reasons I remember articulating but am a bit too broken to articulate now ...) 04:46 pitti mdz: I didn't get a new tarball in the last two days; if today's works, we can also use them 04:46 Kamion mdz: I've been deferring langpacks until after sorting out ship-live, anyway 04:46 Kamion how about I ditch build-essential+linux-headers from ship-live and keep the network access stuff 04:46 pitti Kamion++ 04:46 Kamion that should bring it down to a less controversial size === tseng [n=tseng@unaffiliated/tseng] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 04:47 mdz Kamion: I'm less concerned about size than adding new features === zakame [n=zakame@ubuntu/member/zakame] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 04:47 zakame hi all 04:47 Kamion mdz: I'm mostly worried that it was one of the biggest negative review points about the beta 04:48 Kamion and I think it will affect a lot of shipit users 04:48 Kamion I agree it's late in the day 04:48 mdz having it on the CD will allow for a documented procedure 04:49 mdz without having to change ubiquity to tie it in automagically 04:49 mdz users generally need instructions for how to get this stuff going anyway; they don't know the names of the packages they need to build a kernel module etc. 04:49 mdz but we're very short on time (and me on battery) 04:49 Kamion for the record it's a one-line change, but fair enough :) 04:49 mdz Kamion: will try to call after the meeting 04:49 Kamion ok 04:50 mdz Kamion: mail me a diff then 04:50 mdz Kamion: thanks 04:50 mdz Keybuk: next? 04:50 Keybuk Nothing uniquely interesting to report this week; many bugs fixed. 04:50 Keybuk I can do custom Malone reports like http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/reports/ on request now. 04:50 Keybuk # 04:50 mdz Keybuk: interface renaming sorted once and for all? 04:50 Keybuk I don't think interface renaming will ever be sorted :) 04:50 mdz is the archive admin request backlog cleared now? 04:50 mdz how does anastacia look? 04:51 Keybuk had to abandon the iftab upgrade stuff, it broke more than it fixed 04:51 infinity nearly empty. 04:51 Kamion anastacia is a thing of beauty 04:51 Keybuk I had an FTP blitz today, backlog is gone 04:51 infinity Scott attacked her with great vigor. 04:51 ogra Keybuk deserves a goldstar for anastacia :) 04:51 mdz fabulous 04:51 mdz Keybuk: thanks 04:51 mdz Mithrandir: next? 04:51 Mithrandir misc: casper hacking, xkeyboard-config updates, oem-config cleanups, popcon.ubuntu.com updates 04:51 Keybuk the only two things there are xubuntu things that scare pitti 04:51 Mithrandir next week: release preparations, testing 04:51 Mithrandir blocked: no 04:52 mdz is oem-config functional again now? 04:52 Mithrandir mdz: worked for me. It's a bit warty, but it works. 04:52 Kamion Mithrandir: did you manage to nail the bug where oem-config's locale screen is wrong first time round? 04:52 Kamion or was that one of the ones that had gone away by itself? 04:52 Mithrandir Kamion: no, it's still there and I need to track it down. 04:52 Mithrandir sorry. :-( 04:52 Kamion ok 04:53 mdz ok 04:53 mdz Mithrandir: thanks 04:53 mdz mvo: next? 04:53 mvo Did: 04:53 mvo - lots of bug triage/fixing 04:53 mvo - 3rd party packages work 04:53 mvo - some work on the ppc chroot on dholbachs machine 04:53 mvo - helped dholbach with the icons a bit 04:53 mvo - Goggle SoC review 04:53 mvo - Dist-upgrade tool work (improved free space checking, auto-detect/show installed demotions from main->universe, progress reporting, fixes) 04:53 mvo Will do: 04:53 mvo - testing/fixing RC bugs 04:53 mvo - make the ppc upgrade tester run automatically (need manual start right now) 04:53 mdz mvo: anything in the commercial repository? 04:53 mvo - improve to the auto-dist-upgrade testing script (add a "install-radom-but-not-yet-tested bunch of packages" and try to dist-upgrade them) 04:54 Kamion oh, sorry mvo, I never did get a chance to look at your ubiquity auto-upgrade code 04:54 mvo mdz: not yet unfortunately :( 04:54 Kamion I think it might be too late now :-( 04:54 mvo mdz: but we are getting there I hope 04:54 Kamion unless mdz says doit 04:54 mdz mvo: upgrade tool finalized for release now? 04:54 mvo Kamion: yeah, I added it late unfortnately 04:54 mdz Kamion: I said dontdoit 04:54 Kamion all right 04:54 mvo mdz: I think so, unless something new comes up of course (major problem etc) 04:55 mvo but still little feedback recently 04:55 mvo for the tool 04:55 mdz ok 04:55 mdz mvo: thanks 04:55 mdz ogra: next? 04:55 ogra * general: triage/fix RC bugs, final polish (artwork/docs) for edubuntu CDs, solved final size problems with amd64 04:55 ogra g 04:55 ogra * still fighting with RUNNING_UNDER_GDM in gnome-screensaver 04:55 ogra * next-week: RC testing, fix bugs where allowed 04:55 mdz mvo: please ask elmo for download stats to see whether it's being used any more than before 04:56 mvo mdz: will do, thanks 04:56 mdz ogra: so all edubuntu CDs are properly sized now? 04:56 ogra mdz, next build will be 04:56 mdz ok 04:56 ogra i didnt want to extra trigger a build now ... 04:56 mdz RUNNING_UNDER_GDM is not the end of the world, but it is a regression and we can't fix it post-release :-/ 04:56 ogra yes 04:57 mdz do you need help with it? 04:57 ogra i'm still digging 04:57 mdz please get a second pair of eyes on it 04:57 mdz Keybuk: can you lend a hand? 04:57 ogra ok === ogra fears Keybuk is far from being alive 04:57 Keybuk mdz: next week? 04:58 mdz Keybuk: after the meeting? === Keybuk kinda forgot to go to bed last night 04:58 mdz gar 04:58 ogra as i did ... 04:58 Keybuk I blame infinity, he started it 04:58 ogra nah, that was a usplash issue 04:58 ogra not his fault 04:58 mdz ok, I have 20 minute sbattery 04:58 mdz ogra: thanks 04:58 mdz pitti: next? 04:59 pitti reducing-duplication: no progress since last week, and we should leave this alone for dapper now; the current state is very good already 04:59 pitti firewall: no answer from Carsten yet, I pinged him again today 04:59 pitti done last week: 04:59 pitti * security: MySQL, Quagga 04:59 pitti * mostly killed my list of 24 dapper-targeted bugs: fixed 23, one wishlist/needinfo bug is left 04:59 pitti * lots of important printing bug fixes; if you still have annoying printer failures, speak now or never! :) 04:59 pitti * bug triage status: fully caught up with my bug mbox; no showstopper bugs in my +{assigned,package}bugs list any more; still need to go over the printing bugs once more 04:59 pitti * set up fully automatic daily language pack building (apt'able, great feedback from translators and testers) 04:59 pitti * SoC applications review and ranking 04:59 pitti plan for next week: 04:59 pitti * tbird will make it into dapper today, update m-tbird-locale-all for it (planned for the evening today) 04:59 pitti * upload new langpacks, fill CDs with langpacks (coordinate with Kamion) 04:59 pitti * the usual CD testing and major bug fixing rave 05:00 mdz pitti: any feedback on the printing situation? 05:00 mdz a bit late for a call for testing unfortunately 05:00 pitti mdz: yes, a lot of happy users answering in the bug reports :) 05:00 mdz good 05:00 mdz not an unreasonable thing to fix post-release if necessary 05:00 mdz pitti: thanks 05:00 mdz Riddell: next? 05:00 Riddell done: kubuntu-docs i18n, rosetta support fixes, cups 1.2 checking, trying to get floppy support working, map on kde ubiquity 05:00 Riddell also: new amarok and koffice releases 05:00 Riddell next week: bug triage and fixing, make sure all language-pack-kde-base-xx packages have the needed files 05:01 bddebian amarok.. eeks 05:01 Riddell bddebian: amarok 1.4 isn't getting near dapper 05:01 mdz Riddell: new amarok and koffice? 05:02 Riddell mdz: I made dapper packages, as I say amarok 1.4 isn't getting in dapper. koffice 1.5.1 I may ask for UVF exception, I think they want to release it today 05:03 mdz Riddell: I'm not likely to approve new upstream versions today unless the diff is eyeballable 05:03 mdz we're at the 11th hour 05:03 Riddell that won't be the case, I'm fine with not getting a UVF exception 05:03 mdz ok; if it proves solid it can go into -updates 05:04 mdz but let's not risk it for RC/final 05:04 mdz Riddell: thanks 05:04 mdz seb128: next? 05:04 seb128 This week: 05:04 seb128 - lot of bugs triaged and fixed 05:04 seb128 - some GNOME updates and bunch of patches from CVS backported 05:04 seb128 - panel changes to the help submenu 05:04 seb128 - made epiphany changes to use a localized startup page 05:04 seb128 - tried different daily liveCDs 05:04 seb128 - registred for GUADEC 05:04 seb128 - reviewed google SoC projects list 05:04 seb128 . 05:04 seb128 Next week: 05:04 seb128 - looking to french translations 05:04 seb128 - trying CD images 05:04 seb128 - fixing bugs for dapper 05:05 seb128 mdz: speaking about new version, did you read my mail about new intltool? 05:05 mdz seb128: I saw it in my box this morning but have not read it 05:05 mdz seb128: if I don't get to it, defer to Kamion 05:05 seb128 k 05:06 mdz seb128: panel changes are final now, yes? 05:06 seb128 If I have to upload it tomorrow, I'll not pay you a drink for it :p 05:06 seb128 mdz: yep, only the book item destination to change 05:07 mdz we still don't have the book content? when will it arrive? 05:07 seb128 no idea 05:07 seb128 who knows about it? 05:07 dholbach silbs should, no? 05:07 seb128 who is supposed to package that? 05:07 mdz seb128: can you point the menu at a nonexistent file where we will put the book, instead of the firefox page? 05:07 mdz seb128: so we don't have to change it later? 05:07 seb128 mdz: I tried to get that location but you were not around and mdke didn't know 05:08 seb128 should I fix a placeholder myself? or is there somebody to ping about it? 05:08 mdz seb128: please mail silbs and explain that we need the book content *immediately* 05:08 seb128 ok 05:09 mdz in which package should we put the book content? 05:09 mdz example-content? 05:09 mdz ubuntu-docs? 05:09 Kamion remind me, isn't the book content to be unpacked onto the CD somewhere as well? 05:09 seb128 ubuntu-docs I think 05:09 mdz 9 minutes battery remaining 05:09 Kamion or do I misremember? 05:09 seb128 or new package... 05:09 Riddell if it's ubuntu-docs it needs to be in kubuntu-docs too 05:09 mdz but the room is open now and I can move inside soon 05:09 sladen does it not deserve its own package if it's fairly large? 05:09 mdz Kamion: I don't remember that; it's too late for that sort of thing 05:09 mdz sladen: likewsie 05:09 Kamion mdz: good 05:09 jjesse isn't ubuntu-docs only supposed to be the docs written by the docteam? 05:10 mdz jjesse: hmm, the package description does say that 05:10 sivang the book is written by some of the docteam people no? 05:10 seb128 Kamion: what do you mean by "unpacked onto the CD"? 05:10 jjesse also just speaking of the kubuntu chapter, the html content isn't ready yet 05:10 Kamion seb128: never mind 05:10 seb128 alright 05:11 heno i'm happy to put it in example-content 05:11 seb128 as far as the destination pointed by the menu item is available I don't care ;) 05:11 heno (when we get acopy) 05:11 jjesse sivang: yes some of the stuff is being written by members of the doc team 05:12 mdz I have power now 05:12 heno seb128: I can make a dummy file now that you can point to === pitti sings John Lennon's "Power to the people" 05:12 mdz heno: I'm fine with example-content as well, but we need the content 05:12 sivang heh 05:12 mdz I'll call silbs after the meeting 05:12 seb128 heno: the issue is not to have a real file or not, it's just to not the filename to use 05:13 silbs hey, quit talking about me! 05:13 seb128 s/not/know 05:13 seb128 silbs: right, we need you ;) 05:13 mdz silbs: do you have the book content in hand? 05:13 heno seb128: right, so I can make a file which will act as the TOC for the chapters we include 05:14 silbs mdz: nope. I told you in email on 5 May that it wouldn't be available till 23 May. I can check and get an update on that, but I don't have content now 05:14 heno silbs: but we have a rough idea of the form it wil take right? === kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation] 05:14 silbs heno: we have sizes and we know it is html 05:14 heno silbs: a collectiojn of HTML and images 05:15 heno right 05:15 heno that should be ok 05:15 silbs heno: yes. I need to look up size but we have that 05:15 heno I'll make a dir call book 05:15 mdz O(megabytes) 05:15 heno and a dummy html file next to it 05:15 mdz heno: thanks, coordinate with seb128 to get the panel changed 05:16 heno mdz: ok 05:16 silbs Desktop chapters - 2.9MB each, Support chapter - around 2.3MB 05:16 dholbach heno: poke me for the upload - we can get the others typos etc fixed with that. 05:16 heno dholbach: yep 05:16 mdz ok 05:16 mdz so here's my list of disasters for next week: 05:16 mdz - ooo build failure 05:16 mdz - book excerpt 05:16 mdz - gnome-screensaver RUNNING_UNDER_GDM 05:17 Keybuk mdz: that last one's fixed 05:17 mdz Keybuk: sweet 05:17 Riddell heno: poke me too when uploaded, I'll see if I can add it to khelpcentre 05:17 mdz what else am I missing? === doko [n=doko@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 05:17 Keybuk helps if RUNNING_UNDER_GDM is in the allowed_env_vars[] list :p 05:17 heno Riddell: ok 05:17 mdz oh, and 05:17 mdz - sounds 05:17 mdz - artwork 05:17 mdz (esp. icons) 05:18 Kamion kubuntu language packs are apparently not being installed by ubiquity at the moment; that's on my list for this afternoon 05:18 Kamion ^Wevening 05:18 mdz eek 05:18 Mithrandir ^Wnight^Wlate night ? 05:18 Kamion but I expect to be done with that by today 05:18 mdz is that a recent regression, or nobody noticed in the past few months? 05:18 Kamion people noticed but nobody shouted loud enough to get it to the top of my list 05:19 Kamion which, as you may have noticed, has been a bit long lately 05:19 Kamion anyway, I expect it's trivial, the infrastructure is all there for it 05:20 mdz ok 05:20 mdz anything else? 05:21 Kamion sounds like we're done 05:21 pitti happy free day tomorrow! :) 05:22 seb128 happy free day ;) === ajmitch thinks he'll work on bugs tomorrow :) 05:22 mdz indeed, rest up and try not to think about ubuntu for a few days ;-) === pitti sits on top of a heap of bug corpses and is quite content 05:22 Keybuk I'm going to switch all of my computers off for the weekend 05:22 bluefoxicy (days are always free of course; hackers only work at night) 05:22 Keybuk well, probably not the mail server ;) 05:22 mdz if you think of any other disasters, please mail me === sivang is currently killing a g-s-t bug === bluefoxicy goes back to his dark corner. === infinity [n=adconrad@] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] 05:22 mdz thanks, everyone }}}