This is the 4th 2011 meeting of the [[WisconsinTeam|Wisconsin Team]], starting at 21:00 CDT, 20111026 (0200 UTC, 20111027) and finishing at 22:19 CDT (0319 UTC, 20111027) = Attendance = [[AnthonyHook|h00k]], nickmoeck, emefarr, Cheesehead = Agenda = *Meet & Greet<
> *Interest Survey<
> *Becoming an approved `LoCo`<
> *T-Shirts<
> *New Member Process Wiki<
> = Minutes = *[[#MeetGreet|Meet & Greet]]<
> No actions<
> *[[#InterestSurvey|Interest Survey]]<
> Action - h00k to send interest survey to the mailing list.<
> Action - h00k to coordinate a bug-reporting session.<
> Action - h00k to locate a trainer for packaging training session<
> *[[#GettingApproved|Becoming an approved LoCo]]<
> Application is at<
> Please help edit the application before November 9<
> Action - Cheesehead to fill in "Experience" from the current wiki records<
> Action - h00k to announce November 9 IRC pre-application meeting<
> Action - h00k to submit application around November 16. <
> *[[#T-Shirts|T-Shirts]]<
> No actions<
> *[[#NewMemberWiki|New Member Process Wiki]]<
> Action - Cheesehead to finish proposed changes, building on sayonj's work from last month<
> = IRC LOG = IRC Log [[|source]] {{{ [02:00] cool, lets start. [02:00] Hi everybody! [02:00] * h00k grabs agenda [02:01] [02:01] there we are }}} TOPIC: <>Meet & Greet {{{ [02:02] hi, nickmoeck [02:03] how have things been going? been a while since I've been around [02:03] let us start with a meet and greet. I am Anthony. I'm from Rhinelander. I am the LoCo contact [02:04] i try to organize things! [02:04] who wants next? [02:04] Hi, my name is Nick, and I'm an alcoholic [02:04] Oh wait, wrong meeting [02:04] I'm maurie. From Kimberly, WI [02:05] hi Nick [02:05] :) [02:05] Nick, from Milwaukee [02:05] I think that Nick and I will get along just fine. [02:05] I'm Ian. I live in Milwaukee. I do the Milwaukee Ubuntu Hour and the Tuesday/Thursday Night IRC hangouts [02:05] it is a good time! [02:06] * Cheesehead scribbles information about nickmoeck, furtively plaaning to guilt him into attending the MKE Ubuntu Hour [02:06] Heh [02:06] Might be able to make it to the next one, whenever that is [02:06] also, Cheesehead is the note taker [02:07] and does Team Reports [02:07] and pizza [02:07] that, too }}} TOPIC: <>Interest Survey {{{ [02:08] kinda bring us to item 2. [02:08] I'm going to send out a survey of interest [02:09] to...survey what people are inteesred in [02:10] then we can plan things around those things, and it will be fun. [02:10] sound cool? [02:10] +1 [02:11] Good idea [02:11] i like reporting bugs, testing, and physical meet ups [02:11] and online met ups [02:11] meet, rather [02:12] anyone else? [02:13] What are you interested in? [02:14] This is a topic that affects future LoCo approval, too [02:14] YES! [02:14] Point 3. [02:14] I thought we were already an approved LoCo? [02:14] nope [02:14] reporting bugs & testing as well [02:14] not officially [02:14] cool. [02:15] when we talk about 'bugs', are we talking discovering, triaging, patching, testing...? [02:15] I've kinda gotten interested in packaging lately, though I absolutely suck at it [02:15] +1 for a packaging tutorial session [02:16] cool. [02:16] 3 out of 4 - discover, triage, test [02:16] I believe ripps wanted in on that action, if I recall... [02:16] (packaging action) [02:16] discover, for me, and reporting them [02:16] yes [02:16] he's been mentionex on omgubuntu a few times [02:17] Am I just one of the lucky ones who almot never runs into bugs? [02:17] *almost [02:17] i test beta stuff stupidly early for that [02:17] I have this habit of using alphas as production so I see a few bugs [02:18] me too [02:18] I was seriously hammered by bug 858122 last week upon upgrade [02:18] Launchpad bug 858122 in sysvinit (Ubuntu Precise) "incomplete migration to /run (shutdown script order has been demolished)" [High,Triaged] [02:18] despite that ubuntu alphas tend to be more stable than ms releases [02:18] and you were able to recover? I hit that one early, too [02:19] so...reporting bugs from testing alphas? Is that where our consensus is leading? [02:19] * h00k shrugs [02:19] and packaging [02:19] h00k: recovery is possible. The solution in comment #22 is a 100% fix for me. [02:20] cool. [02:20] mine was fixed during a package upgrade during alphas [02:21] So should we have somebody spearhead a few bug sessions and somebody else a few poackage sessions? Send around tenative plans on e-mail? [02:21] the more things we do to help the community as a whole, the better chance we have of getting approved [02:22] yep [02:22] I can do a bug reporting session sometime [02:22] and if you want to help, emefarr_ [02:22] I'll do whay I can to help [02:22] what [02:23] Training session? Or hang-out-and-break-it-together session? [02:23] Well, I seem to have a gift for the "break it" part. ;) [02:23] (convenient to get a bug confirmed quickly!) [02:23] both, i have one that would work, a bug [02:23] I'd help out with the packaging session, except I *really* have no clue what I'm doing when it comes to packaging. I'm surprised my packages even work [02:23] i reported it yesterday. [02:24] I have a .tar.gz that I'd love to try to package. [02:24] nickmoek: perfect. maybe we could bring someone else in for a tutorial, too [02:24] a dev or something, a guest [02:25] Also I've only ever built packages for a set of python and PHP scripts, so I have no clue how to do packages for compiled code :P [02:25] Ask for an interested trainer on the e-mail list? [02:26] yep [02:27] cool, that is on our to-do list [02:28] anything else to add? [02:28] Yes... [02:28] gogogo [02:28] So [action] h00k to lead a bug-reporting session ?? [02:28] yes [02:29] affirmative [02:29] and [action] h00k to request a trainer for packaging tutorial on the e-mail list?? [02:29] inded [02:29] OK, thanks. [02:29] indeed, rather. [02:30] previous, [action] h00k to send survey and gather data [02:30] yes [02:30] * Cheesehead makes notes [02:31] anything else? [02:31] No [02:32] emefarr_: if i could get yur your contact info on Launchpad? [02:32] yes [02:32] cool. what alias? [02:32] Ch [02:33] emefarr = initials em 4 maurie ;) [02:33] Cheesehead: I ask you to mention going for your Membership! Also, I'd like to attend [02:34] coool. [02:34] h00k: I'm sending out an announcement tomorrow or so. Meeting on the first, 3PM [02:34] ok. }}} TOPIC: <>Becoming an approved `LoCo` {{{ [02:35] next..i think it would be cool to have polos [02:35] Wait, waht about getting approved? [02:35] Cheesehead: what do I need to do to help nominate you? [02:35] for membership [02:35] emefarr_: I'll tell you after the meeting! [02:35] ohnoh [02:35] ok [02:36] I was looking over [02:36] I think we're close. [02:36] i have started a wiki from the getting approved template, we can add on s we go, a resume of sorts [02:37] let me find it [02:37] I think we're good on "Resources" (IRC, e-amil list, etc) [02:38] I think we're good on "Membership", especially since h00k just weeded out the old lists [02:38] I think we need to refine "Roadmap" a little [02:38] (Much of which will come from the survey results) [02:39] yes [02:39] And I think we're getting there on "Experience" [02:39] We did the Global Jam events [02:39] [02:39] Rick did the seminars [02:39] there we go. [02:39] * Cheesehead shuts up and reads [02:40] How do you want to do Roadmap? Edit the wiki? E-mail comments? [02:40] thebLaunchpad membership list is accurate, yes. i think e had another ezpire the other day thoug [02:40] h [02:41] lag... [02:41] i think editing the wiki is okay, we can always check revision history, etc [02:42] Since we have notes, we can fill in Experience. I can have a lot of that ready for you in the next couple days [02:42] awesome. [02:42] Deadline for revisions and suggestions? [02:42] two weeks [02:42] Tentative goal for submitting the application? [02:42] giving survey time tobeaccounted for [02:43] hm... [02:43] three weeks? [02:43] You want someone from locoteams to give it a health check first? [02:44] one week to polish, we should meet in 2 weeks [02:44] yes, absolutely [02:45] OK [02:45] * Cheesehead shuts up so others can speak! [02:45] sound ok? [02:45] anyoneelse? [02:45] sounds good [02:45] this spacebar is hard to find sometimes. [02:46] apologies. [02:47] nickmoek? [02:47] nickmoeck* [02:47] Oh, hi. Sorry, was distracted [02:48] no prob :) [02:49] I think we'll have no problem getting accepted [02:49] i hope :) [02:49] then we're cool. }}} TOPIC: <>T-Shirts {{{ [02:50] people need shirts! [02:51] Indeed! [02:51] if we had a cool idea for a logo... [02:51] we could get sweet polos [02:52] hint hint. if anyone is ok at The Gimp, we could have another call for art on the Mailing lisyt [02:53] I might have some time to try drawing something up. Just something basic. Ubuntu logo inside the outline of the state or something similar [02:54] or like the ubuntu logo textwith Wisconskn after, then the circle offriends [02:54]  [02:54] no ubuntu logo inside a packer-badger-brewer logo? ;) [02:54] something cool, yeah [02:54] emefarr_: I was actually thinking of how something like that would look lol [02:55] you'll have to do it, though nick - i can't draw even WITH computer help! [02:55] lol [02:55] Honestly, I think it would end up looking pretty bad [02:56] way too many colors [02:56] Yeah [02:56] cool. i can also send that out. QUICK, someone invent a deadline! A month? Few weeks? [02:56] plus I don't think we want to imply any kind of sponsorship/approval of the teams [02:56] of/by [02:57] Well, a logo is pretty simple. I'd say 2 weeks or so [02:57] ubuntu logo superimposed on a Cheesehead? ;) [02:57] cool. [02:58] yes! [02:58] or.... ubuntu logo made out of cheese [02:58] even better [02:59] oho. [03:00] anything else for this subject? [03:00] we'll need to figure out where to get them and pricing, too [03:03] although there are cheap options online, I'd say we should support local Wisconsin businesses and try to find someplace in Madison or Milwaukee that can do it for a reasonable price [03:03] I concur [03:03] agreed [03:05] anyone care to volunteer? [03:05] to seek one ouy? [03:05] t [03:06] Cheesehead: anything else for this? [03:06] Not tonight [03:07] cool. }}} TOPIC: <>New Member Process Wiki {{{ [03:07] member wiki. [03:07] I liked what js did last month [03:07] we started well on this, yeah [03:08] I suspect a lot of it can actually be on the main wiki page; it needn't be separate [03:09] i agree, i think the wiki needs an overhaul [03:10] and this is part, most, of it. [03:11] I can work up a sample overhaul page next week [03:11] progress here: [03:11] thus far [03:12] Ah, you saw that... [03:12] ;) [03:12] is that bad? [03:12] No. Nothing on a wiki is private. [03:12] it was linked by someone somewhere, i forget [03:13] it is nice so far, anyway. [03:14] I'll resume working on it [03:14] Cheesehead, feel free, js got us some nice steps [03:14] cool. [03:15] Anything else for the evening? [03:15] * Cheesehead looks out the window [03:15] nothing from me other that I can hopefully attend on a more regular basis [03:16] [action] Cheesehead to update a delraft of the wiki [03:16] what happened there. [03:16] emefarr_ thanks for coming, it is nice to meet you. [03:17] nice to meet you as well! [03:17] emefarr_: To help nominate somebody for Ubuntu Membership, add a testimonial to their wiki page, and (if possible) show up to the IRC membership meeting. My wiki page is at . The meeting date is Nov 1, 3 PM CDT in #ubuntu-meeting [03:18] Cheesehead: thanks! [03:18] * Cheesehead runs out to his car. Early work tomorrow... [03:18] same her - up at "quarter to why the heck am i up?" [03:18] here [03:18] Brittany is getting restless [03:18] thanks, all!! [03:19] see ya, nickmoeck }}} ---- CategoryWisconsinTeam