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Revision 2 as of 2011-08-09 02:32:02
Size: 2040
Editor: adsl-76-226-131-14
Revision 20 as of 2012-09-21 15:19:11
Size: 12161
Editor: adsl-68-248-238-53
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This is the 1st meeting of the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WisconsinTeam|Wisconsin Team]], starting at 24:00 GMT, 20110811 and finishing at xx:xx GMT ## page was copied from MeetingLogs/WisconsinTeam/20111026
This is the first 2012 meeting of the [[WisconsinTeam|Wisconsin Team]], starting at 20:00 CDT, 20110920 (2400 UTC, 20110927) and finishing at 21:00 CDT (0100 UTC, 20111027)
Line 5: Line 6:
Please type PRESENT when the meeting starts to indicate who is online and paying attention.

'''Active Atendees:'''
 * PersonOne
 * PersonTwo
[[AnthonyHook|h00k]], r0n0c, yotux, spikeb, mikeputnam, [[Cheesehead]]
Line 12: Line 9:
 ''When adding agenda items please "sign" them, place ``@``SIG``@ after each of your items.If you won't be in attendance, please describe your item and wishes in detail otherwise those items may not be effectively discussed.''
 * Attendance @Cheesehead
 * Introducing: Each other - Meet and greet. Who's in your area? @h00k
 * Introducing: Ubuntu Hours (Now in 2 cities!) @h00k
 * Introducing: [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-wi/2011-August/000379.html|Ubuntu Global Jam]] @h00k
 * Introducing: [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-wi/2011-August/000376.html|Call for Artwork]] @h00k

 *Who are you?<<BR>>
 *Why Ubuntu, at least one reason?<<BR>>
 *What do you want to LoCo to do for you?<<BR>>
Line 21: Line 15:
## link topics by [#target Topic Name]
 * A summary of the meeting will be placed here after the meeting. Topics will be linked to the topics in the log.

= Any Other Business =


= Guide Lines =
##Updated by AusImage to reflect current usage
The meeting moderator will ensure key points are discussed. Key points from the Agenda will be noted by {{{[TOPIC] Agenda item}}}. When ideas are put forward to be considered they should be noted by {{{[IDEA] Idea}}}. The meeting moderator will indicate the final state of each topic by {{{[ACTION] Action being taken}}}. This should signify that the topic is discussed and the meeting is moving forward. The meeting moderator will use special tags to start and end the meeting and its recording. Please see [[ScribesTeam/MootBot| MootBot]] for details on specific tags.

## reference topics by inserting }}}[[Anchor(target)]]{{{ before its mention
IRC logs will be placed here after the meeting. Summary Topics will be referenced before the topic in the log.

 *[[#MeetGreet|Who are you?]]<<BR>>
 No actions<<BR>>

 *[[#WhyUbuntu|Why Ubuntu?]]<<BR>>
 No actions<<BR>>

 *[[#InterestSurvey|What do you want to LoCo to do?]]<<BR>>
 Action - h00k to send call-for-hangout-ideas to the mailing list.<<BR>>


[20:00] <r0n0c> made it!
[20:01] <h00k> r0n0c: cool, welcome
[20:01] <h00k> jrolland-ubuntu, KBme, mikeputnam, ripps, uberushaximus: ping for meeting start
[20:02] * yotux (~androirc@ has joined #ubuntu-us-wi
[20:03] <yotux> Hello to all
[20:03] <h00k> Hey yotux
[20:03] <yotux> Sorry hand some difficulties with irc on Android
[20:04] <h00k> yotux: it's okay, I just reset my modem not too long ago.
[20:04] <h00k> cool, so we have three!
[20:04] <h00k> Anyone else?
[20:04] <r0n0c> anyone ping in #wilug?
[20:05] <h00k> I didn't ping over there
[20:06] <h00k> and I just left a message
[20:06] <h00k> So. I suppose...we can rehash some stuffs.
Line 38: Line 43:

TOPIC: <<Anchor(MeetGreet)>>Who are you?

[20:07] <h00k> Let's start off with who we are. But I'm pretty sure you're familiar
[20:07] <h00k> I'm Anthony, the LoCo team contact.
[20:08] <h00k> I like long walks on the beach and Gangnam Style.
[20:09] * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #ubuntu-us-wi
[20:09] <r0n0c> I'm Conor, I spend my days working in an IT office with less linux than I prefer.
[20:09] * yotux has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[20:10] <h00k> r0n0c: I am...yeah. me too.
[20:10] <h00k> Hello AndroUser2
[20:10] <AndroUser2> How do I can change my Nick back to yotux?
[20:10] <h00k> AndroUser2: /nick youtux
[20:10] * AndroUser2 is now known as yotux
[20:11] <h00k> yotux: there we go.
[20:11] <h00k> r0n0c: I share similar sentiments
[20:11] <yotux> Thanks guys tower switch from 4G kicked me off server
[20:12] * r0n0c hopes yotux didn't fall far from the tower
[20:12] <r0n0c> perhaps the message in #wilug was a bad idea, hah
[20:12] * ubuntuWi-Guest (ae7c19be@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #ubuntu-us-wi
[20:12] <h00k> yotux: no prob, thanks for joining, even if you're having issues
[20:13] * ubuntuWi-Guest is now known as spikeb
[20:13] <h00k> hey spikeb
[20:13] <spikeb> hey
[20:13] <h00k> spikeb: we're just doing introductions
[20:14] <yotux> So is there a general topic tonight?
[20:14] <yotux> Yotux says nm figure it out
[20:15] <yotux> I am a factory worker stuck with windows servers running Oracle
[20:16] <yotux> And that wonderful thing called outlook mail
[20:16] <spikeb> oh fun
[20:16] <h00k> yotux: ah, yes. that.
[20:16] <h00k> spikeb: you want to introduce yourself?
[20:17] <h00k> we're just doing general 'who we are's
[20:17] <spikeb> I'm spike. I've run ubuntu since the first beta, on more than one architecture, and am a geek in general. i also have a raspberry pi.
[20:17] <spikeb> :)
[20:18] <h00k> sweet action. I will get one some day.
[20:18] <r0n0c> Mine is sitting next to me running mysql
[20:18] <spikeb> mine is setting under the TV running XBMC
[20:19] <r0n0c> what are your videos encoded as?
[20:20] <spikeb> the SD stuff is all kinds of formats, and the pi handles them fine. the HD stuff is h.264 to take advantage of the hw accel
[20:20] <h00k> What do those take for power?
[20:21] <r0n0c> microUSB
[20:21] <h00k> ah, sweet.

TOPIC: <<Anchor(WhyUbuntu)>>Why Ubuntu?

[20:21] <h00k> So, next on the list is...Why do you guys use Ubuntu?
[20:22] <yotux> Are you taking about a micro computer like pogoplug
[20:22] <h00k> What brings you to the platform, and the LoCo?
[20:22] <h00k> yotux: yeah, similar
[20:22] <spikeb> yes yotux
[20:22] <r0n0c> yotux: http://www.raspberrypi.org/
[20:23] <yotux> Thanks yeah stuck on the mobile version
[20:23] <spikeb> i originally started running ubuntu because it had a newer GNOME than debian
[20:23] <r0n0c> I use ubuntu since it was advertised as a good linux to start with, and then I really got into it when I found MythTV and mythbuntu.
[20:24] <spikeb> i've kept running it first because it was a good distro, and now because i love the work the design team has done, and i love unity.
[20:24] <h00k> spikeb: back at which version?
[20:24] <spikeb> h00k: 4.10 beta
[20:24] <h00k> spikeb: ah, what Gnome, I meant?
[20:24] <spikeb> oh
[20:24] <yotux> I moved over because I wanted something more stable than fedora
[20:24] <spikeb> i think it had 2.x when debian was stuck on 1.4
[20:25] <h00k> yotux: ah, you moved from Fedora over, cool.
[20:25] <h00k> I very vaguely remember when gnome 1.x was around :(
[20:26] <spikeb> when i started using linux, gnome wasn't even beta yet
[20:26] <spikeb> haha
[20:26] <yotux> I have learned to like apt a little more than yum
[20:27] <yotux> My Linux was red Hat 7
[20:27] <spikeb> i play with fedora off and on, yum is OK
[20:27] <yotux> Bought it from local staples store
[20:27] <mikeputnam> h00k: actually both of them are employees of Red Hat
[20:27] <mikeputnam> so naturally they root for that team
[20:27] <h00k> mikeputnam: oh, interesting
[20:28] <h00k> ;) of course
[20:28] <mikeputnam> dmlloyd is jboss engineer and bress a security guy
[20:28] <h00k> (we're discussing a separate convo in #wilug, if anyone is wondering)
[20:28] <h00k> apologies for any confusion
[20:29] <h00k> I moved over to Ubuntu from Windows back...a while ago
[20:29] <h00k> I think around 5.something
[20:29] <h00k> And I loved the ease of use, beginner-friendly-ness
[20:31] <h00k> and it just stuck. Although I play with other distros on other hardware from time to time, which is always fun.
[20:31] <spikeb> sure is!
[20:32] <h00k> Cool.
[20:32] <h00k> Last that I had on the official list (lol) is

TOPIC: <<Anchor(InterestSurvey)>>What do you want to LoCo to do?

[20:32] <h00k> What do you want the LoCo to do for you?
[20:32] <h00k> What kinds of things can you see the LoCo doing?
[20:32] <h00k> (that's all...the same question(
[20:33] <r0n0c> Fix my computer.
[20:34] <h00k> r0n0c: makes sense. Which reminds me, you should shoot an email to the mailing list for a bit wider distribution to see if someone can help
[20:35] <r0n0c> I am not too concerned anymore
[20:35] <mikeputnam> share cool discoveries/tips/tricks
[20:35] <r0n0c> I got my db backups off
[20:35] <mikeputnam> re: what i want from linuxers
[20:36] <h00k> mikeputnam: makes sense
[20:36] <h00k> maybe we could do a show-and-tell or online...presentation dealio sometime
[20:36] <spikeb> hey do we have a google+ or facebook group that we can share stuff to?
[20:36] <mikeputnam> s/linuxers/unixers/ to be honest
[20:37] <h00k> spikeb: there was a Facebook group, I don't remember if it still exists
[20:37] <h00k> but there's a page!
[20:37] <h00k> https://plus.google.com/u/0/114072330989476423938/posts
[20:37] <mikeputnam> i <3 irc/email for puritan freeness
[20:37] <h00k> also, the mailing list
[20:37] <mikeputnam> (but also use twitter/google+/gmail) :P
[20:38] <h00k> It'd be nice if we had a sweet logo
[20:38] <h00k> we were trying for a call for artwork before, that fell through
[20:39] <r0n0c> mikeputnam: just circled ya
[20:41] * ubuntuWi-Guest (44f8ee35@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #ubuntu-us-wi
[20:41] <h00k> So, what do you think about an online presentation on some medium (IRC, or a Hangout)?
[20:42] <h00k> Hi, ubuntuWi-Guest
[20:42] <spikeb> that sounds fun
[20:42] <ubuntuWi-Guest> Hi, h00k. Cheesehead here, via pseudonym.
[20:42] <h00k> ubuntuWi-Guest: ah, welcome welcome.
[20:42] <h00k> ubuntuWi-Guest: we're discussing what we'd like to do in the future
[20:44] <ubuntuWi-Guest> Do in person or remotely?
[20:44] <r0n0c> I would be down for a Hangout. Do those do screen sharing? to show tips/tricks mike was talking about?
[20:44] <h00k> ubuntuWi-Guest: yeah. either/or
[20:45] <h00k> r0n0c: I believe they do
[20:45] <h00k> maybe
[20:45] <h00k> I thought?
[20:45] <spikeb> im not sure
[20:45] <ubuntuWi-Guest> Seems like an [action] item to find out.
[20:46] <h00k> ubuntuWi-Guest: yep.
[20:47] <h00k> testung now
[20:48] <h00k> success!
[20:49] <h00k> Yes, you can definitely screenshare, and it works *quite* nicely
[20:49] <ubuntuWi-Guest> So is that the first hangoud session? To show us how to screenshare?
[20:49] <spikeb> sweet
[20:49] <h00k> and we could get people circle'd and do a live broadcast/youtube recording for archiving, later viewing
[20:49] <h00k> ubuntuWi-Guest: there's a button on the hangout, 'Screenshare,' yep
[20:50] <ubuntuWi-Guest> I never said it would be a *long* hangout.
[20:50] <h00k> So, that's totally something to consider
[20:50] <mikeputnam> r0n0c: i put you into my NEWLUG and WILUG circles (not certain if that is accurate)
[20:51] <h00k> Well, we got one idea out.
[20:51] <r0n0c> I put you in MadLug and Computer Geeks. Hope that is accurate
[20:52] <mikeputnam> heh
[20:52] <mikeputnam> pretty close
[20:52] <mikeputnam> Appleton, WI Computer Geek
[20:52] <h00k> something like that. I've been meaning to make a proper 'Ubuntu Wisconsin' circle and share it
[20:52] <r0n0c> I know you aren't in MADLug, but its basically expanded to anyone in wilug/wi ubuntu
[20:52] <mikeputnam> gothca
[20:52] <h00k> but I have 'Ubuntu People' and madlug/wilug/etc
[20:53] <r0n0c> I wish g+ did nested circles
[20:53] <r0n0c> I wanted that from the get go
[20:53] <r0n0c> Immediate Family > Family
[20:53] * ubuntuWi-Guest is now known as Cheesehead
[20:53] <h00k> yeah...
[20:55] <h00k> Okay. So. Perhaps a call for presentation volunteers on the mailing list
[20:55] <h00k> [action]
[20:56] <Cheesehead> I supose I can dust off my dbus and gsettings notes and whip them into some pretext for an hangout or two...
[20:57] <h00k> heyoh, cool.
[20:57] <h00k> I can do twofactor authentication with ssh walkthrough
[20:57] <r0n0c> oooo
[20:58] <h00k> or did someone recently do that with wilug/madlug?
[20:59] <Cheesehead> I also have some notes on the Gnome/Unity geolocation framework (fairly cool), and on several weather information systems.
[21:00] <h00k> Hey folks...I have to get running
[21:00] <mikeputnam> what about tools/tips/approaches to administering hundreds of ubuntu desktops in a company
[21:00] <h00k> mikeputnam: like puppet and/or landscape
[21:01] <mikeputnam> or whipping racks full of ubuntu into submission
[21:01] <h00k> but I don't know if we have anyone with landscape
[21:01] <h00k> that'd be cool
[21:01] <mikeputnam> h00k: certainly
[21:01] <Cheesehead> I must go; I'll take care of the website minutes and wiki meeting report tomorrow...
[21:01] <mikeputnam> like Active Directory integration
[21:01] <h00k> Cheesehead: ah, cool, that'd be nice
[21:01] * Cheesehead has quit (Quit: Page closed)
[21:01] <mikeputnam> or SAMBA setups to play nice with the Winders folks
[21:02] <h00k> keep those ideas handy
[21:03] <h00k> I'll write up a call for ideas and presentations probably tomorrow or this weekend and ship them out
[21:03] <h00k> but I have to run
[21:03] <h00k> you guys can keep talking and stuffs
[21:03] <h00k> if you come up with anything, leave a line in here or shoot it to the mailing list
[21:03] <mikeputnam> or virtualization approaches so the WinAdmins can run there stuffs atop your Unices!
[21:03] <h00k> ^ yuss
[21:03] <h00k> OKay, thanks all for coming!
[21:03] <h00k> talk soon
[21:04] <mikeputnam> thx for organizing

This is the first 2012 meeting of the Wisconsin Team, starting at 20:00 CDT, 20110920 (2400 UTC, 20110927) and finishing at 21:00 CDT (0100 UTC, 20111027)


h00k, r0n0c, yotux, spikeb, mikeputnam, Cheesehead


  • Who are you?

  • Why Ubuntu, at least one reason?

  • What do you want to LoCo to do for you?



[20:00]  <r0n0c> made it!
[20:01]  <h00k> r0n0c: cool, welcome
[20:01]  <h00k> jrolland-ubuntu, KBme, mikeputnam, ripps, uberushaximus: ping for meeting start
[20:02]  * yotux (~androirc@ has joined #ubuntu-us-wi
[20:03]  <yotux> Hello to all
[20:03]  <h00k> Hey yotux
[20:03]  <yotux> Sorry hand some difficulties with irc on Android
[20:04]  <h00k> yotux: it's okay, I just reset my modem not too long ago.
[20:04]  <h00k> cool, so we have three!
[20:04]  <h00k> Anyone else?
[20:04]  <r0n0c> anyone ping in #wilug?
[20:05]  <h00k> I didn't ping over there
[20:06]  <h00k> and I just left a message
[20:06]  <h00k> So. I suppose...we can rehash some stuffs.

TOPIC: Who are you?

[20:07]  <h00k> Let's start off with who we are. But I'm pretty sure you're familiar
[20:07]  <h00k> I'm Anthony, the LoCo team contact.
[20:08]  <h00k> I like long walks on the beach and Gangnam Style.
[20:09]  * AndroUser2 (~androirc@ has joined #ubuntu-us-wi
[20:09]  <r0n0c> I'm Conor, I spend my days working in an IT office with less linux than I prefer.
[20:09]  * yotux has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[20:10]  <h00k> r0n0c: I am...yeah. me too.
[20:10]  <h00k> Hello AndroUser2
[20:10]  <AndroUser2> How do I can change my Nick back to yotux?
[20:10]  <h00k> AndroUser2: /nick youtux
[20:10]  * AndroUser2 is now known as yotux
[20:11]  <h00k> yotux: there we go.
[20:11]  <h00k> r0n0c: I share similar sentiments
[20:11]  <yotux> Thanks guys tower switch from 4G kicked me off server
[20:12]  * r0n0c hopes yotux didn't fall far from the tower
[20:12]  <r0n0c> perhaps the message in #wilug was a bad idea, hah
[20:12]  * ubuntuWi-Guest (ae7c19be@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #ubuntu-us-wi
[20:12]  <h00k> yotux: no prob, thanks for joining, even if you're having issues
[20:13]  * ubuntuWi-Guest is now known as spikeb
[20:13]  <h00k> hey spikeb
[20:13]  <spikeb> hey
[20:13]  <h00k> spikeb: we're just doing introductions
[20:14]  <yotux> So is there a general topic tonight?
[20:14]  <yotux> Yotux says nm figure it out
[20:15]  <yotux> I am a factory worker stuck with windows servers running Oracle
[20:16]  <yotux> And that wonderful thing called outlook mail
[20:16]  <spikeb> oh fun
[20:16]  <h00k> yotux: ah, yes. that.
[20:16]  <h00k> spikeb: you want to introduce yourself?
[20:17]  <h00k> we're just doing general 'who we are's
[20:17]  <spikeb> I'm spike. I've run ubuntu since the first beta, on more than one architecture, and am a geek in general. i also have a raspberry pi.
[20:17]  <spikeb> :)
[20:18]  <h00k> sweet action. I will get one some day.
[20:18]  <r0n0c> Mine is sitting next to me running mysql
[20:18]  <spikeb> mine is setting under the TV running XBMC
[20:19]  <r0n0c> what are your videos encoded as?
[20:20]  <spikeb> the SD stuff is all kinds of formats, and the pi handles them fine. the HD stuff is h.264 to take advantage of the hw accel
[20:20]  <h00k> What do those take for power?
[20:21]  <r0n0c> microUSB
[20:21]  <h00k> ah, sweet.

TOPIC: Why Ubuntu?

[20:21]  <h00k> So, next on the list is...Why do you guys use Ubuntu?
[20:22]  <yotux> Are you taking about a micro computer like pogoplug
[20:22]  <h00k> What brings you to the platform, and the LoCo?
[20:22]  <h00k> yotux: yeah, similar
[20:22]  <spikeb> yes yotux
[20:22]  <r0n0c> yotux: http://www.raspberrypi.org/
[20:23]  <yotux> Thanks yeah stuck on the mobile version
[20:23]  <spikeb> i originally started running ubuntu because it had a newer GNOME than debian
[20:23]  <r0n0c> I use ubuntu since it was advertised as a good linux to start with, and then I really got into it when I found MythTV and mythbuntu.
[20:24]  <spikeb> i've kept running it first because it was a good distro, and now because i love the work the design team has done, and i love unity.
[20:24]  <h00k> spikeb: back at which version?
[20:24]  <spikeb> h00k: 4.10 beta
[20:24]  <h00k> spikeb: ah, what Gnome, I meant?
[20:24]  <spikeb> oh
[20:24]  <yotux> I moved over because I wanted something more stable than fedora
[20:24]  <spikeb> i think it had 2.x when debian was stuck on 1.4
[20:25]  <h00k> yotux: ah, you moved from Fedora over, cool.
[20:25]  <h00k> I very vaguely remember when gnome 1.x was around :(
[20:26]  <spikeb> when i started using linux, gnome wasn't even beta yet
[20:26]  <spikeb> haha
[20:26]  <yotux> I have learned to like apt a little more than yum
[20:27]  <yotux> My Linux was red Hat 7
[20:27]  <spikeb> i play with fedora off and on, yum is OK
[20:27]  <yotux> Bought it from local staples store
[20:27]  <mikeputnam> h00k: actually both of them are employees of Red Hat
[20:27]  <mikeputnam> so naturally they root for that team
[20:27]  <h00k> mikeputnam: oh, interesting
[20:28]  <h00k> ;) of course
[20:28]  <mikeputnam> dmlloyd is jboss engineer and bress a security guy
[20:28]  <h00k> (we're discussing a separate convo in #wilug, if anyone is wondering)
[20:28]  <h00k> apologies for any confusion
[20:29]  <h00k> I moved over to Ubuntu from Windows back...a while ago
[20:29]  <h00k> I think around 5.something
[20:29]  <h00k> And I loved the ease of use, beginner-friendly-ness
[20:31]  <h00k> and it just stuck. Although I play with other distros on other hardware from time to time, which is always fun.
[20:31]  <spikeb> sure is!
[20:32]  <h00k> Cool.
[20:32]  <h00k> Last that I had on the official list (lol) is

TOPIC: What do you want to LoCo to do?

MeetingLogs/WisconsinTeam/20120920 (last edited 2012-09-21 15:20:25 by adsl-68-248-238-53)