Ubuntu Wisconsin LoCo Team Meet and Greet Meeting Agenda
Meeting Details
Facilitator: Simon Quigley aka tsimonq2
Location: Hangouts, irc.freenode.net / #ubuntu-us-wi
Meeting Log: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-us-wi/2015/ubuntu-us-wi.2015-11-04-01.05.moin.txt
Introduce each other, go over agenda
What is the purpose of Ubuntu in your daily life?
- Do you contribute and if so, what do you do?
Ubuntu 15.10 was released!
- New features
- Opinions?
- What are some opinions on the codename? (Wily Werewolf)
- Is there anything major that jumps out at you when you are looking at this new release?
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is going with the codename Xenial Xerus
Xenial is, "Of, relating to, or constituting hospitality or relations between host and guest and especially among the ancient Greeks between persons of different cities"
Xerus is also known as the African Ground Squirrel
- Opinions?
- Xenail!
- At least it is not a mythical creature this time! (look to Wily and Utopic)
Team Renewal
- Should we renew this team? Why or why not?
Review this document
- Positions
- Should the leader be the contact?
- How will team leadership be handled?
- Team Reports "Specialist"
- Should we go to the mailing list to discuss this?
- Should the leader be the contact?
- What is the progress on that?
- Let's pick a date for it to be done if it isn't already
- Voting?
- This assumes we have more than one
Monthly Meetings?
- What non-conflicting time each month would work the best?
- Milestone meetings?
- Beta 1
- Beta 2
- etc.
- If we do have monthly meetings, should Simon be all-time facilitator, should we have someone else have that role, or should we rotate?
- Where could we find each other this next month?