= Ubuntu US Wisconsin LoCo Team Monthly Meeting for December 2015 = {{attachment:logodecembernobg192.png}} '''Time and date:''' Tuesday, December 1, 2015 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM Central Standard Time '''Chair:''' Simon Quigley '''Mailing List Announcement(please read, it has important details):''' [[https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-us-wisconsin/msg00043.html]] '''Google Calendar Event:''' [[https://goo.gl/eD3dSA]] '''Hangout Link:''' [[https://hangouts.google.com/call/rqqgdspzyojqagyhncuzyngwvia]] '''Livestream/Video Link*:''' [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WsIqPM8kPE]] '''''Remember to follow the [[http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/conduct|Ubuntu Code of Conduct]] at ALL TIMES while participating in any LoCo meeting/event.''''' '''Agenda:''' 1. Leadership for the Ubuntu Wisconsin LoCo Team ([[https://youtu.be/3WsIqPM8kPE?t=14m40s|14 minutes 40 seconds in the video]]) a. Estimated time: 10 minutes a. Agenda item owner: Simon Quigley a. We need to decide on some leadership for the Ubuntu Wisconsin LoCo Team. A facilitative oligarchy would be preferred, as discussed in the last meeting. a. Voting? 1. New Meeting Time ([[https://youtu.be/3WsIqPM8kPE?t=22m21s|22 minutes 21 seconds in the video]]) a. Estimated time: 5 minutes a. Agenda item owner: Mike Putnam a. We need a new meeting time, as a LUG meeting(I think Milwaukee) happens at the same time. a. Although Simon put this item in, I am giving this one to Mike, as he knows the LUG schedule. 1. Verification ([[https://youtu.be/3WsIqPM8kPE?t=29m|29 minutes in the video]]) a. Estimated time: 10 minutes a. Agenda item owner: Simon Quigley a. We need to get verified to receive various perks from Canonical to operate better. So we need to fit together some key elements to make this a functional team. a. [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/TeamVerificationGuidelines]] a. Some ideas: i. Regional leaders? i. Regular IRL meetings? i. Weekly IRC meetings? i. Talks or Ubuntu seminars? a. Ways to spread Ubuntu to get more members here? 1. Wiki Page Updates ([[https://youtu.be/3WsIqPM8kPE?t=34m19s|34 minutes 19 seconds in the video]]) a. Estimated time: 5 minutes a. Agenda item owner: Simon Quigley a. I did a major update to the wiki pages, removing or hiding obsolete content and working with Alex to give it a new look. a. [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WisconsinTeam]] 1. New Artwork ([[https://youtu.be/3WsIqPM8kPE?t=38m49s|38 minutes 49 seconds in the video]]) a. Estimated time: 10 minutes a. Agenda item owner: Alex Dueppen a. Alex shows us his new artwork for the LoCo and gets feedback on what he has made. 1. Website? ([[https://youtu.be/3WsIqPM8kPE?t=42m2s|42 minutes 2 seconds in the video]]) a. Estimated time: 5 minutes a. Agenda item owner: Simon Quigley a. Should we have a website for our LoCo, or is the wiki page sufficient? a. Some uses of the website would be: i. IRC Client specific page i. Livestream page with embedded IRC client i. Positions(who does what and contact info) 1. Ubuntu Online Summit ([[https://youtu.be/3WsIqPM8kPE?t=1h7m42s|1 hour 7 minutes and 42 seconds in the video]]) a. Estimated time: 5 minutes a. Agenda item owner: Simon Quigley a. The Ubuntu Online Summit took place from November 3-5, 2015. a. All of the sessions: [[http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1511/]] a. Track summaries: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtctPsfZ1VU]] 1. Ubuntu 16.04 Release Party? ([[https://youtu.be/3WsIqPM8kPE?t=1h9m55s|1 hour 9 minutes and 55 seconds in the video]]) a. Estimated time: 10 minutes a. Agenda item owner: Simon Quigley a. We should really have an IRL release party for the release of Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus in April. a. Best place? a. Best time/date? a. Funding? '''IRC logs:''' (All times in UTC) ||adueppen||I'm Alex, I've been doing some art for the LoCo and I promise I'll turn on my webcam and mic soon.||01:05|| ||nhaines||I'm on the Local Community Council, and I'm just here for moral support. :)||01:05|| ||tsimonq2||[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/WisconsinTeam/20151201]]||01:06|| ||adueppen||no objections||01:14|| ||tsimonq2||#startmeeting||01:14|| ||meetingology||Meeting started Wed Dec 2 01:14:19 2015 UTC. The chair is tsimonq2. Information about MeetBot at [[http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology]].||01:14|| ||meetingology||Available commands: action commands idea info link nick||01:14|| ||nhaines||You can add the earlier logs to the meeting later, when you add it to the wiki page. :)||01:15|| ||adueppen||we might want to come up with ideas here and then propose it to the list||01:18|| ||tsimonq2||[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/TeamVerificationGuideline]]||01:21|| ||nhaines||Yup, that's the one!||01:22|| ||mikeputnam||proposed: send mail to the mailing list suggesting that our remote LoCo meeting move to 2nd Friday of each month in order to be inclusive to Ian W.||01:23|| ||tsimonq2||[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WisconsinTeam]]||01:26|| ||tsimonq2||[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WisconsinTeam/NewMemberOrientation]]||01:27|| ||tsimonq2||[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WisconsinTeam/MeetingAgendas]]||01:27|| ||adueppen||ok turning on my webcam here||01:27|| ||nhaines||I recommend redirecting the domain name to the main wiki page immediately. And then that buys you time while you figure out what to do with the site.||01:37|| ||nhaines||It's better to get some kind of CMS in place to make it easier for contributors, as opposed to hand editing. :)||01:37|| ||adueppen||I can go make a Github org for the LoCo right now||01:38|| ||nhaines||I definitely agree: figure out whether to use a website and then what audience it will serve. Pick the tools afterward.||01:40|| ||adueppen||[[http://ubuntu-california.org/]]||01:42|| ||FastJaguar||Hello!||01:46|| ||FastJaguar||It is||01:46|| ||FastJaguar||And yes, I am listening||01:46|| ||tsimonq2||[[http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1511/]]||02:00|| ||tsimonq2||[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtctPsfZ1VU]]||02:00|| ||FastJaguar||Happy holidays!||02:16|| ||adueppen||bye guys||02:17|| ||tsimonq2||o/||02:17|| ||tsimonq2||#endmeeting||02:17|| <
> Attend a LUG event near you! [[https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=ccvfp9csoal0hvl0eok1marhds@group.calendar.google.com|Here]] is a link to the calendar. Would you like to contribute to the Ubuntu project to make software that we use every day better? Well click [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu|here]] to learn more! If you don't know what to do, click [[http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/find-a-task|here]] to find out! * To help document and to fill in people that couldn't make it, I set it up so the Hangout will be livestreamed on YouTube. This is also so that the people that are not participating, but are on IRC(or outside observers such as members of the LoCo council) can just watch. 5-10 minutes before the meeting starts, I will commence the livestream and I will paste the link in the IRC channel(#ubuntu-us-wi). So that means any joins, leaves, anything you say, will be put on the livestream for other people to watch. Please do NOT participate if you are UNDER 13 years of age, due to privacy laws in the United States. Legal consequences will be taken if this happens, not only for me(Simon Quigley), the publisher, but for you, the participant. If you just don't want your face shown/voice heard, then use the mute/turn webcam off button in Hangouts, and use IRC to communicate if you muted yourself. Obviously, make sure that your microphone doesn't sound awful if that is what you choose to use. The video and livestream are licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Any interpretations of this statement are controlled by the chair of the meeting. (all of this information is just a legal disclaimer, just in case)