{{{ 03:29 janimo shall we start now? 03:29 nomed hi janimo Gloubiboulga 03:29 Gloubiboulga yep 03:29 nomed i'm ready 03:29 janimo ok 1)xarchiver 03:29 nomed ok 03:29 janimo just saw a mail on xfce-devel 03:30 janimo they are heavily rewriting it seems 03:30 janimo I wonder if it will be ready on time 03:30 nomed janimo, yes 03:30 nomed but even improving it 03:30 nomed they'll not use glade file anymore for ex 03:30 janimo any ETA? === juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Verlassend"] 03:30 Meyer eheheh 03:31 nomed janimo, now it doesn't depend on "old" upstreamers .. 03:31 nomed well just on them 03:31 janimo "old"? 03:31 janimo what is new now? 03:31 nomed janimo, yes ... there are 2 more 03:31 janimo when do you think we could package it? 03:31 nomed one is fixing the gui 03:32 janimo if they get it ready in a month it may be too late for dapper :( 03:32 nomed janimo, they told me last week .. 03:32 nomed janimo, i know 03:32 janimo I'd have prefrerred a fixed 0.3.x release 03:32 nomed i'm waitin an answer from upstreamer 03:32 janimo so we can package/review/main/CD 03:32 nomed janimo, me too 03:32 janimo I think I'll upload 0.3.9 you packaged last time 03:33 janimo so we go in parallel with reviewing 03:33 nomed as soon as they'll answer i'll send a mail to xubuntu-devel 03:33 janimo or do they rewrite it all? 03:33 janimo ok thanks 03:33 nomed janimo, that would be the best i guess 03:33 janimo what they seem to be doing now is optimising 03:33 janimo xarchiver already seemed pretty fast and useful 03:33 nomed yes 03:34 janimo ok 2)icon theme 03:34 janimo any news from tango artists? 03:34 janimo tango is now in main we could just make that default and be done 03:34 nomed janimo, he's working on some icons 03:35 nomed janimo, i think we can have a complete xubuntu-tango icons theme 03:35 bur[n] er i'm all for tango as the default :) it was the compelling reason to be here this morning 03:35 janimo nomed, ETA? 03:35 nomed but as i'm not the one workin on it ... i can just report what he told me 03:35 janimo yes, but we should know how to plan as we are getting short on time 03:35 nomed janimo, "soon" 03:36 nomed janimo, i know 03:36 janimo most changes going into xubuntu are getting as restricted as the rest if we want a quality release 03:36 nomed but we can't do anything more then wait 03:36 janimo that's what canonical wants too, so we cannot keep on adding features sadly :) 03:36 nomed and use ROdent in case it'll not be ready 03:37 bur[n] er even tango-icon-theme package as it stands now is better than rodent 03:37 janimo nomed, well I'll add tango to default install anyway === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Bye!] 03:37 janimo nomed, defaut tangoi is surely better no than rodent? 03:37 nomed yes 03:37 janimo so I'll add that 03:37 nomed janimo, what i'll do is to create links to missing icon names 03:37 nomed in case new icons will not be ready .. 03:38 nomed i checked it and most of the icons are already there 03:38 janimo do you know of icons in tango-icon-theme which are missing for xfce? 03:38 nomed if you do not consider xfce4-terminal pref icons for ex 03:38 janimo is that not app specific? 03:39 janimo as long as we have a consistent and complete icon theme I'm content 03:39 nomed http://foo-projects.org/~jasper/ICONTHEMES 03:39 nomed janimo, mainly it's just a problem of creating links to existing icons .. 03:39 nomed as most of them have just different names 03:40 nomed if not all .. 03:40 janimo ok 03:40 janimo do we need to create this is the tango icon package? 03:40 janimo taking it up with upstream tango? 03:40 janimo or solved within xfce somehow? 03:41 nomed janimo, two ways 03:41 janimo the icons I noticed missing are suspend hibernate 03:41 nomed 1) send patches to upstreamers .. as 03:41 nomed icons and missing icon-naming entry in the "spec" 03:42 nomed 2) have the xubuntu icons theme including just those icons 03:42 nomed janimo, i'll ask to lapo 03:42 nomed and i'll try to get him here for next meeting 03:42 janimo 2) should matter for upstream xfce I guess 03:43 janimo so for 1) there are icon names in xfce which may have to get into the naming spec right? 03:43 nomed it would be better yes 03:43 nomed but not needed 03:44 nomed janimo, i would just be able to use inkscape 03:44 nomed really 03:44 nomed :) 03:44 janimo do you think it's hard to convince tango upstream? 03:44 janimo or why do we have to consider our own package? 03:44 nomed janimo, well ... 03:45 nomed better to consider our own 03:45 janimo xfce upstreams position should matter on this, I am not clear about it 03:45 nomed and see if it'll be possible to include them in tango if posible 03:46 nomed janimo, benny told me he would be happy to have xfce icons included in those specs 03:46 nomed but there are too much variables here 03:46 nomed xfce upsrteamer .. 03:46 nomed tango and spec upstreamer 03:46 nomed xubuntu artist 03:46 janimo we should not be a variable here, just use best of what upstreams agreed upon 03:47 nomed at this stage we should take care of xubuntu-icons 03:47 janimo xubuntu artist should do additional not replacement work 03:47 nomed yes 03:47 janimo well but if they are not ready we cannot do that :) 03:48 nomed janimo, the additional work could be then included into official releases .. 03:48 nomed of spec and icons 03:48 nomed as the artist is involved in tango proj 03:48 janimo yes, that's what I am saying, but included so we can use it. not after we include it 03:48 janimo which icons are we missing do you have a list? 03:49 janimo that link above? 03:49 nomed that's one link yes 03:49 nomed and here the one other .. 03:49 nomed http://www.dsslive.org/mediawiki/index.php/Roadmap-0.3-1:XfceTheme 03:50 nomed janimo, mainly there are those two you told 03:50 janimo suspend/hibernate? 03:51 nomed yes 03:51 nomed and one icon for the pager 03:51 nomed and taskbar too if i'm not wrong 03:51 janimo we won't make a new icon package just for 3 icons?! :) 03:51 nomed janimo, no that's sure :) 03:51 janimo panel plugin icons? === Florob [n=florian@xdsl-81-173-229-81.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === jurjenst [n=jurjen@levelscity.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 03:51 nomed janimo, yep 03:52 Gloubiboulga there's a lot of missing icons for the plugins 03:52 janimo suspend/hibernate will probably be local to xfce4-session since the other icons in the dialog are there so that's checked 03:52 nomed but from what i've understood those icons are needed even for other DMs 03:52 nomed Gloubiboulga, yep .. 03:52 janimo Gloubiboulga: yes, or more likely their desktop file does not reference them 03:52 janimo susp/hib is not in the spec now so it definitely post dapper anyway 03:52 nomed but taskbar and pager could be considered as general DMs icons 03:52 nomed more then apps icons 03:53 janimo app specific ones we solve in apps 03:53 janimo nomed, where do taskbar and pager need to show up? so I can check what we are missing now === jsgotangco raises hand 03:53 janimo jsgotangco: this is not edubuntu :) 03:54 janimo you have to wiggle your mouse tail 03:54 jsgotangco heh just one quick Q 03:54 janimo to conform to _our_ logo :) 03:54 jsgotangco janimo: are you still going to derive gnome-app-install? 03:54 nomed janimo, i'm refering to icons that are in Settings manager 03:54 janimo jsgotangco: if someone gets to do it maybe 03:54 janimo are you pro or con? 03:54 nomed janimo, those icons are hardcoded somehow ... 03:54 jsgotangco janimo: ok if its get done, ping me up i'll update the help files 03:54 nomed we'll need to patch it i guess .. 03:54 janimo nomed, oh yes those need fixing === jsgotangco would like to see something like that for xubuntu 03:55 janimo jsgotangco: you need it for documenting it? 03:55 nomed they use just icons from hicolor theme 03:55 nomed if i'm not wrong 03:55 jsgotangco janimo: change strings too if needed === jsgotangco checks latest bzr 03:55 janimo jsgotangco: ok then. I'll see to it.it should be easier to do than update-manager 03:56 janimo jsgotangco: thanks 03:56 jsgotangco oh yeah 03:56 jsgotangco janimo: its the start of the holidays so plenty of time to look into such 03:56 janimo :) 03:56 jsgotangco on my side 03:57 janimo nomed, those icons in settings manager need to be bugs against that package upstream if they do not work 03:57 janimo so they make fallback for them or correct the paths 03:57 janimo I noticed preferred apps does not have icon here 03:57 freeflying sorry , who is incharge of xubuntu's seed 03:57 janimo freeflying: me 03:58 freeflying janimo: do you hae anyproblem with cd space ? 03:58 janimo yes, too much free space 03:58 janimo :) 03:58 freeflying s/hae/have 03:58 nomed janimo, it's because that icons ahs been removed from tango icon theme .. 03:58 nomed if you're using it 03:58 freeflying janimo: then , okey 03:58 nomed benny is the only one using the spec 03:58 janimo nomed, recently? 03:58 nomed not really 03:58 janimo freeflying: what do you want to suggest for the CD? 03:59 nomed but that icon exists .. we'll need just to add it again .. 03:59 freeflying janimo: I worried about the space firstly , now It's okey 03:59 janimo nomed, they must have had a reason to remove it? 03:59 nomed janimo, sure .. but i do not know 03:59 janimo freeflying: we're at 435M out of 650-700 so we're doing well === ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Xubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 13 Apr 14:00 UTC: Dapper Development Status | 18 Apr 21:00 UTC: Community Council | 19 Apr 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 19 Apr 14:00 UTC: Xubuntu 04:00 janimo will probably add more stuff 04:00 nomed it was the package-manager icon 04:00 janimo nomed, is that icon present in rodent? === jozmak [n=mak@h66-201-246-249.gtcust.grouptelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 04:00 freeflying janimo: then add language-pack for zh_CN :) 04:00 nomed janimo, i do not think 04:01 nomed it was in the old spec 04:01 janimo freeflying: sure. We'll add many language packs, right now is whatever I merged from ubuntu seeds. 04:01 janimo Do ubuntu not ship zh_CN on CD? 04:01 freeflying janimo: not support-pack 04:01 janimo freeflying: do chinese users need OOo too ? 04:02 nomed janimo, are u sure it's not in exo pkge ? 04:02 freeflying janimo: ya, 04:02 freeflying janimo: you wanna use OOo in xubuntu ? 04:02 janimo nomed, did not look 04:02 nomed http://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libexo/trunk/icons/48x48/preferences-desktop-default-applications.png 04:02 nomed janimo, yes it is 04:03 nomed malone ? :) 04:03 nomed it was just a concidence :) 04:03 janimo nomed, so why does setting dialog not pick it up? 04:04 janimo freeflying: not installing OO by default, but since there is space on the CD it will probably be shipped. 04:04 freeflying janimo: why not goffice 04:04 nomed janimo, i think you forgot to install it 04:04 janimo since I understood that it's the only office that has decent asian langiage support 04:05 janimo nomed, oh in that case cool I'll fix it 04:05 janimo :) 04:05 nomed ehehe 04:05 janimo freeflying: we install abiword by default 04:05 janimo and hopefully gnumeric too soon 04:06 janimo but I understood they do not handle well at least the Indian languages 04:06 freeflying janimo: if I decide , I will use koffice , :) ,but it's xubuntu 04:06 freeflying janimo: same for Chinese 04:07 janimo freeflying: so we install goffice because it's small and probably ship OOo just in case 04:08 janimo nomed, so the conclusion is: add tango to xubuntu default now 04:09 janimo keep in touch with tango artist 04:09 nomed janimo, i'll do that 04:09 janimo ok, thanks 04:09 nomed but i'n not the one that can use inkscape ... 04:09 janimo I wonder if xfce upstream devs seem to use tango why do they still keep rodent as default in release 04:09 nomed i can't promise anything ... 04:10 nomed even if i feel i can trust that guy 04:10 janimo nomed, why do you need to use inkscape? :) 04:10 nomed janimo, to tell you ... we'll have tango complete and ready for xubuntu 04:10 nomed :) 04:10 nomed but i can't 04:10 janimo ah, np 04:10 janimo I think we will have it complete but maybe not too shiny === No1Viking [n=Viking@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 04:11 janimo tango-icon-them + fixes in our apps shoukld be enough 04:11 nomed yep .. i think so 04:11 bur[n] er == leaps and bounds better than rodent ;) 04:11 janimo we just have to avoid missing/broken incons 04:11 janimo I prefer the gnome/human icon theme I think :) 04:11 janimo at least for the showdesktop icon 04:12 janimo that;s the only one I am sure changes between themes :) 04:12 janimo the others I do not always notice 04:12 janimo ok 3) color theme poll 04:12 nomed ohhh ... 04:12 janimo seems like blue is ok after all 04:12 nomed this stuff is driving me crazy 04:12 nomed janimo, yep 04:12 janimo nomed ? 04:12 nomed +1 for me === luzi_away is now known as luzi 04:13 nomed janimo, it needs to be better organized 04:13 janimo since nobody came forward with green or steel 04:13 janimo otr anything else 04:13 janimo nomed, one page per colour theme in the wiki 04:13 janimo do you think something more elaborate? 04:13 janimo hi luzi 04:13 luzi hi guys! just finished class... 04:14 nomed hi luzi 04:14 nomed janimo, if we'll have a pool 04:14 nomed we can't have wiki pages showing same stuff 04:14 nomed i mean 04:15 janimo poll would just link to the pages 04:15 nomed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperXubuntuLook 04:15 nomed luzi, has been the first one to add stuff :) 04:15 janimo oh so steel has proponents 04:15 janimo good 04:15 nomed DapperXubuntLookProposalGray <-- here 04:16 nomed if each person will have his own page i guess it could be a caos === bur[n] er votes for luzi's contribution :) 04:16 janimo looks nice 04:16 nomed in case there will be many .. 04:16 janimo not for each person, but for each theme 04:16 nomed luzi, me too 04:16 nomed i like that very much 04:16 janimo if more people want steel they have to subpoll among themselves which to put forward 04:16 janimo I like it too 04:16 nomed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperXubuntuColorScheme 04:16 nomed here is what i proposed 04:16 janimo luzi, that's enough detail I think since it gives an idea 04:17 nomed i mean just the layout 04:17 janimo nomed, that's good too but the attachments do not show 04:17 nomed it 's important to have svgs too 04:17 nomed janimo, yes .. there aren't :) 04:17 janimo but svg or not is the same when looking at it 04:17 nomed you have to upload them 04:17 janimo we just want to see how they'd look 04:17 janimo ah ok 04:18 janimo ah ok, so this starting page and then link to the detailed pages as the steel one 04:18 janimo seems ok to me 04:18 luzi so when are we going to have the vote? 04:18 janimo nomed, would you announce this on the list? 04:19 nomed janimo, i did it already 04:19 janimo luzi, we should decide now when to vote 04:19 nomed but i guess it 's better if you do that :D === doc_ [n=doc@CPE-72-128-84-225.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 04:19 janimo nomed, ok not read it yet 04:19 janimo so let's give a few days for people to propose themes 04:19 janimo then have a voting for a few days 04:19 nomed janimo, one i wouldn't be heavy ... 04:20 nomed but .. 04:20 janimo heavy? 04:20 nomed we need at least one svg image of the logo 04:20 nomed so people can work on the same 04:20 janimo nomed, I see 04:20 janimo do we not have the original mouse in SVG? 04:20 nomed janimo, here is the point 04:20 nomed no 04:20 luzi https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XubuntuArtwork?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=xubuntu_logo.svgz 04:20 janimo although I think a png can be modified just as fine 04:20 nomed does it work for you ? === Turicas [i=justen@20151135160.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 04:21 nomed janimo, umm 04:21 janimo broken link here 04:21 nomed let's say or gimp image or svg 04:21 janimo it's gzipped probbaly that;s why 04:21 janimo nomed, I am fine with any 04:22 luzi firefox tries to display it as xml, that's why. just save to file. 04:22 janimo I assumed people who know these tools can work with anything 04:22 janimo especially if it's only colour changes not anything more elaborate 04:22 janimo luzi, what image is the steel logo based on? 04:23 janimo svg? 04:23 janimo gray I mean 04:23 luzi the link i just gave 04:23 nomed luzi, thanks now i got it 04:23 janimo ok 04:23 janimo there's also an usplash needed 04:23 nomed luzi, could you attach it to that page 04:23 nomed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperXubuntuColorScheme 04:24 janimo it would be better imho if all colour variants used the same images otherwise 04:24 janimo so the difference is not in other elements 04:24 janimo how does that sound? 04:24 janimo it may be that some things only 'work' with some colours I don;t know 04:24 nomed janimo, sure 04:24 nomed that's the way in my opinion 04:25 luzi fine with me 04:25 nomed to use same "patterns" and hex colors 04:25 janimo anyway later on with wallpapers people have more freedom 04:25 janimo we need to see how the logo/usplash/gdm theme looks 04:25 janimo luzi, so with an usplash that entry could be complete 04:26 luzi i'll try to get a usplash for "gray" done 04:26 janimo luzi, thanks 04:26 nomed i liked luzi colors since the beginning 04:26 nomed i could already vote for it i guess 04:26 janimo OT: btw does anyone else remember if in xfce 4.2 you could change kb shortcuts 04:26 janimo now they are greyed out 04:26 luzi they are not really my colors, i took them from the xfce.org page 04:27 janimo I asked on xfce-dev but no answer yet 04:27 nomed janimo, yes you could 04:27 janimo nomed, and now it does not work right? 04:27 nomed modify the default and save it with a different name 04:27 nomed janimo, there was a discussion about this 04:27 janimo nomed, but in 4.2 it used to be easier 04:27 janimo nomed, oh on the list? 04:27 nomed yes 04:27 nomed xfce-dev 04:27 janimo hmm I must have missed it 04:27 nomed they decided to use a different approach 04:28 nomed but i do not like that much how it is now 04:28 janimo do you have some pointers (time period, subhect) 04:29 janimo nomed, we will vote in LP officially even if you know you choose the gray :) 04:29 nomed ehehe 04:30 nomed Shortcut plugin 4.4 04:30 nomed Subj ... 04:30 janimo nomed, ok thanks === ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Xubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 13 Apr 14:00 UTC: Dapper Development Status | 18 Apr 21:00 UTC: Community Council | 19 Apr 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 19 Apr 14:00 UTC: Xubuntu | 20 Apr 20:00 UTC: Dapper Development Status 04:30 nomed if that's what you meant 04:30 janimo jsgotangco: is about ubuntu final now in doc svn? === luzi [n=luzi@dhcp-202-73-vpn.unizh.ch] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 04:31 janimo I saw today browser-startpage got removed/renamed 04:32 Gloubiboulga janimo, I have to go, is there something else we should discuss? 04:32 janimo Gloubiboulga: no 04:32 Gloubiboulga ok 04:32 janimo see you later, bye 04:32 nomed bye Gloubiboulga 04:32 jsgotangco janimo: yes its already in rosetta 04:32 Gloubiboulga I'll be back monday... 04:32 Gloubiboulga cu === zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === wo_anderer [n=pauli@217-162-139-8.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 04:33 jsgotangco jsgotangco: i could fork it and create something for xubuntu if you want to 04:33 janimo luzi, xubuntu about should be close to ready for rosetta right? 04:33 janimo jsgotangco: thanks 04:33 jsgotangco ahh someone alreayd doing it 04:33 janimo jsgotangco: I think luzi has something alreday based on that 04:33 jsgotangco cheers === jsgotangco finishing up the one for edubuntu 04:33 janimo ok, anything else? 04:34 luzi i didn't do anything to the browser-startpage. i think it could use a few changes. 04:35 janimo luzi, I saw that was renamed in ubuntu to about-ubuntu I think 04:36 janimo luzi, yes it;s the original doc written when a guide was not planned. it's there since breezy 04:36 nomed any idea for xubuntu.org ? 04:36 luzi ok, have to check about-ubuntu when i get home 04:37 nomed and it would be nice to be here too 04:37 nomed http://art.ubuntu.com/ .. 04:37 janimo luzi, thanks 04:37 janimo nomed, good point I was about to bring that up 04:37 janimo we need someone to make the page 04:37 janimo anything minimal but decent 04:38 nomed janimo, should it be just a css hack ? 04:38 janimo and get the webmaster access to the canonical server which hosts it 04:38 janimo nomed, quite possibly I am very clueless wrt web authoring 04:38 janimo s/wrt/also wrt/ ;) 04:39 janimo nomed, I think a plone skin is what they say 04:39 janimo I see kubuntu and edubuntu have quite an identity 04:39 janimo we could but later on 04:39 janimo it would b great if for beta (20 Apr) we had xubuntu.org pointing to something similar to the firefox startpage at leats 04:40 nomed janimo, it looks just a modified css .. 04:40 janimo with links on the side to the other ubuntus === jurjenst [n=jurjen@levelscity.demon.nl] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] 04:40 nomed but bhoo 04:41 nomed we should ask to the person who made k|edu|ubuntu 04:41 janimo wow for art.ubuntu.com 04:41 nomed i see sometimes they show same pages 04:41 janimo well, anything that is not ugly and has xubuntu info on the front page would do for now 04:42 janimo I'll inquire canonical people to see who could upload the material once we have it 04:42 nomed janimo, it would be better to have first of all the template 04:43 janimo nomed, do you have time/interest in this? 04:43 nomed but mainly a person that could work on it :/ 04:43 janimo I guess not :) 04:43 nomed janimo, not in this period 04:43 janimo understandable 04:44 luzi if it's just a CSS, it would be easy 04:44 nomed luzi, i guess it'll be 04:44 nomed luzi, check edubuntu and kubuntu 04:44 nomed edubuntu has something more ... === GNAM [n=giocauno@host86-241.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 04:45 nomed but the template seems the same 04:45 janimo nomed, in the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperXubuntuColorScheme page 04:45 janimo do you have alink to the specific big page for each entry> 04:45 janimo ? 04:45 Riddell luzi: it's not 04:45 janimo that'd be easier than those attachements 04:46 nomed janimo, view ? 04:46 Riddell it's an html file with a debian alternatives setting 04:46 luzi Riddell, how would we go about to make our own? where to get information? 04:46 janimo nomed, that;s only the wallpaper, I thought about the whole 'gray' entry page === slomo [n=slomo@ubuntu/member/slomo] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 04:47 nomed janimo, no but you have all the stuff linked in that table row 04:47 nomed it's the same .. 04:47 Riddell luzi: just look at the pre and post install scripts in kubuntu-docs and do something similar in the appropriate xubuntu package 04:47 janimo nomed, I see. but more click :) 04:47 nomed well yes 04:47 janimo Riddell: talking about the website not the firefox about page :) 04:47 nomed but less pages 04:47 janimo for xubuntu.org 04:48 nomed anyway .. i'll add a link to [Luzi] 04:48 janimo thanks 04:50 nomed janimo, check that page now 04:50 janimo nomed good ;) 04:52 nomed ok 04:53 nomed what i'll do is to send an email as soon as i'll have more infos about xarchiver 04:53 luzi janimo, did you see the message on xfce mailing list about people feeling uncomfortable that Xubuntu packages Xfce stuff that is not released yet? 04:53 nomed and maybe tomorrow i'll start a page to show the needed icons ... 04:53 janimo luzi, that;s not people generally , that's the grumpiest xfce dev 04:53 nomed luzi, i've seen it ... and .. 04:54 nomed that's what i was going to say :) 04:54 janimo so I only worry about bugs we may have not the 4.3 tag on it 04:54 luzi ok 04:54 janimo he seems like a good guy but sometimes just behaves like that 04:55 janimo nomed, ok wrt xarchiver 04:55 janimo wow, bling on LP 04:55 janimo new menus 04:56 nomed janimo, well .. i've never seen an email by him saying .. "i'm sorry but ..." :) 04:56 janimo nomed, deep inside everybody is a good guy/gal 04:56 janimo :) 04:56 janimo just does not show it 04:56 janimo wlel maybe there are a few exceptions ;) 04:56 nomed eheheh 04:57 nomed ohhh launchpad now has an aqua theme :) 04:57 nomed really nice anyway 04:57 jsgotangco janimo: epiphany doesn't like it though 04:58 janimo jsgotangco: does not like what? 04:58 jsgotangco the new menu bling 04:58 jsgotangco it extends to the whole width of the browser in epi 05:01 nomed janimo, last question ... 05:01 janimo aha 05:01 janimo mgalvin: hello 05:01 nomed why wouldn't you move gdm theme to xubuntu-artwork ? 05:01 janimo thanks for the doc 05:01 janimo nomed, I am willing to , it just not up in the TODO 05:02 janimo now that ivman is not in by default default settings have less reason to live 05:02 nomed yep 05:02 mgalvin janimo: hi 05:02 janimo mgalvin, answered your mail === mgalvin goes to read email 05:02 janimo mgalvin: we surely want and will to help out with that === highvoltage [n=Jono@] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] 05:03 janimo Matt is writing a xubuntu intro as he has for ubuntu flights 05:03 mgalvin janimo: great! thanks! :) 05:04 janimo luzi, it probably has things in common with the desktop guide 05:04 janimo you're both in the doc team, can collaborate :) 05:04 janimo https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XubuntuDapperBeta 05:04 mgalvin i am going to try and make sure all the officially supported derivs have a beta tour and all future tours as well 05:05 janimo mgalvin: nice 05:05 mgalvin cool i will talk with luzi about it more 05:05 mgalvin i will mail the list in a bit about it too 05:05 janimo mgalvin: is the tour supposed to have a bird's eye view of the stuff or more task oriented? 05:05 luzi ok, looks nice! 05:05 janimo I guess the latter is for the guide 05:06 jsgotangco janimo: tours are much nicer if it has user benefits instead of features 05:06 mgalvin birds eye mostly but i do not strictly adhear to that... 05:06 mgalvin anything very notable 05:06 mgalvin but mostly birds eye of the desktops 05:06 jsgotangco mgalvin: yeah like a mouse running on a spinning logo 05:06 janimo ;) 05:06 mgalvin :) 05:07 janimo xfce 4.4beta1 is due next week hopefull 05:07 janimo y 05:07 janimo their announcement may have some notable things which can be borrowed 05:07 janimo for other non-xfce stuff, hmm 05:07 mgalvin cool, i will keep an eye out for it, maybe i will just subscribe to their lists later 05:08 janimo goffice probably 05:08 janimo mgalvin: I can send you a link unless you areinterested in duscussion there 05:08 janimo when it is out I mean, no need to subscribe just for that 05:09 mgalvin if you can send me a link that would be best 05:10 janimo mgalvin: ok }}}